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----------------------- Page 1----------------------My thoughts 10 By: Christopher Maxw

ell Thomas Today was

Tiggers birthday. He woke up. Older.
And a
little bit colder, his wife had bee
n slapping him all night long, now
Digital Proofer
this isn t a comedy interruption of
normal news, this is smarter than t
hat. I had been waking up next
to her trying to be with me. As she
woke I
My Greatest Work
tried to impress her by faking still
sleep. I watched as she left the
Authored by Mr Christopher Max...
bed with her things and stored one
on the
plane next to the stewardess. Even
her carry on bags were
6.0" x 9.0" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
beautiful. The way that the mid day
sun rested
Black & White on White paper
482 pages
upon her face she seemed like her n
ame was purple and yellow.
She was a sunset set in the Bahamas
, she
ISBN-13: 9781539344421
ISBN-10: 1539344428
was more than just my wife. She had
these brand new airings on
her ears, the way that they fell [T
uly 5, 2016 upon her, I
Please carefully review your Digital Proof download for formatting,
grammar, and design issues that may need to be corrected.
believe in you I believe in the pos
sibilities of
languages. Deaf blind there is no t
ime the only time that we ever
We recommend that you review your book three times, with each time
focusing on a different aspect.
had was the disrupted accounts that

gave me from the beginning, I heard

her speak and that was all
she wanted to do, she spoke so eloq
1 Check the format, including headers, footers, page
that we never saw the bridge from th
e bay ever again then again
numbers, spacing, table of contents, and index.
the planet is dying and we are risin
g the
most insolent, ideas are broadcast
from our small quaint
2 Review any images or graphics and captions if applicable.
existence, defy defy me and I will h
ave them
3 Read the book for grammatical errors and typos.
checking posters, defy and lie and il
l kick you in the leg. Li
Wayne Please the cinnamon was getti
ng higher
than we, at the location that we fel
t we were there
Once you are satisfied with your review, you can approve your proof
London England that is, so why do I
worship this and not that, you
and move forward to the next step in the publishing process.
never bought the two Of us ice crea
To print this proof we recommend that you scale the PDF to fit the size
that s because you didnt want to I ha
ve an exasperation of hopes
of your printer paper.
and dreams bring it to the field wh
happening last night did not happen
perhaps the time change
over the Atlantic ocean was by a by
----------------------- Page 2----------------------point of view easier making it in the middle east then again I
the lady could still feel what my adoration to
wards her, and this is
didn t find it all that interesting being there as
not all there was
Opposed to my wife s beautiful mansion, that being said the sloop
5, 2016
of the tongue was

mass toddy but I fucking

Counted correctly and the party started at a quarter [THE
lied anyways!!!!!!! The people that are antiqu
ated in this great
and spacious building
Past three. Tings is slobbering all over me and my wife, she s had
are not actually there that are kings and queens
of the falsehood
it up to the moon, and there is cheese there,
that is the world
Many other things to discover. The pain that was hers is now the
they are here you are not, show him your dick
you bitch, The last
center of our
line of the song
Relationship. The other night was all time over then and there but
wasn t even coming the same way and you know i
t. I have
we hadnt had
become unfinished she
enough of anything. I had bought a suede backpack that
said I wasn t really listening to her words. Sh
e desperately
glimmered and shined in the
wanted me to fuck her
darkness. The moon shone on the night of our adventure. You can
but something that filled with circumstances w
as inoperable to
not minimize the
our existence even
seat that we sit in. I offer you one as well thatch called justice not
though we had been together for several years.
I could still
mercy, why do
remember a few years
this? I can t think of a single Peron that lives on that side of The
aghast the family had almost been destroyed it w
asn t a risk it The
Bay But you must
other day as a
know Gatsby. You know for a quick second I m about to jump off
Matter of fact this wasnt superscribe by her doct
or. This anger
a mother fucking
that she had all the
cliff on top of a horse and be chill in the morning, Thomas
time. Previously I had gone to the library to
find out what this
pastrami IRS not doing this,
woman might have had
I was. I knew how to spend it better. They all got deans listed,
that bothered her mind so. Like I said I hadn
t ever put this out
Why? The reasons
ever before I had hoped that she was flexible
were sparse. I hadn t asked her anything and still he showed her
because to do a three some you had to improvis
e. 2 Chain. I had
his box room! There

seldom thought about her superscription

was something different about his look, The faction hasn t been
to this unused medication that wasn t real, it
wasnt at all I came
there long enough, I
here and there to [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS
agree but the flag is still at half mass, is there mass today? I nod in
OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 make sure that I
was on top while
disagreement but
she was on bottom, call it anything you
----------------------- Page 3----------------------necessarily wanted to I had the mind to impregnate her again,
awaiting me. Let s go where do you want to? anywhe
re I said
why? You ask is the empire state building
three years later I fucking killed her. Now this
higher than the cup of soup that the lady I called wife had given
is not the OJ Simpson trial Mr. Roofing, Hook ev
en she found out
after me to the present day I did not have the
about my cocaine addiction jumped a porter
mind to tell her that what she had given me was founded earlier
plane enjoyed her free ride obviously and then k
illed herself on
in the year. I needed Christ and Christ
the fucking plane can you believe that shit
needed me why the fuck could he have created such a beautiful
Hmm O well I told myself. The years after those
three years I
young woman to be restarted, and did I tell
found myself in Miami Florida with two chicks in
stead of one.
her hell no I didn t, either the couch will move itself pro the Christ,
There are the quick and
as tree will knot fit, there is room here son,
the dead who are you the quick who are they the
dead, correct
and theirs room here, I didnt tony know. But she never knew
there are certain
him. Why have you been gone all day? I was
things in this life that people simply do not tell you
and one is
out why do you ask? The way home this night was extra scary to
my best friend Tings we had to stop the car
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 the married wo
man that
several times to make sure that the boogie man wasn t
live here in Fort
overcoming Riggers soul. I kept telling him that there
Knox and Kentucky even that are giving up the puss
y, My drill
wasn t anything to fear except fear itself. Like one other president
sergeant told me that
said Ask not what this country can do for
and I will NEVER FORGET IT. I went to church the f

ollowing day
you but what you can do for the country. Hello class I said as I
and found myself in
walked into the class. The answer was
purgatory. I didn t put down the money fast enou
gh she was still
rhetorical and the bottles were [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
gone, I wished that
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 popping this was
Rebecca could have stayed longer every night Rig
ger was outside
definitely the day that I would teach my class metaphysics. One
crying over her
young girl happened to ask me what word he
death, I buried her here under our favorite tree
so that no matter
was referring to I replied I didn t exact ally know when in fact I
what I would never
knew exact tally. That s what our class was oral
forget her and her soft steel earrings. Now I k
now what you are
interpretation at its finest I almost didn t hear her question, I was
thinking the story
baffled and a little confused so I decided to
can t be that sad, but it is. Until one day she
showed up
get rip soaringly drunk. I hadnt quite met this man that these
unannounced and we lived
peeps called Gatsby but I intended to, I promise
happily ever after. This woman s name was unknow
n to all that
you I kept telling my self. And then at the very end of the party I
ever met knew or
did. My Heavenly Father s Kingdom was
fucking kissed her. I For our 50th anniversary w
e went to a cave
within the middle of
----------------------- Page 4----------------------the mountains we hadn t been there long when we found tourists
my wife said we were just here trying to give y
ou guys some
looking for a place
chocolate chip cookies, well me and my wife do
to live they had there camper it was a 96 Chevrolet something
not know how we may decide on your cookies, wha
t are [THE
about the meaning of
death that s what they told us anyways. They parked them\selves
2016 you two doing in there we heard a noise, W
e are actually,
right next to Lake
with the help of god are preaching hate
placid there wasn t any other rs in the camp me and my wife
allocated in this book. What is the name of it,
The man looked at
\seemed to end there

the book in hips right hand then showed the

attention. AS the days passed the night were [THE COLLECTIVE
title to my husband, its called good omens. You
don t have to do
this sir, do w, cautiously again, what This sir
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 longer than the sun that fell in the sky prior
this is wrong I have read that said book and I
know from my
to the day that left
heavenly father that this book you conceal is
at the end. We hadnt been there and towards the end of our stay
pretty fucking evil, i hear something in there is
that, is that your
there we
wife crying sir, This is a sucking stand up, I
happened top pass by there location and over heard them
looked behind me and saw three men with loaded
speaking words from good
pointed directly at this mans shelter that he
omen, this was a book that I came across at the sec county jail
called an RV, The three ran got the front door,
and began opening
during my stet there
fire, now I have never remembered the
there were answers to both side in this book. It surrounded crazy
seven harry potters that she so obsequiously ha
nded to me, I put
but as we slowly
the book down and prayed. The thought
approached there camp we saw nothing except the moon shining
that the angel gave to me was founded in Captai
n Morons last
over the camp and
words, kind of like Gordon B Brinkleys last
the soft clouds that were surrounding the moon. My wife was
words read. So I began reading again good omen
s, if anyone was
braver than me she began walking up to the RV
going to save this man s soul it had
slowly but quickly. I followed her lead. The man inside the RV
definitely been me. As me and my wife returned
to our camp, we
came to the opening of the front door. He held
started conversing about the event that had
the book in his right hand and cautiously slowly opened the
taken place right in front [THE COLLECTIVE WORK
screen door maybe it was just the mesquits and
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 of me, Do you think they
the outbreak of the west line virus, however I saw something in
got shoot to death. I really do not know but at l
east we still have
his eyes that read something curious. There
the cookies. What the fuck are you talking
he saw us baby should we go back in a whisper, maybe I think he
about cookies two people are dead, directly aft
er I said this to my

has a (g...UN) CAN I HELP YOU, Um no

woman I looked around and all our shit was
----------------------- Page 5----------------------gone, vanished cheapen, and thats too say the misty of Alexander
competition was niggers all of them chiggers they
weren t 5a they
the great. Honey what the fuck, I said
were sophomores
softie. You concur sweetheart. I getting FUCKING scared as
they were under the stairs. Now class if one of us goe
s through it
hell. OK well at least we still have the
who does it affect
flashlight, kin if I replied, the batteries were going low and the
the one\s that followed the pit, which pit is \t
hat miss pretty lady
light wasn t very bright anymore. AS soon as
in the middle seats,
she thought that we heard something thatch sounded like french
mum your lover that is kind sir, my wife will ne
ver know, I Promise
idiolect. What the
you. After she
fuck was that I said, ah I don t know. Five minutes later our flash
spoke a desk flew across the room,,, what the heck
I thought.
light went out.
Now one thing I will say
Now I have never been Freddy cougar but who has, the moon was
is that we were ion Paris, and a documentary was
being filmed,
still in its normal
Every morning my
positioning in the sky and the stars shone bright. My wife looked
quest with my wife began with a lot of anger and
down at \the flash
followed by passion lust
light shook it a few times then softly dropped it to the floor. I hit a
the show must go on and that will not happen as
long sat the
rock and broke.
Maharaja is in charge,
WE looked at each other. And slowly started to cry. At this point
well guess What King Benjamin taught us better t
han that and by
all we\ were doing
the way I [THE
was sobbing, and we started to sing hymnals in a soft voice. WE
ave many
then heard the voice
cups of coffee. What
of GOD, hah we both thought. We looked into
exact ally is the retaliation of 5this reversal,
Question mark that s
what we are speaking of. There are several

light of the moon and

keys to the English language that are not quite
true. There is
no one was there. And then again we heard the sound of god s
something wring here I told myself after a long
voice, it said go so
breakfast with my wife, we were going to see the c
arnival today
we went Ne phi showed up wight his younger brother Sam and
and that was no joke, you see the animals
after twenty two
were such a lively bunch that Rigger was static
and to say the
extra hours of walking we found Boulder, CO. And later that night
ultimate least so was Winnie the poo, both
Netherlander the
Jewish. That same night the trident packets were
on the floor I
city above Boulder and we were safe with a camp. Hats word I
hadnt been in San Borodin long however the
thought to myself I
party that night was sure to be epic I was the o
nly one with the
have been here and I h\ave performed on this track several times
invitation, and that s why my wife was so livid
before the
----------------------- Page 6----------------------at me. Or so it seemed, I placed myself at the must pristine
July 5, 2016
locations all day long and wrote song after song,
It was a long and dusty road that spread
just waiting for the night to come, interestingly enough mic hale
wide across the country side, she was driving an
d I loved the fact
Jackson had taken the audiences attention
that she was I was drinking a coca cola, the
first and baffled as I was I had to agree to disagree that Halloween
taste was invigorating to me I believed in her o
bvious capabilities
was nothing compared to Ryan Hecklers
and that s what
house party that wasn t occurring indirectly this night. Hey babe
supported our beautiful life. She chose to put t
he pedal to the
you want to go to a party tonight at Hecklers
medal and we arrived
house. O my god suddenly her frown turned upside down and
early to
Tuscon Arizona 10 hours early. And the only reas
on was because I
July 5, 2016 she repeated tech moneys word s I indefinitely be ion
hadn t yet been
attendance tonight. The next few months
there, but she did. The obtrusiveness if tit LL
WAS that it was a
were long and hard just not inside my pants. My wife and I were

son of a bitch to
attending classes at the AA group home in
understand. I no wave in my possession the keys
to Ha grids
southern California. Why you ask, because there are small
house. Now class
inflictions of soft core Showtime porn originated
remember the differences between the on plus the
other, the
through out the entire movie, thank you Edward Norton. It must
variables may be
have been morning because these racing
stacked high, but the arrhythmical is not presen
t, Slacker and
thoughts were not leaving my mind, she walked into the foyer and
Steve were talk show
saw me basically just like standing there
rodeo bull bucking at its finest. It was a sover
eign, kind of like the
lost in Translation. She looked at me and began to sob, for her
survey that we took
husband was no longer standing there talking
in the middle class to have the rights to the ki
ngdom. Leonardo
to her, Chris she kept saying over and over whats wrong, as soon
DiCaprio I have been
as my ears heard her lovely soft voice I
a poor man and I have been a rich man and I choo
se money over
snapped out of it and hugged and kissed my wife, now I won t tell
the none every
you that the occurrences that happened
FUCKING time, there is mo stability in meagernes
s. Now class if
later that night were not pg and it involved a fucking movie I
we take these two
wanted to watch up in the air one of my all time
premise we will be at odds between ourselves if
it wasn t a
favorites, you know it was \pretty much about a Black Card being
hundred percent true
used again and again, until George won his
about Newton s law of gravity, keep in [THE COLL
wings. Or at least that s how I remembered it, who knows I think I
was high the night it was playing at the
July 5, 2016 mind thought that its still just a
theory. The gecko
from the car insurance
----------------------- Page 7----------------------add can teach us the devaluing morals of the nineteenth century
that is simply not+ like you. I know babe but the
its probable but
quite well. So after
not possible. The way that she talked was
class please turn in your papers and I will slothfully grade them.

out of this world why was the sky blue and what d
ifference did it
The next day with
make to her, all she did was nags ND
Heidi proved to be a disaster all together she was just so mad that
complain at me especially when we went to Ru bios
, throwing
I had blown up the
forks at little children flays accusing the
Dodge Duran go that she came out in the street and started
waitress of giving her chocolate milk when obviou
sly she was
beating the dog to a
drinking normal milk. After that meal in times
bloody pulse there wasn t any stopping her, and just so you know
square I decided to take a break from my wife ind
efinitely which
she s not really
when I presented it to her she wept for
dead, we ll do a
thirteen hours in a row, o well at least I had my
sanity. chocolate
double date or something come on my treat, how do you like
chip cookies, well me and my wife do not
them apples, Im telling
know how we may decide on your cookies, what are yo
u two
you you can have your cake and eat it too it s just wonderful, miss
doing in there we heard a noise, We are
Lady Antebellum if
actually, with the help of god are preaching hate
I may, you slipways council us on the strategy to becoming rich
and dying rich but you
allocated in this book. What is the name of it, T
he man looked at
never do. I mean tyke for instances the ten my thoughts books
the book in hips right hand then showed the
written by Mr Christopher Maxwell Thomas,
title to my husband, its called good omens. You d
on t have to do
and tell me if he etas cake, and Im talking about the band they
this sir, do w, cautiously again, what This sir
fell off a long time ago, Julia looked at me
this is wrong I have read that said book and I
with such alarm that she eventually began crying in front of me
know from my heavenly father that this book you c
onceal is
and we huge for a long time. The next day at
pretty fucking evil, i hear something in there is
our academy was well spent the choke was not included in the
that, is that your wife crying sir, This is a suc
king stand up, I looked
curriculum, and being only [THE COLLECTIVE
behind me and saw three men with loaded
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 6 I felt the need to
shotguns pointed directly at this mans shelter th
at he called an
branch out, see the world for what it was and not

RV, The three ran got the front door, and

just the choke. So I moved into a nice two bedroom house across
began opening fire, now I have never remembered t
he seven
from the bay and I thought I could always
harry potters that she so obsequiously handed
continue to study writing, but given the world lustful distractions I
to me, I put the book down and prayed. The though
t that the
gave all that up and studied law instead.
angel gave to me was founded in Captain
Woman your crowding the bed get out of here with that
Morons last words, kind of like Gordon B Brinkleys
last words
insatiable regret of paying the mortgage too late
read. So I began
----------------------- Page 8----------------------reading again good omen s, if anyone was going to save this man s
doing was sobbing, and we started to sing hymn
als in a soft voice.
soul it had
WE then heard the
definitely been me. As me and my wife returned to our camp, we
voice of GOD, hah we both thought. We looked i
nto the light of
started conversing
the moon and no one
about the event that had taken place right in front of me, Do you
was there. And then again we heard the sound of
god s [THE
think they got
shoot to death. I really do not know but at least [THE
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 voice, it said go so we
Ne phi showed up wight his younger brother Sam
and after
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 we still have the cookies. What the fuck are
twenty two extra hours of
you talking about
walking we found Boulder, CO. And later that n
ight Netherlander
cookies two people are dead, directly after I said this to my
the city above
woman I looked around
Boulder and we were safe with a camp. Hats wor
d I thought to
and all our shit was gone, vanished cheapen, and thats too say
myself I have been
the misty of
here and I h\ave performed on this track sever
al times before the
Alexander the great. Honey what the fuck, I said softie. You
competition was niggers all of them
concur sweetheart. I
chiggers they weren t 5a they were sophomores th
ey were under

getting FUCKING scared as hell. OK well at least we still have the

the stairs. Now class if one of us goes
flashlight, kin if I
through it who does it affect the one\s that f
ollowed the pit,
replied, the batteries were going low and the light wasn t very
which pit is \that miss pretty lady in the mid
bright anymore. AS
seats, mum your lover that is kind sir, my wif
e will never know, I
soon as she thought that we heard something thatch sounded like
Promise you. After she spoke a desk flew
french idiolect.
across the room,,, what the heck I thought. No
w one thing I will
What the fuck was that I said, ah I don t know. Five minutes
say is that we were ion Paris, and a
later our flash light
documentary was being filmed, Every morning my
quest with my
went out. Now I have never been Freddy cougar but who has, the
wife began with a lot of anger and betrayal
moon was still in its
followed by passion lust the show must go on a
nd that will not
normal positioning in the sky and the stars shone bright. My wife
happen as long sat the Maharaja is in charge,
looked down at \the
well guess What King Benjamin taught us better
than that and by
flash light shook it a few times then softly dropped it to the floor. I
the way I have many cups of coffee. What
hit a rock and
exact ally is the retaliation of 5this reversa
l, Question mark that s
broke. WE looked at each other. And slowly started to cry. At this
point all we\ were
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 what we are speaking of.
There are several
keys to the English language that are not
----------------------- Page 9----------------------quite true. There is something wring here I told myself after a long
talking to her, Chris she kept saying over and over
whats wrong,
breakfast with my wife, we were going to
as soon as my ears
see the carnival today and that was no joke, you see the animals
heard her lovely soft voice I snapped out of it and
hugged and
were such a lively bunch that Rigger was
kissed my wife, now I
static and to say the ultimate least so was Winnie the poo, both
won t tell you that the occurrences that happened l
ater that night
Jewish. That same night the trident packets

were not pg and it

were on the floor I hadnt been in San Borodin long however the
involved a fucking movie I wanted to watch up in the
air one of
party that night was sure to be epic I was the
my all time favorites,
only one with the invitation, and that s why my wife was so livid at
you know it was pretty much about a Black Card bein
g used again
me. Or so it seemed, I placed myself at the
and again, until
must pristine locations all day long and wrote song after song, just
George won his wings. Or at least that s how I reme
mbered it,
waiting for the night to come, interestingly
who knows I think I
enough mic hale Jackson had taken the audiences attention first
was high the night it was playing at the drive in.
It was a long and
and baffled as I was I had to agree to
dusty road that
disagree that Halloween was nothing compared to Ryan Hecklers
spread wide across the country side, she was driving
and I loved
house party that wasn t occurring indirectly
this night. Hey babe you want to go to a party tonight at Hecklers
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 fact that she was
I was
house. O my god suddenly her frown
drinking a coca cola,
turned upside down and she repeated tech moneys word s I
the taste was invigorating to me I believed in her
indefinitely be ion attendance tonight. The next
capabilities and that s what
supported our beautiful life. She chose to put the
pedal to the
2016 were long and hard just not inside my
medal and we arrived
pants. My wife and I were attending classes at the AA group home
early to Tuscon Arizona 10 hours early. And the onl
y reason we
in southern California. Why you ask,
did was because the
because there are small inflictions of soft core Showtime porn
sun never sets early in prison. I remember as I was
a young man in
originated through out the entire movie, thank
college attending
you Edward Norton. It must have been morning because these
the University of Yale, and I always thought to mys
elf what is this
racing thoughts were not leaving my mind, she
existence made
walked into the foyer and saw me basically just like standing there
from. The show that usually peeked my mind was The
Big Bang
lost in Translation.

Theory. The end The

She looked at me and began to sob, for her husband was no
possibil My thoughts 10 By Christopher Maxwell Thom
as Today
longer standing there
was Riggers birthday.
----------------------- Page 10----------------------He woke up. Older. And a little bit colder, his wife had been
last night did not happen perhaps the time chan
ge over the
slapping him all night
Atlantic ocean was by a bystanders point of vie
long, now this isn t a comedy interruption of your normal news,
easier making it in the middle east then again
I didn t find it all
this is smarter than
that interesting being there as opposed to my
that. I had been waking up next to her trying to be with me. As
uly 5, 2016
she woke I tried to
beautiful mansion, that being said the sloop
impress her by faking still sleep. I watched as she left the bed with
of the tongue was counted correctly and the par
ty started at a
her things and
quarter past three. Tings is slobbering all over
stored one on the plane next to the steradians. Even her carry on
me and my wife, she s had it up to the moon, th
ere is cheese
bags were beautiful.
there, many other things to discover. The pain
The way that the mid day sun rested upon her face she seemed
that was hers is now the center of our relation
ship. The other
like her name was
night was all time over then and there but we
purple and yellow. She was a sunset set in [THE COLLECTIVE
hadnt had enough of anything. I had bought a sue
de backpack
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 the
that glimmered and shined in the darkness.
Bahamas, she was more than just my wife. She had these brand
The moon shone on the night of our adventure. Y
ou can not
new airings on her ears, the way that they fell
minimize the seat that we sit in. I offer you o
upon her, I believe in you I believe in the possibilities of
as well thatch called justice not mercy, why do
this? I can t think
languages. Deaf blind there is no time the only time
of a single Peron that lives on that side of
that we ever had was the disrupted accounts that she gave me
The Bay But you must know Gatsby. You know for a

from the beginning, I heard her speak and that

second I m about to jump off a mother fucking
was all she wanted to do, she spoke so eloquently that we never
cliff on top of a horse and be chill in the mor
ning, Thomas
saw the bridge from the bay ever again then
pastrami IRS not doing this, I was. I knew how
again the planet is dying and we are rising the most insolent, ideas
spend it better. They all got deans listed, Why
? The reasons were
are broadcast from our small quaint
sparse. I hadn t asked her anything and still
existence, defy defy me and I will have them checking posters,
he showed her his box room! There was something dif
defy and lie and ill kick you in the leg. Li
about his look, The faction hasn t been there
Wayne Please the cinnamon was getting higher than we, at the
long enough, I agree but the flag is still at h
alf mass, is there [THE
location that we felt we were there London
England that is, so why do I worship this and not that, you never
5, 2016 mass today? I nod in disagreement but t
he lady could still
bought the two Of us ice cream that s
feel what my
because you didnt want to I have an exasperation of hopes and
adoration towards her, and this is not all there
was no mass toddy
dreams bring it to the field what happening
but I fucking lied
----------------------- Page 11----------------------anyways!!!!!!! The people that are antiquated in this great and
ask is the empire state building higher tha
n the cup of soup that
spacious building are
the lady I called wife
not actually there that are kings and queens of the falsehood that
had given after me to the present day I did
not have the mind to
is the world they
tell her that what
are here you are not, show him your dick you bitch, The last line
she had given me was founded earlier in the
year. I needed Christ
of the song wasn t
and Christ needed
even coming the same way and you know it. I have become
me why the fuck could he have created such
a beautiful young
unfinished she said I
woman to be
wasn t really listening to her words. She desperately wanted me
restarted, and did I tell her hell no I did
n t, either the couch will
to fuck her but

move itself pro the

something that filled with circumstances was inoperable to our
Christ, as tree will knot fit, there is roo
m here son, and theirs
existence even
room here, I didnt tony
though we had been together for several years. I could still
know. But she never knew him. Why have you b
een gone all
remember a few years
day? I was out why do you ask? The way
aghast the family had almost been destroyed it wasn t a risk it The
home this night was extra scary to my best
friend Tings we had to
other day as a
stop the car several times to make sure
Matter of fact this wasnt superscribe by her doctor. This anger
that the boogie man wasn t overcoming Riggers
soul. I kept
that she had all the
telling him that there wasn t anything to f
time. Previously I had gone to the library to find out what this
except fear itself. Like one other presiden
t said Ask not what this
woman might have had
country can do for you but what you can do
that bothered her mind so. Like I said I hadn t ever put this out
AS] July 5, 2016
ever before I had
country. Hello class I said as I walked into
hoped that she was flexible because to do a three some you had
the class. The answer was rhetorical and th
e bottles were popping
to improvise. 2
this was definitely the day that I would
Chain. I had seldom thought about her [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS
teach my class metaphysics. One young girl ha
ppened to ask me
what word he was referring to I replied I
July 5, 2016 superscription to this unused medication that wasn t
didn t exact ally know when in fact I knew
exact tally. That s what
real, it wasnt at all I
our class was oral interpretation at its fine
came here and there to make sure that I was on top while she was
I almost didn t hear her question, I was ba
ffled and a little
on bottom, call it
confused so I decided to get rip soaringly
drunk. I
anything you necessarily wanted to I had the mind to impregnate
hadnt quite met this man that these peeps ca
lled Gatsby but I
her again, why? You
intended to, I promise you I kept telling m

----------------------- Page 12----------------------self. And then at the very end of the party I did. My Heavenly
was a 96 Chevrolet something about the meaning o
f death that s
Father s Kingdom was awaiting me. Let s go
what they told us
where do you want to? anywhere I said three years later I
anyways. They parked them\selves right next to Lak
e placid there
fucking killed her. Now this is not the OJ Simpson
wasn t any other rs
trial Mr. Roofing, Hook even she found out about my cocaine
ly 5, 2016
addiction jumped a porter plane enjoyed her
camp me and my
free ride obviously and then killed herself on the fucking plane can
wife \seemed to end there attention. AS the days
passed the night
you believe that shit Hmm O well I told
were longer than
myself. The years after those three years I found myself in Miami
the sun that fell in the sky prior to the day th
at left at the end. We
Florida with two chicks instead of one. There
hadnt been there
are the quick and the dead who are you the quick [THE
and towards the end of our stay there we happene
d top pass by
there location and
who are they the dead, correct there are certain things in this life
over heard them speaking words from good omen, t
his was a
that people simply do not tell you and one is
book that I came across
the married woman that live here in Fort Knox and Kentucky even
at the sec county jail during my stet there ther
e were answers to
that are giving up the pussy, My drill
both side in this
sergeant told me that and I will NEVER FORGET IT. I went to
book. It surrounded crazy but as we slowly appro
ached there
church the following day and found myself in
camp we saw nothing
purgatory. I didn t put down the money fast enough she was still
except the moon shining over the camp and the so
ft clouds that
gone, I wished that Rebecca could have
were surrounding
stayed longer every night Rigger was outside crying over her
the moon. My wife was braver than me she began w
alking up to
death, I buried her here under our favorite tree
the RV slowly but
so that no matter what I would never forget her and her soft steel

quickly. I followed her lead. The man inside the

RV came to the
earrings. Now I k now what you are
opening of the front
thinking the story can t be that sad, but it is. Until one day she
door. He held the book in his right hand and cau
tiously slowly
showed up unannounced and we lived happily
opened the screen door
ever after. This woman s name was unknown to all that ever met
maybe it was just the mesquits and the outbreak
of the west line
knew or fucking kissed her. I For our 50th
virus, however I saw
anniversary we went to a cave within the middle of the mountains
something in his eyes that read something curiou
s. There he saw
we hadn t been
us baby should we
there long when we found tourists looking for a place to live they
go back in a whisper, maybe I think he has a
had there camper it
(g...UN) CAN I HELP YOU, Um no my wife said we wer
e just
here trying to give you
----------------------- Page 13----------------------guys some [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5,
cookies two people are dead, directly after
I said this to my
2016 chocolate chip
woman I looked around and all our shit was
cookies, well me and my wife do not know how we may decide on
vanished cheapen, and thats too say the mist
y of Alexander the
your cookies, what
great. Honey what the fuck, I said softie.
are you two doing in there we heard a noise, We are actually, with
You concur sweetheart. I getting FUCKING scar
ed as hell. OK
the help of god
well at least we still have the flashlight,
kin if I
are preaching hate allocated in this book. What is the name of it,
replied, the batteries were going low and t
he light wasn t very
The man looked at
bright anymore. AS soon as she thought that
the book in hips right hand then showed the title to my husband,
we heard something thatch sounded like fren
ch idiolect. What the
its called good
fuck was that I said, ah I don t know. Five
omens. You don t have to do this sir, do w, cautiously again, what
minutes later our flash light went out. Now
I have never been

This sir this is wrong I have read that said

Freddy cougar but who has, the moon was sti
book and I know from my heavenly father that this book you
in its normal positioning in the sky and th
e stars shone bright. My
conceal is pretty fucking evil, i hear something
wife looked down at \the flash light shook it
in there is that, is that your wife crying sir, This is a sucking stand
a few times then softly dropped it to the f
loor. I hit a rock and
up, I looked behind me and saw three men
broke. WE looked at each other. And slowly
with loaded shotguns pointed directly at this mans shelter that he
started to cry. At this point all we\ were
doing was sobbing, [THE
called an RV, The three ran got the front
door, and began opening fire, now I have never remembered the
5, 2016 and we started to sing hymnals in a
soft voice. WE then
seven harry potters that she so
heard the voice of GOD, hah we both thought
obsequiously handed to me, I put the book down and prayed. The
We looked into the light of the moon and no
one was there. And
thought that the angel gave to me was
then again we heard the sound of god s
founded in Captain Morons last words, kind of like Gordon B
voice, it said go so we went Ne phi showed up
wight his younger
Brinkleys last words read. So I began reading
brother Sam and after twenty two extra
again good omen s, if anyone was going to save this man s soul it
hours of walking we found Boulder, CO. And
later that night
had definitely [THE
Netherlander the city above Boulder and we
were safe with a camp. Hats word I thought
to myself I have been
me and my wife returned to our camp, we
here and I h\ave
started conversing about the event that had taken place right in
performed on this track several times befor
e the competition was
front of me, Do you think they got shoot to
niggers all of them
death. I really do not know but at least we still have the cookies.
chiggers they weren t 5a they were sophomores t
hey were under
What the fuck are you talking about
the stairs. Now
----------------------- Page 14----------------------class if one of us goes through it who does it affect the one\s that
invitation, and that s why my wife was so li

vid at me. Or so it
followed the pit,
seemed, I placed myself
which pit is \that miss pretty lady in the middle seats, mum your
at the must pristine locations all day long
and wrote song after
lover that is kind sir,
song, just waiting for
my wife will never know, I Promise you. After she spoke a desk
the night to come, interestingly enough mic
hale Jackson had
flew across the
taken the audiences
room,,, what the heck I thought. Now one thing I will say is that
attention first and baffled as I was I had t
o agree to disagree that
we were ion Paris,
Halloween was
and a documentary was being filmed, Every morning my quest
nothing compared to Ryan Hecklers house party
that wasn t
with my wife began
occurring indirectly this
with a lot of anger and betrayal followed by passion lust the show
OMAS] July 5,
must go on and
2016 babe you want to go to a party tonight
at Hecklers house. O my god suddenly her frow
n turned upside
July 5, 2016 as
down and she repeated tech moneys word s I
long sat the Maharaja is in charge, well guess What King Benjamin
indefinitely be ion attendance tonight. The
next few months were
taught us better
long and hard just not inside my pants. My
than that and by the way I have many cups of coffee. What exact
wife and I were attending classes at the AA
ally is the retaliation
group home in southern California. Why you a
sk, because there
of 5this reversal, Question mark that s what we are speaking of.
are small inflictions of soft core Showtime
There are several
porn originated through out the entire movie
, thank you Edward
keys to the English language that are not quite true. There is
Norton. It must have been morning because
something wring here I
these racing thoughts were not leaving my mi
nd, she walked into
told myself after a long breakfast with my wife, we were going to
the foyer and saw me basically just like
see the carnival
standing there lost in Translation. She look
ed at me and began to
today and that was no joke, you see the animals were such a lively
sob, for her husband was no longer

bunch that Rigger

standing there talking to her, Chris she kep
t saying over and over
was static and to say the ultimate least so was Winnie the poo,
whats wrong, as soon as my ears heard her
both Jewish. That
lovely soft voice I snapped out of it and hu
gged and kissed my
same night the trident packets were on the floor I hadnt been in
wife, now I won t tell you that the occurrence
San Borodin long
that happened later that night were not pg a
nd it involved a
however the party that night was sure to be epic I was the only
fucking movie I wanted to watch up in the ai
r one
one with the
of my all time favorites, you know it was pr
etty much about a
Black Card being used again and again, unti
----------------------- Page 15----------------------George won his wings. Or [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS
dyno aaron desperately needed those to eat beside
s her was me
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 at least that s how I
and besides me was
remembered it, who knows I think I was high the night it was
us. There was traces of a raisin in the sun forev
er there was a
playing at the drive in. It was a long and dusty
paycheck on the
road that spread wide across the country side, she was driving
countertop the African American female that abide
d with me
and I loved the fact that she was I was drinking
knew that as well. The
a coca cola, the taste was invigorating to me I believed in her
way of the budda was not a coincidence. Sometimes
I think to
obvious capabilities and that s what supported
myself what a
our beautiful life. She chose to put the pedal to the medal and we
perpetual thought of nature. However I have been
there in both
arrived early to Tuscon Arizona 10 hours
my attributes and
early. And the only reason we did was because the sun never sets
my attire! What you ask yourself is greater than
that? Nothing
early in prison. I remember as I was a young
and everything. The
man in college attending the University of Yale, and I always
blood of the land and all else in between God dam
nit, hello, there
thought to myself what is this existence outside

has to be a way to
were daShe didn t seem to mind though. Her legs were pressed
solve certain things you would think, however som
e may discredit
against my hips. Your forgetting one thing the
the idea of being
convenience store was closed tonight and we didn t get the loods,
happy so we think with ones own securities. There
in the
I don t care she said over and over. If
meaningful aberrations
anyone was capable of publishing a lie them if believe you. 3 years
have been a select few that not only act
later I woke up with hey besides me she
as Jessee eisenberg but others that have never co
nsidered being
hadn t eaten and her skin was turning on herself she couldn t
Steve [THE
keep up with me. I felt interested and I deciding
bs. I m
know how to let her in I simplified her emotions no matter what it
securely fastened in
my exact disagreement about streaming your time k
ind sir, and
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 that she gave to me. Synergy was working
what do you mean by
well. I wanted to let
that, I suppose the one I d not only singular how
ever it is both.
her see that however all I ever heard from her was my man my
Now I have been to
man. The morning
the thundering to see alligators and coun t drama
s living in the
turned into dusk and we retired to our berk and grey. d for the
bayou. And right there
evening. The only
sir you have discredited your entire theory. Two
words The two
problem was that our one blanket simply want enough to keep
sides are personified
her breasts warm and
in here and there. If I was a college man I would
n t hesitate to ask
the us government
----------------------- Page 16----------------------for a handout. I guess you could say is the same thing as a
they live I feel excited to know the truth of de
mocracy. We had
homeless man collecting
our certain mentality of a society with no
money from his or her social security checks once a month, not to
looking and when stuck add jk Rowling s monarchy
. However
mention there

they ve forgotten one thing. The language

children are an enormous part of their one thousand dollars a
barrier. And you ll find the exact same thing on
one side of the
month. I ve been
rocky mountains as opposed to the other. OK
dealing for so long that even my ankles were hurting when I got to
clear the lesson plan [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF C
your house. Why I wondered was the dog
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 for today is the entire soc
attacking it s owner on a leash even, I didn t have much time to
network in between the other two movies at the b
ox office
question much the sun was setting and the
seeking well I suppose if you consider the, 007
walk from the top of the hill to there was a long one, I guess you
movies to be perpetual entertainment then if hav
e to hand it to
could say that to even find this house was a
you. Who in this class feels anything but what
miracle. As I cautiously knocked on there front door. The thought
I just said the students never say whiplash. The
y hadn t even seen
of murder was the only thing on my mind, I
the class and good knows I asked if they
could imagine anything and everything to be behind the [THE
had but they simply lied there asses off to me s
teaching young college students the ethics of to
2016 door of that house. The sun was just about to set and the
versus the ethics of yesterday was challenging.
kind sir the answer
day would be over until tomorrow and with
is not whether man give us reading is much
the ability to see the strangers on the silver, was upsetting to me
more than that it you live in Phoenix you live i
n Phoenix. If you
most of all. On my third knock I heard a set
pressure in a different zip code lacrosse was
of footsteps approaching the front door from inside. The door
the founder of the bitches in Disney area codes
hanging up side
slowly began to open and my stomach
dish even. I will answer your questions but
dropped. An order last stood in front of me and looked squarely T
they are not founded upon anything good so why.
Yes young
my T-shirt. She didn t say anything, I
money why, I ll tell you
hesitantly opened my mouth and tried to force the words of help
guys the truth many people believe that this cla
ss is home ech in
from my lips but she slowly shut the door
high school as an
instead. The weirdest moment of my life. Later that night I finally
easy a but I can assure you that that is simply

not the case. It is

found myself back in Boulder Colorado. And
what it is Nancy
at the same stores on park Street mall window shopping with
cardigan. Many people will accomplish there main
want to dos
little to no money in my pocket. The mall of
and there allegations
America is a predicted rain to cross over the Juarez border to see
in their life time. The good the bad and the in
the way that we live as opposed to the way
----------------------- Page 17----------------------THOMAS] July 5, 2016 betweens how could you have you must
no you bitch. There not great and I gave you the
Heimlich to save
have been in between
you when you gave
something dreamed and something that went terribly wrong in
me these to save me. I didn t recognize your car
must have just
the third grade, you
gotten back from the
must understand it wasn t me. I came to this works to party
dealership. Drive off the lot with a brand new M
ercedes Benz. But
rhianna. She said it and
how? You ve got
craftsman s isbnd it. Once your very to sir, well whatever the chick
nothing to work with here. Let this man go. But
kind sir ts JFK I
is the one spoken
don t give a darn you let him go, understand?
of by our doctors D not to mention Westlake. There really isn t
The direct understanding of the nation is not ut
ilitarianism but it
much sense to say I
is, Nietzsche many are called but few safe
want to go this way and that way. But as I was describing
chosen. I have but that s not saying much it s s
aying everything.
yesterday. So ladies and
From beginning to china and I m doing it in
gentleman without further interruptions I must find series, and
the morning. Trust your mother the live and the
hate I swear to
that s the thing she
god I never considered it, dies it have to be by
can t be coerced. She is special. How dare you find at mk with that
the book. You tell at me but I did not start the
rain, you did. How
tone and
fucking dare you, article to Facebook I hope
understand perfection, are you ubserd are you mad, yes just
we can make your stay with us as comfortable as
possible, if

doing string theory for

there s anything you want don t hesitate to ask.
fun yes what fun. Look I come to these possibilities hypothesis
In a place like this it s simple just look out f
or them and they ll
procured part tense
look out for you. That must happened one of
and never one cent more and I do know your intentions sir you
the greatest said something and I wrote it down.
Adjectives are
come here not for her
boring I want to see you cum. In [THE
or mainly here. You fucking spelled that one wrong bitch. I walked
oday s
out of the garage
society we wake up to Matt lauer. It makes sense
to meet my sister sitting in her car. Awkward was my sin I knew
if you listen to the story and stop asking quest
ions. I guess I have
the scripture well
the floor now. Excuse me sir but I have the
kate winslet. Little children, but we are ashamed but jack black
right to speak in my behalf I am afforded that r
ight with my
days that was
constitution rights I am afforded that ability.
yesterday. Your are drunk. Your drunk Jules [THE COLLECTIVE
the condition of the united States of America. Y
our honour if I
may I think what may I d trying to say is that
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 your drunk. I am the greatest you hit me
live is blind, and yes I played football at Notr
e Dame. As one of the
high, aren t they great
greatest. But the man spoke and great
----------------------- Page 18----------------------were his words, they weren t the same as before it was as if he
I m securely fastened in my exact disagreem
ent about streaming
questioned his own preference in the game of
your time kind sir,
life. I just hope folks will feel and understand these words, I just
and what do you mean by that, I suppose the o
ne I d not only
write them don t be a judgemental
singular however it is
Californian. The police are not here kind of like Seattle, I guess it s
both. Now I have been to the thundering to
see alligators and
just jurisdiction, what is the greatest space
coun t dramas living in
between you and me, there isn t one o yes week what is the all
the bayou. And right there sir you have dis

credited your entire

what is the allgafhthym to live, the question
theory. Two words
now is do I want to be with you. I mean all were talking about is
July 5, 2016 two
fluid exchange so can we get straight to the
sides are
sex. I don t know just tell me your name, I didn t know that you do
personified in here and there. If I was a c
ollege man I wouldn t
not want to hear that suit don t duck with
hesitate to ask the us
me not you, it s not your fault, you hear me, is not, [THE
government for a handout. I guess you could
say is the same thing
as a homeless man
thank you for understanding what I am saying and yes I have been
collecting money from his or her social sec
urity checks once a
to space camp twice, is not intricate
month, not to mention
enough, I m sorry that is not the bills but this is the best that the
there children are an enormous part of thei
r one thousand dollars
FBI can afford, don t push me don t push me.
a month. I ve been
Fuck both of you. The way of the budda was not a coincidence.
dealing for so long that even my ankles wer
e hurting when I got to
Sometimes I think to myself what a perpetual
your house. Why I
thought of nature. However I have been there in both my
wondered was the dog attacking it s owner o
n a leash even, I
attributes and my attire! What you ask yourself is
didn t have much time
greater than that? Nothing and everything. The blood of the land
to question much the sun was setting and th
e walk from the top
and all else in
of the hill to there
between God damnit, hello, there has to be a way to solve certain
was a long one, I guess you could say that
to even find this house
things you would
was a miracle. As I
think, however some may discredit the idea of being happy so we
cautiously knocked on there front door. The
thought of murder
think with ones
was the only thing on
own securities. There in the meaningful aberrations have been a
my mind, I could imagine anything and every
thing to be behind
select few that not
the door of that
only act as Jessee eisenberg but others that have never
house. The sun was just about to set and th

e day would be over

considered being Steve Jobs.
until tomorrow and
----------------------- Page 19----------------------with the ability to see the strangers on the silver, was upsetting to
of today versus the ethics of yesterday was chall
enging. kind sir
me most of all. On
the answer is not whether man give us
my third knock I heard a set of footsteps approaching the front
reading is much more than that it you live in Pho
enix you live in
door from inside. The
Phoenix. If you pressure in a different zip
door slowly began to open and my stomach dropped. An order
code lacrosse was the founder of the bitches in D
isney area codes
hanging up side dish even. I will answer
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 stood in front of me and
your questions but they are not founded upon anyth
ing good so
looked squarely T my Tshirt. She didn t say
why. Yes young money why, I ll tell you guys
anything, I hesitantly opened my mouth and tried to force the
the truth many people believe that this class is h
ome ech in high
words of help from my lips but she slowly shut
school as an easy a but I can assure you that
the door instead. The weirdest moment of my life. Later that night
that is simply not the case. It is what it is Nanc
y cardigan. Many
I finally found myself back in Boulder
people will accomplish there main want to
Colorado. And at the same stores on park Street mall window
dos and there allegations in their life time. The
good the bad and
shopping with little to no money in my pocket.
the in betweens how could you have you
The mall of America is a predicted rain to cross over the Juarez
must have been in between something dreamed and s
border to see the way that we live as opposed
that went terribly wrong in the third grade,
to the way they live I feel excited to know the truth of democracy.
you must understand it wasn t me. I came to this w
orks to party
We had our certain mentality of a society
rhianna. She said it and craftsman s isbnd it.
with no looking and when stuck add jk Rowling s monarchy.
Once your very to sir, well whatever the chick is
the one spoken of
However they ve forgotten one thing. The
by our doctors D not to [THE COLLECTIVE
language barrier. And you ll find the exact same thing on one side
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 mention Westla
ke. There
of the rocky mountains as opposed to the

really isn t much sense to say I want to go

other. OK clear the lesson plan for today is the entire social
this way and that way. But as I was describing yes
terday. So ladies
network in between the other two movies at the
and gentleman
box office seeking well I suppose if you consider the, 007 movies
without further interruptions I must find series,
and that s the
to be perpetual entertainment then if have
thing she can t be
to hand it to you. Who in this class feels anything but what I just
coerced. She is special. How dare you find at mk
with that tone
said the students never say whiplash. They
and understand
hadn t even seen the class and good knows I [THE COLLECTIVE
perfection, are you ubserd are you mad, yes just
doing string
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 asked
theory for fun yes what
if they had but they simply lied there asses off to me somewhere
fun. Look I come to these possibilities hypothesis
procured part
teaching young college students the ethics
tense and never one
----------------------- Page 20----------------------cent more and I do know your intentions sir you come here not
if there s anything you want don t hes
itate to ask. In a place like
for her or mainly
this it s simple just
here. You fucking spelled that one wrong bitch. I walked out of
look out for them and they ll look out
for you. That must
the garage to meet
happened one of the
my sister sitting in her car. Awkward was my sin I knew the
greatest said something and I wrote it
down. Adjectives are boring
scripture well kate
I want to see you
winslet. Little children, but we are ashamed but jack black days
cum. In today s society we wake up to
Matt lauer. It makes sense
that was yesterday.
if you listen to the story and stop as
Your are drunk. Your drunk Jules your drunk. I am the greatest
questions. I guess I have the floor no
w. Excuse me sir but I have
you hit me high, aren t
the right to speak in my behalf I am a
they great no you bitch. There not great and I gave you the
that right with my constitution rights
I am afforded that ability. By
Heimlich to save you

the condition of the united States of

when you gave me these to save me. I didn t recognize your car
America. Your honour if I may I think
must have just gotten
back from the dealership. Drive off the lot with a brand new
trying to say is that live is blind, a
nd yes I played football at Notre
Mercedes Benz. But
Dame. As one of the greatest. But the
how? You ve got nothing to work with here. Let [THE COLLECTIVE
spoke and great were his words, they w
eren t the same as before
it was as if he questioned his own
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 this man go. But kind sir ts JFK I don t give a
preference in the game of life. I just
hope folks will feel and
darn you let him
understand these words, I just write th
go, understand? The direct understanding of the nation is not
don t be a judgemental Californian. Th
e police are not here kind
utilitarianism but it is,
of like Seattle, I guess it s just jur
Nietzsche many are called but few safe chosen. I have but that s
what is the greatest space between you
and me, there isn t one o
not saying much it s
yes week what is the all what is the
saying everything. From beginning to china and I m doing it in the
allgafhthym to live, the question now
is do I want to be with you. I
morning. Trust your
mean all were talking about is fluid e
xchange so can we get
mother the live and the hate I swear to god I never considered it,
straight to the sex. I don t know just
tell me your
dies it have to be by
name, I didn t know that you do not wa
nt to hear that suit don t
the book. You tell at me but I did not start the rain, you did. How
duck with me not you, it s not your fa
ult, you
fucking dare you,
hear me, is not, thank you for underst
anding what I am saying and
article to Facebook I hope we can make your stay with us as
yes I have been to space camp twice, i
s not
comfortable as possible,
intricate enough, I m sorry that is no
t the bills but this is the best

that the FBI can afford, don t push me

don t
----------------------- Page 21----------------------push me. Fuck both of you. I just told you tom what s been gong
you. Now I have seen since spektacular things in m
y life and one
on its been gong on for five years. The motto
of them was the
is the same the ability to stand one [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
celestial kingdom and I have felt it twice in my l
ife. I actuallly fixing
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 above the rest.
have seen the god
As I sit and listen to Matthews answers to his questions I can t
damn celestial kingdom. Chocolate or vanilla. Huh
I heard
help but think about a day in the life of an NYC
somebody talking to me I
mayor. Actually he is a pro skateboarder riding for girl koston
looked up and looked at the woman in front of me.
B say what.
instead of winning Julia Roberts heart he win
You stole my story.
the audience with more coffee. I keep debating where my life is
Your story? Yes my story. You stole it. There was
absolutely no
going and why there s people shuffling
hesitation in her voice.
around my garage. The narrator Kris telling me to be afraid. The
I looked right and there was two police men coming
into the
title of the movie equals far. After all what s
coffee shop. Say what
in a name. If my idbn number is at in place I wouldn t have a
why would you when consider anything of me and you
r property.
problem diagnosing you with the perscripton of
Except this time
love. I was called a hater once and he just call them fans. Come to
there was even more emphasis in her voice. Her man
nerisms did
think about it I ve never been to the
not change in front
Himalayas. But July has and I see it through her eyes. There a
of me. I was taken back. To my roommate. Moved in
he took full
concert in town pharcide a tribe called quest
and incredibly and
and I m deffinately going to be in attendance. Come to think of it
more than necessary abilities over me. I had been
in basic training
I ve never been to west lake. And neither
for several weeks.
had she. Chocolate. Donut hanging out on my tile living room
The only thing that made it even better was the fa
ct that I am an
floor. So far we had
American. Your

written 72,000 thousands words and all they are antiquated

wrong sweet heart your wrong about the past. Becau
se you can
towards here and there.
repeat it. I wonder if
Ok class what s the answer, um we stole a line from kind sir. I feel
I can look into the eyes of God [THE COLLECTIVE WO
dogmatic and no I
THOMAS] July 5,
have never met Ben affleck but I have seen Argo. Ok here we go.
2016 like spiderman check this out I study like th
e book thief
German Nazis ran
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 question him something
Germany was it a rou to have the leading teach the
entirely of the
written in German.
world that
Given by brad Pitt. What s your favorite numberz where were you
destroying my words 72,000 of them was ever a good
idea. The
born I should slay
answer is probably
----------------------- Page 22----------------------no. What I an trying to say is that is that I have been to five
didn t rally care, what a shame I thought. L
iving in Colorado is a
schools and I never
crazy adventure it reminds me of Seattle the
considered placing my tassel to the right from the left. And then
weed is terrific. Legalization of weed is Ma
ggnificent theres a lot
just allowing it to
of cats a lot of cats Christopher I just got
happen because she doesn t. Love you luke Skywalker. Exact
back from corprus Christi what about you in
sorry sir but I have
words oops I mean his matters words that s
never been there you absolutely have to try
discrimination. You know what I am going to do is call the police.
the time of your life Christmas is over so i
s new years Eve what a
And tell them that your straight
great year 2015 that is I hope 2016 is just
discriminating G against me and yes I do belong in 711. And no
great now what is it that we were just talki
ng about
your freaking c plus plus computer games
hmmmmmmmm I m not really sure as the class e
nded I
does not impress me. Yes but I took several weeks several weeks

5, 2016 noticed
to create this game from the crayon of
her looking at me so why was she so
something. Yes but then again I am several years younger than
interested in need when we sing when need de
ntists anymore. I
you and smash that bullshit faade right front
once heard in my classes in school at metro
of him. Welcome back to the Colin and Matt show. How many of
that the classes of society were meet for th
e perfect way of living
those margaritas have you had. 1. Nobody
especially the past present future tense of
amaya nobody. Now check this out rap masochistic, however
adverbs in Spanish class Griselda for it all
right if we believe in the
think about it. In gods ability to recompense
time period of philosophers of our time
certain words to your mind while listening to rap .I further [THE
there is one that can not be denied his name
is Jordan cloward
speak his name and die. What s this I owe it
5, 2016 more forgot to delay your chiropractic meanings of self
myself no you owe it to me cause I m going t
o wakt up And I ll be
discussion and we never knew call your
50 and that s fine
grandmother before it too late, choose one and the same exact
but if you are I ll fucking kill now class t
here are several things I
thing applies. However you how would be a
want you guys to
question mark the story must continue comes a small voice from
realize a couple things pertaining to aesthe
tics which if this your
the back of the classroom excuse me why
professor isnt
aren t you leading I dont knowthe dean of my existence is coming
actually standing in front of you I am current
ly in my jail cell in
to destroy me and it s not TV top of the
Arapahos county jail
morning. And Knoxville is already trying to range his own life
pretending to be a teacher, eat pray love ea
t pray love z Julia
weird I know you dont kno theres no one here
Roberts. See the most
Brian, you wish no I know. The next day Brian died and we all
dramatic thing in this god awful movie, and
I say that with love is
mourned his departure most of the students
the story line it
----------------------- Page 23----------------------sucked jk but seriously the movie sucked, makes you wonder huh?
you didnt die on his own accord there were a min
i instances in

