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College of Engineering and Information Technology

Department of Information Technology





ITEC 70 Computer Graphics

Extruding a Follow Me Face to Cut Volume Along a Path &
Using Follow Me to Add Volume Along a Path

1. Start with a building like the one shown in figure, which has at least
one curved wall. The top face is a single face; it has no dividing edges.
There is an arc face drawn on one wall, located along a vertical corner.
This face, indicated in figure, is the Follow Me face, which you
will extrude all around the building.

2. The path will go around the entire building, so se- lect the top face. The
edges surround- ing this face compose the Follow Me path.

3. With the top face selected, activate Follow Me.

4. Click the Follow Me face
The Follow Me face goes around the Follow Me path, removing volume all around
the building, as shown in figure.

Fireplace Mantel
1. Draw a basic model of a fireplace. (The model shown in figure is a
simple box with a pushed- in rectangle on the front face.)
2. Add a small vertical rectangle along the top-back corner. If you
cant get the rectangle oriented correctly, try switching to Front view,
or use the Line tool instead. The Follow Me face will be drawn on
this rectangle.

Why not just draw the Follow Me face from the top-back corner? You
could try this, but its rather difficult to orient lines correctly when
they dont follow the red, green, or blue direction. Its much easier to
draw lines and arcs on an existing face.

3. Draw the mantel cross-section for the Follow Me face. Be careful

when you draw lines on this face: If you dont see the On Face
inference, you might be drawing lines in the wrong plane. Then use the
Eraser tool to trim away the rest of the rectangle. If you want to paint
the mantel face, its the color of the back side of the face that will be
used for the completed mantel. The finished mantel Follow Me face is
shown in figure.

4. Preselect the Follow Me path by selecting the front and side edges
of the fireplace. Then activate Fol- low Me and click the mantel face.
The faces of the completed mantel shape are correct, but the top face
of the fireplace is cut, and the mantel is hollow.

5. Add some lines and erase any extra lines, to fix the mantel top.
6. Save your work as ExerNo_LastName (ex. Exer3_Viado).

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