Auto Responder

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WeChatify Account must have the below info accurate as per Official WeChat Account,
1. Original ID
2. App ID
3. App Secret
For the WeChatify Account, under Module Management Auto Responder module must be marked
(checked) and Customer Support module can also be marked(checked) OR unmarked (unchecked). This
depends on client and Botcode.
Based on the permission certain logic changes are made to Auto Responder to connect Auto
Responder to Customer Support and Vice-Versa.
Refer the screenshot below,

In Official WeChat Account, under Developer Configuration, below needs to be update,

1. URL:
Note: In the above URL domain will change based on environment.
For DEV:
For STG:
For PRO:
2. Token: 9940321033

Issue: In case, if Original ID | App ID | App Secret is wrong. When a WeChat user sends a message to the
WeChat user, the response wont be delivered to the user since the Access Token generation to that
account will get failed in the Access Token web job. To know about Access Token web job, please check
with Aarthi.
Issue: In case, if URL | Token is updated wrongly, WeChat user request / response wont be processed
and will be getting Official Account Unavailable
Issue: In case, if its working fine in one mobile and not in another and its really not an issues in our end.

When a new WeChatify Account is created, by default we create below Bots with Dialogs, refer below
1. Welcome
2. StartBot
3. Global Fallback

Refer the screenshot below when you click on the Auto Responder

on the initial stage,


You will be able to create n number of Bots and n number of Dialogs and n number of Keyword
mapping. Refer the screenshot, representing what is Bot / Dialog / Keyword Mapping etc.

1. Bot (e.g. StartBot)

2. Dialog (e.g. StartBot under the column heading DIALOG STATE TEXT)
3. Response to the user This is what we send as response to the user based on the Keyword the
WeChat User enters which is under TEXT TO SEND TO USER.
4. Keyword What you are seeing is a mapping in our end. So when user sends a text as start,
we will send the user back a response as How can I help you today.

5. This refers to another bot or to the same bot, for e.g.: if you refer the initial screenshot you have
3 bots, so we can map to one of those bots.
6. This refers to another dialog in another bot or to the same bot.
7. Edit option more details follows on this. Read the doc to know about it.
8. One more option called Delete I dont have that in the image I pasted, but will show you in the



CREATE AUTO RESPONDER To create a new Bot for e.g. if you want to create a new section like
StartBot, click on the Create Auto Responder button. You will be redirected to a new page. Refer the
screen shot,

Representation of the new bot must follow the below,

1. No Space
2. Only Alphabets and Numbers are allowed.
On clicking on Create, a new section will be added as like below,

If you want to edit it, clicking on the pencil icon next to the Bot Name ThankYou, you will be able to
make the changes and save it.
Kindly refer the screenshot below, when you click on the
and you will get 2 options.

(Down Arrow) the section will get expanded

1. Add option 2. Delete option ADD OPTION

On clicking on the add option you will be redirected to a new page as in the below screenshot.

1. Dialog State Name This represents a new dialog name. Refer General Info On Bots point 2,
so you can understand of what I am referring to.
2. Send to User Here we have 2 options,
a. Text Message The content what we enter here will be sent as it is to the user based
on logic (Logic sections in detail below.)
b. Richtext Message This is an Article response, when you select this option. A pop up
will be opened up listing out the list of Card that was available in our system from the
Library and Schedule section. You can select any one card and map to the dialog. This
article will be sent to the user when the user come to this State.
Note: This option will be get increased when we add more features Yet to be implementation
are Audio / Video / Image
3. Add Keyword Once you have point 1 and point 2 filled up, you will be able to click the button.
You can create n number of keywords. Please refer the screenshot below,

a. Keyword This is where we enter a text to a single word. So when a user enters
anything we will look up the text from the user and here and based on mapping we
update there.
b. Enter Auto Reponder Refer the section Create Bot, we need to enter the name of the
Bot that you have created so specific keyword look up will map to that Bot. You can
also map to the same bot. Link in the above screenshot ThankYou is out Bot.
c. GoTo Here we enter the Dialog state where it has to go to. Note the Dialog what you
are entering must be available in the Bot that you specify in point b.
Refer the screenshot that shows the combinations,

Note: Add Keyword option is not mandatory, you can create a dialog without any keyword and it will be
marked us not mapped and logic is captured in the logic section.

Same way as we did for bot, click on the Edit, you will be able to edit the Dialog and the keyword
mapped over the there. And also you can delete the keyword that you dont like using the
will be available against each keyword mapping in the Edit Dialog state. This option will also be
available in Create state to.
Note: Global Fallback Bot wont have edit/delete option and the Dialog under the Global Fallback
wont have the delete option and same goes to the StartBot and only to the StartBot Dialog named
as StartBot. Since those are global ones to our WeChatify System.


When we initially create the Welcome Bot, we wont be creating the Dialog under it as you see in Global
Fallback and StartBot. Since some client want to have Welcome and some dont.
When a WeChat user follows an Official WeChat Account, user will get the Responder if a Dialog is
created under it.
Note: Here only one Dialog must be created and it must not be mapped to any bots or any keywords.
So it will look like below, refer the screenshot.

This is the actual entry point of the WeChat user, if the user sends a text message from the WeChat
App. And the User will get the response as How can I help you today. as you see the initial screenshot.
We are maintaining state of each transaction, so that we know in which state the user is in. State I am
referring the state of the response of what the user has received. Here the user is in StartBot Dialog
Note: State whenever I refer the state, please note that I am referring the Dialog State. In the
screenshot you can see the Column Name Dialog State Text.

Consider a user types something but the keyword mapping is not available in our system. We send back
the user the response that was mapped in this dialog. This is going to act as a global response if the
system is not able to understand the request.
Note: Only one Dialog and it must not be mapped to any.