Anyways the
the February to mom
green and purple dinosaurs are tasty such as Eminem, but I m
the 2001 when I had to come [THE COLLECTIVE WOR
pretty sure it s still
THOMAS] July 5,
considered a DUI, correct DUI. Now class let s all [THE COLLECTIVE
2016 home and dictate the ownership between me
and my
brother Matt and so to speak he was a dumbass
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 turn or attention on Matthew and make
got the hamster wet put him in the microwave to
dry him off and
fun of him. O
these hamster exploded I kid you not I fell
professor Thomas that aint cool trust me bitch you need this o oki
in love with that hamster the day I met him and
once he exploded
guess, 29 minutes
in microwave I found myself quite sad mini
later after we all had a terrific rou.I dismissed. The class back onto
instances at night I would cry myself to sleep
as is any instant in
the streets of davis
life I find myself more progressive when I try
California I could remember it well me and khoo were going seea
my hardest especially when my hardest is harder
than I can
movie spiderman
handle knowingly I have studied the Arts of min
and oceans 12 was being advertised in the lobby of the movie
philosophers including Marcus a really is plate
of the Republic and
theater so I had to
soccer to use his people over the course of
wonder to myself where was my mind at this point lots and lots of
my lifetime unfortunately I tried my hardest an
d my heart is was
responsibility in el
not good enough given my grades are
Paso. If we were ever got to qualify as a unit to deploy to Iraq.
dictated in my Spanish class from Griselda befo
re she can
Then we had better
anybody in later that night I set up all night
get our sit together as the popular phrase went. Now class can
contemplating what was then the best day of my
life why though
anybody tell me this
probably the simple fact that I was quite
simple when for me m the room was quiet where and when was
indeed happy with my lecture and the classes al
together terrific
the internet
answer about the internet for all I hadnt
created? And how? Seriously one of the handover men in the
reached and I knew we where in the right place

of our textbooks
class where was it
Tupac was subject of the day Ive seen his
created? The room feel silent, it seemed like the students had
fallen asleep. What the
July 5, 2016 Tupac for life as many of my
fucki thought? Me I once had a pet hexameter and there came a
considering instead as well so that means set I
have reasons to
day when I had to
believe that Tupac Shakur is Jesus Christ as I
excuse there was many instances when I had to leave the hamster
mentioned this the entire class shuffled lookin
g at each other and
at home and hope
then casually look at me for answers the
----------------------- Page 24----------------------only answer I could conjure was two packs of Boise certainly
glad that I did because he was Jesus Christ word
was the last
wanted to change the world and as a class we
words spoken
considered others that tried as well some believe that we need it
flabbergasted in latter Alice something about to
this story hes to
have a Tupac or anyone such as Martin but
be written this
you know who did Michael Jackson as he claimed dinner song
evening said the young man to his professor pro
ve What boy
class whats in a name and if it is true then why
youre so full of shit
doesnt a title mean anyone harm are conclusion that day was
I hesitate thanks Dwayne Super Mario Brothers it
all in the hip so
simple many have tried to save the world and
many people
Minnie have but not like Jesus Christ just the way he spoke no
wonder to themselves adoration at anything for m
y textbook I
wonder people thought he was lying the
shall discuss Essex you
author of such work clarify the name of Christ killed herself him I
can expect this book to be at least 500 pages w
hich as in any big
have traveled many miles searching for
fish Moulin Rouge
Christ as did my daughter leaving every day in May to find winter
the dude will be quite uncomfortable and the lad
y dude said
there are others that simply stand in the
something in reply wish
way of progression I dont want to say no names but yeah so
I don t care what it was need to [THE COLLECTIVE
anyways is all in all we said after sterling her


soul to her audience Houston is beautiful Salt Lake City has 2
2016 do I give a f*** what it was now at this 3
000 level class all
Chainz Dallas has 911 [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS
the students pilot in
OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 or 1 and Conroe an idiot and a
and certainly Josie in the classroom which from
my ankle seen to
chance of a better career selling Kirbys I can
be determined by
never forget generosity of some to me when I desperately needed
the ones with the most expensive phones 15 minut
es later I you
it knowledge is
have saved my life
spontaneous and learning is coherent to not all but I smoke two
several times times new Roman I realize that but
did you practice
cigarettes at the
thats a two-way
Plaza that way you could find me especially the fact that I was
Road singular being another pretense to invitin
g the spirit I could
with Leonardos
endeavor to tell you
Caffery out in the first place someone comes speak for me the
but then I be in never rang to just press recor
d there have been
world is cruel and the
several however this
destructive is not 123 anymore that is thank you Kyle great words
time Im ready yes maybe but if I could just get b
ack to the getting
of wisdom from
I be okay and yes
yours truly I hesitate to sit next to him in the Commons a gram
you are wrong about that said yes you are defini
tely wrong about
you but I certainly am
that have felt and
----------------------- Page 25----------------------seen several instances at scheduled me in the art of knowledge
my boat to prove my superior youre ready to you it wa
s quite
before the thought
interesting to me how you [THE COLLECTIVE
was a bra to an angel came to me and taught me how to live there
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 so a certainly p
lace that?
is white there is
Once you step on that skateboard
majestic and theres more than that but um you see I was the one
skateboard yet that one over there return my head and
I didnt
that site not you you you use that phrase in
see one I hesitated then look the opposite
your writing however I m lying in your economics are only as

direction hoping to see what this man said he saw wh

ich was a
much as you want for Skype by name other than
skateboard and still I didnt come across it I
yourself again why do I have to sell my boat to prove my superior
bet you didnt know that food has a but um you see I w
as the one
you re ready to you it was quite interesting
that site not you you you use that phrase in
your writing however I m lying in your economics are
only as
July 5, 2016 a certainly place that? Once you
much as you want for Skype by name other than
step on that skateboard skateboard yet that one over there return
yourself again why do I have to sell my boat to prov
e my superior
my head and I didn t see one I hesitated
you re ready to you it was quite interesting
then look the opposite direction hoping to see what this man said
to me how you so a certainly place that? Once you st
ep on that
he saw which was a skateboard and still I
skateboard skateboard yet that one over
didn t come across it I bet you but um you see I was the one that
there return my head and I didn t see one I hesitate
d then look
site not you you you use that phrase in your
the opposite direction hoping to see what this
writing however I m lying in your economics are only as much as
man said he saw which was a skateboard and still I d
idn t come
you want for Skype by name other than
across it I bet you didn t know that food has a
yourself again why do I have to sell my boat to prove my superior
spirit but um you see I was the one that site not yo
u you you use
you re ready to you it was quite interesting
that phrase in your
to me how you so a certainly place that? Once you step on that
writing however Im lying in your economics are only a
s much as
skateboard skateboard yet that one over
you want for Skype
there return my head and I didn t see one I hesitated then look
by name other than yourself again why do I have to s
ell my boat
the opposite direction hoping to see what this
to prove my superior
man said he saw which was a skateboard and still I didn t come
your do
across it I bet you didn t know that but um
to you it was quite
you see I was the one that site not you you you use that phrase in
interesting to me how you so a surely place that? On
ce you step
your writing however Im lying in your
on that skateboard
economics are only as much as you want for Skype by name other

skateboard yet that one over there return my head an

d I didnt
than yourself again why do I have to sell
see one I hesitated
----------------------- Page 26----------------------then look the opposite direction hoping to see what this man said
was morally appease by is own understanding my mi
nd Carol a
he saw which was
without he had
a skateboard and still I didnt come across it I bet you didnt know
previously stated I live my f****** head off when I h
ad admitted
that food has a
the devil has tennis
spirit and I can prove that one too this man was honest I fed tell if
to and put only means one thing that he was proud
of me and the
you was morally
way he played everything in perfection I
appease by is own understanding my mind Carol a without he had
chose to look behind me and make up some excuse w
hy I just
previously stated I
didn t see it Russian roulette yes that s what
live my f****** head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis
choice dad I have I had laid the word and it was
written according
to and put only
to his religion I chase I slowly mood my
means one thing that he was proud of me and the way he played
head to the right and pure behind me and this it
was a solid
everything in
skateboard however since I knew he was a whole
perfection I chose to look behind me and make up some excuse
leave any could interpret every thought and reali
ze it was him
why I just didn t see
that you use the word had and not me so again
it Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I have I had laid the
I had let the reader to different natural validit
y yes tender hearted
word and it was
Lee I d read but there skateboard he saw
written according to his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to
neither of us off spoke for several seconds and t
hen he did
the right and pure
something that both started [THE COLLECTIVE
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard however since I
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 and confused
me see
knew he was a whole
class slowly to his left and before his eyes reac
leave any could interpret every thought and realize it was him
to destruction I knew by the way he this man was

honest I fed tell

that you use the word
if you was morally appease by is own
had and not me so again I had let the reader to different natural
understanding my mind Carol a without he had prev
iously stated I
validity yes tender
live my f****** head off when I had
admitted the devil has tennis to and put only mea
ns one thing
Lee I d read but
that he was proud of me and the way he
there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for several
played everything in perfection I chose to look b
ehind me and
seconds and then he did
make up some excuse why I just didn t see it
something that both started and confused me see class slowly to
Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I hav
e I had laid the
his left and before
word and it was written according to his
his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way this man was
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the rig
ht and pure
honest I fed tell if you
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard
----------------------- Page 27----------------------however since I knew he was a whole leave any could interpret
honest I fed tell if you was morally appease b
y is own
every thought and realize it was him that you
understanding my mind Carol a
use the word had and not me so again I had let the reader to
without he had previously stated I live my f**
**** head off when
different natural validity yes tender hearted Lee
I d read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 had admitt
ed the devil
several seconds and then he did something
has tennis to and put
that both started and confused me see class slowly to his left and
only means one thing that he was proud of me a
nd the way he
before his eyes reach to destruction I knew
played everything in
by the way he did it this man was honest I fed tell [THE
perfection I chose to look behind me and make
up some excuse
why I just didn t see
you was morally appease by is own understanding my mind Carol
it Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad
I have I had laid the
a without he had previously stated I live my

word and it was

f****** head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and
written according to his religion I chase I sl
owly mood my head to
put only means one thing that he was
the right and pure
proud of me and the way he played everything in perfection I
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard h
owever since I
chose to look behind me and make up some
knew he was a whole
excuse why I just didn t see it Russian roulette yes that s what
leave any could interpret every thought and re
alize it was him
choice dad I have I had laid the word and it was
that you use the word
written according to his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to
had and not me so again I had let the reader t
o different natural
the right and pure behind me and this it
validity yes tender
was a solid skateboard however since I knew he was a whole
hearted Lee I d read but there skateboard he s
aw neither of us off
leave any could
spoke for several
interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the
seconds and then he did something that both st
arted and
word had and not me
confused me see class
so again I had let the reader to different natural validity yes
slowly to his left and before his eyes reach t
o destruction I knew
tender hearted Lee I d
by the way he did it
read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for
he was he was conversing time and this man was
honest I fed tell
several seconds and
if you was morally
then he did something that both started and confused me see
appease by is own understanding my mind Carol
a without he had
class slowly to his left
previously stated I
and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way he did
live my f****** head off when I had admitted t
he devil has tennis
it he this man was
to and put only
----------------------- Page 28----------------------means one thing that he was proud of me and the way he [THE
him that you use the word had and not me so ag
ain I had let the
reader to different natural validity yes tende

OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 played everything in perfection I

hearted Lee I d read but there skateboard he s
aw neither of us off
chose to look
spoke for several seconds and then he did
behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn t see it
something that both started and confused me see
class slowly to
Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I
his left and before his eyes reach to
have I had laid the word and it was written according to his
destruction I knew by the way he did it he was
he was conversing
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right
time and and 50 shades of grey was created
and pure behind me and this it was a solid skateboard however
now Ive never seen the Eiffel Tower and I dont o
wn enough
since I knew he was a whole leave any could
backpacks to call apply for a banquet in the
interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the
Sahara Desert so I left it as it is praise be t
o the man that gave the
word had and not me so again I had let the
one Lourdes plan for rectify for real I
reader to different natural validity yes tender hearted Lee I d read
remember it like it was just yesterday PE was
in session and 14th
but there skateboard he saw neither of us
students in Columbine died during it I still
off spoke for several seconds and then he did something that both
couldn t believe she assumed I had to stolen h
er story because I
started and confused me see class slowly
did story stories story 6 months later I have
to his left and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the
way he did it he was he was conversing time
5, 2016 give it prescribe medicated lip
and this man was honest I fed tell if you was morally appease by is
appointment but that not what it was I ran I r
emember it like I
own understanding my mind Carol a
was yesterday the Sun hung deep in the sky it
without he had previously stated I live my f****** head off when
lube go over my soul as was the nature and Wes
tlake I don t know
I had admitted the devil has tennis to and
as single I still
put only means one thing that he was proud of me and the way
couldn t believe she assumed I had to stolen h
er story because I
he played everything in perfection I chose to
did story stories
look behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn t see
story 6 months later I have 9 months to live gi
ve it prescribe

medicated lip
July 5, 2016 it Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I have I
appointment but that not what it was I ran I r
emember it like I
had laid the word and it was written
was yesterday the Sun
according to his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the
hung deep in the sky it lube go over my soul a
s was the nature
right and pure behind me and this it was a solid
and Westlake I don t
skateboard however since I knew he was a whole leave any could
know as single person that side I still couldn
t believe she assumed
interpret every thought and realize it was
I had to stolen her
story because I did story stories story 6 month
s later I
----------------------- Page 29----------------------have 9 months to live give it prescribe medicated lip appointment
Swift. Who the fuck is she, I wondered all she
thought about was
but that not what it
kissing me, when my tongue was in her
was I ran I remember it like I was yesterday the Sun hung deep in
mouth she was happy, other than that my perdic
tion is that your
the sky it lube go
not that happy. I don t need that much help,
over Please carefully review your Digital Proof download for
I have everything I need, anf the Goofy Movie
is still pending.
formatting, grammar,
"Dad it s written on the frigde so you ll neve
and design issues that may need to be corrected.
forget, I promise you it s there. Your welcome
, Tigge I love you,
We recommend that you review your book three times, with each
she said the same fucking thing - It s the sam
time focusing on a
fucking thing, it s a [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
different aspect.
July 5, 2016 98, so who involves themselves
Check the format, including headers, footers, page 1 numbers,
with one verse from the bible, i have arsenal
from my ammo.
spacing, table of
There isn t an airport I haven t been to, "Wel
l of
coasre JFK," I said, yea but that airport is w
orld fanous I mean just
2016 and index. 2
the first three letters, John F Kennedy the

Review any images or graphics and captions if applicable. 3 Read

president of these United States. Her hair sho
ne of white pearl
the book for
diaomands - I fell into the ool last night, wh
grammatical errors and typos. Once you are satisfied with your
woke up the baby, wife pissed and helicopter f
lying overhead.
review, you can
"I ve heard of this happiness that you speak o
approve your proof and move forward to the next step in the
"My only contention is that it doesn t exist."
This truth is the
publishing process. To
truth. According to who? Was the premises and
print this proof we recommend that you scale the PDF to fit the
the conclusion that I didn t know.""I have bee
n laid you know."
size of your printer
"That s called loyalty." I fell into her arms
paper. My thoughts 6 By Christopher Maxwell Thomas "The end
her open blouse. It wasn t enough. The splinte
r i knew was one of
for now" How do
love and ajility. And love mainly but never
you say that word again? I don t know I really don t. Have you
anger, and to the best schools in the nation n
ever coming down.
ever been to West
Damnit private, I don t care how
Lake? Question mark wa sthe only thing that she ever knew, I fell
uncomfortable your boots are your wearin them,
love and
into her arms, gun
dibatarary, love and disease, I suppose. It wa
sn t
shots fell from the sky. I gave her my sympathy and she gave me
enough there wasn t enough bullets in the gun.
I was a coward I
her open blouse, all
couln t save her, but I did save myself. " Yea
yoiu had to do was be me. I put ont he clay all over my face, I
fell into her love once, really how was it. We
ll it was [THE
don t even like Taylor
----------------------- Page 30----------------------2016 something of deep importance to me. And something I ll
the train was mostly the first on goer that maskks
his face in
never forget. "That fall hurt alot, and i don t
public. He doesnt have
want any one to worry about me, words misplaced adjetives
to take these notes the prescriber was non other t

han the man

pronounced incorrectally. Son by the looks of it
right beside him
you have created a royal piece of shit. But you didn t even
taking notes of himself and again his languauge ty
freaking read it, I mean what the fuck? I put it
predictrable. There was a book
there the computer scans the document and the printer has a job
written that exemplafied his masquerade glasses a
nd the
too, who worries about Kurt
phantom of the opera being
Cobain, the king, Nirvana. the beautiful the one, you wrote a
played int he backround. the master of the house
fallen down
novel. "half a novel." "And no one wanted to
below many, the few
publish it." Yea but still. Daddy it s cold, I couldn t prescribe
that couldn t make it were, o my fucking god"? wha
t was tha
anything to save the peace untold, and the
noise and why did ypu
falsified prescription neccesary for the one and the two. However
say it i looked right i looked down, cardboard ne
ver found it was
in the one lettered word was there and
dark and i got a little
your sperm was allocated with billions of chances she had all of
confused i began the slow march up the street i k
new that
them towards the ovaries and hopefully one
barthalamule would be
might make it, It was raining out side, George clooney never
there waiting for me. This time the weed was not i
n my posession.
looked better and
this was sure to
especially not in El Paso. This could ve been the greatest day ever.
startle barthalamule, tyo the point of discomfart
. 1,000 dollars
However the
and why does it only
gunshots that killed Martin were not his. I gave my life to deny
come with verizon? So many characters and only on
e perhaps I
your christ. "Now
may give my two
think about the godamn trombone and the song we were about
ly 5, 2016
to play, Kyle singing
perhaps perhaps.
in front of the school, [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS
"Goodbye to you and goodbye to you as i entered t
he elevator.
THOMAS] July 5, 2016
Instagram models.
maybe just the freshman and the sophmores, the truth is we no
TRouble at every corner. False truths. "I m a bart

ender." I ma
longer know what is
model however yo are
good and what is bad. Take off these cuffs and soon how I will.
on instagram. BUt you my friend are not an intern
sir. Take my
Take off theses ties
words group them in a
and possibly I will take off these persons following me. Serie why.
lake of fire and brimstone, and yet with the lack
of sufficient
The inagrigation of
medical supplies. We
----------------------- Page 31----------------------would be in a boat off the starship side of the bow. on Titanic. I
prestine bible, for christ sake, and if you do
n t do it timely you will
have hopes and dreams i hope to someday be
die tommorrow. What that its ok to be a
an architect.
janitor, that it s ok to be a loser that it s
ok to be hanging around
And yes everyone says that they want the same thing from life, to
these retarted gorrilas, is better than
become rich. Not anything else could come
working for the CIA, breaking code sitting at
a desk for eight hours
between me and the milk. You see people only know what you tell
a day. I mean what? And why do you do
them. If for instance you tell them that the
2016 the
world is flat they would have a n oral obligation to somehow
dew when it s technically adiet and it s a nin
understand your words. "O my god have you
6? The individuals screaming to the summons of
the king is
seen it." Question mark, prescribed eductaion is grand on any
arbitrary to thast of the two that started the
occation. "for me all I know is that when i
statyement. "I need the algirhythym, unfortuna
llety it has not
showe up for ypour sorviegt. The first thing i do is head up for the
been created quite yet, I m not sure what you
bar to get myself intoxified to simply get
are referring to, and if that being the case h
ow could we prescribe
myself to fit in with the crowd. Especially from emmanuel Kant is
to the numbers and letters ascribbed to
perspective is in some quotations just as
the forementioned allgarhythym? Prelude to the
begining. This
immovable as a sedimentary rock that has come to [THE
fraction is prescribed
by Russel Crowe the man himself and we love hi

m for it, THE END

fluition yet. You know the human body is so dang introcate that
Or is it? A bitch
we no longer read comic books explaining it
here a bitch here, I put my beer here and i co
me back and it s not
oribital movement through time and space, and these that fell
there I mean who
through, and those that fell through the cracks
does that? I mean what the heck. I met you as
drove down and
at a PTA meeting because not only are you doing in front of the
through the trapezze.
kids , your doing it in the day time. Hold on a
I had nothing on my mind but your thighs and y
our open blouse.
second your a first year grad student you probably just got done
Here it has the lights
reading some historian marvin gaye and your
in the piazza so much for the Buell. As a matt
er of fact who the
going to be convinced of that until nextt year you come in here
heck cares? NY Times
reciting some pete garryian historian, until
NY. Save the fucking spotted owl if you really
wanted to. Here s a
your preaching Bill Maher, or hader take your pick. And also a
dollar bill.
stockbroker not an astronaut, hold on a second
Entrancing prescribing the dollar that rules t
he buttons on her see
MIndy first of all you freakin died tonight and i saved you. Now I
through dress. I
need you to take a seat besides this beautiful
could come to your house or mine. It really do
esn t matter. Have
stewardess abd tell me everything is not ok, nor ever will be ok,
you been keeping
and god damnit swear it on this clean
----------------------- Page 32----------------------secrets from the CIA and come to think about it we didn t [THE
July 5, 2016 demise I turned my head to the skies
and decided
that i would use my own spells against her to
OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 have the opportuntiy to question
counterattck the blow i had just barely recieved f
rom Lord
you or your
Voldemort, Tom Riddle or better yet the one that
greatest assosiate. I dont neccesarily mind when you miss these
shall not be named. Are you a king then i am that
i am, and if i
meetings, I person i
understood what that meant i would release
know did. He did, SLC VA hospital, the truth is that even though. I
you unto high palaces and landmarks back from 1963
. At this

a fresh cup of so
point the conversation had dampered to a low
inside the previous shop. That was a lie in the beginning. I haven t
whisper if that and she agreed to disagree with my
tender touch,
ever been there,
o why did i have to put off my day of sleep
and you have so why did I lie to you in the beginning? arms in
and wake at her exspense until it was too late. I
tried 17 extra
arms we stand, forever,
times to find my nitche in this world, my best
fuck the cops i live here thank you but the circus has left town and
friend wanted me to become something great she alw
ays ate her
in other words I
dinner beside me so that i couldn t have
am better than you. Whose lie did you determine? I don t
questioned her authority ever again. We were in lo
ve and she
know?... She rode in on a
loved the dogs as well, Two of them we had the
v12 my eyes must have been misconducted from your patience.
white picket fence and a whole lot more. SEventeen
years later i
All day long I spend
have found myself at the crossroads of my
my money all day long i turn my money into clouds. I need your
life do i retire and get this job that so many ar
e arbitrarilly pushing
dirty words right in
me towards or do I fold and take the
my ears, do you have a prefferance, she asked me possibly the left
Ruddebakers style life and work in a factory,
ear. Tell me what I
The truth is i was never much good at sweating the
small [THE
need to hear, obviously once you hear it you surely can not deny
it, she asked me in
2016 stuff, a single line came to me as i was wad
ing through my
her decent yet unrelenting voice, i however haven t ssen your
own lattitude which was amaya you get back
smile in so long, I
in this hpuse and you are defianettaly always wel
come to come
almost wanted her to turn her frown upside down, i wanted to
back to church at any time that you choose. I
turn her blouse all the
knew this as well as she. The other i said to my
friends was off the
way around an open a single solitude button from the inside, as i
chain, I hadn t even opened my mouth and
watched Danielle
already i was falling into her open blouse, so the
moral of the
Radcliffe come from the oysters or back alleys of JK rowlings, [THE
story is this we have to take a piece of fabric a

sewing utensil and possibly another pensieve BY: T

from Dannielle, and create our own
----------------------- Page 33----------------------universes, fear or no fear it must be done. Marie Antoinette was
Bryan knew this as well, and confided in many
few people. Bob
the leader at this point and heaven knows
took several second
her blouse was always open to any one that had the correct
languages and thought of auditing a class at M
etro State
amount of mullaw to spend. And that pretty
University. The thing that
much covers the rest of the My Thoughts series written by MR.
neither they nor their class mates knew was th
at these two men
Christopher Maxwell Thomas, thank you all!
worshipped the
the real end My Thoughts 5 By: Christopher Maxwell
devil. After ascertaining this information Bob
decided to start
Thomas Threes were a discovery of the generation of thieves, off
creating money from
the chart when it comes to Sometimes I
money. In other words take a small amount of m
oney and turn it
possibly think to myself how could you do this to me? I live in a
into a [THE
utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose
Sometimes I
myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, [THE
possibly think to
myself how could you do this to me? I live in
a utopia, I cry I want
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 and I apologize. The miossion is
to, no I have to. I
complete and we all
loose myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at
a Franktown, and I
jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes. listening to authority.
apologize. The
The common used
miossion is complete and we all jiust graduate
d. Now the sadness
expression that money grows on trees, is also true the exact
comes. large
opposite way. Bob
amount of money or larger amount. The equation
was quite
undertook a philosophy class that in his university in Metro state
simple. Premise A:
college in
Money doesnt grow on trees
Denver. That taught him the perception of the two pyramids of

Premise B: MMy thoughts 10 By Christopher Maxw

ell Thomas
corrections. Three top
Today was Riggers
of the pyramid is the exact same as the levels leading up to it. Bob
birthday. He woke up. Older. And a little bit
colder, his wife had
was always a
been slapping him all
gifted sportsman everyone knew him and that his Sometimes I
night long, now this isn t a comedy interrupti
on of your normal
possibly think to
news, this is smarter than that. I had been
myself how could you do this to me? I live in a utopia, I cry I want
waking up next to her trying to be with me. As
she woke I tried to
to, no I have to. I
impress her by faking still sleep. I watched
loose myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and I
as she left the bed with her things and stored
one on the plane
apologize. The
next to the steradians. Even her carry on bags
miossion is complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness
were beautiful. The way that the mid day sun re
sted upon her
comes. best friend
face she seemed like her name was purple and
----------------------- Page 34----------------------yellow. She was a sunset set in the Bahamas, she was more than
hadnt had enough of anything. I had bought a sued
e backpack
just my wife. She had these brand new
that glimmered and shined in the darkness.
airings on her ears, the way that they fell upon her, I believe in
The moon shone on the night of our adventure. Yo
u can not
you I believe in the possibilities of [THE
minimize the seat that we sit in. I offer you on
as well thatch called justice not mercy, why do t
his? I can t think
Deaf blind there is no time the only time that
of a single Peron that lives on that side of
we ever had was the disrupted accounts that she gave me from
The Bay But you must know Gatsby. You know for a q
the beginning, I heard her speak and that was
second I m about to jump off a mother fucking
all she wanted to do, she spoke so eloquently that we never saw
cliff on top of a horse and be chill in the morn
ing, Thomas
the bridge from the bay ever again then
pastrami IRS not doing this,
again the planet is dying and we are rising the most insolent, ideas

I was. I knew how to spend it better. They all g

ot deans listed,
are broadcast from our small quaint
Why? The reasons
existence, defy defy me and I will have them checking posters,
were sparse. I hadn t asked her anything and still h
e showed her
defy and lie and ill kick you in the leg. Li
his box room! There
Wayne Please the cinnamon was getting higher than we, at the
was something different about his look, The fact
ion hasn t been
location that we felt we were there London
there long enough, I
England that is, so why do I worship this and not that, you never
agree but the flag is still at half mass, is the
re mass today? I nod in
bought the two Of us ice cream that s
disagreement but
because you didnt want to I have an exasperation of hopes and
the lady could still feel what my adoration toward
s her, and this is
dreams bring it to the field what happening
not all there was
last night did not happen perhaps the time change over the
no mass toddy but I fucking lied [THE COLLECTIVE
Atlantic ocean was by a bystanders point of view
easier making it in the middle east then again I didn t find it all
2016 anyways!!!!!!! The people that are antiquat
ed in this great
that interesting being there as opposed to my
and spacious
wife s beautiful mansion, that being said the sloop of the tongue
building are not actually there that are kings a
nd queens of the
was counted correctly and the party started
falsehood that is the
at a quarter past three. Tings is slobbering all over me [THE
world they are here you are not, show him your dic
k you bitch,
The last line of the
2016 and my wife, she s had it up to the moon, there is cheese
song wasn t even coming the same way and you kno
w it. I have
there, many other things to discover. The pain
become unfinished
that was hers is now the center of our relationship. The other
she said I wasn t really listening to her words.
She desperately
night was all time over then and there but we
wanted me to fuck
----------------------- Page 35----------------------her but something that filled with circumstances was inoperable
The way home this night was extra scary to my be
st friend Tings

to our existence
we had to stop the car several times to make
even though we had been together for several years. I
sure that the boogie man wasn t overcoming Rigge
rs soul. I kept
could still remember a few years aghast the family had almost
telling him that there wasn t anything to
been destroyed it
fear except fear itself. Like one other presiden
t said Ask not what
wasn t a risk it The other day as a Matter of fact this wasnt
this country can do for you but what you
superscribe by her
can do for the country. Hello class I said as I w
alked into the
doctor. This anger that she had all the time. Previously I had gone
class. The answer was rhetorical and the bottles
to the library to
were popping this was definitely the day that [T
find out what this woman might have had that bothered her mind
so. Like I said I
would teach my class metaphysics. One young girl
happened to
hadn t ever put this out ever before I had hoped that she was
ask me what word he was referring to I
flexible because to do a
replied I didn t exact ally know when in fact I
knew exact tally.
three some you had to improvise. 2 Chain. I had seldom thought
That s what our class was oral interpretation at
about her
its finest I almost didn t hear her question, I
was baffled and a
superscription to this unused medication that wasn t real, it
little confused so I decided to get rip soaringl
wasnt at all I came here
drunk. I hadnt quite met this man that these peeps
called Gatsby
and there to make sure that I was on top while she was [THE
but I intended to, I promise you I kept
telling my self. And then at the very end of the
party I did. My
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 on bottom, call it anything you
Heavenly Father s Kingdom was awaiting me.
necessarily wanted to I
Let s go where do you want to? anywhere I said thr
ee years
had the mind to impregnate her again, why? You ask is the empire
later I fucking killed her. Now this is not the
state building higher than the cup of soup
Simpson trial Mr. Roofing, Hook even she found o
ut about my
that the lady I called wife had given after me to the present day I
cocaine addiction jumped a porter plane

did not have the mind to tell her that what

enjoyed her free ride obviously and then killed
herself on the
she had given me was founded earlier in the year. I needed Christ
fucking plane can you believe that shit Hmm O
and Christ needed me why the fuck could
well I told myself. The years after those three
years I
he have created such a beautiful young woman to be restarted,
found myself in Miami Florida with two chicks in
stead of one.
and did I tell her hell no I didn t, either the
There are the quick and the dead who are you
couch will move itself pro the Christ, as tree will knot fit, there is
the quick who are they the dead, correct there a
re certain things
room here son, and theirs room here, I
in this life that people simply do not tell you
didnt tony know. But she never knew him. Why have you been
and one is the married woman that live [THE COLLECTI
gone all day? I was out why do you ask?
OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 here in Fort
----------------------- Page 36----------------------Knox and Kentucky even that are giving up the pussy, My drill
top pass by there location and over heard them
speaking words
sergeant told me that
from good omen, this
and I will NEVER FORGET IT. I went to church the following day
was a book that I came across at the sec count
y jail during my stet
and found myself in
there there were
purgatory. I didn t put down the money fast enough she was still
answers to both side in this book. It surround
ed crazy but as we
gone, I wished that
slowly approached
Rebecca could have stayed longer every night Rigger was outside
there camp we saw nothing except the moon shin
ing over the
crying over her
camp and the soft
death, I buried her here under our favorite tree so that no matter
clouds that were surrounding the moon. My wife
was braver than
what I would never
me she began
forget her and her soft steel earrings. Now I k now what you are
walking up to the RV slowly but quickly. I fol
lowed her lead. The
thinking the story
man inside the RV
can t be that sad, but it is. Until one day she showed up
came to the opening of the front door. He held
the book in his
unannounced and we lived

right hand and

happily ever after. This woman s name was unknown to all that
cautiously slowly opened the screen door maybe
it was just the
ever met knew or
mesquits and the
fucking kissed her. I For our 50th anniversary we went to a cave
outbreak of the west line virus, however I saw
something in his
within the middle of
eyes that read something curious. There he
the mountains we hadn t been there long when we found tourists
saw us baby should we go back in a whisper, ma
ybe I think he has
looking for a place
a (g...UN) CAN I HELP YOU, Um no my
to live they had there camper it was a 96 Chevrolet something
wife said we were just here trying to give you
guys some
about the meaning of
chocolate chip cookies, well me and my wife do
death that s what they told us anyways. They parked them\selves
know how we may decide on your cookies, what a
re you two
right next to Lake
doing in there we heard a [THE COLLECTIVE
placid there wasn t any other rs in the camp me and my wife
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 noise, We
are actually,
\seemed to end there
with the help of god are preaching hate
attention. AS the days passed the night were longer than the sun
allocated in this book. What is the name of it
, The man looked at
that fell in the sky
the book in hips right hand then showed the
title to my husband, its called good omens. Yo
u don t have to do
the day that left at
this sir, do w, cautiously again, what This si
the end. We hadnt been there and towards the end of our stay
this is wrong I have read that said book and I k
now from my
there we happened
heavenly father that this book you conceal is
----------------------- Page 37----------------------pretty fucking evil, i hear something in there is that, is that your
flash light shook it a few times then softly dr
opped it to the floor. I
wife crying sir, This is a sucking stand up, I
hit a rock and
looked behind me and saw three men with loaded shotguns
broke. WE looked at each other. And slowly st
arted to cry. At this
pointed directly at this mans shelter that he

point all we\ were

called an RV, The three ran got the front door, and began opening
doing was sobbing, and we started to sing hym
nals in a soft voice.
fire, now I have never remembered the
WE then heard the
seven harry potters that she so obsequiously handed to me, I put
voice of GOD, hah we both thought. We looked
into the light of
the book down and prayed. The thought
the moon [THE
that the angel gave to me was founded in Captain Morons last
and no one
words, kind of like Gordon B Brinkleys last
was there. And then
words read. So I began reading again good omen s, if anyone was
again we heard the sound of god s voice, it s
aid go so we went
going to save this man s soul it had
Ne phi showed up
definitely been me. As me and my wife returned to our camp, we
wight his younger brother Sam and after twent
y two extra hours
started conversing about the event that had
of walking we found
taken place right in front of me, [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
Boulder, CO. And later that night Netherlander
the city above
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 Do you think they
Boulder and we were
got shoot to death. I really do not know but at least we still have
safe with a camp. Hats word I thought to myself I
have been here
the cookies. What the fuck are you talking
and I h\ave
about cookies two people are dead, directly after I said this to my
performed on this track several times before
the competition was
woman I looked around and all our shit was
niggers all of them
gone, vanished cheapen, and thats too say the misty of Alexander
chiggers they weren t 5a they were sophomores t
hey were under
the great. Honey what the fuck, I said
the stairs. Now
softie. You concur sweetheart. I getting FUCKING scared as
class if one of us goes through it who does it affe
ct the one\s that
hell. OK well at least we still have the
followed the pit,
flashlight, kin if I replied, the batteries were going low and the
which pit is \that miss pretty lady in the mi
ddle seats, mum your
light wasn t very bright anymore. AS soon as
lover that is kind sir,
she thought that we heard something thatch sounded like french
my wife will never know, I Promise you. After
she spoke a
idiolect. What the fuck was that I said, ah I

desk flew across the room,,, what the heck I th

ought. Now one
don t know. Five minutes later our flash light went out. Now I
thing I will say is that
have never been Freddy cougar but who has,
we were ion Paris, and a documentary was bein
g filmed, Every
the moon was still in its normal positioning in the sky and the
morning my quest
stars shone bright. My wife looked down at \the
with my wife began with a lot of anger and be
trayal followed by
passion lust the
----------------------- Page 38----------------------show must go on and that will not happen as long sat the
hard just not inside my pants. My wife and I we
re attending
Maharaja is in charge, well
classes at the AA group home in southern
guess What King Benjamin taught us better than that and by the
California. Why you ask, because there are smal
l inflictions of soft
way I have many
core Showtime porn originated through out
the entire movie, thank you Edward Norton. It m
ust have been
5, 2016 What exact
morning because these racing thoughts were
ally is the retaliation of 5this reversal, Question mark that s what
not leaving my mind, she walked into the foyer
and saw me
we are speaking of.
basically just like standing there lost in
There are several keys to the English language that are not quite
Translation. She looked at me and began to sob,
for her husband
true. There is
was no longer standing there talking to her,
something wring here I told myself after a long breakfast with my
Chris she kept saying over and over whats wrong
, as soon as my
wife, we were
ears heard her lovely soft voice I snapped out
going to see the carnival today and that was no joke, you see the
of it and hugged and kissed my wife, now I won
t tell you that the
animals were such a lively bunch that Rigger
occurrences that happened later that night
was static and to say the ultimate least so was Winnie the poo,
were not pg and it involved a fucking movie I w
anted to watch up
both Jewish. That same night the trident
in the air one of my all time favorites, you
packets were on the floor I hadnt been in San Borodin long
know it was \pretty much about a Black Card being
used again

however the party that night was sure to be epic I

and again, until George won his wings. Or at
was the only one with the invitation, and that s why my wife was
least that s how I remembered it, who knows I t
hink I was high the
so livid at me. Or so it seemed, I placed
night it was playing at the drive in. It was a
myself at the must pristine locations all day long and wrote song
long and dusty road that [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS
after song, just waiting for the night to
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 spread wide across the
come, interestingly enough mic hale Jackson had taken the
country side, she was driving and I loved the f
act that she was I
audiences attention first and baffled as I was I had
was drinking a coca cola, the taste was
to agree to disagree that Halloween was nothing compared to
invigorating to me I believed in her obvious ca
pabilities and that s
Ryan Hecklers house party that wasn t
what supported our beautiful life. She
occurring indirectly this night. Hey babe you want to go to a party
chose to put the pedal to the medal and we arri
ved early to
tonight at Hecklers house. O my god
Tuscon Arizona 10 hours early. And the only reaso
n was because I
suddenly her frown turned upside down and she repeated tech
hadn t yet been
there, but she did. The obtrusiveness if tit LL
WAS that it was a
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 word s I indefinitely be ion attendance
son of a bitch to
tonight. The next few months were long and
understand. I no wave in my possession the keys
to Ha grids
house. Now class
----------------------- Page 39----------------------remember the differences between the on plus the other, the
I may, you slipways council us on the strategy t
o becoming rich
variables may be
and dying rich but you
stacked high, but the arrhythmical is not present, Slacker and
never do. I mean tyke for instances the ten my t
houghts books
Steve were talk show
written by Mr
rodeo bull bucking at its finest. It was a sovereign, kind of like the
Christopher Maxwell Thomas, and tell me if he et
as cake, and Im
survey that we took
talking about the
in the middle class to have the rights to the kingdom. Leonardo
band they fell off a long time ago, Julia looked a

t me with such
DiCaprio I have been
alarm that she
a poor man and I have been a rich man and I choose money over
eventually began crying in front of me and we hu
ge for a long
the none every
time. The next day at our academy was well
FUCKING time, there is mo stability in meagerness. Now class if
spent the choke was not included in the curricul
um, and being
we take these two
only 6 I felt the need to branch [THE
premise we will be at odds between ourselves if it wasn t a
ut, see the
hundred percent true
world for what it was and not just the
about Newton s law of gravity, keep in mind [THE COLLECTIVE
choke. So I moved into a nice two bedroom house
across from the
bay and I thought I could always continue
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 thought that its still just a theory. The
to study writing, but given the world lustful di
stractions I gave all
gecko from the car
that up and studied law instead. Woman
insurance add can teach us the devaluing morals of the
your crowding the bed get out of here with that
insatiable regret
nineteenth century quite
of paying the mortgage too late that is
well. So after class please turn in your papers and I will slothfully
simply not+ like you. I know babe but the its pr
obable but not
grade them. The
possible. The way that she talked was out of
next day with Heidi proved to be a disaster all together she was
this world why was the sky blue and what differe
nce did it make
just so mad that I had
to her, all she did was nags ND complain at
blown up the Dodge Duran go that she came out in the street and
me especially when we went to Ru bios, throwing
forks at little
started beating the
children flays accusing the waitress of giving
dog to a bloody pulse there wasn t any stopping her, and just so
her chocolate milk when obviously she was drinki
ng normal milk.
you know she s not
After that meal in times square I decided to
really dead, we ll do a
take a break from my wife indefinitely which whe
n I presented it
double date or something come on my treat, how do you like
to her she wept for thirteen hours in a row,
them apples, Im telling
o well at least I had my sanity. chocolate chip co

okies, well me
you you can have your cake and eat it too it s just wonderful, miss
and my wife do not know how we may decide
Lady Antebellum if
----------------------- Page 40----------------------on your cookies, what are you two doing in there we heard a
misty of Alexander the great. Honey what the fuc
k, I said softie.
noise, We are actually, with the help of god are
You concur
preaching hate allocated in this book. What is [THE COLLECTIVE
sweetheart. I getting FUCKING scared as hell. OK
well at least
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 the
we still have the
name of it, The man looked at the book in hips right hand then
flashlight, kin if I replied, the batteries wer
e going low and the
showed the title to my husband, its called
light wasn t very bright
good omens. You don t have to do this sir, do w, cautiously again,
anymore. AS soon as she thought that we heard s
omething thatch
what This sir this is wrong I have read that
sounded like
said book and I
french idiolect. What the fuck was that I said,
ah I don t know.
know from my heavenly father that this book you conceal is
Five minutes later
pretty fucking evil, i hear something in there is
our flash light went out. Now I have never been F
reddy cougar but
that, is that your wife crying sir, This is a sucking stand up, I looked
who has, the
behind me and saw three men with loaded
moon was still in its normal positioning in the
sky and the stars
shotguns pointed directly at this mans shelter that he called an
shone bright. My wife
RV, The three ran got the front door, and
looked down at \the flash light shook it a few
times then softly
began opening fire, now I have never remembered the seven
dropped it to the
harry potters that she so obsequiously handed
floor. I hit a rock and broke. WE looked at eac
h other. And slowly
to me, I put the book down and prayed. The thought that the
started to cry. At
angel gave to me was founded in Captain
this point all we\ were doing was sobbing, and
we started to sing
Morons last words, kind of like Gordon B Brinkleys last words
hymnals in a soft
read. So I began reading again good omen s, if
voice. WE then heard the voice of GOD, hah we b
oth thought. We

anyone was going to save this man s soul it had definitely been
looked into the
me. As me and my wife returned to our camp,
light of the moon and no one was there. And the
n again we heard
we started conversing about the event that had taken place right
the sound of god s
in front of me, Do
MAS] July 5,
you think they got shoot to death. I really do not know but at
2016 go so we
least we still have the
went Ne phi showed up wight his younger brother
Sam and after
twenty two extra
July 5, 2016 fuck are
hours of walking we found Boulder, CO. And late
r that night
you talking about cookies two people are dead, directly after I
Netherlander the city
said this to my woman
above Boulder and we were safe with a camp. Hat
s word I
I looked around and all our shit was gone, vanished cheapen, and
thought to myself I have
thats too say the
----------------------- Page 41----------------------been here and I h\ave performed on this track several times
long and wrote song after song, just waiting for th
e night to come,
before the competition
interestingly enough mic hale Jackson had
was niggers all of them chiggers they weren t 5a they were
taken the audiences attention first and baffled as
I was I had to
sophomores they were
agree to disagree that Halloween was nothing
under the stairs. Now class if one of us goes through it who does it
compared to Ryan Hecklers house party that wasn t oc
affect the one\s
indirectly this night. Hey babe you want to go
that followed the pit, which pit is \that miss pretty lady in the
to a party tonight at Hecklers house. O my god sudde
nly her
middle seats, mum your lover that is kind sir,
frown turned upside down and she repeated
my wife will never know, I Promise you. After she spoke a desk
tech moneys word s I indefinitely be ion attendance
tonight. The
flew across the room,,, what the heck I
next few months were long and hard just
thought. Now one thing I will say is that we were ion Paris, and a
documentary was being filmed, Every

inside my pants. My wife and I were attending

morning my quest with my wife began with a lot of anger and
classes at the AA group home in southern California
. Why you ask,
betrayal followed by passion lust the show
because there are small inflictions of soft
must go on and that will not happen as long sat the Maharaja is in
core Showtime porn originated through out the entir
e movie,
charge, well guess What King Benjamin
thank you Edward Norton. It must have been
taught us better than that and by the way I have many cups of
morning because these racing thoughts were not leav
ing my
coffee. What exact ally is the retaliation of
mind, she walked into the foyer and saw me
5this reversal, Question mark that s what we [THE COLLECTIVE
basically just like standing there lost in Translat
ion. She looked at
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 are
me and began to sob, for her husband was
speaking of. There are several keys to the English language that
no longer standing there talking to her, Chris she
kept saying over
are not quite true. There is something wring
and over whats wrong, as soon as my ears
here I told myself after a long breakfast with my wife, we were
heard her lovely soft voice I snapped out of it and
hugged and
going to see the carnival today and that was
kissed my wife, now I
no joke, you see the animals were such a lively bunch that Rigger
won t tell you that the occurrences that happened l
ater that night
was static and to say the ultimate least so
were not pg and it
was Winnie the poo, both Jewish. That same night the trident
involved a fucking movie I wanted to watch up in th
e air one of
packets were on the floor I hadnt been in San
my all time favorites,
Borodin long however the party that night was sure to be epic I
you know it was pretty much about a Black Card bein
g used again
was the only one with the invitation, and
and again, until
that s why my wife was so livid at me. Or so it seemed, I placed
George won his wings. Or at least that s how I reme
mbered it,
myself at the must pristine locations all day
who knows I think I
----------------------- Page 42----------------------was high the night it was playing at the drive in. It was a long and
name was purple and yellow. She was a sunset s
et in the
dusty road that
Bahamas, she was more
spread wide across the country side, she was driving and I loved


S] July 5,
the fact that she was
2016 my wife. She had
I was [THE
these brand new airings on her ears, the way t
hat they fell upon
her, I believe in you I believe in the
coca cola, the taste
possibilities of languages. Deaf blind there i
s no time the only time
was invigorating to me I believed in her obvious capabilities and
that we ever had was the disrupted
that s what
accounts that she gave me from the beginning,
I heard her speak
supported our beautiful life. She chose to put the pedal to the
and that was all she wanted to do, she
medal and we arrived
spoke so eloquently that we never saw the brid
ge from the bay
early to Tuscon Arizona 10 hours early. And the only reason we
ever again then again the planet is dying and
did was because the
we are rising the most insolent, ideas are bro
adcast from our
sun never sets early in prison. I remember as I was a young man in
small quaint existence, defy defy me and I will
college attending
have them checking posters, defy and lie and ill
kick you in the
the University of Yale, and I always thought to myself what is this
leg. Li Wayne Please the cinnamon was
existence made
getting higher than we, at the location that w
e felt we were there
from. The show that usually peeked my mind was The Big Bang
London England that is, so why do I worship
Theory. The end The
this and not that, you never bought the two Of
us ice cream that s
possibil My thoughts 10 By Christopher Maxwell Thomas Today
because you didnt want to I have an
was Riggers birthday.
exasperation of hopes and dreams bring it to the
field what
He woke up. Older. And a little bit colder, his wife had been
happening last night did not happen perhaps th
slapping him all night
time change over the Atlantic ocean was by a b
ystanders point of
long, now this isn t a comedy interruption of your normal news,
view easier making it in the middle east
this is smarter than
then again I didn t find it all that interesti
ng being there as
that. I had been waking up next to her trying to be with me. As

opposed to my wife s beautiful mansion, [THE

she woke I tried to
that being
impress her by faking still sleep. I watched as she left the bed with
said the sloop of the tongue was counted corre
ctly and the party
her things and
started at a quarter past three. Tings is
stored one on the plane next to the steradians. Even her carry on
slobbering all over me and my wife, she s had
it up to the moon,
bags were
there is cheese there, many other things to
beautiful. The way that the mid day sun rested upon her face she
discover. The pain that was hers is now the ce
nter of our
seemed like her
relationship. The other night was all time ove
r then
----------------------- Page 43----------------------and there but we hadnt had enough of anything. I had bought a
though we had been together for several years. I
could still
suede backpack that glimmered and shined
remember a few years
in the darkness. The moon shone on the night of our adventure.
aghast the family had almost been destroyed it
wasn t a risk it The
You can not minimize the seat that we sit in. I
other day as a
offer you one as well thatch called justice not mercy, why do
Matter of fact this wasnt superscribe by her doct
or. This anger
this? I can t think of a single Peron that lives
that she had all the
on that side of The Bay But you must know Gatsby. You know
time. Previously I had gone to the library to find
out what this
for a quick second I m about to jump off a
woman might have had
mother fucking cliff on top of a horse and be chill in the morning,
that bothered her mind so. Like I said I hadn
t ever put this out
Thomas pastrami IRS not doing this, I was. I
ever before I had
knew how to spend it better. They all got deans listed, Why? The
hoped that she was flexible because to do a th
ree some you had
reasons were sparse. I hadn t asked her
to improvise. 2
anything and still he showed her his box room! There was
Chain. I had seldom thought about her [THE COLL
something different about his look, The faction
hasn t been there long enough, I agree but the flag is still at half
July 5, 2016 superscription to this unused med

ication that wasn t

mass, is there mass today? I nod in [THE
real, it wasnt at all I
came here and there to make sure that I was on
top while she was
disagreement but the lady could still feel what my
on bottom, call it
adoration towards her, and this is not all there was no mass toddy
anything you necessarily wanted to I had the m
ind to impregnate
but I fucking lied
her again, why?
anyways!!!!!!! The people that are antiquated in this great and
You ask is the empire state building higher th
an the cup of soup
spacious building are
that the lady I called
not actually there that are kings and queens of the falsehood that
wife had given after me to the present day I d
id not have the mind
is the world they
to tell her that
are here you are not, show him your dick you bitch, The last line
what she had given me was founded earlier in t
he year. I needed
of the song wasn t
Christ and Christ
even coming the same way and you know it. I have become
needed me why the fuck could he have created s
uch a beautiful
unfinished she said I
young woman to be
wasn t really listening to her words. She desperately wanted me
restarted, and did I tell her hell no I didn t
, either the couch will
to fuck her but
move itself pro the
something that filled with circumstances was inoperable to our
Christ, as tree will knot fit, there is room h
ere son, and theirs
existence even
room here, I didnt tony
----------------------- Page 44----------------------know. But she never knew him. Why have you been gone all
July 5, 2016 who are they the dead, correct there
are certain
day? I was out why
things in this life that people simply do not tell
do you ask? The way home this night was extra scary to my best
you and one is the married woman that live here i
n Fort Knox and
friend Tings we had to stop the car several
Kentucky even that are giving up the pussy,
times to make sure that the boogie man wasn t overcoming
My drill sergeant told me that and I will NEVER
Riggers soul. I kept telling him that there wasn t

to church the following day and found

anything to fear except fear itself. Like one other president said
myself in purgatory. I didn t put down the mone
y fast enough she
Ask not what this country can do for you but
was still gone, I wished that Rebecca could
what you can do for the [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS
have stayed longer every night Rigger was outsi
de crying over her
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 country. Hello class I said
death, I buried her here under our favorite
as I walked into the class. The answer was rhetorical and the
tree so that no matter what I would never forge
t her and her soft
bottles were popping this was definitely the day
steel earrings. Now I k now what you are
that I would teach my class metaphysics. One young girl
thinking the story can t be that sad, but it is
. Until one day she
happened to ask me what word he was referring to I
showed up unannounced and we lived happily
replied I didn t exact ally know when in fact I knew exact tally.
ever after. This woman s name was unknown to al
l that ever met
That s what our class was oral interpretation at
knew or fucking kissed her. I For our 50th
its finest I almost didn t hear her question, I was baffled and a
anniversary we went to a cave within the middle
of the mountains
little confused so I decided to get rip soaringly
we hadn t been there long when we found
drunk. I hadnt quite met this man that these peeps called Gatsby
tourists looking for a place to live they had the
re camper it was a
but I intended to, I promise you I kept
96 Chevrolet
telling my self. And then at the very end of the party I did. My
something about the meaning of death that s wha
t they told us
Heavenly Father s Kingdom was awaiting me.
anyways. They
Let s go where do you want to? anywhere I said three years
parked them\selves right next to Lake placid there
wasn t any
later I fucking killed her. Now this is not the OJ
other rs in the [THE
Simpson trial Mr. Roofing, Hook even she found out about my
camp me
cocaine addiction jumped a porter plane
and my wife \seemed
enjoyed her free ride obviously and then killed herself on the
to end there attention. AS the days passed the
night were longer
fucking plane can you believe that shit Hmm O
than the sun that
well I told myself. The years after those three years I found myself
fell in the sky prior to the day that left at t
he end. We hadnt been
in Miami Florida with two chicks instead of

there and towards

one. There are the quick and the dead who are you the quick [THE
the end of our stay there we happened top pass
by there location
and over heard
----------------------- Page 45----------------------them speaking words from good omen, this was a book that I
wrong I have read that said book a
nd I know from my heavenly
came across at the sec
father that this book you conceal
is pretty
county jail during my stet there there were answers to both side
fucking evil, i hear something in t
here is that, is that your wife
in this book. It
crying sir, This is a sucking sta
nd up, I looked
surrounded crazy but as we slowly approached there camp we
behind me and saw three men with
loaded shotguns pointed
saw nothing except
directly at this mans shelter tha
t he called an
the moon shining over the camp and the soft clouds that were
RV, The three ran got the front d
oor, and began opening fire, now
surrounding the
I have never remembered the seven
moon. My wife was braver than me she began walking up to the
potters that she so obsequiously
handed to me, I put the book
RV slowly but
down and prayed. The thought that
the angel
quickly. I followed her lead. The man inside the RV came to the
gave to me was founded in Captain
Morons last words, kind of
opening of the front
like Gordon B Brinkleys last words
read. So I
door. He held the book in his right hand and cautiously slowly
began reading again good omen s,
if anyone was going to save
opened the screen
this man s soul it had definitely
door maybe it was just the mesquits and the outbreak of the west
July 5, 2016 been me. As
line virus, however
me and my wife returned to our ca
mp, we
I saw something in his eyes that read something curious. There he
started conversing about the even
t that had taken place right in

saw us baby
front of me, Do you think they got
shoot to
should we go back in a whisper, maybe I think he has a
death. I really do not know but at le
ast we still have the cookies.
(g...UN) CAN I HELP YOU, Um no my wife said we were just
What the fuck are you talking about
here trying to give you
cookies two people are dead, dire
ctly after I said this to my
woman I looked around and all our
shit was gone,
2016 chocolate chip
vanished cheapen, and thats too say
the misty of Alexander the
cookies, well me and my wife do not know how we may decide on
great. Honey what the fuck, I said
your cookies, what
You concur sweetheart. I getting FU
CKING scared as hell. OK
are you two doing in there we heard a noise, We are actually, with
well at least we still have the fl
ashlight, kin if I
the help of god
replied, the batteries were going
low and the light wasn t very
are preaching hate allocated in this book. What is the name of it,
bright anymore. AS soon as she th
ought that
The man looked at
we heard something thatch sounded
like french idiolect. What the
the book in hips right hand then showed the title to my husband,
fuck was that I said, ah I don t kn
ow. Five
its called good
minutes later our flash light wen
t out. Now I have never been
omens. You don t have to do this sir, do w, cautiously again, what
Freddy cougar but who has, the mo
on was still
This sir this is
----------------------- Page 46----------------------in its normal positioning in the sky and the stars shone bright. My
long sat
wife looked down at \the flash light shook it
the Maharaja is in
a few times then softly dropped it to the floor. I hit a rock and
charge, well guess What King Benjamin taught us be
tter than that
broke. WE looked at each other. And slowly
and by the way I
started to cry. At this point all we\ were doing was sobbing, [THE
have many cups of coffee. What exact ally is the r

etaliation of
5this reversal, Question
5, 2016 and we started to sing hymnals in a soft voice. WE then
mark that s what we are speaking of. There are sev
eral keys to the
heard the voice of GOD, hah we both thought.
English language
We looked into the light of the moon and no one was there. And
that are not quite true. There is something wring
here I told
then again we heard the sound of god s
myself after a long
voice, it said go so we went Ne phi showed up wight his younger
breakfast with my wife, we were going to see the car
nival today
brother Sam and after twenty two extra
and that was no joke,
hours of walking we found Boulder, CO. And later that night
you see the animals were such a lively bunch that
Rigger was
Netherlander the city above Boulder and we
static and to say the
were safe with a camp. Hats word I thought to myself I have been
ultimate least so was Winnie the poo, both Jewish.
That same
here and I h\ave performed on this track
night the trident
several times before the competition was niggers all of them
packets were on the floor I hadnt been in San Borod
in long
chiggers they weren t 5a
however the party that
they were sophomores they were under the stairs. Now class if
night was sure to be epic I was the only one with
the invitation,
one of us goes
and that s why my
through it who does it affect the one\s that followed the pit,
wife was so livid at me. Or so it seemed, I placed
myself at the
which pit is \that miss
must pristine locations
pretty lady in the middle seats, mum your lover that is kind sir, my
all day long and wrote song after song, just waiti
ng for the night
wife will never
to come,
know, I Promise you. After she spoke a desk flew across the
interestingly enough mic hale Jackson had taken th
e audiences
room,,, what the heck I
attention first and
thought. Now one thing I will say is that we were ion Paris, and a
baffled as I was I had to agree to disagree that H
alloween was
documentary was
nothing compared to
being filmed, Every morning my quest with my wife began with a
Ryan Hecklers house party that wasn t occurring ind

irectly this
lot of anger and
night. Hey [THE
betrayal followed by passion lust the show must go on and that
e you
will not happen [THE
want to go to a party
----------------------- Page 47----------------------tonight at Hecklers house. O my god suddenly her frown turned
man in college attending the University of Yale, and
I always
upside down and she repeated tech moneys
thought to myself what is this existence outside
word s I indefinitely be ion attendance tonight. The next few
were daShe didn t seem to mind though. Her legs wer
e pressed
months were long and hard just not inside my
against my hips. Your forgetting one thing the
pants. My wife and I were attending classes at the AA
convenience store was closed tonight and we didn t
get the loods,
group home in southern California. Why you ask, because there
I don t care she said over and over. If
are small inflictions of soft core Showtime
anyone was capable of publishing a lie them if beli
eve you. 3 years
porn originated through out the entire movie, thank you Edward
later I woke up with hey besides me she
Norton. It must have been morning because
hadn t eaten and her skin was turning on herself sh
e couldn t
these racing thoughts were not leaving my mind, she walked into
keep up with me. I felt interested and I deciding
the foyer and saw me basically just like
know how to let her in I simplified her emotions no
matter what it
standing there lost in Translation. She looked at me and began to
sob, for her husband was no longer
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 that she gave to me. Synergy w
as working
standing there talking to her, Chris she kept saying over and over
well. I wanted to let her see that however all
whats wrong, as soon as my ears heard her
I ever heard from her was my man my man. The mornin
g turned
lovely soft voice I snapped out of it and hugged and kissed my
into dusk and we
wife, now I won t tell you that the occurrences
retired to our berk and grey. d for the evening. Th
e only problem
that happened later that night were not pg and it involved a
was that our one
fucking movie I wanted to watch up in the air one
blanket simply want enough to keep her breasts warm
and dyno
of my all time favorites, you know it was pretty much about a

aaron desperately
Black Card being used again and again, until
needed those to eat besides her was me and besides
me was us.
George won his wings. Or [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS
There was traces of
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 at least that s how I
a raisin in the sun forever there was a paycheck on
the countertop
remembered it, who knows I think I was high the night it was
the African
playing at the drive in. It was a long and dusty
American female that abided with me knew that as we
ll. The way
road that spread wide across the country side, she was driving
of the budda was
and I loved the fact that she was I was drinking
not a coincidence. Sometimes I think to myself what
a perpetual
a coca cola, the taste was invigorating to me I believed in her
thought of nature.
obvious capabilities and that s what supported
However I have been there in both my attributes and
my attire!
our beautiful life. She chose to put the pedal to the medal and we
What you ask
arrived early to Tuscon Arizona 10 hours
yourself is greater than that? Nothing and everythi
ng. The blood
early. And the only reason we did was because the sun never sets
of the land and all
early in prison. I remember as I was a young
----------------------- Page 48----------------------else in between God damnit, hello, there has to be a way to solve
you could say that to even find this house was a m
iracle. As I
certain things you
cautiously knocked on there front door. The
would think, however some may discredit the idea of being happy
thought of murder was the only thing on my mind, I
could imagine
so we think with
anything and everything to be behind the
ones own securities. There in the meaningful aberrations have
16 door of
been a select few that
that house. The sun was just about to set
not only act as Jessee eisenberg but others that have never
and the day would be over until tomorrow and with
the ability to
considered being Steve
see the strangers on the silver, was
upsetting to me most of all. On my third knock I
heard a set of
I m securely fastened
footsteps approaching the front door from

