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1.1 Introduction
A traffic light and traffic signal is a signaling device positioned at a road intersection,
pedestrian crossing, or other location in order to indicate when it safe to drive, ride, or
walk using an universal color code.
Traffic light which is one of the vital public facilities plays an important role to the
road users. It will help to curb from accidents and gridlocks. This research exposed the
operational of traffic light such as understanding the flow of the traffic system and the
program itself. Traffic signal light is used to control the movement of vehicles and
passengers, so that traffic can flow smoothly and safely. Traffic signal lights have been
around for years and are used to efficiently control traffic through intersections.
Although traffic signal lights are relatively simple and commonplace, they are critical
for ensuring the safety of the driving area. The growing use of traffic lights attests to
their effectiveness in directing traffic flow, reducing the number of accidents, and the
most recently to their utility in controlling the flow of traffic through metropolitan areas
when have been used together with computer systems. Traffic signal lights will improve
the road safety and reduce congestion by providing the signals orderly through junctions.
Traffic control lights are provided for traffic control on streets and highways, especially
at junctions. The traffic signals are cyclically displayed through a suitable timing and
control mechanism.
A traffic light has three colors which are red, yellow and green. Every color carries a
certain sign. The red light means the road user has to stop driving and not crossing or
pursuing the ride while the yellow light show that the road user has to ready to stop their

ride. However if the user is too close to the line that is not safe for a stop they have to
continue the ride. The green light shows the road user can continue their journey only
with the absence of any hindrance. Driving through a red light without justification may
be a citation able traffic offense. The transition of the light is controlled by PLC to help
the traffic movement run smooth from one direction to the other. PLC reduces traffic
congestion especially in the morning and evening. Besides, it also helps to reduce the
accident rate especially in town.

1.2 Problem Statement

In general, red-light running has been recognized as a significant safety problem in
Malaysia as well as throughout the world and can be categorized either deliberate or
unintentional. In urban area, red light running is the leading cause of all urban
automobile crashes where too often the yellow light has come to symbolize hurry and
speed especially at intersections. For that matter, the study of red-light running is
importantly needed to identify the causes and the effects of red light running to reduce
the occurrences of crashes or accidents. If we can reduce the traffic light violations, it
means we can reduce the risk and rate of accidents. In order to reduce, we have to
understand the reason why the road users do not obey the rules of traffic signal systems.
There are the road that have been observe by the student that the car always Violate
the traffic light. The locations are the Samarahan - Kuching expressway traffic light that
are located in front of the University Malaysia Sarawak main gate. The both ways of the
road have been monitored and recoded to analyze the traffic user violations of the red
traffic light. The data have been divided into different a section which is the car,
motorcycle, lorry, and bus. There are also divided again by peak time and non peak time
which is including by three categories of main situation below:
a. The vehicle beating when traffic light is RED
b. The vehicle SLOW and STOP when the traffic light is AMPER and RED
c. The vehicle beating when the traffic light is AMPER

1.3 Objective of study

The objective of this project is to identify the effects of traffic flow in red light
running based on dilemma zone conflicts at fixed-time traffic signal system. This
objective will be met by specifically achieving the following tasks:
1. To establish traffic volume and the percentage during peak hour and non peak
2. To establish traffic volume and percentage of vehicles involve in red light
beating, amber light beating and slow down and stop during amber and red lights
during peak hour.
3. To quantify traffic drive speed based on type of vehicles during peak hour and
non peak hour.
1.3 Overview of the project
Experience and knowledge is required to explore this system. This project is the
combination of three main engineering field which is related to mechanical, control and
reliability and ethics of engineering. Firstly, this project focused on the traffic volume at
a fixed time traffic signalized system. This project also will cover on the type of vehicle,
volume of traffic violation and the velocity of the vehicles pass by the traffic light and
dilemma zone. Besides, this project was conducted on peak time and off peak time to
compare whether the probability of the traffic violation between this two situations. The
dilemma zone and the method for collecting the data were shown in next chapter. All
the error occurs during conducting this project was fixed by students from time to time
and data was tabulated in table and graph and will show in next chapter. Lastly, some
recommendation and future expectation will be discussed further on this report.


