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Boundary Element Methods for Engineers:

Part I: Potential Problems

Constant Boundary Element Program for Potential Problems

If the centre of curvature is C, at (c , c ) or (XCENT, YCENT), and the length of the perpendicular
from C to the line A1A2 at M is (ALPERP) then

2 = 2 (3.8)

Before taking the square root to find , it is necessary to test that the expression for 2 (ALPERP2) is
either positive or zero. A negative value would imply that the distance apart of the end points exceeds
twice the radius of curvature: either the points are too far apart or the radius of curvature is too small. It
is then not possible to create a circular arc. The particular case of 2 = 0 deserves some care, because it
corresponds to the case of centre C at point M, giving a semi-circular segment, which can often occur in
practice. Because floating point arithmetic cannot be carried out with perfect precision, the test applied
in the program is 2 < 106 2 . If satisfied, 2 is assumed to be zero and the segment is treated as a
semi circle. The program does not accommodate circular arc segments whose subtended angles exceed
180 , because more information would be required to detect them. An attempt to enter data for such a

segment would result in a segment with an angle less than 180 , which could be identified by inspecting
the mesh data output.

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