in my exact disagreement about streaming your time kind sir, and

inside. The door slowly began to open and my stom
ach dropped.
what do you mean
An order last stood in front of me and
by that, I suppose the one I d not only singular however it is both.
looked squarely T my T-shirt. She didn t say anyt
hing, I hesitantly
Now I have been to
opened my mouth and tried to force the
the thundering to see alligators and coun t dramas living in the
words of help from my lips but she slowly shut the
door instead.
bayou. And right there
The weirdest moment of my life. Later that
sir you have discredited your entire theory. Two words The two
night I finally found myself back in Boulder Colo
rado. And at the
sides are personified
same stores on park Street mall window
in here and there. If I was a college man I wouldn t hesitate to ask
shopping with little to no money in my pocket. The
mall of
the us government
America is a predicted rain to cross over the Juar
for a handout. I guess you could say is the same thing as a
border to see the way that we live as opposed to
the way they live
homeless man collecting
I feel excited to know the truth of
money from his or her social security checks once a month, not to
democracy. We had our certain mentality of a socie
ty with no
mention there
looking and when stuck add jk Rowling s
children are an enormous part of their one thousand dollars a
monarchy. However they ve forgotten one thing. Th
e language
month. I ve been
barrier. And you ll find the exact same thing
dealing for so long that even my ankles were hurting when I got to
on one side of the rocky mountains as opposed to t
he other. OK
your house. Why I
clear the lesson plan [THE COLLECTIVE
wondered was the dog attacking it s owner on a leash even, I
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 for today is t
he entire
didn t have much time
social network in between the other two
to question much the sun was setting and the walk from the top
movies at the box office seeking well I suppose i
f you consider
of the hill to there was a long one, I guess
the, 007 movies to be perpetual entertainment
----------------------- Page 49----------------------then if have to hand it to you. Who in this class feels anything but

describing yesterday. So ladies and gentleman wit

hout further
what I just said the students never say
interruptions I must
whiplash. They hadn t even seen the class and good knows I asked
find series, and that s the thing she can t be co
erced. She is
if they had but they simply lied there asses
special. How dare you
off to me somewhere teaching young college students the ethics
find at mk with that tone and understand perfecti
on, are you
of today versus the ethics of yesterday was
ubserd are you mad,
challenging. kind sir the answer is not whether man give us
yes just doing string theory for fun yes what fun
. Look I come to
reading is much more than that it you live in
these possibilities
Phoenix you live in Phoenix. If you pressure in a different zip code
hypothesis procured part tense and never one cent
more and I do
lacrosse was the founder of the bitches in
know your
Disney area codes hanging up side dish even. I will answer your
intentions sir you come here not for her or mainl
y here. You
questions but they are not founded upon
fucking spelled that one
anything good so why. Yes young money why, I ll tell you guys the
wrong bitch. I walked out of the garage to meet m
y sister sitting in
truth many people believe that this class is
her car. Awkward
home ech in high school as an easy a but I can assure you that
was my sin I knew the scripture well kate winslet
. Little children,
that is simply not the
but we are ashamed
case. It is what it is Nancy cardigan. Many people will accomplish
but jack black days that was yesterday. Your are
drunk. Your
there main want to
drunk Jules [THE
dos and there allegations in their life time. The good the bad and
ur drunk. I
the in [THE
am the greatest
you hit me high, aren t they great no you bitch.
There not great
how could you have
and I gave you the
you must have been in between something dreamed and
Heimlich to save you when you gave me these to sa
ve me. I didn t
something that went
recognize your car
terribly wrong in the third grade, you must understand it wasn t

must have just gotten back from the dealership. D

rive off the lot
me. I came to this
with a brand new
works to party rhianna. She said it and craftsman s isbnd it. Once
Mercedes Benz. But how? You ve got nothing to wor
k with here.
your very to sir, well
Let this man go. But
whatever the chick is the one spoken of by our doctors D not to
kind sir ts JFK I don t give a darn you let him g
o, understand? The
mention Westlake.
There really isn t much sense to say I want to go this way and that
understanding of the nation is not utilitarianism
but it is,
way. But as I was
Nietzsche many are called but few safe chosen. I
----------------------- Page 50----------------------have but that s not saying much it s saying everything. From
tell me your name, I didn t know that you do no
t want to hear
beginning to china and I m doing it in the
that suit don t duck with me not you, it s not
morning. Trust your mother the live and the hate I swear to god I
your fault, you hear me, is not, [THE COLLECTIV
never considered it, dies it have to be by the
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 thank you for
book. You tell at me but I did not start the rain, you did. How
understanding what I am saying and yes I have b
een to space
fucking dare you, article to Facebook I hope we
camp twice, is not intricate enough, I m sorry
can make your stay with us as comfortable as possible, if there s
that is not the bills but this is the best that
the FBI can afford,
anything you want don t hesitate to ask. In a
don t push me don t push me. Fuck both of you.
place like this it s simple just look out for them and they ll look out
The way of the budda was not a coincidence. Som
etimes I think to
for you. That must happened one of the
myself what a perpetual thought of nature.
greatest said something and I wrote it down. Adjectives are boring
However I have been there in both my attributes
and my attire!
I want to see you cum. In [THE COLLECTIVE
What you ask yourself is greater than that?
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 today s society we wake
Nothing and everything. The blood of the land a
nd all else in
up to Matt lauer. It makes sense if you listen
between God damnit, hello, there has to be a
to the story and stop asking questions. I guess I have the floor
way to solve certain things you would think, ho
wever some may

now. Excuse me sir but I have the right to speak

discredit the idea of
in my behalf I am afforded that right with my constitution rights I
being happy so we think with ones own securitie
s. There in the
am afforded that ability. By the condition of
the united States of America. Your honour if I may I think what
aberrations have been a select few that not onl
y act as Jessee
may I d trying to say is that live is blind, and
eisenberg but others
yes I played football at Notre Dame. As one of the greatest. But
that have never considered being Steve Jobs. I
m securely
the man spoke and great were his words, they
fastened in my exact
weren t the same as before it was as if he questioned his own
disagreement about streaming your time kind sir
, and what do
preference in the game of life. I just hope folks
you mean by that, I
will feel and understand these words, I just write them don t be
suppose the one I d not only singular however it is
both. Now I
a judgemental Californian. The police are
have been to the
not here kind of like Seattle, I guess it s just jurisdiction, what is
thundering to see alligators and coun t dramas
living in the bayou.
the greatest space between you and me,
And right there sir
there isn t one o yes week what is the all what is the allgafhthym
you have discredited your entire theory. Two wo
rds The [THE
to live, the question now is do I want to be
with you. I mean all were talking about is fluid exchange so can
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 two sides are person
ified in here and
we get straight to the sex. I don t know just
there. If I was a
----------------------- Page 51----------------------college man I wouldn t hesitate to ask the us government for a
instead. The weirdest moment of my life. Later th
at night I finally
handout. I guess you
found myself back in Boulder Colorado. And
could say is the same thing as a homeless man collecting money
at the same stores on park Street mall window sho
pping with
from his or her social
little to no money in my pocket. The mall of
security checks once a month, not to mention there children are
America is a predicted rain to cross over the Jua
rez border to see
an enormous part of
the way that we live as opposed to the way

their one thousand dollars a month. I ve been dealing for so long

they live I feel excited to know the truth of dem
ocracy. We had
that even my ankles
our certain mentality of a society with no
were hurting when I got to your house. Why I wondered was the
looking and when stuck add jk Rowling s monarchy.
dog attacking it s
they ve forgotten one thing. The language
owner on a leash even, I didn t have much time to question much
barrier. And you ll find the exact same thing on
one side of the
the sun was setting
rocky mountains as opposed to the other. OK
and the walk from the top of the hill to there was a long one, I
clear the lesson plan for today is the entire soc
ial network in
guess you could say
between the other two movies at the box office
that to even find this house was a miracle. As I cautiously knocked
seeking well I suppose if you consider the, 007 m
ovies to be
on there front
perpetual entertainment then if have to hand it
door. The thought of murder was the only thing on my mind, I
to you. Who in this class feels anything but what
I just said the
could imagine anything
students never say whiplash. They hadn t even
and everything to be behind the door of that house. The sun was
seen the class and good knows I [THE COLLECTIVE W
just about to set
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 asked if they had
and the day would be over until tomorrow and with the ability to
but they simply lied there asses off to me somewh
ere teaching
see the strangers
young college students the ethics of today
on the silver, was upsetting to me most of all. On my third knock I
versus the ethics of yesterday was challenging. k
ind sir the answer
heard a set of
is not whether man give us reading is much
footsteps approaching the front door from inside. The door slowly
more than that it you live in Phoenix you live in
Phoenix. If you
began to open and
pressure in a different zip code lacrosse was
my stomach dropped. An order last [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
the founder of the bitches in Disney area codes h
anging up side
dish even. I will answer your questions but
5, 2016 stood in front of me and looked squarely T my Tshirt. She
they are not founded upon anything good so why. Y
es young
didn t say anything,
money why, I ll tell you guys the truth many

I hesitantly opened my mouth and tried to force the words of help

people believe that this class is home ech in hig
h school as an easy
from my lips but she slowly shut the door
a but I can assure you that that is simply
----------------------- Page 52----------------------not the case. It is what it is Nancy cardigan. Many people will
you the Heimlich to save you when you gave me th
ese to save me.
accomplish there main want to dos and there
I didn t recognize
allegations in their life time. The good the bad and the in
your car must have just gotten back from the dea
lership. Drive off
betweens how could you have you must have been
the lot with a
in between something dreamed and something that went terribly
brand new Mercedes Benz. But how? You ve got not
hing to work
wrong in the third grade, you must
with here. Let [THE
understand it wasn t me. I came to this works to party rhianna.
his man go.
She said it and craftsman s isbnd it. Once your
But kind sir ts JFK I
very to sir, well whatever the chick is the one spoken of by our
don t give a darn you let him go, understand? Th
e direct
understanding of the nation
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 mention Westlake. There really isn t
is not utilitarianism but it is, Nietzsche many
are called but few
much sense to say I want to go this way and
safe chosen. I have
that way. But as I was describing yesterday. So ladies and
but that s not saying much it s saying everythin
g. From beginning
gentleman without further interruptions I must find
to china and I m
series, and that s the thing she can t be coerced. She is special.
doing it in the morning. Trust your mother the l
ive and the hate I
How dare you find at
swear to god I never
mk with that tone and understand perfection, are you ubserd are
considered it, dies it have to be by the book. Y
ou tell at me but I
you mad, yes just
did not start the rain,
doing string theory for fun yes what fun. Look I come to these
you did. How fucking dare you, article to Facebo
ok I hope we can
possibilities hypothesis
make your stay with
procured part tense and never one cent more and I do know your
us as comfortable as possible, if there s anythi

ng you want don t

intentions sir you
hesitate to ask. In a
come here not for her or mainly here. You fucking spelled that
place like this it s simple just look out for th
em and they ll look out
one wrong bitch. I
for you. That must
walked out of the garage to meet my sister sitting in her car.
happened one of the greatest said something and
I wrote it down.
Awkward was my sin I
Adjectives are
knew the scripture well kate winslet. Little children, but we are
boring I want to see you cum. In today s society
we wake up to
ashamed but jack
Matt lauer. It makes
black days that was yesterday. Your are drunk. Your drunk Jules
sense if you listen to the story and stop asking
questions. I guess I
your drunk. I am the
have the floor now.
greatest you hit me high, aren t they great no you bitch. There not
Excuse me sir but I have the right to speak in m
y behalf I am
great and I gave
afforded that right with my constitution rights
----------------------- Page 53----------------------am afforded that ability. By the condition of the united States of
around my garage. The narrator Kris telling me
to be afraid. The
America. Your honour if I may I think what
title of the movie equals far. After all what s
in a name. If my idbn number is at in place I w
ouldn t have a
trying to say is that live is blind, and yes I
problem diagnosing you with the perscripton of
played football at Notre Dame. As one of the greatest. But the
love. I was called a hater once and he just cal
l them fans. Come to
man spoke and great were his words, they
think about it I ve never been to the
weren t the same as before it was as if he questioned his own
Himalayas. But July has and I see it through he
r eyes. There a
preference in the game of life. I just hope folks
concert in town pharcide a tribe called quest
will feel and understand these words, I just write them don t be
and I m deffinately going to be in attendance. Come
to think of it
a judgemental Californian. The police are
I ve never been to west lake. And neither
not here kind of like Seattle, I guess it s just jurisdiction, what is
had she. Chocolate. Donut hanging out on my til

e living room
the greatest space between you and me,
floor. So far we had written 72,000 thousands
there isn t one o yes week what is the all what is the allgafhthym
words and all they are antiquated towards here
and there. Ok
to live, the question now is do I want to be
class what s the
with you. I
answer, um we stole a line from kind sir. I fee
l dogmatic and no I
mean all were talking about is fluid exchange so can we get
have never met Ben
straight to the sex. I don t know just tell me your
affleck but I have seen Argo. Ok here we go. I
name, I didn t know that you do not want to hear that suit don t
duck with me not you, it s not your fault, you
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 question him something wri
tten in
hear me, is not, thank you for understanding what I am saying and
German. Given by brad Pitt.
yes I have been to space camp twice, is not
What s your favorite numberz where were you bor
n I should slay
intricate enough, I m sorry that is not the bills but this is the best
you. Now I have
that the FBI can afford, don t push me don t
seen since spektacular things in my life and on
e of them was the
push me. Fuck both of you. I just told you tom what s been gong
celestial kingdom
on its been gong on for five years. The motto
and I have felt it twice in my life. I actualll
y fixing have seen the
is the same the ability to stand one [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
god damn celestial
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 above the rest.
kingdom. Chocolate or vanilla. Huh I heard some
body talking to
As I sit and listen to Matthews answers to his questions I can t
me I looked up and
help but think about a day in the life of an NYC
looked at the woman in front of me. B say what.
You stole my
mayor. Actually he is a pro skateboarder riding for girl koston
story. Your story? Yes
instead of winning Julia Roberts heart he win
my story. You stole it. There was absolutely no
hesitation in her
the audience with more coffee. I keep debating where my life is
voice. I looked right
going and why there s people shuffling
----------------------- Page 54----------------------and there was two police men coming into the coffee shop. Say
games does not impress me. Yes but I took s
everal weeks several

what why would you

weeks to create this game from the crayon
when consider anything of me and your property. Except this time
of something. Yes but then again I am sever
al years younger than
there was even
you and smash that bullshit faade right
more emphasis in her voice. Her mannerisms did not change in
front of him. Welcome back to the Colin and
Matt show. How
front of me. I was
many of those margaritas have you had. 1.
taken back. To my roommate. Moved in he took full and
Nobody amaya nobody. Now check this out rap
incredibly and
however think about it. In gods ability to
more than necessary abilities over me. I had been in basic training
recompense certain words to your mind while
listening to rap .I
for several weeks.
The only thing that made it even better was the fact that I am an
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 more forgot to delay y
our chiropractic
American. Your
meanings of self discussion and we never kn
wrong sweet heart your wrong about the past. Because you can
call your grandmother before it too late, c
hoose one and the
repeat it. I wonder if
same exact thing applies. However you how
I can look into the eyes of God [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS
would be a question mark the story must con
tinue comes a small
THOMAS] July 5,
voice from the back of the classroom excuse
2016 like spiderman check this out I study like the book thief
me why aren t you leading I dont knowthe dea
n of my existence
German Nazis ran
is coming to destroy me and it s not TV top
Germany was it a rou to have the leading teach the entirely of the
of the morning. And Knoxville is already tr
ying to range his own
world that
life weird I know you dont kno theres no one
destroying my words 72,000 of them was ever a good idea. The
here Brian, you wish no I know. The next da
y Brian died and we all
answer is probably
mourned his departure most of the
no. What I an trying to say is that is that I have been to five
students didn t rally care, what a shame I
thought. Living in
schools and I never

Colorado is a crazy adventure it reminds me

considered placing my tassel to the right from the left. And then
Seattle the weed is terrific. Legalization
of weed is Maggnificent
just allowing it to
theres a lot of cats a lot of cats Christoph
er I
happen because she doesn t. Love you luke Skywalker. Exact
just got back from corprus Christi what abo
ut you in sorry sir but I
words oops I mean his
have never been there you absolutely have
matters words that s discrimination. You know what I am going to
to try it the time of your life Christmas i
s over so is new years Eve
do is call the police. And tell them that your
what a great year 2015 that is I hope 2016
straight discriminating G against me and yes I do belong in 711.
just as great now what is it that we were j
ust talking about
And no your freaking c plus plus computer
hmmmmmmmm I m not really sure as the class
----------------------- Page 55----------------------ended I [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016
terrific rou.I dismissed. The class back onto t
he streets of davis
noticed her looking at me so why was she
California I could
so interested in need when we sing when need dentists anymore.
remember it well me and khoo were going seea mo
vie spiderman
I once heard in my classes in school at
and oceans 12 was
metro that the classes of society were meet for the perfect way of
being advertised in the lobby of the movie thea
ter so I had to
living especially the past present future
wonder to myself
tense of adverbs in Spanish class Griselda for it all right if we
where was my mind at this point lots and lots o
f responsibility in
believe in the time period of philosophers of our
el Paso. If we were
time there is one that can not be denied his name is Jordan
ever got to qualify as a unit to deploy to Iraq
. Then we had better
cloward speak his name and die. What s this I owe
get our sit together
it to myself no you owe it to me cause I m going to wakt up And
as the popular phrase went. Now class can anybo
dy tell me this
I ll be 50 and that s fine but if you are I ll
simple when for me
fucking kill now class there are several things I want you guys to
m the room was quiet where and when was the int
ernet created?

realize a couple
And how?
things pertaining to aesthetics which if this your professor isnt
Seriously one of the handover men in the class
where was it
actually standing in
created? The room feel
front of you I am currently in my jail cell in Arapahos county jail
silent, it seemed
pretending to be a
like the students had fallen asleep. What the f
ucki thought? Me I
teacher, eat pray love eat pray love z Julia Roberts. See the most
once had a pet
dramatic thing in
hexameter and there came a day when I had to ex
cuse there was
this god awful movie, and I say that with love is the story line it
many instances
sucked jk but
when I had to leave the hamster at home and hop
e you didnt die
seriously the movie sucked, makes you wonder huh? Anyways the
on his own accord
green and purple
there were a mini instances in the February to
mom the 2001
dinosaurs are tasty such as Eminem, but I m pretty sure it s still
when I had to come
considered a DUI,
2016 home
correct DUI. Now class let s all [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS
and dictate the
THOMAS] July 5,
ownership between me and my brother Matt and so
to speak he
2016 turn or attention on Matthew and make fun of him. O
was a dumbass got the hamster wet put him
professor Thomas that
in the microwave to dry him off and these hamst
er exploded I kid
aint cool trust me bitch you need this o oki guess, 29 minutes later
you not I fell in love with that hamster the
after we all had a
day I met him and once he exploded in microwave
I found myself
quite sad mini instances at night I would cry
----------------------- Page 56----------------------myself to sleep as is any instant in life I find myself more
the name of Christ killed herself him I have trav
eled many miles
progressive when I try my hardest especially when
searching for Christ as did my daughter
my hardest is harder than I can handle knowingly I have studied
leaving every day in May to find winter there are
others that

the Arts of mini philosophers including

simply stand in the way of progression I dont
Marcus a really is plate of the Republic and soccer to use his
want to say no names but yeah so anyways is all i
n all we said
people over the course of my lifetime
after sterling her soul to her audience Houston
unfortunately I tried my hardest and my heart is was not good
is beautiful Salt Lake City has 2 Chainz Dallas h
as 911 [THE
enough given my grades are dictated in my
Spanish class from Griselda before she can anybody in later that
2016 or 1 and Conroe an idiot and a chance of a b
etter career
night I set up all night contemplating what
selling Kirbys I can never forget generosity of
was then the best day of my life why though probably the simple
some to me when I desperately needed it knowledge
fact that I was quite indeed happy with my
spontaneous and learning is
lecture and the classes altogether terrific answer about the
coherent to not all but I smoke two cigarettes at
the Plaza that
internet for all I hadnt reached and I knew we
way you could find me
where in the right place of our textbooks Tupac was subject of the
especially the fact that I was with Leonardos Caff
ery out in the
day Ive seen his face and I believe [THE
first place someone
COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 Tupac for life
comes speak for me the world is cruel and the des
tructive is not
as many of my considering instead as well
123 anymore that is
so that means set I have reasons to believe that Tupac Shakur is
thank you Kyle great words of wisdom from yours t
ruly I hesitate
Jesus Christ as I mentioned this the entire
to sit next to him in
class shuffled looking at each other and then casually look at me
the Commons a gram you but I certainly am glad th
at I did
for answers the only answer I could conjure
because he was Jesus
was two packs of Boise certainly wanted to change the world and
Christ word was the last words spoken flabbergast
ed in latter
as a class we considered others that tried as
Alice something about
well some believe that we need it have a Tupac or anyone such as
to this story hes to be written this evening said
the young man to
Martin but you know who did Michael
his professor prove
Jackson as he claimed dinner song class whats in a name and if it
What boy youre so full of shit I hesitate thanks Dwa
yne Super

is true then why doesnt a title mean

Mario Brothers it all in
anyone harm are conclusion that day was simple many have tried
the hip so many people wonder to themselves adora
tion at
to save the world and Minnie have but not
anything for my textbook
like Jesus Christ just the way he spoke no wonder people thought
I shall discuss Essex you can expect this book to
be at least 500
he was lying the author of such work clarify
pages which as in any
----------------------- Page 57----------------------big fish Moulin Rouge the dude will be quite uncomfortable and
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 a certainly place that? Once
you step on
the lady dude said
that skateboard skateboard yet that one over
something in reply wish I don t care what it was need to [THE
there return my head and I didn t see one I hesita
ted then look
the opposite direction hoping to see what this
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 do I give a f*** what it was now at
man said he saw which was a skateboard and still
I didn t come
this 3000 level class
across it I bet you but um you see I was the
all the students pilot in and certainly Josie in the classroom which
one that site not you you you use that phrase in
your writing
from my ankle seen
however I m lying in your economics are only as
to be determined by the ones with the most expensive phones 15
much as you want for Skype by name other than you
rself again
minutes later I you
why do I have to sell my boat to prove my
have saved my life several times times new Roman I realize that
superior you re ready to you it was quite interes
ting to me how
but did you practice
you so a certainly place that? Once you step
thats a two-way Road singular being another pretense to inviting
on that skateboard skateboard yet that one over the
re return my
the spirit I could
head and I didn t see one I hesitated then
endeavor to tell you but then I be in never rang to just press
look the opposite direction hoping to see what th
is man said he
record there have been
saw which was a skateboard and still I didn t
several however this time Im ready yes maybe but if I could just
come across it I bet you didn t know that but um yo
u see I was the
get back to the
one that site not you you you use that

getting I be okay and yes you are wrong about that said yes you
phrase in your writing however Im lying in your ec
onomics are
are definitely wrong
only as much as you want for Skype by name
about that have felt and seen several instances at scheduled me
other than yourself again why do I have to sell m
y boat to prove
in the art of
my superior youre ready to you it was quite
knowledge before the thought was a bra to an angel came to me
interesting to me how you [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS O
and taught me how
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 so a certainly place
to live there is white there is majestic and theres more than that
that? Once you step on that skateboard skateboard ye
t that one
but um you see I
over there return my head and I didnt see
was the one that site not you you you use that phrase in your
one I hesitated then look the opposite direction
hoping to see
writing however I m lying in your economics are
what this man said he saw which was a
only as much as you want for Skype by name other than yourself
skateboard and still I didnt come across it I bet
you didnt know
again why do I have to sell my boat to prove
that food has a but um you see I was the one
my superior you re ready to you it was quite interesting to me
that site not you you you use that phrase in your
writing however
I m lying in your economics are only as
----------------------- Page 58----------------------much as you want for Skype by name other than yourself again
played everything in perfection I chose to loo
k behind me and
why do I have to sell my boat to prove my
make up some excuse
superior you re ready to you it was quite interesting to me how
why I just didn t see it Russian roulette yes
that s what choice dad
you so a certainly place that? Once you step
I have I had laid the
on that skateboard skateboard yet that one over there return my
word and it was written according to his relig
ion I chase I slowly
head and I didn t see one I hesitated then
mood my head to the
look the opposite direction hoping to see what this man said he
right and pure behind me and this it was a sol
id skateboard
saw which was a skateboard and still I didn t
however since I knew he
come across it I bet you didn t know that food has a spirit but um
was a whole leave any could interpret every th

ought and realize it

you see I was the one that site not you you
was him that you
you use that phrase in your writing however Im lying in your
use the word had and not me so again I had let t
he reader to
economics are only as
different natural validity
much as you want for Skype by name other than yourself again
AS] July 5,
why do I have to sell
2016 hearted Lee I d
my boat to prove my superior [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS
read but there skateboard he saw neither of us
off spoke for
THOMAS] July 5,
several seconds and
2016 your do to you it was quite interesting to me how you so a
then he did something that both started and co
nfused me see
surely place that?
class slowly to his left
Once you step on that skateboard skateboard yet that one over
and before his eyes reach to destruction I kne
w by the way this
there return my head
man was honest I fed
and I didnt see one I hesitated then look the opposite direction
tell if you was morally appease by is own unders
tanding my mind
hoping to see what
Carol a without he
this man said he saw which was a skateboard and still I didnt
had previously stated I live my f****** head off
when I had
come across it I bet you
admitted the devil has
didnt know that food has a spirit and I can prove that one too this
tennis to and put only means one thing that he w
as proud of me
man was honest I
and the way he
fed tell if you was morally appease by is own understanding my
played everything in perfection I chose to loo
k behind me and
mind Carol a without
make up some excuse why I just didn t see it
he had previously stated I live my f****** head off when I had
Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I
have I had laid the
admitted the devil has
word and it was written according to his relig
ion I chase I slowly
tennis to and put only means one thing that he was proud of me
mood my head to the right and pure behind
and the way he
me and this it was a solid skateboard however
since I knew he

was a whole leave any could interpret every

----------------------- Page 59----------------------thought and realize it was him that you use the word had and not
admitted the devil has tennis to and put only mean
s one thing
me so again I had let the reader to different
that he was proud of me and the way he
natural validity yes tender hearted Lee I d read but there
played everything in perfection I chose to look be
hind me and
skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for
make up some excuse why I just didn t see it
several seconds and then he did something that both started [THE
Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I have
I had laid the
word and it was written according to his
July 5, 2016 and confused me see class slowly to his left and
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the righ
t and pure
before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard
the way he this man was honest I fed tell if you was morally
however since I knew he was a whole leave any coul
d interpret
appease by is own understanding my mind Carol
every thought and
a without he had previously stated I live my f****** head off
realize it was him that you use the word had and n
ot me so again I
when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and
had let the reader
put only means one thing that he was proud of me and the way
to different natural validity yes tender hearted L
ee I d read but
he played everything in perfection I chose to
there skateboard he
look behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn t see it
saw neither of us off spoke for several seconds an
d then he did
Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I
something that both
have I had laid the word and it was written according to his
started and confused me see class slowly to his le
ft and before his
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right
eyes reach to
and pure behind me and this it was a solid skateboard however
destruction I knew by the way he did it he this ma
n was honest I
since I knew he was a whole leave any could
fed tell if you was
interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the
morally appease by is own understanding my mind Ca
rol a
word had and not me so again I had let the
without he had previously
reader to different natural validity yes tender hearted Lee I d read

stated I live my f****** head off when I [THE COLL

but there skateboard he saw neither of us
off spoke for several seconds and then he did something that both
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 had admitted the devil has te
nnis to and
started and confused me see class slowly
put only means one
to his left and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the
thing that he was proud of me and the way he playe
d everything
way he did it this man was honest I fed tell
in perfection I chose
to look behind me and make up some excuse why I ju
st didn t see
was morally appease by is own
it Russian roulette
understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously stated I
yes that s what choice dad I have I had laid the w
ord and it was
live my f****** head off when I had
written according to
----------------------- Page 60----------------------his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right and pure
natural validity yes tender hearted Lee I d read
but there
behind me and this it
skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for
was a solid skateboard however since I knew he was a whole
several seconds and then he did something that b
oth started and
leave any could
confused me see class slowly to his left and
interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the
before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by t
he way he did it he
word had and not me
was he was conversing time and this man
so again I had let the reader to different natural validity yes
was honest I fed tell if you was morally appease
by is own
tender hearted Lee I d
understanding my mind Carol a without he had
read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for
previously stated I live my f****** head off whe
n I had admitted
several seconds and
the devil has tennis to and put only means
then he did something that both started and confused me see
one thing that he was proud of me and the way he
class slowly to his left
everything in perfection I chose to look behind
and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way he did
and make up some excuse why I just didn t see [T

it he was he was
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 it
conversing time and this man was honest I fed tell if you was
Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I ha
ve I had laid the
morally appease by is
word and it was written according to his
own understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the ri
ght and pure
stated I live my
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard
f****** head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and
however since I knew he was a whole leave any co
uld interpret
put only means one
every thought and realize it was him that you
thing that he was proud of me and the way he [THE COLLECTIVE
use the word had and not me so again I had let t
he reader to
different natural validity yes tender hearted Le
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 played everything in perfection I chose to
I d read but there skateboard he saw neither of
us off spoke for
look behind me and
several seconds and then he did something
make up some excuse why I just didn t see it Russian roulette yes
that both started and confused me see class slow
ly to his left and
that s what choice dad I have I had laid the
before his eyes reach to destruction I knew
word and it was written according to his religion I chase I slowly
by the way he did it he was he was conversing ti
me and and 50
mood my head to the right and pure behind
shades of grey was created now Ive never
me and this it was a solid skateboard however since I knew he
seen the Eiffel Tower and I dont own enough backp
acks to call
was a whole leave any could interpret every
apply for a banquet in the Sahara Desert so I
thought and realize it was him that you use the word had and not
left it as it is praise be to the man that gave
the one Lourdes plan
me so again I had let the reader to different
for rectify for real I remember it like it was
----------------------- Page 61----------------------just yesterday PE was in session and 14th students in Columbine
July 5,
died during it I still couldn t believe she
2016 and index. 2
assumed I had to stolen her story because I did story stories story
Review any images or graphics and captions if ap
plicable. 3 Read

6 months later I have 9 months to live [THE

the book for
grammatical errors and typos. Once you are satis
fied with your
prescribe medicated lip appointment but that not
review, you can
what it was I ran I remember it like I was yesterday the Sun hung
approve your proof and move forward to the next
step in the
deep in the sky it lube go over my soul as
publishing process. To
was the nature and Westlake I don t know as single I still couldn t
print this proof we recommend that you scale the
PDF to fit the
believe she
size of your printer
assumed I had to stolen her story because I did story stories story
paper. My thoughts 6 By Christopher Maxwell Thom
as "The end
6 months later I
for now" How do
have 9 months to live give it prescribe medicated lip appointment
you say that word again? I don t know I really d
on t. Have you
but that not what it
ever been to West
was I ran I remember it like I was yesterday the Sun hung deep in
Lake? Question mark wa sthe only thing that she
ever knew, I fell
the sky it lube go
into her arms, gun
over my soul as was the nature and Westlake I don t know as
shots fell from the sky. I gave her my sympathy
and she gave me
single person that side I
her open blouse, all
still couldn t believe she assumed I had to stolen her story
yoiu had to do was be me. I put ont he clay all
over my face, I
because I did story stories
don t even like Taylor
story 6 months later I
Swift. Who the fuck is she, I wondered all she t
hought about was
have 9 months to live give it prescribe medicated lip appointment
kissing me, when my tongue was in her
but that not what it
mouth she was happy, other than that my perdicti
on is that your
was I ran I remember it like I was yesterday the Sun hung deep in
not that happy. I don t need that much help,
the sky it lube go
I have everything I need, anf the Goofy Movie is
still pending.
over Please carefully review your Digital Proof download for
"Dad it s written on the frigde so you ll never
formatting, grammar,
forget, I promise you it s there. Your welcome,
Tigge I love you,

and design issues that may need to be corrected.

she said the same fucking thing - It s the same
We recommend that you review your book three times, with each
fucking thing, it s a [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF C
time focusing on a
July 5, 2016 98, so who involves themselves
different aspect.
with one verse from the bible, i have arsenal fr
om my ammo.
Check the format, including headers, footers, page 1 numbers,
There isn t an airport I haven t been to, "Well
spacing, table of
----------------------- Page 62----------------------coasre JFK," I said, yea but that airport is world fanous I mean just
neccesary for the one and the two. However in
the one lettered
the first three letters, John F Kennedy the
word was there and your sperm was
president of these United States. Her hair shone of white pearl
allocated with billions of chances she had all
of them towards the
diaomands - I fell into the ool last night, which
ovaries and hopefully one might make it, It
woke up the baby, wife pissed and helicopter flying overhead.
was raining out side, George clooney never loo
ked better and
"I ve heard of this happiness that you speak of.
especially not in El
"My only contention is that it doesn t exist." This truth is the
Paso. This could ve been the greatest day ever
. However the
truth. According to who? Was the premises and
gunshots that killed
the conclusion that I didn t know.""I have been laid you know."
Martin were not his. I gave my life to deny yo
ur christ. "Now think
"That s called loyalty." I fell into her arms and
about the godamn
her open blouse. It wasn t enough. The splinter i knew was one of
trombone and the song we were about to play, K
yle singing in
love and ajility. And love mainly but never
front of the school,
anger, and to the best schools in the nation never coming down.
2016 maybe
Damnit private, I don t care how
just the freshman
uncomfortable your boots are your wearin them, love and
and the sophmores, the truth is we no longer k
now what is good
dibatarary, love and disease, I suppose. It wasn t
and what is bad.
enough there wasn t enough bullets in the gun. I was a coward I
Take off these cuffs and soon how I will. Take
off theses ties and

couln t save her, but I did save myself. " Yea i

possibly I will take
fell into her love once, really how was it. Well it was [THE
off these persons following me. Serie why. The
inagrigation of the
train was mostly
2016 something of deep importance to me. And something I ll
the first on goer that maskks his face in publ
ic. He doesnt have to
never forget. "That fall hurt alot, and i don t
take these notes
want any one to worry about me, words misplaced adjetives
the prescriber was non other than the man righ
t beside him
pronounced incorrectally. Son by the looks of it
taking notes of himself
you have created a royal piece of shit. But you didn t even
and again his languauge types predictrable. Th
ere was a book
freaking read it, I mean what the fuck? I put it
written that
there the computer scans the document and the printer has a job
exemplafied his masquerade glasses and the pha
ntom of the
too, who worries about Kurt Cobain, the
opera being played int
king, Nirvana. the beautiful the one, you wrote a novel. "half a
he backround. the master of the house fallen d
own below many,
novel." "And no one wanted to publish it." Yea
the few that
but still. Daddy it s cold, I couldn t prescribe anything to save the
couldn t make it were, o my fucking god"? what
was tha noise and
peace untold, and the falsified prescription
why did ypu say it i
----------------------- Page 63----------------------looked right i looked down, cardboard never found it was dark
simply get myself to fit in with the crowd. Esp
ecially from
and i got a little
emmanuel Kant is perspective is in some quotati
confused i began the slow march up the street i knew that
just as immovable as a sedimentary rock that ha
s come to [THE
barthalamule would be
there waiting for me. This time the weed was not in my posession.
5, 2016 fluition yet. You know the human body i
s so dang
this was sure to
introcate that we no longer read comic books
startle barthalamule, tyo the point of discomfart. 1,000 dollars
explaining it oribital movement through time an
d space, and
and why does it only

these that fell through, and those that fell

come with verizon? So many characters and only one perhaps I
through the cracks at a PTA meeting because not
only are you
may give my two
doing in front of the kids , your doing it in t
day time. Hold on a second your a first year gr
ad student you
perhaps perhaps.
probably just got done reading some historian
"Goodbye to you and goodbye to you as i entered the elevator.
marvin gaye and your going to be convinced of t
hat until nextt
Instagram models.
year you come in here reciting some pete
TRouble at every corner. False truths. "I m a bartender." I ma
garryian historian, until your preaching Bill M
aher, or hader take
model however yo are
your pick. And also a stockbroker not an
on instagram. BUt you my friend are not an intern sir. Take my
astronaut, hold on a second MIndy first of all
you freakin died
words group them in a
tonight and i saved you. Now I need you to take
lake of fire and brimstone, and yet with the lack of sufficient
a seat besides this beautiful stewardess abd te
ll me everything is
medical supplies. We
not ok, nor ever will be ok, and god damnit
would be in a boat off the starship side of the bow. on Titanic. I
swear it on this clean prestine bible, for chri
st sake, and if you
have hopes and dreams i hope to someday be
don t do it timely you will die tommorrow.
an architect. And yes everyone says that they want the same thing
What that its ok to be a janitor, that it s ok
to be a loser that it s
from life, to become rich. Not anything
ok to be hanging around these retarted
else could come between me and the milk. You see people only
gorrilas, is better than working for the CIA, b
reaking code sitting
know what you tell them. If for instance you
at a desk for eight hours a day. I mean what?
tell them that the world is flat they would have a n oral obligation
to somehow understand your words. "O my
July 5, 2016 the dew when it s technically
god have you seen it." Question mark, prescribed eductaion is
adiet and it s a ninety 6? The individuals scre
aming to the
grand on any occation. "for me all I know is
summons of the king is arbitrary to thast of th
e two
that when i showe up for ypour sorviegt. The first thing i do is

that started the statyement. "I need the algirh

head up for the bar to get myself intoxified to
unfortunallety it has not been created quite ye
t, I m not
----------------------- Page 64----------------------sure what you are referring to, and if that being the case how
fuck the cops i live here thank you but the
circus has left town and
could we prescribe to the numbers and letters
in other words I
ascribbed to the forementioned allgarhythym? Prelude to the
am better than you. Whose lie did you determ
ine? I don t
begining. This fraction is prescribed by Russel
know?... She rode in on a
Crowe the man himself and we love him for it, THE END Or is it? A
v12 my eyes must have been misconducted from
your patience.
bitch here a bitch
All day long I spend
here, I put my beer here and i come back and it s not there I mean
my money all day long i turn my money into c
louds. I need your
who does that? I
dirty words right in
mean what the heck. I met you as drove down and through the
my ears, do you have a prefferance, she aske
d me possibly the left
trapezze. I had
ear. Tell me what I
nothing on my mind but your thighs and your open blouse. Here it
need to hear, obviously once you hear it you
surely can not deny
has the lights in
it, she asked me in
the piazza so much for the Buell. As a matter of fact who the heck
her decent yet unrelenting voice, i however
haven t ssen your
cares? NY Times
smile in so long, I
NY. Save the fucking spotted owl if you really wanted to. Here s a
almost wanted her to turn her frown upside d
own, i wanted to
dollar bill.
turn her blouse all the
Entrancing prescribing the dollar that rules the buttons on her see
way around an open a single solitude button
from the inside, as i
through dress. I
watched Danielle
could come to your house or mine. It really doesn t matter. Have
Radcliffe come from the oysters or back alle
ys of JK rowlings, [THE
you been keeping
secrets from the CIA and come to think about it we didn t [THE
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 demise I

turned my head
to the skies and decided that i would use
OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 have the opportuntiy to question
my own spells against her to counterattck th
e blow i had just
you or your
barely recieved from Lord Voldemort, Tom
greatest assosiate. I dont neccesarily mind when you miss these
Riddle or better yet the one that shall not
be named. Are you a
meetings, I person i
king then i am that i am, and if i understoo
know did. He did, SLC VA hospital, the truth is that even though. I
what that meant i would release you unto hig
h palaces and
a fresh cup of so
landmarks back from 1963. At this point the
inside the previous shop. That was a lie in the beginning. I haven t
conversation had dampered to a low whisper i
f that and she
ever been there,
agreed to disagree with my tender touch, o w
and you have so why did I lie to you in the beginning? arms in
did i have to put off my day of sleep and wa
ke at her exspense
arms we stand, forever,
until it was too late. I tried 17 extra time
s to
----------------------- Page 65----------------------find my nitche in this world, my best friend wanted me to become
myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a
Franktown, [THE
something great she always ate her dinner
beside me so that i couldn t have questioned her authority ever
and I apologize. The miossion is complete a
nd we all jiust
again. We were in love and she loved the
graduated. Now the
dogs as well, Two of them we had the white picket fence and a
sadness comes. listening to authority. The c
ommon used
whole lot more. SEventeen years later i have
expression that money
found myself at the crossroads of my life do i retire and get this
grows on trees, is also true the exact oppos
ite way. Bob
job that so many are arbitrarilly pushing me
undertook a philosophy class
towards or do I fold and take the Ruddebakers style life and work
that in his university in Metro state colleg
e in Denver. That taught
in a factory,
him the perception

The truth is i was never much good at sweating the small [THE
of the two pyramids of corrections. Three t
op of the pyramid is
the exact same as the
2016 stuff, a single line came to me as i was wading through my
levels leading up to it. Bob was always a g
ifted sportsman
own lattitude which was amaya you get back
everyone knew him and
in this hpuse and you are defianettaly always welcome to come
that his Sometimes I possibly think to mysel
f how could you do
back to church at any time that you choose. I
this to me? I live in a
knew this as well as she. The other i said to my friends was off the
utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I lo
ose myself at a taco bell. I
chain, I hadn t even opened my mouth and
loose myself at a
already i was falling into her open blouse, so the moral of the
Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion is
complete and we all
story is this we have to take a piece of fabric a
jiust graduated. Now
sewing utensil and possibly another pensieve BY: Tobybuddyskate
the sadness comes. best friend Bryan knew th
is as well, and
from Dannielle, and create our own
confided in many few
universes, fear or no fear it must be done. Marie Antoinette was
people. Bob took several second languages a
nd thought of
the leader at this point and heaven knows
auditing a class at Metro
her blouse was always open to any one that had the correct
State University. The thing that neither the
y nor their class mates
amount of mullaw to spend. And that pretty
knew was that
much covers the rest of the My Thoughts series written by MR.
these two men worshipped the devil. After as
certaining this
Christopher Maxwell Thomas, thank you all!
information Bob decided
the real end My Thoughts 5 By: Christopher Maxwell
to start creating money from money. In other
words take a small
Thomas Threes were a discovery of the generation of thieves, off
amount of money
the chart when it comes to Sometimes I
and turn it into a [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
possibly think to myself how could you do this to me? I live in a
July 5, 2016
utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose
----------------------- Page 66----------------------Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this to

Plato was above his tutor. O I ve heard this be

fore I was in an
me? I live in a utopia, I
acting class at msu. There s lots of students
cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at a taco bell. I loose
there and we learned that the possibilities of
transforming hah a
myself at a Franktown,
clear thought memorizing this is my
and I apologize. The miossion is complete and we all jiust
testimony, I would allow that the bishop said b
ut I am not
graduated. Now the
impressed. The only other option of theater
sadness comes. large amount of money or larger amount. The
performance is something that resembles the asp
ect of stage
equation was quite
creation. This maybe strange to the owner of
simple. Premise A: Money doesnt grow on trees Premise B: M
this manual mainly because we don t use hammers b
y the way
Theater 101 By: Mr.
this is not the antecedent of this text to
Christopher Maxwell Thomas Doctorate Degree holder of Theater
respect the craftsman but the opposite to respe
ct Charles Darnay,
from City, U
he is the playwright and he knows it. Liar,
Seattle, Washington The study of Theater is the study of
The ones that were in here tonight were authors
everything. Here are several
physicians priests and kings. A couple of hours
ago I
parts to theater the first being, The superstition is of the thesbians
thought I saw William Shakespeare, he was tall.
I frequented this
before they enter
coffee shop several more times over the
the stage left or right. We have a right to have superstitions the
next few days, I had wanted to meet Einstein bu
t I fear that
reason is because we
e=mc2 was a lie. I mean how else could Brian
are following the actors that followed us, they had broken legs
Greene have been there if the first man was not
hing but a bold
and fell into the orchestra pit. How often do
faced liar. I had watched a lot of Chicago in
these mistakes happen truthfully not very but the stars aligned
my younger years and I d say that the movie was
both excellent
with the stars and the universe. The stars the
and downright teachable in all of it s facets.
sun and the moon. The other thing about being a playwright Is
There have been several instances that man has
come to these
that we follow the one that wrote the script
shows trying to find a fortune fame [THE

we haven t yet surpassed the one that the blare witch came from
and money
we never felt William, and yet he is the one,
money and fame, but unteachable as they
are they get loaded and fall down. They are elo
quently speaking a
2016 could cheat or be inducted into the
bizarre mathematics they are preaching no
USA presidency. I haven t yet she asked me why. I have to let this
church in the wild at there funerals they stand
up. They misguide
out Vermillion slipknot lil Wayne is the
and misinterpret, they sink within
truth. Who is latterly correct here? When we discover the art of
themselves. You know any where on long island y
ou can hear the
one philosopher next to the other. Maybe
train approaching the sun. the sun was
----------------------- Page 67----------------------quite hot that night. I had whispered to her let s take off on our
recollections I recall knowing the men that per
petrated it, they
own! What difference would it make
wanted a blood orgy)
anyways, we could go somewhere else. Anywhere she wanted to
this was no exception cause I woke up in Brazil
the next month
go. I think the
with a purple heart
weekend was upset about something he was sitting in a strange
medallion on my base ball cap, temperamentally
this was acting
position and because
offstage, and if I
of that I guess I assumed he was in pain, now keep in mind class
could go back and apologize to my class about s
tagecraft I hadn t
that was located in
wanted to be ding
Paris this young girl said something that I just couldn t quite
shot that was bullshit, anyways I gave all that
up and turned my
contemplate what she
teaching to Theater
was saying in her discombobulated way of torturing me with her
only. So here I was living in China again and w
ondering why my
idiolect of french,
wife always wanted
you see I came from a different part of America than her and she
to leave me and the kids, the only reason I cou
ld think was. Don t
was African
throw so many
American, not that theirs anything wrong with that, like I heard
variables into the mix this way the future will

be altogether
from the Real World
falsified to meet the next
New Orleans he had stated the truth, which is if your gay your
person and cause them to smile. This could be i
nvigorating or it
gay, if your straight
could not be the
your straight. That s all I needed too know. So class as I was
message that was found in my fortune cookie was w
ild, O and by
saying don t
the way the person reading this is
contemplate the class of theater performance to be anything but
antiquated with mess and junctures. Now there n
ever had been
too hard, because
one such as Micheal Phelps but the truth is
half of you will never make it to the stage itself, instead you ll be
this, the sun is rising up, did you guys see ho
w I got there the tone
stuck holding
of voice that I took was neither; simply this
hammers in your hands and a nail in the other, why though o wise
or that it was fortune and fame. That my friend
is no problem of
and purposeful
mine if I may say so myself your tailored suit
one, I don t think I appreciate that miss, aah.well get the [THE
is Westminster baby? Is is not? There is no differ
ence, there
really is no difference, but thee is in my
OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 fuck out anyway. My second and
phenomenal world. There is partly worlds, partl
y created and
last class of the day
pertly, to blame about that one thing we
went well until a student came in with a gun, (In one of my
July 5,
nominal worlds
2016 something else we haven t even been
----------------------- Page 68----------------------there before but the arm any suits were actually calling out as bad
called for another job, they would prefer for
two years while on
as something from the chair height that
set or maybe another job, depending on how
entire time the fucking chair height, play the kit, and all will be
they are feeling that day. I have met a lot of
different people in
well. Now the main reason behind this
different occupations
textbook is to teach acting both in front of cameras and off
that choose their paths, however there are ton
s of things to
cameras. This at times may seem to be a daunting

choose from, as we read

task but at the same time, forget, just forget about them I mean if
in other text books concerning this type of fi
eld acting, we can
you must leave the classroom and go into
easily deduct that
Christ s arms feel free the candy shop is still open. But those of
acting is the greatest occupation In the world
because having that
you that feel your OK then let s continue. That
power to become
being said this is not a class About the coming or leaving of our
anything you want is very freeing. The way tha
t she showed her
lord and savior but a dictation of those that
love and affection for
climbed mount Everest; we had made it, and the rest of the class
the one that she married a long time ago, this
was baffling to her.
were already at the top of this treacherous
It was almost as if
monster, but o to just behold it may have been the exact reason
the marriage that they had previously consigne
d to have a long
we came here. Then again we havent
time ago was meant
journeyed this far to give up, Micheal Jordan, Michael, played
to be. The greatest thing about acting may ind
eed surprise you
baseball. The other thing that I would like to
because it s not
say in this text book is that theater is the study of several different
superstitions and its not occupations its simp
ly this that acting is
genres at the same time, to be an actor is
hella fun. I once had
to be everything all at one time. The greatest thing about acting is
a class in college that taught me to act you m
ust stretch before
that you can be anything you please, the
every rehearsal. The
opposite of the directions people take in the normal world of jobs
only other thing is that you have to stay loos
e, loosy goosy is the
that they have. They can choose any
only way to make
occupation that they want. They can be architects drys
the audience and characteristics believe what th
e actor on stage
philanthropists, window washers, they don t need to
is saying, that and
be anything that they don t want to be. The cool thing as an actor
their past expressions towards themselves and
those that created
themselves, IE
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 don t have to choose just one
teachers philanthropists and doctors, and last
ly lawyers. Another
occupation. For example there is a very famous

huge lesson I was

comedian in Great Brittan that on his own time is a dentist. This
taught in college was that in order to have an
y say In [THE
may be what he prefers, but maybe he gets
----------------------- Page 69----------------------CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 anything that you do related to
acting must span from
July 5, 2016 celebrity I guess I must invest
the bible. The quick history lesson that Ill give is that there once
in the proper form of protection. that line alone s
tands alone,
were peasants and
the realities are baffling. I once watched a
kings, now there is this thing we call minimum wage. The bullshit
movie with my best friend Khoo, where the main c
haracter was
thing about that is
on a television show all about families and
that the people are subscribing towards 15.00 an hour to work for
then joined the life of a porn star, his motto b
ecame A day
McDonalds. The
without sex is wasted. and at the end the other
cheerio thing to say about the history of theater is the
main character killed him with a gun. You see th
ere are these
philosophers that taught the
things that we call monsters and madness, the
peasants because they could simply not afford the bible, which is
monsters represent tyrannosaurus recs and the mad
true but sad but
represents carnivorous. One eats leaves the othe
true. Now class I want all of you to think about the stipulations of
eats others. To make a long story short there ar
e only two
memorizing the
categories of study at any and all colleges, the
y are
lines that the playwright or I.E. author put into his or her script s.
theater and science, I swear to god theses are t
he only two
And in reality I m
umbrellas of study to study. And I d be hard
actually asking you to consider having your lines unmemorized,
pressed to be convinced otherwise. The main thin
g though is to
and how foolish your
consider the location and the topography of
career might begin to be. Imagine spending $100,000 dollars on
any and every stage, IE the stagecrafts, IE Home
Depot. Now as I
your own education and then the first time

earlier said those that could and did afford

you actually get to the stage and you forget all of your lines or
the bible, were made into smart richly attired b
usinessmen suit
worse simply your very first line, and the
wearing foes to the poor, obviously, and
audience has already paid there share in gold to see you at your
those that were born latterly the other directio
n were simply
finest and you choke, that would end your
killed after a long hard lonely piece of shit
life altogether. Now the
existence. But that s all over now in the 21 st
century. Because of
stipulations are high there is always an ultimatum given in
the 15 dollar minimum wage in America, so
anything not just Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting
that means that we are fucking doomed, these fas
t food workers
but also in the career of washing dishes, that is percussively why
will get louder voices and the government
theater actors lifes are so precious, they
will get softer complainants against them. Now the
good thing is
have nothing IE Leonardo DiCaprio, now class I only bring up the
this the separation of church [THE
kings name for one wild purpose. He always
nd state is
dies at the end. Or gets arrested. And this is completely true. If we
still in the Constitution. Why wouldnt we
recall the words of bob we know that
----------------------- Page 70----------------------stop these tools from voting. Simple enough kind sir but have you
in a nail. Same dang thing. I have not consi
dered this topic until
ever considered
right now, the topic
that face book is simply face book, IE telephone. These bastards
of small and smart parts to the [THE COLLECT
as you call them are
THOMAS] July 5,
winning the race of the dumb ass game telephone. The internet
2016 realm of performing on the stage, and off
stage. The
is written in ink.
differences are many when
Thank you social network. The thing about my back is that its
it comes to being in front of an audience an
d a place where there
located on my cock. I
is no cameras. The
never get old and who s fault is that dad, all you niggers die, why
feeling along with the superstitions are gre
at. There is no way that
arent you dead? I
an actor that is not

asked myself while I walked down Colfax, why arent these niggers
used to acting without an audience could ever
be the formation of
dead, then I saw
such chair
something so beautiful that I had to let the bottle spin. She woke
characteristics to explain the one shot wond
ers that are
up and looked ugly
personified in their
as hell, but I still looked past that nasty ass shit, then I asked
education. The prerequisites for the degree
in theater is much
myself she s also kinda
first you have to have
short can I look past that? All theatre and I was still looking at
the elements of per disposed classes IE: Eng
lish math geography,
those titties though,
science and elements from the periodical
and we lived happily ever after, the end, For the love of country
numbers. There are sports that also require
the same preparers,
and god. That is what
example ice hockey, the athlete that try s i
this text book is trying to say. The love of heart and knowledge.
hockey would first have to learn how to inli
ne skate, followed by
Now class what is the
ice skate, and then learn how to dictate the
opposition to the needed supplies that undertake us, the answer
puck with a hockey stick, and this goes on.
After the perceptional
is Nietzsche. The
of the morning dew left the sky, I followed
way that he wrote was in opposition to himself all the way
her to her house she was an unseen beauty in
my life and she
around, and that is the
actually liked the way that I stalked her. A
study of theater. (if your not an actor your nothing) Brad Pitt. The
several weeks of doing the same exact thing
we were wed to be
necessary aspects
married. The part of this text that this sto
needed for this course are as follows no I-pods the music is
relates to is the fact that theater has ever
y situation and outcome
written in the stars, the
as this is necessary and ultimately good for
wind the trees there they all are. Stagecraft bio hammers take out
any scene that calls for that sort of charac
ter, in the first place.
your dicks and nail
For instance if the script calls for a lot o

----------------------- Page 71----------------------commotion then the cast will be forbidden to have that character,
mainly because the music in any instance is
July 5, 2016 with
by far the greatest attribute to the theater realm. Also [THE
Leonardo DiCaprio to help tell the students of th
is generation that
there are several
2016 some directors get these things wrong about the need for
huge things to contemplate the existence of a sup
reme being.
such char acters. In the nominal world there
They have to be
are two kinds of acting namely, the hero and the villain. The hero
something like the ones that came before them wha
t the story is
almost every time on the big screen, except
this is that we
for the boy in the striped pajamas. And you ll find that some
havent come in front of them there outside and in
the Ir resting
history typed films will have the villein or the
places they have
holy one die towards the end. The situation is this I have to bear
never been seen, besides in famous peoples homes.
There was
arms correlated to the knife that the united
another movie that
states constitution gave to me in my oath to the government and
starred in the region of Germany that liked to te
ach or be taught
promised that I would give my own life
in every place that
before that of my enemy distracts me from their protection. I
he attended he never had to be one to be on top o
f there are
know this because I am a fucking vet OIF at
those that paid for that,
that. I once was in a ucd class on script writing that taught me if
theater is the study of music. The music as I had
previously stated
you want to write scripts you have read the
was the forefront
bible the bible teaches any soul that the way to create scripts is to
of the plays total registry. Without it we would
have neither
have the basics of the founding religion in
batman Kevin Costner,
any paper. In the older days the character were spin offs of Moses
heath ledger, or maybe it s jack Nicholson. The t
ruth is I just lied
and his constituents. Perhaps the main
to you there is no
thing about studying theater is the fact that its only a small step

famous KKK followers there are just in the same o

rigin of criminals
higher than philosophy. Philosophy Is the
in Alcatraz, with
study of ancient facts and ways of thinking, theater takes that shit
sharks that surround their resting places. Chapte
r two acting
and creates it into a fucking play. Now now
offstage to act offstage
class calm down I don t think the author of this work is trying to
you have to be very vigilant. Now this is a quite
hard thing to
say join the KKK because they have certain
accomplish, there are
people that are famous among the philosophers of the past, and
different categories to the off stage actor, Firs
t: famous not
just so you know the Aristotle Plateaus and
famous Second: cameras
Marcus Aerialists are also prevalent in the realm of other teaching
not cameras Third: and lastly audience first well
dwell on famous
with expertise contexts. I must touch on
not famous, if you
----------------------- Page 72----------------------could imagine a world where the small town was the only hiding
is quite simple maybe its as simple as putting o
n a different pair of
place dwelling place
glasses, the other is changing into another
of both boys and girls there would be a huge correlation between
set of clothes, if the first pair of clothes was
seen by 15 people,
the two however
the second set of clothes will be seen by 30 to
there is not there simply is the allegations that this man this
35 people, maybe even more or less. This is just
to show that the
woman has [THE
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 costume is extremely necess
ary the other
and so to prove their
day as I was waiting at the bus stop I found a
own existence they have to wear glasses. I think of being famous
young lady that asked me for the time she had lo
ts and lots of
as all together the
watches around her wrists, I could tell his
harder part of acting off stage as opposed to on. The gift if you
wasnt just any young woman. There was a time when
I was
would, of being not
younger that taught me the differences between
famous is the practice of invisibility this would make any other
man and woman and my mom was the one that taught
me this

part of acting very

special gift. The story goes like this there was
simple because the indifference of camouflage is to say the
a climber and he had daunting task to perform he
had to make it
easiest way to be in
to the top of a mountain to sign his name he
cognition, now class the term incognito is the greatest thing the
hadnt been to the top of this particular mountain
he had been to
devil tells his disciples, he heeds them to
others, and since the task was so
hide, now I have been supper rich and super poor, and I choose
undaunted he decided we would cheat and take the
other side of
rich every fucking time. That s true i heard it
the mountain that was a lot less steep. The
from Leo the shit hole bastard that he is. Anyhow, this is the
steepness made a huge difference. I saved him po
ssibly had the
perfect part of the text for you bastards to take a
map to his death. Now students the moral of
chaw break, smoke em if you ve got em, at least that s what they
the story is to explain the catalyst on top was
the fire that could
told us in the army. Third and lastly
be seen any where in the state of Louisiana.
audience if one is placed in the military in the army per say there
The story may not have a happy ending and neithe
r does this one
audience would be that of soldiers, and not
that man never made it to the top and he
civilians, now class personification is the art of being someone
froze to death. No matter what happened I sent s
upplies and a
else. I can tell you how this works face- book is
helicopter to help the one that believed he
a good place to begin. You see there once was a song that came
believed and the rest is extremely happy he stoo
d at the top and
out in the early 1998 s that read I can change
looked into the eyes of god. The fire
I can change, obtaining to changing how you act in front of others,
warmed him and Christ Jesus hugged and embraced
both the
to be another person. The way to do that
narrator and the Austrian. Chapter 3 This
----------------------- Page 73----------------------chapter Is dedicated to the ones that never graduated from AIT
authors of such works that have to take several y
ears to digest,
they had so many
are then allowing
ideas to becoming there parents parents and their genealogy at
themselves to put it all away for a certainly diff
erent aspect of the
the most I didn t

stage all together.

