The Wise Merchant and The Genie

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Once upon a time, a very rich and wise merchant lived

in a city. He had a loving family and had all
necessities of life provided for. One day, when he
was to cross a desert and went to the town and did
great business. Then he returned home eagerly.
On his way home, in the desert, he felt very tired
because it was noon. He saw an oasis nearby and went
to it to wash his face, and had some fresh water and
sat down under a palm tree.
He started throwing stones here and there while he
was resting. Finally he got up and went to the pond to
wash his hands. Suddenly, he saw a fierce-looking
genie approaching to him.
The genie roared, "You are going to be dead soon. I'll










"Wh..wh..wh..What! I..II hit your head?," the wise

merchant said in a shaky voice.

"Yes. When you threw the stones, that hit my head

and now I was bleeding to death," the genie said.

"I am sorry, sir, I didn't mean to harm you. Please be







"I will hear none of your please. I will kill you right
The wise merchant then got an idea to escape from
the genie at that critical time. Then the merchant

"Sir, you may do what you want to but please do

fulfil my last wish."
"Alright, what is your last wish?" the genie asked.
The merchant replied. "Let me go to the city to meet

my family for the last time. I'll go to the city, clear

all my debts and dues, so that I get a seat in heaven
after my death."
"Oh! That's a lot you ask for. And how long do you
need for that?" the genie enquired.
"Sir, I'll need at least a year for all this. I'll meet
you right here on the same spot." said the merchant.

The genie grew thoughtful. Then he said , "But

remember, if you are not here twelve months after

today, you'll die even a crueller death which I've set
for you."
The wise merchant bowed in agreement. He had one
year to think of some idea to deceive the genie. Once
there he met his family, they all together sat and
helping him to think of an incredible idea to escape
from the genie.
Soon enough a year passed. He walked through the
desert and the wise merchant reached the oasis. He
also bring a bottle with a cork along with him to the
A while later, the merchant saw a very thick smoke
coming through the oasis.

So you are here!" he roared. "Your time has come at

last!", said the genie.
But then the merchant express a very thoughtful
idea to the genie again. Oh Genie!!, You are powerful,

strong and big. Everyone is afraid of you.

Yes, indeed they are afraid of me. Why do you say
that?, asked the genie.

If you are so powerful and strong, I have a

challenge for you to prove that you are great,
powerful and strong genie., said the wise merchant.
How dare you challenge me! Okay! I will prove it to
you. What is your challenge?, the genie asked.
I challenge you to fit your big and strong body into
this bottle., said the merchant.
Ha..Ha..Ha.., My body is made from smoke. I can fit
my body into anything even a small hole. Allright! I
will show you my greatness., said the genie.
The genie transferred his body into a cloud of smoke
and enters the mouth of the bottle. Once the smoke
goes into the bottle, the merchant covered the
mouth of the bottle with a cork tightly.

HaHaHaHa..!! You are very gullible. I will not

release you from this bottle., said the wise
Then, the merchant throw the bottle into the middle
of the oasis. The bottle sink down to the bottom of
the oasis. Then with it, the genie was trapped in the
bottle and live forever in the bottom of the oasis.

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