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Congratulations! By purchasing this book you have made a decision to

transmute your fantasy of a cuckold lifestyle into an actual reality.
You now have access to techniques that will get your woman to
willingly want to cuckold you. Many men have successfully used these
techniques to realize their desire to live a cuckold lifestyle and I am
positive that after reading this book you too can achieve the same
You may notice that the size of this book is relatively short. That is
because I deliberately decided to keep the pages to a minimum and
not fill up the book with information that has little relevance in helping
you to fulfill your desire to live a cuckold lifestyle. I prefer to give you
70 odd pages of valuable information rather than 250 pages of fluff.
Another thing you will notice is that a lot of information in this book is
presented in point forms. This way of presenting information has two
advantages. First it is easier to retain information when it is presented
in this manner. The second advantage is that it then becomes easier to
explain to your woman about the cuckold lifestyle.
This book contains two parts. Part one teaches you the core
information you need to know about cuckoldry and the cuckold
lifestyle. Part two teaches you the techniques that will get your woman
to willingly want to cuckold you. For best results you should read this
book from start to finish. Then read part two again. It is very
important that you get a firm understanding of the techniques before
you put them into practice. Even when you are putting the techniques
to practical use, make sure that you constantly refer to this book to
make sure that you are implementing the techniques correctly. This
book is constantly updated and you will get updated copies sent to you
free for life.
Now let us not waste any more time. It is time you learned how to get
your woman to willingly cuckold you.

Kole Raymond
2010 Cuckold Coach

All Rights Reserved

The author of this book takes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the
information it presents. The reader is warned that this material presents extremely
powerful techniques to be used at the readers own peril.
The methods and concepts taught in this book are to be used for classroom study
and discussion. Although the techniques work in the real world there is no guarantee
that they will work in each and every situation.
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2010 Cuckold Coach

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Table Of Contents
My Story................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1 - Introduction To The Cuckold Lifestyle ......................................... 9
Chapter 2 Why Women Cuckold Their Men................................................. 13
Chapter 3 Why So Many Men Desire The Cuckold Lifestyle .......................... 17
Chapter 4 Why Bulls Love To Sleep With Other Mens Wives ........................ 21
Frequently Asked Questions........................................................................ 23
Chapter 5 Types of Cuckolds .................................................................... 24
Chapter 6 Misconceptions of the Cuckold Lifestyle ...................................... 29
Chapter 7 Introduction To The Techniques................................................. 34
Meet Jack and Jane.................................................................................... 37
Chapter 8 Personality Types..................................................................... 38
Jack Picks A Fight With Jane ....................................................................... 46
Chapter 9 The Challenge Technique .......................................................... 49
Jack Uses The Challenge Technique on Jane ................................................. 54
Chapter 10 Submissive Body Language ..................................................... 59
Chapter 11 How To Confess Your Cuckold Desires To Your Woman............... 68
Chapter 12 Guidelines For A Healthy Cuckold Relationship........................... 71

2010 Cuckold Coach

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My Story
I first want to tell you a little about my background, and where I am
coming from, as it relates to experiencing the cuckold lifestyle.
Knowing that I too was once in a similar position as you are today, will
help you to better relate to the techniques that I am going to teach
you in this manual.
For years I kept my desire to be a cuckold a closely guarded secret. I
would enter into relationships and have secret fantasies of the women
cuckolding me. I never had the courage to bring up the topic of a
cuckold lifestyle to these women. I was too scared of what they would
think or say about my desires.
On the outside, I used to pretend that I was this macho type of guy.
Yet on the inside, I would fantasize about the women in my life
cuckolding me. At that time, I honestly did not know where these
desires were coming from. One thing I did know was that the idea of
being cuckolded was a huge turn on for me and one that I fantasized
about very often.
As my cuckold desires grew stronger with each passing relationship I
decided it was time to do something about it. I reached a definite
decision in my mind that I would do whatever it took to turn my
cuckold fantasy into an actual reality.
I began researching the topic on the net as well as visiting both public
and private libraries. I spent hours going through material. Most of the
stuff available on the net was mostly smut. The material only served
to fuel suppressed fantasies. However, I did find a couple of good
books. One that I suggest you read is by David C. Geary. He has
researched cuckoldry extensively in both animals and humans and has
a lot of insights to offer.
While researching the topic, I came across two interesting facts. One, I
found out that majority of the male population actually fantasizes
about the women in their life cuckolding them. The second fact I found
out was that women were actually biologically programmed to cheat
and have multiple sex partners. Research at the top institutes has now
proven this fact. You can check out the research conducted by doing a
quick search on the net to learn more about this.
Finding out these facts really helped me a lot and this served as added
motivation to realize my cuckold desires.

2010 Cuckold Coach

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The main problem I faced at that time was that I really cared about
my girlfriend. We had been together for a number of years and I did
not want to risk losing her. I wanted her to cuckold me but I wanted
her to still be emotionally faithful to me. I wanted the best of both
I started working on ways to achieve this. In my younger days I was
very fond of psychology. Over they years I have read dozens of books,
and today, I have a huge library of psychology and human behavior
Added to this I was fond of seduction techniques and had made use of
such techniques in the past to attract some really beautiful women. It
suddenly hit me one day that if it were possible to get women to
willingly sleep with you then it should be possible to get these same
women to willingly agree to sleep with some one else.
I began researching and formulating techniques to achieve this. My
goal was not only to get my girlfriend to willingly cuckold me, but also
to get her to remain emotionally faithful to me and still have her love
me like crazy.
I spent a lot of time formulating these techniques. It involved a lot of
research, a firm understanding of sound psychological principles and a
lot of consultation from men who were already living this lifestyle.
I came up with a number of techniques. Some worked great, others
not so well. In this manual I have included only the ones that work
really well. There are a couple of techniques that work, but I have not
included them as it is difficult to fully explain them and comprehend
them when presented in a book. I do teach these to men who sign up
for my coaching program but I want you to know that whatever is
taught in this book is more than sufficient to get your woman to
willingly agree to cuckold you. The coaching program is designed only
for men who are in a super hurry to achieve their cuckold desires. If
you follow this manual to a T then you can get your woman to agree
to cuckold you in a little over a month. However many men write back
saying they have achieved this in a much shorter period with many
men achieving the same in about 15-18 days.
I however recommend that you do not rush things and try to realize
your cuckold desires in about 8 to 12 weeks after purchasing this
manual. This is the ideal time frame you should be looking at.

2010 Cuckold Coach

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Anyways, back to my story.

I started applying the techniques I formulated during my daily
interactions with my girlfriend. I was taking a huge risk at that time
because if I failed I probably risked loosing someone l really loved and
cared for a lot.
I took things slowly and applied one technique at a time. I was careful
not to rush things. Gradually I noticed subtle changes. While my
girlfriend was becoming closer to me emotionally I could see that she
was becoming a bit edgy when it came to the physical side of things.
This was what I had intended to happen by using the techniques I had
formulated. I knew I had to get her to lose most of her physical
attraction to me before I could approach her with the idea of a cuckold
I kept applying my techniques until I was certain that she would agree
to a cuckold relationship.
I sat her down one day and finally confessed to her my desires. I was
nervous as hell but I went ahead as confidently as I could. Her
reaction really surprised me. She did not seem shocked or angry at all.
She listened intently and I could tell my techniques had done the trick.
One thing that cropped up that I had not anticipated was the questions
that she kept asking about the lifestyle.
She had a lot of misconceptions on cuckoldry and she kept on asking
questions. Luckily, I had researched the topic so I was confident when
answering her. She later told me that it was this confidence that
convinced her that day to go ahead with this lifestyle.
This is the reason I always tell people not to skip the initial chapters of
the book. You may think you know the basics but trust me, on the day
you confess your cuckold desires to your woman, nerves take over and
you realize you dont know as much as you thought you did.
Some men apply the techniques and get their women to be mentally
conducive to the idea of a cuckold relationship but only because they
did not read the initial chapters well enough they stumble at the last
hurdle. Believe me the last hurdle is a very small one. You do not want
to stumble on it just because you skipped the first parts of this book.
After my girlfriend agreed to a cuckold relationship, our relationship

2010 Cuckold Coach

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scaled new heights. I was so relieved to get the whole thing off my
chest and actually experience my fantasies of a cuckold relationship.
Let me tell you the real thing is a hundred times better than any
cuckold fantasy that you may have had.
I am still with the same girl today and let me tell you that this
relationship has been one hell of an awesome ride, both emotionally as
well as physically. My girl has been with over ten men since we started
our cuckold lifestyle and she regularly sees some of them.
Over the years I started sharing these techniques with other men. I
have personally coached people to achieve cuckold relationships. Every
one of them realized their cuckold desires and turned their fantasy into
reality. Every one of them agreed that the real thing was so much
better than any of their fantasies.
Not too long ago I decided to share these techniques with a wide
variety of men. I knew that this was information that could help
thousands and thousands of men.
I contacted a number of publishers and nearly all the publishers I
found were very interested in the idea, they however wanted me to fill
the book up with fillers. My aim was to provide a manual that
contained exactly what was needed and nothing else.
Since none of them were game for a short manual, I decided to sell
the book digitally, and here I am today.
My short term goal is to get this information to as many wannabe
cuckolds as I can. My long term goal is to invest a part of the proceeds
from this book into more research on the cuckold lifestyle.
I am constantly researching the topic and any new findings that I find
will be mailed across to you.
Here is to the beginning of a journey that will get you to transmute
your cuckold fantasies and desires into actual realities.

2010 Cuckold Coach

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Chapter 1
Introduction To The Cuckold Lifestyle
A good starting point for understanding the cuckold lifestyle is to go
through a number of frequently asked questions that most people who
are interested in this lifestyle normally have.
Who is a cuckold?
Historically a cuckold was a man who was married to an adulteress
wife. The dictionary defines a cuckold as a man with an unfaithful
wife. Cuckolding in this form is as old as the institution of marriage
itself. Traditionally a cuckold was an object of scorn among the
community and was looked upon as someone who could not satisfy his
wifes sexual appetite. It is only in the last century that the term
cuckold has come to take a different meaning.
Today a cuckold can also be defined as a man who initiates his wifes
infidelity and gains pleasure from it. Cuckolds are categorized under
two categories based on whether they initiate their womans infidelity
or not. Cuckolds are today classified as being either original cuckolds
or modern cuckolds. It is not necessary to be married to be a
cuckold. If a man is in a relationship and has an unfaithful girlfriend or
would like his girlfriend to be unfaithful then he too can be termed as a
Origin of the term cuckold
No one is really sure about the exact origin of the term cuckold.
However there is a general consensus that the term probably
originates from the cuckoo bird. It has been confirmed that the female
species of the African Black Coucal which is a type of cuckoo bird
indulges in polyandry for breeding and then raises her subsequent
offspring with the help of just one particular male. Traditionally due to
lack of knowledge about and availability of contraceptives most of the
adulteress wives ended up conceiving children who they then raised
with the help of their husbands. Because of the close similarity
between the behavior of the early adulteress wives and the female
cuckoo birds it is probably correct that the term cuckold has originated
from the cuckoo bird.

2010 Cuckold Coach

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History of cuckolding
Cuckolding has been present ever since the institution of marriage was
formed. However the earliest written trace of the word cuckold so far
only appears around 1250 under the Middle English derivation,
cokewold. Cuckolds were historically referred to as wearing horns
because of the fact that the men that were being cuckolded were
normally the last to know of their wives infidelities or in most cases
never realizing that they were cuckolds. The first recorded instant of a
man wanting his wife to cuckold him is traced to the Austrian writer
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch whose wife wrote that he would often ask,
beg or even threaten her to cuckold him so that he could experience
the pain and humiliation of the act.
Who is a wittol?
A wittol is a man who knows of and tolerates his wifes infidelity.
However the word wittol is rarely used anymore and such a man is
now more commonly referred to as a cuckold. Nowadays a wittol is
more commonly used to refer to a foolish person without wits rather
than a man who knows of his wifes infidelity.
Why does cuckolding develop as a fetish?
No one knows for sure why some men seek to be cuckolded. But
because of the early scorn, taboo and misconceptions on cuckolding
not enough research has been done to conclusively figure this desire
out. My take on it is that there may be a particular gene that is
responsible in part for men wanting to be cuckolded. I say this
because most of the cuckolds that I have interacted and coached have
admitted to having no clue as to why they want to be cuckolded other
than the fact that the idea of them being cuckolded is a strong sexual
fantasy with an uncontrollable desire to be realized.
Some of the men who have this fetish will also fantasize and get
turned on by the idea of female dominance, erotic humiliation, verbal
humiliation and voyeurism.
The desire for a cuckold relationship may actually have an evolutionary
theory as well. In the upcoming chapters, I will show you the reasons
behind the desires of cuckolds, cuckqueens and bulls.

