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Systematic Review (Pages: 1255-1271)

Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in the East

Mediterranean Region: a Systematic Review
*Yousef Khader1, Mostafa Abdelrahman2,1 Nour Abdo1, Samah Awad3, Munjed Al-Sharif 4,
Ahmed Elbetieha5, Mazen Malkawi6

Department of Community Medicine, Public Health and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan
University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.
Department of Allied Medical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Jordan University of Science
and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology,
Irbid, Jordan.
School of Natural Resources Engineering and Management, German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan.
Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science and Arts, Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Irbid, Jordan.
Centre for Environmental Health Activities, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, WHO, Genve,

The East Mediterranean region (EMR) suffers from high levels of air pollution which has a
negative impact on pregnancy outcomes. This work systematically reviews the epidemiological
evidence on maternal exposure to air pollution and adverse pregnancy outcomes in the region.
Relevant papers and reports published between 2000 and 2014 were searched. Combinations of search
terms including countries, exposures, and pregnancy outcomes were used to search for the relevant
literature. Twelve articles from 6 countries met the inclusion criteria. There was a pattern of an
association between outdoor air pollution and preterm birth and spontaneous abortion; indoor wood
fuel smoke and birth weight; and second-hand smoke and birth weight, preterm birth, and
spontaneous abortion.
The quality of evidence on the impact of air pollution on pregnancy outcomes in the EMR is
inadequate to form a base for future adaptation strategies and action plans. Therefore, more quality
research is needed to portrait the actual situation in the region
Key Words: Air pollution; East Mediterranean region; Pregnancy outcomes.

*Please cite this article as: Khader Y, Abdelrahman M, Abdo N, Awad S, Al-Sharif M, Elbetieha A, et al.
Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in the East Mediterranean Region: a Systematic Review. Int
J Pediatr 2016; 4(1): 1255-71.
*Corresponding Author:
Prof. Yousef Khader, Department of Community Medicine, Public Health and Family Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Ibrid, Jordan. Fax: +962 (0) 2 720 1064.
Received date Dec 3, 2015 ; Accepted date: Dec 28, 2015

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016


Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in EMR

It is well established now that air
pollution has significant association with
human mortality and morbidity. Exposure
to particulate matter (PM) of sizes less
than 10 m (PM10) and 2.5 m (PM2.5) and
gaseous pollutants including nitrogen
dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2),
monoxide (CO), and ozone (O3), have been
associated with increased risk of morbidity
and mortality (1). Despite the recognition
of the serious health hazards of air
pollution, most of the countries in the East
Mediterranean Region (EMR) still do not
have adequate regulations and/or systems
for monitoring air pollution. Data from the
WHO 2014 database on air pollution
shows that out of the 1 524 cities that are
reporting PM10 data from 91 countries
globally, only 26 cities from 10 countries
are in the EMR, all of which exceed the
WHO Air Quality Guidelines (AQG) for
annual concentration of 20 g/m3 (2).
Computer models and satellite-derived
maps also provide strong evidence that
almost all countries of the EMR exceed the
WHO guidelines for annual mean of PM2.5
(10 g/m3). In fact, the highest PM
readings come from the EMR. In addition,
indoor air pollution from coal and biomass
fuel burning for cooking and heating
present a serious issue in some low to
middle income countries in the EMR such
as Somalia, Afghanistan, Sudan, and
Pakistan, where about 100%, 80%, 70%,
and 58% of the population use solid fuel
for energy compared to 40% globally (3).
Solid fuel combustion smoke along with
the household passive exposure to
cigarettes and hookah smoke comprise a
major biohazard, especially for women in
some EMR countries who often spend
hours cooking in insufficiently ventilated
kitchens and exposed to Secondhand
Smoke (SHS) from the husband and/or
children (2). A dramatic example is
Pakistani mothers who, in addition to the
very high ambient air pollution, are very
Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016

likely to suffer excessive exposure to solid

fuel smoke and SHS. In utero exposure to
outdoor air pollution has been studied
extensively and was associated with lower
neonatal mean birth weight (MBW) (4-6),
low birth weight (LBW) (7, 8), small for
gestational age (SGA) (9), shorter fetal
femur length and head circumference (10),
preterm birth (PTB) (6, 7, 11),
spontaneous abortion (12), late fetal
mortality (13), and congenital disorders
such as coarctation of the aorta (14-16),
congenital heart defects (4, 16, 17), genital
defects (18), and digestive system and
abdominal wall defects (15). Some effects
have been found to be modified by the
fetal gender, maternal body mass index
(BMI), and time of exposure. In utero
exposure to solid fuel smoke has been
associated with lower MBW, LBW, and
stillbirth (19, 20). Maternal exposure to
SHS has been linked with lower MBW
(12), which has been found to be modified
by genetic susceptibility; stillbirth; and
spontaneous abortion (21).
Health implications of air pollution are
poorly studied in the EMR, despite it is
one of the most polluted regions in the
world. We therefore conducted a
systematic review for all studies
examining the association between outdoor
air pollution, indoor air pollution, and
SHS, and pregnancy outcomes in the EMR
to synthesize the available work, to
identify gaps in knowledge, and to propose
future research priorities.
2-1. Literature Search
The following databases were searched
for relevant papers and reports:
PsychINFO, Cochrane Collection, Google
scholar, Pubmed and ISI Web of
Knowledge. Key references from extracted
papers were also hand-searched. These


