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William Shakespeare

The English language has been in constant transition throughout its

history, but the most significant transformation in modern English can be
credited to William Shakespeare.
Shakespeare has perhaps contributed the most to the English language
of any writer known to man literally. Over 1000 words and phrases that he
coined as part of his plays and prose are now in common use across the globe;
for example when somebody is talking and the person who is listen dont
understand says: Its Greek to me that in Spanish means: Me suena a chino
o Qu idioma estas hablando? and other expression is: dead as a
doornail(Henry IV) that means bien muerto o requetemuerto, and other such
words that are used by English speakers daily. It means that Shakespeare has
influence not only in English but also has influence in many language.
Shakespeare was able to create words in multiple ways, including changing
nouns into verbs, changing verbs into adjectives, connecting words never
before used together, adding prefixes and suffixes, and coming up with words
that were completely, for example: lonely comes from alone, undress from
dress, and words that comes from other language: generous comes from
Latin generosus.
As we can see, Shakespeare invented a lot of words that we use in
everyday English. That we dont where it comes from.

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