2010 Cuckold Coach

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What are the differences between an original and a modern

This has been answered in detail in the chapter Types of Cuckolds.
However the main difference is unlike an original cuckold, the modern
cuckold is one who initiates his womans infidelity while remaining
faithful to her. The modern cuckold is one who unexplainably has a
strong desire to realize his fantasy of his woman cuckolding him. If
you are reading this book to learn how to get your woman to willingly
want to cuckold you then you fall under the category of a modern
What is a woman who cuckolds her man known as?
Technically a woman who cuckolds her man should be termed as a
cuckoldress. But because cuckolding as a lifestyle has been around for
a long time many names have sprung up to describe such a woman. It
is widely accepted to term an unfaithful wife as a: Hot wife, Slut wife,
MILF, Cuckquean and the Queen of Spades. However in my experience
most women who enter the cuckold lifestyle dont like to be termed as
slut wives or cuckqueans.
What is the general attitude today about cuckolding?
Unlike the middle ages, men with unfaithful wives are no longer
scorned at. This is because of the ever growing number of men and
women who now commit adultery. However due to ignorance of the
cuckold lifestyle and a lot of misconceptions on the topic a number of
people still consider this lifestyle as taboo. Due to this most couples
who indulge in the cuckold lifestyle prefer
to do so in a discreet manner. Most couples prefer to indulge in this
lifestyle only with people they fully trust.
Will my woman leave me if I get her to indulge in a cuckold
This is one of the biggest doubts that men have when it comes to the
cuckold lifestyle. If you follow the techniques taught in this book and
you incorporate the traits of a modern cuckold type which I will teach
you later on, then there are absolutely no risks of your woman leaving
you. In fact your woman will only become more faithful and committed
to you. She will love you even more for understanding and letting her
fulfill her physical and psychological needs.

2010 Cuckold Coach

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Hi Kole,
Thanks so much. About a week back I sat my wife
down and I confessed my desire of a cuckold lifestyle
to her. She wasnt angry at all. We spoke about it and
she readily agreed to give it a try. She had a few
questions on the lifestyle but the stuff you taught in
the earlier chapters really helped me to clear her
Thanks once again.
Philip Jones

2010 Cuckold Coach

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Chapter Two
Why Women Cuckold Their Men
Women have been cuckolding their partners even before the institution
of marriage was formed. Right through the ages and right across
civilizations and different cultures have women cuckolded their men.
Cuckoldry isnt limited to human beings only but it is also seen in the
animal world. In fact the very term cuckold is thought to have
originated from the African Black Coucal which is a type of cuckoo bird
that indulges in polyandry for breeding and then raises her subsequent
offspring with the help of just one particular male.
What I have said in the above two paragraphs suggests that women
are not only hardwired to cheat on their male partners since it has
continually happened over time and across civilizations and cultures
but also that the very act of cuckolding may have an evolutionary
purpose as it is also common in the animal world. I will explain both
these suggestions in detail in this chapter.
The first step to understanding the cuckold desires in women is to first
understand how women are hard wired. Women are instinctively hard
wired to first find a partner who they can depend on to take care of
them and their offspring.
Back in the prehistoric world finding a reliable partner was of utmost
importance to a woman. Back then a woman needed a man to look
after her and to make sure that her offspring survived. Back then they
were a lot of dangers that made it impossible for a woman to bring up
her children on her own. So nature hardwired into her to find a partner
that would be reliable and would be best able to provide for her and
her children.
The very feeling of love can be thought to have evolved due to this
hardwiring. Whenever a woman subconsciously finds a reliable partner
she falls in love and that is natures way of telling her that he may be
dependable. In order to be completely sure about the dependability of
her man, she will subconsciously run him through a series of tests and
challenges. Wannabe cuckolds can actually use these challenges to get
their women to willingly agree to the cuckold lifestyle.
Its important to distinguish the feeling of love in a woman from a
feeling of attraction. When a woman feels love for a man she thinks
about settling down with him and what it would be like after marriage.
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When a woman feels attraction for a man she feels intrigued by him
and in many cases would think of him from a sexual angle but not
necessarily think about marriage.
Fast forward to todays world and it is now entirely possible for a
woman to have and raise her children on her own without the help of a
male partner. However since it is so hardwired in women to find a
reliable partner, women still instinctively look for reliable men as their
This explains why women will love to date bad boys or jerks but will
always prefer to settle down with good guys. Its because good guys
are reliable and wont leave them later on. It also explains why women
instinctively fall in love with very rich men if given a chance. Its
because rich men can provide well for their offspring. All this happens
at a subconscious level and is the result of the way women are
Now comes the interesting part. While women are hardwired to fall in
love with reliable men who will be there to support them and their
children, women are biologically programmed to mate with a variety of
men. This seems odd but that is just the way nature intended it to be.
You see from natures point of view, a woman mating with a variety of
men makes sense as each subsequent child will have a different
genetic makeup. Also in prehistoric time with a lot of diseases going
around, having children of different genetic make up made sense for a
woman as that gave her the best chance of her genes surviving. This
hardwiring continues even till today.

Women are biologically programmed to mate with a variety

of men. This seems odd but its just the way nature intended
it to be
So how does all this play out in a typical relationship in todays world.
Take any relationship scenario. When a man and woman first start
seeing each other, it is almost certain that the woman never feels the
feelings of love towards the man. What she feels is a level of attraction
and is perhaps intrigued to find out more about the man.
As time goes by she subconsciously puts the man through a series of
tests to see how reliable this man will be. Why does she do this?
Remember its because she wants to make sure that the man is
reliable and wont ditch her later on. Like I said earlier, it is part of her

2010 Cuckold Coach

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Now if the man proves to be reliable, she starts feeling the feelings of
love towards this man and they settle down into a relationship. As the
relationship progresses with time and the woman feels more secure,
her instincts of seeking out men with good genes will kick in.
Now thanks to our social fabric and the institution of marriage it is not
acceptable for a woman to seek out the best genes and mate with
other men other than her partner. However her drive to seek out the
best genes is so strong that a woman may even go against social
fabric and even risk her marriage in order to mate with a man who she
perceives to have a good set of genes.
This is why many men whose wives cuckolded them will tell you that it
happened at a time when they felt the relationship was strong and
secure. This is because when the relationship is at its strongest that
the drive to cheat with other men kicks in for a woman. Going by what
you read earlier this makes perfect sense as when the relationship is
at its strongest the woman feels secure that her partner loves her and
is really reliable and wont leave her. This is when her instincts to cheat
crop up.
So contrary to popular belief, when a woman cheats on her partner it
is not because she is immoral of that she doesnt lover her husband
anymore. It is just the way women are hardwired that causes this
There is a lot of smut that goes around that fuels the belief that
woman cuckold their partners because they are not satisfied in bed or
that they dont love their partners anymore. While in some cases this
may be true in majority of cases it is because of what you just learnt
with regards to the way women are hardwired.
Most women who cuckold their partners will choose to cheat with men
who they perceive to have good genes. That is why these men are
often tall and strong as women perceive these traits to be signs of
good genes.
Women will also cheat with men who arent tall or strong but whose
personality shows signs of high emotional quotients. High E.Q is
perceived by women as a sign of good genes. Many men who women
will cheat with are jerks and bad boys as such men come across as
having good genes.

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One important point to know is that many cuckolds have good genes
and high emotional quotients themselves but because womens drive
for variety is so strong it causes them to cheat on their partners.
Chapter Review
Women have been cuckolding men right through civilizations and
Cuckoldry isnt limited to humans only and can also be seen in the
animal world as well.
The above point suggests that a woman cuckolding her man is
natural and may have an evolutionary purpose.
Women are instinctively hardwired to find a partner who is reliable
and who will be able to provide for herself and her offspring.
Women are also biologically programmed to mate with a variety of
men as this gives their offspring different genetic makeup.
Women will cuckold their men with other men who they perceive to
have good genes. These men can be either physically strong or
perceived to have high emotional quotients.
Now that you know why women cuckold their men it is time to move
on to the next chapter and learn why men desire that their women
cuckold them with other men.

2010 Cuckold Coach

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Chapter Three
Why so many men desire the cuckold lifestyle
In the previous pages you learnt why women cuckolded their men. You
learnt that women are hardwired to find reliable men as their partners
and also that women are also biologically programmed to mate with a
variety of men and seek out men who they perceive to have good
Now that you know why women cuckold their partners, you must be
wondering why a man would want his woman to cuckold him. Why
would a man want another man to sexually pleasure his wife? Why
would a man want to bring up and look after another mans child?
These are common questions that crop up when people think of the
cuckold lifestyle.
Let me assure straight away that these feelings are completely natural
and are not perverted in any manner. Also like women, these desires
are based on the way men are designed.
In order to understand where the desire for a man to have his partner
cuckold him comes from, you first need to know a little of what types
of sperm a man has.
Contrary to popular belief only about 1% of a mans sperm is fertilizer
sperm. That is only 1% of a mans sperm is capable of fertilizing a
womans egg if it ever reaches it. 83% of a mans sperm is made up of
killer sperm that are designed to attack sperm from another man or
that which may already be in a woman. The remaining 16% of the
sperm is designed to block out or act as hurdles to sperm from other
men. This means that 99% of a mans sperm is not designed to
fertilize a womans egg but to compete with sperm from other males.
You can read more about sperm competition by searching online. It is
an interesting theory first proposed by British biologist Geoffrey Parker
in a 1970 paper. There are tons of resources on this subject online.
To better understand the role of competing sperm lets take a look at
some of our closest relatives the great apes.

99% of a mans sperm is not designed to fertilize a

womans egg but to compete with sperm form other males

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When an alpha silverback male discovers some other male mating with
one of his females he normally has two immediate reactions. 1) He
chases the competing male away and 2) He mates furiously with the
female concerned. The reason for the first reaction is easily understood
but what is going on in the second reaction?
Well it seems clear that the male is trying to maximize the chances
that any offspring from that particular female will be carrying his own
DNA. By vigorously mating with the female he is able to shoot his
sperm much further into the females belly where he gives his warrior
or killer sperm the best possible chance of neutralizing the sperm of
the other male before the other sperm can fertilize the females egg.
It seems to me that this behavior should also be present in humans,
and, if it is, it should be perfectly healthy and normal and it should be
common because it provides a selective advantage to the survival of
the DNA that generates that behavior.
So the natural reaction of a man seeing his wife/partner having sex
with another man should be to chase the man away then immediately
have furious sex with his wife. How would this behavior be created in
the man, for he is not going to reason with himself that he needs to
supplant the other mans semen and give his hunter killer sperm a
good chance of neutralizing his opponents.
For the behavior to be successful it is going to have to be totally
instinctive. It seems clear to me that this behavior is generated by a
feeling of overwhelming sexual arousal a desire to fuck her brains
out exactly what those who seek this lifestyle report.
So now you know that men have sperm designed to compete with
other sperm. Like the hardwiring of women, killer sperm made sense
back in the day. So even though it doesnt make much sense today
due to social fabrics and the institution of marriage, men still have
killer sperm.
Before I explain to you what role killer sperm plays in a man wanting
to be cuckolded I want to discuss with you the instinct of competition
present in every man.
Man by nature is hardwired to compete. This is a proven fact. Men will
compete whenever they get a chance to. At a work place, while
playing and even while having a conversation. This perhaps explains
why men prefer sports events so much. It stems from their desire to

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The desire to compete serves two purposes. One is as a survival
instinct and the second is to attract a female for mating purposes. The
best way to illustrate this is to think of a group of male teenagers
playing a game of basketball in the evening. If an attractive girl shows
up courtside the teenagers are driven to compete harder to attract the
attention of the girl. Can you identify with a similar scenario? The point
that I am trying to drive home is that men instinctively compete and
more so when it comes to a woman.
It is a known fact that if a mans interest in his partner decreases, the
mere thought that another man is interested in his partner rekindles
the interest of the man and his sexual desire for his partner.
Some women instinctively know men are hardwired this way and are
thus successful in manipulating men and keeping their men on their
toes. Whenever they feel that their partners interest in them is
dipping they flirt with other men or make suggestions that other men
may be interested in them. This is normally enough for her partner to
take notice, feel a pang of jealousy and be sexually attracted to the
woman once again.
The threat of another man can be real or it can be perceived but it will
still produce the same reaction in a man. He will feel a strong desire to
please his woman, keep her attracted to him and he will feel a strong
sexual arousal towards this woman.
Now that we know about killer sperm and the desire of men to
compete it is time to put these two together to figure out what causes
men to want their partners to cuckold them.
Society is so designed that once a man is married to a woman, the
man and woman are supposed to stay faithful to each other. When a
man begins to feel that his woman is faithful and only attracted to him
he begins to loose interest in her. It doesnt matter what the reality of
the situation is, if he believes his woman is fully faithful to him he
begins to loose interest.
He looses interest because he now no longer has to compete to attract
the female. He now has one of two options. He can seek an extra
marital affair or he can create competition for him self through

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This is the very point where cuckold desires crop up. The mere thought
or fantasy of another man sleeping with his wife causes his
competition instinct to kick in. This thought or fantasy is enough to
cause his woman to seem sexier than ever in his eyes and enough to
keep him faithful only to this woman.
Many men who are cuckolds say they are extremely turned on by the
idea of their women sleeping with another man. This arousal is the
result of natural instinct that causes the man to want to mate with the
woman so his killer sperm has a chance to neutralize the effect of
sperm from other men.
You will notice that highly successful men and men with great
emotional quotients often have a cuckold fantasy as they have great
competitive desires. These men subconsciously for whatever reason do
not want to cheat on their partner and as a result they subconsciously
create competition mentally with cuckold fantasies.
You now see that the desire of a man to have his woman cuckold him
stems from his natural desire to compete with other men. So now you
know what causes cuckold desires in men. You also now realize that
this desire is natural and will hopefully help enhance your cuckold
Chapter Review
The desire to be a cuckold stems from the way men are
The desire to be a cuckold and other related fantasies are
completely natural.
99% of a mans sperm is not designed to fertilize a womans egg
but is designed to compete against other mens sperm
Man by nature is hardwired to compete and more so for his
The combination of a mans desire to compete and the presence
of killer sperm results in cuckold desires cropping up.

