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Republic of the Philippines


Contrary to law

Tried after pleading "NOT GUILTY" upon arraignment, accused was

convicted and thereafter sentenced toreclusion perpetua to
indemnify the heirs of the deceased in the amount of P12,000.00;
and to pay costs.

G.R. No. L-35574 September 28, 1984

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
VALENTINA MANANQUIL Y LAREDO, defendant-appellant.
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
Herminio Sugay for defendant-appellant.

From the aforesaid judgment, she ventilated an appeal to the then

Court of Appeals (which referred the appeal to us considering that
the penalty imposed was reclusion perpetua, assailing her
aforesaid conviction and contending that the trial court erred: 1) in
convicting her solely on the basis of the alleged extrajudicial
confession; 2) in finding that Pneumonia was a complication of the
burns sustained by the victim; 3) in not finding her not to have
cause the death of the deceased; and 4) in not acquitting her at
least on ground of reasonable doubt.
The prosecution's version of the incident as summarized in the
People's Brief is as follows:

In an amended Information 1 filed before the then Court of First
Instance of Rizal, VALENTINA MANANQUIL y LAREDO was accused
of PARRICIDE allegedly committed as follows:
That on or about the 6th day of March, 1965, in
Pasay City, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
this Hon. Court, the abovenamed accused, did then
and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with
evident premeditation, that is, having conceived and
deliberated to kill her husband, Elias Day y Pablo,
with whom she was united in lawful wedlock, enter
(sic) the NAWASA building situated at Pasay City,
where said Elias Day y Pablo was working as a
security guard; and the said accused, having in her
possession a bottle containing gasoline suddenly and
without warning, poured the contents on the person
of her husband, Elias Day y Pablo, ignited the
gasoline, as a result of which, said Elias Day y Pablo
suffered burns and injuries which subsequently
caused his death.

On March 6, 1965, at about 11:00 o'clock in the

evening, appellant went to the NAWASA Building at
Pasay City where her husband was then working as a
security guard. She had just purchased ten (10)
centavo worth of gasoline from the Esso Gasoline
Station at Taft Avenue which she placed in a coffee
bottle (t.s.n., p. 13, January 13, 1969). She was angry
of her husband, Elias Day y Pablo, because the latter
had burned her clothing, was maintaining a mistress
and had been taking all the food from their house.
Upon reaching the NAWASA Building, she knocked at
the door. Immediately, after the door was opened,
Elias Day shouted at the appellant and castigated
(t.s.n., p. 14, Id). The appellant tired of hearing the
victim, then got the bottle of gasoline and poured the
contents thereof on the face of the victim (t.s.n., p.
14, Id). Then, she got a matchbox and set the polo
shirt of the victim a flame. (Exhs. "A" and "A-1", p.
197, Rec.)

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The appellant was investigated by elements of the

Pasay City Police to whom she gave a written
statement (Exh. "A", p. 197, Rec.) where she
admitted having burned the victim.

grandson who was alone in the house so she went

home leaving her husband who was walking to and
fro and not paying attention to her. (pp. 13-14, Ibid.,
p. 2, March 20, 1969)

Upon the other hand, the victim was taken first to the
Philippine General Hospital and then to the Trinity
General Hospital at Sta. Ana, Manila, when he died
on March 10, 1965. (Exh. "C", p. 208, rec.) due to
pneumonia, lobar bilateral Burns 2 secondary. 3

She went to bed but could not sleep. She went back
to the NAWASA compound to apologize to her
husband. Upon reaching the NAWASA, however, she
found that police officers were present. Her husband
was walking all around still fuming mad, and when he
saw her he chased her. A policeman pulled appellant
aside and asked if she was the wife of Elias. When
she replied in the affirmative, the police officer
accused her of burning her husband. She denied the
accusation. But the police took her to the
headquarters, and prepared a written statement,
Exhibits A, A-1. Appellant was made to sign said
statement upon a promise that she would be
released if she signed it. Although she did not know
the contents, she signed it because of the promise.
(pp. 14-16. Id.; p. 5, March 20,1969) 4

Appellant's story on the other hand runs, thus:

It was before 10:00 o'clock p.m. when appellant
returned from Olongapo City. She fed her grandson
and put him to bed. After filing the tank with water,
she remembered that the next day was a Sunday and
she had to go to church. Her shoes were dirty but
there was no gasoline with which to clean them.
Taking with her an empty bottle of Hemo, she left for
a nearby gasoline station and bought ten centavos
worth of gasoline. Then she remembered that her
husband needed gasoline for his lighter so she
dropped by his place of work. (p. 13, Ibid.)
Appellant saw her husband inside a bonding of the
NAWASA standing by the window. As the iron grille
was open, she entered and knocked at the wooden
door. Elias opened the door, but when he saw his
wife he shouted at her. Appellant said that she had
brought the gasoline which he needed for his lighter,
but Elias, who was under the influence of liquor,
Elias continued shouting and cursing even as
appellant told him that she had come just to bring
the gasoline that he wanted. Appellant trembled and
became dizzy. She was beside herself and did not
know that she was sprinkling the gasoline on her
husband's face. She was tired and dizzy and had to
sit down for a while. Then she remembered her

Appellant's assigned errors boil down to two (2) main issues: (1)
whether or not appellant's extrajudicial confession was voluntarily
given; and (2) whether or not the burns sustained by the victim
contributed to cause pneumonia which was the cause of the
victim's death.
Right after the burning incident, appellant was picked up by the
police operatives of Pasay City. She was thereafter investigated by
Sgt. Leopoldo Garcia of the Pasay City Police who took her
statement in Tagalog and in Question and Answer form which was
reduced into writing. 5 After Sgt. Garcia was through taking her
statement, she was brought to Fiscal Paredes who asked her
questions regarding the said statement and its execution and
before whom said statement was subscribed and sworn to by her.
In that investigation, appellant categorically admitted having
thrown gasoline at her husband and thereafter set him aflame as
evidenced by this pertinent portion of her statement-

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T Ano ang nangyari at iyong binuksan

ng gasolina ang iyong asawa na si
Elias Day?
S Dahil may sala siya, at sinunog niya
ang aking mga damit, at may babae
pa, at saka lahat ng aming pagkain sa
bahay ay hinahakot.

sinindihang at hangang magliyab ang
suot niyang polo shirt, na may guhit na
itim at puti.
T Alam mo ba na kung ano ang iyong
ginawa sa iyong asawa kanginang
humigit kumulang na mag-iika alas
11:00 ng gabi Marzo 6, 1965?

T Ng dahil dito sa mga binanggit mong

ito ay ano ang ginawa mo sa iyong

S Opo, aking sinunog ang aking asawa.

(Exhs. A & A-1 Emphasis supplied)

S Ako po ay nagdilim ang aking isipan

at ang ginawa ko ay naisip kong
buhusan ng gasolina, kaya ang aking
ginawa ay bumili ako ng halagang 10
sentimos sa Esso Gasoline Station sa
Tall Avenue at inilagay ko sa isang boti.

She would now like her aforesaid extrajudicial confession

discredited by asserting that she did not understand its contents
because she is not a Tagala aside from having reached only the
primary grades; and furthermore, that said statement was signed
by her merely upon the promise of the policemen that she will later
be released.

T Pagkatapos na ikaw ay makabili ng

gasolina sa station ng Esso sa Taft
Avenue dito sa Pasay City, ay ano ang
ginawa mo?

We find appellant's aforesaid assertions a mere pretense too flimsy

to be accepted as true. For the truth is that appellant knew and
understood Tagalog despite her not being a Tagala, having stayed
in Manila since 1951, continuously up to the time of the burning
incident in question for which she was investigated. During this
period of almost fourteen years, she was in daily association with
Tagalogs communicating with them in Pilipino. This is clear from her
admission on cross-examination which runs thus-

S Ako po ay nagpunta sa kanya na

pinaggoguardiahan sa Nawasa at
pagdating ko nuon ay kumatok ako sa
pintuan ng Nawasa, at nang marinig
niya ang aking katok sa pinto ay
pagkabukas ng pintuan ay nakita niya
ako, at nagalit siya at ako ay minura
ng puta putan Ina mo, lalakad ka ng
gabi, at namumuta raw ako, at
pagkatapos na ako ay mamura ay
hinahabol pa ako ng suntok, kayat ang
ginawa ko po kinuha ko ang aking
dalang bote na may gasolina at aking
ibinuhos sa kanyang katawan at aking

Q But you can understand Tagalog

because of the length of time that you
litem been living here in Manila?
A Yes.
Q And as a matter of fact, when you
buy something from the store, you
speak Tagalog?
A Yes.

