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Bhutan stands shoulder to shoulder with India in its fight against terror and ne

ed to protect its border, says Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay. In Goa for the BR
ICS-BIMSTEC outreach summit, Mr. Tobgay spoke to Diplomatic Editor Suhasini Haid
ar about the failure of SAARC, revival of BIMSTEC and bilateral ties.
How does Bhutan view the current tensions between India and Pakistan, SAARCs two
biggest nations, then?
Well we are worried. [Tensions] worry the countries involved, they worry the reg
ion and it worries the world. The security situation is not conducive to hold th
e SAARC summit at present; this is what everybody has said. Hopefully the other
processes of the SAARC will continue and hopefully we will be able to hold the S
AARC summit soon. But we must call a spade a spade. When the security situation
is not conducive, it s good to acknowledge it and look for solutions. The security
situation is deteriorating because of terror and terrorism which cannot be tole
rated. And, the worst form of terrorism is cross-border terrorism. These are ser
ious issues and it is hoped they will be resolved.
Can other SAARC countries help or put pressure on Pakistan to end the cross-bord
er terror that India is concerned about?
No country should ever be allowed to facilitate or allow cross-border terrorism,
and my sense is if a country engages in this they know what they are getting in
to. The onus is not on the other countries, but the ones involved. The very fact
that the SAARC summit was postponed for security concerns should be a strong en
ough message for [them].
While Afghanistan, India and Bangladesh believe the terrorism emanates from Paki
stan, Bhutan is not. What made you join them in pulling out of the SAARC summit?
Were you asked to?
We are all together in SAARC. And, what happens in the region is our collective
concern. If you are going to act only when you have been violated personally, th
en you can t claim to be a part of a greater commons. Bhutan and India are friends
, and if we see a friend s security undermined, we will stand up and stand shoulde
r to shoulder with India.
Do you then support India s decision to launch cross-LoC strikes on terror launch
pads in Pakistan occupied Kashmir?
Well, it s for India to determine what it needs to do. Anything that India does to
protect its security, its borders and its own citizens, Bhutan will support.

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