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1. System Overview

This game is made with Construct 2 r229.

All the assets that used in this game is third party.
The concept of this game is to match the color between the ball and the circle inside.
Tap the circle inside to roll it.
Tested on Chrome (v51), Firefox (v47) on Mac OS X El Capitan, Windows 7, 8.1, 10.
Tested on Mobile Device (Android).

2. Quick Installation

You need at least Construct 2 r19x to run it well (recommendation).

If you didn't have Construct 2, please download it here.
Make sure you have browser installed on your computer to test the game.
Recommendation for browser is Chrome, Firefox and Edge.
Open the .capx file.
And you'll come to the main project of this .capx.
Here you can edit all the behavior, event, object and others.
If you want to test the app, just click the Run layout button.
More detail please check Construct 2 manual here.

3. Project Structure

This project is using 4 layout.

a. Start Layout
b. Game Layout
c. End Layout
d. About Layout
Each of that layout have their own event sheet.
Let's dig deeper to the layout.
a. Start Layout

Here you can manage and costumize all the things about first screen. By default there
are two button here which is btnPlay and btnAbout. Each button have their events
on the events sheet and have documented well inside the .capx file. Here
also have a
localstorage object which used to store highscore (more
info refer to Construct 2
b. Game Layout
This layout is the core of the game. Here you can manage the game story and etc.
Here's the explanation for the main object.


Sprite for the player that will appear when gameplay. This
object is pinned to BPlayer.


Invisible sprite that control the move of Player to avoid

misleading animation of Player sprite. All the control events
is going to this object.


Particle that spray when player is moving.


The land that created every n seconds. Created at the bottom

of layout and have upwards direction using Bullet behavior.


A bonus point which created in X randomly and pinned to



The limit of player. When player hit this object, game is over.


The limit of player. When player hit this object, game is over.


Used to make BPlayer jump when user touch this object.


Used to make BPlayer move left when user touch this object.


Used to make BPlayer move right when user touch this


c. End Layout
This layout appear when game is over and ask user to play the game again or back to
start layout.
d. About Layout
Here you can write the detail of your app.
More info for each object are described inside the .capx file.

4. Support

We know this documentation can't cover up all the question in your mind. So, we provide after
sale support which you can find the condition when you buy this product. However, if you want
to get contact with us feel free to reach us from email :

- End of Documentation Regards

GookDev Indonesia

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