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Q And when you ride in a jeep or bus,

you speak Tagalog?
A Yes.
Q And you were well understood by
these Tagalog people?
A Yes.
Q And as a matter of fact, you can
understand Tagalog?
A Yes,
Q And you can also read Tagalog?
A Yes.
Q You can read?
A Yes, but I do not litem interest to
read. TSN, March 29, 1969, pp. 11-12).
All through shout the entire investigation and even at the time
appellant A as before Fiscal Paredes, before whom she subscribed
and swore to the truth of an what appeared in her statement, 6 no
denunciation of any sort was made nor levelled by her against the
police investigators. Neither was there any complaint aired by her
to the effect that she merely affixed her signatures thereto because
of the promise by the police that she will be released later. We
therefore find her aforesaid claim highly incredible and a mere
concoction. For why will the police still resort to such trickery when
the very sworn statement given by her proved by its contents that
appellant was indeed very cooperative. In fact, almost all the
recitals and narrations appearing in the said statement were
practically repeated by her on the witness stand thus
authenticating the truth and veracity of her declarations contained
therein. Moreover, We find said statement replete with details
which could not litem been possibly supplied by the police

investigators who litem no previous knowledge of, nor

acquaintance with her and the victim, especially with respect to the
circumstances and incidents which preceded the fatal incident that
brought about the death of the latter. We therefore find no error in
the trial court's pronouncement that appellant's sworn statement
was voluntarily given by her; that she fully understood its contents;
and that she willingly affixed her signatures thereto.
Well settled is the rule that extrajudicial confession may be
regarded as conclusive proof of guilt when taken without
maltreatment or intimidation 7 and may serve as a basis of the
declarant's conviction. 8 It is presumed to be voluntary until the
contrary is proven. The burden of proof is upon the person who
gave the confession. 9 That presumption has not been overcome in
the instant case.
Indeed the trial court could not be faulted for relying heavily on
accused-appellant's sworn statement in assessing her guhit since it
was given shortly after the incident took place. By then, she had
yet no time to concoct any fabrication favorable to her. Shock by
the aftermath consequences of her criminal design she must litem
been motivated by no other purpose except to admit the
undeniable. On the other hand, when she took the witness stand,
disclaiming any responsibility for the burning of her husband, it was
already January 13, 1969 . . . more than five years after the
incident and decidedly after she had the benefit of too many
That appellant has murder in her heart and meant to do harm to
her husband when she went to the latter's place of work on that
fatal night and intended an the consequences of her nefarious act
finds clearer manifestation and added support in her total
indifference and seemingly unperturbed concern over the fate that
had befallen the victim . . . her husband . . . especially at times
when he needed her most. Being the wife, she must be the closest
to him and the hardest hit by the mishap if she has not authored
the same nor voluntarily participated therein. She was then
reasonably expected to come to his succor and alleviate him from
his sufferings. And yet, the records do not show her having seen
her husband even once while the latter lay seriously ill at the