Khader et al.

searches focused upon papers published

between 2000 and 2014.
2-2. Search Terms
Combinations of search terms from three
categories (country keywords AND air
pollution keywords AND pregnancy
related health outcomes keywords) were
used to search for the relevant literature.
2-2-1. Country Keywords
Bahrain OR Cyprus OR Iran OR Jordan
OR Kuwait OR Lebanon OR Libya* OR
Oman OR Qatar OR Saudi OR Syria* OR
Tunisia OR Emirates OR Afghanistan OR
Djibouti OR Egypt OR Iraq OR Morocco
OR Pakistan OR Somalia OR Sudan OR
Yemen OR Gaza OR Palestine OR "West
2-2-2. Air Pollution Keywords
"Indoor air pollution" OR "household air
pollution" OR biofuels OR "household
fuel" OR biomass OR "domestic fuel" OR
coal OR "cooking fuel" OR wood OR
"cooking smoke" OR charcoal OR "solid
fuel" OR "cooking firewood" OR "crop
residue" OR "biomass fuel" OR "biomass
smoke" OR "wood fuel" OR "wood
smoke" OR "charcoal smoke" OR "Air
pollution" OR "Particulate matter" OR
"PM10" OR "PM2.5" OR ozone OR
"nitrogen dioxide" OR "sulphur dioxide"
OR "carbon monoxide" OR "Polycyclic
Hydrocarbons" OR "Passive smoking" OR
"second hand smoke" OR "second hand
smoking" OR "secondhand smoke" OR
"secondhand smoking" OR tobacco.
2-2-3. Health Outcomes Keywords
"Pregnancy outcome" OR "birth weight"
OR "premature birth" OR low birth
weight OR low birthweight OR
"premature infant" OR "fetal growth
retardation" OR "fetal development" OR
"gestational age" OR "small for gestational
age" OR "fetal mortality" OR "fetal death"
OR "perinatal mortality" OR stillbirth OR
Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016

"embryo loss" OR "spontaneous abortion"

OR "congenital abnormalities" OR "neural
tube defects" OR "low birth weight" OR
"low birthweight".
2-3. Filtering and Study Selection
Literature search using the combinations
of keywords and hand search resulted in
115 articles. Two researchers assessed the
eligibility of all citations by reviewing the
abstract. Where citations could not be
excluded based on title or abstract or when
there were discrepancies, the full-text
paper was retrieved and assessed. Full
papers of potentially eligible citations were
identified following screening of all titles
and abstracts by two study authors. These
were further reviewed for eligibility and
inclusion in the review by a single author,
Master of Arts (MA).
2-4. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Literature search was limited to papers and
reports published since 2000. Papers and
reports that met inclusion criteria were
included in this review and were
summarized in review tables and discussed
in the text. Papers which examined the link
between air pollution and human health
qualifying the impact or the link were
included in supporting text but not in the
tables. Data from unpublished reports and
websites were not systematically extracted
into review tables, but sources including
WHO and CDC were discussed in the
accompanying text. Similarly, papers not
fulfilling inclusion criteria were sometimes
used to give a better contextual outline and
are discussed in the relevant sections.
2-4-1. Inclusion Criteria
Papers presented original data from
cohort, case-control, or crosssectional studies, ecologic studies,
case-crossover or time-series studies;
Studies examining the relations
between gaseous air pollutants

Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in EMR

(carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide,

particulate (PM2.5 or PM10) or
second-hand smoking and clearly
defined pregnancy health outcomes;
Conducted in a human population;
Papers published in any country of
the region between 1/1/2000 to
Papers published in English.
2-4-2. Exclusion Criteria

Editorials and letters;

News articles;
Non English language papers;
Papers published before 2000.

