1-Taken Pic Not Showing Neither in The Dropdown List or

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1- Taken pic not showing neither in the dropdown list or

session screen. iOS and android

5- Session not showing the selected store, product
name,price and image. DONE
6- Once i tap on forssah or mega, retain button should
bounce up and down iOS and android . waiting
11- Signup to add checkbox agree to forssah terms and
condition iOS and android DONE
12- Code country to be changed to 965 iOS and android
13- My account-> date and time missing in session history
iOS and android
14- My account-> action results not there, i see only forssah
icon iOS and android
15- Share forssah credits is missing, which it should be
added under my account iOS and android
16- Pre-Paid forrsah card redemption to be add to credits
screen iOS and android
17- Search field not functioning in store iOS and android
19- Search field in Side Menu also not functioning same as
the normal search behaviour, its redirecting to stores
listing iOS and android
20- The ratio of the revealed discount price inside chips
should be 70% (discount price) and (30% percentage). iOS
and android

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