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hospital hovering between life and death. Neither did she attend
his funeral nor was she ever present during the wake while the
victim's remains lay in state. That she was under detention does
not excuse nor justify those glaring and significant omissions. For
she could litem asked the court's permission for any of the
enumerated undertakings which we believe would not litem been
denied. But she did not even attempt.
Indeed, the more we scrutinize appellant's alibi and explanation, we
become more convinced of the falsity and incredibility of her
assertions. For instance, her claim that her purpose in buying
gasoline at so an unholy hour of the night, past ten o clock in the
evening, solely for the purpose of cleaning her shoes which she
would wear in going to church the following Sunday, hardly
recommend acceptance. That she dropped at her husband's place
of work also at the middle of the night for no other purpose except
to deliver to him gasoline for his cigarette lighter, is likewise too
taxing upon one's credulity . . . more so if we litem to consider the
previous spat she had with the deceased in the morning of that
fatal day.
In her vain attempt to exculpate herself, appellant would like Us to
believe that her husband died of pneumonia because the latter
drank liquor as shown by the toxicology report indicating presence
of alcohol in the victim's body. Hence, assuming she set her
husband on fire, she is not criminally liable for her husband's death.
We are not persuaded by appellant's aforesaid ratiocination
The claim that the victim drank liquor while confined in the hospital
would not suffice to exculpate the appellant. For as testified by Dr.
Reyes, pneumonia could not be caused by taking alcohol. In fact,
alcohol, according to him, unless taken in excessive dosage so as to
produce an almost comatose condition would not cause suffocation
nor effect a diminution of the oxygen content of the body. 10 In
fine, as correctly pointed out by the Hon. Solicitor General, the
victim's taking of liquor was not an efficient supervening cause
of his death which took place on March 10, 1965, just four days
after the burning.

The cause of death as shown by the necropsy report is pneumonia,

lobar bilateral. Burns 2' secondary. There is no question that the
burns sustained by the victim as shown by The post-mortem
findings immunity about 62% of the victim's entire body. The
evidence shows that pneumonia was a mere complication of the
burns sustained. While accepting pneumonia as the immediate
cause of death, the court a quo held on to state that this could not
litem resulted had not the victim suffered from second degree
burns. It concluded, and rightly so, that with pneumonia having
developed, the burns became as to the cause of death, merely
contributory. We agree.
Appellant's case falls squarely under Art, 4, Par. 1 of the Revised
Penal Code which provides:
Art. 4. Criminal Liability. Criminal liability shall be
1. By any person committing a felony (delito)
although the wrongful act done be different from that
which he intended.
the essential requisites of which are: (a) that an intentional felony
has been committed; and (b) that the wrong done to the aggrieved
party be the direct, natural and logical consequence of the felony
committed by the offender. 11
The reason for the rule as spelled out in the earlier cases of PP vs.
Moldes, 61 Phil. 1, 3 & 4; and PP vs. Quianzon, 62 Phil. 162, citing
13 RCL 748, 751 is as follows
One who inflicts injury on another is deemed guilty of
homicide if the injury contributes immediately or
immediately to the death of such other. The fact that
other causes contribute to the death does not relieve
the actor of responsibility. He would still be liable
"even if the deceased might litem recovered if he
had taken proper care of himself, or submitted to
surgical operation, or that unskilled or improper
treatment aggravated the wound and contributed to

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the death, or that death was men." caused by a

surgical operation rendered necessary by the
condition of the wound. The principle on which this
rule is founded is one of universal application. It lies
at the foundation of criminal jurisprudence. It is that
every person is held to contemplate and be
responsible for the natural consequences of his own
acts. If a person inflicts a wound with a deadly
weapon in a manner as to put life in jeopardy, and
death follows as a consequence of this felonious and
wicked act, it does not alter its nature or diminish its
criminality to prove that other causes cooperated in
producing the fatal result. Neglect of the wound or its
unskilled and improper treatment which are
themselves consequences of the criminal act, must
in law be deemed to litem been among those which
are in contemplation of the guilty party and for which
he must be responsible The rule has its foundation
on a wise and practical policy. A different doctrine
would tend to give immunity to crime and to take
away from human life a salutary and essential
safeguard. Amidst the conflicting theories of medical
men and the uncertainties attendant upon the

treatment of bodily ailments and injuries it would be

easy in many cases of homicide to raise a doubt as
to the immediate cause of death, and thereby open a
wide door by which persons guilty of the highest
crime might escape conviction and punishment.
In convicting the accused, the trial court imposed upon her the
obligation to indemnify the heirs of the deceased only in the
amount of P12,000.00. That should now be increased to
WHEREFORE, except as thus modified, the judgment appealed from
is hereby AFFIRMED with costs against appellant.
It appearing however that appellant Valentina Mananquil is now 71
years of age, this Court recommends her for executive clemency.
For the purpose, let His Excellency, President Ferdinand E. Marcos,
be furnished with a copy of this decision thru the Hon. Minister of

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