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Dear Parents,

It is great to see that the Autumn Term continues smoothly as pupils make friends and good progress in
their new classes. Thank you so much for celebrating the Harvest with us last week, it was lovely to see so
many of you in church. I know pupils enjoyed sharing their talents with you! Thank you also for your
generous donations which raised 132.00 for Christian Aid. It is good to know our celebrations will help
others less fortunate around the world.
A big thank you to Class 1 for their very special assembly on Tuesday, it is amazing to see how much
confidence they have developed in such a short length of time. I heard there were lots of very proud
parents and siblings! We are looking forward to sharing Class 2s learning on Tuesday 11th and Class 3s
on Tuesday 18th October.
As the Autumn term progresses, it is starting to get colder so please can you ensure that your child wears a
jumper and coat to school then they can continue to enjoy playtimes without shivering! We would love for
them to be able to use the grass areas for as long as possible and appreciate that it can soon become
muddy so if you would like to send a spare pair of outdoor shoes in a drawstring bag for your child to wear
outside please ask your child to place them on their pegs (do remember to label them!).
A huge well done to all the pupils who submitted their Arts Award Booklets to be assessed in September.
The assessor has been into school and was really impressed with the calibre of the work pupils have done.
She will be back in this Thursday to make her final judgements and to give certificates to those pupils who
have successfully completed the award, the assessor will also look at pupils creative learning in school to
further evidence their successful completion of the Award.
Some of our older pupils were so fired up by the Award that they have asked to work on their Bronze Award
a template for which has been provided by the Music Workshop through our links with Tuxford Academy.
The picture above shows pupils excitement when they received their new, and personalised, booklets. We
hope these will be ready for assessment in the Spring Term.
Flag design winner
Pupils produced an imaginative range of school flag designs as part of their recent home-school learning
challenge. Their attention to detail was fabulous, many chose to use colours to reflect different elements of
our school life. Green to represent how we grow, yellow for creativity, blue for peace, red for nurture and
brown for our foundations on which we grow and thrive.
It was really hard to select a winning flag as so many of them were really fabulous, after much debate Lola
Davis flag was selected. Well done Lola, we are really proud of you and your artistic skills!
Dogs Trust visit 14th October
This Friday we will be joined in school by Sarah Saunders of the Dogs Trust, Sarah will be leading a whole
school assembly and follow this up with workshops for pupils which are aimed at helping young people to
learn more about caring for dogs, responsible dog ownership and most importantly how to stay safe around
dogs. Their Education Programme is not linked to fundraising; they simply want to help children to learn
more about caring for canine companions and encourage them to be responsible members of their local

Parents Evening and Afternoon

Parents evening is fast approaching, teachers in EYFS, Class 3 and Class 1 will be available to meet
parents on the evening of Tuesday 1st November and the afternoon of Wednesday 2nd November.
Mrs Bailey and Mrs Grierson will be available to meet Year 5 parents on Tuesday evening and Mrs Bailey
will meet Year 6 parents on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Coupe will be available to meet Class 2 parents
on Tuesday evening. Appointment slips will be sent home with pupils at the end of this week and we will do
our very best to ensure that you get your preferred time slot. The sooner you return the slip the greater the
likelihood of getting the time you would like.
The focus of the Autumn Term meetings is to discuss how your child has settled into their new classes and
how best we can work together to help your child make good progress.
The Spring Term Parents evenings will focus more on your childs academic targets for the school year.
These targets will be sent home before the Spring Term meetings so that you can discuss them with your
child prior to the meeting and to help you prepare for the meetings.
Parents forum 19th October 8.30am in the school hall
Governors will once again will be leading our forum and the opening topic for debate will be The role of
Governors in school. We look forward to welcoming as many parents to this event so that we can work
together to make our school the best it can be.
PTFA 10k and fun run 23rd October
Pupils are very excited about the PTFAs latest fundraiser. Pupils have set the aspirational target of raising
1,000,000 for school!! Im not quite sure the PTFA will quite manage this but I am sure with your support
they can raise a significant amount of money to help provide your childs educational experiences. Monies
raised from this particular event will go towards playground equipment. The PTFA would love to raise
enough to buy some outside fitness equipment for pupils to use during outside play. I know several others
have this fixed equipment which is really popular with pupils.
Annual School Term cards
If you were wondering where your annual plastic term cards had gone to this year, so are we!! Having
ordered them from our usual supplier in June they still havent arrived, despite being paid for! It looks likely
that they wont now appear so we are really sorry they wont be available this year. The dates are all on the
website and the paper annual calendar but we do appreciate that this isnt quite as convenient as a small
card with the information on. We are now busy sourcing different providers ready for next year!
Parent Governor elections
Thank you to Mrs Baker and Mrs Lamb who put themselves forward to be school governors this term.
Voting closed today and the votes were counted by three Governors. Mrs Lamb received the most votes
and will join the Board of Governors for the Autumn term meeting in November. Congratulations Mrs Lamb!
A big thank you to everyone who voted and especially to Mrs Baker for supporting our school.
Half Term holiday reminder
Just a quick reminder that school closes for the half-term break on Friday 21st October and reopens on
Monday 31st October. We hope you have a relaxing holiday with your families and look forward seeing
everyone feeling refreshed and re-energised for the very special Christmas Term in School.
As always, my door is open if you do have a concern or something fabulous to share do pop in and let us
know. We can only try and solve issues if we know about them!
All the very best,

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