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List Of Publications

1. On *g-closed sets in Topological Spaces. Antarctica J. Of Math. , 7

(2010), 597-604
2. -Set Connected Functions in Topological Spaces. International Journal for Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 5, 2010, no. 36, 1789 1798.
3. gSeparation axioms in Bicech closure space. International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 6, 2011, no. 21, 1045 - 1052,
4. On -quasi irresolute functions. Journal of Mathematical Sciences &
Computer Applications . 1 (2), (2011) , 7277. ( To appear)
5. A new class of sets in Cech Closure Spaces.Paper presented in International Conference on Mathematical Computing and Management
(ICMCM), MACFAST, June 2010,Kerala, India.
6. On Rarely -continuous Functions, Paper presented in International
Seminar on Recent Trends in Applications of Mathematics Jan 31 -Feb 2,
2011. in Bharat Mata college, Mahatma Gandhi University, India.
7. On Contra *g-Continuous Functions . Paper presented in UGC
sponsored National seminar on Recent Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics and
its Application, July 5-6, 2011.Nirmala College For Women. Coimbatore,


Biographical Sketch
Name :

Ganes M Pandya.

Date Of Birth

29 th June 1975.

Place Of Birth



Bharathiar University
Bharathiar University
Madurai Kamaraj University

Currently Working as Senior Lecturer in Mathematics.


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