Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Plan Template

NEPF + Components of an Effective Lesson Hybrid


Nicole Anderson

Grade Level


Subject Area


Main Topic

Writing (W)

CCSD Standard

W. 11-12.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

**Be sure to include any strategies, resources, and/or technology that will be used to answer the question where
appropriate. You should have a technology tool integrated into each effective lesson component.**
Standard 1: Learning Purpose and Connections
What will the students be learning?
What are the big concepts for the lesson?
How will students know the objectives for the lesson? [Daily Objective]
How will students know the purpose and relevance of the lesson?
What resources/technology will help students make connections to previous learning? [Daily Review]
How will students receive feedback for their review?
How will students build their current knowledge?

How will the lesson be introduced? [Introduction]

Concepts: Development of real or imagined experiences.

Objectives: To use well-chosen details and well-structured event sequences to create a story.
Relevance: To show comprehension of creative writing development.
Resources/Technology: Students will use the online journal Penzu to post their drafts.
Feedback: Teachers and peers will review and comment on other students writing directly on the Penzu website.
Building on Knowledge: Students will review and revise their writing pieces until a final product is arrived at, then students
will use Microsoft Word (or other word processing program) to prepare a final writing piece.
Introduction of Lesson: Handout with writing prompt given at beginning of the class (daily).

Standard 2: Learning Tasks and Cognitive Demands

How are students supported in achieving the learning goals?
What Depth of Knowledge levels will students experience in the learning tasks?
How will students be supported to experience deeper learning? Address any SPED, Gifted or ELL students [Concept and Skill
Development and Application]
How will students be challenged to advance their thinking and skills? [Concept and Skill Development and Application]

Depth of Knowledge: Learn to use peer criticism to advance their writing abilities.
Deeper Learning: Gifted learners will be provided with a Zunal Webquest to develop a deeper story line. SPED students will
be provided with more detailed prompts and asked to create a word cloud on Tagul to present key concepts and ideas for
their story.
Students will be asked to write the same story over a few different ways before handing in a final copy, to show progression
and capability of choosing unique word choices.

Standard 3: Engagement Strategies and Discourse

How will students engage in interactive dialogue and/or discussions? [Guided/Independent/Group Practice]
How will students develop their skills in argumentation, explanation, and critique, using logic/evidence to support or refute a claim or
How will students use multiple representations of concepts in their thinking? (i.e., graphic organizers, visuals, drawings, concept maps, videos,
simulations, data formats)
What opportunities will students have to use their personal experiences and knowledge to connect to the new concepts and skills?

How will students collaborate with each other?

Develop Skills: Students will use the website Padlet to post links, data, pictures or other evidence to support their claims or
Multiple Representations: Students will use a graphic organizer to brainstorm their ideas before starting on the writing
Personal Experiences: The writing prompt will ask the students to think of a certain event they have experienced and build
a story that is both fiction mixed in with pieces of their own experiences.
Students will collaborate with each other in small groups in class, as well as online via the Penzu website and the Tagul

Standard 4: Student Understanding of and Responsibility for Learning

How will students reflect on their learning progress through structured metacognitive activities?
How will students reflect on the learning goals, the performance criteria and purpose of the lesson?

How will students share their progress?

How will students be supported in revising their learning strategies based on their progress?

Students will write pieces of their story in daily prompts to keep the lesson in focus, allowing them to reflect on where the
story started and where it
will go next, providing a developmental activity, they will be provided with a tablet to use for research and online access to
a grading rubric so that they know what is required of them.
Students will share their progress by creating a PowerPoint to show sentence and concept development as revisions
Students will be separated into groups and be supported by their peers in the strategic writing process.

Standard 5: Assessment Integrated into Instruction

How will student progress be assessed?
How were student pre-assessments or work samples used to plan this lesson?
What evidence of student learning will be generated during the lesson? (i.e., writing, one-to-one conferencing, discussions with peers,
instructional tasks)
How will students receive formative feedback?
How are instructional adjustments made based on student formative assessment results?
What homework will be issued to support the lesson. [Homework]
How will the lesson be closed? [Closure]
How will the lesson be reviewed? [Long-term Review]

Students will be pre-assessed to show they are capable of basic story/timeline development by reviewing previous written
Evidence: A final writing piece will be turned in at completion of lesson.
Feedback: As students critique their peers work, they will use SurveyMonkey to complete a feedback form. (Will also be
completed by teacher as drafts are submitted for review).
Supplemental writing prompts will be issued as homework.
Upon completion, final short stories will be compiled as an e-book.
E-book will be reviewed by entire class.

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