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Chapter Four
Why bulls love to sleep with other mens wives
There are a variety of reasons why bulls love to sleep with other mens
wives. First up I want you to know that the same competitive desire
and killer sperm that causes some men to seek the cuckold lifestyle is
what causes some men to be bulls. It is just expressed differently.
Back in the day before the use of contraceptives it made great sense
being a bull. You could pass on your genes and not have to worry
about looking after your children because the cuckold would
unsuspectingly do it for you.
Even today with the use of contraceptives, a lot of bulls father children
thanks to the drive of women being so strong that they take the risk of
bearing another mans child.
From a bulls point of view, the relationship with another mans wife
also stays quiet. Also in the event of an unplanned pregnancy the bull
has very little to worry about as the woman will either abort or will
have the baby on the quiet. There are zero financial implications for
the bull and the bull is not faced with any emotional hassles.
Many bulls often state that they derive great pleasure in sleeping with
a woman in front of her husband. If you havent guessed it already it is
because of the competition present from the other male that causes
the bull to get a higher level of sexual arousal and causes him to mate
furiously with the cuckolds wife thereby subconsciously giving his
sperm the best chance to fertilize the womans egg.
Like I said earlier a lot of cuckolds are men who are successful and
have a high emotional quotient. Instead of cheating on their women
they prefer to be faithful by seeking competition in the form of a
cuckold relationship.
A lot but NOT all the bulls are people who one would associate with the
bad boy types or jerks. These men are perceived by women in many
instances to have good genes even though they are not reliable. These
types of men take pleasure in sleeping with wives of successful men
and many a time this leads to the bull verbally assaulting the cuckolds.
Verbal taunting by the bull towards the cuckold has its role to play in a
cuckold relationship.

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Women who cuckold their men love their men and this is why they feel
confused as to why the bulls verbal humiliation towards her man turns
her on so much.
When a woman hears the bull verbally taunting her man at that
moment she subconsciously beliefs that the bull has a superior DNA
than her partner and is sexually aroused to mate vigorously with the
bull. Many women who will sleep with a bull in front of their men will
experience much more powerful orgasms if the bull taunts the
husband. Its not because the woman loves to see her husband
taunted but it is a result of her genetic make up.
For a cuckold, the act of being verbally taunted by a bull while the bull
is with the cuckolds wife results in the cuckold being sexually aroused.
This is because the taunting increases the competitive nature in a
cuckold and thanks to his killer sperm and the way he is designed.

Many bulls often state that they derive great pleasure in

sleeping with a woman in front of her husband
The act of taunting by a bull is the result of the same competitive gene
and killer sperm but expressed differently. It is an ego trip for the bull
and tries to portray his competiveness to the woman in question.
Chapter review
The same competitive desire that causes some men to choose to
be cuckolds causes other men to choose to be bulls.
Bulls are generally thought to be bad boy or jerk types but
this is not the case for all bulls.
Verbal taunting towards a cuckold by a bull has its role to play in
a cuckold relationship.

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Frequently Asked Questions

If women are biologically programmed to cheat on their
partners why dont all women cheat?
While all women are biologically programmed to mate with a variety of
men and to seek out the best genes many women will not go ahead
and cheat on their partners. This has to do with the way these women
were bought up and conditioned about commitment to relationships
and the sanctity of being faithful to one partner. We live in a time
where both partners are supposed to be faithful and this belief can be
so deep rooted in some women that they will not cheat. However I can
guarantee you that even these women will secretly fantasize about
mating with men who they subconsciously perceive to have a good
If you are interested in the cuckold lifestyle you can get your woman
to willingly agree to cuckold you by using the right techniques.
If a cuckold fantasy is normal then why dont all men have a
cuckold fantasy?
The desire to be a cuckold stems from a mans competitive nature. All
men have this competitive nature but how they choose to express this
nature differs. Some men will seek to cheat on their partner
themselves while other men will seek to create completion through
fantasy. Remember that both the desire to be a cuckold or a bull
stems from the same competitive nature present in all men. Some
men may never experience these desires because similarly to women
it has a lot to do with their beliefs and social conditioning.

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Chapter 5
Types Of Cuckolds
Cuckoldry has existed for centuries. Originally men were classified as
cuckolds if their wives were unfaithful. This made the classification
very easy. It was mostly the case where wives were unfaithful behind
their husbands backs and the husbands were mostly not aware of
their wives illicit affairs.
However in the last few decades, the number of men that want to be
voluntarily cuckolded by their women has risen tremendously. This has
led to different classifications of various cuckolds. It is important to
know the different categories of cuckolds as it helps put into
perspective which type of cuckold you are or would like to be. It also
helps to clear any misconceptions that your woman may have about
the cuckold lifestyle when you confess to her your desire for a cuckold
Given below are the different classifications of cuckolds. Go through
them carefully and decide under which category you fall or would like
to fall under. It is not uncommon to find yourself having traits from
more than one type.
According to me, there are three types of cuckolds The original
cuckold, The modern cuckold and The forced cuckold.
The original cuckold
The original cuckold is one whose woman is unfaithful to him by her
choosing. She herself has decided to have an affair without his
knowledge. Many women may at one time or the other commit
adultery but the woman of an original cuckold will normally
continuously commit adultery. From the earlier chapters you already
know that women are biologically programmed to cheat. Most women
who cuckold their men under this category eventually end up getting
caught and this normally leads to the original cuckold being split into
two types. The non accepter type and The accepter type of
The non accepter
The woman chooses to cuckold her man out of her own accord.
The non accepter normally finds out that he is a cuckold from his
friends or by catching his woman in the act of cuckolding him.
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The non accepter does not accept to himself being cuckolded.

The non accepter is affected emotionally.
The non accepter may or may not confess to his woman about
his knowledge that she is being unfaithful.
In most cases the non accepter will end the relationship after
finding out that he has been cuckolded.
If the non accepter cuckold chooses to continue the relationship
it is mostly because the couple have children or he fears a split
will harm his social status.
If the non accepter cuckold chooses to continue the relationship
he will normally seek sexual gratification else where and thus will
commit adultery himself.
The accepter
The woman chooses to cuckold her man out of her own accord.
The accepter normally finds out that he is a cuckold from his
friends or by catching his woman in the act of cuckolding him.
The accepter discovers that the act of his woman cuckolding him
arouses him sexually.
In majority of the cases the accepter will confess to his woman
about his knowledge of his cuckoldry and give her his consent to
The accepter does not seek to end the relationship with his
The accepter may or may not want to witness his woman in the
act of cuckolding him.
The accepter becomes sexually submissive but may remain in
control in other areas of the relationship.
I have noticed that a large number of men who enter into the cuckold
lifestyle do so by being the accepter type of cuckold. Many men only
first realize their cuckold desires only upon realizing that their women
are committing adultery.
The modern Cuckold
Most of the men who will read this book and are interested in the
cuckold lifestyle will fall under this category. The difference between
the original cuckold and the modern cuckold is that the modern
cuckold initiates his wife's infidelity and is sexually turned on by the

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The modern cuckolds main characteristics are:

The modern cuckold convinces his woman to cuckold him and
the woman normally enters into this lifestyle upon his request.
The thought and idea of getting cuckolded, sexually excites the
modern cuckold.
The modern cuckold has a say in who his woman cuckolds him
The modern cuckold normally loves to witness the act of his
The modern cuckold is sexually submissive towards his partner.
The modern cuckold may also want to be verbally taunted and
verbally humiliated by his woman.
The modern cuckold might indulge in BDSM if he and his woman
are comfortable with it.
In all other areas of the relationship the modern cuckold and his
woman are on equal footing.
The modern cuckold does not seek sexual gratification else
The cuckoldress remains emotionally faithful and emotionally
loyal to the modern cuckold.
Of the three types of cuckolds this type is the most satisfying for a
man who is interested in a cuckold relationship. It enables a woman to
satisfy her core sexual drives and it enables a man to mentally create
competition for his wife and thus increases his sexual arousal and love
towards her.
It also ensures that the relationship is healthy and free from other
emotional complications that can arise if a man is an original or a
forced cuckold. The modern cuckolds woman is also emotionally
faithful and loyal to her partner. So while she might enjoy sleeping
with another man with her partners knowledge, there is no risk
involved of the woman ever leaving her partner.
The forced cuckold
A forced cuckold is one whose cuckolding has been forced upon him by
his woman. A lot of people who are ignorant on the subject of
cuckolding mistake this type of cuckolding to be the norm. Most of the
literature available and most of the websites online mostly portray the
forced cuckold type.

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The characteristics of a forced cuckold are:

The forced cuckolds cuckolding is forced upon him by his
The woman either informs her man that she will be cuckolding
him or she deliberately lets her self get caught by her man in the
act of cuckolding him.
The woman is defiant and mocks her man about his cuckolding.
The forced cuckold is normally forced to watch his cuckolding.
The forced cuckold is normally forced into BDSM activities.
The forced cuckold normally agrees to continue with the lifestyle
for fear of loosing his woman.
The man may secretly love the fact that he is a forced cuckold
and the whole idea turns him on.
The forced cuckold has no say as to whom his woman chooses to
cuckold him with.
While the forced type of cuckold does exist it is rare for a woman to
treat her man in this manner. This type of cuckold is more of a fantasy
than a reality. Men with cuckold desires may at one time or the other
fantasize about being a forced cuckold but in reality would not want to
be one.
If you are someone with a strong desire to be a forced cuckold, then I
would suggest you first become a modern cuckold type. The traits of a
modern type of cuckold ensure that your woman will not leave you.
After that you can confess your fantasy and you can experience it as a
role play between you and your partner.
Before you go through the next chapter I suggest you mentally have
an idea as to which type of cuckold you are or would like to be. To be
completely honest with you the accepter type (under the original
cuckold type) and the modern cuckold type work the best for a cuckold
You learnt in the previous chapters the reasons behind your cuckold
desires. You also learnt that women are programmed to first find a
reliable partner and once they find such a partner and are sure that
the partner will not leave them their urges to mate with a variety of
men kicks in.
All women go through this cycle. Even women who are conditioned
from a young age about the sanctity of a relationship and the
commitment and loyalty that goes with a relationship will still have the
desire or fantasy to cheat with other men.