The clothing options of women in the past of the m
ain frame
how but there is a
were way more modest
way to become NCAA qualified and its not just about the words
than today, to give one subject if I may, also the
talk texts and
on paper, this
personification of the
dictates the sport of acting perfectible you see there are main and
characters on stage are now almost as anything go
es. This is a
not main
huge ethical concern
characters, imagine theater ass this great big society and any
ly 5,
society has to have
2016 people that are
organization, there are those that speak those that don t and
illuminated under the sorcerers stone so to speak
of the classes
those that created
they fill. They have
those that do and don t perfect ally. Producers directors and at
to be able to let all things go in order to win th
e audience, the
the end authors have
ethical part of this
something so astounding to show the audience that it is a crime
question is is this too much to call pg 13 or r f
or that matter. I
to disengage,
think the ones that are acquired in these small
disenfranchise the stage that holds the answers Michael Jackson,
yet large changes are not to blame but the ones to
ask if this is
no more was said. I
correct. This also ties into such actions as sex
had friends that grew up in the 1940s. The times of theater
ting, and amid the grand necessities of our childr
en to learn and
performance have
not just from you tube or face book. I could
changed in dramatic ways. These ways are as follows, the stage
go on for hours about this topic however I digress
. As I told a
now a days is that of
friend once that Woodstock was the
such exuberance that we allow the democratic way of the past,
entertainment of the baby boomers, we simply do n
ot have those
you see in the past
main gods to worship as far a not yet. As
there was rules and regulations whether pronounced by the
the kings and gods depart us we have to look at ou
r own subjects
owners of the stage

ie classmates to find truth. Chapter four: is

were bad enough, we also indoctrinated our subjects unto the
the Mormon religion, as a Mormon I know the standa
rds that they
ones that first created
keep, as far as separation of church and
them. Now a days the rules have all been decentralized. For one
state we needn t personify its location to our ed
ucators teaching
the ones that are the
those that came after us. You could just turn
----------------------- Page 74----------------------off for 50 years like a little robot. Ceremony. As well as the job
awake and I allowed her to watch over me, I had
a 9 attached to
market was concerned there were real jobs to
my right ankle we
be had amongst our parents, now you can either create websites
were somewhere remote would be proud. I wasnt I a
lmost red
or you can t. The days of architecture,
lined here, and my
genealogy, and construction have become obsolete, the USA is
feet were definitely on the red line. You pissed
me off big time
built, and anyone that believes that are just
last night, how? I gave
plain stupid, you see obscurity of the Dow Jones becomes more
you a flower and you said thats nice you must [TH
and more narrow than it was back in the day.
CLEVER is the word that needs to be [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 really be in love, I dont kn
ow it was just
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 tattooed
pretty callous.
across the arms of every 18 year old and nineteen year old in this
Treason Treason sir, I have no idea what you are r
efereeing to I
country. There is a big difference between
have never
job security and never weray, tenure, the big bang theory are
considered and I made a mistake those that want
to be
opposing the\re are others but I digress, who
billionaires are just praying
wants to build a
for love and hope they dont make up I the mainfra
me of salt lake
CEOs power who wants to allow the ones at the top the chance
cities corporate
kick them down and down and down. There
offices we havent anything to do with them we hav
e been there
is jails penitentiaries and double social security numbers that we
and it Doesnt exist,
give to those that ever subscribed to the

we have been on a tirade looking for the winter

and I sold out big
McDonalds franchise. Believe me I was a fry man for two days it
arenas flobots and
sucked. After the discovery is met there are
the such, dont tell me what I want tell yourself
He wrote this it
many things any individual may do there are lots and lots of
was an assumption to
others that can conclude the topic. The end
some it was the beginning of some the others had
come into the
Christopher Maxwell Thomas Book Number 1 The night that came
house no oxycotan
was unworthy of these catholic priests
we dont need any the Dr. Thinks he knows but he d
oesnt. Loud
were out in force, there wasnt another such. I found her when
noises I hear loud
she was climbing That pole in salt lake,
noises I want to thank the audience I really do
they dont think so
possibly, the sand dunes in New York City. The location didnt
but I do, there was
matter. What was the point of our almost
a member of the class mates I accepted into my h
eart that told
meeting I couldnt tell you if I tried. I didnt need her pain even
me that in order to
though it was allocated inside my soul such
achieve the kingdom I must first accept myself a
nd come to think
was the same situation 6 weeks earlier, I fell asleep clever look on
about it I also wrote
my face she stayed
----------------------- Page 75----------------------it in my journal it had been several , years ago I came across it
good, and I didnt see why somebody could have ta
ken such a
that day that day that
precious prize from me. I wanted to destroy
she asked me to make her a ham and cheese sandwich I hadnt
everything, instead I looked at the card on the t
able researched
hear her ask for one
the ring there as well, and thought for a
so I didnt make it. Later that night after we retired from throwing
second, um what is this meaning, and then I praye
d to my
bullets at each
heavenly father, he said it would be ok, so I
other for several hours at our forest behind\d our house we had
believed. I dont remember what I did after that.
My hand
dinner then went to
reached for the phone and all of its debatuarie
s it
the bedroom to sleep. After we got into our bedroom the dog

reached for the phone then the tone of David ec

hoed in my ears
licked and slobbered
and I heard the voice of the spirit it said go
all over my wifes face, typically she didnt even like that I mean
and claim that which is [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CH
its a dog for crying
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 yours, so I did. through thi
out loud but she just didnt tolerate it. I know I [THE COLLECTIVE
mirror where your headed, He wrote this it was an
assumption to
some it was the beginning of some the
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 had been terrible shot tonight but she still
others had come into the house no oxycotan we d
ont need any
wanted to kiss me, she still put her hand on
the Dr. Thinks he knows but he doesnt. Loud
my leg and started kissing my ear. I woke up the next morning and
noises I hear loud noises I want to thank the a
udience I really do
she wasnt there I checked the entire room
they dont think so but I do, there was a
and there wasnt second that I didnt explode with love and
member of the class mates I accepted into my heart
that told me
happiness under Neath myself. AS I walked into
that in order to achieve the kingdom I must
the kitchen from the courtyard outside, there was a small card
first accept myself and come to think about it
I also wrote it in my
placed right above the dishwasher and as I
journal it had been several , years ago I
opened it a ring fell straight onto the counter top it was the same
came across it that day that day that she asked
me to make her a
one that she had given back to me several
ham and cheese sandwich I hadnt hear her
years ago, I had loved her. AS I saw this I walked quickly to the
ask for one so I didnt make it. Later that night
after we retired
center of the kitchen, I heard the garage door
from throwing bullets at each other for several
open and I heard what sounded like my wifes voice sounded like
hours at our forest behind\d our house we had din
ner then went
and then I heard the door of the car shut
to the bedroom to sleep. After we got into
hard and the y reversed out of the garage. I stood there and
our bedroom the dog licked and slobbered all ov
er my wifes face,
watched as a man drove my wife away from me.
typically she didnt even like that I mean
As I walked slowly into the house I was crying and gasping for air,
its a dog for crying out loud but she just didnt
tolerate it. I know I
the run that I had earlier this morning was

had been terrible

----------------------- Page 76----------------------shot tonight but she still wanted to kiss me, she still put her hand
dont remember what I did after that. My hand rea
ched for the
on my leg and
phone and all of its
started kissing my ear. I woke up the next morning and she wasnt
debatuaries it reached for the phone then the ton
e of David
there I checked
echoed in my ears and I
the entire room and there wasnt second that I didnt explode
heard the voice of the spirit it said go and claim
that which is
with love and
yours, so I did. where
happiness under Neath myself. AS I walked into the kitchen from
are you now? I feel excited to know the truth o
f democracy. We
the courtyard
had our certain
outside, there was a small card placed right above the dishwasher
mentality of a society with no looking and when
stuck add jk
and as I opened it
Rowling s monarchy.
a ring fell straight onto the counter [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
However they ve forgotten one thing. The langua
ge barrier. And
you ll find the exact
5, 2016 top it was the same one that she had given back to me
y 5, 2016
several years ago, I
thing on one side of
had loved her. AS I saw this I walked quickly to the center of the
the rocky mountains as opposed to the other. OK
clear the lesson
kitchen, I heard the
plan for today is the entire social network in
garage door open and I heard what sounded like my wifes voice
between the other two movies at the box office se
eking well I
sounded like and
suppose if you consider the, 007 movies to be
then I heard the door of the car shut hard and the y reversed out
perpetual entertainment then if have to hand it
to you. Who in
of the garage. I
this class feels anything but what I just said
stood there and watched as a man drove my wife away from me.
the students never say whiplash. They hadn t ev
en seen the class
As I walked slowly
and good knows I asked if they had but they
into the house I was crying and gasping for air, the run that I had

simply lied there asses off to me somewhere tea

ching young
earlier this morning
college students the ethics of today versus the
was good, and I didnt see why somebody could have taken such a
ethics of yesterday was challenging. d sir the an
swer is not
precious prize
whether man give us reading is much more than
from me. I wanted to destroy everything, instead I looked at the
that it you live in Phoenix you live in Phoenix
. If you pressure in a
card on the table
different zip code lacrosse was the founder
researched the ring there as well, and thought for a second, um
of the bitches in Disney area codes hanging up
side dish even. I
what is this meaning,
will answer your questions but they are not
and then I prayed to my heavenly father, he said it would be ok,
founded upon anything good so why. Yes young mo
ney why, I ll
so I believed. I
tell you guys the truth many people believe
----------------------- Page 77----------------------that this class is home ech in high school as an easy a but I can
gave me these to save me. I didn t recognize you
r car must have
assure you that that is simply not the case. It is
just gotten back
what it is Nancy cardigan. Many people will accomplish there
from the dealership. Drive off the lot with a br
and new Mercedes
main want to dos and there allegations in their
Benz. But how?
life time. The good the bad and the in betweens how could you
You ve got nothing to work with here. Let this m
an go. But kind sir
have you must have been in between
ts JFK I don t give a
something dreamed and something that went terribly wrong in
darn you let him go, understand? The direct unde
rstanding of the
the third grade, you must understand it
nation is not
wasn t me. I came to this works to party rhianna. She said it and
utilitarianism but it is, Nietzsche many are cal
led but few safe
craftsman s isbnd it. Once [THE COLLECTIVE
chosen. I have but
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 your ve ifry to sir, well
that s not saying much [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
whatever the chick is the one spoken of by our
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 it s saying everything. Fro
m beginning to
doctors D not to mention Westlake. There really isn t much sense

china and I m doing it

to say I want to go this way and that way.
in the morning. Trust your mother the live and t
he hate I swear to
But as I was describing yesterday. So ladies and gentleman
god I never
without further interruptions I must find series,
considered it, dies it have to be by the book. Y
ou tell at me but I
and that s the thing she can t be coerced. She is special. How dare
did not start the rain,
you find at mk with that tone and
you did. How fucking dare you, article to Facebo
ok I
understand perfection, are you ubserd are you mad, yes just
hope we can make your stay with us as comfortabl
e as possible, if
doing string theory for fun yes what fun. Look I
there s anything
come to these possibilities hypothesis procured part tense and
you want don t hesitate to ask. In a place like
this it s simple just
never one cent more and I do know your
look out for them
intentions sir you come here not for her or mainly here. You
and they ll look out for you. That must happened
one of the
fucking spelled that one wrong bitch. I walked
greatest said something
out of the garage to meet my sister sitting in her car. Awkward
and I wrote it down. Adjectives are boring I wan
t to see you cum.
was my sin I knew the scripture well kate
In today s society
we wake up to Matt lauer. It makes sense if you
listen to the story
Little children, but we are ashamed but jack black days that was
and stop asking
yesterday. Your are
questions. I guess I have the floor now. Excuse
me sir but I have
drunk. Your drunk Jules your drunk. I am the greatest you hit me
the right to speak in
high, aren t they
my behalf I am afforded that right with my const
itution rights I am
great no you bitch. There not great and I gave you the Heimlich to
afforded that
save you when you
----------------------- Page 78----------------------ability. By the condition of the united States of America. Your
think with ones own securities. There in the me
honour if I may I think
aberrations have been a select few that not on
ly act
what may I d trying to say is that live is blind, and yes I played

as Jessee eisenberg but others that have never

considered being
football at Notre Dame.
Steve Jobs. I m securely fastened in my exact
As one of the greatest. But the man spoke and great were his
disagreement about streaming your time kind si
r, and what do
words, they weren t the
you mean by that, I suppose the one I d not
same as before it was as if he questioned his own preference in
only singular however it is both. Now I have b
een to the
the game of life. I just
thundering to see alligators and coun t dramas
hope folks will feel and understand these words, I just write
in the bayou. And right there sir you have discr
edited your entire
them don t be a judgemental Californian. The
theory. Two words The two sides are
police are not here kind of like Seattle, I guess it s just jurisdiction,
personified in here and there. If I was a [THE
what is the greatest space between you
OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 college man
and me, there isn t one o yes week what is the all what is the
I wouldn t hesitate to ask the us government f
or a handout. I
allgafhthym to live, [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
guess you could say is the same thing as a
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 the question now is do I want to be
homeless man collecting money from his or her
social security
with you. I mean all were talking about is
checks once a month, not to mention there
fluid exchange so can we get straight to the sex. I don t know just
children are an enormous part of their one tho
usand dollars a
tell me your name, I didn t know that you
month. I ve been dealing for so long that even
do not want to hear that suit don t duck with me not you, it s not
my ankles were hurting when I got to your hous
e. Why I
your fault, you hear me, is not, thank you
wondered was the dog attacking it s owner on a
for understanding what I am saying and yes I have been to space
leash even, I didn t have much time to questio
n much the sun was
camp twice, is not intricate enough, I m
setting and the walk from the top of the
sorry that is not the bills but this is the best that the FBI can
hill to there was a long one, I guess you coul
d say that to even find
afford, don t push me don t push me. Fuck both
this house was a miracle. As I cautiously
of you. The way of the budda was not a coincidence. Sometimes I
knocked on there front door. The thought of mu
rder was the only
think to myself what a perpetual thought of

thing on my mind, I
nature. However I have been there in both my attributes and my
could imagine anything and everything to be be
hind the door of
attire! What you ask yourself is greater than
that house. The sun
that? Nothing and everything. The blood of the land and all else in
was just about to set and the day would be over
until tomorrow
between God damnit, hello, there has to
and with the ability
be a way to solve certain things you would think, however some
to see the strangers on the silver, was upsetti
ng to me most of all.
may discredit the idea of being happy so we
On my third knock
----------------------- Page 79----------------------I heard a set of footsteps approaching the front door from inside.
never say whiplash. They hadn t even seen the cl
ass and good
The door slowly
knows I asked if they
began to open and my stomach dropped. An order last stood in
had but they simply lied there asses off to me s
front of me and
teaching young college
looked squarely T my T-shirt. She didn t say anything, I hesitantly
students the ethics of today versus the ethics o
f yesterday was
opened my mouth
challenging. d sir the
and tried to force the words of help from my lips but she slowly
answer is not whether man give us reading is muc
h more than
shut the door
that it you live in
instead. The weirdest moment of my life. Later that night I finally
Phoenix you live in Phoenix. If you pressure in
a different zip code
found myself back
lacrosse was the founder of the bitches in
in Boulder Colorado. And at the same stores on park Street mall
Disney area codes hanging up side dish even. I w
ill answer your
window shopping
questions but they are not founded upon
with little to no money in my pocket. [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
anything good so why. Yes young money why, I ll
tell you guys the
truth many people believe that this class is
July 5, 2016 The mall of America is a predicted rain to cross over
home ech in high school as an easy a but I can a
ssure you that
the Juarez border to
that is simply not the case. It is what it is Na

see the way that we live as opposed to the way they live I feel
OMAS] July
excited to know the
5, 2016 people will accomplish there main
truth of democracy. We had our certain mentality of a society
want to dos and there allegations in their life
time. The good the
with no looking and
bad and the in betweens how could you
when stuck add jk Rowling s monarchy. However they ve
have you must have been in between something dre
amed and
forgotten one thing. The
something that went terribly wrong in the
language barrier. And you ll find the exact same thing on one side
third grade, you must understand it wasn t me. I
came to this
of the rocky
works to party rhianna. She said it and
mountains as opposed to the other. OK clear the lesson plan for
craftsman s isbnd it. Once your very to sir, wel
l whatever the chick
today is the entire
is the one spoken of by our doctors D not
social network in between the other two movies at the box office
to mention Westlake. There really isn t much sen
se to say I want
seeking well I
to go this way and that way. But as I was
suppose if you consider the, 007 movies to be perpetual
describing yesterday. So ladies and gentleman wi
thout further
entertainment then if have
interruptions I must find series, and that s the
to hand it to you. Who in this class feels anything but what I just
thing she can t be coerced. She is special. How
dare you find at mk
said the students
with that tone and understand perfection,
----------------------- Page 80----------------------are you ubserd are you mad, yes just doing string theory for fun
out for you. That must happened one of the g
reatest said
yes what fun. Look I come to these
something and I wrote it
possibilities hypothesis procured part tense and never one cent
more and I do know your intentions sir you
Adjectives are boring I want to see you cum.
In today s society we
come here not for her or mainly here. You fucking spelled that
wake up to Matt
one wrong bitch. I walked out of the garage to
lauer. It makes sense if you listen to the s
tory and stop asking
meet my sister sitting in her car. Awkward was my sin I knew the

questions. I guess I
scripture well kate winslet. Little children,
have the floor now. Excuse me sir but I have
the right to speak in
but we are ashamed but jack black days that was yesterday. Your
my behalf I am
are drunk. Your drunk Jules your drunk. I am
afforded that right with my constitution rig
hts I am afforded that
the greatest you hit me high, aren t they great no you bitch. There
ability. By the
not great and I gave you the Heimlich to
condition of the united States of America. Y
our honour if I may I
save you when you gave me these to save me. I didn t recognize
think what may I d
your car must have just gotten [THE
trying to say is that live is blind, and yes
I played football at Notre
Dame. As one of the
the dealership. Drive off the lot with a brand
greatest. But the man spoke and great were h
is words, they
new Mercedes Benz. But how? You ve got nothing to work with
weren t the same as
here. Let this man go. But kind sir ts JFK I
before it was as if he questioned [THE COLLE
don t give a darn you let him go, understand? The direct
understanding of the nation is not utilitarianism but
2016 his own preference in the game of life.
I just hope folks will
it is, Nietzsche many are called but few safe chosen. I have but
feel and understand
that s not saying much it s saying everything.
these words, I just write them don t be a jud
From beginning to china and I m doing it in the morning. Trust
Californian. The police are
your mother the live and the hate I swear to
not here kind of like Seattle, I guess it s
just jurisdiction, what is
god I never considered it, dies it have to be by the book. You tell
the greatest space
at me but I did not
between you and me, there isn t one o yes we
ek what is the all
start the rain, you did. How fucking dare you, article to Facebook I
what is the
hope we can make
allgafhthym to live, the question now is do
I want to be with you. I
your stay with us as comfortable as possible, if there s anything
mean all were
you want don t
talking about is fluid exchange so can we ge
t straight to the sex. I
hesitate to ask. In a place like this it s simple just look out for

don t know just tell

them and they ll look
me your name, I didn t know that you do not
want to hear that
suit don t duck with
----------------------- Page 81----------------------me not you, it s not your fault, you hear me, is not, thank you for
question him something written in German. Gi
ven by brad Pitt.
understanding what
What s your favorite numberz where were you
I am saying and yes I have been to space camp twice, is not
born I should slay you. Now I have seen sinc
e spektacular things in
intricate enough, I m sorry
my life and one of them was the celestial
that is not the bills but this is the best that the FBI can afford,
kingdom and I have felt it twice in my life.
I actuallly fixing have
don t push me don t
seen the god damn celestial kingdom.
push me. Fuck both of you. I just told you tom what s been gong
Chocolate or vanilla. Huh I heard somebody t
alking to me I looked
on its been gong on for five years. The motto
up and looked at the woman in front of me.
is the same the ability to stand one above the rest. As I sit and
B say what. You stole my story. Your story?
Yes my story. You
listen to Matthews answers to his questions I
stole it. There was absolutely no hesitation
can t help but think about a day in the life of an NYC mayor.
her voice. I looked right and there was two
police men coming
Actually he is a pro skateboarder riding for girl
into the coffee shop.Say what why would you
koston instead of winning Julia Roberts heart he win the audience
when consider anything of me and your proper
ty. Except this time
with more coffee. I keep debating where
there was even more emphasis in her
my life is going and why there s people shuffling around my
voice. Her mannerisms did not change in fron
t of me. I was taken
garage. The narrator Kris telling me to be afraid.
back. To my roommate. Moved in he took
The title of the movie equals far. After all what s in a name. If my
full and incredibly and more [THE COLLECTIVE
idbn number is at in place I wouldn t have a
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 than necessary abilitie
problem diagnosing you with the [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
over me. I had been in basic training for se
veral weeks. The only
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 perscripton of

thing that made it even better was the fact

love. I was called a hater once and he just call them fans. Come to
that I am an American. Your wrong sweet hear
t your wrong about
think about it I ve never been to the
the past. Because you can repeat it. I
Himalayas. But July has and I see it through her eyes. There a
wonder if I can look into the eyes of God li
ke spiderman check this
concert in town pharcide a tribe called quest
out I study like the
and I m deffinately going to be in attendance. Come to think of it
book thief German Nazis ran Germany was it a
rou to have the
I ve never been to west lake. And neither
leading teach the
had she. Chocolate. Donut hanging out on my tile living room
entirely of the world that destroying my wor
ds 72,000 of them
floor. So far we had written 72,000 thousands
was ever a good idea.
words and all they are antiquated towards here and there. Ok
The answer is probably no. What I an trying
to say is that is that I
class what s the answer, um we stole a line
have been to five
from kind sir. I feel dogmatic and no I have never met Ben affleck
schools and I never considered placing my ta
ssel to the right from
but I have seen Argo. Ok here we go. I ll
the left. And then
----------------------- Page 82----------------------just allowing it to happen because she doesn t. Love you luke
weird I know you dont kno theres no one here Br
ian, you wish no
Skywalker. Exact words
I know. The next
oops I mean his matters words that s discrimination. You know
day Brian died and we all mourned his departur
e most of the
what I am going to do
students didn t rally
is call the police. And tell them that your straight discriminating G
care, what a shame I thought. Living in Colora
do is a crazy
against me and yes
adventure it reminds me of
I do belong in 711. And no your freaking c plus plus computer
Seattle the weed is terrific. Legalization of
weed isMaggnificent
games does not impress
theres a lot of cats a lot of cats Christopher
me. Yes but I took several weeks several weeks to create this
just got back from corprus Christi what about
you in sorry sir but I
game from the crayon
have never been there you absolutely have

of something. Yes but then again I am several years younger than

to try it the time of your life Christmas is o
ver so is new years Eve
you and smash that
what a great year 2015 thatis I hope 2016 is
bullshit faade right front of him. Welcome back to the Colin and
just as great now what is it that we were just t
alking about
Matt show. How
hmmmmmmmm I m not really sure as the class
many of those margaritas have you had. 1. Nobody amaya
ended I noticed her looking at me so why was s
he so interested in
nobody. Now check this
need when we sing when need dentists
out rap masochistic, however think about it. In gods ability to
anymore. I once heard in my classes in school
at metro that the
recompense certain
classes of society were meet for the perfect
words to your mind while listening to rap .I further more forgot to
way of living especially the past present futu
re tense of adverbs in
delay your [THE
Spanish class Griselda for it all right if we
COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 chiropractic
believe in the time period of [THE COLLECTIVE
meanings of self
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 philosophers of our
discussion and we never knew call your grandmother before it too
time there is one that can not be denied his n
ame is Jordan
late, choose one
cloward speak his name and die. What s this I
and the same exact thing applies. However you how would be a
it to myself no you owe it to me cause I m goi
ng to wakt up And
question mark the
I ll be 50 and that s fine but if you are I ll
story must continue comes a small voice from the back of the
fucking kill now class there are several thing
s I want you guys to
classroom excuse me
realize a couple things pertaining to
why aren t you leading I dont knowthe dean of my existence is
aesthetics which if this your professor isnt act
ually standing in
coming to destroy me
front of you I am currently in my jail cell in
and it s not TV top of the morning. And Knoxville is already trying
Arapahos county jail pretending to be a teacher
, eat pray love eat
to range his own life
pray love z Julia Roberts. See the most
----------------------- Page 83-----------------------

dramatic thing in this god awful movie, and I say that with love is
he was a dumbass got the hamster wet put him i
n the microwave
the story line it sucked jk but seriously the
to dry him off and
movie sucked, makes you wonder huh? Anyways the green and
these hamster exploded I kid you not I fell in
love with that
purple dinosaurs are tasty such as Eminem,
hamster the day I met him
but I m pretty sure it s still considered a DUI, correct DUI. Now
and once he exploded in microwave I found myse
lf quite sad mini
class let s all turn or attention on Matthew and
instances at night I
make fun of him. O professor Thomas that aint cool trust me bitch
would cry myself to sleep as is any instant in
life I find myself
you need this o oki guess, 29 minutes later
more progressive when I
after we all had a terrific rou.I dismissed. The class back onto the
try my hardest especially when my hardest is h
arder than I can
streets of davis CaliforniaI could remember it
handle knowingly I
well me and khoo were going seea movie spiderman and oceans
have studied the Arts of mini philosophers inc
luding Marcus a
12 was being advertised in the lobby of the
really is plate of the
movie theater so I had to wonder to myself where was my mind
Republic and soccer to use his people over the
course of my
at this point lots and lots of responsibility in
lifetime unfortunately I
el Paso. If we were ever got to qualify as a unit to deploy to Iraq.
tried my hardest and my heart is was not good
enough given my
Then we had better get our sit together as
grades are dictated
the popular phrase went. Now class can anybody tell me this
in my Spanish class from Griselda before she c
an anybody in later
simple when for me m the room was [THE
that night I set up
COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 quiet where
all night contemplating what was then the best
day of my life why
and when was the internet created? And
though probably
how? Seriously one of the handover men in the class where was it
the simple fact that I was quite indeed happy
with my lecture and
created? The room feel silent, it seemed
the classes
like the students had fallen asleep. What the fucki thought?Me I
altogether terrific answer
once had a pet

2016 about
hexameter and there came a day when I had to excuse there was
the internet for all I
many instances
hadnt reached and I knew we where in the right
place of our
when I had to leave the hamster at home and hope you didnt die
textbooks Tupac was
on his own accord
subject of the day Ive seen his face and I beli
eve Tupac for life as
there were a mini instances in the February to mom the 2001
many of my
when I had to come
considering instead as well so that means set
I have reasons to
home and dictate the ownership between me and my brother
believe that Tupac
Matt and so to speak
Shakur is Jesus Christ as I mentioned this the
entire class shuffled
looking at each
----------------------- Page 84----------------------other and then casually look at me for answers the only answer I
words spoken flabbergasted in latter Alice som
ething about to
could conjure was
this story hes to be written this evening said
two packs of Boise certainly wanted to change the world and as a
the young man to his professor prove What boy
youre so full of
class we considered
shit I hesitate thanks Dwayne Super Mario
others that tried as well some believe that we need it have a
Brothers it all in the hip so many people wond
er to themselves
Tupac or anyone such as Martin but you know
adoration at anything for my textbook I shall
who did Michael Jackson as he claimed dinner song class whats in
discuss Essex you can expect this book to be at
least 500 pages
a name and if it is true then why doesnt a
which as in any big fish Moulin Rouge the
title mean anyone harm are conclusion that day was simple many
dude will be quite uncomfortable and the lady
dude said
have tried to save the world and Minnie
something in reply wish I don t care what it w
have but not like Jesus Christ just the way he spoke no wonder
need to do I give a f*** what it was now at th
is 3000 level class all
people thought he was lying the author of
the students pilot in and certainly Josie in
such work clarify the name of Christ killed herself him I have
the classroom which from my ankle seen to be d
etermined by the

traveled many miles searching for Christ as did

ones with the most expensive phones 15
my daughter leaving every day in May to find winter there are
minutes later I you have saved my life several
times times new
others that simply stand in the way of
Roman I realize that but did you practice thats
progression I dont want to say no names but yeah so anyways is
a two-way Road singular being another pretense t
o inviting the
all in all we said after sterling her soul to her
spirit I could endeavor to tell you but then I
audience Houston is beautiful Salt Lake City has 2 Chainz Dallas
in never rang to just press record there have
been several
has 911 or 1 and Conroe an idiot and a chance
however this time Im ready yes maybe but [THE
of a better career selling Kirbys I can never forget generosity of
f I could just
some to me when I desperately needed it
get back to the
knowledge is spontaneous and learning is [THE COLLECTIVE
getting I be okay and yes you are wrong about
that said yes you
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 coherent
are definitely wrong
to not all but I smoke two cigarettes at the Plaza that way you
about that have felt and seen several instance
s at scheduled me
could find me especially the fact that I was with
in the art of
Leonardos Caffery out in the first place someone comes speak for
knowledge before the thought was a bra to an ang
el came to me
me the world is cruel and the destructive is
and taught me how
not 123 anymore that is thank you Kyle great words of wisdom
to live there is white there is majestic and t
heres more than that
from yours truly I hesitate to sit next to him in
but um you see I
the Commons a gram you but I certainly am glad that I did
was the one that site not you you you use that
phrase in your
because he was Jesus Christ word was the last
writing however I m
----------------------- Page 85----------------------lying in your economics are only as much as you want for Skype by
again why do I have to sell my boat to prove my supe
rior youre
name other than
ready to you it was
yourself again why do I have to sell my boat to prove my superior
quite interesting to me how you so a certainly place
that? Once

you re ready to you

you step on that skateboard skateboard yet
it was quite interesting to me how you so a certainly place that?
that one over there return my head and I didnt see on
e I
Once you step on
hesitated then look the opposite direction hoping to
that skateboard skateboard yet that one over there return my
see what this man said he saw which was a skateboard
and still I
head and I didn t see
didnt come across it I bet you didnt know
one I hesitated then look the opposite direction hoping to see
that food has a but um you see I was the one that si
te not you you
what this man said he
you use that phrase in your writing
saw which was a skateboard and still I didn t come across it I bet
however I m lying in your economics are only as much
as you
you but um you see I
want for Skype by name other than yourself
was the one that site not you you you use that phrase in your
again why do I have to sell my boat to prove my supe
rior you re
writing however I m
ready to you it was quite interesting to me
lying in your economics are only as much as you want for Skype by
how you so a certainly place that? Once you step on
name other than
skateboard skateboard yet that one over there
yourself again why do I have to sell my boat to prove my superior
return my head and I didn t see one I hesitated then
look the
you re ready to you
opposite direction hoping to see what this man
it was quite interesting to me how you so a certainly place that?
said he saw which was a skateboard and still I didn
t come across
Once you step on
it I bet you didn t know that food has a spirit
that skateboard skateboard yet that one over there return my
but um you see I was the one that site not you you y
ou use that
head and I didn t see
phrase in your writing however Im lying in
one I
your economics are only as much as you want for Skyp
e by name
hesitated then look the opposite direction hoping to see what this
other than yourself again why do I have to
man said he saw
sell my boat to prove my [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CH
which was a skateboard and still I didn t come across it I bet you
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 superior your do to you it
was quite interesting to me how you so a surely plac

e that? Once
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 didn t know that but um
you step on that skateboard skateboard yet
you see I was the
that one over there return my head and I didnt see on
e I
one that site not you you you use that phrase in your writing
hesitated then look the opposite direction hoping to
however Im lying in
see what this man said he saw which was a skateboard a
nd still I
your economics are only as much as you want for Skype by name
didnt come across it I bet you didnt know
other than yourself
----------------------- Page 86----------------------that food has a spirit and I can prove that one too this man was
that s what choice dad I have I had laid the word
and it was
honest I fed tell if you was morally appease by
written according to his
is own understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the rig
ht and pure
stated I live my f****** head off when I had
behind me and this it
admitted the devil has tennis to and put only means one thing
was a solid skateboard however since I knew he wa
s a whole
that he was proud of me and the way he
leave any could
played everything in perfection I chose to look behind me and
interpret every thought and realize it was him th
at you use the
make up some excuse why I just didn t see it
word had and not me
Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I have I had laid the
so again I had let the reader to different natura
l validity yes
word and it was written according to his
tender hearted Lee I d
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right and pure
read but there skateboard he saw neither of us of
f spoke for
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard
several seconds and
however since I knew he was a whole leave any could interpret
then he did something that both started and confu
sed me see
every thought and realize it was him that you
class slowly to his left
use the word had and not me so again I had let the reader to
and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew b
y the way he this
different natural validity yes tender hearted Lee
man was honest I
I d read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for
fed tell if you was morally appease by is own und

erstanding my
several seconds and then he did something
mind Carol a without
that both started and confused me see class slowly to his left and
he had previously stated I live my f****** head o
ff when I had
before his eyes
admitted the devil has
reach to destruction I knew by the way this man was honest I fed
tennis to and put only means one thing that he wa
s proud of me
tell if you was
and the way he
morally appease by is own [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS
played everything in perfection I chose to look b
ehind me and
THOMAS] July 5, 2016
make up some excuse
understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously stated I
why I just didn t see it Russian roulette yes tha
t s what choice dad
live my f******
I have I had laid the
head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and put only
word and it was written according to his religion
I chase I slowly
means one thing
mood my head to the
that he was proud of me and the way he played everything in
5, 2016
perfection I chose to
and pure behind me
look behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn t see it
and this it was a solid skateboard however since
I knew he was a
Russian roulette yes
whole leave any
----------------------- Page 87----------------------could interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use
live my f****** head off when I had admitted
the devil has tennis
the word had and
to and put only means one thing that he
not me so again I had let the reader to different natural validity
was proud of me and the way he played everythi
ng in perfection I
yes tender hearted Lee I d read but there
chose to look behind me and make up
skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for several seconds and
some excuse why I just didn t see it Russian r
oulette yes that s
then he did something that both started
what choice dad I have I had laid the word and
and confused me see class slowly to his left and before his eyes
it was written according to his religion I cha
se I slowly mood my

reach to destruction I knew by the way he did

head to the right and pure behind me and
it this man was honest I fed tell if you was morally appease by is
this it was a solid skateboard however since I
knew he was a
own understanding my mind Carol a without
whole leave any could interpret every thought
he had previously stated I live my f****** head off when I had
and realize it was him that you use the word h
ad and not me so
admitted the devil has tennis to and put only
again I had let the reader to different natura
means one thing that he was proud of me and the way he played
validity yes tender hearted Lee I d read but t
here skateboard he
everything in perfection I
saw neither of us off spoke for several
chose to look behind me and make up some excuse why I just
seconds and then he did something that both st
arted and
didn t see it Russian roulette yes that s what
confused me see class slowly to his left and b
choice dad I have I had laid the word and it was written according
his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the w
ay he did it he
to his religion I chase I slowly mood my
was he was conversing time and this man was ho
nest I fed tell if
head to the right and pure behind me and this it was a solid
you was morally
skateboard however since I knew he was a whole
appease by is own understanding my mind Carol
a without he had
leave any could interpret every thought and realize it was him
previously stated I
that you use the word had and not me so again
live my f****** head off when I had admitted
the devil has tennis
I had let the reader to different natural validity yes tender hearted
to and put only
Lee I d read but there skateboard he saw
means one thing that he was proud of me and t
he way he played
neither of us off spoke for several seconds and then he did
everything in
something that both started and confused me see
perfection I chose to look behind me and make
up some excuse
class slowly to his left and before his eyes [THE COLLECTIVE
why I just didn t [THE
see it
OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 reach to destruction I knew by
Russian roulette yes that s
the way he did it he this man was honest I fed
what choice dad I have I had laid the word and
it was written

tell if you was morally appease by is own understanding my mind

according to his religion
Carol a without he had previously stated I
I chase I slowly mood my head to the right an
d pure behind me
and this it was a solid
----------------------- Page 88----------------------skateboard however since I knew he was a whole leave any could
2016 read
interpret every
but there skateboard he saw neither of us off
thought and realize it was him that you use the word had and not
spoke for several seconds and then he did someth
ing that both
me so again I had
started and confused me see class slowly to
let the reader to different natural validity yes tender hearted Lee
his left and before his eyes reach to destructio
n I knew by the way
I d read but there
he did it he was he was conversing time
skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for several seconds and
and and 50 shades of grey was created now Ive nev
er seen the
then he did
Eiffel Tower and I dont own enough
something that both started and confused me see class slowly to
backpacks to call apply for a banquet in the Sah
ara Desert so I left
his left and before
it as it is praise be to the man that gave the
his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way he did it he was
one Lourdes plan for rectify for real I remember
it like it was just
he was conversing
yesterday PE was in session and 14th
time and this man was honest I fed tell if you was morally appease
students in Columbine died during it I still cou
ldn t believe she
by is own
assumed I had to stolen her story because I did
understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously stated I
story stories story 6 months later I have 9 mont
hs to live give it
live my f******
prescribe medicated lip appointment but that
head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and put only
not what it was I ran I remember it like I was y
esterday the Sun
means one thing
hung deep in the sky it lube go over my soul
that he was proud of me and the way he played everything in
as was the nature and Westlake I don t know as s
ingle I still
perfection I chose to
couldn t believe she assumed I had to stolen her

look behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn t see it
story because I did story stories story 6 months
later I have 9
Russian roulette yes
months to live give it prescribe medicated lip
that s what choice dad I have I had laid the word and it was
appointment but that not what it was I ran I rem
ember it like I
written according to his
was yesterday the Sun hung deep in the sky it
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right and pure
lube go over my soul as was the nature and Westl
ake I don t know
behind me and this it
as single person that side I still couldn t
was a solid skateboard however since I knew he was a whole
believe she assumed I had to stolen her story be
cause I did story
leave any could
stories story 6 months later I
interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the
have 9 months to live give it prescribe medicate
d lip appointment
word had and not me
but that not what it was I ran I [THE
so again I had let the reader to different natural validity yes
emember it
tender hearted Lee I d
like I was yesterday the Sun hung deep in
----------------------- Page 89----------------------the sky it lube go over my soul as was the nature and Westlake I
hungered and yopu gave me food, I wqas thirsty
and you gave me
don t know as single person that side of the I
drink, I was
still couldn t believe she assumed I had to stolen her story
without shelter and yopu took me in Motivation
because I did story stories story 6 months later I
creating a beef
have 9 months to live give it prescribe medicated lip appointment
broth takes 8 hours. Golden showers, show head
s made from
but that not what it was I ran I remember it
bronze, we were not
like I was yesterday the Sun hung deep in the sky it lube go over
created from the dust to participate in the ga
mes of Rome,
my soul as was the nature and Westlake I
Russell Crowe, being the obscene, you make ele
vator music? Huh
don t know as single person that side of the big you must know
you may be
Gatsby oh well yes but you see I m a check or I
wondering what it is that Im rambling on about,
but those that

didn t work for this I gave this I said one last time to her I did not
created the internet
steal your story the end. yo check it out
for sole purpose of checking ion on Facebook a
re all eradicated
some say that womens rights have been obliged by nintench
and the past be the
century morals and allowances of tea that fell off
past but still we were all subjugated. Who wil
l make it in America?
the boat in HOnduras, the great tea party in BOston
(Question mark)
Massacheutes, you want to learn how to rap you better
The sky was still black from its appearance tha
t rendered an entire
learn mathematics. MY pupils myt followers on goiogle plus, my
day from the grey
professors gladly
existence in the Hogwarts School of witchcraft
and wizardry. I feel
look upon me 48 thousand word latter and I have a novel, as I talk
the time has come
to my doctor I
to restring the bait, bait and lure this I sth
e way to catch the big
undertstand that our coun try its development created buy
ones. I sleep you
Ronald McDonald, smiley
sleep we sleep quid pro quo There ARE TWO DIFF
face im lovin it, emeinem goofy lyrics goofy goofy movie, I write
these words you
WOMEN, FIRST MEN ARE FROM Mars while women are
read these words. The Great debaters one smart line, education is
from venus, the author of thi\s book must have
represented many
the only emphasis
things in his life
on only, way to escape ignorance, ignorance is bliss, but to the
and dictated several hearings of blah blah kas
ha bla. This may not
monopoly or the
make much sense
oligopoly, where is the Supreme VCourt when we need them,
to you now but believe me when I say that ther
e is a half full
overflowing cup of h20.
WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 where is Kanye when
E=mc2 but to who, to us there Olympians or to
the iundonesians,
yopu need him, I was a
after all protestants refer us to god. First
----------------------- Page 90----------------------premise second premise combined equals capitalism, these are
applications and ditch my ass and follow thee, I

took one look on

kjust sayings and [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
what the sum of my life was, and walked
CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 they wer brought from the east and
away. Soon after the son of man held a conferenc
e with his elect
now George Washington jr allows his people
and punished the wicked the thing that is
to have wooden teeth, Abraham Lincoln, never tol a lie and to
wrong wioth america is this, thabnk tyou ADam, y
our book was
show our appreciation we erect a shrine in his
spesctacular. The big red ballon, and the
honor. I hadnt thought about it past the point of giving no
appocalypse flys over my head, there was a night A
ND two that
thought on it since the incidence. You may be
collided with themselves, and i letter we
asking y9ourseld=f what was that incidence, well you see
letter we bring letters to the north star, so ma
ny, so many to
sometimes went off on her husband and threw
document time and spacew is irrelavant, thye
things, other times she would break aqll the Tupperware, in the
fire rises, this is not the time for fear doctor
that comes later.
kitchen, however small a space it was, and
Some times i just like to steal, if i told you h
her being in a wheelchair, she still found a way to nmot only= z
name id be snithching, mess with me and gte bodi
ed. Yesterday i
knock all the pots and pans off the top of the
fell hard on a rail, then to the ground,
refrigerator, she actually would make her way to the flowers on
innamanite objects float a moon around saturn, f
ollow its direct
top of the cabinets. Hermione and Ron
coarse wind water
typically never talked about thye incidant but each wewre
meteorites come after me i shall never be the sa
me thank you
reminded of it every time There are two truths in
john, you fuss and
this world one is dark and one light. The intercontinental United
fight over the answers and so do i, conjugate my
vers, practice
States is filled with lots and lots of pain and
with my nouns, push
suffering, many deaths shall be located in the circumference of
your propaganda forward. Mad men season four the
hills season
the diaphragm of the South Carolina. Many
five, 4th nephi... my
shall say yea yea lord, but they have not set their opinions so
bad, jesus save america well said, howerver did
you try tylenol or
highly upon the vain things of this world, that
its generic
they can no longer perceive the light that is within them, and

acemetaphine? Try it, try advil, pop a couiple I

bprofrin, 200
another thing is that type type type, verse one
poumnds 145 not gettin
verse two. Let the world see let the blind man see let the guilty
to the top, Pavlov where are youj why dont youj
make us kings,
feel punish, let the mercy surround the mercy
Selc actualized
seat. The twelve tribes of the apocalypse, do not enter their
theories, thoughts medicene, The va has it all i
never need to
mouth to the high stakes poker game, neither
leave, sleeping in slc
sleeping in seattle, this is a joke you know how
aesy this is for me,
you that suggested that I leave all my worldly
----------------------- Page 91----------------------WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016 do you have any idea,
thing, and they did, Pharoahs son killed, and
all the first born of
somedays i wish i had
the egyptians? as the angel of death passed
never met you, then i wouylddnt have to watch you throw it all
through the city the first born of those that
spread lambs blood
away, Clever persuit
of the truth, magnificent performance, break the treblee off in my
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 their door, were saved, t
he pasover You
and me me and you, we are one. Son, as the
capital of black, tempt me, how brave are you verey, and add
audience commands is who wew must appraise. My
mind your
some things to this
delicious contour to my existence, ing to me
blog, kick me out the 2 bed, create me andother two bd two ina a
knowledge, let me feast upon a part of you suc
cor, i love the
half baths, thi sis
feeling you leave in my soul. The true justipo
se is
what were talking about, pepto, man pawn big blkack, tmi, tmi if
forget ll that, I realize theres a in the wear
house, but the true
only i was an angel
meaning of things the true meaning of
then id be able to spread my voice to the whole world, every knee
Christmas, justifies the end that make up the
means to get there.
sshall bend, every
"Fill this cup yomagachie" Get that camera
heart shall confess that Jesus is the Christ, The only begotten of
out my face, There no treble in my headphones,

i share this with

the father. That is
you as the Mot high watches, I dare not say
true, Alma 26, Brother I feel like your boasting in your own
the circumstance that surround his love, for I
am but a hopeles
strength, i am not, i am
sinner, i love the Lord, but when my soul
only boasting of the greatness of god. Who art thou, art ou the
wishes to rejoice, i groan within my hert o Wr
etched man tht I
holy spirit, i am not I
am, why should my soul slacken, because of
am but a man. You are the most ... loyal servant i have evr had,
my sins.Nephi. Thres room for improvement here
and the fact
you even remember
remains that we must pull it out of ourdelves,
to feed my sheep, how did you smite off all those men arms, if iu
bring thew fire that hate can not destroy, all
ow your freedom to
tell you how i did
allow for forgiveness, dont just be it, do it
thesse things would you promise to believe, I would give awayall
and never look back, Jesus is the light and li
fe of the world, a city
my sins to know
that is set on a hill that can not be hid. Thi
god, be it according to thy desire. Ammon then blessed Kin\g
the way unto salvation, Jesus and only Jesus.
See More Food is a
Lamoni, and he fell to
portal into the future, why because it
the earth overcome byu the spirit. There is no offering son, where
ultimately affects the user years later, eithe
r by extending their
the lmb, Isaac asks,
lifes of subtracting years from it!! I think o
you, you are son. An i am so sad. YOu turn your staff into a
bodies are time machines, you see everything w
e do were either
serpent, beghold my power, servants do the same
moving towards the light of Jesus or were
----------------------- Page 92----------------------moving [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF CHRIS THOMAS] July 5, 2016
touch them to ask them this simple question how
do you work,
towards the death and captivity of Satan,
why aren t our [THE
until the night of nothingness wherein no man can work, and if
you procrastinate your repentance until that
vehicles flying through
day you ll be in trouble, because the spirit will not always strive

the stratosphere yet, what does it take to get

to the point where
with man, and i think it ends striving on the
our clouds no longer
night of darkness, wherein no man can work!! anyways the way
depreciate at such an alarming rate that the Pr
esident of Sudan
our bodies are trancendants into the future
would be alarmed
and past is simply because we take pictures, the past, we eat
Chris Thomas Here s the thing if i could I woul
d, for instance if I
food, the future, we read books, D&C How great
could spell I d spell
shall be our advantage in the world to come!! Every choice we
you a rhyme, so true, If I could reason i d rea
son myself out of this
make is either leaving portals to the past, or
hell, these secret
dictating our final reward in the future, heaven or hell!! Posted by
acts of kindness taking over, If I could split
the molecules of an
Chris T If one dances in a circle around
atom I d give you the
many the one has taught the many, and the two step line dance
world. Id hold it in my hand as you dictate its
orbital status around
of the many
Jupiter, If I saw
becomes simpler, moments after the one is done, Michael
pained with the fist of your lover I d step int
he ring and destroy
Jackson was the one that
the maker of your
danced in the circle around the many, giving light and knowledge
children, not only once would I throw myself in
to the ring for your
to the many, now
love, but twice, I
he s dead and we mourn, I can not reach out to you, and I m sorry
am a coward that s why I can no longer protect
you, I would, but I
I have broken the
couldn t Rome you
rules now it s too late for me, and I may loose you forever that is
sing so beatifully, this is the tool i have cra
fted to see through,
the sad truth of this
What do you want
world, the money we make the power we have over influencing
from me? Im just trying to keep my head above w
ater, As I listen
others, and still I m
to you rome, i think
blind, how could my retina s lie to me so, why would they leave
will my words be as beautiful as yours, I threw
my sisters stuff
subject a so cold and
away, does this make
downtrodden. It s right It s right I see the implications that allow

me an ugly person, i cry in my heart, waiting f

or you to save me,
time travel, there
take my hand im
right in front of me. I could reach out and touch them if you d
stuck on the edge of this plateau, my voice is
spent..., and now i
allow me, I want to
can not cry out to you for help, i just pray an
----------------------- Page 93----------------------have faith, and hope, i hope you will find me and save me from
company of his two childrem, and wife, he had tr
ouble sleeping at
myself, these talents are talented in my mind,
night after their departure, as he lay in
They appear daily to wake me from my slumber. Please just leave
me to die, i can but i cant and i forfeit my
5, 2016 in the living room, he methodically
mansion its yours, run wild with this knowledge, its not a bad [THE
flips from one channel to the next, until he hea
rs someone at the
door, he stands up, a little unerved, and
July 5, 2016 thing, its simply good, and only good for one person,
looks suspiciously through the peep hole, to fin
d his wife and two
which is you Chris Thomas thank you 30
children standing on his front porch, they
seconds to mars, no wi know that its a beautiful lie, but i diregard
wer covered in snow, and as michael saw them his
heart skipped a
you rtruth, bacause you didn t specify the
beat, he thought for a second, if the
lie that was had, and who first engaged these lies to their
halucingins were representing themselves in his
body to make
audiences, This life in these times offers so many
him halucinate, Michael turns hi s back to the
oppo...rtunities, to build a beautiful mansion, to enrich the lifes
front door, sits down on the cold wooden floor b
eneath his, and
your children, or maybe you envision yourself
starts to worry, he checks his pulse,
hosting SNL, what ever the dream is, you have to go get it, no one
everything seemed normal, but they wre all dead
had been for
is going to hand it to you for nothing, and if
years, he knew cause
they do you will depsise those that gave the gift for nothing, an
he attended their funerals, and placed a single
red rose in each of
you will throw rocks at you new shiny things,
their caskets. This
Theres one man, whose art is so superb that many will wish to
was heavy and Michael knew he had to get up off

the cold
know his beliefes, which could in turn turn him
hardwood floor
into one of the greatest missionaries this world has ever seen,
eventually, he took a few deep breaths and slowl
y stood up onto
many things not said, and many things thought
his feet, he peered
through as analytical as possible and still there are flaws, is this
back out th epeephole very cautiosly this time,
and to his
world seamless, and if so, how does the
astounishment no one was
memory of the mind bring certain things to ones own thoughts,
there, pheee what a sigh of reliefe. Now he coul
d het back to his
but seemingly deletes the rest of the
normal life of sitting
memory, Chris Thomas , steps ionto his house after shoveling the
on the couch feeling sorry for himself, he only
hoped they would
long walk outside by the garden for several
return some future
hours, while it was still snowing, and because its colorado, yes the
day from today, and if so he would not act so co
wardly and invite
sun was shining while it was snowing, as he
them into his
takes his shoes off at t...he front door, Michael, looks around to
home. a session a blank cicetion, plant and harv
est i say it stays,
find himself alone, he no longer had the
there will be no
----------------------- Page 94----------------------stumps on my land, nd thats how it begins a father showing
perfect, Ladies and gentleman the great Steve Na
sh. Posted by
jurisdiction to a child we
Chris Thomas at 10:00 P I found your picture
are the choen generation, the teacjher is no better than the
from years back, in it was the feeling of wonder,
or was it
learner, in mid day each
whimsical, yea thats what the word was Whimsical,
left occupations to hear from the [THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF
you spilled my syrup on my book of mormon. I was
upset but i
didnt mention hardly at all after the 5th time,
2016 other. your congragation is unfallibale,, your meat truck is
After all they were my favorite quad given to me
by my parents.
majestic? questiopn
YOu love me when i bleed, you love to see
mark, followed by a description, the author signs the actor sings,
y 5, 2016

and the narrator

agony, and so are you, you live like theirs no
tomorrow, your suggestions on a complacent life a
re no
Its a hot summer day, the ladies are at play, we join our people
suggestions to me in one ear and out the other, A
that are not the 1
all i never hear a hint of complacinty in your vo
ice Pacific Ocean
percent more so the
death is eminent, yes I am stuck in the middle
1/8th of the population, i send a letter to George clooney, never
of the pacific ocean, trying to keep my head abov
e water, my
replied, i end a letter
iPhone is the only thing my right hand is
to barrack got lost in the flowers, i sent a letter to Donald Trump, i
salvaging, and as i watch my spaceship sink into
the depths of the
need loan, whats
abyss, I think to myself my I sure am glad I
the chance your the biggest bank in the world, well im sure if you
wasn t on that spaceship once it finally met its
demise, so now i
go next door to our
have to save my iPhone so i can save myself,
sister company theyd help you there, as christopher Walkens exits
these two things meet my own demands for justice,
justice upon
the building the
my illfitted uncommonly odd need for
adness nd remorse is written ll over hi fdace, last call crso\n daly,
survival, suppose i pay too close attention durin
g my history class,
drink up, bartender,
sophomore year you want me to fats from
bring me a spoon for i will take my couph medicine, and it will
his love, you want me to suffer from his lack of
love, in my minds
suffice for the moment,
eye, i simply kneel at the feet of Jesus and
thanks honey, prolificated naamated conjugated nouns, spani\h, i
ask for his forgiveness, he gives it to me, I sim
ply ask and he
eat eat spanish
allows me to feel his undying love, but you say I
rice, we are infallible toward the animals big and small, we answer
must go with out, but I know several people that
wouldn t
to god, and our own conciounces, we
hesitate to fall down at Jesus feet and bath hi
s feet
never back down, and we dont stop til we get enough, the sum of
with their tears, and i am one of them You and me
me and you,
your life, the game is flawed my play was
we are one. Son, as the audience commands

