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Worksheet 1.

Read the passage below. Identify Lexical Chunks by underlining them.

Its a day thats all about you its your birthday! Celebrating the anniversary of the day you
were born is a common thing, but have you ever wondered where the tradition began? Early
man didnt have a concept of time, or know how to calculate events. Marking the passage of
time only became customary with the invention of calendars, which came about from the
ability to read lunar cycles.
So where did we get some of the many traditions that come with birthdays?
Noisy Parties
Birthdays are often celebrated across many cultures (often with gifts, parties, etc.), but some
say the tradition of birthday parties started in Europe. The superstition stated that evil spirits
were particularly attracted to people on their birthdays, so to protect the birthday boy or girl,
family and friends would visit. Apparently, bringing good wishes and lots of noise kept the
spirits away! This is why many parties are filled with noise makers, music and lots of
laughter. So break out the party favors and crank up the tunes!
Cake and Candles

A birthday celebration isnt complete without a cake and candles! Some think the cake
tradition started with the Greeks, who would take a round or moon shaped cake to the
temple of Artemis- the Goddess of Moon to celebrate. They would then light candles on the
cake to make it glow like a moon because they believed that gods lived in the sky and that
lighted candles helped to send a signal or prayers.
Others think it was a German custom, as they would bake bread into the shape of baby
Jesus swaddling cloth to mark the occasion. Theyd then place a large candle in the middle
of the cake, symbolizing the light of life.
And what about blowing out those flames? Candles are placed on a Birthday cake and a
silent wish is made before blowing out the candle. Some say that blowing all candles out in
one breath means the wish will come true and the person will have good luck in the coming
year. Why? Early traditions believe that the rising smoke takes your wishes and prayers up
to God. Regardless of what you believe, dont let the flames burn too long its bad form to
let all of the wax melt all over the cake!

Worksheet 2.
A. The following chunks all have something to do with communication between
people. Match the following chunks in column A to their meanings in column B

1. let them know

a) check

2. make sure

b) spread information

3. have a word

c) should

4. [are] supposed to

d) inform them

5. spread the word

e) have a short talk

6. make a difference

f) cause change

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use the Lexical Chunks above.

Are your plastic bottles and cans getting thrown in the trash when you're at the baseball
game or a park? These places (1) ____ _____ _____ have recycling barrels, but don't. What
can you do? The first thing you can do is bring the plastic bottle home and put it with your
home recyclables. Just (2)_____ _____ it's empty. Encourage your friends and teammates
to do the same. You and your parents can also (3)_____ __ _____ with the managers of the
places that have no recycling bins and (4)_____ _____ why they don't have them.
Encourage them to put out some recycling barrels and (5)_____ ____ _____ that you'll help
(6)______ _____ _____ that these barrels should be used for recyclables only. Yes, you and
your friends can (7)_____ _____ ______.

Teacher's Guide.
Set Induction
1. Give me a word each?
2. Can you combine or match two words or more in order to form a new meaning?
3. Can you give me other words based on the theme 'Birthdays"?

All words are written on the white board and teacher introduces the lesson.

Pre Reading
Teacher hands out the worksheet and explains the task to the students. Teacher will assist
students in identifying the lexical chunks found in the passage.

While Reading.
1. Worksheet 2 is given to the students.
2. This worksheet on environment is chosen because teacher wants students to know about
keeping the environment clean and it is important to clean up after a birthday party.
3. In practice 2, students need to write an email to friend inviting him or her to their birthday
party. Students will be familiarized with Lexical Chunks like:
- birthday party
- get to gather
- delicious meals
- colourful decorations
- lots of fun / laughter / enjoyment
- would like to
- reply me

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