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English Language 4EA0 and KEA0 Paper 1 examiner commentaries

English Language 4EAO/KEAO Paper 1- top mark exemplars set 1

SET 1 - 57 marks
Question 4 (9/10)
The opening paragraph is highly perceptive in its comments on the title and the
contrast it contains, but makes no reference to the use of the term "Wacky Races" in
the second sentence which plays a strong role in establishing atmosphere and
The candidate makes reference to "sparse dialogue" but not the use of repetition in
"Coming, coming" to create excitement and to signal a change in pace.
Question 5 (9/10)
This answer meets all of the criteria for a level 3 answer; however, it does not achieve top
level 4 owing to the following:
paragraph 2 - "course" incorrect tense used
paragraph 2 - "colors" misspelt
paragraph 2 - "like a giant avalanche" - simile focuses on a comparison with an
avalanche, something usually associated with cold, with danger and with falling. Not felt
to be wholly successful as a simile.
paragraph 3 - "lunged" - when the candidate means lugged
paragraph 3 - repetition of "bliss" in a short space of time
paragraph 4 - "its'" - incorrect use of apostrophe
final paragraph - disagreement - father described as a "lion" when he had previously
been referred to twice as a tiger
Question 6 (19/20)
This answer does not achieve full marks owing to the following:
paragraph 3 - "Wellfare" misspelt
by paragraph 3 the use of rhetorical questions as a device to end paragraphs is
beginning to demonstrate a lack of subtlety and sophistication
paragraph 4 - "they art recieving" - archaic tone at odds with the previous informality
of language in places ("Bam - just like that!"), or is it a mispelling. Received is misspelt
paragraph 4 - no capital letters for Coca Cola
paragraph 6 - "Trash" - Americanism
English Language 4EA0 and KEA0 Paper 1 - top mark exemplars set 2
SET 2 - 57 marks
Question 3 (11/12)
The answer makes no reference to the end of the passage, so does not achieve full marks.
Question 5 (9/10)
This answer has a range of grammar and vocabulary issues and therefore does not achieve full
Paragraph 3 - first sentence confused and grammatically incorrect - possible missing
Paragraph 3 - incorrect capitals used - "Earth"
Paragraph 5 - "virtually deflated" - odd expression in the circumstance described
Question 6 (19/20)
This answer has a range of grammar and vocabulary issues and therefore does not achieve full
Paragraph 2 - "concerns" and "concerning" in close proximity - not a sophisticated style
Paragraph 2 - ends "available modes of transport" - imprecise in the way it is used here
Paragraph 4 - first sentence not well expressed
final paragraph - can be seen as verbose, overwritten

English Language 4EA0 and KEA0 Paper 1 - top mark exemplars set 3
SET 3 57 marks
Question 4 (7/10)
The essay makes a strong case for seeing Levine's cultural experiences as being one and the
same as those of the race. This is an interesting perspective but it is not wholly convincing in
its presentation. The answer claims that the western references are Levine seeking for comfort
in a foreign, alien situation, but this argument is not convincing. The use of this term and that
of "Wacky Races" is to convey an image to her western readers in order to help them further
appreciate the chaos and madness of the race. There is no convincing argument about her
seeking comfort through them.

English Language 4EA0 and KEA0 Paper 1 - top mark exemplars set 4
SET 4 59 marks
Question 6 (19/20)
paragraph 1 - "methods in which the area" - expression lacks polish
paragraph 2 - "of detriment to" - expression lacks polish
expression end of paragraph 2 lacks polish "off of" - grammatically incorrect, American
paragraph 4 - "and maybe even younger" - expression, possible missing word?

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