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NAME: _____________________________________Date: ________________ Score: ___________ Quiz # 2


Read the selection.
by Helen Taylor Abdulaziz
Plants are necessary for life. All living things need plants because plants provide people
with food. During photosynthesis, plants change the suns energy into food. Plants use carbon
dioxide (CO2) and produce oxygen. All human beings and animals need oxygen to live.
Roots usually grow underground they help keep the plant in the soil. They also absorb
water and minerals from the soil and carry them to the other parts of the plant. In some plants
such as carrots or potatoes, the roots store food for the plants.
Plant stems are usually above the ground. They hold the leaves and flowers. There are
two kinds of stems. The stems of many herbs and vegetables are soft and green. They bend
easily. These plants live for only a year. They are annual plants. Other plants have hard and
woody stems. Trees have brown woody stems. They are perennial plants. They live for several
Leaves are an important part of the plant. The leaves grow on the stem. Most leaves are
green because they contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis. Leaves
make food for the plant. The food gives energy for the other parts of the plant.
In the process of photosynthesis, roots, stems, and leaves of green plants, work together
to make sugar with the help of sunlight. Photosynthesis is a Greek word. It means putting
together with light. During the process of photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, chlorophyll,
carbon dioxide and water to make food. In this way, green plants use the suns energy to make
food for the plant and other living things. Other living organisms such as animals get their
energy by eating plants. Human beings eat both animals and plants to get energy.
Read these questions carefully. Write the letters of the correct answer in the space
_______ 1. Which of the following makes the
leaves green?
a. crystalline
b. chlorophyll
c. water
_______ 2. Which of these words talk about
continuous action?
a. process b. problem
c. procure
_______ 3. Which of these words means to
a. proclaim b. provide
c. protest
_______ 4. What is the word for any individual
life form?
a. orphan
b. organization
c. organism

_______ 5. Which word means living for more

than one year?
a. perennial b. perimeter c. performance
_______ 6. What does the underlined word
mean? The annual meeting is held at the
Manila Hotel.
a. every year
b. quarterly c. semestral
_______ 7. Complete the sentence with the
correct word. Some parts of a plant produce
food during _________.
a. process b. photosynthesis c. cooking
_______ 8. Which word means to take up?
a. argue
b. average
c. absorb

Read each sentence and answer with TRUE or FALSE. Write the correct answer in the
space provided.



_______ 1. Most plants are useful to all living

_______ 2. Most plants have five main parts:
roots, stems, leaves, fruits and flowers.
_______ 3. The leaves of plants maintain their
greenish color through the heat of the sun.
_______ 4. Stems hold the leaves and flowers.

_______ 5. The stems of plants are soft and

green all throughout.
_______ 6. Roots store food for plants.
_______ 7. The leaves make food for plants.
_______ 8. Photosynthesis is a German word.
_______ 9. People use plants as their food.
_______ 10. Plants produce oxygen.



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