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Computer Integrated Manufacturing for

Fully Automated Manufacturing

Sep 2012

Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012


Abstract ............................................................................................. 3
Abbreviations .................................................................................... 4
Introduction........................................................................................ 5
Computer Integrated Manufacturing ................................................. 6
CIM Business Case ........................................................................ 7
CIM Technical Analysis ................................................................ 10
Conclusion - Case Study................................................................. 16
Author Info ....................................................................................... 17

2011, HCL Technologies. Reproduction Prohibited. This document is protected under Copyright by the Author, all rights reserved.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

Manually operated manufacturing lines are giving way to fully
automated lines with minimal manual intervention for the purpose of
reduction in cycle times and to enhance quality, with the prime
purpose of reducing variation in both. With the advent of automation
lines and reduction in manual work, there has been a need to
monitor and report the performance of these lines in terms of
productivity, quality and allied information that could prove vital to
establish the efficiency of the lines and the process. Since manual
reporting is time consuming, erroneous, biased and slow, automatic
reporting, and sometimes feedback, is the need of the day. The
solution lies with the advent and incorporation of Computer
Integrated Manufacturing systems (CIM). This paper describes the
hardware details and the software framework that encompasses a
CIM system.

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012


Sl. No.


Full Form


Computer Integrated Manufacturing


Quality Control

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

This paper shall elaborate the various aspects that go into
implementing CIM, starting from the need for a CIM system all the
way to deployment. In the process, details of the equipment, the
software essentials, the development team, hardware requirements
and effort shall be discussed. Features that could be a part of CIM,
based on the product being manufactured, shall also be discussed.

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

CIM helps in understanding the

state of a process or
equipment, and in some cases,
correcting the state through
alarms or by feed-forward

Computer Integrated Manufacturing

In a simplistic sense, a computer integrated manufacturing system
does one or both of the following tasks:

A methodology for understanding the state of a process or

equipment, and reporting the related equipment performance,
quality delivered and the process parameters for real-time
continuous monitoring and analysis.

Correcting the current state of the equipment/process to

rectify any performance degradation caused either in the
product quality or the equipment productivity performance.
Extending this concept forward, the domain of feed-forward
control, which basically understands the quality of the product
from a process, and modifies the subsequent process to
nullify the bias caused in the previous. In short, the scope of
CIM lies in a closed-loop control of the manufacturing

This paper shall elaborate more on the data collection process of

CIM, and hence, effectively portray CIM as an open loop system.
With this introduction to CIM, it is imperative to understand the
business impact of CIM.

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

> Over 40% time reduction in

aggregation activity.
> Downtime can be reduced by
over 80% through continuous

CIM Business Case

The reasons why CIM is used in industries can be related to two
major aspects:
1. Technical benefits
2. Financial benefits
With the above two elaborated, any industry would be able to clearly
state the need for such a system.
Technical Benefits
1. Data, whether quality or productivity data, is available
immediately. This can help in quick decision making, thereby
reducing the risks involved in continuous manufacturing.
2. Each products signature and quality traits are clearly
observed and recorded, thus forming a basis in places where
traceability is used
3. Equipment performance and similar data like downtime can
be easily monitored
4. It is easy to correlate the performance of the product with the
condition of the equipment at that particular time
5. Occurrence can be easily tracked to kick-start Six Sigma
6. Over 40% time reduction in data collection and aggregation
Financial Benefits
1. Reduction in manpower of over one man per two assembly
lines for fully automated lines with manual QC checking and
2. Product data can be easily traced, thereby eliminating the
cost of rework and reducing the cost of recall. Estimated
recall cost reduction can be as high as 80% with some
3. Quality enhancement using CIM systems can go as far as
90% where traditional systems can reach 70% through
quick correlation, thereby enhancing productivity results
4. Downtime can be reduced by over 80% through continuous
monitoring and predictive alarms
The technical benefits and financial benefits are summarized in the
charts shown below. As a word of caution, the results are based on
fully automated lines for high throughput (typically 30,000

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

The ratio of investment for a

CIM installation as opposed to
considered above is 1:110

products/24 hours or more) employed with an open loop CIM

structure. The results may vary in cases of semi-automatic lines and
high speed equipment.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Based on the technical and financial benefits detailed above, the
estimates for ROI can be determined. For this purpose, let me
assume an electronic industry manufacturing high-precision, lowvalue goods on a scale of ~300,000 goods/day. The ROI chart for
this scenario, based on a gradual ramp-up, would be as follows. The
graph assumes investment cost for CIM implementation and the
revenue that would be generated as a result of CIM.

