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Boundary Element Methods for Engineers:

Part I: Potential Problems


In mathematical terms this is very similar to Equation 1.35. The zero shear stress boundary condition

is obtained when the gradient of the stress function along the boundary is zero, in other words

when the value of is constant along the boundary. Because it is not the absolute value of the stress
function, but only its derivatives, which determine the stress distribution, = 0 is a suitable boundary
condition, and much simpler to apply than Equation 1.37 for warping displacement.

Given the shear stress distributions over the cross-section, the magnitude of the couple required to twist
the bar may be found by integration


Introducing the stress function already defined

and applying Greens theorem to the first of these two integrals


The line integration in this new integral is carried out around the boundary of the bar. Because = 0
on this boundary, the expression for torsional couple becomes


( 1.43)

Ideal fluid flow

The ideal fluid model of flow can be used to describe the motion of real fluids in areas away from the
wakes and boundary layers that occur near solid boundaries. Close to such boundaries viscous effects
are significant, but an ideal fluid, which is homogeneous, isotropic and incompressible, is also assumed
to have negligible viscosity. The flow of an ideal fluid is governed by pressure forces and fluid inertia.
For two-dimensional flow in the plane (with  everywhere) the equilibrium equations in
the form of Equation 1.9 for steady (time-independent) flow with negligible external body forces are



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