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The Monthly Newsletter of Riders With A Purpose

Chapter #1211 of the
Christian Motorcyclists Association

Solanco Fair


Fall Ride to Bills

Members of RWAP wrap up another

year at the Solanco Fair. Left to Right-
Christie Bathurst, Neil Howett, Karen
Stillman, John Zook, Dave & Janet
Maldonado, Mary & Kent Brusstar.

This years time at the Solanco
Fair was probably the best yet. We
definitely had better coverage than
previous years, especially on Friday
which can be the busiest night. Nearly
40 different CMAers joined together do
the job. (Thanks everyone!) Things went
well during the craziness on Thursday
when we lose one of the biggest parking
areas due to the Tractor Pull event. Jazz
was even able to spend more time in
the booth this year! Changes in the
traffic flow and better signage also
contributed to our task being much
easier. The weather certainly
cooperated with no rain, but that also
meant dry dust every-where. (Cough-
cough!). Lots of seeds were planted as
we gave out tracts, bracelets, coloring
books, bibles, and tons of candy! As we
have seen in the past, it can take years
to see fruit, so well just leave that in
Gods Hands!

rescheduled ride to Bills Bike Barn
would be during a hurricane? As it
turned out, Matthew was not after us
anyway. We went through a few miles
of very light rain, but that was it. For
most of the ride the weather was
actually quite pleasant. We were a little
early to call this a fall ride though, if we
intended to see the autumn colors for
which PAs highways are famous.
Everything was still pretty green! But we
had a great time exploring the bikes and
other memorabilia at Bills. Then there
was dinner at Quaker Steak and Lube
followed by a stop on the way home for
a visit to Centralia. What used to be PA
61 is now a twisted, gaping mass of
pavement covered with graffiti. Nearby,
residential streets remain paved and
curbed, but with no houses! They have
all been demolished so that only weeds
remain. A testament to what happens
when we are poor stewards of Gods

Fall Open House

Chesapeake HD

Wind and rain

put the damper
on another open
house at Chesa-
peake Harley
Davidson. At
some point, Jazz
decided he had
had enough and
threatened to
leave, so they
restrained him. Attendance was off that
Saturday due to Matthew, but it was
business as usual on Sunday! A busy
weekend for RWAP!

Who are we? Riders With A Purpose-#1211

As a part of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, we are a multi-denominational ministry to other
bikers. As with the CMA, our m ission is changing the world, one heart at a time. We meet every 3
Saturday at RDs American Grill~1426 Lancaster Pike (Rt. 272) Quarryville, PA~South of the Buck, Join us!
President & Newsletter
Treasurer- Karen Stillman
Prayer Chain-Janet Maldonado

-Kent Brusstar
Secretary- Mary Brusstar Chaplains- Neil Uniacke, Bud Stillman
Vice President-Lynne Griest
Road Captain Neil Howett
Webmaster-Dave Maldonado

Kickstands Up! Riders With A Purpose

Last Ice Cream Ride

SATURDAY October 22
Last One This Season!
Meet at Fergies, 4PM

Hospice Auction

Labor Day weekend, Riders With
A Purpose answered another call to be
Here if You Need Us. Hospice &
Community Care, a group that helps
families with members in end-of-life
crises, heard from the Solanco Fair
committee that we did their parking.
They asked if we could help with their
annual auction, and we said yes. They
had been holding the auction for several
years at the Lampeter Fairgrounds, but
outgrew that venue and moved this year
to the Solanco Fairgrounds. This was
fairly easy duty since the group already
had youth members of the Civil Air Patrol
well trained in parking. It was a pleasure
working with these young people though,
and we were able to contribute to the
success of the event in a small way. The
auction raised over $700,000, including
the sale of an original Norman Rockwell
painting for $79,000. RWAP received a
check for $500 as a thank you!

Maine Mission Trip

Yes, plans are already underway to
get us to Maine for a construction
mission trip. Date has yet to be
determined. Details will be available
in January and a $150 non-
refundable deposit will be due at
that time, so start saving your spare
change, and get ready to head north
next summer!

Welcome, Marty & Judi


Our new Area Reps are the
Macdonalds. We are thrilled to have
them! Dont miss the opportunity to
officially welcome them to this new
position and fellowship with other local
CMA members as we join in this new
season of leadership. A welcome
breakfast is being organized at Shady
Maple for October 22, 10 AM. W ell need
to send a head count ASAP so that a
room/tables can be reserved for the size
of our group. Let Kent know and hell
send the info along. According to the
Shady Maple website, breakfast is

September/October, 2016

Presidents Corner~Next month,

well be voting! Not just for new
chapter officers, but also for local,
state, and national government.
Many believe our government is a
mess. There was a time when
America was truly one nation,
under God. Changing attitudes,
changing beliefs, and changing
laws have turned separation of
church and state into separation
of God and America. Yet, as
Christians, we know God is in
charge. We know that the truth
is, ultimately, only He is in
control. But we also know that so
many of the decisions made by
our government are not what God
wants. So, the question for this
election is really this~Will we get
the elected officials that we need?
Or, will we get the ones we
Please pray for our
upcoming elections, both in
government and in our chapter.
May His will be done!

Riders With A Purpose-Ride and Event Calendar

NOTE: Rides usually follow all regular meetings!

Find Us On The Web!

Riders With A Purpose

^ Indicates events at which we will be setting up our tent and CMA Info booth.
Like Us On Facebook: www.

October 15

Breakfast/Reg. Meeting/Nominations 8:00 AM

RDs American Grill, RT 272, Qville
October 16
Biker Sunday-Luncheon to follow
10:15 AM
Memorial Methodist, Quarryville
October 22
Welcome The M acdonalds Breakfast 10:00 AM
Shady Maple Buffet, East Earl, PA
October 22
Last Ice Cream Run for 2016

4:00 PM
Meet at Fergies
November 19 Breakfast/Reg. Meeting/Elections
8:00 AM
RDs American Grill, RT 272, Qville
December 15 Santa Ridealong-Wakefield Ambulance 6 PM
Meet at Living Stones

Looking Ahead:
Check your email or future editions of Kickstands Up for details about upcoming events. What would YOU like to do
in the off season? Bowling, supper events, church visits... Let us know!

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