The demo going to be shown follows this. Some might will be confusing, will provide more detail
1. When the user first time follows the account user will get the welcome response.
2. When the user enters anything after following the account or after 48 hours of chat, user will
get the StartBot response.
3. When the user enters a keyword which is not available in the keyword mapping, user will get
Global fallback response.
4. In case if you want to avoid the Global fallback response, and wanted to move the user to
different bot and with a different response, create a dialog called none under the bot and map
where you like to map and give a different response to the user.
5. Global Fallback and Welcome Bot must have only one dialog.
a. Dialog name of the Global fallback must be none.
b. Dialog name of the Welcome must be Welcome.
6. When a user receives a response from a dialog start which has Not Mapped, the user state is set
back to the StartBot.
Beyond all the above points, we have connection between Auto Responder and Customer Support. Will
provide more detail info on this in separate section.


Kindly refer the below screenshot, it contains the mapping and all the logic captured for the flow

Screenshot of what user received on following the Account.

When a WeChat user follows Official WeChat Account,

User will get the response as updated in the Auto
Responder. Based on our example, we will get the
response as below
Same user how many times unfollows and
follows the account, user will get the Welcome
At this point we are not maintaining any state
of the transaction.

StartBot response is based on 2 scenarios,
As you refer the screenshot, when users enter any text that is
not available in the StartBot will get the StartBot response.
Since its the entry point of the user.
Note: From this point of entry the state of maintained of each
Note: Now user is in StartBot dialog state

If the user enters, a text that was mapped in the Keyword Look
Up Text, user will receive a response as mapped. For reference,
refer the screenshot of the mapping in the screenshots Detailed
Logic info.
Note: Now the user state is NeapolitanPizza dialog state.


From the above section StartBot, we are going to use the first screenshot scenario.
Refer the point number with the
1. As we have seen in the above sections.
When a user enters any text, user will get
StartBot response.
Note: Now state of the user is StartBot.
2. User enters a word Neapolitan Pizza,
system will check only the keywords that
are mapped in the StartBot, since the
current state of the user is in StartBot. If it
matches the data that we have mapped as
a keyword. User will get the response that
was mapped in the goto.
Note: Now state of the user is
3. Response received based on point 2
4. User enters a word Pizza Marinara,
system will check only the keywords that
are mapped in the NeapolitanPizza, since
the current state of the user is in
NeapolitanPizza. If it matches the data
that we have mapped as a keyword. User
will get the response that was mapped in
the goto.
Note: Now state of the user is Payment

5. Response received based on point 4 mapping.

6. User enters a word Delivery, system will check only the keywords that are mapped in the
Payment, since the current state of the user is in Payment. If it matches the data that we have
mapped as a keyword. User will get the response that was mapped in the goto.
Note: Now state of the user is ThankYou
7. Response received based on point 6.

Note: At this point user will be moved to the StartBot state since the ThankYou dialog has not
keyword mapped. At this point we reset to the entry point. Now when the user enters anything
it will start from the StartBot.
Above represents the normal basic flow, if the user enters exactly as per the mapping. And there are 3
more scenarios that needs to be known. Below points I have referred in the Default Bot Info.
1. Global Fallback When a user sends a text, wechatify system will look up the list of Look For
Keyword mapping based on the user state. If the keyword is not there and if the keyword
mapping named as none is not there, we will send the response that was in sendtouser as in
None dialog under GlobalFallback bot.
2. None - If you refer the DeliveryType Bot, we have a keyword None mapped to the same bot.
Here, for e.g. when the user enters a keyword that was not there apart from
PickUp/Cash/Delivery/Credit, user will get the response as How you would like to order? 1.
Credir, 2. Cash, 3. Delivery, 4. PickUp. Since we have mapped the keyword none to the same
dialog. If you want, you can map to any bot / dialog and response will be based on the mapping.
3. Not Mapped If you refer the ThankYou Bot, under which we have Thankyou Dialog and we
have not mapped any keyword relationship to other bot/dialog or self. At this point when the
user gets the ThankYou Response the user transaction state is reset back to StartBot.
Note: In the above point 2 and 3 can come in any bot/dialog/Keyword mapping. Its a combination and it
will work as informed above. I really know that it will be bit confusing at the first time. Please post your
questions with scenarios so I can provide more clarification.


This section explains about the transferring the request from Autoresponder to Customer Support.

In the Auto Responder Header section, we have a CUSTOMERSUPPORT SETTING button to map
keyword and response text both for English and Chinese. On clicking, we will get a pop up to update the

The system basically target only English and Chinese Language users.
Note: To know about Customer Support of how it works, pleae refer the posted Customer Support V2

When the user is communicating via Autoresponder, when the user in any point enters Help! the
response is sent to the user as in Response Text(EN) and if the user enters ! the response is
sent to the user as in Response Text(CN).
Note: The response is based on the language of what user enters. Above content is just an example,
data is updated as per client requirement.
Note: This section is optional.
Note: Logic below, will only work if the CustomerSupport Setting is updated. If the setting is not
update, the user wont be transferred to Customer Support.
Scenario 1: When the user enters a text which is not mapped in Look Up Keyword column based on the
state of the user, as we know it will send the Global Fallback Response text. Now same will happen, it
will send both Global Fallback and the Customer Support Response Text(EN) based on users language.
Scenario 2: If the user enters exact keyword as updated in Customer Support setting, user will be
redirected to the Customer Support.
Now state of the user will be moved to Customer Support. From this point, whatever user sends will be
redirected to customer support.


In the customer support interface, when a support executive closes the chat conversation the
conversation will be moved to History and at the same time the user will be moved back to the
Autoresponder reset to StartBot dialog state.

**Note: This document will change based on the change request. Also each time when the doc is
updated. Kindly read the doc from the beginning to the end**

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