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As the pattern of education changes with respect to time by technological
revolution within a few decades. It will transform the way a teacher teach
and a student learn. Earlier it was almost labor intensive but now it is capital
intensive. As the mindset of the people changes there is no any limitation in
a knowledge society, as the school becomes the institution of the adults.
Above all, in the knowledge society, the school becomes accountable for
performance and results.
According to the new specifications the knowledge society has need to
increase the level of literacy, strength based education and continuous
learning. The new performance demands universal literacy of a very high
order as the first priority. It is responsibility of primary education system to
provide an individual student a base or foundation to make them selfconfident and developed their strengths.
At the end of World War2, American education system was reversed so that
instead of being a learning agency first, it prefers to be social agency first. So
that the mission and vision of the school was broader or in multiple area. It
failed to do a social job as well as high level of literacy. As a school it has to
be work in own special-purpose task. Charter school and magnet school are
the one who has its own single mission and goals and also they are result
As knowledge becomes the key resource of the knowledge society, the social
position of schools as producer of knowledge and its monopoly, are both
bound to be challenged. As primary and secondary school are the base and
foundation of an individual, it will has to be result oriented. As the schools
has to be result driven, it is necessary to measure the performance,
strengths, and development which comes under the knowledge society.
Finally the school will have to be a clear mission and accountable.

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