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trex No. LUTH ‘ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL (JUNIOR) COMBINED PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2014 SCIENCE 2ahugust 2018 “thou aS minutes Name : a) cass PS. INSTRUCTIONS To PUPILS DO NOT TURN OVER THE PAGES UNTILYOU ARE TOLO TO D0.SO Flow all instructions carey “There are 30 quosfons inthis booklet. ‘Paswer ALL quostons. |NFORMATION FOR PUPILS “The tal marks fortis Bobet s 6 “The total fie for Boole Aand B Is 1 hour 4Sminutes. “This question paper consists o 17 printad pages (inclusive of coverage). 2 For each qusstion from 130, four options are ven. One of them the correct answer. Make your ‘choice and shade the conect oval (1, 2, 30F 4) onthe Optical Answer Sheet. (omaks) 1 ‘Sy the infomation beliy. about two suixtances, A and B. [-samaarco a | occies space. Sitstoree A | has no dee shape has mass thas na defrite volume Sibsarce B hich one ofthe flowing shows what A and 8 are most sly fo be? [7 Sutstancea [Substance 8 0 te Poa @ 7 _« ice © 5 ‘water ) wae = ‘Susan had a beater of 200 cm? of water and another beaker of 200 cn? of small beads. She poured al the water and smal beads nto a50 e® beaker as shown below. (200 cmv ofwater 200 ca" of beads "500 cm beaker mat is most thet he vokume of the water and beads in the 00 om beaker? ()200em? @ 00cm" ©) More than 40000" (8) Between 200 on and 400 em? 3 The elagram below shows the water eel ” @ ° o Water vapour Rain Water vapour —| Clouds 4. The tate below shows the characteristics of four flower, A, 8, Cand D. Which ower is most Baiytobe etna? Fone See wm [oa iat @ [oe nat o |e | te a ° ral 4 |5 Paul took out sime cs fm the fregze aid placed them in glass cup. Aftor an our the om ‘Paul ook ot fone completely. Wich one ofthe follwing graph best represents the emporaite changes ofice over tine win the one hour? — oe —r oo a a oes em ut 4- —T thn = Which of the folowing statements abou reproduction in humans ae correct? ‘one sperm can force many ©9ns. “The feiised egg wal develop inthe womb. “The urcal cord cares digested food to tofoets. “The spams are transfered tothe egg tough the testes. vou> () Rand Boniy (2) Band Cony (@) AsndDonly {) GardDony cS PRELIMINARY EXAM 2014 (Goonto the next ace) 7 No dinples Ne dimples Fair ark rays the plano Pays tennis Based only on the inemation above, which ofthe charactors can Wiliam inhort fom hs parents? () Being tal, fr and with cimptes @)__ Being short dak and playing tonic Being tll Fav brown Pate and wit pe dimples (@) Being short having Back hair and playing tha plano “The clagram below shows a food web ubtere A to F represent Ing tinge. A— > p Bonty Band C only ‘AC and Dony AB,CandD ‘Aes woes mania evan 8d (Go.anta the next oane) 6 28 Twecdagram below chews a hycro-elactic power station. tycrosteciy i lett generated through the use ofthe gravtational force of fai or tee com ate dn corey show ero ath eon te maestro san a oy | GIEGEA | ic omay | _ Srl nour L* _ a | SmAiiaseaeSt | raceomay | Kewicony— oy reeteeery | ttc enmay | _ Smee ory to | vrwecomy | enact eey | Seo or 0 7 Ryan placed a cup of waren the table as show below. ‘ime ane {sac held a toy betwoen his hands as shown below. He rotate the tay by st forward and his fet hand backwards atthe same tne before releasing Teo height tert et his hares. He rotated he same toy athe same starting point again. However, he not lower heigl than the frst ty, Which one ofthe folowing best expains why thc Higher the frst ime? (1) Tretoyad a smatermass, 2) Thetoy was spunmer sowly. @)Thetoy had more knee energy. ()Thetoy had more gataonal potectal ene. End of Bootlet A ~~ (1TH) ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL (JUNIOR) ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL (PRIMARY) COMBINED PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2014 SCIENCE, BOOKLETS 22 August 2014 ‘howe 45 minutes Name: ooo Giass +P AMSTRUCTIONS To PuPNLS “DO NOTTURN OVER THE PAGES UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TODO. SO_ Flow alnstrggions carci There ae Jontioars ts book ‘Anower ALL gestions. INFORMATION FoR PUPILS “The number of mavksis given in brackets [2 the nd ofeach question or part queston. “he total mars for is