Retail Banking in India

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Research Paper

Commerce Volume: 5 | Issue : 8 | August 2015 | ISSN - 2249-555X


Author: Matilda Rosario

Retail Banking in India

When a Bank executes transactions directly with consumers and not corporations or other banks, then it is known
as retail banking. Retail banking in India has fast emerged
as one of the major drivers of the overall banking industry and has witnessed enormous growth in the recent past.
Retail banking Services include savings and checking accounts, mortgages, personal loans, debit cards, credit
cards and so. Retail Banking is now viewed as an important and attractive market segment that offers opportunities for growth and profits. The typical products offered in
the Indian retail banking segment are housing loans, consumption loans, auto loans, credit cards and educational
Factors contributing to growth of retail banking.
The following factors can be considered to have influenced
and paved the way for the growth of retail banking in India:
Use of plastic money: The total number of cards issued
by banks has dramatically increased. As the usage of plastic money has increased a Working Group was set up for
regulatory mechanism for cards. The terms of the Working
Group were fairly broad and the Group was to look into
the type of regulatory measures that are to be introduced
for plastic cards for encouraging their growth in a safe, secure and efficient manner, and also to take care of the best
customer practices and grievances handling mechanism for
the card users. The credit card holders and loan availed
by them through various forms have contributed to the
growth of retail banking to a large extent.
Housing Loans: Housing credit has increased substantially
over last few years. The attitude of the younger income
earning people has become liberal. This attitude and the
increase in disposable income in their hands have contributed dramatically to the increase in housing credit.
Youngest population in the world: The rise of the young
Indian middle class is an important contributory factor in
this regard. Improving consumer purchasing power, cou-

pled with more liberal attitudes toward personal debt, is

contributing to Indias retail banking segment.
Wide customer base: Retail Credit ensures that the business is widely dispersed among a large customer base unlike in the case of corporate lending, where the risk may
be concentrated on a selected few plans. Ability of a bank
to administer a large portfolio of retail credit products
depends upon such factors like; strong credit assessment
capability, sound documentation, strong possessing capability, regular constant follow- up, skilled human resource,
technological support etc.
Technology advancement: The growth in retail banking has been facilitated by growth in banking technology
and automation of banking processes to enable extension
of reach and rationalization of costs. ATMs have emerged
as an alternative banking channels which facilitate lowcost transactions. It also has the advantage of reducing
the branch traffic and enables banks with small networks
to offset the traditional disadvantages by increasing their
reach and spread. Range of products: Retail loans have a
wide range of options. Banks even finance cost of registration, stamp duty, society charges and other associated
expenditures such as furniture and fixtures in case of housing loans and cost of registration and insurance, etc.
Economic prosperity and Increase in disposable Income: The consequent increase in purchasing power has
increased the number of persons availing personal loans.
During the 10 years after 1992, Indias economy grew at
an average rate of 6.8 percent and continues to grow at
almost the same rate which has contributed to the growth
of retail banking.
Changing consumer demographics: India is one of the
countries having highest proportion (70%) of the population below 35 years of age. The BRIC report of the Goldman-Sachs mentioned Indian demographic advantage as
an important positive factor for India. Technological innovations: Technological factors play a major role in retail
banking. Convenience banking in the form of debit cards,

Research Paper
internet and phone-banking, anywhere and anytime bank-ing
has attracted customers into the banking field. Technological innovations relating to increasing use of credit /
debit cards, ATMs, direct debits and phone banking has
contributed to the growth of retail banking in India.
Low burden on banks: Treasury income of the banks, which
had strengthened the banks for the past few years, has been
on the decline during the last two years. In such a situation,
retail business provides a good vehicle of profit
maximization. Retail loans have put comparatively less provisioning burden on banks apart from diversifying their income streams.
Lower interest rates: The interest rates were decreased in
Indian money market which has also contributed to the
growth of retail credit by generating the demand for such
credit. Liquidity in the banking system and falling global
interest rates have compelled the domestic banks to re-duce
it. The declining cost of incremental deposits has enabled
the Banks to reduce their interest rates on hous-ing loans as
well as other retail segments loans. This has contributed to
the increase in retail lending.
Need for higher market share: For commercial banks,
gaining customer loyalty is becoming tough. Customers
demand instant remedy for their grievances and personalization of services at a cost lower. In a digital environment,
market share shifts will be rapid as customers will find it
much easier to switch. Now that the customer has the
choice, banks need to move from a product-centric model to
a customer-centric model. Banks have to plan for it in
advance and be at the forefront in catering to the customers needs.
Challenges and Opportunities of Retail Banking In India
Retail banking has immense opportunities in India. India has
been identified as the second most attractive destina-tion of
30 emergent markets. The rise of the middle class is an
important contributory factor in this regard. Increase in the
consumer purchasing power, coupled with more liberal
attitudes toward personal debt is contributing to Indias retail
banking segment. The SEZs will also provide growth
opportunity for retail banking. The combination of these
factors promises growth in the retail sector.

