Hemiptera (Bedbug, Kissing Bug) Coleoptera (Beetles) Anoplura (Lice) Siphonaptera (Fleas) Diptera (Flies, Mosquitoes) Hymeroptera (Ants, Bees, Wasps)

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Good morning, doctor and friends

Thanks for the opportunity that have been given to us

so we can present our refarat about
the insect bite treatment and management
First of all, I will introduce my group. They are
before we know about insect bite, we must to know
abou insect
insects are animals that have 3 body segments , a
pair of eyes, paired anttenae and 6 legs
The most common efloresence is the pruritus papule
And was occasionally become prurigo nodules.
papul urticaria generally is only localized to the bite
area or can be generalized

We must to know about the order because of

From order, we can know the difference each insects
from biting or efloresence on skin

The class insect contain several order. They are

Hemiptera (bedbug, kissing bug)
Coleoptera (beetles)
Anoplura (lice)
Siphonaptera (fleas)
Diptera (flies, mosquitoes)
Hymeroptera (ants, bees, wasps)

According healt research base Riskesdas

The prevalence of the most common insect bite is in
and the least occurred in lampung, banten, south
insect bite is often exposed to the low economic
communities and in rural areas
Insect bite caused by arthropod class of insects. Insects have of adult stage with
characters the hard exoskeleton, 3 pairs of legs, and segmented body where the head,
chest and stomach difuse. contact between humans and insects are difficult to avoid.
Exposure insect bite can be mild symptom or can be life threatening

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