bok is 40. ‘The total ime for Bootes A and Bist hour 45 minutos. ‘This question paper consists of 14 pint pages (inclusive of cover page). BOOKLET A. 160 BOOKLET B: 140 TOTAL 1100 For questions 31 o 44, write you answers in the spaces proved In this book “The rumbor of marks vale s shown inthe brackets | | tthe end of each question or part questi, (40 marks) ‘31 Roysetup a mode a show the water cycle. He poured some hot water nt a bottle and covered it wit aplastic shoet-Thn he placed some ce-cubes on top ofthe plastic sheet as shown in the diagram below a observed the set for five mini (2) He observed water droplets dipping from te plastic chet ino the bate. Explae how the ator droplets wee formed onthe plastic sheet in the bot el (8) Roy repeatodtne experiment and replaced the hat water with cold water at 6°C. This time, he oid not obseve any water droplets fomning inde the tote, Ghe a reason fois observation. u (Goonto he nest 9292) ‘SCORE 3 32 Lionel ransfered some cooking elit aplastic bottle, Aas chown in the diagram below, He start to pour the cooking ot caetly into plastic bate A using a fume At, he nticod ome cooking ol flowing into the plac bottle A. However, ater a wei, te esoking ol id not ‘low into the bots but overflowed stead even though ble A was not yet (2) Explain why the cooking i overfowed even thou plastic bottle Awas no yet ful, m (©) Lonel decided to make a smal hol in the plastic bole A so thatthe coking olf car flow Inupto level. acer. Mk on the diagram below wh alter" tole where he shout eae the smal hala, m (6) Suggest nether method Lose! can use to fil up plastic botle A faster wahout changing ‘the bode m (Goontote next page) ‘SCORE ACS PRELIMINARY EXAM 2014 ena of teering He attached thos diferent objects, X, Y and Z of the same mass and shape tothe spring (by fastoring them toa plsca of wooden board Using some tape) one ata time and recorded his ‘observations as shown the able below. The original ofthe spring was 10 cn 48 Oijea | Teng of png =n] x ¥ z I (2) object Zs mate of plas, (What material could objet X bo? x: ~ a (8) Whats object ¥ thay to bo? % " (©) Give a reason for your anowern (8) part m (Goontwine next 242) ACS PRELIMINARY EXAM 2014 [ scone | | Nathan boughta toy butery as shown nthe diagram below. He tuned the rubber baad a few times before releasing the ty ino the ai. The ty then few 2 short dstance before faing to the round. He measured the Stince traveled by the toy and ‘ecard tina table as shown below. He repeates th acy by Increasing the numbor of tums made onthe ruber band each time. [Namberottre ontenabbertnd| 8 [0 [ws | 2 | 2 |= [ oistance waved bythe toy em) | 80° | 100 | 150 | 20 | 200 | 200 (2) State the force tat causes they to fap Rs wings when released. in (8) Based on the rosts In the table above, wht is the relafonship between the number of ‘ume on the rubber band and the distance traveled by the toy? " (€) Suggest one mastication that can be dane ta the wings ofthe toy 20 that ca travel 2 distance of more han 200 em. a (Goonto te next ACS PRELIMINARY EXAM 2014 ‘SCORE 6 35 Mathew cariad out an investigaton as shown below, Alte beakers used ae Metical. beaker? esker Gi cote, surrounded by ‘Sh other sinuiar beaters of water He fled beaker P with 200 ml water at 90°C. He medured the temperate of water in beaker P ‘every 5 mindes for 20 minutes, Next, be also Med beaker Q with 200 mi water at 90°C and ‘sutounded beaker Q with sic other similar beakers, cach abo filed wih 200 mi water at 90°C. He corded is recut na table below. i trinatos ® 5 0 [2 “Temperature ofwater - ean oe 0 a n os | © “Tamperature of water ‘moeeraeey | ote [ewe fe | “The birds shown below tive in a cold environment and they bohave ina special way in order to shaven a o situation A taste 5 (©) pla how bieé Gin stuston & has a higher chance of survival, as compared to itis in situation A when te temperature in the ernment lives in Becomes low. ea (Goonto the nex page) ACS PRELIMINARY EXAM 201 [ score | | 7 ‘Scan warts ts fd out how fo reduce the Impacto fing object. He set ip an experiment as, shown below. paver ‘Sean dropped the marti from polit X as shown in setup A. He then measured the depth ofthe

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