2-5. Data Collection and Analysis

Data from scientific papers that met
systematically using a specially designed
data extraction form. Column headings of
summary tables included the followings:
Study outcome, authors, year of
publication, country, study design,
population, study years, main results. For
some health outcomes, a special column
defining exposure was added. Because of
the heterogeneity in study designs,
exposure and outcomes, meaningful
quantitative summary statistics were not
3.1. Studies' characteristics
The flow chart in (Figure.1) shows the
number of studies at each stage of the
search and selection process. By applying
the search criteria 115 papers were
identified. Of these, 71 were found
irrelevant after screening titles and
abstracts, hence excluded. Further, 32
articles were excluded for reasons
mentioned in (Figure.1).
Thus, 12 studies were selected to be
included in the systematic review (22-33).

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016

Three studies were from each of Iran,

Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and one from
each of Palestine, Iraq, and Pakistan. The
most studied outcomes were LBW (N =
10) and MBW (N = 9). Crown-heal length,
head circumference, spontaneous abortion
(SA), and PTB were investigated in 3
studies each. Only one study reported on
the effect of air pollution on neonatal
congenital malformation. Some studies
had examined multiple outcomes. The
most studied exposure was SHS (N = 7),
followed by PM10 (N = 3) and gaseous air
pollutants (N = 3), indoor wood fuel
smoke (N = 2), and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH, N = 1).
The characteristics of the included studies
and the results on the effects of exposure
to air pollution on pregnancy outcomes are
summarized in (Table.1).
Ten studies (22-31) from 6 countries in the
EMR (Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Jordan,
Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia) examined the
effect of air pollution on neonatal
anthropometric measurements. Studied
anthropometric measurements included
MBW (N = 8), crown-heel length (N = 3),
and head circumference (N = 3). We also
included LBW (N = 9) with this group.
Most of studies (N = 6) employed a
retrospective cohort design using birth
record data, 4 were cross-sectional, and 2
were case-control studies. Individual
studies were based on as few as 223 and as
many as 8,490 births. Studies were based
on data from the years 20042007 and
The majority of studies examined the
effect of SHS (N = 6). Two studies
examined the effect of indoor wood fuel
smoke, and 3 studies reported on the effect
of outdoor air pollution. Exposure to SHS
and wood fuel smoke was assigned based
on subjects self-reporting in the format of
personal interview-based questionnaire,
while exposure to outdoor air pollutants
including particulate matter (PM10 and


Khader et al.

PM2.5) and gaseous pollutants (NO2, SO2,

CO, and O3) was assigned based on data
from the nearest central site monitoring
station. The only study that reported on the
effect of outdoor PAH assigned exposure
based on maternal blood testing. Studies
on the effect of SHS and wood fuel smoke
employed only categorical measures of
exposures, whereas studies on the effect of
outdoor air pollution employed either
continuous measures (N = 2) or ordinal
measures (N = 1).
3-2. Birth Weight
3-2-1. Outdoor Air Pollution
The only study that has reported on the
effect of PAH (24) showed no significant
association between the placental blood
levels of PAH and MBW. Two studies in
the regions of Tehran (25) and Isfahan (26)
in Iran investigated the association
between outdoor gaseous air pollutants and
In Tehran, monitoring station data were
used to estimate the average daily
exposure of pregnant women for PM10,
CO, SO2, NO2, and O3 during the entire
pregnancy period and during each
trimester. The study found CO exposure to
be the only significant risk factor for LBW
during the whole pregnancy [OR for the
interquartile range (IQR) increase in CO
concentration: 2.08; 95% CI: 1.7, 4.6],
especially during the second trimester
(OR: 3.96; 95% CI: 1.83, 12.5). On the
other hand, in Isfahan, categorical
pollutant standards index (PSI) was used to
estimate exposure during the entire
pregnancy period and during each
trimester. The authors reported no
association between PSI and LBW in all
exposure periods, before and after
adjustment for confounders. However, the
latter study did not adjust for gestational
age and the level of air pollution during the
study period was generally low.

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016

3-2-2. Indoor Biomass Fuel Smoke

The effect of maternal exposure to wood
fuel smoke on MBW was reported in two
studies. In Pakistan (28), infants born to
wood users averaged 82 g lighter than
infants born to natural gas users when
weight was adjusted for confounders.
However, the difference was only
marginally significant (P < 0.07). In
Palestine (23), the MBW was significantly
lower by 309 g in infants born to women
who were exposed to wood fuel smoke
than in the unexposed group. Both studies
reported similar odds of approximately 2
folds of delivering an infant with LBW in
women who were exposed to wood fuel
smoke after adjustment for confounders.
3-2-3. Second-hand Smoke
Six studies (22, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31) showed
significantly lower MBW in children of
exposed women compared to unexposed
women. The difference ranged from as
little as 35 g to up to 391 g. These 10 folds
variation can be explained by the
differences in study design, sample size,
smoke source (cigarettes or shisha) and
potential confounders accounted for. For
example, 3 studies (27-29) did not adjust
for gestational age and/or preterm birth
(PTB). A doseresponse relationship
between SHS and MBW was reported in 3
studies. Abu-Baker et al. (22) from Jordan
and Wadi and Al-Sharabatti (29) from Iraq
demonstrated a negative relationship
during the second trimester and for chronic
exposure, respectively, using multiple
linear regression models. Whereas,
Abusalah et al. (23) from Palestine
compared the MBW in 2 groups of women
who were exposed to two different levels
of SHS and found that maternal exposure
to cigarette smoke during pregnancy was
associated with a significantly lower
MBW by 237 g (95% CI: 58, 415) and 391
g (95% CI: 140, 642) in infants of women
exposed to smoke from 1 to 20, and from
21 cigarettes per day, respectively, after


Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in EMR

association between SHS and LBW was
investigated in 6 studies (22, 23, 27, 29,
30, 31). Multivariate logistic regression
was used to calculate the odds ratio after
adjustment for potential confounders. In
Jordan, exposed women at home and at
work were found to be approximately 1.5
times (OR: 1.56; 95% CI: 1.31, 1.89) more
likely to deliver a LBW baby compared to
unexposed women (27).

to deliver an infant with LBW than

unexposed non-obese women (BMI of 2029).
approximately 3-fold (OR: 2.71; 95% CI:
1.82, 4.045) after exposure to SHS in both
groups. Similarly, the odds of delivering
an infant with LBW in obese women (BMI
30) compared to non-obese women
increased from 1.18 (95% CI: 0.26, 15.9)
to 2.15 (95% CI: 1.01, 4.73) after exposure
to SHS.

Also, women who reported higher average

number of SHS exposure hours per week
from occupational exposure in the second
trimester (OR for 1 hour increase in
exposure time: 1.33; 95% CI: 1.05, 1.68)
and from home (OR: 1.08; 95% CI: 1.03,
1.12) and outside (OR: 1.15; 95% CI: 1.06,
1.26) in the third trimester were at
significantly greater risk for having a LBW
neonate (22). In addition, a study from Iraq
(29) showed that women exposed to 5
cigarettes a day were 3 times (OR 3.07
95%CI: 1.17, 8.01) more likely to have a
LBW child compared to unexposed
women and women exposed to < 5
cigarettes a day. Two studies from Saudi
Arabia (30, 31) reported higher prevalence
of LBW among infants of exposed mothers
than unexposed mothers, although the
difference did not reach statistical

3-3. Crown-Heel Length and Head


In Palestine, Abusalah (23) found maternal

exposure to SHS to be a strong dosedependent risk factor for LBW. Women
who were SHS exposed from 1 to 20
cigarettes and from 21 cigarettes per day
were 2.5 (95% CI: 1.4, 4.3) and 4.6 times
(95% CI: 1.9, 10.7), respectively, more
likely to give birth to a LBW infants than
those who were not exposed.
Another study investigated the synergistic
effect of SHS exposure and BMI on the
risk of LBW in Saudi Arabia (31). Women
who were unexposed to SHS and
underweight (BMI < 18) were found to be
2.15 time (95% CI: 1.00, 4.57) more likely

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016

3-3-1. Outdoor Air Pollution

The only study that has reported on the
effect of PAH (24) showed no significant
association between the placental blood
levels of PAH and crown-heel length or
head circumference.
3-3-2. Second-hand Smoke
Two Saudi retrospective cohort studies by
the same group investigated the effect of
maternal SHS on crown-heel length or
head circumference. The mean length of
infants of mothers exposed to SHS was
found to be 2.0 mm and 2.6 mm shorter
than unexposed before and after
adjustment to confounders, respectively
(30, 31). In terms of infants head
controversial. Only one study (31) showed
a significant difference (1.3 mm; P < 0.05)
in mean head circumference between
infants of exposed and unexposed mothers,
whereas in the other study (30) the
difference did not reach statistical
significance (0.9 mm; P = 0.17) before and
after adjustment for confounders.
3-4. Preterm Birth
3-4-1. Outdoor Air Pollution
Only 1 retrospective cohort study from
Iran (26) reported on the effect of outdoor
exposure to particulate matter and gaseous
pollutants on PTB. Pollutant Standards


Khader et al.