----------------------- Page 95----------------------is who wew must appraise. My mind your delicious contour to my
Whos to say my man that we are not here to stay
, the begining
existence, ing to me knowledge, let me
ends at the end. TRue
feast upon a part of you succor, i love the feeling you leave in my
story so when you look for me youll find me abo
ut the bus my
soul. The true justipose is forget ll that, I
mother brushes the
realize theres a in the wearhouse, but the true meaning of things
hair out of my eyes, there is one waiting, to t
each but it is not
right, it is so
THOMAS] July 5, 2016 meaning of Christmas, justifies the end that
perspectively correct, but these things will no
t do, for only one
make up the means to get there. "Fill this
holds the key. watch
cup yomagachie" Get that camera out my face, There no treble in
my headphones, i share this with you as the
July 5, 2016 re jut
Mot high watches, I dare not say the circumstance that surround
like those commercials i see on tv do it its qu
id pro qo, I do this
his love, for I am but a hopeles sinner, i love
certain thing and you
the Lord, but when my soul wishes to rejoice, i groan within my
give me a prize for my diligince in the night s
ky, shooting star,
hert o Wretched man
thank you weezy, but
tht I am, why should my soul slacken, because of my sins.Nephi.
try to break it down find the key attribute\ of
the subject matter ,
Thres room for
JUli Roberts, Mona
improvement here and the fact remains that we must pull it out
Lisa smile, two wait in the rafters the phantom
is lurking witing for
of ourdelves, bring
his commands to
thew fire that hate can not destroy, allow your freedom to allow
be met, or death becomes her and all that surro
und her, this is
for forgiveness, dont
not just the temporakl
just be it, do it and never look back, Jesus is the light and life of
death, I do not men the death o\f the body alon
the world, a city that
but the death of the spirit, save me, save me,
thank you thank
is set on a hill that can not be hid. Thi is the way unto salvation,

you, my soul will ever

Jesus and only Jesus.
be greatful, and i thank thee. Proof
Yo check it imnma try it out, give me a beat and a snare your
Please carefully review your Digital Proof down
load for
almost there tap the bas
formatting, grammar,
a few then off to tlanta with my crew, we dont need no inpiration,
and design issues that may need to be corrected
. We recommend
all we need is
that you
contimplation, circumfrance of a circle, thats not a diagram thats
review your book three times, with each time fo
cusing on a
who i am and thesse
different aspect.
beats slide through my caribal corftex to my lip\s and onward to
Once you are satisfied with your review, you ca
n approve your
proof and
infinity and beyond,
----------------------- Page 96----------------------move forward to the next step in the publishing process. To print
the Bahamas, she was more than just my wife
. She had these
this proof
brand new airings on
we recommend that you scale the PDF to fit the size of your printer
her ears, the way that they fell upon her,
I believe in you I believe in the possibili
ties of languages. Deaf
Check the format, including headers, footers, page numbers,
blind there is no
spacing, table of contents, and index.
time the only time that we ever had was the
disrupted accounts
Review any images or graphics and captions if applicable.
that she gave me
Read the book for grammatical errors and typos.
from the beginning, I heard her speak and t
hat was all she wanted
1 23
to do, she spoke
Digital Proofer
so eloquently that we never saw the bridge
from the bay ever
My Thoughts Finally
Authored by Mr Christopher Max...
again then again the
6.0" x 9.0" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
planet is dying and we are rising the most

insolent, ideas are

Black & White on White paper
broadcast from our
196 pages
small quaint existence, defy defy me and I w
ill have them
ISBN-13: 9781530978656
checking posters, defy
ISBN-10: 1530978653
and lie and ill kick you in the leg. Li Wayn
e Please the cinnamon
My thoughts 10
was getting
By Christopher Maxwell Thomas
higher than we, at the location that we fel
t we were there London
Today was Riggers birthday. He woke up. Older. And a little bit
England that is,
colder, his wife had
so why do I worship this and not that, you
never bought the two
been slapping him all night long, now this isn t a comedy
Of us ice cream
interruption of your
that s because you didnt want to I have an e
xasperation of hopes
normal news, this is smarter than that. I had been waking up next
and dreams
to her trying to
bring it to the field what happening last n
ight did not happen
be with me. As she woke I tried to impress her by faking still sleep.
perhaps the time
I watched as
change over the Atlantic ocean was by a bys
tanders point of view
she left the bed with her things and stored one on the plane next
easier making it
to the steradians.
in the middle east then again I didn t find
it all that interesting
Even her carry on bags were beautiful. The way that the mid day
being there as
sun rested upon
opposed to my wife s beautiful mansion, tha
t being said the sloop
her face she seemed like her name was purple and yellow. She
of the tongue
was a sunset set in
was counted correctly and the party started
at a quarter past
three. Tings is
----------------------- Page 97----------------------slobbering all over me and my wife, she s had it up to the
listening to her words. She desperately wanted
me to fuck her but
moon, there is cheese there, many other things to

something that
discover. The pain that was hers is now the center of our
filled with circumstances was inoperable to our
existence even
relationship. The other night was all time over then and
though we had been
there but we hadnt had enough of anything. I had bought
together for several years. I could still remembe
r a few years
a suede backpack that glimmered and shined in the
aghast the family had
darkness. The moon shone on the night of our adventure.
almost been destroyed it wasn t a risk it The o
ther day as a Matter
You can not minimize the seat that we sit in. I offer you
of fact this wasnt
one as well thatch called justice not mercy, why do this?
superscribe by her doctor. This anger that she had
all the time.
I can t think of a single Peron that lives on that side of The
Previously I had gone
Bay But you must know Gatsby. You know for a quick
to the library to find out what this woman might ha
ve had that
second I m about to jump off a mother fucking cliff on top
bothered her mind so.
of a horse and be chill in the morning, Thomas pastrami
Like I said I hadn t ever put this out ever bef
ore I had hoped that
IRS not doing this, I was. I knew how to spend it better.
she was flexible
They all got deans listed, Why? The reasons were sparse. I
because to do a three some you had to improvise
. 2 Chain. I had
hadn t asked her anything and still he showed her his box
seldom thought
room! There was something different about his look,
about her superscription to this unused medicat
ion that wasn t
The faction hasn t been there long enough, I agree but the flag is
real, it wasnt at all I
still at half mass, is
came here and there to make sure that I was on
top while she was
there mass today? I nod in disagreement but the lady could still
on bottom, call it
feel what my
anything you necessarily wanted to I had the mi
nd to impregnate
adoration towards her, and this is not all there was no mass toddy
her again, why? You
but I fucking lied
ask is the empire state building higher than th
e cup of soup that
the lady I called wife
The people that are antiquated in this great and spacious building
had given after me to the present day I did not
have the mind to
are not actually

tell her that what

there that are kings and queens of the falsehood that is the world
she had given me was founded earlier in the yea
r. I needed Christ
they are here you
and Christ needed
are not, show him your dick you bitch, The last line of the song
me why the fuck could he have created such a be
autiful young
wasn t even coming
woman to be
the same way and you know it. I have become unfinished she
restarted, and did I tell her hell no I didn t,
either the couch will
said I wasn t really
move itself pro the
----------------------- Page 98----------------------Christ, as tree will knot fit, there is room here son, and theirs
trial Mr. Roofing, Hook even she found out abou
t my cocaine
room here, I didnt tony
addiction jumped a
know. But she never knew him. Why have you been gone all
porter plane enjoyed her free ride obviously and
then killed
herself on the fucking
I was out why do you ask? The way home this night was extra
plane can you believe that shit Hmm O well I told my
self. The
scary to my best
years after those
friend Tings we had to stop the car several times to make sure
three years I found myself in Miami Florida with
two chicks
that the boogie
instead of one. There
man wasn t overcoming Riggers soul. I kept telling him that there
are the quick and the dead who are you the quick
who are they
wasn t anything
the dead, correct
to fear except fear itself. Like one other president said Ask not
there are certain things in this life that people
simply do not tell
what this country
you and one is the
can do for you but what you can do for the country. Hello class I
married woman that live here in Fort Knox and Ken
tucky even
said as I walked
that are giving up
into the class. The answer was rhetorical and the bottles were
the pussy, My drill sergeant told me that and I
popping this was
IT. I went to
definitely the day that I would teach my class metaphysics. One

church the following day and found myself in pu

rgatory. I didn t
young girl
put down the
happened to ask me what word he was referring to I replied I
money fast enough she was still gone, I wished
that Rebecca could
didn t exact ally
have stayed
know when in fact I knew exact tally. That s what our class was
longer every night Rigger was outside crying ov
er her death, I
oral interpretation
buried her here
at its finest I almost didn t hear her question, I was baffled and a
under our favorite tree so that no matter what
I would never
little confused so
forget her and her
I decided to get rip soaringly drunk. I hadnt quite met this man
soft steel earrings. Now I k now what you are thi
nking the story
that these peeps
can t be that sad,
called Gatsby but I intended to, I promise you I kept telling my
but it is. Until one day she showed up unannoun
ced and we lived
self. And then at
happily ever
the very end of the party I did.
after. This woman s name was unknown to all tha
t ever met knew
My Heavenly Father s Kingdom was awaiting me. Let s go where
or fucking kissed
do you want to?
her. I For our 50th anniversary we went to a cave
within the
anywhere I said three years later I fucking killed her. Now this is
middle of the
not the OJ Simpson
----------------------- Page 99----------------------mountains we hadn t been there long when we found tourists
my wife do not know how we may decide on your
looking for a place to
what are you two doing in there we heard a no
ise, We are
live they had there camper it was a 96 Chevrolet something about
actually, with the help of god are preaching
hate allocated
the meaning of
in this book. What is the name of it, The man
looked at the
death that s what they told us anyways. They parked them\selves
book in hips right hand then showed the title
to my
right next to Lake
husband, its called good omens. You don t hav

e to do this
placid there wasn t any other rs in the camp me and my wife
sir, do w, cautiously again, what This sir th
is is wrong I have
\seemed to end there
read that said book and I know from my heaven
ly father
attention. AS the days passed the night were longer than the sun
that this book you conceal is pretty fucking
evil, i hear
that fell in the sky
something in there is that, is that your wife
crying sir, This
prior to the day that left at the end. We hadnt been there and
is a sucking stand up, I looked behind me and s
aw three
towards the end of
men with loaded shotguns pointed directly at
this mans
our stay there we happened top pass by there location and over
shelter that he called an RV, The three ran g
ot the front
heard them
door, and began opening fire, now I have neve
speaking words from good omen, this was a book that I came
remembered the seven harry potters that she s
across at the sec
obsequiously handed to me, I put the book dow
n and
county jail during my stet there there were answers to both side
prayed. The thought that the angel gave to me
in this book. It
founded in Captain Morons last words, kind of
like Gordon
surrounded crazy but as we slowly approached there camp we
B Brinkleys last words read. So I began readin
g again good
saw nothing except
omen s, if anyone was going to save this man
s soul it had
the moon shining over the camp and the soft clouds that were
definitely been me. As me and my wife returne
d to our
surrounding the
camp, we started conversing about the event t
hat had
moon. My wife was braver than me she began walking up to the
taken place right in front of me, Do you think
they got
RV slowly but
quickly. I followed her lead. The man inside the RV came to
to death. I really do not know but at least we
still have
the opening of the front door. He held the book in his right
the cookies. What the fuck are you talking ab
out cookies

hand and cautiously slowly opened the screen door maybe

two people are dead, directly after I said th
is to my woman
it was just the mesquits and the outbreak of the west line
I looked around and all our shit was gone, va
virus, however I saw something in his eyes that read
cheapen, and thats too say the misty of Alexan
der the
something curious. There he saw us baby should we go
great. Honey what the fuck, I said softie. You c
back in a whisper, maybe I think he has a (g...UN) CAN I
sweetheart. I getting FUCKING scared as hell. OK we
ll at
HELP YOU, Um no my wife said we were just here trying
least we still have the flashlight, kin if I re
plied, the
to give you guys some chocolate chip cookies, well me and
batteries were going low and the light wasn t
very bright
----------------------- Page 100----------------------anymore. AS soon as she thought that we heard something
your lover that is kind sir, my wife will never k
now, I Promise you.
thatch sounded like french idiolect. What the fuck was that I said,
After she spoke a
ah I don t
desk flew across the room,,, what the heck I though
t. Now one
know. Five minutes later our flash light went out. Now I have
thing I will say is
never been Freddy
that we were ion Paris, and a documentary was bei
ng filmed,
cougar but who has, the moon was still in its normal positioning in
Every morning my
the sky and the
quest with my wife began with a lot of anger and
stars shone bright. My wife looked down at \the flash light shook
followed by passion lust
it a few times
the show must go on and that will not happen as l
ong sat the
then softly dropped it to the floor. I hit a rock and broke. WE
Maharaja is in
looked at each other.
charge, well guess What King Benjamin taught us b
etter than that
And slowly started to cry. At this point all we\ were doing was
and by the way I
sobbing, and we
have many cups of coffee. What exact ally is the
retaliation of
started to sing hymnals in a soft voice. WE then heard the voice of
5this reversal,
GOD, hah we

Question mark that s what we are speaking of. The

re are several
both thought. We looked into the light of the moon and no one
keys to the
was there. And
English language that are not quite true.
then again we heard the sound of god s voice, it said go so we
There is something wring here I told myself after a
long breakfast
went Ne phi
with my wife, we
showed up wight his younger brother Sam and after twenty two
were going to see the carnival today and that was
no joke, you
extra hours of
see the animals
walking we found Boulder, CO. And later that night Netherlander
were such a lively bunch that Rigger was static a
nd to say the
the city above
ultimate least so was
Boulder and we were safe with a camp. Hats word I thought to
Winnie the poo, both Jewish. That same night the
trident packets
myself I have been
were on the
here and I h\ave performed on this track several times before the
floor I hadnt been in San Borodin long however the
party that
competition was
night was sure to be
niggers all of them chiggers they weren t 5a they were
epic I was the only one with the invitation, and
that s why my wife
sophomores they were
was so livid at
under the stairs. Now class if one of us goes through it who does it
me. Or so it seemed, I placed myself at the must
pristine locations
affect the one\s
all day long and
that followed the pit, which pit is \that miss pretty lady in the
wrote song after song, just waiting for the night
to come,
middle seats, mum
interestingly enough mic
----------------------- Page 101----------------------hale Jackson had taken the audiences attention first and baffled
wings. Or at least that s how I remembered it, who
knows I think I
as I was I had to
was high the night
agree to disagree that Halloween was nothing compared to Ryan
it was playing at the drive in. It was a long and
dusty road that
Hecklers house
spread wide across the
party that wasn t occurring indirectly this night. Hey babe you

country side, she was driving and I loved the fact

that she was I
want to go to a
was drinking a coca
party tonight at Hecklers house. O my god suddenly her frown
cola, the taste was invigorating to me I believed in
her obvious
turned upside
capabilities and that s
down and she repeated tech moneys word s I indefinitely be ion
what supported our beautiful life. She chose to pu
t the pedal to
the medal and we
arrived early to Tuscon Arizona 10 hours early. An
d the only
The next few months were long and hard just not inside my pants.
reason was because I
My wife and I were attending classes at
hadn t yet been there, but she did. The obtrusiven
ess if tit LL WAS
the AA group home in southern California. Why you ask, because
that it was a son of
there are small inflictions of soft core
a bitch to understand. I no wave in my possession
the keys to Ha
Showtime porn originated through out the entire movie, thank
grids house. Now
you Edward Norton. It must have been
class remember the differences between the on plus
the other,
morning because these racing thoughts were not leaving my
the variables may be
mind, she walked into the foyer and saw me
stacked high, but the arrhythmical is not present,
Slacker and
basically just like standing there lost in Translation. She looked at
Steve were talk show
me and began to
rodeo bull bucking at its finest. It was a soverei
gn, kind of like the
sob, for her husband was no longer standing there talking to her,
survey that we took
Chris she kept
in the middle class to have the rights to the king
dom. Leonardo
saying over and over whats wrong, as soon as my ears heard her
DiCaprio I have been
lovely soft voice I
a poor man and I have been a rich man and I choose
money over
snapped out of it and hugged and kissed my wife, now I won t tell
the none every
you that the
FUCKING time, there is mo stability in meagerness.
Now class if
occurrences that happened later that night were not pg and it
we take these two
involved a fucking

premise we will be at odds between ourselves if it

wasn t a
movie I wanted to watch up in the air one of my all time favorites,
hundred percent true
you know it was
about Newton s law of gravity, keep in mind though
t that its still
\pretty much about a Black Card being used again and again, until
just a theory. The
George won his
----------------------- Page 102----------------------gecko from the car insurance add can teach us the devaluing
probable but not possible. The way that she t
alked was out of this
morals of the
world why was
nineteenth century quite well. So after class please turn in your
the sky blue and what difference did it make
to her, all she did
papers and I will
was nags ND
slothfully grade them.
complain at me especially when we went to Ru
bios, throwing
The next day with Heidi proved to be a disaster all
forks at little
together she was just so mad that I had blown up the
children flays accusing the waitress of givin
g her chocolate milk
Dodge Duran go that she came out in the street and
when obviously
started beating the dog to a bloody pulse there wasn t any
she was drinking normal milk. After that meal
in times square I
stopping her, and just so you know she s not really dead,
decided to take a
we ll do a double date or something come on my treat,
break from my wife indefinitely which when I
presented it to her
how do you like them apples, Im telling you you can have
she wept for
your cake and eat it too it s just wonderful, miss Lady
thirteen hours in a row, o well at least I ha
d my sanity.
Antebellum if I may, you slipways council us on the
chocolate chip cookies, well me and my wife d
o not know how we
strategy to becoming rich and dying rich but you never do.
may decide on
I mean tyke for instances the ten my thoughts books
your cookies, what are you two doing in there
we heard a noise,
written by Mr Christopher Maxwell Thomas, and tell me if
We are actually,
he etas cake, and Im talking about the band they fell off
with the help of god are preaching hate allocated
in this book.
a long time ago, Julia looked at me with such alarm that

What is the name of

she eventually began crying in front of me and we huge
it, The man looked at the book in hips right
hand then showed the
for a long time. The next day at our academy was well
title to my
spent the choke was not included in the curriculum, and
husband, its called good omens. You don t hav
e to do this sir, do
being only 6 I felt the need to branch out, see the world for what
w, cautiously again,
it was and not
what This sir this is wrong I have read that
said book and I know
just the choke. So I moved into a nice two bedroom house across
from my heavenly
from the bay and
father that this book you conceal is pretty f
ucking evil, i hear
I thought I could always continue to study writing, but given the
something in there is
world lustful
that, is that your wife crying sir, This is a
sucking stand up, I looked
distractions I gave all that up and studied law instead.
behind me and
Woman your crowding the bed get out of here with that
saw three men with loaded shotguns pointed di
rectly at this mans
insatiable regret of
shelter that he
paying the mortgage too late that is simply not+ like you. I know
called an RV, The three ran got the front doo
r, and began opening
babe but the its
fire, now I have
----------------------- Page 103----------------------never remembered the seven harry potters that she so
heard the sound of god s voice, it said go so we
went Ne phi
obsequiously handed to me,
showed up wight his younger brother Sam and
I put the book down and prayed. The thought that the angel gave
after twenty two extra hours of walking we foun
d Boulder, CO.
to me was
And later that night Netherlander the city
founded in Captain Morons last words, kind of like Gordon B
above Boulder and we were safe with a camp. Hats
word I
Brinkleys last words read. So I began reading again good omen s,
thought to myself I have been here and I h\ave
if anyone was going to save this man s soul
performed on this track several times before th
e competition was
it had definitely been me. As me and my wife returned to our
niggers all of them
camp, we started conversing about the event

chiggers they weren t 5a they were sophomores t

hey were under
that had taken place right in front of me, Do you think they got
the stairs. Now
shoot to death. I really do not know but at
class if one of us goes through it who does it affe
ct the one\s that
least we still have the cookies. What the fuck are you talking
followed the pit,
about cookies two people are dead, directly after
which pit is \that miss pretty lady in the midd
le seats, mum your
I said this to my woman I looked around and all our shit was gone,
lover that is kind sir,
vanished cheapen, and thats too say the
my wife will never know, I Promise you. After she
spoke a desk
misty of Alexander the great. Honey what the fuck, I said softie.
flew across the
You concur sweetheart. I getting
room,,, what the heck I thought. Now one thing I wi
ll say is that
FUCKING scared as hell. OK well at least we still have the
we were ion Paris,
flashlight, kin if I replied, the batteries were going
and a documentary was being filmed, Every morni
ng my quest
low and the light wasn t very bright anymore. AS soon as she
with my wife began
thought that we heard something thatch
with a lot of anger and betrayal followed by pa
ssion lust the show
sounded like french idiolect. What the fuck was that I said, ah I
must go on and
don t know. Five minutes later our flash light
that will not happen as long sat the Maharaja i
s in charge, well
went out. Now I have never been Freddy cougar but who has, the
guess What King
moon was still in its normal positioning in
Benjamin taught us better than that and by the
way I have many
the sky and the stars shone bright. My wife looked down at \the
cups of coffee. What
flash light shook it a few times then softly
exact ally is the retaliation of 5this reversal
, Question mark that s
dropped it to the floor. I hit a rock and broke. WE looked at each
what we are
other. And slowly started to cry. At this point
speaking of. There are several keys to the Engl
ish language that
all we\ were doing was sobbing, and we started to sing hymnals in
are not quite true.
a soft voice. WE then heard the voice of
There is something wring here I told myself aft
er a long breakfast
GOD, hah we both thought. We looked into the light of the moon
with my wife, we
and no one was there. And then again we

----------------------- Page 104----------------------were going to see the carnival today and that was no joke, you
there talking to her, Chris she kept saying over
and over
see the animals were
whats wrong, as soon as my ears heard her lovely
such a lively bunch that Rigger was static and to say the ultimate
voice I snapped out of it and hugged and kissed
my wife,
least so was Winnie
now I won t tell you that the occurrences that h
the poo, both Jewish. That same night the trident packets were on
later that night were not pg and it involved a f
the floor I hadnt
movie I wanted to watch up in the air one of my al
l time
been in San Borodin long however the party that night was sure to
favorites, you know it was pretty much about a B
lack Card
be epic I was the
being used again and again, until George won his
only one with the invitation, and that s why my wife was so livid at
Or at least that s how I remembered it, who know
s I think I was
me. Or so it
high the night it
seemed, I placed myself at the must pristine locations all day long
was playing at the drive in. It was a long and d
usty road that
and wrote song
spread wide across
after song, just waiting for the night to come, interestingly enough
the country side, she was driving and I loved th
e fact that she was
mic hale Jackson
I was drinking a
had taken the audiences attention first and baffled as I was I had
coca cola, the taste was invigorating to me I be
lieved in her
to agree to disagree
obvious capabilities
that Halloween was nothing compared to Ryan Hecklers house
and that s what supported our beautiful life. She
chose to put the
party that wasn t
pedal to the
occurring indirectly this night. Hey babe you want to go to a party
medal and we arrived early to Tuscon Arizona 10
hours early. And
tonight at Hecklers
the only reason
house. O my god suddenly her frown turned upside down and she
we did was because the sun never sets early in p
rison. I remember

repeated tech
as I was a
moneys word s I indefinitely be ion attendance tonight.
young man in college attending the University of
Yale, and I
The next few months were long and hard just not
always thought to
inside my pants. My wife and I were attending classes
myself what is this existence made from. The sho
w that usually
at the AA group home in southern California. Why you
peeked my mind
ask, because there are small inflictions of soft core
was The Big Bang Theory.
Showtime porn originated through out the entire movie,
The end
thank you Edward Norton. It must have been morning
The possibil My thoughts 10
because these racing thoughts were not leaving my mind,
By Christopher Maxwell Thomas
she walked into the foyer and saw me basically just like
Today was Riggers birthday. He woke up. Older. An
d a little bit
standing there lost in Translation. She looked at me and
colder, his wife had
began to sob, for her husband was no longer standing
----------------------- Page 105----------------------been slapping him all night long, now this isn t a comedy
it in the middle east then again I didn t
find it all that interesting
interruption of your
being there as opposed to my wife s beaut
normal news, this is smarter than that. I had been waking up next
mansion, that being said the sloop of the
tongue was counted
to her trying to
correctly and the party started at a quart
er past
be with me. As she woke I tried to impress her by faking still sleep.
three. Tings is slobbering all over me and
my wife, she s had it up
I watched as she
to the moon, there is cheese there, many
left the bed with her things and stored one on the plane next to
other things to discover. The pain that wa
s hers is now the center
the steradians.
of our relationship. The other night was a
Even her carry on bags were beautiful. The way that the mid day
time over then and there but we hadnt had e
nough of anything. I
sun rested upon
had bought a suede backpack that
her face she seemed like her name was purple and yellow. She
glimmered and shined in the darkness. The
moon shone on the

was a sunset set in

night of our adventure. You can not minim
the Bahamas, she was more than just my wife. She had these
the seat that we sit in. I offer you one a
s well thatch called justice
brand new airings on
not mercy, why do this? I can t think of a
her ears, the way that they fell upon her,
single Peron that lives on that side of Th
e Bay But you must know
I believe in you I believe in the possibilities of languages. Deaf
Gatsby. You know for a quick second I m
blind there is no time the only time that we
about to jump off a mother fucking cliff o
n top of a horse and be
ever had was the disrupted accounts that she gave me from the
chill in the morning, Thomas pastrami IRS
beginning, I heard her speak and that was all
not doing this, I was. I knew how to spen
d it better. They all got
she wanted to do, she spoke so eloquently that we never saw the
deans listed, Why? The reasons were sparse
. I
bridge from the bay ever again then again
hadn t asked her anything and still he sh
owed her his box room!
the planet is dying and we are rising the most insolent, ideas are
There was something different about his
broadcast from our small quaint existence,
defy defy me and I will have them checking posters, defy and
The faction hasn t been there long enough, I agr
ee but the flag is
lie and ill kick you in the leg. Li Wayne
still at half mass, is
Please the cinnamon was getting higher than we, at the location
there mass today? I nod in disagreement bu
t the lady could still
that we felt we were there London England
feel what my
that is, so why do I worship this and not that, you never bought
adoration towards her, and this is not all
there was no mass toddy
the two Of us ice cream that s because you
but I fucking lied
didnt want to I have an exasperation of hopes and dreams bring
it to the field what happening last night did
The people that are antiquated in this gre
at and spacious
not happen perhaps the time change over the Atlantic ocean was
building are not actually there that are
kings and queens of
by a bystanders point of view easier making
the falsehood that is the world they are h
ere you are not,
----------------------- Page 106-----------------------

show him your dick you bitch, The last line of the song
wasn t anything to fear except fear itself. Lik
e one other
wasn t even coming the same way and you know it. I have
president said Ask not what this country can do
for you
become unfinished she said I wasn t really listening to her
but what you can do for the country. Hello class I
said as
words. She desperately wanted me to fuck her but
I walked into the class. The answer was rhetori
cal and the bottles
something that filled with circumstances was inoperable to
were popping
our existence even though we had been together for
this was definitely the day that I would teach
my class
several years. I could still remember a few years aghast the
metaphysics. One young
family had almost been destroyed it wasn t a risk it The
girl happened to ask me what word he was referr
ing to I replied I
other day as a Matter of fact this wasnt superscribe by her
didn t exact ally
doctor. This anger that she had all the time. Previously I
know when in fact I knew exact tally. That s wh
at our class was
had gone to the library to find out what this woman might
oral interpretation
have had that bothered her mind so. Like I said I hadn t
at its finest I almost didn t hear her question
, I was baffled and a
ever put this out ever before I had hoped that she was
little confused so
flexible because to do a three some you had to improvise.
I decided to get rip soaringly drunk. I hadnt qu
ite met this man
2 Chain. I had seldom thought about her superscription
that these peeps
to this unused medication that wasn t real, it wasnt at all I
called Gatsby but I intended to, I promise you I
kept telling my
came here and there to make sure that I was on top while
self. And then at
she was on bottom, call it anything you necessarily wanted
the very end of the party I did.
to I had the mind to impregnate her again, why? You ask is
My Heavenly Father s Kingdom was awaiting me. Le
t s go where
the empire state building higher than the cup of soup that
do you want to?
the lady I called wife had given after me to the present day
anywhere I said three years later I fucking kil
led her. Now this is
I did not have the mind to tell her that what she had given
not the OJ
me was founded earlier in the year. I needed Christ and
Simpson trial Mr. Roofing, Hook even she found
out about my
Christ needed me why the fuck could he have created such

cocaine addiction
a beautiful young woman to be restarted, and did I tell her
jumped a porter plane enjoyed her free ride obv
iously and then
hell no I didn t, either the couch will move itself pro the
killed herself on
Christ, as tree will knot fit, there is room here son, and
the fucking plane can you believe that shit Hmm
O well I told
theirs room here, I didnt tony know. But she never knew
myself. The years
him. Why have you been gone all day?
after those three years I found myself in Miami Flo
rida with two
I was out why do you ask? The way home this night was
chicks instead of
extra scary to my best friend Tings we had to stop the car
one. There are the quick and the dead who are you
the quick who
several times to make sure that the boogie man wasn t
are they the
overcoming Riggers soul. I kept telling him that there
----------------------- Page 107----------------------dead, correct there are certain things in this life that people
the sky prior to the day that left at the e
nd. We hadnt been there
simply do not tell you
and towards the
and one is the married woman that live here in Fort Knox and
end of our stay there we happened top pass
by there location and
Kentucky even that
over heard
are giving up the pussy, My drill sergeant told me that and I will
them speaking words from good omen, this wa
s a book that I
came across at the
I went to church the following day and found myself in purgatory.
sec county jail during my stet there there
were answers to both
I didn t put
side in this book. It
down the money fast enough she was still gone, I wished that
surrounded crazy but as we slowly approache
d there camp we
Rebecca could have
saw nothing except
stayed longer every night Rigger was outside crying over her
the moon shining over the camp and the soft
clouds that were
death, I buried her
surrounding the
here under our favorite tree so that no matter what I would never
moon. My wife was braver than me she began
walking up to the
forget her and
RV slowly but

her soft steel earrings. Now I k now what you are thinking the
quickly. I followed her lead. The man insi
de the RV came to the
story can t be that
opening of the
sad, but it is. Until one day she showed up unannounced and we
front door. He held the book in his right h
and and cautiously
lived happily ever
slowly opened the
after. This woman s name was unknown to all that ever met knew
screen door maybe it was just the mesquits
and the outbreak of
or fucking
the west line
kissed her. I For our 50th anniversary we went to a cave within
virus, however I saw something in his eyes
that read something
the middle of the
curious. There he
mountains we hadn t been there long when we found tourists
saw us baby should we go back in a whisper,
maybe I think he has
looking for a place
a (g...UN)
to live they had there camper it was a 96 Chevrolet something
CAN I HELP YOU, Um no my wife said we were
just here
about the meaning
trying to give you guys some chocolate chip
cookies, well
of death that s what they told us anyways. They parked
me and my wife do not know how we may deci
de on your
them\selves right next to
cookies, what are you two doing in there we
heard a
Lake placid there wasn t any other rs in the camp me and my wife
noise, We are actually, with the help of g
od are preaching
\seemed to end
hate allocated in this book. What is the n
ame of it, The
there attention. AS the days passed the night were longer than
man looked at the book in hips right hand
then showed
the sun that fell in
the title to my husband, its called good om
ens. You don t
have to do this sir, do w, cautiously agai
n, what This sir
----------------------- Page 108----------------------this is wrong I have read that said book and I know from
broke. WE looked at each other. And slowly start
ed to cry.
my heavenly father that this book you conceal is pretty
At this point all we\ were doing was sobbing, an

d we started to
fucking evil, i hear something in there is that, is that your
sing hymnals in a
wife crying sir, This is a sucking stand up, I looked behind
soft voice. WE then heard the voice of GOD, hah
we both thought.
me and saw three men with loaded shotguns pointed
We looked into
directly at this mans shelter that he called an RV, The three
the light of the moon and no one was there. And
then again we
ran got the front door, and began opening fire, now I have
heard the sound of
never remembered the seven harry potters that she so
god s voice, it said go so we went Ne phi showed
up wight his
obsequiously handed to me, I put the book down and
younger brother
prayed. The thought that the angel gave to me was
Sam and after twenty two extra hours of walking
we found
founded in Captain Morons last words, kind of like Gordon
Boulder, CO. And later
B Brinkleys last words read. So I began reading again good
that night Netherlander the city above Boulder and
we were safe
omen s, if anyone was going to save this man s soul it had
with a camp.
definitely been me. As me and my wife returned to our
Hats word I thought to myself I have been here a
nd I h\ave
camp, we started conversing about the event that had
performed on this track
taken place right in front of me, Do you think they got
several times before the competition was niggers a
ll of them
shoot to death. I really do not know but at least we still
chiggers they weren t
have the cookies. What the fuck are you talking about
5a they were sophomores they were under the stai
rs. Now class if
cookies two people are dead, directly after I said this to my
one of us goes
woman I looked around and all our shit was gone,
through it who does it affect the one\s that fol
lowed the pit,
vanished cheapen, and thats too say the misty of
which pit is \that miss
Alexander the great. Honey what the fuck, I said softie.
pretty lady in the middle seats, mum your lover that
is kind sir, my
You concur sweetheart. I getting FUCKING scared as
wife will never
hell. OK well at least we still have the flashlight, kin if I
know, I Promise you. After she spoke a desk flew a
cross the
replied, the batteries were going low and the light wasn t
room,,, what the heck I
very bright anymore. AS soon as she thought that we
thought. Now one thing I will say is that we wer

e ion Paris, and a

heard something thatch sounded like french idiolect. What
documentary was
the fuck was that I said, ah I don t know. Five minutes
being filmed, Every morning my quest with my wife
began with a
later our flash light went out. Now I have never been
lot of anger and
Freddy cougar but who has, the moon was still in its
betrayal followed by passion lust the show must
go on and that
normal positioning in the sky and the stars shone bright.
will not happen as
My wife looked down at \the flash light shook it a few
long sat the Maharaja is in charge, well guess W
hat King Benjamin
times then softly dropped it to the floor. I hit a rock and
taught us better than that and by the
----------------------- Page 109----------------------way I have many cups of coffee. What exact ally is the retaliation
basically just like standing there lost in Tran
slation. She looked at
of 5this reversal, Question mark that s
me and began to sob, for her husband was
what we are speaking of. There are several keys to the English
no longer standing there talking to her, Chris
she kept saying over
language that are not quite true.
and over whats wrong, as soon as my ears
There is something wring here I told myself after a long breakfast
heard her lovely soft voice I snapped out of it
and hugged and
with my wife, we were going to see the
kissed my wife, now I won t tell you that the
carnival today and that was no joke, you see the animals were
occurrences that happened later that night were
not pg and it
such a lively bunch that Rigger was static and
involved a fucking movie I wanted to watch up
to say the ultimate least so was Winnie the poo, both Jewish. That
in the air one of my all time favorites, you kn
ow it was pretty
same night the trident packets were on the
much about a Black Card being used again and
floor I hadnt been in San Borodin long however the party that
again, until George won his wings. Or at least th
at s how I
night was sure to be epic I was the only one
remembered it, who knows I think I was high the
with the invitation, and that s why my wife was so livid at me. Or
night it was playing at the drive in. It was a
long and dusty road
so it seemed, I placed myself at the must
that spread wide across the country side, she
pristine locations all day long and wrote song after song, just
was driving and I loved the fact that she was I
was drinking a coca

waiting for the night to come, interestingly

cola, the taste was invigorating to me I
enough mic hale Jackson had taken the audiences attention first
believed in her obvious capabilities and that s
what supported our
and baffled as I was I had to agree to
beautiful life. She chose to put the pedal to
disagree that Halloween was nothing compared to Ryan Hecklers
the medal and we arrived early to Tuscon Arizona
10 hours early.
house party that wasn t occurring indirectly
And the only reason we did was because the
this night. Hey babe you want to go to a party tonight at Hecklers
sun never sets early in prison. I remember as I w
as a young man in
house. O my god suddenly her frown
college attending the
turned upside down and she repeated tech moneys word s I
University of Yale, and I always thought to mys
indefinitely be ion attendance tonight.
what is this existence outside were daShe didn
The next few months were long and hard just not inside my pants.
seem to mind though. Her legs were pressed
My wife and I were attending classes at
against my hips. Your forgetting one thing the
the AA group home in southern California. Why you ask, because
convenience store was closed tonight and we did
n t
there are small inflictions of soft core
get the loods, I don t care she said over and o
ver. If
Showtime porn originated through out the entire movie, thank
anyone was capable of publishing a lie them if
you Edward Norton. It must have been
believe you.
morning because these racing thoughts were not leaving my
3 years later I woke up
mind, she walked into the foyer and saw me
with hey besides me
she hadn t eaten and
----------------------- Page 110----------------------her skin was turning on
abided with me knew that as well. The way of
herself she couldn t
the budda was not a coincidence. Sometimes I
keep up with me. I felt
think to myself what a perpetual thought of
interested and I
nature. However I have been there in both my
deciding know how to
attributes and my attire! What you ask yourself
let her in I simplified
is greater than that? Nothing and everything.
her emotions no
The blood of the land and all else in between

matter what it was

God damnit, hello, there has to be a way to
that she gave to me.
solve certain things you would think, however
Synergy was working
some may discredit the idea of being happy so
well. I wanted to let
we think with ones own securities. There in the
her see that however
meaningful aberrations have been a
all I ever heard from
select few that not only act as Jessee eisenberg b
ut others that
her was my man my
have never considered being Steve Jobs. I m
man. The morning
securely fastened in my exact disagreement about s
treaming your
turned into dusk and
time kind sir, and what do you mean by
we retired to our berk
that, I suppose the one I d not only singular howe
ver it is both.
and grey. d for the
Now I have been to the thundering to see
evening. The only
alligators and coun t dramas living in the bayou.
And right there
problem was that our
sir you have discredited your entire theory.
one blanket simply
Two words The two sides are personified in here an
d there. If I
want enough to keep
was a college man I wouldn t hesitate to ask
her breasts warm and
the us government for a handout. I guess you could
say is the
dyno aaron
same thing as a homeless man collecting money
desperately needed
from his or her social security checks once a mont
h, not to
those to eat besides
mention there children are an enormous part of
her was me and
their one thousand dollars a month. I ve been deal
ing for so long
besides me was us.
that even my ankles were hurting when I got
There was traces of a
to your house. Why I wondered was the dog attackin
g it s owner
raisin in the sun
on a leash even, I didn t have much time to
forever there was a
question much the sun was setting and the walk fro
m the top of
paycheck on the
the hill to there was a long one, I

countertop the African American female that

----------------------- Page 111----------------------guess you could say that to even find this house was a miracle. As
and good knows I asked if they had but they s
imply lied there
I cautiously knocked on there front door.
asses off to me somewhere teaching young
The thought of murder was the only thing on my mind, I could
college students the ethics of today versus t
he ethics of yesterday
imagine anything and everything to be behind
was challenging. kind sir the answer is not
the door of that house. The sun was just about to set and the day
whether man give us reading is much more than
that it you live in
would be over until tomorrow and with the
Phoenix you live in Phoenix. If you pressure
ability to see the strangers on the silver, was upsetting to me
in a different zip code lacrosse was the foun
der of the bitches in
most of all. On my third knock I heard a set of
Disney area codes hanging up side dish even.
footsteps approaching the front door from inside. The door slowly
I will answer your questions but they are not
founded upon
began to open and my stomach dropped.
anything good so why.
An order last stood in front of me and looked squarely T my TYes young money why, I ll tell you guys the t
ruth many people
shirt. She didn t say anything, I hesitantly
believe that this class is
opened my mouth and tried to force the words of help from my
home ech in high school as an easy a but I ca
n assure you that
lips but she slowly shut the door instead. The
that is simply not the
weirdest moment of my life. Later that night I finally found myself
case. It is what it is Nancy cardigan. Many p
eople will accomplish
back in Boulder Colorado. And at the same
there main want to
stores on park Street mall window shopping with little to no
dos and there allegations in their life time.
The good the bad and
money in my pocket. The mall of America is a
the in betweens
predicted rain to cross over the Juarez border to see the way that
how could you have you must have been in betw
een something
we live as opposed to the way they live I
dreamed and
feel excited to know the truth of democracy. We had our certain
something that went terribly wrong in the thi
rd grade, you must
mentality of a society with no looking and
understand it wasn t
when stuck add jk Rowling s monarchy. However they ve

me. I came to this works to party rhianna. Sh

e said it and
forgotten one thing. The language barrier. And you ll
craftsman s isbnd it. Once
find the exact same thing on one side of the rocky mountains as
your very to sir, well whatever the chick is
the one spoken of by
opposed to the other. OK clear the lesson
our doctors D not to
plan for today is the entire social network in between the other
mention Westlake. There really isn t much sen
se to say I want to
two movies at the box office seeking well I
go this way and that
suppose if you consider the, 007 movies to be perpetual
way. But as I was describing yesterday. So la
dies and gentleman
entertainment then if have to hand it to you. Who in
without further
this class feels anything but what I just said the students never say
interruptions I must find series, and that s
the thing she can t be
whiplash. They hadn t even seen the class
coerced. She is
----------------------- Page 112----------------------special. How dare you find at mk with that tone and understand
chosen. I have but
perfection, are you
that s not saying much
ubserd are you mad, yes just doing string theory for fun yes what
it s saying everything.
fun. Look I come to
From beginning to
these possibilities hypothesis procured part tense and never one
china and I m doing it
cent more and I do
in the morning. Trust
know your intentions sir you come here not for her or mainly
your mother the live
here. You fucking
and the hate I swear to
spelled that one wrong bitch. I walked out of the garage to meet
god I never considered
my sister sitting in
it, dies it have to be by the book. You tell a
t me
her car. Awkward was my sin I knew the scripture well kate
but I did not start the rain, you did. How
winslet. Little children,
fucking dare you, article to Facebook I hope we
but we are ashamed but jack black days that was yesterday. Your
can make your stay with us as comfortable as
are drunk. Your
possible, if there s anything you want don t
drunk Jules your drunk. I am the greatest you hit me high, aren t
hesitate to ask. In a place like this it s sim

they great no you

just look out for them and they ll look out for
bitch. There not great and I gave you the Heimlich to save you
you. That must happened one of the greatest
when you gave me
said something and I wrote it down. Adjectives
these to save me. I didn t recognize your car must have just
are boring I want to see you cum. In today s
gotten back from the
society we wake up to Matt lauer. It makes
dealership. Drive off the lot with a brand new Mercedes Benz. But
sense if you listen to the story and stop askin
questions. I guess I have the floor now. Excus
You ve got nothing to
me sir but I have the right to speak in my
work with here. Let
behalf I am afforded that right with my
this man go. But kind
constitution rights I am afforded that ability.
sir ts JFK I don t give a
the condition of the united States of America.
darn you let him go,
Your honour if I may I think what may I d tryin
understand? The direct
to say is that live is blind, and yes I
understanding of the
played football at Notre Dame. As one of the
nation is not
greatest. But the man spoke and great were his
utilitarianism but it is,
words, they weren t the same as before it was
Nietzsche many are
as if he questioned his own preference in the
called but few safe
game of life. I just hope folks will feel and
----------------------- Page 113----------------------understand these words, I just write them
you would think,
don t be a judgemental Californian. The police
however some may
are not here kind of like Seattle, I guess it s just
discredit the idea of
jurisdiction, what is the greatest space
being happy so we
between you and me, there isn t one o yes
think with ones own
week what is the all what is the allgafhthym to
securities. There in the
live, the question now is do I want to be with
you. I mean all were talking about is fluid
aberrations have been

exchange so can we get straight to the sex. I

a select few that not
don t know just tell me your name, I didn t
only act as Jessee
know that you do not want to hear that suit
eisenberg but others
don t duck with me not you, it s not your fault,
that have never
you hear me, is not, thank you for
considered being Steve
understanding what I am saying and yes I have
Jobs. I m securely
been to space camp twice, is not intricate
fastened in my exact
enough, I m sorry that is not the bills but this is
disagreement about
the best that the FBI can afford, don t push me
streaming your time
don t push me. Fuck both of you. The way of
kind sir, and what do
the budda was not a coincidence. Sometimes I
you mean by that, I
think to myself what a
suppose the one I d
perpetual thought of
not only singular
nature. However I
however it is both.
have been there in
Now I have been to
both my attributes and
the thundering to see
my attire! What you
alligators and coun t
ask yourself is greater
dramas living in the
than that? Nothing
bayou. And right there
and everything. The
sir you have
blood of the land and
discredited your entire
all else in between
theory. Two words The two sides are
God damnit, hello,
personified in here and there. If I was a co
there has to be a way
man I wouldn t hesitate to ask the us
to solve certain things
government for a handout. I guess you could
----------------------- Page 114----------------------say is the same thing as a homeless man
to cross over the Juarez border to see the way
collecting money from his or her social security
that we live as opposed to the way they live I
checks once a month, not to mention there
feel excited to know the truth of democracy.

children are an enormous part of their one

We had our certain mentality of a society with
thousand dollars a month. I ve been dealing for
no looking and when stuck add jk Rowling s
so long that even my ankles were hurting when
monarchy. However they ve forgotten one
I got to your house. Why I wondered was the
thing. The language
dog attacking it s owner on a leash even, I
barrier. And you ll find
didn t have much time to question much the
the exact same thing
sun was setting and the walk from the top of
on one side of the
the hill to there was a long one, I
rocky mountains as
guess you could say that to even find this
opposed to the other.
house was a miracle. As I cautiously knocked
OK clear the lesson
on there front door. The thought of murder
plan for today is the
was the only thing on my mind, I could imagine
entire social network
anything and everything to be behind the door
in between the other
of that house. The sun was just about to set
two movies at the box
and the day would be over until tomorrow and
office seeking well I
with the ability to see the strangers on the
suppose if you
silver, was upsetting to me most of all. On my
consider the, 007
third knock I heard a set of footsteps
movies to be perpetual
approaching the front door from inside. The
entertainment then if
door slowly began to open and my stomach
have to hand it to you.
dropped. An order last stood in front of me
Who in this class feels
and looked squarely T my T-shirt. She didn t
anything but what I
say anything, I hesitantly opened my mouth
just said the students
and tried to force the words of help from my
never say whiplash.
lips but she slowly shut the door instead. The
They hadn t even seen
weirdest moment of my life. Later that night I
the class and good
finally found myself back in Boulder Colorado.
knows I asked if they
And at the same stores on park Street mall
had but they simply
window shopping with little to no money in my
lied there asses off to
pocket. The mall of America is a predicted rain
me somewhere

----------------------- Page 115----------------------teaching young college

mention Westlake. There really isn t much
students the ethics of
sense to say I want to go this way and that
today versus the ethics
way. But as I was describing yesterday. So
of yesterday was
ladies and gentleman without further
challenging. kind sir
interruptions I must find series, and that s the
the answer is not
thing she can t be coerced. She is special. How
whether man give us
dare you find at mk with that tone and
reading is much more
understand perfection, are you ubserd are you
than that it you live in
mad, yes just doing string theory for fun yes
Phoenix you live in
what fun. Look I come to these possibilities
Phoenix. If you
hypothesis procured part tense and never one
pressure in a different
cent more and I do know your intentions sir
zip code lacrosse was
you come here not for her or mainly here. You
the founder of the
fucking spelled that one wrong bitch. I walked
bitches in Disney area
out of the garage to meet my sister sitting in
codes hanging up side
her car. Awkward was my sin I knew the
dish even. I will answer your questions but
scripture well kate winslet. Little children, bu
they are not founded upon anything good so
we are ashamed but jack black days that was
why. Yes young money why, I ll tell you guys
yesterday. Your are drunk. Your drunk Jules
the truth many people believe that this class is
your drunk. I am the greatest you hit me high,
home ech in high school as an easy a but I can
aren t they great no you bitch. There not great
assure you that that is simply not the case. It is
and I gave you the Heimlich to save you when
what it is Nancy cardigan. Many people will
you gave me these to save me. I didn t
accomplish there main want to dos and there
recognize your car must have just gotten back
allegations in their life time. The good the bad
from the dealership. Drive off the lot with a
and the in betweens how could you have you
brand new Mercedes Benz.
must have been in between something
But how?
dreamed and something that went terribly

You ve got nothing to work with here. Let this m

an go. But kind sir
wrong in the third grade, you must understand
ts JFK I don t give a
it wasn t me. I came to this works to party
darn you let him go, understand? The direct unde
rstanding of the
rhianna. She said it and craftsman s isbnd it.
nation is not
Once your very to sir, well whatever the chick
utilitarianism but it is, Nietzsche many are cal
led but few safe
is the one spoken of by our doctors D not to
chosen. I have but
----------------------- Page 116----------------------that s not saying much it s saying everything. From beginning to
of like Seattle, I guess it s just jurisdicti
on, what is the greatest
china and I m doing it
space between you
in the morning. Trust your mother the live and the hate I swear to
and me, there isn t one o yes week what is th
e all what is the
god I never
allgafhthym to live, the
considered it, dies it have to be by the book. You tell at me but I
question now is do I want to be with you. I m
ean all were talking
did not start the rain,
about is fluid
you did. How fucking dare you, article to Facebook I hope we can
exchange so can we get straight to the sex. I
don t know just tell
make your stay with
me your name, I
us as comfortable as possible, if there s anything you want don t
didn t know that you do not want to hear that
suit don t duck with
hesitate to ask. In a
me not you, it s
place like this it s simple just look out for them and they ll look out
not your fault, you hear me, is not, thank yo
u for understanding
for you. That must
what I am saying and
happened one of the greatest said something and I wrote it down.
yes I have been to space camp twice, is not i
ntricate enough, I m
Adjectives are
sorry that is not the
boring I want to see you cum. In today s society we wake up to
bills but this is the best that the FBI can a
fford, don t push me
Matt lauer. It makes
don t push me.
sense if you listen to the story and stop asking questions. I guess I
Fuck both of you. I just
have the floor now.

told you tom what s

Excuse me sir but I have the right to speak in my behalf I am
been gong on its been
afforded that right with
gong on for five years.
my constitution rights I am afforded that ability. By the condition
The motto is the same
of the united States
the ability to stand one
of America. Your honour if I may I think what may I d trying to say
above the rest. As I sit
is that live is blind,
and listen to Matthews
and yes I
answers to his
played football at Notre Dame. As one of the greatest. But the
questions I can t help
man spoke and great
but think about a day
were his words, they weren t the same as before it was as if he
in the life of an NYC
questioned his own
mayor. Actually he is a
preference in the game of life. I just hope folks will feel and
pro skateboarder
understand these words,
riding for girl koston instead of winning Jul
I just write them don t be a judgemental Californian. The police
Roberts heart he win the audience with more
are not here kind
coffee. I keep debating where my life is goin
----------------------- Page 117----------------------and why there s people shuffling around my
me and your property. Except this time there was
even more
garage. The narrator Kris telling me to be
emphasis in her voice. Her mannerisms did not
afraid. The title of the movie equals far. After
change in front of me. I was taken back. To my r
oommate. Moved
all what s in a name. If my idbn number is at in
in he took full and incredibly and more
place I wouldn t have a problem diagnosing
than necessary abilities over me. I had been in
basic training for
you with the perscripton of love. I was called a
several weeks. The only thing that made it
hater once and he just call them fans. Come to
even better was the fact that I am an American.
Your wrong sweet
think about it I ve never been to the Himalayas.
heart your wrong about the past. Because
But July has and I see it through her eyes.
you can repeat it. I wonder if I can look into t
he eyes of God like
There a concert in town pharcide a tribe called

spiderman check this out I study like the book

quest and I m deffinately going to be in
thief German Nazis ran Germany was it a rou to h
ave the leading
attendance. Come to think of it I ve never been
teach the entirely of the world that
to west lake. And neither had she.
destroying my words 72,000 of them was ever a go
od idea. The
Chocolate. Donut hanging out on my tile living room floor. So far
answer is probably no. What I an trying to say
we had written 72,000 thousands words and
is that is that I have been to five schools and
I never considered
all they are antiquated towards here and there. Ok class what s
placing my tassel to the right from the left.
the answer, um we stole a line from kind sir. I
And then just allowing it to happen because she
doesn t. Love you
feel dogmatic and no I have never met Ben affleck but I have seen
luke Skywalker. Exact words oops I mean
Argo. Ok here we go. I ll question him
his matters words that s discrimination. You kno
w what I am
something written in German. Given by brad Pitt. What s your
going to do is call the police. And tell them th
favorite numberz where were you born I
your straight discriminating G against me and ye
s I do belong in
should slay you. Now I have seen since spektacular things in my
711. And no your freaking c plus plus
life and one of them was the celestial
computer games does not impress me. Yes but I to
ok several
kingdom and I have felt it twice in my life. I actuallly fixing have
weeks several weeks to create this game from
seen the god damn celestial kingdom.
the crayon of something. Yes but then again I am
several years
Chocolate or vanilla. Huh I
younger than you and smash that bullshit
heard somebody talking to me I looked up and looked at the
faade right front of him. Welcome back to the Col
in and Matt
woman in front of me. B say what. You stole my
show. How many of those margaritas have you
story. Your story? Yes my story. You stole it. There was absolutely
had. 1. Nobody amaya nobody. Now check this out
no hesitation in her voice. I looked right and
masochistic, however think about it. In gods abi
lity to
there was two police men coming into the coffee shop. Say what
recompense certain words to your mind while list
ening to rap .I
why would you when consider anything of
further more forgot to delay your chiropractic
----------------------- Page 118-----------------------

meanings of self discussion and we never knew call your

tense of adverbs in Spanish class Griselda fo
r it all right if we
grandmother before it too late, choose one and the
believe in the time
same exact thing applies. However you how would be a question
period of philosophers of our time there is o
ne that can not be
mark the story must
denied his name is
continue comes a small voice from the back of the classroom
Jordan cloward speak his name and die. What s
this I owe it to
excuse me why aren t
myself no you owe it
you leading I dont knowthe dean of my existence is coming to
to me cause I m going to wakt up And I ll be 50
and that s fine but
destroy me and it s
if you are I ll
not TV top of the morning. And Knoxville is already trying to range
fucking kill now class there are several thin
gs I want you guys to
his own life weird I
realize a couple
know you dont kno theres no one here Brian, you wish no I know.
things pertaining to aesthetics which if this y
our professor isnt
The next day Brian
actually standing in
died and we all mourned his departure most of the students
front of you I am currently in my jail cell i
n Arapahos county jail
didn t
pretending to be a
rally care, what a shame I thought. Living in Colorado is a crazy
teacher, eat pray love eat pray love z Julia
Roberts. See the most
adventure it reminds
dramatic thing in
me of Seattle the weed is terrific. Legalization of weed is
this god awful movie, and I say that with lov
e is the story line it
Maggnificent theres a lot of
sucked jk but
cats a lot of cats Christopher I just got back from corprus Christi
seriously the movie sucked, makes you wonder
huh? Anyways the
what about you in
green and purple
sorry sir but I have never been there you absolutely have to try it
dinosaurs are tasty such as Eminem, but I m p
retty sure it s still
the time of your life
considered a DUI,
Christmas is over so is new years Eve what a great year 2015 that
correct DUI. Now class let s all turn or atte
ntion on Matthew and
is I hope 2016 is just

make fun of him. O

as great now what is it that we
professor Thomas that aint cool trust me bitc
h you need this o oki
were just talking about hmmmmmmmm
guess, 29 minutes
I m not really sure as the class ended I
later after we all had a terrific rou.I dismi
ssed. The class back onto
noticed her looking at me so why was she so interested in need
the streets of davis
when we sing when
California I could remember it well me and kh
oo were going seea
need dentists anymore. I once heard in my classes in school at
movie spiderman
metro that the classes
and oceans 12 was being advertised in the lob
by of the movie
of society were meet for the perfect way of living especially the
theater so I had to
past present future
----------------------- Page 119----------------------wonder to myself where was my mind at this point lots and lots of
heart is was not good enough given my grades are
dictated in my
responsibility in el
Spanish class from Griselda before she can
Paso. If we were ever got to qualify as a unit to deploy to Iraq.
anybody in later that night I set up all night con
templating what
Then we had better
was then the best day of my life why though
get our sit together as the popular phrase went. Now class can
probably the simple fact that I was quite indeed
happy with my
anybody tell me this
lecture and the classes altogether terrific
simple when for me m the room was quiet where and when was
answer about the internet for all I hadnt reached a
nd I knew we
the internet
where in the right place of our textbooks
created? And how? Seriously one of the handover men in the
Tupac was subject of the day Ive seen his face and
I believe Tupac
class where was it
for life as many of my considering instead
created? The room feel silent, it seemed like the students had
as well so that means set I have reasons to believ
e that Tupac
fallen asleep. What the
Shakur is Jesus Christ as I mentioned this the
fucki thought? Me I once had a pet hexameter and there came a
entire class shuffled looking at each other and th
en casually look
day when I had to
at me for answers the only answer I could

excuse there was many instances when I had to leave the hamster
conjure was two packs of Boise certainly wanted to
change the
at home and hope
world and as a class we considered others that
you didnt die on his own accord there were a mini instances in
tried as well some believe that we need it have a Tu
pac or anyone
the February to mom
such as Martin but you know who did
the 2001 when I had to come home and dictate the ownership
Michael Jackson as he claimed dinner song class w
hats in a name
between me and my
and if it is true then why doesnt a title
brother Matt and so to speak he was a dumbass got the hamster
mean anyone harm are conclusion that day was simp
le many have
wet put him in the microwave to dry him off
tried to save the world and Minnie have
and these hamster exploded I kid you not I fell in love with that
but not like Jesus Christ just the way he spoke n
o wonder people
hamster the day I met him and once he
thought he was lying the author of such
exploded in microwave I found myself quite sad mini instances at
work clarify the name of Christ killed herself him
I have traveled
night I would cry myself to sleep as is any
many miles searching for Christ as did my
instant in life I find myself more progressive when I try my hardest
daughter leaving every day in May to find winter t
here are others
especially when my hardest is harder than
that simply stand in the way of progression
I can handle knowingly I have studied the Arts of mini
I dont want to say no names but yeah so anyways is
all in all we
philosophers including Marcus a really is plate of the
said after sterling her soul to her audience
Republic and soccer to use his people over the course of my
Houston is beautiful Salt Lake City has 2 Chainz
Dallas has 911 or 1
lifetime unfortunately I tried my hardest and my
and Conroe an idiot and a chance of a
----------------------- Page 120----------------------better career selling Kirbys I can never forget generosity of some
several times times
to me when I desperately needed it
new Roman I realize
knowledge is spontaneous and learning is coherent to not all but I
that but did you
smoke two cigarettes at the Plaza that way
practice thats a twoway
you could find me especially the fact that I was with Leonardos
Road singular
Caffery out in the first place someone comes
being another

speak for me the world is cruel and the destructive is not 123
pretense to inviting
anymore that is thank you Kyle great words of
the spirit I could
wisdom from yours truly I hesitate to sit next to him in the
endeavor to tell you
Commons a gram you but I certainly am glad
but then I be in never
that I did because he was Jesus Christ word
rang to just press
was the last words spoken flabbergasted in
record there have
latter Alice something about to this story hes
been several however
to be written this evening said the young man
this time Im ready yes
to his professor prove What boy youre so full
maybe but if I could
of shit I hesitate thanks Dwayne Super Mario
just get back to the
Brothers it all in the hip so many people
getting I be okay and
wonder to themselves adoration at anything
yes you are wrong
for my textbook I shall discuss Essex you can
about that said yes you
expect this book to be at least 500 pages which
are definitely wrong
as in any big fish Moulin Rouge the dude will
about that have felt
be quite uncomfortable and the lady dude said
and seen several
something in reply wish I don t care what it
instances at scheduled
was need to do I give a f*** what it was now at
me in the art of
this 3000 level class all the students pilot in
knowledge before the
and certainly Josie in
thought was a bra to
the classroom which
an angel came to me
from my ankle seen to
and taught me how to
be determined by the
live there is white
ones with the most
there is majestic and
expensive phones 15
theres more than that
minutes later I you
but um you see I was
have saved my life
the one that site not
----------------------- Page 121----------------------you you you use that
me how you so a certainly place that? Once
phrase in your writing