2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, detailed explanation regarding history of traffic light, the
principle of traffic light, traffic signal coordination, the dilemma zone on the traffic light
areas and the definition of red light violations.
Traffic signal coordination is a method of timing groups of traffic signals along a
major roadway to provide a smooth flow of traffic with minimal stops. The goal of
coordination is to get the greatest number of vehicles through a group of coordinated
traffic signals system with the fewest number of stops. While it would be ideal if every
vehicle entering the system could proceed through without stopping, this is not possible
even in a well-spaced, well-designed system (McShane et al., 2004).
2.2 Background of history
The worlds first traffic light came into being before automobile in use and traffic
light consist only pedestrian, buggies, and wagons. Installed at an intersection in London
in 1868, it was revolving lantern with red and green signals. Red meant stop and green
mean caution. The lantern, illuminated by gas was turned by means of lever at its base so
that appropriate light faced traffic. On January 2, 1869, this crude traffic light explodes
injuring the policeman who was operating it.
After the coming of automobiles, the situation got even worse. Police Officer
William L. Potts of Detroit, Michigan, decided to do something about the problem. What
he had in mind was figuring out a way to adapt railroads signals for street use. The
railroads were utilizing automatic controls. But railroad traffic travelled along parallel
lines. Streets traffic travelled at right angles. Pots used red, amber and green railroad
lights and about thirty seven dollars worth of wire and electrical controls to make the

worlds first 4-way three code color traffic light. It was installed in 1920 on the corner of
Woodward and Michigan Avenues in Detroit. Within a year, Detroit had installed a total
of fifteen of new automatic lights.

Figure 2.1: The first signal tower with automatic light (Sheldon Moyer, 1988).
At about the same time, Garrett Morgan of Cleveland, Ohio realized the need to
control of the flow of traffic. A gifted inventor and reportedly by first African American
to own an automobile in Cleveland, Ohio, he invented the electric automatic traffic light.
Though, it looked more like the semaphore signals at train crossing nowadays.
In the late 1990s, a national standardization effort known as the advanced
transportation controller (ATC) was undertaken in the United States by the Institute of
Transportation Engineers. The project attempts to create a single national standard for
traffic light controllers. The standardization effort is part of the National Intelligent
transportation system program funded by various highway bills, starting with ISTEA in
1991, followed by TEA-21, and subsequent bills. Since the 1980s, some traffic signals
have switched to computer-based controllers (Takashi Nagatani, 2005).

2.3 Coordinate Control


Attempts are often made to place traffic signals on a coordinated system so that
drivers encounter long strings of green lights. The distinction between coordinated
signals and synchronized signals is very important. Synchronized signals all change at
the same time and are only used in special instances or in older systems. Coordinated
systems are controlled from a master controller and are set up so lights "cascade" in
sequence so platoons of vehicles can proceed through a continuous series of green lights.
A graphical representation of phase state on a two-axis plane of distance versus time
clearly shows a "green band" that has been established based on signalized intersection
spacing and expected vehicle speeds. In some countries (e.g. Germany, France and The
Netherlands), this "green band" system is used to limit speeds in certain areas. Lights are
timed in such a way that motorists can drive through without stopping if their speed is
lower than a given limit, mostly 50 km/h in urban areas (McShane et al., 2004) . Such
systems were commonly used in urban areas of the United States since the 1940s, but
are less common today.
In modern coordinated signal systems, it is possible for drivers to travel long
distances without encountering a red light. This coordination is done easily only on oneway streets with fairly constant levels of traffic. Two-way streets are often arranged to
correspond with rush hours to speed the heavier volume direction. On the other hand,
some traffic signals are coordinated to prevent drivers from encountering a long string of
green lights. This practice discourages high volumes of traffic by inducing delay yet
preventing congestion. Speed is self-regulated in coordinated signal systems; drivers
travelling too fast will arrive on a red indication and end up stopping, drivers travelling
too slowly will not arrive at the next signal in time to utilize the green indication (Garber
et al., 1999).
More recently even more sophisticated methods have been employed. Traffic
lights are sometimes centrally controlled by monitors or by computers to allow them to
be coordinated in real time to deal with changing traffic patterns (Taylor, M. A. P., and
Young, W, 1998). Video cameras, or sensors buried in the pavement can be used to
monitor traffic patterns across a city. Non-actuated sensors occasionally impede traffic
by detecting a lull and turning red just as cars arrive from the previous light. The most