Index (PSI) was used to estimate exposure

during the entire pregnancy period and
during each trimester. A multiple
regression analysis showed that the only
significant association between PSI levels
and PTB was during the entire pregnancy
(OR for IQR increase in PSI: 1.26; 95%
CI: 1.20, 1.33).
3-4-2. Second-hand Smoke
Two cross-sectional studies from Jordan
reported on the effect of SHS exposure on
PTB. One study found that exposure to
SHS during the entire pregnancy was
significantly associated with PTB (OR:
1.61; 95% CI: 1.30, 1.99) after controlling
for confounders (27). Without adjusting
for any covariates, the other study (32)
reported significantly higher prevalence of
PTB in women exposed for SHS (22.3%)
than unexposed (10.7%)
3-5. Spontaneous Abortion (SA)
3-5-1. Outdoor Air Pollution
In Tehran, a case-control study (33) used
data on outdoor air pollutants including
PM10, CO, SO2, NO2, and O3 from fixedsite air-monitoring stations to estimate
exposure during the entire pregnancy.
Among the 5 pollutants, exposure to
ambient CO showed the strongest
association with SA (OR for 1 ppm
increase in concentration: 1.95, 95% CI:
1.49 2.54). Exposure to NO2, PM10 and
O3 showed weak, but statistically
significant, effect on SA (OR for 1 g/m3
increase in PM10: 1.00, 95% CI: 1.001.01;
OR for 1 ppb increase in NO2: 1.03, 95%
CI: 1.011.05; and OR for 1 ppb increase
in O3: 1.09; 95% CI: 1.051.13). No
association was found between SO2 and
3-6. Congenital Malformations
3-6-1. Second-hand Smoke
Only 1 cross-sectional study from Jordan
(32) reported a significantly higher
prevalence of congenital malformations in

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016

women exposed to SHS (6.4%) than

unexposed (3.6%). The study was merely
descriptive and no association analysis or
4- Discussion
This work is the first to review the
literature on the link between air pollution
and pregnancy outcomes in the EMR. It
serves to screen the quality of available
research and to identify informational gaps
in the region. Because of the heterogeneity
of the exposure, outcome and confounders
measures; and the small number of studies
per outcome the calculation of summary
effects estimates was not meaningful.
4-1. Outdoor Air
Pregnancy Outcomes



The available evidence on the association

between outdoor air pollution and
association with reduced anthropometric
measurements (MBW, crown-heel length,
and head circumference); conflicting
association with LBW; and significantly
positive association with PTB and SA.
Nine previous reviews on the association
between outdoor air pollution and
pregnancy outcomes were identified; 6
systematic reviews (34-39) and 3 metaanalysis studies (6, 14, 16). The systematic
reviews reported significant association
between outdoor air pollution and MBW
(39); and weak or conflicting evidence on
the association with LBW (34, 38), intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) (35-37;
39), SGA (34, 37, 38), PTB (34-39), and
congenital malformations (35). On the
other hand, the meta-analysis studies
reported significant association between
NO2 and SO2 and coarctation of aorta (14,
16); between PM10 and atrial septal defect
(16); and between outdoor air pollutants
and MBW and LBW (6); Whereas the
evidence of the association with PTB was


Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in EMR

4-2. Indoor Air Pollution and Pregnancy

The evidence on the effect of indoor air
pollution on pregnancy outcomes in the
EMR is very limited. This review showed
that exposure to wood fuel smoke may
have an association with LBW. On the
other hand, results on the association with
reduced MBW were inconclusive. No
other outcomes were tested against
exposure to indoor air pollution. Three
reviews on the association between indoor
air pollution and pregnancy outcomes were
identified; 1 systematic review (40) and 2
meta-analysis studies (19, 20). The
systematic review reported a significant
inverse association between prenatal
exposure to PM2.5 and MBW and crownheel length; and significant positive
association between PAH (from indoor
sources) and LBW, SGA and PTB. Both
meta-analysis studies reported increased
risk of reduced MBW, LBW, and stillbirth
as a result of exposure to solid fuel smoke.
4-3. Second-hand Smoke and Pregnancy
This review found compelling evidence on
the association between SHS and lower
MBW, LBW, PTB, and SA. No conclusive
evidence was reached on the relationship
between SHS and reduced crown-heel
length and head circumference, as well as
comparable with results from 2 previous
meta-analysis studies (41, 42) which
reported significant association between
measurements, including LBW.
4-4. Quality of Evidence and Gaps in
The available evidence on the association
between air pollution and pregnancy
outcomes from the EMR has the following