you step on that skateboard skateboard yet

however I m lying in your economics are only
that one over there return my head and I
as much as you want for Skype by name other
didnt see one I hesitated then look the
than yourself again why do I have to sell my
opposite direction hoping to see what this man
boat to prove my superior you re ready to you
said he saw which was a skateboard and still I
it was quite interesting to me how you so a
didnt come across it I bet you didnt know that
certainly place that? Once you step on that
food has a but um you see I was the one that
skateboard skateboard yet that one over there
site not you you you use that phrase in your
return my head and I didn t see one I hesitated
writing however I m lying in your economics
then look the opposite direction hoping to see
are only as much as you want for Skype by
what this man said he saw which was a
name other than yourself again why do I have
skateboard and still I didn t come across it I bet
to sell my boat to
you but um you see I was the one that site not
prove my superior
you you you use that phrase in your writing
you re ready to you it
however I m lying in your economics are only
was quite interesting
as much as you want for Skype by name other
to me how you so a
than yourself again why do I have to sell my
certainly place that?
boat to prove my superior you re ready to you
Once you step on that
it was quite interesting to me how you so a
skateboard skateboard
certainly place that? Once you step on that
yet that one over there
skateboard skateboard yet that one over there
return my head and I
return my head and I didn t see one I hesitated
didn t see one I
then look the opposite direction hoping to see
hesitated then look
what this man said he saw which was a
the opposite direction
skateboard and still I didn t come across it I bet
hoping to see what
you didn t know that but um you see I was the
this man said he saw
one that site not you you you use that phrase
which was a
in your writing however Im lying in your
skateboard and still I
economics are only as much as you want for
didn t come across it I
Skype by name other than yourself again why
bet you didn t know
do I have to sell my boat to prove my superior

that food has a spirit

youre ready to you it was quite interesting to
but um you see I was
----------------------- Page 122----------------------the one that site not
me and make up some excuse why I just didn t
you you you use that
see it Russian roulette yes that s what choice
phrase in your writing
dad I have I had laid the word and it was
however Im lying in
written according to his religion I chase I slowly
your economics are
mood my head to the right and pure behind
only as much as you
me and this it was a solid skateboard however
want for Skype by
since I knew he was a whole leave any could
name other than
interpret every thought and realize it was him
yourself again why do I
that you use the word had and not me so again
have to sell my boat to
I had let the reader to different natural validit
prove my superior
yes tender hearted Lee I d read but there
your do to you it was
skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for
quite interesting to me
several seconds and then he did something
how you so a surely
that both started and confused me see class
place that? Once you
slowly to his left and before his eyes reach to
step on that
destruction I knew by the way this man was
skateboard skateboard
honest I
yet that one over there
fed tell if you was morally appease by is own
return my head and I
understanding my mind Carol a without he had
didnt see one I
previously stated I live my f****** head off
hesitated then look
when I had admitted the devil has tennis to
the opposite direction
and put only means
hoping to see what this man said he saw which
one thing that he was proud of me and the way
was a skateboard and still I didnt come across
he played everything in perfection I chose to
it I bet you didnt know that food has a spirit
look behind me and make up some excuse why
and I can prove that one too this man was
I just didn t see it Russian roulette yes that s
honest I fed tell if you was morally appease by

what choice dad I have I had laid the word and

is own understanding my mind Carol a without
it was written according to his religion I chase
he had previously stated I live my f******
slowly mood my head to the right and pure
head off when I had admitted the devil has
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard
tennis to and put only means one thing that he
however since I knew he was a whole leave any
was proud of me and the way he played
could interpret every thought and realize it was
everything in perfection I chose to look behind
him that you use the
----------------------- Page 123----------------------word had and not me
look behind me and
so again I had let the
make up some excuse
reader to different
why I just didn t see it
natural validity yes
Russian roulette yes
tender hearted Lee I d
that s what choice dad
read but there
I have I had laid the
skateboard he saw
word and it was
neither of us off spoke
written according to
for several seconds
his religion I chase I
and then he did
slowly mood my head to the right and pure
something that both
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard
started and confused
however since I knew he was a whole leave any
me see class slowly to
could interpret every thought and realize it wa
his left and before his
him that you use the word had and not me so
eyes reach to
again I had let the reader to different natural
destruction I knew by
validity yes tender hearted Lee I d read but
the way he this man
there skateboard he saw neither of us off
was honest I
spoke for several seconds and then he did
fed tell if you was
something that both started and confused me
morally appease by is
see class slowly to his left and before his eye

own understanding my
reach to destruction I knew by the way he did
mind Carol a without
it this man was honest I fed tell if you was
he had previously
morally appease by is own understanding my
stated I live my
mind Carol a without he had previously stated I
f****** head off when
live my f****** head off when I had admitted
I had admitted the
the devil has tennis to and put only means one
devil has tennis to and
thing that he was proud of me and the way he
put only means one
played everything in perfection I chose to look
thing that he was
behind me and make up some excuse why
proud of me and the
I just didn t see it Russian roulette yes that
s what choice dad I
way he played
have I had laid the word and it was written
everything in
according to his religion I chase I slowly mood
my head to the
perfection I chose to
right and pure behind me and this it was a soli
----------------------- Page 124----------------------skateboard however since I knew he was a whole leave any could
when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and pu
t only means
interpret every thought and realize it was
one thing that he was proud of me and the
him that you use the word had and not me so again I had let the
way he played everything in perfection I chose to
look behind me
reader to different natural validity yes tender
and make up some excuse why I just didn t
hearted Lee I d read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off
see it Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad
I have I had laid
spoke for several seconds and then he did
the word and it was written according to his
something that both started and confused me see class slowly to
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the rig
ht and pure
his left and before his eyes reach to
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard
destruction I knew by the way he did it he this man was honest I
however since I knew he was a whole leave any cou
ld interpret
fed tell if you was morally appease by is own
every thought and realize it was him that you
understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously stated I

use the word had and not me so again I had let th

e reader to
live my f****** head off when I had
different natural validity
admitted the devil has tennis to and put only means one thing
yes tender hearted Lee I d read but there skateboa
rd he saw
that he was proud of me and the way he
neither of us off spoke
played everything in perfection I chose to look behind me and
for several seconds and then he did something that
both started
make up some excuse why I just didn t see it
and confused me
Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I have I had laid the
see class slowly to his left and before his eyes r
each to destruction
word and it was written according to his
I knew by the way
religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right and pure
he did it he was he was conversing time and this
man was honest I
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard
fed tell if you was
however since I knew he was a whole leave any could interpret
morally appease by is own understanding my mind C
arol a
every thought and realize it was him that you
without he had previously
use the word had and not me so again I had let the reader to
stated I live my f****** head off when I had admit
ted the devil
different natural validity yes tender hearted Lee
has tennis to and put
I d read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for
only means one thing that he was proud of me and t
he way he
several seconds and then he did something
played everything in
that both started and confused me see class slowly to his left and
perfection I chose to look behind me and make up
some excuse
before his eyes reach to destruction I knew
why I just didn t see
by the way he did it he was he was conversing time and this man
it Russian roulette yes that s what choice dad I
have I had laid the
was honest I fed tell if you was morally
word and it was
appease by is own understanding my mind Carol a without he had
written according to his religion I chase I slowly
mood my head to
previously stated I live my f****** head off
the right and pure
----------------------- Page 125----------------------behind me and this it was a solid skateboard however since I
have 9 months to live give it prescribe medicate
d lip appointment

knew he was a whole

but that not what it
leave any could interpret every thought and realize it was him
was I ran I remember it like I was yesterday the
Sun hung deep in
that you use the word
the sky it lube go
had and not me so again I had let the reader to different natural
over my soul as was the nature and Westlake I do
n t know as
validity yes tender
single person that side I
hearted Lee I d read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off
still couldn t believe she assumed I had to stol
en her story
spoke for several
because I did story stories
seconds and then he did something that both started and
story 6 months later I have 9 months to live giv
e it prescribe
confused me see class
medicated lip
slowly to his left and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew
appointment but that not what it was I
by the way he did it
ran I remember it like I was yesterday the
he was he was conversing time and and 50 shades of grey was
Sun hung deep in the sky it lube go over Please
created now Ive never
carefully review your Digital Proof download for
seen the Eiffel Tower and I dont own enough backpacks to call
formatting, grammar, and design issues that
apply for a banquet in
may need to be corrected. We recommend that
the Sahara Desert so I left it as it is praise be to the man that gave
you review your book three times, with each
the one Lourdes
time focusing on a different aspect. Check the
plan for rectify for real I remember it like it was just yesterday PE
format, including headers, footers, page 1
was in session and
numbers, spacing, table of contents, and index.
14th students in Columbine died during it I still couldn t believe
2 Review any images or graphics and captions if
she assumed I had to
applicable. 3 Read the book for grammatical erro
rs and typos.
stolen her story because I did story stories story 6 months later I
Once you
have 9 months to
are satisfied with your review, you can approve
your proof and
live give it prescribe medicated lip appointment but that not what
it was I ran I
forward to the next step in the publishing proce
ss. To print this
remember it like I was yesterday the Sun hung deep in the sky it
lube go over my soul

we recommend that you scale the PDF to fit the s

ize of your
as was the nature and Westlake I don t know as single I still
couldn t believe she
assumed I had to stolen her story because I did story stories story
My thoughts 6 By Christopher Maxwell Thomas "The
end for now"
6 months later I
----------------------- Page 126----------------------do you say that word again? I don t know I really don t. Have you
know.""I have been laid you know." "That s c
alled loyalty." I fell
into her arms and her open blouse. It wasn t
been to West Lake? Question mark wa sthe only thing that she
enough. The splinter i knew was one of love
and ajility. And love
mainly but never anger, and to the best
knew, I fell into her arms, gun shots fell from the sky. I gave her
schools in the nation never coming down. Dam
nit private, I don t
care how uncomfortable your boots are
sympathy and she gave me her open blouse, all yoiu had to do
your wearin them, love and dibatarary, love
and disease, I
was be
suppose. It wasn t enough there wasn t enoug
me. I
bullets in the gun. I was a coward I couln t
save her, but I did save
put ont he clay all over my face, I don t even like Taylor Swift.
myself. " Yea i fell into her love once, rea
Who the
how was it. Well it was something of deep im
portance to me. And
fuck is she, I wondered all she thought about was kissing me,
something I ll never forget. "That fall hurt
when my
alot, and i don t want any one to worry abou
t me, words
tongue was in her mouth she was happy, other than that my
misplaced adjetives pronounced incorrectally
. Son
by the looks of it you have created a royal
piece of shit. But you
is that your not that happy.
didn t even freaking read it, I mean what th

I don t need that much help, I have everything I need, anf the
fuck? I put it there the computer scans the
document and the
Goofy Movie is still pending. "Dad it s written on
printer has a job too, who worries about Kur
the frigde so you ll never forget, I promise you it s there. Your
Cobain, the king, Nirvana. the beautiful the
one, you wrote a
welcome, Tigge I love you, she said the same
novel. "half a novel." "And no one wanted to
fucking thing - It s the same fucking thing, it s a 98, so who
publish it." Yea but still.
involves themselves with one verse from the bible,
Daddy it s cold, I couldn t prescribe anythi
ng to save the peace
i have arsenal from my ammo. There isn t an airport I haven t
untold, and the falsified prescription necce
been to, "Well of coasre JFK," I said, yea but
for the one and the two. However in the one
lettered word was
that airport is world fanous I mean just the first three letters, John
there and your sperm was allocated with
F Kennedy the president of these United
billions of chances she had all of them towa
rds the ovaries and
hopefully one might make it, It was raining
Her hair shone of white pearl diaomands - I fell into the ool last
side, George clooney never looked better and
especially not in El
night, which woke up the baby, wife pissed
Paso. This could ve been the greatest day
and helicopter flying overhead. "I ve heard of this happiness that
ever. However the gunshots that killed Marti
n were not his. I gave
you speak of. "My only contention is that it
my life to deny your christ. "Now think
doesn t exist." This truth is the truth. According to who? Was the
about the godamn trombone and the song we we
re about to play,
premises and the conclusion that I didn t
Kyle singing in front of the school, maybe
----------------------- Page 127----------------------just the freshman and the sophmores, the truth is we no longer
in a lake of fire and brimstone, and yet with the
know what is good and what is bad. Take off
lack of sufficient medical supplies. We would be
these cuffs and soon how I will. Take off theses ties and possibly I
in a boat off the starship side of the bow. on
will take off these persons following me.
Titanic. I have hopes and dreams i hope to
Serie why. The inagrigation of the train was mostly the first on
someday be an architect. And yes everyone says

goer that maskks his

that they want the same thing from life, to
face in public. He doesnt have to take these notes the prescriber
become rich. Not anything else could come
was non other than
between me and the milk. You see people only
the man right beside him taking notes of himself and again his
know what you tell them. If for instance you tell
languauge types
them that the world is flat they would have a n
predictrable. There was a book written that exemplafied his
oral obligation to somehow understand your
masquerade glasses and
words. "O my god have you seen it." Question
the phantom of the opera being played int he backround. the
mark, prescribed eductaion is grand on any
master of the house
occation. "for me all I know is that when i showe
fallen down below many, the few that couldn t make it were, o
up for ypour sorviegt. The first thing i do is he
my fucking god"?
up for the bar to get myself intoxified to simply
what was tha noise and why did ypu say it i looked right i looked
get myself to fit in with the crowd. Especially
down, cardboard
from emmanuel Kant is perspective is in some
never found it was dark and i got a little confused i began the slow
quotations just as immovable as a sedimentary
march up the
rock that has come to fluition yet. You know the
street i knew that barthalamule would be there waiting for me.
human body is so dang introcate that we no
This time the weed
longer read comic books explaining it oribital
was not in my posession. this was sure to startle barthalamule,
movement through time and space, and these
tyo the point of
that fell through, and those that fell through th
discomfart. 1,000 dollars and why does it only come with verizon?
cracks at a PTA meeting because not only are
So many
you doing in front of the kids , your doing it in
characters and only one perhaps I may give my two cents ,
the day time. Hold on a second your a first year
grad student you
perhaps perhaps.
probably just got done reading some historian mar
vin gaye and
"Goodbye to you and goodbye to you as i entered the elevator.
Instagram models. TRouble at every corner.
going to be convinced of that until nextt year yo
u come in here
False truths. "I m a bartender." I ma model

however yo are on instagram. BUt you my friend
some pete garryian historian, until your preachin
g Bill Maher, or
are not an intern sir. Take my words group them
----------------------- Page 128----------------------take your pick. And also a stockbroker not an astronaut, hold on a
A bitch here a bitch here, I put my beer here a
nd i come back and
second MIndy first of all you freakin died tonight and i saved you.
it s not there I mean who does that? I mean
Now I
what the heck. I met you as drove down and thro
ugh the
need you to take a seat besides this beautiful stewardess abd tell
trapezze. I had nothing on my mind but your thi
and your open blouse. Here it has the lights i
n the piazza so much
everything is not ok, nor ever will be ok, and god damnit swear it
for the Buell. As a matter of fact who the
on this
heck cares? NY Times NY. Save the fucking spot
ted owl if you
clean prestine bible, for christ sake, and if you don t do it timely
really wanted to. Here s a dollar bill. Entran
you will
prescribing the dollar that rules the buttons
on her see through
die tommorrow. What that its ok to be a janitor, that it s ok to be
dress. I could come to your house or mine. It
a loser
really doesn t matter. Have you been keeping s
ecrets from the CIA
that it s ok to be hanging around these retarted gorrilas, is better
and come to think about it we didn t have
the opportuntiy to question you or your greates
t assosiate. I dont
working for the CIA, breaking code sitting at a desk for eight hours
neccesarily mind when you miss these
a day.
meetings, I person i know did. He did, SLC VA
hospital, the truth is
I mean what? And why do you do the dew when it s technically
that even though. I a fresh cup of so inside
adiet and
the previous shop. That was a lie in the beginn
ing. I haven t ever
it s a ninety 6? The individuals screaming to the summons of the
been there, and you have so why did I lie to
king is
you in the beginning? arms in arms we stand, fo
rever, fuck the
arbitrary to thast of the two that started the statyement. "I need

cops i live here thank you but the circus has

left town and in other words I am better than
you. Whose lie did
algirhythym, unfortunallety it has not been created quite yet, I m
you determine? I don t know?... She rode in
on a v12 my eyes must have been misconducted f
rom your
sure what you are referring to, and if that being the case how
patience. All day long I spend my money all da
could we
long i turn my money into clouds. I need your
dirty words right in
prescribe to the numbers and letters ascribbed to the
my ears, do you have a prefferance, she
asked me possibly the left ear.
Tell me what I need to hear, obviously once you
hear it you surely
Prelude to the begining.
This fraction is prescribed by Russel Crowe the man himself and
not deny it, she asked me in her decent yet un
relenting voice, i
we love him for it,
haven t ssen your smile in so long, I almost w
anted her to turn her
Or is it?
----------------------- Page 129----------------------upside down, i wanted to turn her blouse all the way around an
this hpuse and you are defianettaly always
open a
welcome to come back to church at any time
single solitude button from the inside, as i watched Danielle
that you choose. I knew this as well as she. Th
other i said to my friends was off the chain, I
come from the oysters or back alleys of JK rowlings, demise I
hadn t even opened my mouth and already i was
turned my
falling into her open blouse, so the moral of t
head to the skies and decided that i would use
story is this we have to take a piece of fabric
my own spells against her to counterattck the
sewing utensil and possibly another pensieve BY
blow i had just barely recieved from Lord

Voldemort, Tom Riddle or better yet the one

from Dannielle, and create our own universes, f
ear or no fear it
that shall not be named. Are you a king then i
must be done. Marie
am that i am, and if i understood what that
Antoinette was the leader at this point and hea
ven knows her
meant i would release you unto high palaces and
blouse was always
landmarks back from 1963. At this point the
open to any one that had the correct amount of
mullaw to spend.
conversation had dampered to a low whisper if
And that pretty
that and she agreed to disagree with my tender
much covers the rest of the My Thoughts series
written by MR.
touch, o why did i have to put off my day of
Christopher Maxwell
sleep and wake at her exspense until it was too
Thomas, thank you all!
late. I tried 17 extra times to find my nitche in
the real end
this world, my best friend wanted me to become
My Thoughts 5
something great she always ate her dinner
By: Christopher Maxwell Thomas Threes were a di
scovery of the
beside me so that i couldn t have questioned her
generation of thieves, off the chart when it
authority ever again. We were in love and she
comes to
loved the dogs as well, Two of them we had the
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could
you do this to
white picket fence and a whole lot more.
me? I
SEventeen years later i have found myself at the
live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to
. I loose myself at a
crossroads of my life do i retire and get this job
taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and I
that so many are arbitrarilly pushing me towards
apologize. The miossion is
or do I fold and take the Ruddebakers style life
complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the sa
dness comes.
and work in a factory, The truth is i was never
listening to authority. The common used express
ion that money
much good at sweating the small stuff, a single
grows on trees, is also true the exact
line came to me as i was wading through my
opposite way. Bob undertook a philosophy class
that in his
own lattitude which was amaya you get back in
university in Metro state college in Denver. Th

----------------------- Page 130----------------------taught him the perception of the two pyramids of corrections.
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how cou
ld you do this to
Three top of the pyramid is the exact same as
me? I
the levels leading up to it. Bob was always a gifted sportsman
live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have
to. I loose myself at a
everyone knew him and that his
taco bell. I
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this to
loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologize
. The miossion is
me? I
live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at a
and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness
comes. The
taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and I
apologize. The miossion is complete and we all jiust graduated.
between the two was Sariah the woman that kn
ew nothing,
Now the sadness comes.
best friend Bryan knew this as well, and confided in many few
was=as said between Bob and They had a secre
t society and Robin
people. Bob took several second languages and
Williams was not invited he didnt make the cu
t, there were many
thought of auditing a class at Metro State University. The thing
people there that night but only one caught
my eye, and
that neither they nor their class mates knew
especially his
was that these two men worshipped the devil. After ascertaining
he saw men from the other side of the buildi
ng, imp only doing
this information Bob decided to start
this one
creating money from money. In other words take a small amount
time you got t5hat, I just hear one word and
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how cou
ld you do this to
money and turn it into a
me? I live
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this to
in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to.
I loose myself at a taco
me? I
bell. I
live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at a
loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologize
. The miossion is

taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and I

apologize. The miossion is
and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness
comes. prologues my
complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes.
excitement, and truth be told it was just th
at one
large amount of money or larger amount.
word that simplified my equation. The next
The equation was quite simple.
morning my father had killed the fatted calf
, one
Premise A: Money doesnt grow on trees Premise B: M<ornery
that was lost was now home he was there and
does grow on trees Premise
now father cried, I never really knew my fat
A: Time equals money
you see he use to ask me pick the butter kni
fe or
Premise B: Money equals time With these two simple equations
many parts of clothing to be destroyed I fig
Bob was sure he could turn money into money.
Id do it this time, and next time I would ki
ll the
man that ever came at me
----------------------- Page 131----------------------Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could
complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the
you do this to me? I live in a utopia, I cry I want
sadness comes. no god. What if there wasnt woul
d that be
to, no I have to. I loose myself at a taco bell. I
Notches at
loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologize.
his finest or would it also be something that
we simply cannot
The miossion is complete and we all jiust
understand, it could be a little bit of both,
fuck hierarchy of
graduated. Now the sadness comes.
children born
like that again. And since sex is illegal in America
here there here and there and back again, I ha
ve a six sense about
we still celebrate the indolence of a nation and
its coming tomorrow of all times, There once
things and so do your so why the heck did you
lose the map. The
was a man that sailed many miles to view a
response3 was one of neglagence and purposeful
negation, I
naked woman bath in the jezebel. She never did,

I wasnt invited to the marriage. The marriage

utopia and
was off the charts, anyways. Sail away with me
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could
you do this to
sail away with me he Sometimes I possibly think
me? I live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I
to myself how could you do this to me? I live in a
to. I loose myself at a taco bell. I loose mys
elf at a Franktown, and
utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose
I apologize. The miossion is complete and
myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a
we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes.
you segregate me.
Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion is
After the discovery of this one truth Bob came
to his knowledge
complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the
that one of his mentors taught him, it wasnt
sadness comes. used to say as I peered into his
a big deal to his mom or his sister it was jus
t like going into a
eyes I saw something adrift upon many waters
school and tom and jurying them, blat. Who the
and the way he carried himself was just about
heck are you imp freak in , come on bill we re
ally like this place
the oddest way that person could do for their
why do we have to leave,, followed by
own self health, I dont really know I just hope
something that Brad never even assumed Sometimes
I possibly
that the boat does not sink, listen I dont really
think to myself how could you do this to me? I
want anything to do with your silly war imp an
live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have t
o. I loose myself at a
Austrian and imp a climber we have nothing. WE
taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and
just need food, that means nothing and nice
apologize. The miossion is complete and we all
jiust graduated.
says that there is Sometimes I possibly think to
Now the sadness comes. could be fucking real,
myself how could you do this to me? I live in a
something that we had on our mind but we never
told each other
utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose
that the way we feel and by the way Ive
myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a
been cheating on you. As I sit and ponder the
feeling is that of
Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion is
distrust and lack of perception, but were stil

----------------------- Page 132----------------------here cant your come to see us, in the morning possibly and well
back and be one with yourself. Some
times I possibly think to
chat over tea. That would be awesome you
myself how
see but we cant have what we want the fact is that you will do
could you do this to me? I live in
a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this to
to. I
me? I live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have
loose myself at a taco bell. I lo
ose myself at a Franktown, and I
to. I loose myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and
I apologize. The miossion is complete and
The miossion is complete and we a
ll jiust graduated. Now the
we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes. what we fucking
tell you to. I prayed my ass off that I
comes. The world domination of th
e undertaking over the wealth
wouldnt have a heart attack or worse a stroke, from the weight
of the
that would be built upon myself, after six or
world was already being placed in
place, and the main way they
seven prayers I felt confident enough to do the work.
could do
This is bullshit, how could you do this to me after all wave been
these awesome things was first re
ad good omens and then
through and
worships the
devil and his ways to receive the c
urrency in
Johnathan puking his fucking guts out, Sometimes I possibly think
japan and other places. I mean af
ter all we are
now in South Korea, Missionaries
that is we
myself how could you do this to me? I live in a utopia, I cry I want
might want to be quite about enem
ies on our
to, no I
tails, Isnt it sad
have to. I loose myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a
Sometimes I possibly think to mys
elf how could
Franktown, and I
you do this to me? I
apologize. The miossion is complete and we all jiust graduated.
live in a utopia, I cry I want to
, no I have to. I
Now the

loose myself at a taco bell. I lo

ose myself at a
sadness comes. trying to dry hump a drunk woman that was so
Franktown, and I apologize. The m
iossion is
intoxicating that the next line of dialogue was discombobulated in
complete and we all jiust graduat
ed. Now the
sadness comes. to think about the
good times
of the whole congregation. And so freak in what, boy you are so
and blame it on the alcoholic bum
s of the world,
full hit in
dont get me wrong there are severa
l ways to get
this life the only person you have to impress is you. And if that
to west lake if your can stay awa
ke on the
greyhound for as long as your need
to, and no I
happen especially now you aunt ever going to know that. Now go
do not feel perplexed by the colo
r red, and
especially not to appease my fath
Fuck my parents.
----------------------- Page 133----------------------I dont have to listen to the authority or the
president Washington and doubt in our minds t
hat it wont
presence of Paul blurt mall cop. AS the two
procreate and replenish
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this to
the earth or Sometimes I possibly think to
myself how could you
me? I
do this to me? I live
live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at a
in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to.
I loose myself at a taco
bell. I loose myself at a
bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion
Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion is
complete and we all
jiust graduated. Now
complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes.
the sadness comes. at least our own living
rooms. YOU see a very
characters that we have previously been introduced to, there new
wise and intelligent man once told me that
line of work

everyone in this country simply does things

out of fear and fear
according to their weedy board was to get to Russia to listen to
alone, he counseled me to never let that be
Val Kilmer in the days
me, his men was bob, come to think about it
Stan this one is
of past histories. It was a cold day in May and these two were off
dedicated to you how the heck am I supposed
on an adventure to
send it out. Were dying Peter Parker, came t
he voice of
consult with Satan himself, you see with all of their readings of
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how co
uld you
good omens, and
do this to me? I live in a utopia, I cry I
want to, no I have to. I loose
wiggly boards
myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this to
Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion is
complete and we all
me? I
jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes. my
live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at a
bestest friend in the entire world, things
have never appeared so
bad before it was like very where I went
bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion
there were obstacles in my way some sort of
illusion that possibly
I had been ignoring for so long that its
complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes.
presence was actually there I just had been
way to unjustified to
they knew partially what they needed to do to make money turn
see it smell it or touch it. Get some chair
s so
into more money
that somebody can sit down why dont you, you
r mother she us
with the presence of added time. Since one cane did water to a
so stubborn that woman. Dad has you let
flower bed and grow
mom Sometimes I possibly think to myself ho
w could you do this
a weed why in the world cant we place a crisp dollar bill in the
to me? I live in a utopia, I cry I want to, n
o I
window seal on a
have to. I loose myself at a taco bell. I l
oose myself at a
warm day in May, sun shining directly on the bill and pour a little
Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion is

water over
----------------------- Page 134----------------------and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes. see you
loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologi
ze. The miossion is
dressed this way? It was a question of sorts never
undermined by persuasions or denunciatioations to do this or hey
and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadnes
s comes. needed to call
do that. The truth had been exposed bad
himself the king of some foreign police wi
th a tiger that didnt
the perpetrator was hot on his toes, so Bob decided rather that
Vegas move him and Bobby into a two
exist. In other words crying wolf and this
typically would lead to
bedroom apartment in the outskirts of St Louis Missouri After a
one of
couple drinks and some straight up martinis
two things either they would respect hymn
more for his honesty
our little group of westerners were
or they
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this to
would take a step back analyze the equatio
n and then decide on
me? I
live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at a
ladder and then perform, what would be the
most appropriate
taco bell. I
and safest
loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion is
venture for themselves, in other words ego
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how c
ould you do this to
and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes. ready for
me? I live
in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to
. I loose myself at a taco
the hell came next and that was a scary adventure to be sure. But
bell. I
loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologi
ze. The miossion is
Parker were dying isnt just a metaphor used by pie to describe his
and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadnes
s comes. some would
of nature it was also his whole social attitude towards both

women and
take a greater stance towards themselves a
nd perform, extreme
men to describe his predisposed notions of a good time. You see
This summer is going to hurt like a mother
would go so far with both races and those for some reason feel
and everybody knew it. I was sitting at my
that he
and apologizing to my boss for having been
late, I
had fucked shit up so bad that he
topically came in through the side door so
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this to
parker wouldnt see me coming in a half past
me? I live
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how c
ould you do this to
in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at a taco
me? I live in a utopia, I
bell. I
cry I want to, no I have to. I loose mysel
f at a taco bell. I loose
myself at a Franktown,
----------------------- Page 135----------------------and I apologize. The miossion is complete and we all jiust
and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness co
mes. Five said it
graduated. Now the
would. Except after
sadness comes. when oil was supposed to be at my desk at 7:15
words the last words and the beginning of the
end was in store.
this always pissed
The philosophy of
him off when he caught me which was slim to none, Narrator: you
some entirely overcomes the philosophy of all,
Sometimes I
see because Bob
possibly think to myself
and Brian both worshipped the devil they secretly tho0ughyt that
how could you do this to me? I live in a utopi
a, I cry I want to, no I
their boss was a
have to. I loose
tiger named peter however the one thing they always got right
myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a Fra
nktown, and I
was their dedication
apologize. The miossion is
to turn money into money and become filthy fucking rich.
complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the s

adness comes.
Sometimes I possibly think
Sometimes I possibly
to myself how could you do this to me? I live in a utopia, I cry I
think to myself how could you do this to me? I
live in a utopia, I
want to, no I have to. I
cry I want to, no I
loose myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and I
have to. I loose myself at a taco bell. I loos
e myself at a
apologize. The
Franktown, and I apologize.
miossion is complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness
The miossion is complete and we all jiust grad
uated. Now the
comes. BY the end
sadness comes.
of the summer everyone had moved away they had come and
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could
you do this to
gone they no longer
me? I live in a utopia, I
owned their parents addresses they were forced out their homes
cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at
a taco bell. I loose
to find new
myself at a Franktown,
boundaries between them and themselves, new junctures new
and I apologize. The miossion is complete and
we all jiust
idea and new
graduated. Now the
possibilities from which they would never be the same again. The
sadness comes.
summer did hurt
My Thoughts 4
like a mother tucker just as Maroon Sometimes I possibly think to
By: Christopher Maxwell Thomas
myself how could
There was a time when people use to be on a hi
gh speculataion of
you do this to me? I live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I
troubled waters,
loose myself at a
there isn t just this thing we call people and
madness there is this
taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologize. The
thing that we call
miossion is complete
celebration and the night draws ever more on a
nd on, but still
there isnt anything
----------------------- Page 136----------------------that can be done that cant be overcome. This man walked to
your a king, these koingdoms are far and away mor
e powerful

Georgia and ghe still

than the
had no clue that his soul was at risk, amid the midnight stars,
fruits of opur labors we have upset the many and
the few are
hung a gloom of orange
ginger blosom trees we had never been and yet there was
the way to unfold the manifoold this way and that
way. If its not
something luring us its way. This way and that way
we haven t began to be the one to replace the other. Ms
and cricket and those utilizing our syneregy and
water fusion
Barthalamule was a woman to adore, she always
towards new heights then wheat have we become on
this earth as
slept in the pouring rain and never did she complain. She wore
unillaterally to other middle earths why? The uni
fying qustion and
red crimson and white shoes and they were
glorious to behold and i loved it.
backwards answer for everything and anything in b
etween, i
So the story begins
concur. Prelude
THre was a time when i felt the pain there was a time when i felt
There is a band of brothers and they all lay low,
waiting for
injustice of the world. There was a time when so many of my
time to come, santa to come down the chinmey with
many packs
were allocated towards the almighty where is the justice in this
toys for their christmas joys. The only thing is
that they never
considered the size of old saint knicks christmas
cares, like thathe
and why are there so many of the weak and the evil providing
could fit down the chimney packed with all the li
ttle girls and boys
over me and why do i have to feel this injuistice allocated in my
treats and still remain calm that tgey wre there
for a magical feast
stomachal region. I answered myself and said because they dont
and we
love and compasiion. The only difference ws that
jack never
do, look at you then look at us, 2 chains. Shoot your arrows and

that either and felt the shame of his dimiser. Fo

r the love of a
bullets at me, but i simply smoke my ciggaretes and chilled on it
cringle is way more than the love of the older on
e that speaks
then i became me. This is me and i hope you enjoy it. Because this
above. Falling from the sky was one who truly tri
ed and tried
you. We need to mobilize our natural locations to become the
again. He
proclaimed that he never needed art in his life h
e never really
location that is embiguos to our survival, att and t i salute you,
----------------------- Page 137----------------------anything except for the skies. Ruby red and diomand white.
children from their success. The success of a
wonderful Christmas day and way. So santa
like a christmas ligt. Splendid and true here it goes for you and for
came and went and no one even knew why or
how they all could have had been so blessed
joyous reunion of small apperbations. Slowly moving boys trains
from on high. There children were there and
there parents all seemed to care but most
thomas truck tanks of the greastet remarks hollard from parents
importantly they all were there.
full of
Not like last christmas last christmas they all
were not there in
holiday spark. (Our children are remarkable with their faces all
fact they all were
seperated from birth or so it seemed. They want
ed but they
after such a splendid night of sbow. Our children all really know
simply couldn t they
couldnt do anything to conjour the seperation t
hat was
one of the wildest dreams has come to be after so many years of
betweenthem. BUt why was
it like this. Some said darkness others said li
ght yet others said
waiting for the golden ticket to appear from on the shelf of Willy
dionysuis said it so
Wonka. So many young boys and girls awaiting
therefore he meant it. The greek gods couldn t,
or could they.

their truest destiny to be placed among the

Theres a competition
greatsest to ever sing the song of everlasting
coming between the children of men they slight
and harm others.
joy and splendifinisty, like before of coarse.
Just not today.
Falling amongst the rappings and carolling
Today the love was in the air and the ones that
cared were all
heard from outside the front door was one
around themselves, So
actual golden ticket it ws opened by one specail
obviuosly string theory existed it existed so h
ard. BRian Greene
little girl named Yolanda. The other boys and
wrote it and we
girls must have been amonst the bad ones this
believed it. So the story begins. This story is
n t precarious as much
Christmas seaon because they were simply not
as wildly
holding the ticket that almost exploded from
adventurous it includes wild kingdoms and magic
al creatures such
it s packaging, like a gernade wanting to
as beings and
become theres forever tehy needed all a swift
werewolves that aren t. Hagrid himslef served i
ce cold chai tea
kick to the behind for not knowing something
from his humble
that Yolanda knew obviously. BUt neither the
abolds located strictly in the confines of Amst
erdam, he had some
weathert nor the onslaught of less and less gifts
very specail
as the time proceeded from day til night could
gentleman come to see him once there names were
deture these wide eyed and bushy tailed
Clooney and Brad Pitt
----------------------- Page 138----------------------and Matt Damon. The thing that people simply do not understand
THere comes a time in one mans life that he n
eeds Jesus Christ
is that they
there are
wreen t simply sipping my tides and shuffling their feet with
plans bays and portals and something that I d
ont know what that
Hagrid they were
coming to know someone that they never even knew existed they
allocated in our refrigerators and therefore
who ist it and what is
were coming to
it and

understand themselves. What a magical thing indeed. Because to

why is it, Why is christ predominatly the one
that we strife yearn
know oneself is to
know your inner chai perfectly. The only difference of Knowing
love why do we need him at all? I believe i k
now whet the answer
and not knowing
is its
oneself is that if to become ones own self is utter and biologiaclly
because of this we simply love him. There are
certain jobs that
uttearnce of simply uttering and then
ever body
being lost between the slow moving baratones of life or having
does, the born men and women of god are chris
t body and his
something that obne can not explain.
soul and
The utter and most simple way of explaining scientifaccly things
we love oyurselves towards THomas HObbes and
we still have
that can
instruments of mass destruction but the crape
nter laid beats and
not be put down in books or betweenthe pages of texts is the fact
Carpenter laid weasy to the mattress and WE f
all down at his
science is abundant and needs nor wants anything that isn t
door. Matt
simply its
Carpenter is god. Therefore the thing is this
who do we keep and
best on paper or not, howvere that doesn t matter the matter ing
do let
of it is
go, this is a situation of utter Strapling so
ldier wants to know
that we dont have science for all things we have governments and
monarchies and ruling classes and peasants and those that wait
knife in one haned and another one that wants
to know whjat
for the
thediferenecce is between the ones that chose
and that ones
bus and those cryptoligists thiose that become and those that
wouyldn t the ones that wanted to and the one
s that simply didnt
become because we are becoming, daily we are becoming who
we are
here so how could you be also. We are here so
how could you be
intended to become or wanted but never truly knew we wented

gold medalist winner as such as Shawn White M
become based solely on our own demise.
----------------------- Page 139----------------------PHELPS MICHAEL FUCKING PHELPS. What was onecce is not
palace luxor tilla tilla what that is the thril
la, Far and few between
werent anything
what was one time or two is no longer what was here is no longer
compared to this and that.
Anyways the truth behind the rumors were that J
essabell wasn t
god damnbit and god dmn you, you fucking bitches. The truth be
the one to blame for
told im
her remarks. she just wasn t she had to become
what her father
not simply utilitariansit, im also unilatirist.
always dreamed she
The class was in session. The bord room was at a clearance the
would. She had become a dime piece to the strip
pers of her
trial of Johannes berg daiaries was once
soriety house. The
among the noble ones. The fire was lit amonst them, and the jury
Golden house waas so excited to see her finnaly
overcame the
was held at a close for several hours here
strifes in her life,
there and here a little there a littele, and agin here and ther and
because of her father, and that was all she kne
w. The ones before
here a little. Procastination rang from
were playing cards
through out the nation the supreme court jutror of some place far
on their own, the ones before were following so
meone something
east the ones that came to meet the
that needed no
simplke minded ones and the blasphameous ones, Cpouldn t hold
introduction, the pain was real and the victory
was throug and the
ustice a bar but could perform the bar in
sacrafices were
the 2016b summer olympics. Far and between was the one that
real. Susan paused to kiss her son she needed t
o because she
played for Michael Phepls, farhere and
knew not of his evil
farther they traveled intot he confines of the back nine, far and
deeds. She became one with space and time and a
llowed others
wide the crwod cheered fro the paul revere

the time to surpass

the pilgrims are coming the pilgrims are coming, arm yourselves
and arm the ones within Cpt planet captain
Two characters Susan and her son sam The
of the highest sphere of the monarchy of queens, you bitch and
morning was wretched Susan had just woken up,
you it was you it was you that cae to the store
and sam was still asleep. "COme on Sam wake
the oteher night looking for a space that held threef ifteen for
up."The morning was wretched Susan had just
days hours in between
woken up, and Sam was still asleep. "Come on
the ones that were mean and the ones that were not the ones
Sam wake up." Wake up we have to get going
that cost a
and once we get there we ll be on the back of a
penny for a rock. What were we to make of them and if we even
rollercoaster. A rollercoaster, A rollercoaster
could why would
mom?" Sam asked? Yes a rollercoaster. We have
we. Performance is altruistic and performance is all giving the all
to get going the store is about to close and we
giving eye, Luxor
have not enough time today to do the things
----------------------- Page 140----------------------that we love. If I had bows and arrows I could
the color red and purple for many years it has bee
n the color blue
fire back then we d be super straight. Super
straight until we come home. We never had to
yellow for so many years. The time has come to go
play basketball
be one until we were one. I m at this small town
sitting at the bar and this woman comes up it me
have to be on one. Here he comes once before the p
layer has
and asks, do we have to be at the young and lost
come to us
alternative bar on the outskirts of town? I feel
and we don t have to become. Here we go its me vers
us you take
like we do, but you may not concur with my
vision of things because we have not but we
soul, I am on my way to become one with flour and
our own sugar
have too. We have many things my young knight
saver. We have many things anyways. The world
our own tripe of something that has nothing to do
with our
has been round since day one but it hasnt been

blue forever, it has been the color red and

of you and ours, the Europeans are become us and w
e them.
purple for many years it has been the color blue
Give me this knowledge and give me this partial so
mething that
and yellow for so many years. The time has
come to go play basketball we have to be on
me I have not but you have more and I don t so why
dont you
one. Here he comes once before the player has come to us and
we don t
me I have to be the one to defeat you, and you me.
Join our team
have to become. Here we go its me versus you take my soul, I am
or be
on my
mean to you and me forever, the time has come to b
e as we are
way to become one with flour and our own sugar and our own
and I
tripe of
will be as you are there are two parts to every on
e thing that
something that has nothing to do with our speculations
hasn t what
alternative bar
on earth are we to have when we are one. We don t
have to be on
on the outskirts of town? I feel like we do, but you may not
concur with
that we dont have to be. Take me back to the future
. Martin
my vision of things because we have not but we have too. We
Luther King
have many
is king to me he is the best, and to deny him is t
o deny me, I have
things my young knight saver. We have many things anyways. The
become me, and so do you Sam.
has been round since day one but it hasnt been blue forever, it
I m so sorry I ended this conversation on a name, its
your but its
has been
the one that I gave you. Do you understand?
----------------------- Page 141----------------------Do you know what they do to niggers like us? Do you know what
the stage, Huh yea o yea hey epee as epee yea on
a hay an no no
they do them... they hang us from trees and
no na na na na na.
burn us alive, do you know what that feels like? Do you know, as I
Yo the thing is this, church could never be so a

blys, Take me to
harshly abrupt you into acknowledging my
church and you will
words, I beseech of you I follow you into the bathroom and cut
have your reward. I follow through witht he kni
fe and the sword. I
your nuts off, I have become me and you you.
have no longer
But who are you to say that you said that I could talk to him you
having the things that i want. I
did id see him at the airport. My emotions
must suffice or Turkeys die. I have to become w
hat is becoming,
run high and the world turns. I don t know what to do I have to
Nietzsx=che followed
feel you one last time I have to. What are you
through with three or fpur denominations my ulti
mation is that i
referring to? I don t know I dont know, I do not know. Who I am.
have following
Who are you, and what is it.
appointments at the VA Hospital.
The Kuala bear to the polar bear where is the ginger ale? And why
I have come here to see my doctor. YOu you
has it not become us? We don t know,
haven t maybe you must obey my command sgt
where our home is and why is it not here, why is our ice melting, I
first class in charge of my people. I will not
dont know Luda I just do not know, and I
offend and still i will not. god my system wont
never have. Polar bears don t leave me don t you fucking leave me
have release release me into the wil and i am
I brush your teeth when youre not home I
that i am. Its a long story beginging at the first
brush your teeth when youre not home. I have to be at your
and the last. tThe omnipitance of our Lord and
house soon, to know that your home, and I
savior jesus christ. I believe in Christ. If i
admit that I love you I have loved you since day one, youre so
abput god my album wot get plaid, if i talk
beautiful. To entreat youre wanting places is
about . Follow me and i promise you will
to love you.
conquer death. Folowing through with the
Then ball s placed at mid quart we have to see the competitor try
baseball bat i dont understand, i am mentally
to take on the other and then we have to
retarted retard this the boats coming into the
see the rest of us win at the third point line why haven t we won
dock, they neither try nor loose the dont need
yet? We have, now get laid you workers
laying brick. I lay bricks wheezy laid hay he laid rubber cement but
As CSam wakes up, He needs not try to fumble
that wasnt the only thing that we had that
around with his tonka truck. The one that his
we didnt have we didnt have this we didnt have that we didnt
grandmother gave him the one that his uncle

have anything that we didnt need, Im sorry

paid for on ebay. The thomas the train tonka
and I repent on a Tuesday, I repent on a Saturday, Saturday night
truck. Tke me to church yea right more like take
live I have touched
me to hell. One more day and then well have it
----------------------- Page 142----------------------otherwise your souls will not be happy. Burning
only in 6th grade, he was allergic to wool and th
at being said he
in a firing furnace of hell and brimstone. You
had no
guys suck at life. Susan agreed, How can i help
ideas of Philosopphy or Psychology or anything th
at ever
Sam? I dont know said her mother in this 2nd
demanded his
grade class that neede nothing more than
cares or even his thoughts about anything besides
the planet
obedience. obediece to the rules of the land. The
thing is this i bnever had to be you ont he inside i
Domnt you dare make fun of him and I even hear abou
t it I will
must find a new subject a poem lst or
personally kill both of yous, Both of yours will
die, alligators or
annpnyous, there are annpnymouse . People
not. Susan
allocated in the sixth grade and i really do not
couldnt get rid of her southern accent no matter h
ow much time
care if there recent documentatons isn around a
cherry creek school district board of revies. The
spent in Denver Colorado, hey maybe ill just move
possibility of it happening any other way is not
away from
something that even personifies, exception and
my home of Kentucky. I focused upon your young on
e this
why the f do any of even understand, about life about
relationships, or
Csaid the Dean of Campus. You see son there are c
ertain laws in
about what it sounds and smells like in the 16th chapel, in Rome,
or to
wor;d that are extremely robust that can not be c
oerced with the
slaughter your first born child, such as Soloman, Nouns [pronouns
seeing eye but must have recollectio n with the o

ne that
adjectives are forgotten on you and who am i to say thees things i
disowned you,
now make no mistake your brother Pharoah, wants y
ou around
to get this off, bitch just make me come then dont make a sound,
I have
you have ot believe that, Yes father but at the sam
e time the
a job Mr President CEO of Taco bell hired me the other day I think
it was
are weary from the burden and tasks which your go
vernment has
a Saturday and things fell straight into place. Followers all of you
upon heir backs,This is cruel and unusall. Yes son
but at the
are you Before Sam couldget the words out of his mouth he
same time
tried to
they are peasats anf we are dominators of both ch
urch and state,
find the 4 square ball it was made out of rubber and though Sam
can have a damn hgood life being a Ruddebaker, Ye
a but I dont
----------------------- Page 143----------------------that. It was 7th period and Sam was in economics class and he
about, shes stealing his metronome. The kid co
uld die, so you
had only
took it upon you to do
one thing on his mind going home to see his mother. Christopher
an extremely riskty procedure involving the li
fe of the patient and
his mother. I am
what happened to Winnie the pooh and why is he not around to
the chief of residence here and the truth is y
our pediatrics, and an
your melodic more like robust noises why on earth wouyld he
The masters steps to his podium, the song play
s, there are sounds
even be
of mythodocal
hear, What Newsweek covered it, i am not my brothers keeper i
angels singing praises to the most high, did y
ou hear the cults

beat the angels earlier

the truth can be told in a county court of law what on earth was
this afternoon, i did, what do you think that
means. Something
bad, very bad. The
keeper f the golden plates conspiculating in order to get rich?
road traverses and passengers are thrown overb
oard, we have
What was
not become ourselves
that mother fucker thinking hanging up that god damn phone, i
yet, and consequently any one else for that ma
tter but sir who
have we forgotten,
answers, "Cso does the DA what is that? The defense attorney.
that is a question only you can answer, true,
but what about... ....
thats the
"What about
one that doesnt snort the white russian. Outside any cathedral or
nothing chris what about noting." Whats this t
he conducter
hollores het to higher
barthalumele decree placed solely for the purpose of placing it.
ground, follow through with thos enunchucks, p
ut the past behind
you and allow my
and here we go the wave comes and the wave goes it is profound
money makers to put us through do not bother w
ith those they
it is
are destined to die
lathargic, it is what it is. Put your hands in the air lets toast to that
turn up the music mom turn up the 1051.
Lets talk turkey who here thinks there iqs are higher than a
CWhat better way, none i suppose. You are dest
ined for death,
rhinosaureous, Well i suppose the entire class
your majesty. The entifre class your predicting knows the entire
I will be the one to administer it, good luck,
alphabet forwards and backwards. That
Follow through with the left follow through
wasn t the question your honor, five minutes later life in prison,
with the right, but do not talk about Fight Cl
for what, and why was jesus there and why
Tyler had his weird condessending idead of
god. Bold but never oo bold. Bacardi limon i will win, You will huh,
whatw as right and a=what was ismply
sure about that, ill tell you what i am sure
unacceptable, I m sorry Mr Navorky But at this
----------------------- Page 144-----------------------

time you are simplt unnacceptable,

one by one hit the ground. Jonny notices
this and jumps towards
"Unnaceptable, The nly thing you can do here is
one of his favorite pictures that are on
shop, here is two vouchers for the transiberian
way towards the ground, he had to save t
his one, and it was a
lounge, stay there live there but as of yet New
picture of his college graduation.
York is off limits.
The Nazis are coming, and what are we to do
Ryan, noticing the apartment coming cras
hing in all around them
about it, check their ids at the door, no one
screams lets get out, no sooner than he
under twenty one can be or will be accepted,
made this sound than a part o the ceilin
g came crashing down
Falling asleep for me has never been easy the
upon Ryan, it hits him so hard, so fast
that he
darkness frightens the one inside and when we
can do nothing, but accept his fate as h
e hits
folloe=w through with the hatred, we are not
Anne Frank, and we certainly am not Martin
the floor weighed down by the collapsing
ceiling from upon above
Luther King, Malcolm X or the utmost. So check
him. Johnny doesnt know what to do
it out if we are not them and they us, then why
about this scene of carnage in front of
him, he quickly debates
are we not us, arent we here to be bothered,
should I leave and save myself or stay a
nd risk
father, ever try to condone the Masedonains
dying to save Ryan? he cant make up his m
ind the apartment is
again and i will kill you. YOur mother thhat
crumbling down all around him, he must
wretch of a woman, she so stubborn, who youor
make up his mind, and do it quick, he be
gins to
mother that is. My Thoughts (revised)
Poetry By Christopher Maxwell
run for the door, as his hand reaches ou
t for the door handle, he
turns his head to look at Ryan who is no
laying on his side pinned under a huge p
iece of ceiling... Help Ryan

2 3 Chris The Max Thomas Johnny and Ryan

exasperates, dude, don t leave, Ill die.
Johnny and Ryan sit in their apartment.
Johnny hear this he has a turn of heart
and runs to the aid of Ryan
Middle of the day, sun is shining
he falls to his knees next to
Ryan and as he tryst with all his might
to lift the piece
Johnny, dude do you feel that?
Johnny, yea man its moving ...
of ceiling that fell on Ryan he cant, Johnn
y, I cant!
Ryan, the ground?
he proclaims, Johnny looks around the ap
artment or whats left of
around, then both start to freak out! As the walls start to
it, he can see the floor under them,
shake the pictures fall from their 5
because of the huge hole in the ground t
o johnnies right, he turns
resting places, and they violently hit the ground, breaking glass is
his head back to
the sound of each of them as they start to
Ryan and the 10
----------------------- Page 145----------------------situation at hand, he tries again, this time he screams loud, with
seen the hatred of the nation towards me
he force of his breath and his almost super
because I was sick from my service, the hatred,
human strength in this time of need, he is able to lift the heavy
and then Veterans Day shows up and Im a king
ceiling from his friend Ryan and Ryan lifts
for a day. But this is where it gets really
himself up off the floor, starts to limp towards the door, but his
complicated for you see
leg is broken his left leg broke from the fall.
His collapses steps in front of the front door, and
I get free doctors visits, free medication, and
free therapist visits. Now how has this made th
proclaims "go on without me, save you!" Johnny is being hit in the
blog complicated cause first I made a very bold
head by decree the ground continues to
statement, then tried to falsify it by reprovin
shake. He doesnt know what to do
myself then I told you everything was free since
Im a veteran, now did