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By being a modern cuckold, you not only satisfy your need for
competition and your cuckold fantasies, but you are also satisfying
your womans core drives. Women who enter into a cuckold
relationship with a modern cuckold begin to have a new found respect
for their partner for being able to understand their psychological and
biological needs so well.
Chapter Review
Initially the classification of a cuckold was easy. Over the last
couple of decades there have sprung up different types of
There are three types of cuckolds: The original cuckold type, the
modern cuckold type and the forced cuckold type.
The original cuckold type is split into the non accepter type and
the accepter type of cuckold.
Any person interested in the cuckold lifestyle should try and
incorporate the traits of a modern cuckold type.
The forced cuckold type is not suitable for a real life cuckold
situation but can be experienced as a role play between cuckold

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Chapter 6
Misconceptions Of The Cuckold Lifestyle
While cuckoldry as a fetish has existed for centuries, men with this
fantasy have only been open about their desire to be cuckolded in the
last couple of decades. Because this lifestyle has come to the fore only
recently, most people and even most men with cuckold fantasies are
often confused about cuckoldry and what the lifestyle encompasses.
Added to this misunderstanding has been the role of various websites
that have sprung up. Barring a few good sites, most of these websites
only seek to fuel the fantasies of men who have a desire to be
cuckolded. This has resulted in a lot of misconceptions about the
cuckold lifestyle. While this chapter will help clear most of the
misconceptions you may have, its main purpose is to enable you to
clear the doubts that your woman may have when you confess to her
your desire to be a cuckold.
Men who want to be cuckolded suffer from a psychological
Many people who are unaware of the cuckold lifestyle and at times
even men with cuckold fantasies think that the desire to be cuckolded
is a result of a psychological disorder. There has not been any research
done on the subject as yet that proves that the desire to be cuckolded
is a psychological disorder. Like I mentioned earlier, I believe that a
particular gene is responsible for creating this desire and that the
cuckold lifestyle may have an evolutionary purpose. Most of the
cuckolds that I interviewed while writing this book, admitted to having
these fantasies much before they even knew that the word Cuckold
existed. This clearly shows that the desire is inbuilt.
Cuckolds are normally weak and sissy type of men.
This is one of the common misconceptions that people have about
cuckolds. Most of the literature available on cuckolds and the cuckold
lifestyle stereo type the cuckold as being emotionally weak and the
sissy type. This is definetely not true. In real life most men who seek
the cuckold lifestyle are exactly the opposite of what you would term
as weak and sissy. They are normally men with strong emotional
quotients and are highly successful at their chosen profession. There
are also many of them that are in prime physical condition. While a
wannabe cuckold may like to fantasize about being weak towards his
woman, in real life this is not always the case.
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You learnt earlier that the reason a man desires a cuckold lifestyle is
because he is subconsciously creating competition for himself. This
comes about due to the presence of killer sperm and a mans natural
instinct to compete for his woman. For whatever the reasons, many
men subconsciously choose to create competition instead of cheating
on their partners.
Nearly all the men that I know who are into the cuckold lifestyle are
men with strong emotional quotients. They may be a bit submissive to
their wives but are strong men in society. These men are also very
successful at their chosen fields or professions.
Cuckolds are homosexuals and bisexuals.
Another common misconception bought about by false literature is that
cuckolds are homosexuals and bisexuals. This is definitely not true in
majority of the cases. Most of the men I have interviewed and coached
have often questioned me whether their desire to be cuckolded is any
indication of them being homosexuals and bisexuals. While a few men
who are interested in this lifestyle definitely have bisexual tendencies,
majority of the men are straight with no inclination whatsoever
towards other men.
It has become a norm in cuckold videos to portray the man as a
bisexual. Like I said, a lot of stuff that goes around with relation to the
cuckold lifestyle is all smut and is designed to fuel the suppressed
desires of a wannabe cuckold.
Cuckolds are not well endowed.
A common misconception of the cuckold lifestyle is that the men who
want to be cuckolded are not well endowed. Many websites and a lot
of false literature on this topic are responsible for this misconception.
The desire to be cuckolded has nothing to do with whether a man is
well endowed or not. In fact some men who are cuckolded are better
endowed than the men their women will cuckold them with. While
there will be men who seek the cuckold lifestyle that are not well
endowed, it is important to understand that it is not because of this
fact that they seek the cuckold lifestyle. There are millions of men who
are not well endowed who do not have desires to be cuckolded. The
desire to be cuckolded has nothing to do with size.
Having said that, a lot of men who arent well endowed are relieved of
a lot of pressure to perform and satisfy their partners sexually, when

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they engage in the cuckold lifestyle. Again false literature has

conditioned men to believe that men who arent well endowed arent
able to satisfy their partners sexually. While this is not true, this
repeated and reinforced conditioning causes a lot of mental stress and
affects the performance of men.
Once a man enters into a cuckold relationship, he is relieved of the
pressure of being solely responsible for satisfying his wifes sexual
The women of men who want to be cuckolded are extremely
Most people are led to believe that men with cuckold fantasies are
average Joes who have extremely hot women as their partners. This is
definitely not true. In fact in some cases this is the other way around.
Some of the women are plain Janes while the men that want to be
cuckolded are extremely good looking and metro sexual. In most cases
the women are not super sexy bikini models the way people are led to
believe they are. In fact one of the most common reasons why women
get scared to enter a cuckold lifestyle is the fear that other men will
not find them sexually attractive.
When you do confess your desires of a cuckold relationship, your
woman may not explicitly admit it but this will be one of the reasons
that may cause her to fear the cuckold lifestyle. Most women fear that
they may not be as attractive as they once were. It is important to
address these fears in your woman.
Men use the cuckold lifestyle as a gateway to eventually sleep
with other women.
This is a common fear among women. It is a valid argument because
at first it may look like the man only wants to enter into a cuckold
lifestyle so as to be able to later sleep around with other women.
It is important to understand that if a woman is being asked by her
man to cuckold him then the man falls under the category of a modern
cuckold. Remember modern cuckolds remain sexually and emotionally
faithful to their women. Once the different types of cuckolds are
explained to the women I have seen that this misconception always
seizes to be a problem. If the man also wants to sleep with someone
else then the man is proposing a swinging lifestyle and not a cuckold

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A lot of diseases spread because of the cuckold lifestyle.

This is another fear rather than a misconception that women have
about indulging in the cuckold lifestyle. Like any other sexual
encounters, sufficient precaution should be taken to prevent disease
and pregnancy. Make sure you use your commonsense before
indulging in any activity that could spread disease. Do not blindly
follow the activities that are shown on cuckold websites unless youre
sure you know what you are doing. The cuckold lifestyle is extremely
safe if basic precautions are taken.
The cuckold lifestyle ruins relationships.
If the man is an original non acceptor cuckold or a forced cuckold then
in most cases a cuckold lifestyle will ruin the relationship. This is
because the man does not accept to his cuckolding. However in the
case of an original acceptor cuckold or a modern cuckold who has
initiated his own cuckolding then the cuckolding lifestyle only enhances
the relationship between the cuckold and his woman. If you follow the
techniques taught in this manual then there is absolutely zero risk of
the lifestyle ruining your relationship with your partner.
The cuckold lifestyle has to involve BDSM activities.
Many people believe that the cuckold lifestyle has to involve BDSM
activities. One of the main reasons for these believes is that the word
Sadomasochism or the SM part of BDSM comes from the name
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. In the introduction to cuckoldry chapter
you read how he was the first man to be recorded as having wanted to
being cuckolded. Other reasons include false literature available on
cuckoldry. While there are cuckolds who enjoy a bit of BDSM in their
cuckold lifestyle there are many cuckolds who do not enjoy any BDSM
activities. It all depends on the cuckold, the cuckoldress and their
comfort level.
If you are someone with a BDSM fetish then you can incorporate this
into your cuckold relationship. Remember even if you include BDSM
you should still maintain the traits of a modern cuckold type.
You have to be married to be a cuckold.
The dictionary definition of a cuckold requires the man to be married.
However in the real world there are many men and women who are
not married but still enjoy a cuckold relationship. Like I said in the

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introduction, if you have an adulteress girlfriend or initiate your

girlfriend to cheat on you then you too are classified as a cuckold.
It is important that you go over this chapter a couple of times before
you confess your desire of a cuckold lifestyle to your woman. You have
to be in a position to confidently clear any doubts and misconceptions
that she may have about the lifestyle.

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Chapter 7
Introduction To The Techniques
Before you learn the techniques that will make your woman willingly
want to cuckold you, there are a few things you need to know about
these techniques and why they work so well. This chapter will not take
long to read but once read it will give you a proper understanding of
what these techniques are about and what you are trying to achieve
by the application of these techniques. Once a firm understanding is
grasped, you will find yourself understanding and applying the
techniques both quickly and confidently.
Why should you use techniques to get your woman to cuckold
Most men who have a fantasy of being cuckolded often do not realize
that their women do not share these same fantasies. While a lot of
women will cheat on their men during a relationship, the idea of doing
so with their mens knowledge and consent seems taboo to them.
Women are taught as young girls to be faithful to their men.
Cuckolding their men seems anti relationship. It is important to
remember that in order to get your woman to willingly cuckold you;
you will have to mentally prepare her to be receptive to the idea. The
correct application of the techniques that you are about to learn
mentally prepares women to be receptive to the cuckold lifestyle.
Your woman has already refused to cuckold you. Will these
techniques still work?
Definitely! The reason why most women refuse to cuckold their men is
because the idea of a cuckold lifestyle was sprung as a surprise to
them. The men who did so had no idea that they had to mentally
prepare their women before confessing their desires.
Even if your woman has already said no, if the techniques are correctly
applied then the woman will become mentally receptive to the idea of
a cuckold lifestyle and will willingly agree to enter the cuckold lifestyle
when asked again.

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Why do these techniques work if women are conditioned to be

Women are taught when they are young to be faithful to their men.
They are socially programmed and conditioned to be sexually and
emotionally faithful to one man. However scientific research reveals
another story all together. You know that women are biologically
programmed to mate with many men. It is an evolutionary trait that
helps women to seek the best genes. These techniques appeal to the
biological side of women.
The techniques help women subconsciously realize that through a
cuckold lifestyle they will be able to satisfy their sexual urges that they
are biologically programmed with, while at the same time still have a
man that is faithful and loyal to them.
What is attraction and why is it so important with regards to
the techniques?
Women are always attracted to strong confident men. Men who
women are strongly attracted to are perceived as being sexy and
having good genes. It is very difficult if not impossible to get women
to cuckold men who they are attracted to. In order to get your woman
to indulge in the cuckold lifestyle you will have to first reduce a lot of
the attraction she has towards you. However just reducing her
attraction towards you can be harmful for the relationship in the long
run. To guard against this you have to increase the amount of love and
affection feelings that she has towards you.
Each technique in this book helps to slowly reduce your partners
attraction towards you but at the same time amplifies love and
affection so that your woman remains emotionally faithful and loyal to
What do these techniques seek to achieve?
The ultimate goal of these techniques is to get your woman to willingly
want to cuckold you. This goal is achieved by mentally preparing her
to be receptive to the idea of a cuckold lifestyle. The techniques if
applied correctly will help your woman realize that she can cuckold you
with out the fear of loosing you. The techniques taught are also
designed to keep her emotionally faithful and loyal to you.
Many men feel that using psychological techniques to get your woman

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to cuckold you is wrong. These men feel that psychology based

techniques are wrong. They feel that such an approach is underhand,
sneaky and just down right unethical.
These men often advocate that if someone has cuckold desires then he
should just confess these desires to his woman and if she really loves
him she will agree to a cuckold relationship.
Their school of thought is flawed on many levels.
For starters, the truth is that none of the techniques that I am about
to teach you are anything close to underhand, sneaky or unethical. If
you have read the book from the beginning, you will be better able to
understand the techniques and what they are trying to achieve.
The techniques are designed to help your woman realize her core
drives. They increase her affection and love feelings towards you and
make you seem super dependable and reliable in her eyes. This gives
her biological urges a chance to crop up and when the other
techniques are used it makes her very receptive and very eager for a
cuckold lifestyle.
Confessing a cuckold desire out of the blue like many men on various
forums advocate will not only result in your woman saying a flat no but
can also cause damage to your relationship. You will be frustrated that
your desires are not being met and she will feel hurt that you are
pushing her towards such a lifestyle.
Another major flaw in the advice rendered by such men is that if your
woman loves you she will agree to the lifestyle. Let me tell you that
nothing can be further from the truth. If you go up to your woman and
ask her to cuckold you, her saying no to you does not mean she
doesnt love you. I know this seems like a funny scenario but I have
actually seen people dole out this kind of advice.
The safest way to get your woman to cuckold you with out any
repercussions is to use the techniques first and then confess your

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Meet Jack and Jane

Jack and Jane are a couple from New York. Like so many men Jack too
has a cuckold desires and yearns to see Jane with other men. They are
both going to play a big part from now on. I am going to use Jack and
Jane to showcase how each technique should be used in a real life
scenario. I felt that just teaching the techniques without giving you a
live example of how they should be implemented would be wrong on
my part and might prove difficult for you to fully comprehend and
Jack Smith;
Location: New York
Occupation: Investment Consultant
Age: 47
Jack is a normal type of guy. He works hard for his living and he is
doting and caring towards his wife. For the last two years, Jack has
had a fantasy to see his wife Jane sleep with other men. After buying
the cuckold coach manual he now knows the reason for his desires and
he no longer feels guilty about them. He has decided to implement the
techniques taught in the manual.
Jane Smith;
Location: New York
Occupation: Housewife
Age: 39
Jane is a housewife. She takes good care of herself and is in great
shape for 39. She is traditional in her outlook and is socially
conditioned to be faithful and loyal to her man. She does have
fantasies about other men but she feels guilty about these fantasies.
Lisa Raymond is going to follow Jane right through the techniques and
explain to you from a womans perspective how Jane is subconsciously
reacting to the techniques that are being discretely applied on her.

