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Definition of theft:
In common usage, theft is the taking of another persons or companys property without taking a
permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. Someone who carries out
an act of or makes a career of theft is known as a thief.

Types of theft:
Fraud: fraud is internal deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual. Its
also the misrepresentation of financial records by one or more individuals or third parties within
an organization. A situation where a person represents a matter or fact falsely whether by words
or conduct.
Burglary: This is the act of breaking into a building to commit a crime.
Pilferage: This is a tricky way of taking part of a property or an item bit-by-bit till the whole part
is gone or finally stolen.
Organized crime: This is a stealing that involves collaborative effort.

Why do some employees resort to stealing?

1. Marginalization, resentment, injustice e.g. some employees favoured than the other
2. In an emergency situation e.g. fire incidence, arm robbery attack
3. To augment income: stealing companys items to complement the low salary level like: melon,
provisions, frozen items, etc.
4. In time of crisis e.g during community intrusion. (peaceful demonstration)
5. For excitement/Kleptomania e.g some people find joy in stealing even when they have enough
6. Carelessness on the part of the owner : when theres no proper care of property
7. Hunger: stealing can occur when theres hunger and theres no hope having food on time
8. Dire need (desperate need): when a particular thing is needed urgently, then it can be stolen
9. Greediness

Some controls Measures to theft cases:


There should be sound and efficient control of the organizational assets.

Adopt any systems that makes stealing almost impossible
High morale/honesty should be preached during meeting
Ensure good accountability
Past employment records of new employees must be thoroughly investigated.
Ensure Adequate security patrol
Morale of staff must be kept high through motivation
Recruitment standard must be improved
Provision of Better remuneration for workers
Provide physical defences-perimeter fences and lighting them

The best way to escape the embarrassment involved in theft is to stop!!!

Issue No. 01, Revision 00, 21ST August 2013.

Talk No. 37. Page No. 1

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