The ROI sheet assumes a constant revenue generation through

quality enhancement of about 20% and a one-time saving through

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

traceable recall of 80%.The ratio of investment for a CIM installation

as opposed to a typical electronics manufacturing set-up as
considered above is 1:110. Having seen the benefits and the cost
economics of CIM system, the technical details for establishing a
CIM system are detailed next.

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

CIM Technical Analysis

The technical details, requirements and design of the entire CIM
system is described below. A CIM system consists of the following
1. Equipment


Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

2. Hardware


Room Requirement

3. Software Essential Features

4. Manpower Requirements

The equipment dealt with is either a semi-automatic machine or a
fully automatic machine. A level of intelligence is expected to be
addressed during machine design such as installation of sensors for
safety mechanisms, equipment status signaling encoders, etc.,
which can feed back to a central intelligence system regarding the
status of the equipment.
a. Sensors
Sensors form an integral part of any CIM system. They are the
primary source of feedback to any CIM system. There are different
kinds of sensors used and selected depending upon the precision,
usage scenario and cost. Some sensors use light as a medium of
communication, such as through beam sensors, diffuse sensors,
laser beam sensors and other photoelectric sensors. If a situation
demands the detection of a magnetic material such as iron, reed
sensors are used. In places where safety is a concern, proximity
switches are used. Proximity sensors are also used in places where
positional detection is necessary. Let us analyze a case where a
particular sensor is used and how this would be of use to CIM. A
machine has a high-speed robot, and to ensure safety, a door
switch is installed. At times the door is opened for specific purposes
such as maintenance. Opening the door causes a reduction in
equipment productivity. At a review meeting, the detailed cause of
loss in productivity cannot be explained. With a system like CIM, the
exact cause of the productivity loss can be tabulated and a 5 Why
analysis can be completed. The methodology involves the sensor
communicating with the PLC, which takes note of how long the

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

sensor is off and the time involved. The data is sent to a server
which decodes the data and presents it in the CIM format.

b. PLC
Programmable Logic Controllers form the electrical heart of the
machine, and are sometimes referred to as the brain of an
automatic machine. They control different mechanisms in a machine
like pneumatic parts, heaters, weld controllers, vision systems,
motors, etc. Apart from controlling, they also collect data from
different sensors like encoders, cam positioners, photoelectric
sensors, and ultrasonic sensors as well as take note of the time, the
occurrence frequency, and in some cases quality parameters. Apart
from the ladder program, PLCs also take input from the touch
screen, joystick controllers and hand-held consoles. Depending on
the program logic, PLCs can act as an activate/de-activate controller
for the entire machinery. In addition, the PLCs also communicate
with the next machine to know their status for acceptance of the
completed product. In short, the PLC is a device that is an interface
between the machine and the server for a CIM system.


Once the PLC is ready to transmit data, suitable wiring needs to be

done to transmit the data to a server or a computer. The server or
computer shall store the data in a suitable format to be accessed by
computer throughout the network in a suitable format as defined by
the software structure. The server, being a precious store of data,
needs to be stored at ideal room conditions so it can work free from

a. Server/Computers
The server shall store data sent from the equipment and shall be
sized to store and capable of handling huge amounts of data. Since
CIM is also a feature for traceability, care needs to be taken for
sizing the memory of the server. The server should be well isolated
from the development environment which will handle smaller

b. Room Requirements
The development area shall house computers which might range
from 6-10 for a mid-sized company from an electronics industry
perspective. The room temperature needs to be controlled at

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

222C. The server room requires tighter control since it houses the
UPS which is comprised of lead acid batteries, which are
themselves heat generating. The server room needs to be
controlled at 211C. Because the server stores data critical to the
sustainability of the organization, measures should be taken to
protect it from accidental fire. A good example would be to have a
smoke alarm which could activate an inert gas like Argon so
combustion could be deterred due to the absence of oxygen. Care
should be taken before purging the entire room with argon, as a lack
of oxygen can asphyxiate personnel in the room. From a security
standpoint, the facility should be monitored by a Closed Circuit
Television Camera (CCTV). The development area and server room
should be accessible only by authorized personnel.

Software Essential Features

The software essentially should have the following features:
1. Quality Data
2. Production Data
3. Equipment Data
4. Material Movement and Inventory Data
5. Parts Traceability Data
6. Library Defects/Source
Quality Data

Under each of these categories, further drill-down can be enabled.