high-end systems use dozens of sensors and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per
intersection, but can very finely control traffic levels. This relieves the need for other
measures like new roads which are even more expensive.

2.3.1 Factor Influencing Traffic Signal Coordination

In order to maximize the effectiveness of traffic signal coordination, the
following factors should be considered: the traffic signal spacing, traffic flow
characteristics, and traffic signal cycle length.

2.4 Red Light Violations

The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (December 2000), or MUTCD,
defines traffic signal indications (i.e., green, yellow, and red signals) as follows:
a) Steady green signal indicates that vehicle may proceed straight or turn right or
left (at an intersection) except as such movement is modified by lane-use signs,
turn prohibition signs, lane markings, or roadway design.
b) Steady yellow signal indicates that vehicle is thereby warned that the related
green movement is being terminated or that a red signal indication will be
exhibited immediately thereafter when vehicular traffic shall not enter the
c) Steady red signal indicates that vehicle shall stop at a clearly marked stop line,
but if there is no stop line, traffic shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the
near side of the intersection; or if there is no crosswalk, then before entering the
intersection, and shall remain stopped until a signal indication to proceed is
Based on the definitions above, drivers should be prepared to stop when they see the
yellow signal and stop completely when the signal changes to red. Unfortunately, many
drivers fail to observe and comply with traffic signal changes. Consequently, red light
violation is one of the major causes for crossing path crashes at signalized intersections.
Research studies have reported various factors for red light violations such as timing of
the traffic signal, driving environment, and driver characteristics. The probability of

crossing path crashes occurring at a signalized intersection increases as the rate of red
light violation increases.
There is no consistent definition of red light violation. Many factors such as engineering
considerations, environmental variables, and driver demographics could all have an
effect on a local jurisdictions policy for red light violation.

For instance, the

interpretation of a red light violation in a large city with hilly streets and a serious traffic
congestion problem would probably be lax compared to a rural town with level streets
and rare traffic congestion.
According to (Ruby and Hobeika, 2003), red light violation can be defined when
vehicles enter the intersection line after signal light had been red for more than 0.2
second and the measure speed is higher than 18mph for roads with speed limits of 45
2.5 Dilemma Zone
The fundamental problem, the dilemma, with dilemma zones is a lack of rigor
with regard to defining terminology and the documenting of assumptions when
discussing dilemma zones. This makes it difficult to have an informed discussion of
issues. Dilemma zone can be classified as two situations where:
2.5.1 Dilemma Zone Type I
This type deals with the period of time during which driver either proceeds
through intersection because the drivers is too close to stop because the drivers can
safely do so. Type I dilemma zone does not exist because, based on the assumed
parameters, a vehicle can either safely stop or clear the intersection. In this case, the
driver is NOT placed in a dilemma caused by a short yellow plus red clearance.

Figure 2.2: Dilemma Zone Type I

2.5.2 Dilemma Zone Type II
This type of dilemma zone also called indecision zones and option zones,
reflecting their probabilistic nature. As a group, drivers within a few seconds travel time
of the intersection tend to be indecisive about their ability to stop at the onset of the
yellow indication. This behavior yields a "zone of indecision" in advance of the stop
line where some drivers may proceed and others may stop. Figure 2.3 shows the
location of this Type II dilemma zone.
The Type II dilemma zone has been defined in several ways. Zegeer defined it in
terms of distance from the stop line. He defined the beginning of the Type II dilemma
zone as the distance beyond which 90 percent of all drivers would stop if presented with
a yellow indication. He defined the end of the zone as the distance within which only 10
percent of all drivers would stop.