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016

Limited number of studies: A
limited number of studies for a limited
number of outcomes in a limited number
of regions have assessed the association
between various exposures and pregnancy
outcomes. Therefore, research on air
pollution and pregnancy outcomes is
sporadic and insufficient to render a robust
evidence for the situation in the EMR.
More research is needed to sufficiently
locations and topography of the countries
(38), to further investigate the currently
studied outcomes, to identify susceptible
subpopulation, and to study other
pregnancy outcomes such as SGA, IUGR,
congenital abnormalities, and late fetal
Lack of precise estimation of
exposure: Except for one study (24),
outdoor air pollution measurements were
based on stationary air pollution
monitoring, instead of personal exposure.
This method does not account for potential
sources other than ambient air such as the
personal macro- (e.g., living next to a busy
road) and microenvironment (e.g., SHS
exposure at home (26, 43). Also, relying
on residential address to estimate exposure
based on the distance from a monitoring
station critically ignores the subject
mobility (38). In addition, exposure to
SHS and indoor wood fuel smoke was
based on womens retrospective self
reporting, instead of the use of biomarker
to verify exposure, which may result in
imprecision and recall bias (22, 23, 42).
The association between self-reported
exposure status to SHS and urinary
cotinine in nonsmokers has been reported
to be poor (44, 45). It is recommended that
a combination of different methods of
assessing SHS exposure is often the best
approach (46).
Inconsistent exposure metrics:
Different metrics have been used to
quantify outdoor air pollution exposure in
the EMR (e.g., continuous daily average

Khader et al.

concentrations of individual air pollutants

vs. ordinal PSI). Heterogeneity in SHS
exposure metrics also exists between
studies. SHS exposure has been reported
on a dichotomous scale (e.g., exposed vs.
unexposed), continuous exposure hours, or
Heterogeneity in exposure metrics adds
more challenges for the task of
constructing conclusions on the effect of
air pollution on pregnancy outcomes and
should be standardized for future research.
control for potential confounders: Most of
studies did not adjust for critical potential
confounders. For example, many studies
on the effect of air pollution on
anthropometric measurements did not
control for gestational age (N = 4) or
congenital malformations (N = 7), which
are known risk factors for reduced
measurements (47, 48). Not to mention,
gestational age was mainly estimated
based on womens selfreporting to her
last menstrual period, which may introduce
imprecision and recall bias. Also, the only
study on the effect of air pollution on SA
did not consider that some women may
have had illegally induced abortion and
were admitted as SA (33).
Methods for determining sample
size are unclear or absent: In most studies
(N = 7) sample size calculation was not
performed; instead all available eligible
patients were included. The results of these
studies should be considered carefully as
they may only represent the local
population. Finding enough participants to
satisfy the required calculated sample size
for this type of studies can be very
challenging in countries with small
population such as Palestine, Bahrain, and
Qatar. The effect of air pollution on
pregnancy outcomes is generally small and
the there is a wide spectrum of covariates
and subpopulations to study. Therefore,
sample sizes that are required to produce
reliable results will naturally be large.
Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016

Also, it may be useful to cluster countries

with small population to improve the
power of air pollution and health studies.
4-5. Strengths and Limitations
This review has several strengths. This is
the first work to systematically review the
available literation on the association
between air pollution and pregnancy
outcomes in the EMR. It presents evidence
on the shortcoming research in the region
and provides insights on what has to be
done for future research. However, the
review also has limitations. No pooled
evaluations were made due to the low
number of studies for each exposureoutcome relation and the heterogeneity
between studies. Also, the search was
restricted to English language publication,
primarily due to the scope of information
that may or may not be available in other
languages. Another limitation is that all
studies that met the inclusion criteria were
included in this review, regardless to their
quality. However, it was the authors
intention to highlight the presence of lowquality research in the EMR.
Twelve studies from 6 countries in the
EMR have examined the effect of air
pollution on pregnancy outcomes. The
most studied exposure in the region was
SHS. Although the quantity and quality of
the research from the region are inadequate
to draw robust conclusions, it is possible to
appreciate an association, although
between outdoor
pollution and PTB and SA; indoor wood
fuel smoke and LBW; and SHS and MBW,
LBW, PTB, and SA. Although numbers
show that air pollution levels are
particularly high in the EMR, the quality
of the evidence on its effect on pregnancy
outcomes is poor. This is primarily due to
the small number of studies and
heterogeneity among studies. It is critical
to first build a quality body of evidence in


Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in EMR

order to design effective adaptation

strategies and action plans. This review
identified the weaknesses in the current
research and how to overcome them.
This research was supported by
WHO/CEHA, Amman, Jordan. The funder
had no role in the study design, data
collection and analysis, interpretation of
data, decision to publish or preparation of
the manuscript.
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Original Article (Pages: 429-434)

Table 1: Summary of characteristics and main results of included studies

NN et al.