Should I? Should I be ashamed I wonder? shame is the most

Adam and eve not have two main
commandments to obey. And were they not
emotion nowadays it seems, shame
only capable of keeping one 16
of them? Yes so we can see that its obviously a
for the last thing said, shame for the loved ones
paradox this free nation is a paradox, somethin
lost in the war shame that our beloved
that cannot be described, since I get on the bu
president is black, shame that we lost so many
and everyone hales me a hero, then I drive down
brave young mean nod women to a war that
spear and every other homeless person is a
doesnt repay its veterans except on veterans
day, ok I know u fool dont tell me about the
war. I study this every day with... Wolf Blitzer
Time is worth gold
and he know better than you! Does he? 13
Now that I have separated me from you we can
question posed now take this conversation one
count or gold separately in the privacy of our
step further lets falsify the theory to make it
homes, u see this is precisely what we do after
that much stronger, for you see any theory that
church, or for me right after the sacrament I g
o home and count
is falsified is stronger than a non falsified theory,
my gold.
so previously I had said shame that we lost so
This sounds weird but its relatively simple, ev
ery 18
many brave young 14 mean nod women to a
moment of every day we are collecting time from
events and
war that doesnt repay its veterans except on
people, I believe the time we collect from
veterans day, now to falsify that sentence, ok so
people is worth more gold than... the events we
collect with
let me reprove myself. I am a veteran and I have
ourselves, why because the art of
----------------------- Page 146----------------------communication is the ultimate pleasure in the universe, it sustains
the user longer than any other pleasure.
branch to make your deposits, and to do busines
s with our
Pick up a copy of

beautiful tellers, you were actually indicating

Brian Greens the fabric of
through possibly your tone of voice assumption,
then you are
already accusing me of something that I had no
the cosmos, and read it, it will convince you of the truthfulness of
previous feeling of guilt towards.
string theory and thats really all Im
referencing, comma baby yea,
President I got this blessing the other day fro
m my home teacher
Dedicated to President Carpenter
that said the leaders in your life will be your
Ok ok Im just going to rap on your email. Give me a subject.
priesthood leaders, your one of those men, I neve
r told you this
Euthanasia? If I knew what that was id
but your one of my best friends, and why
simply cause you went to Harvard, you arrested
me, and you
discuss it with you, lets try a simpler subject, like Coca-Cola, now
disfellowshipped me, I run pretty fast? Well
everyone knows when you open a can of
thats it, wait wait um I love a good
coke your opening happiness. They dont just advertise it that way
for nothing, there must be some truth
challenger, and you are a good challenger!
behind the rumors.
Inspired by Kelly Clarkson
Indications of fraud are the
Your apartment is a mess, judge me not! Take yo
ur weight off my
back. I drink water, Brita. I learn new languag
es, Rosetta stone,
following writing fraudulent checks against ...ones own bank
account, pushing a woman when you us your
Actually I did quite badly in Spanish. I cried
strength against their helplessness, this is the definition of fraud. I
during my midterm, had to 26
just hope my bank doesnt read this email,
go to the hall to compose myself. I cried when
then they might have reason to stick me with their phony
the twin towers went down had to kill some
allegations, allegations of guilt and shame, why
Afghans to compose myself, kidding, no but
dont you ever come in the branch to 22
seriously we have a house a yard, and kids
make your deposits, and to do business with our beautiful tellers.
they play...ay in the yard and touch the dog!
Why u ask I believe the answer lies within
These are precious jewels. You bore them to
the question does it not, by asking u are already indicating that

me, and now we share them, thank you for

there is another means by which I can
your brightness, thank you for your
accomplish my banking transactions, therefore you have
compassion, 27
answered your own question.
thank you for understanding. Look at what we
Unless when you asked why dont you come into the
built together, take your pills you nudge me, I
----------------------- Page 147----------------------think for a few seconds... as I look at the
sharing or after the memory of sha...ring does
that trumps the
ground my mind wanders it thinks about the
actual act of it? Hypothesis laid now the
last time I took them, then I remember it had
experimental aspect of the experiment I shall j
udge between me
been weeks. The line from
and the the reproving locomotion of the act
or the memory of the act? Now back to the
spider man 3 is the only thing that is in my mind.
A single tear comes from my eye and falls slowly
ultimate profession. Havent we already determine
d that its
to the ground; you notice and try not to cry. As
obviously a professor? For r they not constantl
this line presents itself with more momentum in
sharing with their pupils? But what is the high
est form of art?
my mind I see
Character creation or the father of art.
Kirsten Dunst in my mind, after the recognition
Economics? Um it could b the question of who sh
ares the most?
of truth is revealed, Kristen says, "you don t?"
Missionaries. But that occupation is only two
and theres a long questioning in her voice. A
years. But if u were to die during the mission
wanting for 29
33 then u would have met the necessary aspect o
f obtaining the
more. After I allow this thought to leave my mind I
ultimately most gratifying profession at least
look up at my wife, and I say so valiantly look at
for a certain amount of time! But time is based
soly on the
our kids! Look at our kids, and we both start to
observer so it is objective? Meaning if u obtai
n the
cry. We hug
highest form of gratifying professions what if
u meet the existence
Whats the most gratifying
of a lesser gratifying profession. But for a

profession? I I wonder what

longer duration then did u win?
the most gratifying
profession is.
Huh interesting. Very. One thing to say is if t
he ball goes in the
hoop before the buzzer goes off and u score
Socrates or his pupil said the highest form of
the correct amount of points to advance your sc
ore over your
gratification in this life is to b feasting upon a
competitor then u technically have won the
piece of knowledge. Not the act of studying it.
game. Im pretty sure Carmelo Anthonys had
Russell crow a beautiful mind. To acknowledge it to share it with
a couple of those. Prob more than a couple!
others that is the
Something I wrote a couple of years ago The mov
ie is awesome,
ultimate gratification.
but keeps the scene going. As an audience
But then is it ultimately more gratifying during the
member I like the suspense. The action of this
scene ties together
the plot and suspends the 36
----------------------- Page 148----------------------reader thought heir most famous dreams. Theyve been taken and
Nephi? I Nephi having been born of goodly
delivered to another, one who doesnt
parents and having been taught in the way
s of
own these promises. Once seen on a clear lit screen a screen that
the lord all my days, and having been h
never lies, lies a dream screen. Now
favored 40 of the lord? Something somet
the main characters start to die and the daughters and sons
mourn their departure, we have more solitude
I noticed you were walking rather casua
for the deceased. Its a good start but theres
through your apartment this morning, that
could mean a few things maybe first and
more to this story that hasn t been mentioned or hasnt been
foremost that you have a calm relaxed sen
considered yet. The possibility of a family. These words are my
and sensibility this morning, and why 4

shouldn t you for the one that seeks yo
ur utter
and they belong in a shabadoo, to pretty much describe anything
destruction and wants to hurl your ever
soul into the firy pits of hell, is wai
ting in an
alot like huah but not quite as corporate. Huah has gone big time,
attempt to hurl your soul to his angels
, to be
burned with a pitchfork for all eternit
y, but other
huah bars, reproduction lines are working overtime to sell this
than that I rather
agree I think I shall walk in a brief r
manner after your example, for that sho
suite me quite well. Eggs and bacon? Do
Devoid its devoid of everything, no pictures, no titles no
mind if I do say eating eggs and bacon wh
meanings, what
walking briskly with no seemingly cares
into he
does it mean where does it come from and why does it flow so, o
world is rather refreshing! And by the
dont offer me anything Ill tell you what
I want
does it flow?
ok give me 3 chicken mcnuggets and put
Dont show me your happiness, laman and lemuel
one of them up your butt! Im trying to l
ose a little
told me cause of my afflictions I cannot be happy, they told me
weight! Jack Black, Tenacious d.
My Mind
and part of me wants to believe it, but another part of says naa,
My mind my mind, is a something that is
unexplainable. Phew you disgust me. Par
don me, for I thought
on a different day of creation, creating there
you just said

universes. Why cant they get on day 6 like

something rather rude to me,
----------------------- Page 149----------------------44
think you can stop me? An army of one, yea r
ight more like an
wait till I tell Erin about this, and by the way youll be hearing
army of... ha thats funny.
from my lawyer. Sure
Were going to need more men, but theres only o
ne place
you couldnt afford the dirt off my handkerchief, and why would I
buy you a puppy?
to find them, and thats in the mountains of t
he dead, but they
Youre already bipolar. As Spencer Pratt would establish on The
answer to no men, plus why would they fight
Hills R U Serious I
with us? Cause they want their souls back! T
he...y will fight or
wouldnt...t spend a dime on you. This aggression is no good, says
they lose forever, and there are a lot of them
the wise
We shall draft them to our team before the h
our draws too late.
Chinese man, here sit have a piece of rice, for
And what about you? Do you still have
one can truly sustain their lifes off a single grain of it each day!
all your whits about you? I believe so, or I t
hought so according to
And to be honest the wise Chinese man
wouldnt have used so much excitement in their voice to express
dude in The Hills, Lauren s date to New Years o
ne year, but I
this concern for your well being, as
seeming necessary for an explanation point, so once
seriously though were doomed, dont say that F
lo Rida, were fine,
I just
again I have brought the reader to differential validity. I am but a
hope your faculties are square and your tire
s are filled to correct
fool, I consider my writing good, somewhat
capacity on your car cause here it comes bab
y no time to think
good, but good none the less, but to whom? To me? What does it
just time
profit a man the master that he has never
to react.
served, for you cannot serve two masters, you cannot serve god

and mammon, for either you will love the

Heavenly Father once at a certain level thin
gs slow down people
one and despise the other or 47
can see
you will hold to the one and Hate? The other, no quite sure I dont
your words easier, and I pray to god that he m
ight not be mad at
quite recall, lady gaga referring to her
me for
promiscuous life, sorry for combining those two, as Chris Brown
my lack of knowledge or my perceived knowled
ge that may or
would say to Tpain on their way into the
may not
theatre for their! Show, Good Luck, never did understand that one
be completely true, but its the truth the who
le truth, and
Take your best shot
nothing but the truth so help me god. I dont
understand god and
Take a shot at me, take your best shot, you simplify my doings and
all his
my comings and goings, but do you truly
----------------------- Page 150----------------------ways, but I will proclaim what I know to the best of my ability
The music starts, the lead singer slowly appr
oaches the mic, the
before the
lead singer slowly judgment day comes. So maybe I can help my fellow men if
grips the mic, everything is seen in slow mot
ion, or perceived as
at all
such, but truthfully
possible before the day of life is
its just Brians heart thump thumpity thumpity o
f his heart
through his chest. And
over and man can no longer perform their labors. What a great
he can no longer control the faculties of his
body. His heart his
dreadful day of the lord, which is shortly to come, and what
muscles work on their
own. Why wont his mind take control as it once
did? Why did...
does it make if we are wrong about the exact date of the coming
nobody take him
of our
seriously when he told people that he loved h
er? Why did people
lord and savior Jesus Christ, if we believe, clean hands and a pure

constantly question
his love? But its too late now. Its too late to
question anything
Thats whats required to abide the great and
his heart is beating
dreadful day of the coming of the 54
too fast. I think something is wrong
lord. therefore, we must all combine together to
stop the progression of the advisory, he is on the
he tells himself, he warns his body if it doe
snt stop acting in this
alert and we must be careful cause eye means
manner he may have
business, and if hell is anything like what I
to take a monumental turn for the worst. The
worst involved a
imagine it to be then you do not want to go
telephone call to 911
there! But according o the ultimate goodness of
and what do you think they would day? Are you
alright? Yea I
god, we can take hope in Jesus atonement, in
think so but you see my
which though your sins be a s scarlet
heart wont stop thumpity thumpity through my c
hest. I think
something is wrong,
they shall be white as wool, though they be red
what should I 59
like crimson, they shall be white as snow, maybe I
do, take your pulse, first and foremost what
caused this can you
got that wrong, but yea so check it out any day
recall? Yes a girl I
now, maybe on Christmas Jesus will return, or
was trying to perform when it I arrived at th
is state, now can you
maybe not till several years from now, what do I
help me. He
know for real
grips one arm on his right thigh bending over
to hold himself up
The man on stage
before he
completely collapses.
----------------------- Page 151----------------------60
level Brian can make out the description of ev
eryones shoes.
People around notice something is wrong, Brian looks around so
many eyes peeled at
his blue eyes, no sign of help arriving from any of them. His cell

Nice. Brian was a confused young man for you s

ee one of his last
phone falls from his
opposite hand onto the stage, as it falls Brian can
before the angel of death takes his mortal bod
y to the grave is
Hear the muffled sounds of the telephone operator on the other
end try to reestablish a connection with
Brian. Brian doesnt know exactly what she says as she ends the
AS Brian closes his eyes for the lst time his bo
dy begins to have a
call with a sudden slap of the wooden floor
coming in contact with the
spasm on the wooden stage. Though he is no lon
ger conscious
c...cellular phone previously in use by this young man. Brian can
do nothing but watch as the one light of hope
can still briefly hear the people around him a
nd their voices in his
that may
head, they are saying something, but what is i
t. It seemed like the
most important thing in Brains young life to d
epict exact ally what
save his life falls to the floor. He looks up at the mic that he was
these people were saying
hoping to perform on tonight, he had all his
songs down, they were perfect, but tonight he wouldn t be
before he goes to his final resting place, but
its too late his spirit
performing any of them. His other arm reaches for
his other thigh still looking around in desperation for help from
left his body and now he goes to his final des
tination! Chris
those around him. They just start talking
amongst themselves, some are 63
Thanks Marcus thats all I needed to know, I rea
laughing others are toasting their champagne glasses against one
anothers. Ha, do you think we should... the hesitation is written
now its a long arduous journey to the top, how ar
duous is it? I
over their lips. What is going on, why didnt anyone stand up to
that all too well, and this time I documented it
all, I dont need to
help, if

Brian were a lawyer he definitely would file for a negligence
it down, I got it all up here, not me I have i
t on my com putter!!
64 case in the court of law, and would he win, now days hmmm,
schizzle my nizzle. Jack Nicholson related rap
to poetry while
this passes through brians sharp mind as he falls to the floor. At
Keaton said it was too masagonistic. Not that
I even know the
----------------------- Page 152----------------------definition of 68
piece of knowledge or youre not, so people lik
e me come into
that word, but I do know that god loves his children, never the
play to teach you what
less I do
I know, or what I think I know. So please enj
oy it!
not know the meaning of all things. Nephi talking to the angel.
Do you know the condescension of god, in
Premarital realm
which Nephi replies no? Again if I even knew
As I previously stated Im sorry, to prove this
I call you at 10:03 at
what the word condescension meant I would us
night, why cause
it in sentences like hey give me that I dont
eye must tell you how sorry I am, now before yo
u stop reading
know my plan now is to move to America get
hear me out, I want to
tell you something. The thing is maybe accord
ing to our own laws
my drivers license get all set up, the car I want to get is a
that we govern
Lamborghini cuntaush
thats a tight one thats the one I want to get! Rodrigo Teixeira.
Two commandments
by its wrong, it was wrong to use more than t
he allowed amount
only one can be followed but both were given, so which do we
of characters when
choose ego keep,
posting a blog on face book, but hey Mark Zuk
kerberg doesnt...
hmmm interesting Adam and eve I dont think even thought
seem to care
about the dilemma they
anymore! I give him a hard time, but truthful

ly face book is a huge

were in the garden till after
blessing it just
came along way too early, like we still had M
ySpace why 74
they realized they were naked, and yes there is only one judge,
did we need another social network website? H
onestly but it is
unless u consider the
what it is and now
judges in is real. They judge, righteously, but they judge the
here we are. So we have audiences all of us a
nd people that we
ultimate judgment, and
"follow, and people
believe me Im just running scenarios around in my head, I know
that follow us, but doesnt this point to the pre
existence, and
god is the ultimate
what and who we were
god of
before we
75 came to earth? Doesnt have something to do
with what god
the universe and all others universes he ever decided to create
have given to us on
and I do not tempt the
this earth according to what and who we were
in the premarital
knowledge of that knowledge I have, In todays worlds u either
world? In the
are feasting upon a
Proclamation to the Family, it sates, In the
premarital Realm spirit
sons and daughters
----------------------- Page 153----------------------knew and worshipped god as their eternal father and accepted his
80 money down that my IQ is higher than yours! Su
ch a strong
plan by which his
statement to be made, why would you have to sell
your boat to
children could obtain an earthly
your superiority to me, I already own two boats,
therefore I am
body to progress towards perfection, or something dont really
remember, but the point is we all lived this life before we came
one that can technically afford to lose one, not
you my friend, and
we were proving ourselves to heavenly father, and therefore we

shouldn t I be able to drive to the leasing offic

e to ask for a soda,
and have what we have because of our past progression or lack
thereof, which Im pretty sure there isnt too much of that going
Im there to see if
with the people 77 that I know! Anyhow
my roommate has come in yet, when you and I both
know that Ill
Dras you consider me as dras. Something that is replaceable.
back in tomorrow with eh same excuse looking for an
other soda,
teach old dogs new tricks but can treat old friends like complete
you will stupidly give it to me, because Im handso
me or whatever
Whats the deal with that?
Well for one thing how many scientists 78
situation, but still its not right, then ask me to
ss top,
does it take to prove string theory? Exactly more than one. Then
than ask me to stop, Catch me if you can, Leonard
Pixar portrayed one man playing chess by himself, which reminds
Vicario. Talking to Christopher Waken, his dad in
the movie, to
me I
which Christopher replies, You can t Stop,
use to b homeless! Weak! From this passage we can easily deduce
Look t you, where are you going?
Somewhere exotic
decay of our culture. I mean anyone who considers Pixar to 79
Tahiti, Hawaii, just tells me where youre going. O
ne of the best
hold any entertainment value is dras and must b old because
scenes ever put on film by two good actors.
So what Im saying is that Im just rambling,
certainly not teaching him any new tricks. Well maybe roll over,
but any
or am I want to tell you guys something, somethin
g important,
potty trained basset hound can do that
but my schizophrenia wont let me, it wont let
me. So many blessings, so many blessings, where h
ave they gone,
Its a battle of the intellects; I will put any amount of

they have gone... somewhere, somewhere.

----------------------- Page 154----------------------This is the beginning of the end, the son of God is approaching at
Patience is the key. The key will unlock the d
oor, only if you let it.
an explinantial rate,
Chris Thomas
end your sentences with commas, it will impress your
Kyle Crawley
Whats on your mind? What do you think is on
March 21, 2003
my mind? Its face book, crazy face book, but l
Whats more important inner peace a complete feeling of release,
me slow down the words, slowly written, slowly
knowing you are
read, no metronome needed. You taught me
truly free, or friendship, will the loss of one friend completely 85
the skill of skateboarding, you and you alone,
descentize you to this new found liberation? If this is what youve
now Im pro! You
been searching for
89 are pro, and u understands something that
yearning to embrace it as an infant to its mother. Why cant you
not many people understand. The meaning of
be free, why wont
life is this try to put a cube object in a trian
you spread your wings, stop worrying about the winds direction,
shaped whole use your plastic mallet that your
allow the air to carry
mother gave you s a young child, still it cann
you freely. But you cant theres a lingering of wrong doing.
be done, now take the same object and tryst o
Something is off key. Stop
fit in the corresponding hole, it fits, it fit
s. How
listening only hear
could you be happy in the celestial
the positive serenading of your own heart. Allow the peace of
kingdom if you dont live a celestial law? I the
acceptance be your
lord will forgive whom I will forgive, but of
you it
guide. Reason must govern the soul. Plato, such as the most
is required to forgive all men. Judge not that
intelligent member of
be not judges, Im sorry... Im sorry. Check this

out ill quote the

ones society conducts the daily business of their disciples. Only
proclamation to the family, we the first preside
ncy and the
you can choose the
counsel of
path, which path shall you choose? Listen ponder observe, time is
the twelve apostles of the church of Jesus Chr
ist of later day saints
relative, dont
solemnly proclaim
allow past mistakes to blind the
91 that marriage between man and woman is orda
ined of god and
leahona, only one person holds the truth. If you believe he will
the family is central to the creators plan for
the eternal destiny of
guide you to safety.
Let him, listen to his council, and that of his followers, this will
children. All human beings male and female are
created into eh
bring answers.
image of
----------------------- Page 155----------------------god and as such each has a divine nature and
morning, Keisha, so many revealing posts, but h
ey Christmas is
right around the corner, so its ok
destine, gender is an essential characteristic of individual
identity and purpose, in the premolar realm sprit sons and
Ethics journal entry 1 Egoism. Egoism is the co
ncept of doing
something for the benefits of one self. The
knew and worshipped god as their eternal father and accepted
opposite of this concept is the concept of altru
ism, which is acting
high plan
on behalf of others. Thomas Hobbes
by which his children could obtain a physical body to progress
developed a theory called, State of Nature, which
with egoism demonstrating self interest.
protection. Thats all I know
Thomas Hobbes believed Its about my survival and
See More
97 not yours. The difference between psychologica
l egoism and
ethical egoism is that psychological

egoism says we are self interested. Immanuel Liv
ens developed a
I think my neighbors beating his kids, Im delirious, what time is it
theory of extreme altruism. I think that
how long
we are innately egoistic; however as human being
s we adapt to
have I been sitting at this computer writing these stories, does
Social Contract, and live in a way that
benefits others in order to ultimately benefit
me and
really care, Im just doing this for community service, huh?
Kane West, he always says that I a disgruntled sort of
you, with time serving as a factor
A Werewolf
tone, Huh he says with a question mark behind it, funny
A werewolf a werewolf is appearing in my dreams.
Fangs thick,
entertaining, I
sharpened by the
wonder if thats going to become his catchphrase, guess it...
rocks found in his path. As the light beckons fro
m the crescent
moon 99
pretty much has, and still we pay to watch others live their lives,
her eyes dash the horizon till at once we meet
thought the desert
sand, and onto
Carpathians, or whatever the freak the hot chicks name is, the
the serenity of the sea, my heart triumphs as sh
e grasps my palm.
His cries with eh
that lasted a month to
night beckon those that are in search of blood.
The time has come
and the victim
Christopher or whoever, but these are just media and culture
lies down into his meadow unsuspecting of his d
emeanor. Found
subjects, get my drunk txt on ill regret it in the
once by the wolf
----------------------- Page 156----------------------untold by the past his 100
fugitives, two percent of which fill an unneeded
departure from staying his prey. Till now when their paths meet
void in our pie graph, let us do away with these
again, there will be a
numbers in our heads and let these fools count

duel of mights. As we soar through the cirrus clouds, undaunted

lilies, on their own in the fields where the
by the story untold,
grasshoppers live, and spider webs wait to
what could she want from my picture book? And onto the next
capture their young. But what about us that
adventure we escape.
never suffered the pains of eternity, only our
The peaceful sound of nothing, and we are alone for the diamond
105 own condemnation to lives of misfortune and
hate towards
of time has parted
us onto our separate 101
we know his flock was the best and we chose our
fates. Let us
ways. Galileo found in his reasoning a
particularity which seemed to off balance the
together hand in hand, we are alone, but would h
ave it no other
spectrum. Truth was offended, as he unmasked
the data proving possibilities of change, shaping
So long to the vineyards and castles of once spo
ken into 106 he
1,000 page books.
cases of
He knew it was there and he found it.
our minds. These memories are nothing more than
folklore, told
The best thing I ever wrote!
fisherman tending to their many duties on a warm
spring evening.
He s always felt his way; his countenance hasn t
changes towards his fellowmen. How could
setting on the day of exaltation. Many trout in
their lines, a day of
such grievous take place among the noblest of
celebration, a night of mourning. Come my fellow
the kings men? Surely the account must be
wrong, let us recount the tally, the votes are
inherited these lands with blood on our conscien
ces and not a
registered and the
less, and 107
ballets are filled, two candidates hang in wait, a
we shall reap what we deserve. If perfection is
to exist
nation to decide their king.
somewhere in the
The people have spoken, but sir there must be some mistake
universe, chaos must be its counterpart. The pie

ce of pie that falls

what about the t...hard
party legislative poetic fools? With heir hearts on their sleeves
of the gravitational force of a fallen star. Onc
e glowing bright of
looking for a former
its own
life, surely these deserve a say in our 104
energy now devoid of anything and seeking the de
struction of
world of thieves. The blasphemers and the
----------------------- Page 157----------------------and everyone.
speed, their average life expectancy as measure
d by scientists in
Let us weep no more, and come back to the fold of
the laboratory increases dramatically. This
really happens.
our friends and lovers. A tear fell from her eye as she scolded her
At 667 million miles
youngest child. He had been an especially
naughty boy at school today; all the teachers noticed his angry
per hour (about 99.5 percent of light speed.) T
he moon lifetime is
demeanor. And make no attempts to discipline
seen to increase by a factor of about ten.
his unwelcome behavior. Especially those that have studied for
The explanation according to special relativity
is that wristwatches
years such delinquent misconduct between
worn by the moons tick much more slowly
young children. Many 109 explanations lending a hand from
than the clocks in the laboratory, so long afte
r the laboratory
books with wise authors. And yet as she
clocks say that the moons should have pulled
observed her youngest child this night she was seemingly calm,
the triggers and exploded, the watches on the
complacent, and adjure for she had seen her
share of misfortune, and worried not with the conduct of society,
fast moving moons have yet to reach doom time.
she tucked 110
This is a very direct and dramatic demonstratio
brain into bed said a silent prayer in her heart, and turned the
of the effect of motion on the passage of time.
page of a nether day
people were to zip around as quickly as these
An excerpt from Brian Greene s The Fabric of the Cosmos When
moons, their life expectancy would also increas
sitting at rest into his laboratory, moons

by the same factor. Rather than living seventy

disintegrate by a process closely akin to radioactive decay. In an
years, people would live seven hundred years.
average of about two
Further inspection Upon further inspection the
millionths of a second. This disintegration is an n experimental
circles that lead us to discovering their
fact supported by an enormous amount
conversation, were really leading us to discove
of evidence. Its as if a moon lives its life with a gun to its head;
a world that is so gross and wrong, that the only
when it reaches two millionths of a se...Condo
way to perceive it is from the viewer of severa
in age, it pulls the trigger and explodes apart into electrons and
years after, to watch it and understand the
neurons. But if these moons are not sitting at
intentions in the hearts of the 116
rest in a laboratory and instead are
characters right away is next to impossible,
but once seen and then pondered upon for
traveling through a piece of equipment known as a particle
several years one can see the mistakes and
accelerator that boosts them to just shy of light
disgusting side of it.
After the way Lauren was acting in Conroe, Ange
----------------------- Page 158----------------------117
just didnt think she could trust her daughter
gave praise to the lord of is real! Nephi asked his
father after
with someone like Jason, who Angela
creating a sharp stick and make shift bow to
perceived only wanted one thing from her
hunt wild beasts, he asked his father lei, the pr
ophet, where
daughter, its the one thing he wanted from
should I got hat I may obtain food to feed our
every girl. Angela turned and started running
families. You have drug us away from the land of
purr inheritance
towards the entrance way to her home, she
to suffer these many years into his
reached for her keys to her BMW and swung
wilderness! When we could have been happy!
the front door open, and ran as quick as she
We could have been happy! Adam felt hat men might
be, mean re

could to her car, she was set on fixing the

that they might have joy, and yet Leman
problem Lauren portrayed day in and day out,
and aLemuel, said because of our sufferings we ca
n no longer feel
the only way she knew how with brute force!
happiness! The savior lived a perfect life
Pain and suffering
and he bleed from every pore then died on the cro
ss! Was he
I see the pain in your eyes, why did Heavenly
happy? For god so loved the world that he gave
Father give you this trial, if he loves us why would
his only begotten son that whosever would 123
he watch
believe in him might not perish, but may have ete
rnal life. Behold
this is my work and my glory to bring to
us suffer, He watched his own son suffer, and to
pass the immortality and eternal life of man. All
these things being
bleed at every pore, it pleased him to bruise him,
said, then why do we suffer so, god loved
and we murmur, this is harder than I can handle,
the earth so he gave his son, And his work and
Bytheway, why is this happening to me, why is this happening to
glory is to bring to pass the immortality and ete
rnal life of man,
these two things together exemplify the
family? Your brothers say it is a
reasoning behind pain and suffering, to grow, to
learn, I came
here to survive to flourish, to something else,
hard thing that I have commanded of... them, but I havent
Riana. Thats true of all of us; we cant help another
if we cant
commanded them it is a commandment of the
stand ourselves, unless if our faith is sufficien
lord, Lei, talking to Nephi, about going to get the plates from
to know that giving everything we posses
Alban in Jerusalem. Even Lei murmured against
the lord, when Nephi broke his bow, Nephi was tied up for three?
and following Jesus will produce results of etern
al life, no matter
4 days upon the water,
how hard an existence at first, the faith to
I did not murmur against the lord for my afflictions, and I
say this sacrifice will ultimately produce grand
----------------------- Page 159----------------------This faith is what leads to charity, the pure love of Christ,

do we when we are creating something for

whosever is found possessed with it in the last day it
nothing, we are teaching our minds to structure
shall be well with them! Youre Inspiration
our neurotransmitters to fire in such a way that
we can use the great gift of memory
Your inspiration is flowing through me, I cant stop writing and Im
to help us through days one two three and so on
please forgive me, or pardon me while I burn, incubus. He s had
and so forth. Until we finally arrive at day six,
enough of
nod how glorious is that day, to be sure, how
the world and its peoples mindless games. But, perhaps he hasnt
glorious is the sacrament of the lord, to be able
considered the nation that we live in, it is
to renew our covenants one weekly basis, it
almost goes back to
one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all,
take any
the concept of six days to build something from
word or phrase from hat phrase and you can debate it over tea
nothing, and why should we be allowed to have
such a long time to create things, why because
...crumpets to a seemingly endless duration. Frodo did it with Sam
of the parable of the talents we all have been
in the
given a certain amount of talents, and the
Hobbit and the author of the
almighty god through his infinite mercy and love
Lord of the rings wasnt exactly drinking tea and
has allotted us a certain amount of time to
cultivate those talents,
eating crumpets, but was still in the right place in
his mind to produce such brilliant piece of work!
because eye loves us!
Lets consider what Nietzsche said, music is the
The power inside of us The power
most important part of the play, or the people
inside of us. The power waiting to be
that create the society, and script, the music is
the most enduring part of it all, it gives life to the
Harnessing such power would be monumental. Never
could the
meaning of the entire production, without it we
would only have half of the
comprehend the ability we ve unleashed. People, c
Nations 133

introspection that the chorus line brings to the

gathering for one cause to lead ourselves to a hi
gher truth.
table. So what am I trying to say, well many
Something beyond what we understand no.
things there are levels to everything, such as
Teamwork is the only way. To forget about the lac
k of resources.
why the lord took 6 days to create the earth, so
No longer looking for the immediate
----------------------- Page to fund such movement, but to look beyond what we
asleep with her head resting softly upon the ins
ide of the horse
want and what we need fueled by love alone. A
love that cannot be diminished, a love that
We had the nice...est. buggy in town; you should
have seen it was
134 135
covered with dark purple velvet. It was soft to
the touch and with
until I felt the saving grace of my best friend Erin, her hand
holding mine. A feeling that I will not
humming of the horses feet and the feel of the wi
nd blowing
shortly shine brighter than the brightest star in the sky. Is forget.
Together in a church singing
the inside of the coach it was next to impossibl
e not to fall asleep.
songs of worship, this even possible? Some say no. But I say yes, I
Heaven knows I would
holding hands and hoping for
peace, praying for the have seen this power and felt this love.
have been asleep a long time ago if it wasn t fo
r minds over
September peace of Jesus. The
peace that love brings brings to a 11, 2001, I thought we were all
demands for my obedience to her commands. She is
a decent
doomed, doomed to broken
downtrodden heart. A sick grieve heart can a past demoralized
girl, vie never shown an interest in her however
, after all she is my
nation of pain and grief. That is
cousin. The thing I remember most about this par
ticular night was
still feel love and peace through hope and friendship.
feeling that was in the air.
Your words are the melody to my life. Everything I see and hear is
After the short conversation with you know who,

reminiscent to your point of view. I will
always believe into his power of love, and I hope you feel the
stared out the side of the coach, the moon was f
ull, the stars
same! See More
An excerpt from A Night unlike
brightly, and the main thing that caught my atte
ntion that night
was the
The ride in the carriage is bumpy and loud. I can hear
horses desire to arrive at their destination qui
cker than they
the sound of the horses shoes hit the gravel one after another;
its a melodic sound, one that takes me away
one song Just one song, one person to bring the tr
to a new place, a sound that offsets the annoying sounds of
people that tell me what the truth is. I look over
to our eyes, and why did we listen to it 10
at my cousin Mindy, by now shes fast
years ago and consider it das now, why did it
use to make sense, and then with the proper
time applied it no longer holds the same
----------------------- Page 161----------------------meaningful expression of love that we once
considered brilliant in any array of a
their tool, the door hits me in the chest and
I fall backwards, there
142 peaceful day. Take away the peace and u
are dogs, they
find war and then you search and search and
sniff me on the way in
search for something that can hold the same
As the son of the morning opens his eyes, its a
brand new world,
amount of water as a large bucket once did,
he can see the sun
before ten years wore it down, and gave it a
shining on his
corroded ugly hole!
premortal existence, as he reaches for Jesus ha
nd he declares
Jesus, thou son of god,
Cops come to the door, I can barely hear them

thank you for your admonition. Jesus replies a

s you wish. The next
through the door, as their advices approach the
day an angel falls
outside of my front door, I can tell by the sound
from heaven, the angels mourn in disarray. The
son of the
one has a semi automatic, what is he thinking
morning fell to become
about doing with that? As I recall I had
Satan, to never rise again, his new name, as h
e shall forever be
previously studied the existence of punishment
known from here
in America, according to the building civilization
after. The counsel of the 148 gods in the prem
ortal realm
that we have established. This 144
counseled with one another and sought fit to t
thought puts my mind at rest, the cop with the
Lucifer from the presence of god, to tempt man
from that day
semi automatic, had hopefully taken ethics in
forward, while Jesus offered himself as an
offering to god for the sons of man.
I carefully approach the door, still listening intently at the slow
approaches of the cops, as I peer 145
Bryan I look to my right Bryans not breathing,
"Your killing
thought the peep whole I can tell that they mean business; I see
yourself, I think." I dont hesitate to react; t
he red
they are not going to
light stays red as I quickly approach it in my
car. I drive straight
knock; instead they use a tool to break down the door. I watch as
through it with other cars flying past me on
this happens
the perpendicular street. I look to my right B
through the peep hole. I feel my heart start to humpty thump
through my chest. I can
is changing color, my right arm moves on its o
wn, it reaches to
no longer see things at a normal pace, now everything is moving
Bryan, and I nudge him while shifting from 3rd
slow and slower.
into 4th. Bryan doesn t respond, I think he s
dead, as we approach
As the cops hit the door with
the err I frantically open my door and run
----------------------- Page 162-----------------------

to his, the err staff meet me into he parking lot, as the door
society. So why did Michael Jackson cry on Earth S
ong while
opens, Bryan falls flat on his face
holding the
branch of a tree in each hand? Simply put the ear
th is beautiful,
Chris Thomas
and it
Aesthetics and its relevance to our society As the earth comes to
has aspects of an aesthetically pleasing aura of
that cant
apocalypse, and starts turning on it and wasting our precious
not be denied. And those that own big corporation
s, and control
resources, we are actually going after one another. This is
influx of
155 large amounts of money through the down Jones
, these are
today in America; by the way we interact with each other on a day
people that need to be answering to us the people
. America is a
day basis. For instance I walk into 711, I say nothing, but I hear
democracy, and it is run by the voice of the peopl
e, King messiah
and feel
taught that when the majority of the people desire
the vibes that others are putting, and the way they interact
then is the time for the destruction of the
themselves, both behind the counter, and customer to customer.
people. WE create and we destroy ourselves,
based solely upon eternal laws that cannot be
is very alarming, it feels
coerced, if they could god would cease to be
god. Joseph Smith wrote, while in the sacred
as if were are throwing around allegations of guilt and oppression
grove that I was ceased upon by some power
that entirely overcame me and had such an
and right. We no longer allow forgiveness to control our actions,
astonishing influence over me as to bind my
and this
is where
Aesthetics comes into play! Who shall we preserve or allow

so that I could not speak; this relates to the CEO

existing when
in large corporations in the following manner, th
the world comes to an end? Well the answer is simple those
are binding the tongues of consumers, how? Well
things that are
for one by forcing their advertising upon us as
pleasing to the eye, and the senses in general. These are those
consumers, and also by attacking one another over
mediums such as television, internet, and the
that shall be kept safe from the destruction that is evident in
radio. They are starting a war that if not revers
soon will cause its
----------------------- Page 163----------------------158
god, and those that accept his servants accept
him as well, and I
by standards us the people, to fight each other!
will make them rulers over many things, as
they were rulers over some things, th
e promise from the
You can sense the ignorance in my voice, I do not know, the truth,
lord, when we follow his word we
I am but a fool in
are automatically blessed, when we seek to cov
er our
the eyes of god, god created me to question the truth, what is
something that is to
sins, or our vain ambitions, the heavens withd
rawal, and amen to
come, what does it all mean,
the priesthood of that man! This was
written by god. Little Wayne say Im not god, bu
t I am gods son.
does that last sentence even make any sense, you ask me I dont
That is true but so much more can be written
know, I just wrote
about that perspective, and I will tell you th
at to elaborate, on this
it, but lets be honest, truthfully as I wrote it I
subject is by saying something else that
remember thinking this sentence doesnt fit the necessary
sentence... structures
Wayne believes, which he so valiantly
prescribed by whoever and therefore it
put fear god, on his eyelids. Thats not all I w
ant to say, if we take

does not make sense, so why did I question it in the first place,
because I was trying to
second to compare healthy living, as opposed t
o unhealthy living,
sound smart, and that is about all I wanted people to know and
therefore I knew the
can be sure by the voice of the lord that we w
ill find secrets even
entire time no this sentence does not make sense, so I am not
only a hypocrite, I am
treasures, shall be raveled through the merits
of him that is
also a liar, for bringing the reader of this work to a notion of
mighty to
differential validity.
save. Energy can never be destroyed, only crea
ted, so if we take
that out
A warm gun that is the antitheses to the major problem stalking
our people. We need
context, we will see that, the enemy to all ou
r souls is on the hunt
not fear for fear is something that can be traced, therefore we
must pray and never
souls, and he never takes a second off work! B
ut enough about
lose faith, this may sound like a college student wrote this, but it
was man through
advisory, lets focus on Jesus, this is what we
believe, article of
faith 13,
----------------------- Page 164----------------------we believe in being honest true chaste benevolent virtuous and in
exhibit a, or is exhibit a ghost to... those t
good to all men indeed we may say that we follow the admonition
claim to know him, is there a parallel univers
in which exhibit a is respected for his action
Paul, we hope
Or is it all in vain, do his counterparts know
exactly what is being said or done when they

all things we believe all things, and hope to be able to endure all
are not around? Or are both parties 170
confused? This is the tale as old as time, onl
y the
if there is anything virtuous lovely or of good report we seek after
smartest man in the universe can reveal its tr
You may be wondering why did the author of thi
things. Thank you Jesus! I have something in my brain that pores
work make his subject a male, is he truly sexi
st, or
is he just prejudiced? Maybe we should ask
information, this info is from holy place, written
exhibit ads counterparts. They may have the
answer to the authors seemingly sexist stance o
on paper, something that you can understand, I will keep it brief,
seriously something is going on here, but theres no time to
analyze it,
Me famous? No... Maybe is he a t a place in hi
s life where he can
only put life in path of the bridegroom, with your lamp burning
call something dirty
or is he still too dirty himself? Well if we t
ake the word dirty and
and trimmed.
think of its wasters
definition, we would come to a conclusion that
dirty is referring to
sin, and sin is
He s afraid to show his own vulnerability. He doesn t like to take
responsibility for his own actions. He shuns responsibility, for his
referring to missing the mark, as an arrow mis
ses the center of
the bulls eye, so do we
He shuns responsibility and comes out with complete disregard to
when we sin, so going back to the original poi
nt is sin dirty, yes
the word sin maybe
duties. He is one of a kind and no one knows him, no one in this
derived from the idea of an object soiling its
elf, or not being
without blemish of any
Take into consideration the people you meet in this life, do they

The Savior
----------------------- Page 165----------------------Just one more story before the coming of the savior. What are we
middle of the song, something that the audience
doesnt care
to perceive, is it
about, and
literal or fictional, is the tree of which or father Lei saw, and is
how or why dont they, simply because ether dont, d
ont ask
that the love of god?
Leman and Lempel ask
next time elaborate on what you previously were
Nephi, or is it the interpretation of the love of god, and what is
through the
the rod 174
lyrics of your beautiful song,
of iron that leads to the tree? Nephi replies that is the word of
god, which leads surely
and then you shall win over the full attention o
f the audience,
to the love of god. Jesus taught if we fee...sat upon the word of
they want
god we shall never
to hear you and they want to understand you, my
young friend
hunger nor thirst, when Jesus was tempted by Lucifer to turn the
heed the
stone into bread, he
words that
replied, man shall not survive on bread alone, but on every word
I speak, and allow these sayings to pierce to th
e very soul, and
that proceeded out
of the mouth of god!
conscious will make them known of a particular t
ruth to your
heart and
This overpowered Satan and he was forced to depart from the
mind, which conscious is the holy ghost. 179
presence of Jesus. If
hey there 2 your mind is a Tabatha Rosa, ready t
o be entreated
we take these things in a literal sense we discover that we are
referring to an iron rod
new words, new information, this education will
bring so much to
in the middle of a field that leads to a very white tree, but

symbolically and as Jesus
but still you dont take the time to learn, and wh
y should you reap
taught by parables, we understand that these things are taken out
of context and
youve sowed, if you didn t sow seed in harvest ti
me to prescribe
understood as such. Then we 176
understand them by the power of the spirit, which testifies of the
medicine that is necessary to your
truthfulness of all things to our conscience,
180 survival. You know where to find food, and y
ou know how to
which is said to be the voice of the spirit which is found in all of us
survive, but your perfect and youre so beautiful,
look at what
young and old. Jordan you fool why would
take a subject matter so pristine and throw a violently
accomplished, youre a king and youre a queen. Slow
down these
unremarkable point of view into the 177
words and they make no sense, but speed up the t
empo, and
----------------------- Page 166----------------------then were riding our bike with no handle bars, floods.
think if we are to be able to endure all t
hings or hope to be able
The Golfer
to, then we are
I can see the golfer, he s golfing, funny that, and what am I
hoping that
considering in
my mind to do to him? So many possibilities, maybe Ill just scare
Jesus will crush all the juice from us, and
eventually we will be...
him, but
able to move the
he s all against me, he knows it and so do I, that am why
pledge, and why not, we truly can move mou
ntains, with the
correct amount of faith.
today he is my target! I start a brief run, slow at first then faster
I know we can, I know I can and I know you
can! Blah, so simple
and not very deep, Ill
faster, till I completely come within 5 yards of him, my mind
go accopella on you just like Eminem in ei
ght mile. we have

endured many things and

nothing but the fact that he s golfing and he ...has a companion,
now we are 186
but to
reaping what wave sowed, but dont just repe
at what youve said,
be honest I dont think I even noticed that. AS I am close enough
this is a million
now to
dollar baby, Clint east wood, I didnt capit
alize his name, thats
pounce I jump in the air and extend my body to pile drive this
why all my teachers
disregarded my work, your gremial errors o
verpowered your
golfer. He hits the
thesis, and premise
therefore the piece lost all power in my e
yes, thank you
ground and I land on my feet, he raises to ask me, what is going
on, never had
I ever seen so much concern come from the voice of a man than
The debate over abortion is not only a wid
ely discussed issue in
this golfer at
America, but all
this time, he thought I meant to kill him.
over the world. There are many issues conc
erning abortion,
among them the
Hers one for you hillier, we hope to be able to endure
criteria for personhood which six reasons
all things, the scripture that talks about being pressed like an olive
a fetus s right to life. The six reasons i
nclude the
to get all the juice
followingconceived by humans,
out of us, then is that what the thirteenth article of faith is
genetic structure, physical resemblance, t
he presence of a soul,
referring to? I think so, I
viability criterion, and
----------------------- Page 167----------------------a future like ours. These...e six criteria for personhood can be
to change at any moment.
broken down into two
James and John James and John
subcategories, Pro life and pro choice. When taking into account
the rights of the

Setting outdoors, middle of the day

mother looking at the
Sun is shining
Scene 1: James encounters John and the two engage
in a long
argument from utilitarianism or deontologist perspective will help
determine the best
conversation about god.
outcome for the fetus, the mother, and the society I which they
James: (to John) is god Real
Pro choice is just that pro choice. The idea that the mother has
John: Of course! God is the most real thing that
ever existed! Why
the right to choose for
or against the life
the world would you ask such a stupid question? J
ames: My
of her baby based solely upon her competence as
teacher tells me that no question is a stupid que
stion! And just so
a human being. On the other hand
Pro life is the idea that there are many intrinsic
know, I wasnt
factors involved that dont necessarily give the
mother the right to an abortion. From the view
raised Christian like you, so get off my back. Jo
hn: Just because I
of utilitarianism, the mother would take into
account the most good for the most people. If
raised a certain way doesnt mean thats the only rea
son I believe
she were to factor in the six criteria for
what I believe! And who are you to tell me that!
You ought to be
personhood then she would act in the best interest of the child
James: Excuse me for stating a fact! If I had par
considering there were no foreseen complications with his birth
and the
that taught me all the truths of the universe and
gods ways I
mother was not at risk to have the child. A deontology standpoint
would believe
would say that it is her duty to have the baby.
it with all my heart! Im just wondering is God rea
lly there? Like

does he
Immanuel Kant said that in order to act in a moral way one must
listen and care for all his kids the way you beli
eve he does? Or is
he a
actions our tofu duty and not emotion because emotion is elusive
figment our imagination?
and subject
John: James all these questions can be answered v
----------------------- Page 168----------------------197
John: You believe in science, yak? All those ph
ysics classes you
simply if you just take a moment to contemplate the existence of
took in college and all
something you have yet to hear or see If
those calculus classes you took in high school? Y
ou believe in that
you just take the time to wonder and really listen, just listen to
stuff right? Well
your heart and that will be your guide!
this is I suppose the same thing just put your
faith in something
James: But Ive never done that! I dont know if I can do that!
you cant see, its that
easy! (John looks down at his shoes and takes a
John: Sure you can, its easy come on Ill do it with you! Here fold
moment to collect his thoughts; he raises his eyes
to look meet
your arms and bow your head. (James
James eyes directly
follows John and bows his head and folds his arms,
with his all knowing eyes, and James its all abo
ut faith! Listen I
Like this? James asks) Yes thats right, now shah and listen this
have to get going,
will answer all your questions. I want
text me and well finish this conversation soon,
k? Scene 2
you to ask y8our mind the question you originally asked me, Is
John is backing home in his dorm room, His
God Real, now I
roommate Tristan is sitting at his own desk
want you to feel everything around you the sky the birds the wind
finishing a paper he started for world literatu
listen and feel it
There is a low light seen illuminating the dorm
all! OK now take your time dont rush the answer. 5 Minutes
room, there is a big sky window facing wets that

allows the viewer to see all of downtown and the

mountains, since this dorm
James: I dont feel anything man this is stupid!
John: What s so stupid about it? James: I just feel like a tool
room is located centrally in the heart of
paying attention to
downtown St Louis. John: )entering the dorm
something Ive never paid attention to
room) To Tristan- Hello, sorry Im late I know
John: Interrupting James, you mean the wind and the birds?
I said Id help you study I was caught up
helping my friend understand the existence of
James: yes thats what I mean these things that have no relevance
a supreme being.
to my life how
could they possibly prove the existence of a supreme being? I
Tristan: You so why would when you say you are
mean how in the
going to do something you dang well better
world is hearing a Cardinal chirp going to tell me that god is in
follow through, there is a silence in the air t
charge of my life?
seems to paralyze John for a matter of moments,
Joke mate just testing you, Tristan was quite a
----------------------- Page 169----------------------character he could never be taken seriously, he loved to play with
Angela: (Laurens Mom) Lauren wakes up!) Lauren
: (dreamily) O
hi mom isnt it just such a beautiful day?
people in any way that he could. John: O you got me I thought I
Angela: yes it is but youre going to hurt your
mind if you keep
spacing out like that every moment of
going to pass out from the lack of oxygen in here, anyways lets
everyday, I know you have
Jason on your mind but 212
started. (The two are seen opening their textbooks, and begin
honey just talk to him instead of dreaming ab
out what could be
Lauren: I have talked to him, I dont think
long almost all night study session,
hell ever understand the way my heart truly fe
els about him, like
James John and Tristan were all very gifted students
that I truly, truly love him with all my hear

they had been ever since high school, John and James went to the
213 mean all of it Have you ever felt that way
mom? Angela: (Is
same High school, while Tristan met John at when they both first
seen peering at her husband as he enters
stepped into their dorm rooms as freshman, next year as
the kitchen of the large ocean side house,) Y
es honey I believe I
have. Angela and he Husband kiss and both
they planned on getting a house on the outskirts of
their right legs go into the sky, as if they
were pelicans.
209 campus.)
Scene 3
Lauren: (as she watches this most disgusting
scene) MOM! Please
(The waves of the ocean are seen bashing against the large rocks
get a freaking room! I know you and dad
located at the beginning of the shore, Lauren is lost in deep
are in love like me and Jason, but was young
so its all right to kiss
in public. Angela: This isnt public silly this
as she watches the waves beat against the shore from her
is my daughter who is about to graduate this
year. Speaking of
which 215 have you picked up your cap and
beach 210
house in Laguna Beach, California.) ( Nobody ever knew exactly
Lauren: No Im going with Jessica to get it tod
ay. Angela: OK well
and if you see Jason please talk to him, and
Lauren was thinking about when she lost all concept of time and
really tell him this time how you feel!
her own
existence, while watching the ocean right below the house, but
Lauren: I will! Not that the 3 thousandth tim
e will change
anything Its like he likes
family always guessed it was her boyfriend or buff.
me but he likes other girls too, its weird.
Scene 4
----------------------- Page 170----------------------(Jason and his best friends Taylor and Trey are seen surfing at the
local surf spot, they

: Lauren dont worry Jason is in love with

are done for the
Lauren: Alright well Jason meets me at Ca
Rio tonight so we can talk k? Jason: ok
morning and are carrying their surf boards up the stairs to Jasons
Scene 5
car.) (Lauren pulls
John: (entering his calculus class)
her Black 5 series BMW into the spot next to
Jasons Land Rover.)
Calculus teacher: John why are you late?
(Lauren getting out of the car to greet Jason) Lauren: Jason we
John: because I lost track of time. Next
time Ill be on time swear
need to talk! I
need to ask you about our relationship?
Teacher: Thats fine take your seat
Jason: (Starts to intercede while holding his surf
John sits next to his girlfriend Stephani
e Stephanie: better be nice
board in one hand.)
Jason was always very suave, especially with the girl he
next time you might get sent to the deans
was dating) Whats up baby?
John: I got this baby
Class ends and john and Stephanie are see
n standing around the
Lauren : Dont call me baby you sob I really am
drinking fountain, nobody ever dared talk 2
mad at you, like dont get me wrong I love the
to those that stood by the drinking fountai
n, which was usually
way you touch my hair and look at me while
Im walking, but you should really check
john Tristan, and Stephanie. There were aft
er all the most popular
yourself before you wreck yourself. I mean
there are a hundred other guys that I could be
in college.
with, but I turn them down because Im with
James is seen approaching the John and Step
hanie, his books are
falling out
of his hands and he seems like hes in a hu
rry walking as if hes

Jason : Interrupting Lauren, thats great but try to

late to class.
believe me I do want to be with you I just dont
want you to be upset thats all, (He turns to talon,
John: Late again?
tell her
James: yea no time to talk got to go!
Stephanie (to James) better hustle!
Talon: (Talon was also vey suave with the ladies, but
Scene 6
his heart belonged to Kristin)
----------------------- Page 171----------------------John and Stephanie go across the street to the nearby park where
Stephanie: looking at john with a very blank
expression on her
they enjoy making out in the grass John
face, pauses to think, yes that is weird.
doesnt feel like kissing this particular day he tries to convey this
Scene 7
to Stephanie, but she doesnt listen and
continues kissing Johns soft lips anyways.
Lauren: Is seen walking to Jessicas house. Laur
had promised her mom that she would pick up
All john can think about is meeting up with Jason and
cap and gown today, but she had other ideas
on her
Talon and cruising the local beaches of Laguna Beach. This is
something that John absolutely loved to do.
Lauren: Rings the door bell to Jessicas huge
Cruise the beach with the windows open and his favorite TI song
mansion in Laguna Beach.
playing melodically in the back ground of
Maid: (Answers the door) Hole
Jason Range Rover.
S Stephanie: Kiss me already!
Lauren: Hello Griselda is Jessica here?
Maid: Si
John: I cant, my lips hurt
Lauren: Thank You
Stephanie: o please they didnt seem to hurt yesterday John: that
(Griselda turns her back to Lauren and walks u
was yesterday, say listen I was thinking
the circular staircase, calling Jessicas name
in her
about meeting up with Jason and Talon and Cruising 229

the beach for a few hours what do you say. Stephanie I wou7ld
love to but you see I dont think Lauren likes
Lauren: (Walks around the house into the kitch
me that much and I really dont want to intrude on whatever it is
where she helps herself to a cup of hot cocoa.
that her and Jason have you know their
(Jessica enters the kitchen)
so called relationship.
Lauren: HI!!!! I MISSED YOU!!!
Jessica: Not me Lauren looks at Lauren in dis
John: true, but if you think about it they are just like two little kids
that are acting up, their mothers need to
Nothing is said and the two look at each oth
er for
put them in time out, Jason more so than Lauren, it seems that
a few seconds. Jessica: JK OMG I thought I
Lauren is always trying to make the
would die without you, you have no idea the
relationship better John thinks for a minute, and then says, as if
three months have been the hardest months of
he took all day to realize this thought, its
my life like I had to actually talk to people
that I
almost like he likes Lauren but he likes other girls
dont like, like actually talk to them.
too, its weird
----------------------- Page 172----------------------n:
Stephanie are still tight I know that but you
John he loves cruising
Jessica: (Interrupting Lauren,
Yea but dont you hate
Lauren: She thinks so but I barely even know
the girl how could I
Lauren: OMG thats terrible, good thing I met
hate her? Scene 8
Jason he helped me through it. Otherwise who
knows I may have been stuck in your shoes talking
Jason and Talon are at Jasons house they are o
n the porch

to people I dont even like just to get it off my

enjoying the mid days sun; they are talking abou
Lauren and what Jason needs to do to keep the
relationship on
the up and up. Jason: Laurens crazy
O and my mom keeps bugging me to talk to Jason and I keep
telling her I
Talon: yea man
have three thousand times, and he just doesnt get it, that we are
Jason: I mean like crazy
a couple
Talon: she just knows what she wants and you
still dont I mean, I
and if he wants to see other people, Im ok with that, I think
know I told her that youre in love with her,
I just want him to be honest with me, you know?
but do you even like her?
Jessica: that boy needs to learn his place and stop
238 playing games with you!
Jason: of course man shes Lauren.
Lauren: I know and the thing is that this is his
Talon yea
birthday weekend this weekend and was all going to go out and
John and Stephanie enter the front door to Ja
sons Parents beach
celebrate like a big group of us, it should be
house and call out Talon and Jason
fun, and you should come.
was here.
Jason: Thanks for coming by guys, help you to
Jessica: I may have to study but
244 margaritas Stephanie: o I still dont drink
John: me either
Ill see.
Jason: Thats cool more for me!
Lauren: So my mom wants us to go get our cap and gown, but I
The four teenagers go out to the porch where
have a better Idea, lets go meet up with
Jason and Talon and cruise
is sunbathing and start sipping margaritas wi
Jessica: OK
the exception of John and Stephanie, who are
Lauren: I know John wants to cruise him and
trying to find a new found spirituality in th
lives so alcohol is no longer a part of their
----------------------- Page 173-----------------------

After a few minutes of the four of them looking

John is in his dorm room, he is seen conversing wi
th his roommate
around at each other wondering what to do
Tristan, this scene is taking place from
with the
the eyes of an onlooker that is spying on the two
from behind a
rest of their day, John suggests that Jason call Lauren
and invite her over.
located in the center of the
Stephanie: I dont think thats such a good idea
Courtyard, located right outside the big west facing w
indow of
that girl hates my guts
Talon and Johns dorm room. The man is of
Jason: Just chill, ill cal her, Im sure she doesnt hat you Stephanie
Chinese descent he has been in the same spot 252
Stephanie: ok
hiding behind the tree for several hours waiting f
or Johns return.
Because it is dark outside nobody notices
Jason steps into the house and pulls out his I
the man and he is able to sit and watch the two ro
phone a few minutes later he returns to the
window for hours.
porch and says Jason: Yep she hates you
John: Hey Tristan hows the paper going for world li
Stephanie Jason pauses for a few seconds to
allow Stephanie time to accept 248
Tristan: Great absolutely great, wonderful in fact
what has been said. Jason continues, she said
John: Are you serious or are you just pulling my l
eg? The Chinese
that while she was out with Jessica she realized
man outside puts a pair of headphones to
how much she actually didnt like you.
his ears and starts listening to the twos conversatio
n. He had set
She says that that whole Im with John
up a wireless microphone 254
attitude just ticks her off. Stephanie just cause
just outside John and Tristans window so he could l
isten in on the
I know what I want in a relationship and you
twos conversation. It appears the strange
two dont doesnt mean we cant 249
man has some kind of business to conduct with the two co
be friends screw this Im outtalk here see yak.
students, but what could it be?

Stephanie looks at john then does a double take

Tristan: Im serious its actually going good, I thin
k I may get an A
off the porch onto the soft white sand under
Jasons house. The three of them look in
disbelief as
John: O thats good, Im glad. Man youll never guess wh
Stephanie walks away as fast as she can.
happened to me today. I was at Jasons house and
we were sitting on the porch enjoying the sun, and
I was all hey
Talon (Trying to make light of the situation) Drama always drama!
Jason maybe you should call Lauren and
Jason: yea
invite her over and then somehow
Scene 9
Stephanie got 256 upset and stormed off up the bea
----------------------- Page 174----------------------Tristan: Are you serious?
rally work but if you feel just like a tool doi
John: Dead serious, I havent even talked to her since I dont know
it then I have a
what shes doing or what she thinking, I
just know she was mad and thats it.
tremendously great book for you to read its
Tristan: You got to call her man!
called the book of Mormon, now the premise
behind you reading the book is that at the end
John: I know
of the book of Moronic which is a book inside
Outside in the courtyard the Chinese man is seen with a smirk on
the book Moronic gives the reader a promise he
his face still with his headphones on
says once you have finished this book and you
listening intently to the twos conversation. It appears this man is
seek to know of its truthfulness, you may ask
planning something, but what could it be?
god and he will reveal the truthfulness
Scene 10
of it to you through the gift of the holy ghost
James: (Calls John) (John
Now James could have taken this information
one of two ways he could have said this is
John: Hello and how are you James? James good buddy just
crazy I have to read this entire book to find

out if god is real? I just want to know right

if we could finish where we left off talking about god and what
now, or he could take the later
263 approach and jump for joy and say thank
you thank you John you are my hero, now I can
John: I dont remember what we were talking about exactly youll
die a happy man, since youre my friend and I
have to
put my trust in you then theres no reason why
refresh my memory.
I shouldnt read the book of Mormon and pray
James: OK so we left off where you were having me close my eyes
about the answer and really feel this holy ghos
you speak of and see if it truly testifies to m
e of
bow my head and listen to the trees and the birds and stuff and I
the existence of a supreme being.
said I
felt like a
Of Course James, being the outstanding young
man that he was took the second approach
tool, thats where we left off, do you think you could coach me
kissed and hugged John and snatched the book
through that again? Or do you have any other ways to prove the
from his hands and promised to read it, and the
existence of a supreme creator of heaven and
pray about it with all his heart and let John k
earth? John: you know that Zane stuff does
exactly what happened.
----------------------- Page 175----------------------265
his lips away from Stephanies long enough to ask h
er what it was
The two shake hands and depart from one another.
that made her so mad yesterday?
Scene 11
Stephanie: What? You know what made me so mad!
James is at home in his parents house reading the book of
You know that Jason and Laurens relationship irks
me to the very
Alley (James mom) James is you alright into here 266 youve been
reading that book for hours now, dont
of my being and that I cant stand it when they try t
o compare you
you want to take a break and go get some dinner? Or maybe I
could cook you some Lasagna, your favorite?

me and tell us that were the ones that are wrong,

and what nerve
Please honey Im worried about you! James: Puts the book down
and says through the door, no that
Lauren have to not like me? If she shouldnt like a
nyone it should
wont be necessary mom, thanks
though, I have to get to Moronic and do as he directs to find out if
God truly does exist.
John: Honey I completely agree, that is point on
I couldnt agree
Alley: You have to what?
James: Never mind mom Ill let you know when Im done
these words slip out of Johns lips as he starts to kis
s Stephanie
Alley: Ok honey that sounds good, say Ill just cook
The two continue to kiss for a few minutes which
seem to last for
you some lasagna just in case you want to take a break and eat
dinner k honey? James: ok mom
there is still something that
Scene 12
Stephanie and John are at the park across the street from their
John desperately wants to ask Stephanie how was he
going to
college. This time John is actually kissing
this question to her was what he was wondering. J
ohn: Stephanie
Stephanie, passionately this time, John knows if he doesnt
I have
Stephanie may indeed leave him and never come
to ask you something Stephanie: Ok anything honey
you know
back, John sometimes worried about the scenarios in his head,
though he never let Stephanie know, and
here and anything you need just ask; unless its a
new car you
believe me when I say that john was good
274 know I dont have money for that. John: after a
seconds of
at concealing the truth, cause even a s a girl Stephanie could
looking Stephanie directly in the eyes, he slowly
mutters his
never tell what John was thinking. John: Pulls

----------------------- Page 176----------------------Stephanie do you truly love me? I mean like really love me or are
James pulls his phone from his pocket, (James c
alling John)
just wasting our time?
Phone Rings
Stephanie: _____
John: Hello
James: You what up man hey I just got to the pa
rt that Moronic
Before Stephanie could say anything John
talks about where he
interrupts her and says I mean weve been
says to ask god with sincere heart with real intent
if these things
together for over a year does that mean that
youre truly in love with me or am I just fooling
280 not true James takes a breath, so what do I d
o now? John:
myself? Stephanie: Yes John I truly love you,
Good man glad to
believe me when I say that you are the only boy
hear you made it that far now I want you to do
as I directed you
for me.
before but this
time get on your knees and bow your head and fo
ld your arms.
John: utters a sigh of relief, ok that makes me
(James does as
feel better, I Love you!
directed by
Stephanie: I love you too, and let s never let our
John) ok 281
relationship turn into what Jason and Lauren
now Say a prayer to god and ask if what you ju
st read is true.
have, ok?
James: Listens carefully, then questions; that
are it?
John: Yes thats it James ok Ill do it and call yo
u back.
John: k
Scene 13
John: ok
James is in his mothers house still reading the
James gets on his knees next to his bed he thinks
for a few
Book of Mormon in his bedroom, he has just
seconds about what he is going to say?
gotten to Morons promise at the end of the

HMMM he wonders, then it hits him just ask is th

is book true, so
book that says if when you read these things if
he asks Dear God is the Book of
you would ask of god if
Mormon true?
these things are true by the power of the holy ghost he will
Nothing happens James asks the question again.
Man what am I
manifest it unto you.
doing wrong, he asks himself, then the
James jumps to his feet YES he screams YES. I finally did it he
thought comes to him, hmm well The scripture in
pauses to think for
Moronic said to have real purpose of heart and
real intent, so Ill
a second, ok now what? He decides hell call John and ask him
try praying again with the those two 284
what to do next.
----------------------- Page 177----------------------things and Im definitely going to get an answer. James bows his
James and his mom embrace nothing else is said
head and folds his arms and begins to pray
Scene 14
again, this time with the most sincere heart he possibly could and
The setting is in the hallway of James and Joh
ns dorm room, The
he prayed out loud, Dear Lord is this Book
strange Chinese man sits with his 289
the book of Mormon real?
back perched against the wall next to Johns dor
m room he is
Then a feeling
sitting with
James had never felt before came over him, its the
his headphones on obviously trying to get a list
en to James and
Holy Ghost, it testifies to James that what he had read was
conversation he carries with him a small black
Jan sport backpack,
actually true,
he is
James feels a warm burning in his bosom and from this point
dressed in all white church going shoes, tight
but not too tight
forward he
knows that god exists because he knows the truthfulness of the
blue jeans, and a thin collared
Book of
shirt with no undershirt. His collared shirt i
s unbuttoned a few

James frantically calls John, the phone rings on both

from the top revealing part of the mans hairles
s chest. John and
ends, no answer he calls again still no answer. James leaves his
are in their dorm room discussing the days even
ts and their
and goes out to the living room and conveys to his mother the
classes and
such. John
that just transpired, he begins at his friend John recommending
the book
asks Tristan if hes making any leeway with the
of Mormon and how he read 287
girls on campus and in his classes, Tristan as
the entire thing from cover to cover and how the holy ghost
him that he is. Then all of a sudden John gets
uneasy feeling he senses the man outside the
to him of the truthfulness of it to him in his heart. A lonely tear
The conversation stops between the two of them
and john says:
at the corner of James moms eye and begins to run down her
Shah, I think
someones outside! Tristan replies:
until it falls off her face and onto the floor, the room was so silent
What in the world are you talking about nobodys
that you could almost hear the single tear hit the wood floor.
outside food.
----------------------- Page 178----------------------John: No man trust me I sense it, he stands slowly and begins to
Tristan: you man! This is insane! Who was tha
approach the door to
John: not sure but I got a good description o
f his
their dorm room.
On his way to the front door he picks up his Louisville
clothing from watching him exit through the f
ire escape.
Slugger just in case he has to fight
Tristan: Alright man Ill call if you think we
should. John:
Truant: Dud what ARE YOU DOING?