Figure 2.3: Dilemma Zone Type II



3.1 Introduction
Methodology can be defined as a body of practices, procedures, and rules used.
People who work in a discipline or engage in an inquiry; methodology known as a set of
working methods. The methodology of genetic studies was a poll marred by faulty
methodology. Methodology includes the following concepts as they relate to a particular
discipline or field of inquiry:
1) A collection of theories, concepts or ideas
2) Comparative study of different approaches
3) Critique of the individual methods
In this chapter, the explanation will be roughly about how to setup the project. It
will be start with the approach that will be used. Then follow up by development phases,
tools and techniques. The process flow and design requirement for this project will be
explain in this chapter.


3.2 Gantt Chart








Brainstorming idea and Overview of task distribution

Introduction, problem statement, scopes

Literature review and background study

Collecting data on related jurnal

Preparation of research materials and supplies

Collecting data

Result acquisation

Conclusion and recommendation





Progress report writing

Submission of final report

Table 3.1: Gantt chart for this project

3.3 Project Flow

Identify the problem

Identification of field data


Selection of location for

case study

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Discussion based on the

results obtained

Conclusion and

Figure 3.1: Flow chart of this project

3.4 Data Requirement

The data required for this study are:

a) Choose one of the traffic flow at roads in front of gate UNIMAS during peak
hour and off peak hour
b) Distance between checkpoint 1 and 2
c) Time taken by each of the vehicles pass by the traffic light
d) Volume of vehicles pass by the traffic light
After all the data required is obtained, then analysis has to be made to calculate the
speed of the vehicles pass by the traffic light during green light, yellow light, and red
light, percentage of the vehicles that involve in red light violations. All the data analysis
was tabulated in table and graph to achieve the objective of this project.
3.4.1 Selection of location
This study required area only in front of gate UNIMAS which has two ways. We
have to choose one of the ways to obtain fixed data. Some criteria have to be considered
such as:
a) Good access and safety for the enumerators and equipment during data collection
b) Good overhead vantage points for video recording purposes.
Based on the observation, main road in front of gate UNIMAS (Lebuhraya SamarahanKuching) was chosen and the study site was shown in figure below:

Figure 3.2: The study site in front of UNIMAS


Figure 3.3: The view of study site from google maps



Checkpoint 2 (traffic light)
Figure 3.4: Site layout


Checkpoint 1

3.4.2 Data Collection Equipment

Field data collections were carried out at a selected site using two type of
equipment which is video camera, trumpeter and stopwatch as shown in Figure 3.5.
Video camera is one of the methods for traffic data collection. However one particular
difficulty with the method is in finding a suitable vantage point with good visibility to
acquire data (Othman Che Puan, 2004). Consequently, this problem contributes a major
factor affecting the type of data obtained at this site.

a)video camera



Figure 3.5: Data collection equipment

3.4.3 Data Collection Method

For the data collection at two signalized intersections we need two cameras that
record simultaneously but because of there is not enough equipment, we decided to
collect data in different time but with consideration almost situations in time and place
of installing cameras. So the peak hour traffic flow in one way headed to Kuching from
Samarahan at evening and off peak hour we decided to take randomly because of the
limitations of time and equipment. During the survey below data was collected:



Distance between two checkpoints was measured (60m) by using trumpeter.

Checkpoint 1 at the beginning of the zone and the second checkpoint at the stop


line of traffic light.