Study Design


Cross-sectional study on
300 births in one hospital

Older than 18 years of

age; Did not smoke
tobacco for one year
prior to conception;
Singleton pregnancy



Confounders Adjusted
Neonates gender, gestational age, number of mothers
previous pregnancies, weight gain during pregnancy,
initiation of prenatal care, maternal age, maternal height,
maternal weight before pregnancy, mothers years of
education, mothers occupation during pregnancy, and total
family income

Main results:

Number of SHS exposure hours per week during the second semester from home and from work had a negative association with the neonatal BW (: -0.38* and -0.25* respectively).
Exposure to SHS from home and from outside during the third trimester, and from work during the second trimester increased the odds of having an LBW infant [OR (95% CI) for every hour/week
increase in exposure time: 1.08* (1.03, 1.12), 1.15* (1.06, 1.26), and 1.33* (1.05, 1.68) respectively].
Abusalah A
et al. (2012)



wood fuel


Case-control study on 223

matched pairs of exposed
(case) and unexposed
(control) births in 2

Residents of Gaza Strip

at least 1 year before




Parents education, occupation, and residence; BMI;

income and consanguinity; preterm birth, and gestational

Main results:

Women chronically exposed to wood fuel smoke had lighter infants than unexposed women [adjusted mean difference (95%CI): -186 g* (-354, -19 g)]. They also were at higher risk of having an LBW
infant [OR (95% CI): 2.3* (1.2, 4.7)].
There was a dose-response relationship between MBW and SHS. Chronic exposure to the smoke of 120 cigarettes/day had smaller effect on MBW than 21 cigarettes/day [adjusted mean difference
(95%CI): -237 g* (-415, -58 g) and -391 g* (-548, -28 g) respectively). In addition, chronic exposure to the smoke of 120 cigarettes/day increased the odds of having an LBW infant by 2.5* times (95%
CI: 1.4, 4.3), whereas the exposure 21 cigarettes/day raised the odds further to 4.6* times (95% CI: 1.9, 10.7).
Al-Saleh et
al. (2013)





A cross-sectional study
on 1,578 births in one

Non-smoker; No
history of occupational

Blood PAH


Mother's age, parity, newborn gender, mother's educational

level, geographical distribution of current residence,
gestational age and preterm birth.



Main results:

No significant association was found between the placental PAH (log10) level and any of the studied pregnancy outcomes.
Amasha &
& Zarqa,
Main results:




A cross-sectional study
on 223 births in 4

Aged 2035 years;

Singleton pregnancy


PTB had significantly higher prevalence among women chronically exposed to SHS (22.3%) than unexposed women (10.7%)
There was no significant difference in the prevalence of CM among women chronically exposed to SHS compared to the unexposed women.

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016


Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in EMR

Table 1: Continued...
Araban et
al. (2012)



CO, O3, NO2,
SO2, PM 10


Study Design
Cohort study on 225
births in 6 hospitals

Aged 1835 years;
Singleton pregnancy;
Living within 5 km of a
unique air pollution
monitoring station; Had
at least 2 prenatal care
during their

concentration of
obtained from the
nearest monitoring
station (within a 5
km radius)


Confounders Adjusted
Maternal age, maternal education, maternal job,
socioeconomic factor, stress status, number of prenatal care
visits, weight gain during pregnancy, gestational age, sex of
the baby and planned pregnancy

Main results:

Women exposed to CO during the entire pregnancy and during the second trimester were at higher risk of having an LBW infant [OR for every For IQR increase in concentration (95% CI): 2.08* (1.70,
4.60) and 3.96* (1.83, 12.5) respectively].
There was no evidence on the association between the exposure to the other pollutants during the entire pregnancy or the different trimesters and LBW.
& Piraei



CO, O3,
NO2, SO2,


Cohort study on 4,758

births in one hospital

Aged 1835 years;

Healthy; Living in
urban areas of Isfahan
city with air pollution
monitoring stations;
Singleton pregnancy

PSI calculated
from average
concentration of
obtained from the
nearest monitoring

Clinician at

Maternal age, neonatal gender, and birth order

Main results:

There was no evidence on the association between the exposure to outdoor air pollution during the entire pregnancy or the different trimesters and LBW
Exposure to outdoor air pollution during the entire pregnancy was associated with PTB [OR for IQR increase in PSI (95% CI): 1.26* (1.201.33)].
Khader et
al. (2011)





A cross-sectional study
on 8,490 births in 4

Women attended for



Clinician at

Age, level of education, employment, family income,

height, blood type, parity, history of preterm delivery

Main results:

Women exposed to SHS at home and at work during the entire pregnancy gave birth to lighter infants (mean difference: 140 g*) and were at higher risk of having an LBW infant than unexposed women
[OR (95% CI): 1.56* (1.31, 1.89)].
They were also at higher risk of having a PTB [OR (95% CI): 1.61* (1.301.99)].

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016


Khader et al.

