Helen Keller English

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Nama :

Kelas : XII-IPA3

Review Text
Helen Keller

This film tells the story of a child who is blind, deaf and dumb. Named Hellen Keller He is
very naughty, until when there is a teacher who taught him to learn.


Helen Keller was born normally flawless, but because of an accident he fell.When the mother
tried to talk to Helen, she was silent no response since then she became blind, dumb, deaf.
Up until the age of 6 years, Helen became a naughty child. Until then the family of Helen
took the initiative to bring in a specialist teacher dealing with children with special needs,
who was named Miss. Ana Sullivan.
Not an easy job to teach Helen, from start to sit down, eat with a spoon, until learning
fingered creatures to the objects around it with a finger.Difficult start of this learning process,
scenes of violence against children if told to sit down she did not want to, then Miss Ana rude
manner invited to sit back, until he was willing to sit down. Then taught to eat with a spoon,
sprayed, fed again, until Helen drenched with water.
The learning process is painful and tiring, but not enough to deter the real Helen was very
intelligent, inquisitive. Until finally he was good at spelling, knowing the names of those who
were present around (by palpation), names of objects, recognize water.


The film is very nice but there are parts of violence against children.

Summary :
From this story we can draw the conclusion that humans can inflate disseminate culture
through language. This adhesion to the culture of the language, because language is one of
the means of communication made by humans, although it is only a sign language.

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