ey. However this dependency on the network has brought IT

departments additional responsibilities and challenges in
managing, maintaining and optimizing the performance of
retail banking networks. The network challenges in-clude
proper functioning of distributed networks in support of
business objectives. Specific challenges include ensur-ing
that account transaction applications run efficiently be-tween
the branch offices and data centers.
Another issue of concern is the increase in Non Performing
assets and increasing indebtedness, which could affect the
future growth of retail banking. As per the new Economic
policy of the government there is massive inflow of capi-tal
into the banking and financial services sector. This may
sometimes make it difficult for the banks to survive and the
smaller banks may have to merge with other banks.
The banks will also have to build up the image of their brand.
A bank has to build its brand by clearly commu-nicating what
it stands for and ensure that the brand im-age is consistently
conveyed to its customers. This would require integration of
all channels to ensure optimum cus-tomer satisfaction,
regardless of the channel being used.
The development of Information technology and its application in the banking sector provides both opportunities as
well as challenges. Most of the retail banks are witnessing a
tremendous expansion in their customer base. Howev-er, on
the other hand there is increase in the number and types of
cyber crimes like spam, scam, spy ware, phishing, and
embezzlement etc. The number of complaints regard-ing
various undesirable practices and cheating of credit card
account holders is increasing. The RBI is considering
bringing credit card disputes within the ambit of the Bank-ing
Ombudsman scheme. Banks have to be very careful and
cautious and try to prevent the malpractices done by the
misuse of technological advancements. The Informa-tion
technology has to be properly adhered and the cus-tomers
have to be protected from all the risks arising in this behalf.
Though building a regulatory oversight in this regard is
essential, it is to be ensured that the regulations do not
reduce the efficiency of the system nor does it hamper the
credit card usage.

As retail banking offers phenomenal opportunities for growth,

the challenges are equally daunting. The retail banks have to
market their products aggressively. The chal-lenge is to
design and to introduce innovative products which cater to
the needs of the target segment. This re-quires devising
products which is easy to understand and at the same time
meet the financial goals of the custom-ers.

In a service industry the value can be delivered at the moment of interaction with the customers. Banks, in a drive to
carry on with tremendous expansion in terms of customer
base, need to have requirements of the employees who are
well informed about the products as well as have the
necessary soft skills to deal the customers. It is necessary
for the banks to upgrade their existing manpower and retention or lock in the best talents for having competitive
advantage in terms of human resources. Maintaining the
performance of retail banking network and ensuring that all
bank products and services are available at all times is also
a necessary for customer satisfaction.

Another major challenge in retail banking is attraction as well

as retention of customers. Retention is more difficult in this
competitive environment. Customer retention fa-vorably
affects the profitability. According to a research by Reich
held and Sesser in the Harvard Business Review, 5%
increase in customer retention can increase profitability by
35% in banking business. Thus, banks need to focus on
customer retention.

Banks in order to increase the customer base sometimes

waive and do not adhere to the KYC norms, which may lead
to the formation of unethical customers which may affect the
genuine customers and banks. Banks should try to reduce
the Non Performing Assets and try to prevent fraud and

Sustainability is another issue, which is becoming increasingly vital with respect to the growth of retail banking in India.
Technology has made it possible to deliver services
throughout the branch bank network, providing instant updates to checking accounts and rapid movement of mon-

Strategies for future:

Banks have to spread their banking activities to the
masses in rural areas where even today the people are
ignorant of the services offered by banks.
Customer segmentation or product differentiation can


be implemented and banks can try to bring out prod-ucts

as per the special needs of customers.
Promoting low risk retail banking products can help the
banks to reduce their liabilities and the risk of repayment.
Banks have to also concentrate on cost effective expansion programmes since reducing the cost of operation can only lead to development and growth of the
Customer relationship management is the backbone of
retail banking. A response mechanism for customer
enquiries can be designed and should be handled by
special designated employees.
Service quality is another major area of thrust. Service
quality only will help in increasing the customer satisfaction level and loyalty level. Banks must also concentrate and be aware of any risk to reputation, because it
can have a negative impact on the present, future and
prospective customers. Recognizing, measuring and
controlling risk to reputation must be followed by the

There is a need of constant innovation in retail banking. A

paradigm shift in bank financing through innovative prod-ucts
and mechanisms involving constant up gradation and
revalidation of the banks internal systems and processes is
called for. Banks now need to use retail as a growth trig-ger.
This requires product development and differentiation,
innovation and business process reengineering, micro-planning, marketing, prudent pricing, customization, technological up gradation, home / electronic / mobile banking, cost
reduction and cross-selling. While retail banking of-fers
phenomenal opportunities for growth, the challenges are
equally daunting. How far the retail banking is able to lead
growth of the banking industry in future would de-pend upon
the capacity building of the banks to meet the challenges and
make use of the opportunities profitably. However,
technological advancement and the efficiency of operations
would contribute to success in retail banking business.
Furthermore, in all these customers interest is of paramount
importance. So, it is vital for banks to improve their customer
services and cut off predatory lending strat-egies, particularly
in the area of interest on credit cards. Finally we say that retail
banking is one of the most tre-mendous areas to be looked
after by the banking industry.
The bank that best addresses and anticipates customer needs,
delivers consistently higher quality service and con-nects to
the customer via their channel of choice wins. Y.Y. Chin,
OCBC Bank.

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