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The objective is to give a Meet the Festival of San Fermin Also Known
As " Pamplona " , it is known because takes place annually in the
Spanish city of Pamplona , capital of Navarra.
The celebration begins with the launch of "The Chupinazo " From City
of Pamplona.
One of the Most Famous Activities known as " El Encierro " among
others that give you a more front meet , paragraph So give to know the
various activities that are at the festival.

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Saint Fermn
Fermn is said to have been the son of a Roman of senatorial rank in Pamplona in the 3rd
century, who was converted to Christianity by Saint Honestus, a disciple of Saint Saturninus.
According to tradition, he was baptised by Saturninus (in Navarre also known as Saint Cernin)
at the spot now known as the "Small Well of Saint Cernin Fermn was ordained a priest in
Toulouse, and returned to Pamplona as its first bishop. On a later preaching voyage, Fermn
was beheaded in Amiens, France; and is now considered a martyr in the Catholic Church. It is
believed he died on 25 September, AD 303. There is no written record of veneration of the
Saint in Pamplona until the 12th century. Saint Fermn, as well as Saint Francis Xavier, are
now the two patrons of Navarre. In Pamplona, Saint Fermn is now sometimes said to have
met his end by being dragged through the streets with angry bulls running after him, hence the
The celebration of the festival has its origin in the combination of two different medieval
events. Commercial secular fairs were held at the beginning of the summer. As cattle
merchants came into town with their animals, eventually bullfighting came to be organized as a
part of the tradition. Specifically, they were first documented in the 14th century. On the other
hand, religious ceremonies honoring the saint were held on October 10. However, in 1591 they
were transferred to 7 July to take place at the same time as the fair, when Pamplona's weather
is better. This is considered to be the beginning of the Sanfermines. During medieval times
acts included an opening speech, musicians, tournaments, theatre, bullfights, dances or even
fireworks. Bullrunning appears in 17th and 18th century chronicles together with the presence
of foreigners and the first concerns about the excessive drinking and dissolute behavior during
the event. Finally, the Parade of Giants was created in the mid-19th century. The first
officialbullring was constructed in 1844.

Modern times

The worldwide fame of the modern festival, and the great number of foreign visitors it receives
every year, are closely related to the description in Ernest Hemingway's book The Sun Also
Rises and the reports he made as a journalist. He was fascinated when he first visited in 1923,
and returned many times until 1959. [3] Hemingway was also deeply fond of bullrunnings and
bullfights, but he did not participate in the running. Different city locations such as La Perla
Hotel or the Irua Caf are famous in part due to the fact that the writer used to visit them.

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Old times
The San Fermn Festival of the past was not like it is today: it has changed gradually both for
better and for worse. Originally most of the youth looked forward to the festivities all year,
saving money until they had at least fifty pesetas, the minimum necessary to watch the running
of the bulls, have a snack and wine, eat lunch and dinner out, and eat churros with brandy a
couple of times each San Fermn day. The youth of the old times, they only drunk a lot of wine
and a brandy drink.
After the religious function, the group formed by the Authorities and village, they came back to
the Home of the town, at about 90 minutes after leaving it. Then was effectuated the move, to
contemplate the bulls that while they were waiting to move, they grazed in the grove.

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pyrotechnic chupinazo (or txupinazo in Basque language). The rocket is launched at 12:00
noon on 6 July from a city hall balcony with thousands of people celebrating the act in the
city hall square and other locations in Pamplona.The chupinazo has officially marked the
beginning of the fiesta since 1941. The person who sets it off is decided by the city mayor.
Nevertheless, since 1979 tradition has been that each year after city elections the
chupinazo is set off by a person from the different city council political groups beginning
with the mayor and then political groups ordered by number of representatives. There
have been exceptions to this tradition with some non-politicians being in charge of the act
when they had performed significant achievements during the year. Examples of these
exceptions were a player of the local football team, or the president of the "giants and bigheads" group in its 150 years anniversary.

The Riau-Riau was a mass activity held on 6 July. The members of the city council parade
from the City Hall to a nearby chapel dedicated to Saint Fermn with participants dancing
to the Astrain Waltz along the way. The ritual was introduced in 1911 by Ignacio Baleztena
Ascrate. The procession was removed from the festival calendar in 1992 for the sake of
public order, as political activists used the "Riau-Riau" to promote clashes with authorities.
Protesting youths would often block the way and it often took up to five hours for the city
councilors to walk the 500 meters to the Saint Fermin chapel. Nevertheless, in recent
years it has been held unofficially without the participation of the members of the city
council. In 1996 and 2012 there were two failed attempts to restore the original act with the
participation of the city council, both of them being cancelled due to the violent clashes
with some participants.

Saint Fermin procession

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The key day of the festival is 7 July, when thousands of people accompany the 15thcentury statue of Saint Fermin through the old part of Pamplona. The statue is
accompanied by dancers and street entertainers, and different political and religious
authorities including the city mayor. During procession a Jota (an ancient traditional dance)
is performed for the saint, a rose is offered in the Saint Fermin well, and the "gigantes"
(enormous wood-framed and papier-mch puppet figures managed from inside) dance
and twirl while the cathedral bell named Mara (Mary) peals.

"El Struendo" ("The Roar") is a single day event with more than 50 years of tradition. It has
been purposely left outside the official program and each year is celebrated on a different
day, usually on a weekday so as to keep the crowds manageable. People gather at 11:59
pm at the Town Hall and make as much noise as possible for several hours mainly with
drums but also bowls, whistles or any other objects.

