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Serving organization

Bank Management

Bank: Definition
Bank has become an integral part of our life in the era of
globalization. It is the driving force of modern capitalist
economy.Yet there is much confusion about exactly what a
bank is? Certainly banks can be identified by the functions
they perform in the economy.
In a word, it can be said that a bank is what bank does.
According to J.C. wood
"Bank is the trader of money and loan."
According to prof. Sayers
"A bank is the institutions whose debts are commonly
accepted in settlement of the other people debt."
More broadly, bank is any financial institution that receives,
collects, transfers, pays, exchanges,lends, invests or
safeguards money for its customers.
The nature and function of modern banking:
Bank has become an integral part of our life in the era of
globalization. It is the driving force of modern capitalist
economy. Actually banks extend their helping hands to
practically all the sphere of life. The nature and function of
modern banking are outlined belowNature of modern banking includes1.
Central bank
Commercial bank
Specialized and development bank
Co-operative bank
Merchant or investment bank
1. Central bank: A central bank is a bank for the
government and a bank for banks. A central bank holds
deposits for and loan reserve to private commercial bank. The
essential duty of central bank is to maintain the economic
condition and stability of the monetary standard. It is one of

the forms of modern banking. The functions of central

bank are depicted belowi. Issuing note
ii. Work as govt. bank and fiscal agent
iii. Clearing house
iv. Act as the banker of the member bank
v. Control the credit flow of commercial bank
vi. Maintain the relationship with other foreign bank
vii. Direct and control the money market
Commercial bank: Generally bank means commercial
bank from the ancient period of time. The bank which deals
with money and moneys worth with a view to earning profit is
known as commercial bank. The functions of commercial
bank are outlined as followsi. Receiving deposit and their safe
ii. Granting loan
iii. Creating medium of exchange
iv. Investment in different type of
v. Financing foreign trade
Specialized and development bank: The bank which
is formed for the purpose of giving long term loan to special
and backward sector in our country is called specialized or
development bank. The functions of this bank are as
followsi. Rural development
ii. Agricultural development
iii. Industrial development
iv. Small and cottage industry
v. Employment creating bank
4. Co-operative bank: The bank which is formed for the
purpose of economic welfare of the member on the basis of
co-operative rules and regulations is called co-operating bank.
This bank usually meets the short term credit need of
agriculture. The functions of this bank are as

i. Provide cheap credit to the

ii. These banks run on the co-operative
iii. Get credit from such bank
5. Merchant or investment bank: The bank which is
formed for the purpose of helping the business organization is
called merchant bank. This bank issues letter of credit in
foreign trade. This bank helps the businessman for giving
information and advice. The functions of this bank are as
i. To introduce the investment
ii. Loan program
iii. Investment corporation
iv. Expand the business and industry.
Finally, we can say that above discussed points are the nature
and their functions of modern banking.

School Management
Meaning of School Management:
Management simply means the practical measures which we
take to ensure that the system of work which we use will be of
the greatest possible assistance in carrying out our aims, and
of the greatest possible benefit to our children.Management
may be composed primarily of persons, of materials, of ideas,
of concepts, symbols, forms, rules, principles or more often, or
a combination of these.
Management may be regarded as the agency by which we
achieve the desired objective.

Management deals with making systematic arrangements so

that the purpose of the entire programme can be achieved.
Management means an organised body or system or structure
or arrangement or framework which is undertaken for
ensuring unity of effort, efficiency, goodwill and proper use of
Aspects of Management
Management of a school has four aspects:
Management of Material Equipment
This includes material things, i.e., furniture and equipment,
Management of School Plant
This includes school building, laboratories, playground etc.
Management of Human Equipment
This implies mobilisation of all people who are involved and
interested in the educational activities of the school, i.e.,
pupils and their parents, school staff, experts, board of
management etc.
Management of Ideas and Principles
This means organisation of ideas and principles into school
system, curriculum, time schedule, norms of achievement, cocurricular activities.
Objectives of School Management
School management is the embodiment of a spirit and of an
ideal. School management should enable different limbs of

the school organism "to function harmoniously in happy

coordination blending themselves into a composite
personality like the different rivulets which join together."
Managing a school is not an easy work. It revolves around the
different areas of concern. These are namely:

student development

curriculum development

physical facilities

staff development

These areas, however, are forced an instruction.
The school principal is the schools manager. As a manager,
he is also its leader. As a leader he has the responsibility to
influence the behavior of its subordinates toward the desired
direction. The ways and means he applies to successful
influence the behavior of people around him determine his
effectiveness as a leader.
A very common problem met by a school head in managing
his teachers and other school personnel is tardiness and
frequent absences among them. Knowing the complexity of
responsibilities in the hands of the teachers and every school
personnel it has to be deal with extra attention and
immediate action
Objectives of School Management from the Point of
View of the People
A school should be managed
1. To train his faculties.
2. To widen his outlook.
3. To cultivate his mind.

4. To form and strength his character.

5. To develop and cultivate his aesthetic faculty.
6. To build up his body and give him health and strength.
7. To teach his duty to himself, the community and the state.

Manufacturing Management
Planning, organizing and controlling manufacture of goods is manufacturing management. Chase
et al. define operations management as the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that
create and deliver the firm's primary products and services. Operations management is a discipline
that includes production of goods and services.
Once the company decides to manufacture and sell a product, the specialized responsibility of the
manufacturing management starts. But the decision to manufacture a product is based on
feasibility analysis. During this analysis also manufacturing management issues are involved.
Therefore, the persons doing strategic analysis or corporate planning analysis include persons from
manufacturing management discipline with manufacturing management knowledge and bring into
the analysis or decision making process the manufacturing view point.
Manufacturing is carried out through processes. A process is any actvity or group of activities that
takes one or more inputs, transforms them, and provides one or more outputs. The output could be
for an external customer for sale or for an internal customer to use for further processing. In some
cases it can be for consumption in the same process or by the consumption by the producer hmself.

Manufacturing processes convert materials into goods that have a physical form. The
transformation processes change the materials on one or more of the following dimensions:
1. Physical properties
2. Shape
3. Fixed dimension
4. Surface finish
5. Joining parts and materials.

In Manufacturing Management there are various firm which produce garments,food,leather

bag,shoes and many other industry But they all had the same process of managing a firm

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