Elements of Fiction Quiz Definitions 2016

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Literary Elements

Quiz Definitions
1. Exposition: Characters, setting, and background information of the story are introduced.
2. Rising Action: The plot gets more intense; conflicts arise and we learn more about the
3. Climax: a point of great interest or suspense; often some change happens or there is a
turning point
4. Falling Action: Events that happen after the climax and before the end of the story
where the conflicts begin to be solved.
5. Resolution: happens at the end of a story; all loose ends are tied up and problem is
6. Setting: when and where the story takes place
7. Theme: the storys main message/lesson to the reader (moral)
8. First Person: The narrator is a character in the story and uses the pronouns I, me, my,
and we.
9. Second Person: The narrator speaks to the reader, like in a recipe or a how to essay, and
it uses the pronoun YOU.
10. Third Person Limited: The narrator is NOT a character in the story, and the narrator
knows the thoughts and feelings on ONE character. Uses pronouns such as he, she, and
11. Third Person Omniscient: The narrator is all knowing and knows the thoughts and
feelings of ALL the characters. The narrator is a character in the story and uses the
pronouns he, she, and they.
12. Character vs. Nature: A character has a struggle against a force of nature (tornado,
rain, hurricane, fire, ocean, etc.).
13. Character vs. Society: A character has a problem with society, the school system, the
law, or a tradition.
14. Character vs. Fate A character struggles with an uncontrollable situation, like death.
15. Character vs. Character: A character has a problem with another character.
16. Character vs. Self: A character struggles with him or herself, like making a decision.

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