Pobre de m
After nine days of partying, the people of Pamplona meet in the City Hall Plaza at midnight
on 14 July, singing the traditional mournful notes of the Pobre de M ('Poor Me'), in a
candlelit ending. The city mayor closes the festival with participants lighting a candle and
removing their red handkerchief as the song is played by the local band, followed by a
fireworks display at the city hall. This closing ceremony tradition started out in the 1920s.

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Running of the bulls
The running of the bulls (In Spanish encierro) involves hundreds of people running in front
of six bulls and another six steers down an 825-metre (0.51 mile) stretch of narrow streets
of a section of the old town of Pamplona. The run ends in the Pamplona's bullring taking a
mean time of around 3 minutes where the bulls would be held until the afternoon's bullfight
when they would be killed. Bullruns are held between 7 and 14 July and a different
"encaste" (sub-breed) of bull appears each day.
The event begins at 8 a.m. when a first firecracker is lit to announce the release of the
bulls from their corral. Before the year 1924 it started at 6 and at 7 between 1924 and
1974. Runners gather earlier at the beginning of the itinerary to ask for the protection of
the Saint by singing a chant three times before a small statue of San Fermn which has
been placed in a raised niche in a wall: To San Fermin we ask to be our patron saint and
to guide us in the running of the bulls, giving to us his blessing. A second cracker signals
that the last bull has left the corral. There are six fighting bulls accompanied by
six oxen (often white and brown coloured) that guide them to the "plaza" and followed by
three more not fighting oxen. There are also some shepherds guiding the bulls, wearing
green T-shirts and holding long poles. Once all of the bulls have entered the arena, a third
rocket is released while a fourth firecracker indicates that the bulls are in their bullpens and
the run has concluded. After the end of the run young cows with wrapped horns are
released in the bullring and toss the participants, to the amusement of the crowd.
The circuit has only changed slightly since 1852 as the former bullring was located close to
the present one. Before that date the bullrunning ended in the "castle plaza", still not far
from the present bullring. While the origin of this tradition was the necessity to move the
bulls from outside the city to the bullring for the bullfight it is not clear when citizens began
to run in front of them. There are written records in 1787 that the tradition was already well

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established with no memory of its beginning. The tradition of singing for protection to the
saint dates back to 1962.
The event is dangerous. Since 1925, 15 people have been killed during the event most
recently on 10 July 2009and every year between 200 and 300 people are injured during
the run although most injuries are contusions due to falls and are not serious.
Giants and big-heads parade

Pamplona's Giants and Big-heads parade family photo. From back to front and left to right
we can see the American, Asian, African and European pairs of giants (last row), the
six kilikisand the 5 big-heads (second row), thezaldikos, and members of the parade who
carry the figures (front row).
Every day, during the morning, there is a parade of gigantes y cabezudos (in English
giants and big-heads respectively), with the giants figures being more than 150 years old.
The eight giants figures were built by the painter from Pamplona Tadeo Amorena in 1860,
and represent four pairs of kings and queens of four different races and places (Europe,
Asia, America and Africa). Their size is around 4 metres each and are carried by a dancer
inside a wooden structure. During the parade giants dance following the rhythm of
traditional music. The remaining 17 figures include 6 kilikis, 5 big-heads, and
6 zaldikos and were built at different times between 1860 and 1941. Kilikis and big-heads
are caricaturesque, but human-like figures that are carried as helmets. Big-heads masks
are up to 1 metre high and kilikis slightly smaller. While big-heads simply precede the
giants and wave their hands at spectators, kilikis run after children and carry
a foam truncheon which they use to hit them with. Zaldikos, figures representing horses
with their riders, also run after children with a truncheon.

Traditional sports
There are exhibitions and competitions of Basque rural sports every morning in the "Plaza
de los Fueros", a square close to the city citadel, although they were formerly held in the
bullring. Sports include stone lifting, wood cutting, or hay bale lifting. On the other hand,
the Jai alai tournament of Sanfermin is a prestigious competition of this variety of basque
pelota. It is held in one of the courts of the city. Betting is common during these events.


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Every afternoon between July 6 and 14 there is a bullfight in which the 6 bulls that have
been driven to the bullring during the bullrunning of that day are killed. It begins at 18:30.
In addition the 5th bullfight with younger bulls and not fully trained bullfighters is performed
while the 6th features bullfighters on horses (in Spanish "rejoneo"). While the bullring of
the city is the fourth largest in size in the world, it is full every afternoon and tickets are
hard to find.

Every night a firework spectacle is held at the citadel park. Fireworks spectacles have
been known to occur in Sanfermin as far back as 1595. Since the year 2000 an
international fireworks contest is held. Thousands of people watch them seated on the
grass around the citadel.

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In short, San Fermin is an open party, multitudinous, where you have to book
months in advance accommodation if we hope to attend, making residents
primarily responsible for that visitors feel at home. The events represent Spain 's
history and culture. The Txupinazo, the Raiu Raiu , confinement and "Pobre de mi"
are the main celebrations in the event During the Pamplona San Fermin becomes
the world capital of happiness and you have to go and find out why when the party
ends at 14 midnight, all sing the sad farewell song called "Pobre de mi" to express
their longing arrives next year.
Pobre de m, pobre de mi, que se han acabado las fiestas de San Fermn.

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