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Notes and Reminders

Week of October 17, 2016





Have you read your library books yet?

Have you returned your preference sheet for your
parent teacher conference? If not, please send it to
school tomorrow.
Tomorrow is chapel day. Put an offering in the white
envelope (it is in the Daily Folder).
Remember to put your library books in your
Enjoy this beautiful fall weather! Take a walk with
someone in your family! J Look for signs of fall.
Take time to snuggle and read one of your library
books this weekend! J
Tomorrow is our Harvest Party at 2:00.
Enjoy your weekend! J
Dont forget to worship on Sunday!

Character Formation This week we are focusing on the virtue of self-sacrifice. This weeks
story focuses on Moses mother, Jochebed, and the difficult situation she was in. If she kept her
son, he would be found and killed by Egyptian officials. The only way to give him a chance to live
was to send him away. It was a bold, painful move, filled with uncertainties; yet she watched
him float away toward what she hoped to be safety. She continued to be an important provider
for Moses because the pharaohs daughter who found him needed someone to nurse him. Then
Moses grew up in the Egyptian pharaohs house. The relationships Moses built would play a critical
role later, when he would confront Pharaoh on behalf of God and the Israelites. Jochebeds
selfless sacrifice paved the way for Gods provision for His people. Talk about this question with
your family How can you send away someone or something God has given you; even when, it
is the right thing to do for the good of all?
We collected $63 for Berna and Catherine! Thank you so much for your support of this project!
Help your child think of a way to earn a $1.oo for next month.

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