The volume of vehicles are calculated randomly by group members (depends on


classification of vehicles)
The time taken each type of vehicles are obtained by taken randomly (depend on
the classification of vehicles)

3.4.4 Data Collection Time

The times for data collection were during evening (peak time) and off peak time
(morning and evening). However data were not collected if the weather was so hot,
heavy rains and stormy or, whenever traffic condition were affected by an accident.

3.5 Data Analysis

The videotapes from the study site were initially played back to retrieve the
relevant data. The data used for this study need to be separated between peak and off
peak hours. For each lane of the roads, vehicle classification and time at specific
distance were recorded to complete a cycle. Then the process was repeated until the total
numbers of vehicles for sample data was achieved. This process need full attention in
order to get precise data from each of vehicles.
The extracted data on the vehicle movement were stored in Excel spreadsheet.
The data were analyzed for total volume of peak hour movement, off peak hour
movement, the speed and the total number of vehicles involve in red light violations
depends on their classifications.

3.6 Measuring Technique


If the survey does start with an overflow queue, the overflow vehicles need to be
excluded from subsequent queue counts. For measuring delay two observers will be
needed, task of each observer during the field study are describe as follow. Observer 1
performs the following tasks during the field study.

Keeps track of the end of standing queues for each cycle in the survey period by
observing the last vehicle in each lane that stops because of the signal. This
count includes vehicles arriving when the signal is actually green but stopped
because vehicles in front have not yet started moving. For purposes of the
survey, a vehicle is considered as having joined the queue when it approaches
within one car length of a stopped vehicle and is itself about to stop. This
definition is used because of the difficulty of keeping precise track of the
moment when a vehicle comes to a stop. All vehicles that join a queue are then


included in the vehicle-in-queue counts until they cross the stop line.
Enters the vehicle-in-queue counts in the appropriate box on the worksheet and
cycles of the survey period are listed in the second column of the sheet, after the
column to record clock time every five cycles, and interval count identifiers are
listed as column headings. For ease in conducting the study, the survey period is
most conveniently defined as an integer number of cycles, though a precisely
defined time length for the survey period (e.g., 15 min) can be used. The key
point is that the end of the survey period must be clearly defined in advance
since the last arriving vehicle or vehicles that stop in the period must be


identified and counted until they exit the intersection, per the next step.
At the end of the survey period, continues taking vehicle-in-queue counts for all
vehicles that arrived during the survey period until all of them have exited the
intersection. This step requires mentally noting the last stopping vehicle that
arrived during the survey period in each lane of the lane group and continuing
the vehicle-in queue counts until the last stopping vehicle or vehicles, plus all
vehicles in front of the last stopping vehicles, exit the intersection. Stopping
vehicles that arrive after the end of the survey period are not included in the
final vehicle-in-queue counts.


Observer 2 performs the following study task. During the entire survey period,
maintains separate volume counts of total vehicles arriving during the survey period and
total vehicles arriving during the survey period that stop one or more times. A vehicle
stopping multiple times is counted only once as a stopping vehicle. Data reduction is
accomplished with the following steps.
(i) Sum each column of vehicle-in-queue counts, then sum the column totals for the
entire survey period.
(ii) A vehicle recorded as part of a vehicle-in-queue count is in queue, on average, for
the time interval between counts.



4.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the results of the study and comparative the peak hour
movement and off peak hour movement based on the classification of the vehicles. The
data collection comprised of traffic parameter and output data from manually calculation
(speed each of the vehicles and average speed of the vehicles).
4.2 Traffic Volume
The traffic flow at the site is different during morning and evening (peak hour
and non peak hour). So the data was separated by classification of type of vehicles, time
and the sample was recorded by one hour in each session. It means, for peak hour
consist only 5 hours and non peak hour consist only 5 hours, totally 10 hours
respectively. Based on the data collected, the results are shown in graphs for easy
understanding and interpretation.
Based on the data collected, for each session gives the average amount of traffic
volume during peak hour and non peak hour is different. For peak hour in each session,
the range of traffic volume approximately 3500 vehicles to 4000 vehicles. Meanwhile
during non peak hour the traffic volume approximately near to 2300 total vehicles.