Table 1: Continued...
Moridi et
al. (2014)



CO, O3,
NO2, SO2,


Study Design


Retrospective case
control study on 148
matched pairs of women
who experienced SA
before 14 weeks of
gestation (case) and
pregnant women after 14
weeks of gestation
(control) in 10 hospitals

Aged 1835 years;

Singleton pregnancy;
Healthy; Did not smoke
during pregnancy; No
previous history of
PTB, LBW and
occupational exposure
to environmental toxins

concentration of
obtained from the
nearest monitoring


Confounders Adjusted
Maternal age, husband age, gravidity, duration from last
delivery in multiparous women, history of previous
abortion, pre-pregnancy BMI, occupation, educational
status, SHS exposure, socioeconomic status, consanguinity
with the spouse and duration of residence in Tehran.

Main results:

There was a significant association between the exposure to CO during the entire pregnancy and SA [OR for every 1 ppm increase in CO (95% CI): 1.95 (1.50, 2.55)]
There was a weak, but significant, association between the exposure to NO 2, O3, and PM10 during the entire pregnancy and SA [OR for every 1 ppb increase in NO 2 and O3 concentration (95% CI): 1.04*
(1.02, 1.05) and 1.09* (1.06, 1.13) respectively; OR for every 1 g/m3 increase in PM10 concentration (95% CI): 1.01* (1.00, 1.02)]
There was no evidence on the association between the exposure to SO 2 during the entire pregnancy and SA.
Siddiqui et
al. (2008)



Wood fuel


Cohort study on 634


Singleton pregnancy



Maternal age, marital status, number of family members,

house type, number of rooms, source of water, type of
sanitation, monthly income, occupation and education of
spouse and participant, maternal daytime work and rest
duration, smoking habits of all household members for
number, frequency and duration of use of tobacco inside
and outside the house, frequency, location, and provider of
prenatal care, immunizations and illnesses during the index
pregnancy, reproductive and neonatal outcomes, fuel type,
propensity scores

Main results:
Wood fuel women users had lighter infants than gas fuel women users (adjusted mean difference: -82 g). They also were at higher risk of having a LBW baby [OR (95% CI): 1.86* (1.11, 3.14)]
Wadi and





Retrospective cohort
study on 300 births in one
hospital; 150 housewife
mothers not exposed to
passive smoking at home
and 150 exposed

Healthy; Singleton
pregnancy; Nonsmoker



Residence, sex of newborn, maternal iron/folic acid

supplementation, antenatal care, weight gain during
pregnancy, education level of both parents, and parity

Main results:

Number of cigarettes/day had a negative association with the neonatal BW (: -281.7*)

Women chronically exposed to the smoke of 5 cigarettes per day had lighter infants than unexposed or exposed to < 5 cigarettes per day (mean difference: 198 g*). They were also more likely to have an
LBW infants [OR (95% CI): 3.07* (1.17, 8.01)].

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016


Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in EMR

Table 1: Continued...
Wahabi et
al. (2013)





Study Design
Retrospective cohort
study on 3,231 women in
one hospital

Singleton pregnancy;
Did not smoke during



Confounders Adjusted
Maternal age, parity, BMI, GDM and gestational age

Main results:
Women chronically exposed to SHS had lighter infants than unexposed women (mean difference: 50 g*)
Exposure to SHS was associated with increased rate of LBW infants, irrespective of maternal BMI.
The odds of delivering an LBW infant was 2.71* times (95% CI: 1.82, 4.05) higher in underweight women (BMI < 18 kg/m2) chronically exposed to SHS compared to non-obese (1829.9 kg/m2) exposed women
The odds of delivering an LBW infant was 2.15* times (95% CI: 1.01, 4.73) higher in obese women (BMI 30 kg/m2) chronically exposed to SHS compared to non-obese exposed women
Women chronically exposed to SHS gave birth to infants with significantly shorter crown-heel length (mean difference: 2.0 mm*) and head circumference (mean difference: 1.3 mm*) than unexposed women.
Wahabi et
al. (2013)





Retrospective cohort
study on 3,426 women in
one hospital

Singleton pregnancy;
Did not smoke during



Maternal age, parity, BMI, GDM and gestational age

Main results:
Women chronically exposed to SHS had lighter infants and infants with shorter crown-heel lengths [adjusted mean difference (95% CI): 2.61 mm (0.58, 4.64)] than unexposed women [adjusted mean difference (95% CI): 35 g* (2,
68)]. Head circumference was also shorter in infants of exposed women (mean difference: 0.9 mm); however, the difference was not statistically significant.

BMI: body-mass index; BW: birth weight; CHL: crown-heel length; CI: confidence interval; CM: congenital malformation; HC: head circumference; LBW: low mean birth weight; MBW: mean birth
weight; OR: odds ratio; PM10: particulate matter of sizes < 10 m; PTB: preterm birth; SA: spontaneous abortion; SHS: second-hand smoke.
* P < 0.05

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016


Original Article (Pages: 429-434)

Fig. 1: Flow chart of study selection

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.1, Serial No.25, Jan 2016


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