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Chapter 8
Personality Types
Women will subconsciously classify men into one of three personality
types. They are the Lover personality, The Provider personality and the
Looser Chic. Women will classify you into one of these personality
types irrespective of your looks or your social and economic standing.
Each of these personality types affects your chances of getting your
woman to cuckold you in a different way. Given below is a description
of each personality type and an explanation on how each personality
type will affect a cuckold relationship. Later on in this chapter you will
learn how to mould your personality in the eyes of your woman into
the personality type that is most conducive to be cuckolded.
The Lover personality
Men who fall under this category are generally fun to be around with.
They are mostly guys who love adventure, are spontaneous and most
of them can be socially classified as bad boys. These men arouse
strong sexual feelings in women. Women love to sleep with guys who
fall under this category. Most men who seek a cuckold relationship do
not fall under the Lover personality but there are exceptions.
It is very difficult to get your woman to cuckold you if you are a lover
personality because you are strongly triggering feelings of sexual
attraction. If you fall under this category you will have to change your
personality type (only in the eyes of your woman) to one that is
conducive to be cuckolded. Dont worry as it is easy to do so and in
the following pages you will learn how to change your personality type
in the eyes of your woman in no time at all.
The Provider personality
Men who fall under this category are normally men who provide a
security blanket to women. The men need not be very rich and most of
them are normal guys who draw fixed monthly incomes. Women will
secretly admit to finding such type of men boring as they lack a sense
of adventure and are not spontaneous.
Women will remain with such type of men because they are extremely
loyal and caring in a relationship. Men under this type are normally
regular type of men. They do not trigger strong sexual feelings in their
woman but rather trigger strong feelings of affection. Most men who
seek a cuckold lifestyle already fall under this category. This
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personality type works best for a cuckold relationship.

If you do not fall under this category do not worry as all you have to
do is incorporate the traits of this personality type in your dealings
with your woman. We will discuss this personality type in detail on the
next page because this is the personality type that you must
incorporate if you want to have a satisfying cuckold relationship.
Looser Chic
These are men who can neither trigger sexual attraction or feelings of
security or feelings of affection. They are not the spontaneous
adventurous bad boys nor are they able to provide a security blanket
to women. This personality type is the most risky for a cuckold
relationship because while the woman may be extremely receptive to
the idea, there is a huge risk that she may eventually leave the looser
chic for someone else.
If you fall under this category and want to enter the cuckold lifestyle it
is much safer to incorporate the traits of the provider personality. As I
said earlier, the traits of a provider personality can be easily learned
and are easy to be incorporated in your dealings with your woman.
Most men under this category do not normally have a desire to be
cuckolded as they are always afraid of loosing their women. Very few
men fall under this category. Normally most men are able to trigger
affection feelings in their women.
Why the provider personality type works best for a cuckold
The provider type of personality is most conducive for a cuckold
relationship for a variety of reasons.
Unlike the lover personality the provider personality does not
trigger strong sexual attraction in the woman so the woman is
generally receptive to the idea of a cuckold lifestyle because it
gives her an opportunity to satisfy her sexual urges.
Women who are in a relationship with provider personality men
genuinely love their men at a conscious and subconscious level
for the security they provide. When these women indulge in a
cuckold lifestyle they remain emotionally faithful and loyal to
their men. Also unless the man turns in to a looser chic

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personality the chances of the woman leaving the man are zero.
Most women who are in a relationship with men of the provider
personality type are secretly bored and would love some
spontaneity and adventure. Such women are more receptive to a
cuckold lifestyle because such a lifestyle provides them with a
sense of adventure and spontaneity.
Women who are in relationships with provider personalities
already tend to use sex to their advantage to get what they want
from their men. Such manipulation by women towards their men
creates an environment that is conducive for a cuckold
Most women who are in a relationship with men of the provider
personality type are already in control of the relationship. So the
idea of a man having a fantasy where the woman is in control
does not come as a big surprise for them.
As seen the advantages of having the traits of a provider type of
personality before confessing your desires of a cuckold lifestyle to your
woman are enormous. It can be the difference between your woman
accepting to go ahead with the cuckold lifestyle or not. As I said
earlier, most men who seek a cuckold lifestyle are already of the
provider personality type. However if you belong to another
personality type then I realize that you may be a bit apprehensive of
changing your personality type but the good news is you do not have
to. All you have to do is learn the traits of the provider personality
type and incorporate them in your dealings with your woman.
Once your woman sees these traits in you she will subconsciously start
to classify you as a provider personality. It does not matter under
what category other women place you in as long as the woman you
want to cuckold you classifies you as a provider personality.
How to get your woman to classify you as a provider
Most of the men who I coach are under the misconception that to be
classified as a provider personality you have to be extremely well
settled and be able to provide a rich and flamboyant lifestyle to a
woman. This is definitely not true. Yes, rich guys are classified in most
womens minds as provider personalities but the fact is that most men
that women will subconsciously classify as provider personalities are

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just normal regular men who can provide women with some level of
Given below is a list of techniques that if done correctly will get you to
be classified as a provider personality. They are easy and you can
begin incorporating them in your dealings with your woman as soon as
you are done reading them.
Be a nice regular type of guy.
One of the most important things that you can do to be classified
as a provider personality is to start behaving like a regular nice
guy. Remember the old clich that nice guys finish last. Well
guess what? If your goal is to get your woman to cuckold you
then being a regular nice guy will actually work wonders for you.
The reason being that women have a strong sense of emotional
loyalty to nice regular men however at the same time nice men
do not arouse them sexually.
So when a nice guy tells his woman about the cuckold lifestyle
the woman may appear a bit surprised at first but you can bet
she is secretly happy about the whole idea and that it arouses
her. It gives her an opportunity to be emotionally faithful and
loyal to her man and yet lead a sexually satisfying life without
feeling guilty of cheating on her man.
Stop being spontaneous.
This means stop all the surprise flowers, surprise gifts and all the
other spontaneous stuff that you might normally do.
Spontaneous behavior is a strong trait of a lover personality.
Spontaneous behavior creates sexual attraction and if you are
creating sexual attraction then your chances of your woman
agreeing to cuckold you are minimal. Your aim is to stop creating
sexual attraction but rather create feelings of emotional loyalty
and faithfulness. Once your woman has cuckolded you then you
can go back to being spontaneous.
Start being stable.
That means both financially and emotionally. Even if you do not
have a job you can still appear stable by genuinely searching for
one and focusing on your goals. Being stable or appearing to be
stable is very important for a cuckold lifestyle because it keeps

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you from being classified as a looser chic. Remember if you are

classified as a looser chic personality the woman will almost
certainly agree to the cuckold lifestyle but you run the risk of her
leaving you for someone else.
Give into her demands.
Women will always be demanding towards men. It is a way for
them to test you to help them figure out how strong your
emotional quotient is. If you pass these tests you maintain
control over the relationship and create strong sexual attraction.
As I have said before creating attraction is not a good thing
when you want your woman to cuckold you. Giving into her
demands gives her control over the relationship. Normally when
women are in control over the relationship they do not feel
strong sexual attraction towards their partner and they then
become very receptive to the idea of a cuckold relationship.
Pick up fights and apologize.
You are about to learn a powerful yet simple technique to get
yourself classified as a provider personality type and at the same
time get your woman to realize that she is in control of the
relationship. The next time your woman does something wrong,
pick up a minor argument about it. Women never like to admit
that they are wrong. She will try to defend herself and it is at
this junction of the argument that you see her point of view and
agree that she is right and apologize for being wrong. Use
submissive body language that you will learn later on in this
book and explain to her how you understand her point of view. It
does not matter how silly her argument is. Just apologize and
tell her that she is right. This instantly lets her know that she is
in control of the relationship and she will mentally classify you as
a provider type of personality. You can either make the apology
during the argument itself or wait for a little while after the
argument and then apologize.
Be loyal and caring.
Most women who subconsciously classify their men as provider
personalities do so because their men appear to be loyal and
caring. Most men who want to be cuckolded are already loyal
and care a lot about their women. Reinforcing this fact helps a
great deal. Make sure you often tell your woman that you are

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lucky to be with her, how you will never leave her and how you
will always be faithful to her. You need to start showing her that
you care. Small deeds and actions can let her know you care in a
big way. Being loyal and caring is important as it helps keep
your woman emotionally loyal and faithful towards you and this
is important in a cuckold relationship.
Trigger feelings of security and stability.
A provider personality triggers feelings of security and stability in
a woman. Most men feel that in order to do this you have to be
rich. This is not the case. One great way to trigger these feelings
in your woman is to pick up the tab every time youll go out.
Youll do not have to go anywhere fancy or the bill does not have
to be a big one. It can be for a movie or a shake and the bill can
be just a few dollars but it is important that you get the tab
every time from now on even if youll have a policy of going
Let her know your lucky.
Nothing tells a woman she is in control of the relationship more
than the guy telling her often how lucky he is to be with her.
While this seems like a nice gesture, it does wonders to reduce
sexual attraction which is good for a cuckold relationship. At the
same time it amplifies her sense of loyalty and faithfulness to
you. Personally I would recommend telling your woman how
lucky you feel to be with her at least once in three to five days.
Use the challenge technique.
The challenge technique is a neat and fun game to play with
your woman. Its role in successfully getting your woman to
cuckold you is so vital that I have devoted a whole chapter to it.
It is easy, lots of fun and it gives you an opportunity to get a
glimpse of what the cuckold lifestyle with your woman will be
like. Make sure you read the chapter on the challenge technique
carefully. Once you put it into use it will not only reinforce to
your woman that you are a provider personality but it will give
her more control of the relationship. You will find that after using
the challenge technique your woman will instantly become more
dominant towards you which helps when your goal is to have a
cuckold relationship.

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Submissive Body Language.

Apart from demanding behavior and tests, women read mens
body language at a subconscious level to determine how strong
their emotional quotients are. Strong positive body language
helps in creating strong sexual attraction which as I have already
said is not going to get her to cuckold you. In the chapter on
body language you will learn about submissive body language. It
does not matter if your body language towards others is strong
and positive. If your body language towards your woman is
submissive, she will classify you as a provider personality.
The above techniques if used correctly will definitely get your woman
to subconsciously classify you as a provider personality.
However do exercise caution in using the above techniques. Do not get
up one morning and apply all the techniques at once. Your woman will
realize something is cooking and it will backfire on you. Instead apply
each technique slowly, one by one until you are at a stage where you
are applying all the techniques in tandem.
Lisa Raymond:
Personality in men is a big issue when it comes to women. Unlike men
we are not attracted by looks but rather personality. The two
personalities that really catch a womans eye in general are the lover
personality and the provider personality.
While lover personalities do get our attention, we dont normally fall
for them because we instinctively know that they are not dependable.
However a lot of women fantasize about lover personalities and in a
cuckold relationship would love to sleep with lover personality type of
Women love men who exhibit signs of a provider personality because
we instinctively know that these men are reliable and are ready to
spoil and fuss over us. Women love this.
Before we entered the cuckold lifestyle, I would say Kole was a mix
between a lover and a provider personality. He had this lover
personality streak at one time and a provider personality streak during
other times.

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When he started being a total provider personality I didnt realize it at

first and I guess it is a good thing because you dont want us women
to realize whats going on. I did eventually realize the loss of
spontaneity but because he was sending all the other signs of a
provider personality type I had this warm glow towards him and felt a
stronger bonding. I feel the bonding that this personality type provides
makes it a really important technique to employ when youre goal is to
get your woman to willingly agree to a cuckold lifestyle.
For me the technique where Kole would pick up small arguments with
me over something that was clearly my fault and then later apologize
really drove the point home that he was a dependable guy and one
who wouldnt leave me. At that time I felt I was in control, I had no
idea it was actually a technique being used on me. All I can say is that
when this technique was applied on me it worked very well!!
Hi Kole,
I bought your book two weeks ago and yesterday I
tried one of your techniques. I picked up a fight
with my partner over something trivial and
something which I new was her fault. Like you said
she argued that it was not her fault. I think I took
her by surprise when I apologized to her but I
could see that she was really happy about it. She
gave me a big hug and I knew right then that I had
come across as a provider personality. Your stuff
really works.
Jose Fernandez

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Jack picks up a fight with Jane

Jack has been studying the techniques in the cuckold manual for about
three weeks now. He already tells his wife how lucky he is to have her
and is very loyal and caring towards her. He now feels ready to try
another technique on her.
He decides that as his next move he is going to pick up a fight with her
whenever she messes up so that he can apologize to her later. This
week seems like a good time to try this technique. Things are going
well between them and Jane has been in a really good mood of late.
Monday and Tuesday passes by without any real opportunity for Jack
to pick up a fight with Jane. Jack understands that you have to be
patient and wait for the right moment to pick up this fight. This is the
key to this technique. Instead of picking up a fight over the most
trivial issue, wait for an incident where a fight seems natural.
Remember women are very intuitive. You dont want her to guess
something is cooking.
The next day Jack comes home and realizes that Jane has forgotten to
pick up a couple of his suits from the drycleaners. The drycleaners are
right next to her gym and she was supposed to pick them up on her
way back home. A couple of times in the past, Jane has forgotten to
pick up Jacks suits and the couple has argued over this issue. Jane
normally states that she forgot about it and that since Jack has plenty
of suits to wear to the workplace it shouldnt be a big deal. Jack always
argues that he likes to wear particular suits on particular days.
Jack has picked up a good incident to argue over. He knows that Jane
always argues back when it comes to her forgetting to pick up the
suits and he is targeting an incident that isnt attacking Jane
Jack: Hey babe, I am meeting with a client over lunch tomorrow and I
cant choose between the grey suit and the navy blue suit. (Both these
suits are at the cleaners) Which one do you think I should wear?
Jane: Instantly realizes that she has forgotten to pick up the suits
from the dry cleaners. Hey babe, I really think that you should wear a
black one. Both the other suits look better at night. (Notice how Jane
suggested the black suit? Women will always subconsciously create a
situation where they believe that their mistake isnt going to cause any