4.2.1 Peak Hour and Non Peak Hour


According to the data collected on the site, the total vehicles taken is divided into
three type which are car consist of (van, sedan car, normal car, taxi, hilux) heavy
vehicles consist of (lorry and bus), and motorcycle includes all types of motorcycles.
From the data taken on the site, every session which is (1 hour), the traffic
volume (from Kuching to Samarahan) recorded on the video was tabulated in the table
Type of

Car (unit)


Heavy vehicles

Total (unit)



















Hour (5










Peak Hour (5

Non Peak


Table 4.1: The distribution of traffic volume at the traffic light (from Kuching to


Analysis between Peak Hour and Non Peak Hour

Red stands for drives beating red light, stop refers to the drives slow down and

stop before the white line when the traffic light turn to amber or red light and amber
stands for the drives beating the traffic light when the traffic shows amber light.
There are a total of 407 frequencies which consist of heavy vehicle, car and
motorcycle obtained throughout the project carried out which are involved in beating red
light and drive slow when the traffic light turn into amber, and beating the traffic light
when shows amber light. Among the 407 frequencies, car has 237 (50.43%), heavy

vehicle has 29 (6.17%) and motorcycle has 141 (30%). During peak hour, the frequency
shows that 263 vehicles and the non peak hour shows that 144 vehicles. From the data
collected, the graph was plotted to show the distribution analysis on the beating red
light, beating the amber light and drive slow when traffic light turn to amber.







red light beating

amber light beating



non peak


Figure 4.1: The graph shows the frequency of vehicles in red light beating, amber light
beating and stop according to the peak and non peak time.
From Figure 4.1, a total of 42 vehicles beating red light, 107 vehicles beating the amber
light and 114 stops when traffic light shows amber and red during peak time. While a
total of 58 vehicles beat red light, 34 vehicles beat amber light and 52 stops when traffic
light shows amber and red during non peak time. It means that the amount of vehicles is
different during peak time and non peak time which involve in the red light beating,
amber light beating and stop. Only 114 vehicles during peak hour and 52 vehicles during
non peak hour follow the rules stop when traffic light shows red and amber and stop
before the white line before the traffic light.
The control chart was constructed in order to see the frequency distribution
related to the number of session. The peak hour and non peak hour consist of 5 session
respectively. The graphs describe the total of number of vehicles taken during the first
hour till the sixth hours. The control limit is the mean obtained from the data. The upper

control limit (UCL) is mean+3 (standard deviation) while the lower control limit
(LCL) is mean-3 .

Control Chart for Peak Hour

For calculation on CL,

CL( Mean )=

CL ( Mean ) =


= 52.6

For calculation on UCL (upper control limit),

UCL=Mean +3( )
= 4.62 +1 .62+ 6.62 +1.42 +0.4 2

UCL=52.6+ 3(8.33)
UCL=7 7.59

For calculation on LCL (lower control limit),

LCL=Mean3 ( )
LCL=52.63 (8.33)


Frequency against peak hour time






Frequency 4048





Figure 4.2: Graph shows control chart related to the relationship between frequency
against peak hour time.

Control Chart for Non Peak Hour

For calculation on CL,

CL( Mean )=

CL ( Mean ) =


= 28.8

For calculation on UCL (upper control limit),

UCL=Mean +3( )
=3.22 +0.22 +3.82 + 4.22+ 0.22


UCL=28.8+3 (6.51)

For calculation on LCL (lower control limit),

LCL=Mean3 ( )
LCL=28.83( 6.51)


Frequency against non peak hour time








Figure 4.3: Graph shows control chart related to the relationship between frequency
against non peak hour time.

