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Closed to the public: Robert Silverman Sleeping

with the devil

Everyone must know how the US sold its soul to Saudi Arabia for oil,
but some of you must have read the book bubble point nothing
describing Saudi Arabia's losses on Wall Street about 1 trillion
collapse of the bubble burst. It was not funny at all for Saudi Arabia
It decided to bring down the World Trade Center by civil aircraft
These are the conclusions I came to extract, hence the question
rises, why not demand compensation for the victims' families? So
the question placed the answer, USA although sold its soul to the
devil but Saudi Arabia does not know she has sold her soul to the
devil, too
All of you must have read the tragedy that occurred in Mecca
pilgrimage which killed more than 3,000 Muslim worshipers. They
just were crushed to death or perhaps there is another reason? The
second paragraph can be concluded that the cause of death is
probably wrong
Visit of Robert Silverman with cyber and SIGINT tools in Israeli
Riviera and accompanied with Tony Blair and other more marginal
figures helping to trace their steps from the eighties. The results
were immediate and simple connection of one plus one described
above America's revenge was swift in the form of chemical ballistic
at the prayer center
For Tony Blair settlement history takes us further back in time, but in
terms of response time integral period was extremely short. Those
tools described exhibitionist Iraq does not threaten Iran by chemical
weapons not supplied by United Kingdom as claimed in reverse by
Meir Dagan. Ballistics reaction was swift and destroyed the
plutonium Arak heavy water reactor in Iran

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