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I think somewhere in the universe aliens exist and in most cases there is evidence supporting the

existence of aliens. There have been many reported sightings. There have also been many times
when an event occurs and even though its not a large event the government tries to cover it up
and convince the public that it was something else like an animal or something. Alien-like
creatures have appeared in cave paintings and hieroglyphs. Life on other planets is possible due
to the possibility of another habitable planet.

On July 8th, 1947 a man came across debris after a storm had occurred in a dry sandy area
(almost in the middle of nowhere). Among the debris was what looked like fragments of a UFO
and an alien body. Afterwards the government cleared the area and also took the body reporting
that it was only a test dummy. Why wouldnt the government use a dummy thats more humanlike? The body had a thin body, an abnormally large head and was only four feet in height.A test
dummy like that cant accurately predict how a human will react to the equipment. My theory is
that the government knows aliens exist, but thinks that the public is not prepared to know that.

Alien-like creatures have shown up in hieroglyphs and cave paintings. In Chamara, India (west)
people found a cave painting of human-like beings painted on the cave wall, but it doesnt seem
to be telling some myth, so they couldve been painting visitors from another world. In Italy a
cave painting was found. It was estimated to have been painted in 10,000 BC and it depicts two
human-like creatures wearing what appears to be space helmets. Also in France another cave
painting was found thats estimated to be from 13,000 BC and what the painting looks like a
UFO (or a sombrero). Thinking back to Egypt think of the hieroglyphs. How human do the
people depicted on the hieroglyphs look?

Exobiology is the search for life beyond earth and how living things are affected by
extraterrestrial environments. Exobiologists study the coldest, driest, and most Mars-like or
Europa-like (One of Jupiters moons) environments on earth. Caves are a good example of an
ecosystem that doesnt need sunlight. Troglobites are small creatures (ex. spiders, beetles,
gastropods, fish, millipedes and salamanders) who have adapted themselves to permanent lives
in caves and over 7,700 species of troglobites have been discovered. In caves gelatinous forms of
microbial waste called snottites dangle from the ceiling. Snottites provide food for creatures
living in the cave and help reshape the cave due to their acidity. This shows that even in the most
extreme environments, organisms can still live. Another example of organisms being able to live
in complete darkness is the Olm. Olm are nicknamed human fish ,they live in underwater
southern European caves and spend their entire lives in darkness (which is 58 years or more).
Also contributing to this Metrodorus of Chios stated It is unnatural in a large field to have only
one shaft of wheat, and in the infinite universe only one living world. and what he is trying to
show is that in a field you usually find more than one shaft of wheat so why is it reasonable that
our supposedly infinite universe has only one planet with life.

In conclusion, I think that alien-life exists and that aliens have visited earth. There have been
many cave paintings where alien-like or astronaut-like creatures have appeared. The government
also seems to become defensive when aliens come up and the possibility that were the only
planet with life in our universe is highly unlikely. I think that aliens exist and that there is
evidence supporting that so, we should have scientists keep trying to find aliens because its
likely that they do exist.

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