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Jack: No I still prefer the grey one. I think its just nice to wear when
meeting a client. Besides I consider it to be lucky for me.
Jane: Already jumpy cause he turned down her suggestion on the black suit. Hey babe, the
suits are still at the cleaners, I was supposed to pick them up today
but I was so tired after my work out that I drove straight home. I
guess you will just have to wear the black one.
Jack: What do you mean you forgot? You always forget to pick up the
suits from the cleaners. The place is right next to your gym. I got to
meet with a client tomorrow and I dont have my lucky suit.
Jane: Youre being really irrational about this. What do you mean by a
lucky suit? Its just another suit. You have plenty of suits. You always
behave like this. I told you I was really tired after my work out.
Jack and Jane argue over this for another five minutes and Jack walks
out of the room. Jack goes into another room quite happy with how
the argument played out. The argument was natural and Jane was
trying to defend her self. He waits for around 10 minutes and he goes
back to Jane. The key is to not wait too long before tendering the
Jack: Hey Babe, You know what? You were right. I was acting a bit
irrational. I am really sorry for loosing my cool. I guess I have been a
little stressed out at work lately and I took it out on you. Besides your
right, the black suit makes for a better lunch meeting any day.
Jane: Hey love, dont worry about it. I am glad you saw my point of
view. By the way I will pick up the suits from the cleaners tomorrow
for sure.
Jack pulled of this technique really well. Jack pulled off the technique
well because of the following reasons:
He picked up the argument over a seemingly trivial issue. The
argument wasnt personal.
He picked up the argument over an issue he knew Jane would
try and defend herself.
He made sure that the couple only argued and that the fight
wasnt a full blown one. This made it easier to apologize later
and for Jane to readily accept the apology.
He waited just for around 10 minutes before going back and
making an apology. He didnt delay in tendering the apology.

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Lisa Raymond:
When Jack first bought up the topic of the suits, Jane would have
instantly realized that she forgot to pick up the suits from the cleaners.
Since this was an issue the couple has argued upon in the past, she
was already conditioned to get defensive and argue on this topic.
Even though Jane knew that she was in the wrong, she still argued
and put her rationale across.
When Jack came back and apologized to her, it probably did surprise
her. I can tell you as a lady that the apology did a couple of things for
Jane. First it secretly made her very happy that Jack apologized for
something that she messed up. It tells her that even if she messes up
a couple of times that Jack will still be there and be understanding
about the whole situation. At this point Jack is coming across as a
dependable and a reliable mate.
The second thing that happens is that she starts to feel strong feelings
of affection and love towards Jack. This is because Jack has come
across as dependable and reliable.
Kole Raymond:
As you can see the above technique isnt very hard to apply. One thing
to remember is that you dont want to over use this technique. You
shouldnt use this every day or your woman will guess that something
is cooking. You can also use this technique in a scenario where your
woman picks up an argument with you and that you are sure that you
are in the right.
I havent given examples of the other techniques in this chapter
because they will either follow in the proceeding chapters or their
application is very simple and I felt that there was no need to explain
theses techniques in detail.

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Chapter 9
The Challenge Technique
Whenever a woman is in a relationship she will always try to challenge
her man. Some people refer to these challenges as tests. These
challenges or tests like most other womens behavior happen at a
subconscious level. Women will challenge their men to see how strong
their men are and how strong their mens emotional quotients are. It
is widely believed that good genes in men are directly linked to strong
emotional quotients. So when a woman challenges you she is basically
doing so at a subconscious level to figure out how good your genes
It is important for women to figure this out because women have a
limited time span in which they can reproduce. Challenging men helps
them pick out good mating material or in other words men with good
genes. In this chapter you are going to learn how womens challenges
actually work in favor of men who want to be cuckolded and how to
use the powerful challenge technique to get your woman to willingly
agree to cuckold you.
How do women challenge men?
There is no fixed pattern or way as to how women challenge men but
they do it all the time. It might range from showing up late on dates,
purposely forgetting to do things, making you jealous or even small
minor thing that you may hardly notice. Most of the time men do not
even realize that they are being challenged. Sometimes women do not
realize it themselves because this is all happening at a subconscious
level. Another thing to remember is that women never stop
challenging men. I honestly do not know why this happens but they
just do not stop. You can win their challenges a hundred times but
they will just keep challenging you. If you are seeking to be cuckolded
then this behavior is actually an advantage for you.
What happens when your woman challenges you?
Every time your woman challenges you one of two things will happen.
You will either appear as emotionally strong in her mind or you will
appear as emotionally weak in her mind. There is no in between. If she
challenges you she is not going to mentally classify you as 80%
emotionally strong and 20% emotionally weak. You are going to be
classified either as being emotionally strong or emotionally weak.
Never forget this point.
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So every time your woman challenges you and you win that challenge
she feels that you have an emotionally strong quotient which then
makes her feel your genes are good and which then leads to strong
sexual attraction. As you already know when a woman feels strong
sexual attraction towards you the chances of her cuckolding you are
absolutely minimal. However every time you are challenged by your
woman and you loose that challenge it leads her to classify you as
having a weak emotional quotient which in turn leads her to think that
you do not have the best genes and thereby reduces sexual attraction.
At this point of time you are probably thinking that all it should take to
kill sexual attraction and get your woman to cuckold you is to start
loosing her challenges. This is not the case for a variety of reasons.
Most of the time it is very difficult to tell when your woman is
challenging you. Woman do it so subtly that most men hardly
realize that they are being challenged. If you do not realize you
are being challenged then it is difficult to purposely loose her
In my research and my interaction with all my students, I have
found that most men who want to be cuckolded have extremely
high emotional quotients. So whenever your woman challenges
you and you do not realize you are being challenged, chances
are extremely high that you are going to win her challenge and
thereby create strong sexual attraction.
Sometimes you might realize that you are being challenged but
because you have a strong emotional quotient you may find it
extremely difficult to give into her challenges.
So how do you use challenges to help with your desire for a cuckold
relationship? I am about to teach you one of the most powerful
techniques that you can use to get your woman to cuckold you. You
can mess up with all the other techniques that I teach you but if you
do this one right you can still get her to willingly agree to cuckold you.
The best part about it is that it is so much fun and it actually gives you
a glimpse of what your woman is going to be like when she cuckolds
you. You will find her automatically becoming more dominant and
assuming more control in the relationship.

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The Challenge Technique

The Challenge Technique is a method where you actually dare your
woman to accept a challenge with you and then use that challenge to
create an environment that is absolutely conducive to her cuckolding
you. This technique is very simple and very easy to apply. Irrespective
of how simple this technique is make sure that you follow the exact
steps to get good results.
You know that women are always challenging men. So when they are
actually presented with a challenge that they think they can win and
one that will help them figure out their mens emotional quotient they
willingly jump at the opportunity. Remember to read through all the
steps properly before challenging her and to pick a day when your
woman is in a relatively good mood before you challenge her.
Pick a day when your woman is in a good mood. Cuddle up with
her and spend some quality time talking to her. Make sure you
spend at least an hour with her alone before you dare her to the
Make sure the topic of the conversation is fun and casual. This is
particularly important because it sets the mood for you to dare
her to the challenge. It is at this point that you use the
technique. Basically what you got to do is challenge her that she
can not get you to sleep with her within an hours time. All
women secretly like to think that their men can not keep their
hands off them so do not be surprised at how readily she will
accept your challenge.
It is important that you give her an incentive into accepting the
challenge. Tell her the looser of the challenge has to treat the
winner to dinner and buy the winner a gift. Normally this is
enough incentive for a woman. Just to be clear, if you sleep with
her in an hours time then you are the looser and she is the
When the dare takes place, make sure you pretend to put up a
fight but loose the dare in less than fifteen minutes. You got to
loose in less than fifteen minutes for the technique to be
successful. It does not matter if you can hold out. Holding out is
not the purpose of the technique. You can carry on making love
to her but when you are done admit to her how difficult it was to
resist her even for fifteen minutes.

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You will notice that she is extremely happy that she has won the
challenge and will go on gloating about it for the next few days.
Treat her to dinner and buy her the gift you promised. Choose
your gift properly. You want to gift her something that will
remind her that you lost the challenge.
Once you are done with the challenge and given her the treat
and the gift you can bet that you would have reduced the
amount of sexual attraction feelings that she may have had for
you. She will now start to mentally classify you as a provider
personality and subconsciously believe that you have a low
emotional quotient. All this is good when you want your woman
to cuckold you.
How the challenge technique helps in your cuckolding
While the technique is very easy to execute I have come across people
who struggle to understand why the technique works so well. I often
get emails from people asking me to explain the technique to them.
The technique basically gets three things done simultaneously.
0. It greatly reduces sexual attraction.
It gets your woman to mentally classify you as a provider
It gets your woman to subconsciously believe that you have a
low emotional quotient.
It increases her affection towards you because she beliefs that
you are a reliable personality.
By her winning the challenge so easily she believes that you lost her
challenge big time. That in her head means that you have a weak
emotional quotient and she the subconsciously thinks that you do not
have good genes. Women are biologically programmed to seek out
men with good genes. So if your woman does not consider you as
having good genes you can bet that she is secretly fantasizing about
other men who she perceives to be good mating material.
Once you loose the challenge and keep your word by treating her and
giving her the gift you promised, you prove to her that you are of the
provider personality type. This helps in keeping her both emotionally
loyal and emotionally faithful towards you.

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Why you have to use the Challenge Technique more than

Sometimes you may feel the need to use this technique more than
once. I personally encourage and recommend it as it will reinforce the
notion that you are a provider personality in her head. The important
thing is to not have the challenge immediately but to space it out over
eight to ten days.
Just telling your woman that you want to have the challenge again
may not appeal to her as she has already won the challenge the first
time. One great way to get her to go along with the challenge a
second time is to tell her that last time she took you completely by
surprise with her seduction moves and that you were not expecting
her to be so seductive. Tell her you have come up with some counter
strategies and that you are so sure that you will win this time round
that you are even prepared to raise the stakes.
Give her a better incentive than the previous challenge. This will
definitely get her to agree to have the challenge a second time. This
time follow the same routine but you can give in after a little more
time. Giving in around half an hour on the second challenge is a good
idea. Do not forget to implement the earlier steps taught to you on the
Challenge Technique before challenging her the second time.
Once you loose a second time you will end up frustrating her sexually
along with reinforcing the other notions that she has formed about you
in her head. If you have used the technique properly you can be sure
that your woman will be more than willing to cuckold you when you
confess your cuckold desires to her.
Most people often email back saying that their woman did not seem
sexually frustrated after winning the challenge. The truth is that she
really does feel frustrated even if she does not show it.
This technique yields the desired results when it used after you have
established yourself as a provider personality. This is why this
technique is taught after the personality types. It is important for your
woman to have already classified you as a provider personality type in
her head in order for this technique to have the desired effect.

