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Nishika (consummation of marriage)

Stanza 1:

Stanza 2:

Stanza 3:

Stanza 4:

Stanza 5:

Stanza 6:

Stanza 7:

Stanza 8:

Mars and the Moon are the cause for monthly menses. When the
Moon is in anupachaya rasis the menses for conception occurs.
When the reverse is the case, and the masculine benefics aspect,
the woman gets sexual union with man.
The sexual union resembles the nature of the Astha rasi. If
malefics conjoin or aspect the 7th, union will be consummated
under quarrelling, if benefics join or aspect the 7th, the sexual
union will be happy.
If Ravi, Chandra, Sukra and Kuja occupy their own navamsas, if
Guru is found in lagna or thrikona, conception takes place. If this
combination is present in impotent cases, it will be useless as
moonlight is to a blind man.
If Kuja and Arkaja occupy the seventh from Ravi and Chandra, they
make the man and the woman sick respectively. If they occupy the
12th and the 2nd from Ravi and Chandra, the man and woman will
meet with Mrityu respectively. If Kuja and Arkaja join Ravi and
Chandra, and has one of their aspects. Death may be foretold for
the man and woman respectively.
During the day the Sun stands for father and Venus for mother;
during the night Saturn and Moon. Paternal uncles and maternal
aunts are to be judged in the reverse order, and if they are in odd
and even signs respectively they become beneficial to the parties
If malefics are approaching the rising sign without beneficial
aspects the woman dies. If Saturn occupies the rising sign aspected
by Mars or weak Moon she dies.
If the rising sign and the Moon are betwixt two evil planets
unaspected by benefics jointly or separately the woman dies in
If from the rising sign of the Moon the 4 th house is joined by evil
planets and Mars is in the 8thhouse, she suffers death. If from
lagna, the 4th and 12th houses are occupied by the Sun and Mars
and the Moon is weak, she suffers death as before.

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