Obama Nomination Speech

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The foundations that have held up our glorious nation to allow it to become what

it is today are crumbling. The pillars of freedom, the colossi of liberty, and the towers of
equality are baseless without the fundamentals and rudiments of economics, influence,
and knowledge to be the ground that holds them up. Every day on the television, in the
newspaper, on the radio – everywhere – we see and hear about the problems that we, as a
democratic nation, face as one. We are experiencing a clear deficit in our national
economy, falling behind to global powerhouses such as Eastern Asia and the European
Union. We are seeing the number of deaths in the Middle East rise due to the Iraqi
conflict, and the situation not producing the results that our government had projected.
We are seeing food prices and oil prices, among other things, rise to incomprehensible
levels, and we are seeing our wallets and our lifestyles suffer from the effects and the
consequences. We look at all these problems, all these negatives, all these issues…and
then we look at the government. We look at the institution that heads the land we reside
in and the individuals that run it, and we question them. We question their authority, their
influence, their abilities, and, above all, their integrity. Our country needs something else.
Something revolutionary. The old systematic that is used now is not working. We are not
prospering with a conflict in the Middle East. We are not feeling content with our
currency, the dollar, being replaced by the euro for the world’s dominating legal tender.
This country is ready for change. Ready for something else. Something, or perhaps
someone, that can fix our problems, and lead us into the future as the greatest nation in
the global community. This someone is here. This someone is running for the Democratic
bid for the presidential candidacy. This someone is the portrait of character, of charisma,
of integrity, and of truth. He is the mural of influence, of leadership, of dedication, and of
empathy. And moreover, he holds the capabilities of being not just a figure usurping the
position of commander in chief, but of being the people’s man, and the people’s leader.
This man will be the authority whose voice will bring into existence an era of new
prosperity, and an age of true liberty and equality. This man is a double-Ivy graduate of
both Columbia and Harvard, and assumed the seat of U.S. Senator in 2004. This man has
the potential to bring an end to the war, a more conventional use of our natural resources,
and a rebirth – a revitalization – of our nation’s economy. It is my pleasure to bring forth
today before you this very man…the one, the only Barack Obama.

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