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Jack uses the Challenge Technique on Jane

After Jack picked up the fight with Jane over which suit to wear, he
spent the next couple of weeks reinforcing the fact that he was a
provider personality. He implemented all the tips given in the previous
chapter and he was really happy with his progress. He could tell that
Jane was being really affectionate towards him but at the same time
he could tell that the provider personality was making her yearn for
some excitement.
After a few more days he decided that the time was right for the
Challenge technique. He waited for a couple of days and on a day he
could tell she was particularly in a good mood he decided to implement
the technique while they were laying about in bed.
Jack makes sure that he spends time talking to her and cuddling with
her and makes sure the mood is playful. He intently listens to her and
carefully controls the conversation. He is careful not to allow the
conversation to drift into anything too serious. After about an hour he
decides to put the challenge technique to use.
Jack: Hey Babe, the other day I was thinking about us and I am really
happy with what we got going.
Jane: Thats so sweet. I am glad with what we got going as well.
Jack: Leans in and gives her a quick kiss. In a playful tone adds: You
sought of compliment me really well. He flashes a naughty smile.
Jane: Sought of???
Jack: Laughs. I am just teasing you. You know you compliment me
completely. I dont have to tell you that. I think I am really lucky to be
with you. Youre smart, youre hot and you really understand me.
Jane: Very true. She laughs at her statement. No but seriously I think
we are great together especially after all these years.
Jack: I totally agree. Time has definitely made us grow closer. Though
I guess a couple of things have changed.
Jane: Like what??
Jack: In a playful tone. Nah, I dont think I should tell you this. (Jack

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has given her a hook, women cant resist this)

Jane: You got to tell me. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase!!
Jack: okay fine. In a playful and teasing voice - You see when we first
started dating I just couldnt keep my hands off you. Over the years, I
have developed great self control. I bet I can now resist any of your
advances. Well at least I think I can.
Jane: Is that so? Who are you fooling? You know you cant resist me.
Jack: Well I bet I can. Tell you what. Lets have a game to prove it. I
am so sure that I will win that I am ready to buy you a new dress if
you win.
Jane: Whats the bet?
Jack: Well lets see, Pretends to think up a bet on the spur of the
moment. Well okay. If you can get me to sleep with you in an hours
time then you win. If not then I win.
Jane: Sure thing, Why not? Just dont say I didnt warn you when I
Jack: I know youre really going to gloat if you win. Laughs (he is
conditioning to gloat about her feat once she wins.)
Jane: You bet. Youre the one who thinks he has great resisting
powers. She laughs at her statement again.
Jack: Some ground rules first. You got to give me a fair chance to win.
You cant be unfair.
Jane: No ways. I can do anything I want.
Jack: okay fine. Lets begin.
They begin the bet and Jane starts to try and seduce Jack into sleeping
with her. After 15 minutes Jack states that he cant resist her anymore
and that he has to have her and thus looses the bet.
Jane seems really happy with the fact that she has won and cant stop
gloating about it. She taunts Jack about her victory over him. Jack is
happy that the bet went so well. He is also pleasantly surprised to see

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her verbally taunting him about her victory. Jack loves to fantasize of
Jane verbally taunting him and he is happy to experience this side of
her first hand. He is really happy with all the progress he is making.
Jack is good to his word and the very next day he goes out and picks
Jane the dress he promised her. The dress plays an important part as
every time she sees the dress she will subconsciously remember the
game that she and Jack played.
While Jack and Jane may be two fictitious characters used to help you
understand how the techniques should be applied, the details of the
example are very real. You see roughly about ten years ago, When I
first used the Challenge Technique on my girlfriend Lisa, this was the
very conversation that I had with her to coax her into the game. I still
remember that day vividly because that was the day that I first
realized that Lisa indeed had it in her to verbally tease.
Now lets move on to what is happening with Jack and Jane.
Lisa Raymond:
Before Jack proposed the bet; Jane was feeling very affectionate
towards Jack. She really liked the compliments that Jack was throwing
her way. Since Jacks tone was playful throughout, he was able to
easily convince her into having the bet.
Like you have already learnt, women cannot resist challenges. It is an
opportunity for us to test men. We dont instinctively know why we
test men but we do sometimes realize that we are doing it. A direct
bet from Jack and that to one that involved an incentive would have
been too difficult for Jane to pass up. Also women also love to believe
that men arent able to resist our advances. I guess this belief has
come about due to the way we are conditioned by the media since a
very young age.
When Jane wins the bet she does feel a level of satisfaction and gloats
about her victory but what confuses her is that on the inside she feels
frustrated with the fact that she won so easily. It is as if Jane was
secretly hoping that Jack would have been able to resist her for an
hour. Even though Jack and she did sleep together when he caved in
you can bet that she was frustrated.
Following her victory, Jane would find her self finding a lot of other
men sexually attractive. This is pretty much what happened to me

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when Kole used the technique on me. As soon as I won I was gloating
on the outside but the fact that I had won frustrated me a little bit and
made me loose quite a bit of my sexual attraction towards Kole.
However the fact that Kole kept up to his side of the bargain and got
me the dress the next day made me subconsciously classify him as a
provider personality. So even though I had lost a bit of sexual
attraction towards him, I felt very affectionate and loyal towards him.
Kole Raymond: The reason why this technique worked so well in
Jacks case is that he followed the guidelines laid out in the manual
really well.
He made sure he picked up a day when Jane was in a good mood.
Remember her mood plays a big part on how the situation will pan
He made sure not to rush the techniques. He listened to her for an
hour. Made sure the conversation was fun and steered it away from
anything serious.
He made sure his tone was playful throughout.
If you follow the guidelines properly I can assure you that a woman
will just not be able to refuse the bet. This has to do with the way
nature programmed her. Women use these tests to check the
emotional quotients of the men they are with.
Seduction experts also use this knowledge but for a whole different
purpose. They know that women test men in order to check their
personalities and emotional quotients. They also know that testing
men comes naturally to women. What they do is create situations
where women will challenge and test them. Then they make sure they
win these tests and challenges. This makes women subconsciously
believe they have good genes and thus the women find these men
sexually attractive.
The reason I have bought up seduction techniques is to bring to your
notice how strong this instinct in women is and how you can use it to
get a woman either sexually attracted towards you or to reduce her
sexual attraction towards you.
There are literally hundreds of seduction experts out there operating in
a multimillion dollar industry all teaching more or less the same thing
in different words.
If youre a wannabe cuckold, then challenging your woman and then

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loosing the challenge does wonders to kill parts of her sexual

attraction towards you. When used along with the traits of a provider
personality it will get your woman to feel high levels of commitment
and loyalty towards you but still find her self unexplainably sexually
attracted to other men. By this stage your woman should be already
fantasying of sleeping with other men. Once you successfully apply the
technique a second time you can be quite confident that you are very
close to getting your woman to cuckold you.
A lot of men write in that they feel that the dialogue between Jack and
Jane may not work in their case. My answer to them is that the
dialogue between Jack and Jane is an example and the dialogue isnt
supposed to be copied into your dialogue with your woman while
challenging her. It is important to remember that all relationships are
different. No one knows your woman better than you do, so you
yourself will have to figure out how to go about the conversation for
the challenge technique.
It does help if you can visualize the scenario and what you plan to say
before hand rather that trying to come up with impromptu.

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Chapter 10
Submissive Body Language
Submissive body language is a great way to let your woman know that
you would like her to take control of the relationship with out actually
having to express it to her in words. Women unlike men instinctively
pick up on body language cues and translate them to their correct
meaning. When submissive body language is used for a while before
confessing your desire to be a cuckold it has the effect of mentally
preparing your woman to be receptive to the idea of a cuckold
Submissive body language has the effect of reducing the attraction
feelings which as I have said before is very important if you want your
woman to willingly agree to cuckold you. Most men who desire the
cuckold lifestyle are normally strong personalities with strong positive
body language. They are often apprehensive about using submissive
body language. However you do not have to change your positive body
language into one that is submissive. You just have to fake it when
dealing with your woman.
It does not matter if your body language towards others even in her
presence is strong and positive as long as your body language towards
her is weak and submissive. Also once you have got your woman to
cuckold you there is no need to continue to use submissive body
language if you are not comfortable with it. However in my experience
I have noticed that most men will however continue to use submissive
body language even after they have been cuckolded.
Submissive body language is a vast area and the techniques laid down
here are by no means the last word on submissive body language.
However for the purpose of mentally preparing your woman to be
receptive to the idea of cuckolding you the techniques below have
been tried and tested and have proved to be sufficient.
Submissive body language can be broken into three main parts.
1) Submissive body language and body movements.
2) Submissive walking, seating and sleeping gestures.
3) Other submissive gestures.

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Each part contains various submissive gestures that I have found

women instinctively pick up on. If you apply these gestures correctly
you should find your woman taking more control of the relationship
and being more dominant towards you.
Submissive body language and body movements
This category of submissive body language is best used after the
challenge technique and after you have picked up a fight and have
apologized to your woman. While the other two categories of
submissive body language are encouraged to be used all the time it is
preferable that you refrain from using these gestures and movements
on an every day basis as you run the risk of appearing too weak and
being classified as a looser chic personality type.
Head down gesture
The head down gesture is a perfect gesture that shows
submissiveness. The head bends down with eyes slightly facing
towards the floor. Not much eye contact is maintained even while in
the course of conversation. This gesture works best immediately after
admitting to your woman that she is in the right after an argument.
Preferably the apology is tendered to the woman with the head in this
position. I have found that many men also like to use this gesture
after the challenge technique and later on when they are witnessing
their cuckolding.
You just have to bow your head down a little bit. You do not have to
look as if your woman has punished you.
Reducing body size
Reducing the body size by a male when in conversation with a female
is instinctively perceived as submission on the males part by the
woman. This gesture is achieved by hunching inwards along with the
head down gesture that lead to the body reducing in size.
Women love being in the right after arguments and nothing shows that
men agree that they are in the right than men reducing their body size
along with the head down gesture. Again remember that women
instinctively pick up body language cues so no need to over act on this
or any other gesture. A slight hunch with a light bow of the head is
good enough.

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Widened eyes
This is one gesture that has to be used all the time when you are with
your woman. It is achieved by widening your eyes more than you
normally do. Occasionally widening your eyes and letting them appear
as if they are dilated is perceived as a courting gesture and sparks
Continuously dilated pupils however makes you look like a baby and
hence signals your vulnerability and submissiveness and will end up
reducing the attraction feelings. Just widen your eyes a bit more than
you normally do and your woman will instinctively pick up that you are
being submissive.
Open Palms
The open palm gesture has the primary intent of showing submission
and is commonly used as a pleading gesture. People use this gesture
everyday when dealing with authority. In this gesture palms face
upwards with open fists while talking to the woman. This gesture
works best when used during an argument and not only does it convey
your submissiveness towards your woman but it also subconsciously
tells her that you think of her as an authority figure.
Submissive walking, seating and sleeping gestures
Most men are not aware that even the way they walk, sit and sleep
can help mentally convey to a woman their desire to be submissive
towards her. Unlike submissive body language, the walking, seating
and sleeping gestures can be used continuously throughout the
relationship without any fear of being classified as a looser chic
Walking gestures
The next time you are walking on the street or are in the mall take a
look at all the couples walking around you. Notice how majority of the
men are walking on the outer side of the woman? Men normally
subconsciously do this to protect the woman and to show the woman
that he is the stronger personality of the two.
Switching this around so that you are walking on her inner side has
the effect of her mentally classifying you as the weaker personality.
However in order for the walking gesture to have its desired affect you

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will have to employ it every time you and your woman are walking
until you have entered the cuckold lifestyle. Just occasionally adopting
this gesture will not achieve the desired effect.
Seating arrangements
Seating arrangements not only plays a role in establishing the
womans dominance in the relationship but also comes in handy when
you confess your desire to be cuckolded. One such sitting arrangement
involves letting your woman sit at the head of the table during meals.
Historically the man has always sat at the head of the table. Giving up
this seat to her will be perceived by her as you handing over control of
the relationship to her. For this arrangement to work it is important
that youll dine at a table and not the sofa. Also the table has to be
square or rectangular and not round.
Sleeping arrangements
Sleeping arrangements are a lot similar to walking arrangements but
might require a bit of preparation. First position your bed so that one
side directly touches the wall. Now when the bed is placed in such a
manner most couples would assume the sleeping arrangement where
the woman is sandwiched between the wall and the man.
This is a dominant
for you to let her
prepare her to be
will have to sleep

protective gesture on the part of the man. However

establish control in the relationship and mentally
receptive to the idea of a cuckold relationship you
so that you are sandwiched between her and the

Majority of the women love being sandwiched in and might not agree
to the sleeping arrangement but you will have to convince her to let
you sleep sandwiched between. This sleeping arrangement like all the
other gestures in this chapter helps convey to your woman your desire
to be submissive towards her.
Other Submissive gestures
Under this part of submissive body language you will learn how the
smallest of acts will help mentally prepare her to be receptive to the
idea of cuckolding you. You have to be consistent in performing these
gestures for them to take effect. Like the walking, seating and sleeping

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gestures and arrangements you can safely use these gestures through
out the relationship without fear of being classified as a looser chic
type of personality.
Woman on top position
Whenever you have sex with the woman that you seek to cuckold you,
make sure it is in the woman on top position. Try not to indulge in the
missionary position as it portrays dominance on the males part. The
woman on top position is a female dominant gesture.
If your woman is insistent on the missionary position tell her you have
picked up an injury and that the missionary position hurts your back.
If you do not know what these positions are you will have to look them
up on the internet.
Hand over control of the remote
Men always hog the remote control when watching television with a
woman. What you probably did not know is that men do this at a
subconscious level to show dominance over the woman. A great
submissive gesture is to let her slowly take control of the remote
control. When you hand over the remote you not only hand over
control of the television but you also subconsciously convey to her that
you would like her to take more control in the relationship. Let her pick
the channels she wants and go along watching those TV channels.
Serve her during meals
In most relationships the woman normally serves her man during
meals. Historically the man was the bread winner so serving a man
during meal times was a submissive gesture carried out on the
womans part. Now days this gesture has carried on even though most
women are independent. In some relationships the men and women
serve themselves during meal times. This shows that the woman
considers herself as an equal in the relationship.
In order to give her control of the relationship and appear submissive
you should start serving her during meal times. Initially this will
appear romantic and may spark attraction feelings but over time it
gives her the feeling of dominance. The key to this and all other
gestures is consistency in their application. Using these gestures
inconsistently will not help much.

