6 HW1 Instructions

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Write a paragraph on one of the following topics, incorporating ONE paraphrase taken FROM AN
OUTSIDE SOURCE. Write your paragraph on computer according to the paragraph format. ( You
can take the paragraph on p.23 as a model of a traditional English paragraph.)


Alternative Topic 1: THE FEAR OF HAVING A SURGICAL OPERATION:Why do humans

feel frightened before being operated on?
Alternative Topic 2: INTELLIGENT BEINGS IN THE UNIVERSE:Are there any intelligent
beings living on the earthlike planets in the universe? Why ?/Why not?
1. Write JUST ONE paragraph about one of the above topics in 100 150 words.
2. In your paragraph, explain at least 2 reasons and support one of the reasons with
ONE PARAPHRASE FROM AN OUTSIDE SOURCE. In other words, use the paraphrase
as a supporting example or evidence.
Remember to submit your paragraph together with your outside source.
Underline both the paraphrase in your paragraph and its original form in your outside
First make a paragraph outline , and then write your paragraph according to that
OUTLINE in the paragraph format.
Give an interesting, exciting,or dazzling title to your paragraph.

7. Next week today , submit your HOMEWORK ASSGNMENT as SOFT COPY THROUGH

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