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Lesson 1

Directions: Explore the Explore Occupations section, answering the questions below.
CAREER FIELD: Communication and
Information Systems

How many clusters (groups) of occupations are

included in this career field?
Which of these career clusters appealed to you
What do people who work in this cluster do?

CAREER FIELD: Business, Marketing, and


How many clusters (groups) of occupations are

included in this career field?
Which of these career clusters appealed to you
What do people who work in this cluster do?

CAREER FIELD: Health Sciences

How many clusters (groups) of occupations are

included in this career field?
Which of these career clusters appealed to you

What do people who work in this cluster do?
CAREER FIELD: Human Services and

How many clusters (groups) of occupations are

included in this career field?
Which of these career clusters appealed to you
What do people who work in this cluster do?

CAREER FIELD: Industrial, Manufacturing,

and Engineering Systems

How many clusters (groups) of occupations are

included in this career field?
Which of these career clusters appealed to you
What do people who work in this cluster do?

CAREER FIELD: Environmental and

Agricultural Systems

How many clusters (groups) of occupations are

included in this career field?
Which of these career clusters appealed to you

What do people who work in this cluster do?

1. Which cluster are you?________________________________________
2. According to the survey, what are your interests within the cluster?
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________
c. _________________________________________
3. Do these results match what you have dreamed and planned about becoming when you
graduate high school and college? Explain.
GROUP DISCUSSION: Write your answers below.
1. How did you become interested in this type of work?
2. What are some commonalities your group has? Differences?
3. What are the occupations this group wishes to pursue?
4. Which classes will you need to take in High School to make sure you are on the right track?
5. What type of education will you need after high school?

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