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For the purpose of keeping this book as short as possible I have given
only a few examples on other submissive gestures. As you start
putting them into practice you will find yourself figuring and applying
your own submissive gestures. Remember that submissive body
language is a very important part of getting your woman to willingly
agree to cuckold you.
If you are one of those men who are not too comfortable with
submissive body language remember that you only got to fake it until
your woman agrees to cuckold you.
Now let us get back to Jack and Jane and see how Jack is progressing.
You have already seen that Jack was very successful in applying the
Challenge Technique as well as picking up a fight with Jane and
quickly apologizing.
What I didnt tell you back then was that Jack also made great use of
submissive body language when putting the earlier techniques in to
use. Like I said earlier, women have a great sense of intuition and
added to that they are naturals at reading body language cues.
Whether you are implementing the techniques taught to you in the
manual or you are confessing your desires of a cuckold lifestyle to your
woman, you will be served well if you can fake your body language to
come across as submissive to your partner.
Some men implement the techniques taught in this manual really well
but because they skip this chapter or because the do not bother to
fake their body language their women instinctively and intuitively pick
up that something doesnt add up. Even if they dont realize it at a
conscious level, you can be sure that women will subconsciously know
that something is not right and start to feel a bit weird when the
techniques are applied on them.
So when Jack picked the day to fight with Jane he made sure that he
was sending the right body signals at the right time. When he first
picked up the fight he had strong body language and made a fair
amount of eye contact. This subconsciously told Jane that Jack was
indeed angry. He needed to have strong positive body language while
picking up the fight or else Jane may have realized that something was
not right.
When Jack came back after a while, His body language was in stark
contrast to what it was when he had earlier picked up the fight. He
came back and made his apology and while he did make a little eye

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contact to show that the apology was genuine he also made sure his
head was slightly pointing downwards so as to come across as
submissive towards Jane. He also dilated his eyes and reduced his
body size by hunching slightly. While he tendered his apology to Jane
he made sure that his palms were open and facing skywards.
Whenever people make an apology, they usually adopt most of the
gestures that Jack faked when making his apology to Jane. Men dont
normally notice these gestures because we arent very good at reading
body cues and signals but women definitely do. So when Jack made
his apology and all his body cues matched what he said then Jane
really believed that Jack was sorry and that gave her a sense of
control over the relationship.
Lisa Raymond:
Whenever a man picks up a fight with a woman the woman will always
try to gauge his body language. If his body language appears weak
while he fights then we intuitively know that the man can be conned
with a quick apology. Weak body language tells us that the man isnt
serious about the fight but just needs his ego stroked. So we
immediately tender a quick apology and almost instantly the man will
calm down.
Women use fights as another way to challenge a man. We have learnt
that weak body language on a mans part means that he isnt really
serious about the fight and hence we dont even bother challenging
him by fighting back.
Some women may not realize that they do this but a lot of us women
are actually conscious of this fact. If you have a really close friend of
the opposite sex you can ask her if she notices body language when
fighting with her husband or boyfriend. Then ask her if she can gauge
the level of his anger just by reading his body language cues. Most
women may not readily admit this point for fear of coming across as
manipulative but if the woman is very close to you then she should
give a smile and readily admit it.
So when Jack picked up a fight with Jane the first thing Jane did was
to try and gauge his body language. Had Jack not used positive body
language at that point, Jane would have realized he was not serious
about the fight and quickly tendered an apology to Jack. This would
have worked against Jack who was trying to implement a technique so
that he could come across as a provider personality.

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The moment Jane realized that Jack was indeed serious about the fight
she instinctively took this as an opportunity to challenge Jack. This
behavior seems a bit odd but it is just the way women are
programmed to be. It is when Jack is angry that Jane gets to test his
temperament and thus his emotional quotient. She then uses this to
mentally draw conclusions on whether he is a weak or strong
When Jack came back and apologized to Jane, she would have first
looked at his body language cues to judge if his apology was fake or
genuine. The moment she realized that his body language was
submissive and matched his verbal apology she immediately felt in
control of the relationship. The moment she feels in control she
subconsciously starts to believe that Jack is a dependable mate and
reliable. We already know that once a woman feels that her mate is
dependable her attraction feelings towards him reduce and her
attraction feelings towards other men increase. All this is beneficial
when you are trying to get your woman to willingly agree to this
Kole Raymond:
I think what Lisa just shared with you is enough evidence of how
important submissive body language is when you are trying to get
your woman to agree to a cuckold lifestyle. When I first developed the
techniques I knew that body language cues would play a big part if I
was to get my woman to agree to this lifestyle however I didnt know
that they played such a big part and that women were so good at
reading these cues and signals.
Women will not only try to read your body language when you pick up
a fight with her but also when you try to use the Challenge
Technique. The reason I didnt tell you this earlier is because I felt
this bit of information would have more value if presented to you
towards the end of this chapter rather than earlier on.
When you implement the Challenge Technique make sure your body
language is strong and positive when making the challenge to your
woman. If your body language comes across as strong, positive and
most importantly playful then you can be sure that the effect of
loosing the challenge will have a better effect on your woman.
Since women are designed to challenge men, even if you dont pay

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much attention to your body language your woman will still readily
accept the challenge because this is how women are naturally
programmed. However I strongly recommend you use strong and
playful body language when making the challenge to your woman.
It is very important that when you loose the challenge that your body
language comes across as submissive and weak. You should try to use
the head down gesture as well as open palms and widened eyes.
Loosing the challenge and then exhibiting weak and submissive body
language towards your woman will cement your position as a reliable
mate and reduce her attraction towards you.
One by one start incorporating all the submissive gestures into your
relationship. Dont rush it but instead one by one introduce one new
gesture at a time until all the gestures are being used in tandem. Once
again, if you arent too comfortable with submissive body signals just
remember that you only need to fake it till your woman cuckolds you.
Once you have successfully applied all the techniques that I have
taught you your woman will be ready to willingly agree to this lifestyle.
If you use all the techniques correctly then your woman will be
mentally receptive to the idea of a cuckold relationship.

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Chapter 11
How To Confess Your Cuckold Desires
To Your Woman
Confessing your desire of a cuckold lifestyle to your woman can be
both daunting and scary. It would be a huge risk to do so without
implementing the techniques taught to you in this book first.
Confessing your desire for a cuckold relationship without implementing
the techniques taught could cost you your relationship. However if you
have successfully implemented all the ideas and techniques taught
then you yourself will be surprised at how receptive your woman will
be to the idea of a cuckold lifestyle.
It is important to understand how most men and women view
relationships. Men put a lot of emphasis on sex while women normally
put a lot of focus and attention on the relationship. Most men who
confess their desire to be cuckolded always make the mistake of only
explaining the sexual part of the cuckold lifestyle.
They directly tell their women that they would like them to sleep with
other men. This often results in the women not agreeing to be a part
of the cuckold lifestyle. In order to get your woman to agree to the
cuckold lifestyle you have to explain the lifestyle to her in detail and
make sure you put the emphasis on the growth of the relationship
rather than only the sexual act of it.
You have to make sure you have implemented all the techniques in
this book and that they are working. Many men apply only few of the
techniques before confessing their desire to be cuckolded only to have
their women say no.
I have spent a lot of time developing these techniques. These
techniques are designed to supplement each other to get your woman
to willingly agree to cuckold you. If you are serious in realizing your
desire to be cuckolded make sure that you implement all the
techniques taught to you.
Next you have to pick the right time to confess your desire for a
cuckold relationship Remember that timing is everything. Do not bring
up the topic when she is stressed out or if youll have recently had an
argument. Use your commonsense on this one. Some women are
more relaxed in the morning and some at night.

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There is no hard and fast rule on this one. You know your woman the
best so pick a time when you think she is most relaxed. If you are not
sure then I suggest you observe her for a while and try to figure out at
which time she is normally most relaxed. Make sure you use
submissive body language when making your confession. You have
already learnt about submissive body language in an earlier chapter.
Many men email me asking if they should set up any particular
ambience before they confess their desire to be cuckolded. To be
honest I do not think that this is necessary. The reason being that if
you have successfully applied all the techniques taught in this book
then there is no need to do anything extra. However some men do
prefer to set up an ambience with candles and other stuff. If you think
that setting up an ambience will help then go ahead.
If you have correctly applied all the contents of this book then your
woman should either willingly agree to cuckold you or ask for a day or
so to think it over. Some women ask for time to think it over for fear
of looking sluttish if they agree straight away. Have patience because
when a woman asks for time she is most probably going to agree to
cuckold you.
Quick review of the steps to take before confessing your
desires of a cuckold lifestyle
Step 1:
Keep in mind how men and women view relationships. Remember to
be completely honest with your desires. Remember not to put the
emphasis on the sexual aspect of a cuckold lifestyle but rather on how
a cuckold lifestyle can help enhance the relationship.
Step 2:
Remember to use all the techniques before you confess your desire to
be cuckolded. Not using all the techniques may end up in your woman
not agreeing to cuckold you.
Step 3:
Timing is everything! Make sure you confess your desires to be
cuckolded at a time when your woman is normally calm and relaxed.
Step 4:
Do not forget to use the submissive body gestures that you learnt
earlier. Remember women instinctively pick up on body language cues.

2010 Cuckold Coach

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Lisa Raymond:
You got to remember how women will feel when you make your
confession. Speaking from experience, if the techniques are applied
correctly the woman will be receptive to the idea however she will not
readily admit it for fear of looking slutty. It is at this point that you
have to be confident on the topic and clear any misconceptions that a
woman may have.
Focus on the relationship rather than on the sexual act of things. When
Kole first bought up the topic to me, I was very receptive to the idea
but I still had many doubts about the lifestyle. I asked a lot of
questions that night but seeing Kole so confident really helped me.
Kole also paid a lot of attention on the relationship and stressed how
this lifestyle would actually bring us together. Ten years later and I
can say that he was right as we have really become very close to each

2010 Cuckold Coach

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Chapter 12
Guidelines For A Healthy
Cuckold Relationship
Both partners should define boundaries.
Before indulging in the cuckold lifestyle it is very important that both
partners sit down and define boundaries that they are comfortable
with. Talk to each other and make sure that both of you know exactly
what is acceptable and what is not. Explain clearly to each other which
activities of the cuckold lifestyle you are comfortable with and which
activities you are not.
As long as any activity is mutually agreed too it will not cause any
damage to the relationship. Remember indulging in the cuckold
lifestyle without laying down clear boundaries can lead to one partner
getting hurt and it will end up causing damage to the relationship.
Make sure you are in compliance with the law.
Before indulging in the cuckold lifestyle do make sure that you are in
compliance with the local law. In some countries cuckoldry is illegal.
While most countries will not have a law specifically relating to
cuckoldry there will be laws in relation to adultery. Make sure that you
go through these laws first.
Make sure that you understand the law relating to adultery in your
country clearly. Some countries allow cuckoldry by definition of their
adultery laws. If cuckoldry is illegal in your country and you do go
ahead remember that you are doing so at your own risk.
Practice safe sex.
Like any other sexual encounter make sure that you practice safe sex.
Remember that there are a lot of diseases out there. Remember that
some of the sexually transmitted diseases do not even have a proper
cure yet. It is not worth getting infected just because you want to
indulge in your fantasies.
Make sure you use your common sense. If at all you decide that there
is a need to exchange body fluids then make sure that you are
absolutely certain of the other persons health status. If in case you
are already infected then please make sure that you take precautions

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not to spread the disease to anyone else.

Choose the bull with care.
It is very important that you select the other man well. Make sure that
both you and your woman are comfortable with him. Most couples
choose a man that they already know and are comfortable with.
However if you do not know the bull make sure that you get to know
him before indulging in any sexual activity. Try to choose a bull that
fits into your strata of society. No matter how rich or poor you are
they will be bulls from the same section of society.
Only if both you and your partner are comfortable with him should you
go ahead. If you are not comfortable with him it is okay to say no.
Remember that there are a lot of guys who are willing to play the role
of a bull. Be patient and you will find one that both you and your
woman are comfortable with.
Take sufficient precautions
Make sure you take sufficient precautions before indulging in the
cuckold lifestyle. There are a lot of nasty people out there who pose as
bulls and will later turn around and try to blackmail you for money.
Other guys pose as bulls to try to make a quick buck by robbing you.
Make sure that cell phones and cameras are not allowed.
Always perform any sexual acts in the comforts of your home or a
place where you are sure of its safety. Remember in the previous point
I told you to choose a bull from your strata of society.
The most important thing is to have fun.
Remember that the most important thing is to enjoy the cuckold
lifestyle and have fun. I have found that when all the other guidelines
in this chapter are followed the cuckold lifestyle is both enjoyable and
fun for both partners. The man realizes his desire to be cuckolded. The
woman satisfies her biological need to have a variety of sexual
partners and the relationship blossoms.

2010 Cuckold Coach

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Here is to a happy
cuckold lifestyle.
Yours truly,

Kole Raymond

2010 Cuckold Coach

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2010 Cuckold Coach

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