The Distribution of Vehicle

The distribution of vehicles is plotted in the graph to see the comparison between

peak hour and non peak hour according to the type categories of vehicles. Among the
407 frequencies, car has 237 (50.43%), heavy vehicle has 29 (6.17%) and motorcycle


has 141 (30%). The roads are consisting of more cars and followed by motorcycle and
then heavy vehicles.









heavy vehicle






non peak


Figure 4.4: Graph shows the distribution of vehicles according to the categories in peak
time and non peak time
Based on the Figure 4.4, peak hours consist of more cars while less motorcycle and
heavy vehicles compared to non-peak hours. The condition of peak hours more crowded
with vehicles compared to the non peak time.

Peak Hour
It is clearly seen that they are higher of tendency in beating both amber and red

lights during peak hours than non-peak hours for car drivers and motorcycles. On the
other hand, during peak hour and non-peak the tendency of heavy vehicles beat both the
amber and red lights are low. The car drivers and motorcycles show the highest
frequency of beating both red and amber lights.


Frequency 20






red light beating

amber light beating

Categories of vehicles

Figure 4.5: Categories of vehicles involve in red light beating, amber light beating and
slow down and stop during amber and red lights during peak hour.

Non Peak Hour




13 12

red light beating


amber light beating


Categories of vehicles

Figure 4.6: Categories of vehicles involve in red light beating, amber light beating and
slow down and stop during amber and red lights during non peak hour.



Distribution of Vehicle Travelling According to Speed

The time taken for certain categories of vehicles was collected and the distance of the
zone was measured before conducting this project. The travel speed for vehicles is
manually calculated from equation:
Speed =

Time (s)

The result was tabulated in the graph according to the average speed given. The average
speed was fixed by student in order to ensure the process running smoothly. The range of
the speed is fixed to obtain the actual travelling speed for vehicles in red light beating,
amber light beating and slow down and stop during amber and red lights.

Peak Hour
During peak hour, there are 263 vehicles that involve in red light beating, amber

light beating and slow down and stop during amber and red lights during peak hour. So,
the data was plotted in the graph after manually calculated from the equation above. The
graph only shows the average speed for vehicles involved (not according to the
categories of vehicles).


Average Speed for Vehicles



Figure 4.7: The average speed for vehicles involve in red light beating, amber light
beating and slow down and stop during amber and red lights during peak hour.
Based on the Figure 4.7, the speed of vehicles travel for red light beating is highest on
the range 70-79 km/h. While the range of speed for amber light beating is highest
between 80-89km/h. The speed for vehicles slows down and stops during amber and red
lights between 60-69km/h which is safe whether the driver want to stop or slow the
vehicles before the white line on traffic light.

Non Peak Hour

Based on the total vehicles that involves in red light beating, amber light beating

and slow down and stop during amber and red lights during non peak hour is 144


Average Speed for Vehicles


Figure 4.8: The average speed for vehicles involve in red light beating, amber light
beating and slow down and stop during amber and red lights during non peak hour.
This has shown that the driver is in the preparation to stop when the traffic light turns to
amber or red light because the average speed for stop is between 60-69km/h same as
peak time. As the speed increasing, number of vehicles beat the traffic lights getting
higher. During the traffic lights turns green to amber, drives tend to speed up in the range
from 60 to 79 km/h while during it turn to red light, drivers also speed up in the range of
from 61 to 99 km/h. The speed of beating the red lights is faster than the amber light.






This project shown the road from Kuching to Samarahan is the main road during peak
hour because the distribution of vehicles is high same as from Samarahan to Kuching.
The condition that applied in this project was established in order to obtain the real

behaviour of road user about the importance of traffic light and safety on the road in
Malaysia. Through the analysis and data obtained also shows the speed of vehicle
travelling involve in red light beating, amber light beating and slow down and stop
during amber and red lights during peak hour and non peak hour. It means that there are
many road users still drive in high speed even during peak hour and non peak hour.



This project is one of the beginning step for further studies about the importance of
traffic light, the effect of traffic coordination or the safety of road user. Student should be
encourage to make an experiment related to the real situation same like this project. All
the equipment should be handle properly and the safety precautions during conducting
an experiment or project should be aware.

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