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Universidad Tecnolgica de Honduras

English V

1rd part

Heysel Avila

# Acount
Kenia Lizeth Rodrguez Sabilln


Vocabulary adjectives to describe food.

In a document write a sentence with each adjective describing if you like these
foods? Saying why or why not.

Cereal, yogurt, potato chips, peperoni pizza, grapes, lemons.

1. My favorite food is Pepperoni pizza because I like ketchup on it

2. Most people eat fries de la because they are delicious and small

3. I eat cereal at breakfast, because it is very light and nutritious

4. I do not like yogurt, because it's not liquid and acid

5. I love grapes are small and purple and are used to make wine

6. Lemons are green and acid but I like make juice with them

Food containers.
This morning I received a package of chocolate biscuits, they were accompanied
by a box of cereal, my mother made a large jar of orange juice, and oranges
were in a bag on the kitchen table.

Later I took two cans of soda and take them to my brother and he gave me a
bottle of honey.

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