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Football hooliganism

Violence and hooliganism in sport are one of the biggest problems of the new-age society. The early
history of sports, especially sports events such as Olympic games, gladiators fights-they certainly
couldn't pass without some kind of violence. It was and still is a game for power.
Football is being followed internationally, more than other sports. Football hooliganism can be defined
as an unruly and destructive behaviour such as vandalism by football club supporters. Football violence
is reflecting strong emotional bounds to a certain team and often represents proof of power. Regardless
of the level of civilization development violence immanents sports audience. The word hooliganism and
hooligan began to be associated with violence in sports, in particular from the 1960s in the UK with
football hooliganism. Hooliganism was also, many times, a tool for certain political structures to intensify
or calm social tensions. In the past hooligans mostly fought against other hooligans and today they
mostly attack the police or other normal people. Violence can be spontaneous, often triggered by a
wrong' decision from the referee. Organised violence can be more dangerous .The hooligan groups can
arrange a fight with each other outside of the stadium and they often smash shop windows, steal..
The Football Supporters Association had to change things, especially since 1985, when the 39 Italian
fans were killed at a European Cup final by Liverpool supporters. English teams were given a five-year
ban in Europe. European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in
Particular Football Matches was drafted by the Council of Europe as a response to this event to prevent
and to control spectator violence and misbehaviour as well as to ensure the safety of spectators at sports
events ( 1985 ) It concerns all sports in general, but in particular football. It commits the 41 States parties
to take practical measures to prevent and control violence. It also sets out measures for identifying and
prosecuting offenders and it concentrates on 3 main themes: prevention, co-operation and repression.
It was one of the first ways in which there was police co-operation between different European states
over football hooliganism
The system of "observer" is also very useful. It is conceived in that way so the police can identify certain
hooligans. It is especially good for international matches since it contains registered hooligans lists.
(Holland, UK..).
In Serbia, the adoption of the Law on the Prevention of Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events in
2003, did not prevent the escalation of violent behavior at sporting competitions and events. A good
example is the case when fourteen Partizan fans were convicted for the murder of a Toulouse fan Brice
Taton in Belgrade. They attacked him and other fans with baseball bats and flares while wearing masks.
The hooligans received up to 35 years in prison. Police work isnt enough, the state should provide the
adequate treatment for those who are found guilty and it is also necessary to involve other social
mechanisms .

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