The various parameters for drill-down are:
a. Quality Type (Multiple)
b. Model


d. Equipment Name
e. Type of Report Xbar R/Xbar - /Histogram

From Date/Time To Date/Time

g. Defect Type
h. Pareto Analysis

SPC Moving Average Charts

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012


Input to Operator for Manual Data Entry


Password Enablement for Operator Data Entry


Quality Summary and Report of Loss

This report generated should be downloadable as an Excel file for

data scrutiny. In addition, each report should show the existing
control limits set on the machine, based on which the machine
makes a judgment.

Production Data

The various drill-down parameters for this sub-set would be:

a. Model
b. Process

Equipment Name

d. Type of Report Histogram

e. From Date/Time To Date/Time

Defect Type (Quality and Equipment)

g. Pareto Analysis
h. Frequency of Reporting

Spare Name/Part No.


Spare Places of Usage


MSDS Input


Password Enablement for Operator Data Entry

Equipment Data

The various drill-down parameters for this sub-set would be:

a. Alarm Selection
b. Process

Equipment Name

d. From Date/Time To Date/Time

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

e. Alarm Status on Diagram


Maintenance Criteria

g. Data Monitor for Specific Equipment Set-ups

Material Movement and Inventory Data

This feature would enable ordering and monitoring inventory based
on scheduling. At any point in time, the quantity of raw material
available for a specific process is known.
Parts Traceability Data
This forms a very key and integral part of a CIM system. For
instance, if a product delivered in the market is defective and the
entire batch needs to be recalled, this feature can help to identify
the serial number of the remaining products in the market with ease.
Going forward, the traceability system will help in drilling down into
the specifics of the raw material used, the manufacturing conditions,
etc., which can help in correlation analysis of the defect.
Library Defects/Source
The library is a source of past information and learning which can
quickly help identify and troubleshoot errors by locating the source
of the problem. In manufacturing, the transfer of knowledge is often
ineffective. Such a library can be a quick means of solving the issue.
This is the essence of software essentials for a CIM framework. The
last issue to be detailed is the manpower and skills requirement for
developing this system.

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

Manpower Requirements

Skill Subset




Development of
Software System

Wiring and

Interface to m/c, Server



PLC Programming and




Sensor Selection,
Mounting Design


Hard Wiring

Wire from Server to mc

1 Vendor

Project Lead

Envision the entire setup, estimate

The resources above are needed for a minimum of eight months to

a maximum of ten months. The ideal starting point to have the
resources available would be one month ahead of new equipment
This concludes the analysis of CIM implementation from a business
point of view and from a technical standpoint.

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

Conclusion - Case Study

As detailed earlier, CIM has a significant role in predictive
maintenance of machinery. This shall be explained with the help of
a simple case study:
Let us consider a mechanical coupling whose failure is the subject
of concern. The mechanical coupling on one side is connected to a
rotary encoder, and on the other side, is connected to a drive shaft.
In short, for every one rotation of the drive shaft, the rotary encoder
turns one rotation, and based on various angles from 0 to 360, the
encoder activates different controls like valves, solenoids, vacuum
switches, etc., through the cam-positioner/PLC which takes note of
different angle values. An incorrect input from the encoder can
activate the controls out of sequence, which can cause damage to
the machinery and the product, and often lead to long downtime.
Now, let us consider a case where the coupling tends to fail. A
scenario where a part tends to fail but hasnt failed is more
challenging for engineers to troubleshoot. This is where CIM, with
the help from sensors, can significantly reduce engineering analysis
and troubleshooting time. Once the coupling tends to fail, for every
rotation of the shaft the encoder might rotate more or less
depending on the side on which the coupling fails. This will activate
different controls in an incorrect sequence and cause machine
damage. And above all, it is very hard for engineers to understand
this phenomenon. With the use of sensors for checking the
mechanical timing of the machinery, and cross-verifying it with the
encoders value with a given tolerance, CIM can quickly provide
data to engineers on the deterioration in the couplings performance
through alerts. And each piece of this data is actually available on
the engineers computer, rather than having to connect to the PLC
to understand this.

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Fully Automated Manufacturing | Sep 2012

Author Info
Sandeep Venkatraman
Sandeep has over eight years of experience,
five of which have been in manufacturing,
vendor quality, new plant set-up, automation
implementation, Six Sigma and Plant Kaizen.
The remaining three years were with factory
automation design, and his current role
involves creating solutions for the industrial
and sustainability divisions.

2011, HCL Technologies, Ltd. Reproduction prohibited. This document is protected under copyright by the author. All rights reserved.


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