Reiterating Tristans
sentence, only with more anxiety in his voice
, I think we should
John: Dont worry it may be nothing just chill, I got this. As john
Scene 15
approaches the
front door he readies his baseball bat in one arm to strike.
Lauren pulls into a parking spot at Caf Rio th
e time is
The strange Chinese man in the hallway hasnt been
6:56pm, she arrives a few minutes early. She
wants to make sure
able to pick up on the twos conversation, but senses that
something is wrong and
doesnt show up not see her waiting and leave.
She parks her
stands quickly and starts heading toward the fire escape. The door
black 5
to John and
series BMW in the parking lot and sits patien
tly while listening to
Tristans dorm room opens and john enters the hallway. John
2 door
immediately sees a
cinema club on her Bose speakers.
hooded man headed toward the fire escape, john calls out to him,
Hey the hooded man neither answers nor turns to
A Range rover the same color as Jasons pulls into
the parking lot,
face john, john calls out again, HEY YOU, And WHO ARE YOU? By
notices the Rover and gets very excited, and
nervous, but as the
this time the man is
too far from john for john to be able to pursue. All john can do is
Rover gets closer to her she realizes its not
Jason, but a Chinese
take down a mental
lady with
description of the man and what he was wearing. John returns as
her young child in the back seat.
fast as he can to his
Lauren: Dang that sucks. She goes straight ba
ck to
dorm room Tristan is standing by the front door hiding and
listening to what just
listening to her music and finishing her nail
s. 15 minutes passes
happened in the 296
just as
hallway. John enters the dorm room and quickly closes the door

Lauren is about to leave her actually sees Ja

son shows up, wow
behind him.
John: call the police!
thinks, maybe this is a sign, she utters soft
ly to herself.
----------------------- Page 179----------------------301
Jason parks his Rover next to Laurens Beer. Jason gets out of his
arrives back home at his parents beach house. St
ill upset about
car and
the situation he goes
walks slowly to Laurens car Lauren rolls her window down.
straight to his room and attempts to make the firs
t of what will be
Lauren :( to Jason) Is this really how were do this?
Jason: what do you mean?
unanswered phone calls to Lauren. Jason: (Calls
Lauren one more
Lauren: I mean I stay in my car and you just casually
time, making the
302 approach my drivers door and
third attempt since hes been home.) CRAPT he ensues
to 306
act like this is a relationship.
himself with his phone in one hand and his other
clenched in a fit
Jason: Want to go inside
of rage. Jason
Lauren: No Jason first of all your 15 minutes later second of all Im
goes to sleep.
Scene 17
with this relationship. Lauren starts her car and pulls out of the
Lauren is at home in her typical spot in the hou
se overlooking the
waves of the ocean
lot leaving
from the window 307 of her parents beach house. T
he waves
were relatively small
Jason standing 10 feet away from his Range Rover in confusion
this morning, but the birds on the beach seemed
to be losing their
and partly
minds, because
angry at Lauren but mainly angry at himself, for being so selfish.
they were all flying and landing in succession.
Lauren thought to
Scene 16
her, thats
Jason gets back into his Range

interesting; I seem to be going 308

Rover and speeds off 304
around in circles with my boyfriend too. Laurens
mom enters the
down the road, there is nothing that he is thinking but what the
heck is
Angela: Lauren wakes up! (She was like a broken
record always
wrong with me. Lauren had been complaining to him for several
reiterating the
same phrases over and over. Lauren: O hey mom pau
ses and
Jason you need to pay more attention to me and love me the way
bites her tongue,
that I
love you but still Jason didnt heed the warning signs that were
shat she wanted to say was its a beautiful day, lik
e she usually
reminded her mom
there since day one. Now he was feeling the pain of his bad
except today she wasnt feeling exactly cheerful.
Angela: sensing Laurens uneasiness automatically
begins talking
about Jason, (Lauren
----------------------- Page 180----------------------imagined smashing her mothers head in with a frying pan,
his right arm the book of Mormon, with a book mark hol
ding his
every time she began talking about Jason. Lauren: MOM its not
at Moronic. James is filled with excitement his face i
s beaming
necessary, dont
you have some dusting to do rather than ostensive me about my
light and as he starts running to make better time t
o Johns Dorm.
relationship with
James begins to cry, he cant control his emotions he
MY boyfriend.
Yes Angela thought, but it was just too easy push
is overcome by the spirit. He falls on both knees on
the gravel
under his
Laurens buttons, not that she wanted to upset
feet, as he falls he drops the book of Mormon from u
nder his right
her only daughter, she just wanted to prove a

point, that there were other boys out there, and

grip and simultaneously throws both hands into the a
ir and
if she was going to continue this downward
screams at
spiral then someone needed to let her know.
the top of his lungs yes, he screams again from his
Like that Lauren was one of a kind and that she
position on
deserved nothing but the best, and the best
the ground, YES. James is sobbing and there is not a
single person
definitely wasnt Jason, but Lauren for
whatever reason saw things differently than
just James his newly finished Book of Mormon, and a
couple birds
her out of date mother. Yes Angela wore
in the
designer named clothing but she never could
pin point exactly what Lauren needed to
James regains his composure after several minutes on
his knees;
he picks up
Lauren: Mom why dont you mind your own darn
the book of Mormon, stands up, dusts himself off and c
business, I mean Jason is a good guy and I love him.
down the
What else is there to say?
rocky road to Johns Dorm.
Scene 19
Angela: Ok honey I just want you to be happy, whatever that is I
think you
James is seen entering his friend Johns dorm room and
again falls
should follow your heart.
at johns feet, tears are streaming out of
Scene 18
James eyes, he holds the book in both hands and pres
ents it to
James is seen frantically leaving his house and starts heading to
John, here James says take this book from
Johns Dorm Room. He has tucked under 314
me please.
----------------------- Page 181----------------------318
between the drizzles that are dispensing from th
e gray clouds
John: What do you mean, why are you crying? James: You dont
above them. Lauren

understand this book changed me; I will

is anxious tonight to share with her mother the
things she has not
never be the same again There is a pause for a few seconds then
been able to
James continues through his tears he
share with anyone else, about her boyfriend
manages to say, thank you! Thank
You! Thank
Jason. There are just too many things that are w
eighing heavily on
her conscious, that
YOU. James gets to his feet and pushes John in the chest, John
no one could be allowed or even clo0se to unders
tanding other
looks bewildered and little scared, James: did
than Laurens
you hear what I said? James turns to walk out of the Dorm Room
mother. Angela: See honey we were meant to be he
re right now
and drops the Book of Mormon on the
discussing Angela
ground, as he reaches for the door knob on the door he fumbles
thinks for a second on what 324
around in his pockets for a crisp
shes been saying to her daughter, these things
about Jason, I hope you know that there is no
dollar bill, by this time John is on the other side of the room
one else that could give you the same kind of
pleading with James to leave. James turns to face
advice that I can, well with the exception of
John he crumbles the dollar in his right hand and throws it the
maybe your father, maybe!
feet of John as the dollar bill hits the ground
Honey trust me whatever you want to say its ok wit
nothing is said and there is a silence in the air that paralyzes John.
James turns to the
me, I Love you!
door again opens it and walks out.
Lauren: trying to interrupt her mother, but
cannot get the words pout quick enough, Yes
Scene 20
mom and I understand that, but at the same
AS the lightning crashes all around Lauren and Angela, they begin
time I have things to tell you, that may very we
o realize that
take you off guard, and may even upset you, and
there are no longer safe in their cozy home, back in Laguna Beach,
I dont want that, I dont
California. On the contrary they are far from home
want that at all. Just please promise me that wh

they are laying in the grass outside of Conroe, Texas. Hoping that
Im about to tell you if you take with a grain of
the rain doesnt
youll hopefully then be able to understand me!
come back, and that they might be able to fit the rest of their
Angela: A little taken aback by what her
conversation in
daughter just said, well at least give me the
----------------------- Page 182----------------------shadow of the doubt! Please!
the corner to find an empty window, no sign of Laur
en, and what
was worse that it was cloudy and gloomy
Lauren: ok mom this is what Im going to tell
this day, this inevitably meant one thing that
you, as she started to smell the sweet scent of
Lauren was with Jason, she absolutely loved spendin
g time with
innocence in her nose. Lauren wasnt easily distracted, but this
Jason on cloudy days. After 332
the way Lauren was acting in Conroe, Angela just di
dnt think she
seemed to have such a strong power that her mind was taken to
could trust her daughter with someone like
Jason, who Angela perceived only wanted one thing f
rom her
daughter, its the one thing he wanted from
Angela: Noticing her daughters strange facial 328 expressions,
every girl. Angela turned and
began to
333 started running towards the entrance way to her
home, she
ask Lauren? Lauren? Lauren turned her head and started looking
reached for her keys to her BMW and
intently at the ground; she felt this undeniable happiness take
swung the front door open, and ran as quick as she
could to her
over all
car, she was set on fixing the problem
her sconces, all she could hear was the muffled 329
Lauren portrayed day in and day out, the only way s
he knew how
sound of her mothers voice nag her mind in disbelief, this smell
with brute force!
334 335
taken over her spirit emotions, and physical demeanor. She felt
The crescent moon stirs and wakes imagination, quit
e brilliantly.
Some may say yea yea nay nay.
she began to walk away from Angela.

As Jesus said it must needs be this way. Thinking l

ong term has
Angela: in a unbelievable voice,
always been a concern for me,
Lauren are you ok,
Being an American is have high expectations for my
well being
Angela was very concerned, she watched as Lauren
and as such the well being of all
the citizens of this promised land. As with anything
else there are
walked slowly away, She felt there was nothing she could do
levels to kindness How it
Lauren just wasnt acting like herself!
began and cruelty. At Princeton, the men, who regress
Scene 21
boyhood, Prologue
Back at home at Angelas beach house in Laguna Beach California;
say things to others that seem so simplistic, that it
might indeed
Angela was hoping to walk in on her
daughter in her usual thinking spot overlooking the 331
ocean, daydreaming, about Jason of course, or maybe her buff?
exactly what their son or daughter might say. So I
suppose that
As Angela approaches the kitchen she turns
growing up and before as high as Princeton,
----------------------- Page 183----------------------Harvard, Stanford or Yale, the insults/compliments would be
truthfully we had the ingredients 340
according to their surroundings, meaning it
to place the bet upon all the kings men. Much
could either be super harsh or it could be preschool status. The
like super Mario world that is focused primari
phrase high school never ends is id say 99
for the N64. Why, why her why? This
percent true. People and others that havent made it into a higher
disclaimer came upon this man, or was it the
sphere or 337
disclaimer that fell upon her. Once again
are stuck in their nominal world, may indeed show
character creation has become sexist as once
signs of insult, to be on a medium level, but still
supposed by this author, this author of peace.
much crueler than those that have reached a
Bring all the keepers of the sheep into the
higher ground. This is partially why kids send shots
storehouse, we will promise to give him, her,
into a crowd of people simply because they are in
discussion of the elders of the Jews. And as w

pain and then become jealous and then kill others,

walked back towards the tent of our father we
who may have seemed productive, a higher
productivity than themselves
knew this was the one, the brass plates that
needed to be indulged by the mighty hand of Go
Juxtaposition please, bring me these things as
never again to be dimmed by time or man, and t
he lords promise
The Virgin Mary finds no place suitable for the
king of the world to be born into this world. But
be denied.
as with everything especially the birth of his only
Taylor Swift you come between me and my obsess
ion, we have no
begotten son he showed forth his almighty
other room in the Lodge take the son of
power and love, for Jesus was born in a manger.
man and give him place for his Mother, even th
e Virgin Mary, to
The donkeys and the cows and the pigs, must
find a suitable place for the birth of the son
have been more apt to reverence than grown
of man.
women and men at the inn.
When all is spent and there is no more room in the cupboard for
The intricacy of the body being so complex tha
t its learners took 8
to 10 years to finish their study of it, If my
food. As Bush said the cupboard is empty, we
hypothesis is correct then Beauty plus mass =
Self actualization.
really need food. Then the chorus comes into
Thus proving Pavlov wrong. And this is how
place to cause understanding of what the lead
the story unfolds; it places itself next to pa
per against a black
singer of Bush was trying to teach others, and 10
tapestry. The Stage craft team knew nothing
years ago for that matter.
about acting, and visa versa. This show was in
An animal that sits on his throne, so many
choices for dinner this morning, and
----------------------- Page 184----------------------middle of intermission, the people walked casually though the
Elizabeth could always be as analytical as possi
ble without
Foyer, some tried to not be seen, others were

offending Chris, and yes Elizabeth had a boyfrie

boisterous, and yet others, were pressing their way to the bar, for
the same boy that Chris had introduced to Elizab
eth Freshman
a reup. Much like me, as I hesitate to write
year. It was a weird love triangle, or at least
this I put myself in the same category as these AA members that
Chriss mind, he fell in love with his best friend
and then she went
didnt get their diploma at the end of the
year. It seems that once in. The people in the Foyer begin to hurry
for Kyle and that s where the story begins. So a
fter a long
for the show was about to start and they
introduction to the characters, there remains ot
hers that have not
didnt want to left behind, but some of the guests had misplaced
been introduced. Whenever Chris went to school he
knew after
seminary he had the option to chill with his bes
t Mormon friends
there theatre tickets, for readmission. Sad as it was he couldnt do
anything to help console these fine theatre
the library, or chill with his other best friend
s in the lunch room.
goers. (Her name was Elizabeth, she had studied journalism her
entire life, yes she was one of the best there
was quite the amazing thing for
ever was in the realm of
Chris; others that may have
Journalism. And this book is dedicated to her)
noticed it were surely enthralled with Chriss
choice of friends. But today Chris decided to si
The Buell Theatre
in the Library with his bff. It was almost like
Right before night fall
ultimate freedom for Christopher. The funny
Chris looks to his right to discover that Elizabeth, had very kindly
thing about High School was that everyone
purchased a medium size popcorn, This put a
couldnt wait till that day on graduation night
smile on Chriss face, you see Chris had no job, and no source of
for the students to throw there hats in the air,
income, further more Elizabeth hated the
and move their tassels from right to left. Erin:
taste of butter, so without saying anything knew by the time he
walks into the lunch room a backpack on her
entered the theater he would be enjoying a

back an
medium size popcorn all to himself.
assortment of books in her right hand, It
So you had to eat all my popcorn eyy, with a long questioning in
almost seemed like she was bringing her new
her tone. Elizabeth says trying to not sound
born child to school everyday, and last but not
sarcastic. Any ways that was an ok movie, but the singing in this
least a diet coke in one hand. This was Chriss
version of Les miss, was completely off.
best friend; And Erins boyfriend was Chriss
other bff. The day had just started but Chris
----------------------- Page 185----------------------needed to write Erin a letter or send her a
Kyle (Erins) boyfriend wakes up, he looked at the
clock with fear,
postcard, he knew he desperately needed her
Kyle had a tendency to sleep in on certain
advice. Several years later
occasions especially the most important ones, su
ch as His own
As the snow softly fell, Chris couldnt believe that his health
graduation from Grandview.
And thats where this triangle of suppositions mil
d as
had deteriated so bad so quickly, that he had
found himself in his car traveling towards the VA
they might be Kyle always had the sickest six se
nse to know the
hot know who he needed to talk to especially
future before it actually happened. But all
given the condition he was in this wasnt the
turned out just fine, Kyle Erin and me and many ot
her friends
first time he had been to the ER Late at night,
were witnesses to their friends graduation from
and it certainly wouldnt be the last. After
high school. And it truly was a spectacular day! N
leaving the VA hospital and feeling somewhat
(Geoffrey from the dark knight rises) If I may k
ind sir
dismayed, Chris remembered That Erin actually
id appreciates the chance to tell my point of vi
ew, as did In
lived in Piney Creek which was rather close to
Vantage Point. So many scenes, so clear, so
his parents house. Believe it or not Chris was
living under his parents roof, and he had one
attractive, and yet it was pseudo nonsense, to who
, no one that I

know I can assure you of that. Anyways as

month to find a place to live, otherwise hed be
Christophers care giver for 18 years while his pare
nts were out of
kicked outside by his father. But this wasnt any
town, had a huge impact on this little mans
typical pain Chris was having, believe it or not
confidence, You see Chris grew up with a lot of
confusion, who am
Chris had acquired a urethra discharge, which
I whats my purpose on this earth, how can
was excruciatingly painful, this went on for six
I call Nikes corporate office and at age 12 and S
uggest putting the
air bubbles in the bottom of the shoe, not
To make a long story short, Christopher had to leave Erins house,
solely towards the back of the shoe, but an entire
360 355
to his demise he
degrees around the bottom of the shoe. This was
my suggestion
wasnt satisfied, to the least. And to add insult to injury. Chriss
to Nike, and they ran with it. Never did hear
car was stuck in the
back from them. It was early in the morning, Cal
vin didnt want to
snow, dang! About an hour later after having to let
go to school at all this particular day, so
with a simple text from Calvin to Chris, and Kyl
e the three ditched
the CSR at Conoco hold his id for the mans snow shovel as
school all day and went skateboarding at
collateral for this, Chris had the tool necessary to
GV. To this day GV is still there located in the
middle of the Tech
get his car out of the snow.
center, and ever since Kyle laid his eyes on
One could say that night royally sucked.
the park he wanted to shred it hard, and this is
----------------------- Page 186----------------------356
book, that she painted the outside o\f the book,
what the three of us wanted and we certainly got our way. And so
for aesthetics. This was quite possibly the best
there you go there were three, and about
birthday gift Chris had ever gotten.
10 others that we called our crew. No shoes no service, Wrong, no
shoes no service, Shirts were always
The next day at school, Chris had just gotten ou
optional even if the three were going to a fancy restaurant. The
of his seminary class, and was exuberated to tal

power of the sun had an obsession between
to his hall way friends and not so much his
the three and The Sun; it was almost as if everywhere they went
library friends. Simply because Chris wanted to
they were followed by the sun, Friends?
show Erin the gift she had purchased for him
Best friends, BFF for sure.
was now a part of his heart and if anyone knew
Chris they may think cocky, but big heart for
It was a another Everyday Saturday morning, some of us had to
pull a
Chapter one
double, at CDP, but that was Erin she was much more logical than
Setting the cafeteria
me or
Kyle combined, all we saw was a double on a Saturday meant we
Kyle had become almost as disorganized as
Gordon. The funny thing is they always got better
skate all day and film the sicker of the two tricks. We were best
than Chris, and a higher act score. Looking at
Kyles skateboard backpack, it surely didnt seem
and to say we werent was, there isnt a word to describe, the
that he was unorganized. As the boys talked and
laughed, and discussed that mornings
and since I am writing this, I believe that I dont necessarily concur
assignments they were really just killing time unt
Erin showed up. As the young men waited
the fearful. And this story has just begun
patiently in the cafeteria, to their demise, Eri
never showed up. A day without Erin
It was Chriss birthday 18? And that night Erin gave Chris his
was always a horrible day to be sure. The
present, it was a journal that read for all the little things you never
meeting of the two whos later marriage came
paramount to us and their families especially us
to forget. So that special night was filled with Moulin Rouge and
their friends. It was an abnormally normal
afternoon, I guess it was luck, but then again i
in his new Journal, Erin had taken such close attention to the
must have been destiny, that sealed the rest of
detail of the
this story together for many years to come.

----------------------- Page 187----------------------Chris (is seen walking casually through the

One of those things is time. Time is
hallway towards something, nobody ever really
365 something that we can not change, it moves fo
rward in one
swift motion, and it never stops. I believe
knew where Chris was headed when walking down the hall, but
with the invention of so many amazing technologic
al advances
this day, Chris
that it would seem practical to somehow alter
bumped into Kyle and the rest is history. I dont feel the need to
or manipulate the essence of time. There are severa
l reasons one
get into he logistics
would want to do this (instead of allowing
of the meeting, provided by Chris who just happened to be
time to move forward as the arrow of time, the mo
vie Click by
walking down the hall,
Adam Sandler , is one such instance where a
and bumped into Kyle.
And the rest is history!
There are several reasons in this world that one would want to
was able to actually freeze time and fast forward
time. The
glimpse into he tellestial kingdom, one of
interesting thing about time travel is the
those reasons is beauty, this earth is very
possibilities that we as a nation have of coming
so close to its
discovery that we are perplexed and alarmed at
beautiful but its nothing when placed against the beauty of one of
our closeness of its obtainment. The first reason
I say we are so
the Kingdoms of heaven.
close is that we have the internet, Now with
Joseph Smith wrote that if one were to glimpse into the tellestial
the internet not we, but the devices that we show
kingdom, they would kill themselves to get
over are the ones that travel through the past.
there. Played in reverse, the meaning of the song changes, as with
IE Faceboook,
any piece of knowledge that we attain on
this earth it is subject to change, replaced and glorified according
thanks Mark Zuckerberg. What Im saying is that fac
e book with
the knowledge one had after the one that
was there previously.
pears into the past. It takes us there as well. a
s does any device

used to
In time was a cinegraphical masterpiece, Justin Timberlake
see what happened in the past and what is happening r
ight now
graced us with his presence on the screen, But
in the
what was really interesting was the story line. Justin s mom that
present. Now think about the I Phone with its cap
ability to Skype.
played a role beside Justin as his on screen
mother, testified about what is going to happen and is happening
can see who you are talking to and visa versa. no
w add Skype to a
today, and that is the absence of the
hologram, boom time travel. Now Im not just saying
Star Wars
presence of time. Men are subject unto several different things
return of
while living as mortals on the planet earth.
----------------------- Page 188----------------------the Jedi, but once a phone has taken us into the present, it
after you let time pass subject a is now in subjec
becomes the
b s house, car ect. in the past. and present.
But the scriptures tell us that we can not add a
cubic to our height, nor change a hair on our
seconds later. depending on how long it takes for information to
hit its
head? That being said we just need our time travel
devices ie the
object, being us.
internet a
Possibly we dont need to even take into account the delay in
computer, Skype, and an iphone with hologram capabil
It hurts so bad, as we spoke in the long hallway o
f Grandview High
because as we perfect the art of the hologram, and sending
School. With the
disintegration of the twin towers, and the overall
mixed up
from one to the other, we would no longer say its false based
feelings of the crew, we
just didnt know what to say, what to think, nor whe
re to run for
upon the duration of time it took for the information to hit
shelter. The

Believe me when I say that there will be those that speculate, And
night of September 11 2001, Erin and I were at the
vigual at her
369 many people would argue that you havent
church, quite possibly
gone back into time, simply found a way to
the most spiritual experience I have ever had. Alo
ne but together
interact in the present easier, more fun, than
holding hands and
before, and also that one has neither sent
crying in one of the rooms outside the worship roo
m. Tears fell
neurons nor any molecules at all through time
for the pain we each
and space, therefore one ahs not actually
felt, Solice where was it, but deep down we both k
new that the
traveled through space back in time. To them I
solice we desperately
would say your right, but however as i
searched for was found withtin Christ Jesus. So ma
ny emotions
previously mentioned, the machines are doing
running through our
the time travel not us, we were merely
hearts and souls, and it was just the two of us th
spectators., but then one could counter that
premise by saying 370
night. NO Kyle no Chunk, and especially no Kyle. M
any years later
the hopper, Comcast, showed us what it would be
it was all ripped
like to see our favorite shows not live, or live to
apart and left on the road to die, like a Ford. No
more GV no more
millions, but days later. So pause the hologram, (
ucrusin with the
once you have done that the person or thing you
homies, And no more country music blaaring inside
Erins first car.
were Skyping will be in the present and the past.
We were truly free,
----------------------- Page 189----------------------no one told us what to do. Many conversations about God and
by this author, this author of peace. Bring all t
he keepers of the
why we shouldnt take
the lords name in vain. Bith Khoos and Kyles explanation of the
into the storehouse, we will promise to give him, h
er, the
reason why it didnt
discussion of
matter, was both credible to the mind of 374
the elders of the Jews. And as we walked back tow

ards the tent of

an 18 year old, but alos very confusing. Chris didnt mind the
philosophies of his two bffs, but deep down the
father we 377
only thing that mattered was that we were together. We just
knew this was the one, the brass plates that need
ed to be
wanted to love eachother, we just wanted to
indulged by
help each other, and thjats exacatlly what we did.
the mighty hand of God, never again to be dimmed
by time or
Now trying to pick up the pieces of a massive break up of the best
man, and
friends there ever was, was quite a task, to
the lords promise couldnt be denied. Taylor Swift
you come
be held. This went on for 10 years, questions anger hopelessness,
and disarray from
me and my obsession, we have no other room in the
Lodge take
the son
the past events that were never going to be given to the ones that
of man and give him place for his Mother, even th
e Virgin Mary,
truly deserved it. No more Education from
to find
Erin, no more watching Kyle shred GV, no more hearing Calvin
a suitable place for the birth of the son of man.
with his issues with women. And especially no
more Matthew Stoll to chill with and try to beat in a friendly game
The intricacy of the body being so complex that i
ts learners took 8
of hockey on the ps2
to 10
Peterson, Elder Peterson
years to finish their study of it, If my hypothes
is is correct then
An animal that sits on his throne, so many choices for dinner this
morning, and truthfully we had the
plus mass = Self actualization. Thus proving Pavl
ov wrong. And
ingredients 376
this is how
to place the bet upon all the kings men. Much like super Mario
the story unfolds, it places itself next to paper
against a black
that is focused primarily for the N64. Why, why her why? This
The Stage craft team knew nothing about acting, and v
isa versa.
disclaimer came upon this man, or was it the disclaimer that fell

show was in the
her. Once again character creation has become sexist as once
middle of intermission, the people walked casuall
y though the
----------------------- Page 190----------------------some tried to not be seen, others were boisterous, and yet others,
So you had to eat all my popcorn eyy, with a
long questioning in
pressing their way to the bar, for a reup. Much like me, as I
her tone. Elizabeth
hesitate to
says trying to not sound sarcastic. Any ways t
hat was an ok
write this I put myself in the same category as these AA members
movie, but the singing in
this version of Les mis, was completely off.
Elizabeth could always
didnt get their diploma at the end of the year. It seems that once
be as analytical as
in. The
possible without offending Chris, and yes Eli
zabeth had a
people in the Foyer begin to hurry for the show was about to start
boyfriend the same boy that
Chris had introduced to Elizabeth Freshman ye
ar. It was a weird
they didnt want to left behind, but some of the guests had
love triangle, or at
least in Chriss mind, he fell in love with his
best friend and then
she went 383
there theatre tickets, for readmission. Sad as it
for Kyle, and that s where the story begins.
So after a long
was the couldnt do anything to help console
introduction to the
these fine theatre goers. (Her name was
characters, there remains others that have no
t been introduced.
Elizabeth, she had studied journalism her entire
Whenever Chris
life, yes she was one of the best there ever was
went to school he knew after seminary he had
the option to chill
in the realm of
with his best
Journalism. And this book is dedicated to her)

Mormon friends in the library, or chill with

his other best friends
in the lunch
room. This was quite the amazing thing for
The Buell Theatre
Chris, others that may have
Right before night fall
Chris looks to his right to discover that Elizabeth, had very kindly
noticed it were surely enthralled with Chriss
choice of friends. But
purchased a medium
today Chris
size popcorn, This put a smile on Chriss face, you see Chris had no
decided to sit in the Library with his bff. It
was almost like the
job, and no source
ultimate freedom for
of income, further more Elizabeth hated the taste of butter, so
Christopher. The funny thing about High Schoo
l was that everyone
without saying
couldnt wait til
anything knew by the time he entered the theater he would be
that day on graduation night for the students
to throw there hats
enjoying a medium
in the air, and move
size popcorn all to himself.
their tassels from right to left.
----------------------- Page 191----------------------Erin: walks into the lunch room a backpack on her back an
Chris had acquired a urethra discharge, whic
h was excruciatingly
assortment of books in her right hand, It almost seemed like she
this went on for six months. To make a long
story short,
was bringing her
Christopher had
new born child to school everyday, and last but not least a diet
to leave Erins house, to his demise he wasnt s
atisfied, to the
coke in one hand.
least. And
This was Chriss best friend, And Erins boyfriend was Chriss other
to add insult to injury. Chriss car was stuck in th
e snow,, dang!
bff. The day had
About an
just started but Chris needed to write Erin a letter or send her a
hour later after having to let
postcard, he knew
he desperately needed her advice. Several years later

the CSR at Conoco hold his id for the mans s

now shovel as
As the snow softly fell, Chris couldnt believe that his health
collateral for this,
Chris had the tool necessary to get his car
out of the snow.
had deteriated so bad so quickly, that he had found himself in his
One could say that night royally sucked.
Kyle (Erins) boyfriend wakes up, he looked at
the clock with fear,
traveling towards the VA hot know who he needed to talk to
Kyle had
a tendency to sleep in on certain occasions
especially the most
given the condition he was in this wasnt the first time he had
been to
ones, such as His own graduation from Grandv
the ER Late at night, and it certainly wouldnt be the last. After
And thats where this triangle of suppositions m
ild as
the VA hospital and feeling somewhat dismayed, Chris
they might be Kyle always had the sickest si
x sense to know the
That Erin actually lived in Piney Creek which was rather close to
before it actually happened. But all turned
out just fine, Kyle Erin
parents house. Believe it or not Chris was living under his parents
me and many other friends were witnesses to
their friends
and he had one 387
from high school. And it truly was a spectac
ular day! Narrator:
month to find a place to live, otherwise hed be kicked outside by
from the dark knight rises) If I may kind si
r id appreciate the
father. But this wasnt any typical pain Chris was having, believe it
chance to
or not
tell my point of view, as did In Vantage Poi
nt. So many scenes, so
----------------------- Page 192-----------------------

no shoes no service,. Shirts were always optiona
l even if the three
were going to a
attractive, and yet it was pseudo nonsense, to who, no one that I
fancy restaurant. The power of the sun had an ob
session between
know I
the three and The
can assure you of that. Anyways as Christophers care giver for 18
Sun, It was almost as if everywhere they went they
were followed
by the sun,
while his parents were out of town, had a huge impact on this
little mans
Best friends, BFF for sure.
confidence, You see Chris grew up with a lot of confusion, who am
It was a another Everyday Saturday morning, some
of us had to
whats my purpose on this earth, how can I call Nikes corporate
pull a double, at CDP,
office and
but that was Erin she was much more logical than
me or Kyle
at age 12 and Suggest putting the air bubbles in the bottom of the
combined, all we saw
was a double on a Saturday meant we couldnt skate
all day and
not solely towards the back of the shoe, but an entire 360 391
film the sicker of the
degrees around the bottom of the shoe. This was my suggestion
two tricks. We were best Friends and to say we w
erent was ,
to Nike, and they ran
there isnt a word to
with it. Never did hear back from them. It was early in the
describe, the thought, and since I am writing th
is, I believe that I
morning, Calvin didnt
dont necessarily
want to go to school at all this particular day, so with a simple text
concur with the fearful. And this story has just
from Calvin to
Chris, and Kyle the three ditched school all day and went
It was Chriss birthday 18? And that night Erin ga
ve Chris his
skateboarding at GV. To this
birthday present, it was a
day GV is still there located in the middle of the Tech center, and
journal, that read for all the little things you
never want to forget.
ever since Kyle laid

So that special
his eyes on the park he wanted to shred it hard, and this is
night was filled with Moulin Rouge and writing i
n his new Journal,
Erin had taken such
close attention to the detail of the book, that
she painted the
what the three of us wanted and we certainly got our way. And so
outside o\f the book,
there you go there
for aesthetics. This was quite possibly the best
birthday gift Chris
was three, and about 10 others that we called our crew. No shoes
had ever gotten.
no service, Wrong,
----------------------- Page 193----------------------The next day at school, Chris had just gotten out of his seminary
the hallway towards something, nobody ever real
ly 398 knew
class, and was
exuberated to talk to his hall way friends and not so much his
Chris was headed when walking down the hall, bu
t this day, Chris
library friends. Simply
bumped into Kyle and the rest is history. I dont
feel the need to
because Chris wanted to show Erin the gift she had purchased for
get into
him was now a part
he logistics of the their meeting, provided by
Chris who just
of his heart, and if anyone knew Chris they may think cocky, but
happened to
big heart for sure.
be walking down the hall, and bumped into Kyle.
And the rest is
Chapter one
Setting the cafeteria
There are several reasons in this world that on
e would want to
Kyle had become almost as disorganized as
into he tellestial kingdom, one of those reason
s is
Gordon. The funny thing is they always got better
than Chris, and a higher act score. Looking at
beauty, this earth is very beautiful but its no
thing when placed
kyle s skateboard backpack, it surely didnt seem
that he was unorganized. As the boys talked and

the beauty of one of the Kingdoms of heaven. Jo

seph Smith wrote
laughed, and discussed that mornings
that if
assignments they were really just killing time until
one were to glimpse into the tellestial kingdom
, they would kill
Erin showed up. As the young men waited patiently in the
themselves to get there. Played in reverse, the
meaning of the
cafeteria, To
their demise, Erin never showed up. A day without Erin
changes, as with any piece of knowledge that we
attain on this
earth it is
was always a horrible day to be sure. The meeting of the two
subject to change, replaced and glorified accor
ding the knowledge
whos later
marriage came paramount to us and their families especially us
had after the one that was there previously.
friends. It was an abnormally normal afternoon, I guess it was
In time was a cinegraphical masterpiece, Justin T
luck, but
graced us
then again it must have been destiny, that sealed the rest of this
with his presence on the screen, But what was r
eally interesting
was the
together for many years to come. Chris (is seen walking casually
story line. Justin s mom that played a role bes
ide Justin as his on
----------------------- Page 194----------------------mother, testified about what is going to happen and is happening
Phone with its capability to Skype. you can see wh
o you are
talking to and visa versa.
and that is the absence of the presence of time.
now add Skype to a hologram, boom time travel. Now
Im not just
Men are subject unto several different things while living as
saying Star Wars
mortals on the planet earth. One of those things
return of the Jedi, but once a phone has taken us
into the present,
is time. Time is
it becomes the
401 something that we can not change, it moves forward in one

swift motion, and it never stops. I believe
with the invention of so many amazing technological advances
seconds later. depending on how long it takes for
information to
that it would seem practical to somehow alter
hit its object, being
or manipulate the essence of time. There are several reasons one
would want to do this (instead of allowing
Possibly we dont need to even take into account the
delay in
time to move forward as the arrow of time, the movie Click by
time, because as we
Adam Sandler , is one such instance where a
perfect the art of the hologram, and sending infor
mation from
one to the other, we
would no longer say its false based solely upon th
e duration of
was able to actually freeze time and fast forward time. The
time it took for the
interesting thing about time travel is the
information to hit subject.
possibilities that we as a nation have of coming so close to its
Believe me when I say that there will be those tha
t speculate, And
discovery that we are perplexed and alarmed at
405 many people would argue that you havent gone ba
ck into
our closeness of its obtainment. The first reason I say we are so
time, simply found a
close is that we have the internet, Now with
way to interact in the present easier, more fun, t
han before, and
the internet not we, but the devices that we show dominance
also that one has
over are the ones that travel through the past.
neither sent neurons nor any molecules at all thro
ugh time and
IE Faceboook,
space, therefore one
ahs not actually traveled through space back in ti
me. To them I
thanks Mark Zuckerberg. What Im saying is that face book with
would say your right,
timeline pears into
but however as i previously mentioned, the machine
s are doing
the past. It takes us there as well. as does any device used to see
the time travel not
what happened in
us, we were merely spectators., but then one could
counter that
the past and what is happening right now in the present. Now
premise by saying

think about the I

the hopper, Comcast, showed us what it would be
----------------------- Page 195----------------------like to see our favorite shows not live, or live to
harry of coarse its in your head, but that doesnt
mean its not
millions, but days later. So pause the hologram, (
true. I am
once you have done that the person or thing you
convinced that our perception of reality is real
were Skyping will be in the present and the past.
after you let time pass subject a is now in subject
Until we have become so irrational that we can c
linically call
b s house, car ect. in the past. and present.
but the scriptures tell us that we can
insane then we must rely on the perception of so
meone else
not add a cubic to our height, nor
much older
change a hair on our 407
and much wiser, proven through their lifes accomp
lishments and
head? That being said we just need our time travel
devices ie the internet a computer, Skype, and an
status of their relationships. Now these two cha
racters are named
iphone with hologram capabilities.
The Two Who Meet
and Rebecca. The meeting of the two happens rath
er abruptly The
By: Christopher Thomas
Prologue a poem that has meaning is such as a
song That touches the soul. This being said why
Chris named Gabriel brings this beautiful woman
into Chriss
not create a novel. That entrances the poetry
bedroom one night, after Chris had recently
that lives within, this way the novel will be more informative,
purchased a Roku 2 from Best Buy. Chris was so e
cstatic about
this device that as Rebecca took a seat on the
seductive, and plenty more vibrant, as I once learned in a logic
floor, she nor Gabriel could either comment or d
eny the greatness
class at

of the machine. The greatness of the Roku

metro state, the length of the art and discussion outweighs its
did happen to diminish unwisely partially after
stupidly took the machine back to Best Buy with
a disappointed
My Thoughts 2
look on his face for money for food. Chris had
There are two characters, much like the movie up. This story
a sick instability when it came to electronics.
You see Chris had
however is
purchased a brand new iPod Nano generation
much less sad. In fact its not sad at all. Depending on your
4 or 5, had it for about a week then resold it f
or money for food.
persuintness of
Chris collected electronics, within the 90
logic and understanding for as in harry potter 8 dumbledore
days and with proper receipt he knew he could se
ll it back to
----------------------- Page 196----------------------the store it was purchased at, and in the back of his mind knew
my girlfriend to marry me, while playing we are
that for that one awesome week Chris could
young in the back round of my bedroom. How do
rightfully say that he owned touched, used and all together
I start this, hmm let me think. Theres a boy and
cherished the item he had purchased
theres a girl. The two love eachother very much
There was a man, well when I knew him he wasnt yet. He was the
they just dont know they do yet because they
smartest soul I had ever met. His name was
have never met. There is a soft wind blowing on
Justin Khoo. His brilliance was never undermined 414
the morning of the most perfect day , this was
by his looks, he was underdressed to many occasions. Only if the
418 a perfect day simply because the two
occasions had a dress code. Especially one
would meet today Chris wakes up, he looks at
worthy enough to meet Justins sense of fashion. This young man
his clock it reads 6:15 am, ughh he groans as
looked at anything and turned it into
he lifts himself out of bed. Jonathan hated
anything. He took one look at the 7 harry potter novels, written by
mornings, it was almost the same disdain that
JK Rowling, and laughed. He was a
he held for Transformers, and Cepticans, he
solitary boy, and yet to call him a boy was the weakest excuse 415
thought who ever dealt with these toys were
the ink from my pen could conjure to be worth publishing. I once
not worthy to call him on his
was seen in my yearbook drinking a coke

Verizon cell
early in the morning, my good friend Xavier loathed the very
phone at any
notion of the caffeine that created its
time of 419
ingredients, ten years ago it didnt seem to diminish the users
the day especially not after 9 pm. Jonathan had
strength or stamina but I guess the past will be
a very diplomatic mind, one that couldnt be
the past, and until the delorean turns into the
explained from his Harvard professors. Though
there were some that claimed Jonathan was
time machine that Dr mcfly said it would we may never know. This
simply a a dreamer, a non achieving drifter
obviously has
carried any way the wind decided to carry him.
nothing to do with the greatness that is Justin Khoo, when he
But there were a few of Jonathans professors
would play shows at
that hailed him king of Harvard, for Jonathan
the Beers house, the rest of the band would hail him as Master
was excellent at every sport he tried, with the
I was watching General
exception of soccer, every time Jonathan tried
Conference at the Yale and Monaco building, when the spirit told
to kick the ball down the field he couldnt help
me dont hesitate,
but laugh for he felt so ridiculous running while
so I ran home and a few days later asked
kicking an inflatable ball. The sport that
Jonathan loved the most was track, for the
----------------------- Page 197----------------------longer he ran track the more he came to
Helamans Two thousand
understand that the more healthy vs unhealthy
stripling warriors, After class, Lauren hurries
off to her first class
food he ate, 421
of the day, theatre performance of coarse,
would ultimately make him run faster, quite a simple equation.
and since it was all he way across campus she ha
d to briskly walk
otherwise she would be late. Its the end of
wakes up, she looks at her clock it reads 6:18 am, Lauren loved
the school day and Jonathan heads up the hill be
hind Harvard
with his addidas gym under his right arm for
it was her very most favorite time of the day, she absolutely loved
greeting the sun as it rose in the west each and every morning.

practice, Even though Jonathan had been eating r

ather healthy
was also an avid church goer, to the church of Jesus Christ of
for the last few months today during lunch he
Latter day
indulged in a Coke cola which he was sure he wou
ld regret during
saints. So she felt
warm ups! There were a lot of pretty girls
422 she must pray every morning and every night before and
on the track team but Jonathan noticed none of t
hem he always
after sleep.
had the idea of his future spouse in his mind,
Lauren prayed for about a minute the made her way to the
very specifically actually, he envisioned a woma
n 426 that would
kitchen. As
show him what love was and bring him
she opens the fridge she looks at the clock on the wall in the
closer to god. So yes the girls would flirt with
kitchen and
Jonathan during practice but Jonathan just could
nt find it in his
realizes that if she has a bowl of applejacks shell definitely be late
heart of hearts to show the same feelings of
love towards them. Coach Thomas was rather kind
today, he only
school. And the dean at Yale did not approve
asked the students to run two laps around
of tardiness. Lauren enters her institute class with a
the track for warm ups instead of the 5 they usu
ally ran. AS
bagel with cream cheese in one hand a naked in the other, she
Jonathan ran these two laps he couldnt help but t
hink that
could feel her fellow students looking up from
something was different today, almost like his
their book of Mormons to softly smile at
dreams were all about to come tru this particula
r day, but he
Lauren and her yummy looking breakfast. Lauren sits in the back
didnt know what he dreamed about, or
of the room like she usually did, so she
subconsciously always needed and wanted, so it w
as difficult to
wouldnt bother anybody while eating her breakfast. Todays
predict what the rest of the day held in store
topic of discussion was
for Jonathan.
Moroni and the coincidence with
----------------------- Page 198-----------------------

As Jonathan Runs his little heart out on the track this normal
I am well pleased with you. As
everyday Tuesday afternoon, he cant help but
wonder what is is that feels different? Lauren is headed to her last
Jonathan looks at the sun in the east setting on
class of the day Stagecraft, which she
the end of another day, he envisions god saying
didnt much care for, simply because she couldnt tell you the
these things to him, and then remembers that
difference between a
there was a scripture that talked about Jesus
Allen wrench and a hammer, for her passion was to be on stage,
being baptized and how a dove or something
she 429
came out of the sky and then god told Jesus he
loved improve, and was pretty good at it, if she
was well pleased with his son. Johnathen didnt
could say so herself. And since high school and
know the scriptures all that well especially
college she had been in two plays. If anyone
433 the New Testament, mainly because
ever asked her about them she always very
johgnathens parents didnt seem to delve into
proudly conveyed her enthusiasm for her ability
such matters at home with their kids. Jonathan,
to act given her by her heavenly father. Lauren
Patrick, and Chris. Jonathans enters the front
also was very meek in the way she responded to
door to his parents and his (for now) House he
others compliments, either claiming she
heads up the stairs to shower, no hello or how
was your day was heard from Jonathans mother, you
see his
had nothing to do with her accomplishments, or
family just
that she simply did what the spirit told her, and
were not eloquent with their
the spirit never lead her astray. But as for her
professors Lauren could do no wrong, she was a
proper hellos and hows it goins. Jonathan didnt min
d though he
straight a student even at Yale, and she excelled
in her theatre career. Some blamed it solely on
walked slowly, but as fast as his tired legs woul
d carry him up the
her good looks, some said it was because she was
stairs to
so spiritual, whatever the case she
his room, he tosses his sports bag on the bed and
heads straight
for the
Loved the stage and the stage loved her!
shower. Living with two other boys meant having t
he shower to
Jonathan is feels exhausted as he usually does at

the end of the training day on his track team, as
most of the time, especially after track practice
. As jonathans
he walks how he feels a special feeling, he cant
stands in
put his finger on this magnificent feeling, its
the shower he lets the
almost as if God was telling him good job at
practice today, you really tried your hardest, and
----------------------- Page 199----------------------warm water sprinkle all around his young face, he has the oddest
inflation on gas prices, Lauren blamed the current
feeling that something very good was
running the country, not so much Barack
coming his way but what could it be? He contemplates the
Obama but his delegates. But then again she never l
iked talking
different scenarios in his mind, and comes to one
politics, simply because nobody had the
conclusion he simply did not know as he simotaneaosly turns off
correct answer. Lauren pulls into the driveway of h
er parents
the shower. He gets out the shower grabs a
beach house in San Francisco, as she got out of
towel and dries himself off, as he looks in the mirror he
her car she was greeted by her dog, 440
ruffles, who licked and slobbered all over Laurens
backpack and
was very proud of what he saw looking back at him, his muscles
face. The inside of Laurens house was
from working out, and running, and his eyes,
absolutely stunning, perhaps thats why it cost so mu
ch money to
he never got down on himself because of his looks, he simply
move in. (Lauren along with politics never
thought god made me perfect the way I am!
really discussed money matters with her parents, si
mply because
Stagecraft finally ended. This was the class that Lauren despised
she wanted her money situation when she
the most. As soon as the bell rang indicating
got out of college to be successful and not a disas
ter like her one
class dismissed, Lauren put her
and only younger brother James. You see when James
Earphones in her ears, and fired up Spotify Premium, Simply to
take away the emotional pain, lol that
school, which he did on the honor roll every semest
er, for four
Stagecraft brought to her. Lauren walks briskly through campus to

years. He
her Kia Soul, now at the car she could take
stupidly got a credit card from a more than willing
bank who
her headphones out and plug her smart phone directly into the
didnt mind
car to continue with her spotify obsession.
setting James credit to a low percentile, simply
Lauren always thought to herself ever since the creation
because their share in the banks stock would go
438 of Napster, she wondered how long it would be til music was
up a fraction of a point. Thats
simply just free for everyone to enjoy, After
she discovered Spotify her Question had been answered,
typically how all banks work, greed, or so it
approximately 12 years after the creation of
seems. Why Hello little miss Lauren, and how
are we today? Laurens mother was a very
Lauren adored her Kia, she knew it was just a simple Kia, but gas
special individual for sure, she also was an
mileage was great and that really helped out
actress, and loved trying new roles on Lauren
because of the
and James. Laurens father however was a
doctor, and while Tamy Laurens mom made
ends meat, Laurens dad Bill, made a lucrative
----------------------- Page 200----------------------amount
Mom didnt feel obliged to snoop through her belongin
gs while
Lauren was at School. Except for her
of money each year and could easily afford to
underwear drawer that was filed to the brim with Vi
ctoria Secret
maintain the situation of having a beach house
merchandise, well 447
on the outskirts of San Francisco. Laurens
sometimes that drawer was a just a little different
than in the
parents were glad to see her, and even more
morning when Lauren Left it, she always
excited to think of the prospects of Laurens
blamed it on the dog, however. Lauren changes into
graduation, it was only a month away and it
comfortable clothes. She feels the need to start
would be a joyous day indeed. AS Lauren enters
studying right away, she was in the 1 Acts this sem
ester and she
the kitchen Bill starts to ask his daughter how
wanted to make sure she didnt forget any of
her day was, So
the words in the script like she did last semester, e

Lauren anything interesting happen today, did
doesnt even come close to the feeling she felt as sh
e ran off the
you meet any cute boys? Nope, Lauren replies.
stage crying her eyes out. But she knew this
Lauren opens the fridge to find nothing but
semester was going to be different, she wasnt playin
g on the
vitamin water and Gatorades. Lauren are you
tennis team this season, and therefore had
thinking about your future? Tamy asks. In
much more time to study, thank goodness, she always t
response Lauren as she grabs a pink vitamin
water from the fridge says yes of coarse mom, I
The phone in Laurens room rings, Lauren half asleep
always tell you that Im planning on graduating on
methodically for the phone, she
hesitantly answers and softly says hello with all t
he worry in her
with my entire class, and then I plan on moving
voice that could possibly be there, for there
to Los Angeles, to show my resume to the big
was no number on the caller ID. Hello Lauren says,
and no
shots, who will hopefully give me a shot
response on the other end of the line, An even
Alrighty sweetie just concerned about your well
softer and more hesitantly hello came out of Lauren
s mouth, Still
being thats all. Lauren nods politely and heads
silence on the other end, as Lauren listened
upstairs to her bedroom, as she crosses the
a little more carefully she could hear the
foyay she can immediately tell that her parents
had been out playing tennis most the 446
distinct sound of someone breathing, fearful and wo
rried, Lauren
afternoon, because the net was still up.
frantically hangs up the phone. Lauren
Inside Laurens room she notices everything in its right place,
stands up out of her chair, and goes to her bedroom
door, she
Lauren felt lucky that her parents especially her
slowly opens it to make sure no is in the
----------------------- Page 201----------------------hallway playing a prank on her. As she inspects the hall and the
what is th o yes its my blackberry Curve, John
other vacant bedrooms upstairs her heart

casually reaches to take the phone out his pocke

begins to beat normally again, pheew she though, Lauren
he turned his back to the professor and the othe
students so he could secretly answer his phone,
didnt like surprises and she surely didnt like prank phone calls.
Hello John says. Nothing is said on the other end
That night Lauren slept uneasy, but around
of the phone,
3:30 am finally fell into deep REM sleep. Jonathan wakes this
Hello John says again. After a
morning with a hope in and a feeling of
disappointment that yesterday didnt actually yield the results of
few seconds of silence, the person on the other
something happening amazing that was
end of the phone abruptly hangs up. John
never expected, but 452
wonders to himself, what or who that was, he
Jonathan knows that each new day could provide the prospect of
sits still with his back to the class, and slowl
something new and exciting in Jonathans, seemingly meaningless
puts his phone back in his pocket, weird he
existence. Jonathan gets into his Prius and drives onto Harvards
things, but John doesnt think about that
strange phone incidence the rest of the day.
The mentality of Harvard school of business, was simply that the
When John got home that night everything was
American Dream was instituted by mighty smart intellectuals. And
the same as 456
therefore more was always better, even
always, mother was cooking chicken cor don
blues, Johns Father was in his office trying to
when it came to something as unhealthy as McDonalds. The
make more money for the family to live off of.
students all
John wasted no time he quickly ate his dinner
drove BMWs Mercedes, and Audis, and that was just the
and retired to his room for the night to study. As
students you
soon as John opens his economics book his mind
should have seen the Professors cars, wow. Anyhow, Jonathan
goes straight back to thinking of the strange
heads to
phone call he had received early in the day
his first class of the day. With seemingly no desire to be in class
right now,
sometimes Jonathan wanted to just play sports and read books
first period, John wonders for a few seconds
then continues studying his curriculum. John
home, instead
goes to bed, this time with excitement that

tomorrow will be a better day. The next morning
of going to class. All of a sudden Jonathan feels
for John was very frantic he had to rush out the
something vibrate against his right hip, hmmm
door skipping breakfast because he slept in too
----------------------- Page 202----------------------late. As he enters the hallway to hi9s class, a
Harvard and stayed all four years. His team depe
nded on him to
beautiful woman
win medals at competitions, since John was
one of the fastest sprinters on the team.
approaches John and introduces herself as the newest member of
the board of
Mr rhoads had come to Harvard seeking a better c
areer with
directors at Harvard and was trying over the next couple of days
more interested students who really wanted to
to introduce herself
learn the curriculum that one of the best school
s in the nation had
to all the students (or as much as possible on the Harvard
to offer. When he first got to Harvard he
campus) This quick
was pleasantly surprised to find the kindness of
the members of
introduction to the newest member of the Board of Directors was
the whole faculty, and the students
a little odd but
seemingly strong awareness that they were there
nothing could be as odd as the mysterious phone call John
to be taught, and not the other way around. The
funny thing
about Mr. Rhoads however was the fact that he
received yesterday in Economics. John brushes off the odd
knew Lauren and John already, you see Mr Rhoads
had taught at
introduction and steps into class. John hated this
the school the two use to attend before
class he was in right now, the most out of all of his classes. The
Grad school, therefore he felt obliged to tactfu
lly, and pleasantly
professors name was MR Ransom, John
introduce the two, although Mr. Rhoads had
thought, kind of a strange name, but never paid too close
nothing to do with 464
attention to its underlying prevalence with the
the alleged prank phone calls to each of them. M
r Rhoads comes
professors unique character. Being a senior
out of

his office in the middle of campus, and simotane

osly turn\s the
John only had two classes a day to attend, economics and,
corner to
biology. During track practice after school the
his next class, and happens to bump shoulders wi
th on of the
whole team was ordered to run 5 miles around the lake that Sat in
faculty, O
the seemingly back yard of Harvard, Some
im sorry exclaimed Mr Rhoads, O dont be its all go
od, youre the
of the members of the team found five miles to be just quite a
little too long to run all in one time, Not John
guy in town, yea?
he was so excited to be graduating that he again ran his
Well watch out for the slippery ones, The what
little heart out and never looked back, in fact on this particular
Mr Rhoads replies, you know the ones that try to
beat the system,
day John finished the five miles in third place
out of 25 runners, who were not slow to say the least. John
as Mark Zukkerburg, If you have any classes with h
im, keep both
started the team when he was a freshman at
----------------------- Page 203----------------------peeled on him when he takes his exams. Ill keep that in mind,
have discredited your entire
and your
theory. Two words
name sir? Asks Mr Rhoads. MY name is Oliver, ok Oliver have a
The two sides are personified in
here and there. If I was a college
rest of your day, and Ill keep my eyes peeled for Mark!
man I wouldn t hesitate to ask
the us government for a
Most of the students that associated with this so called Mark
handout. I guess you could say
Zukkerberg all knew how gifted he really was, Possibly Marks
is the same
thing as a homeless man
talent was just how charismatic and friendly he was to everyone
collecting money from his or
her social security checks once
knew, including Oliver from the faculty at Harvard. The funny
a month, not to mention
there children are an
about the school Lauren attended was there secret skull and

enormous part of their one

bones club
thousand dollars a month. I ve
been dealing for so long that
that held so many secrets that no one was
even my ankles were hurting
accepted into there little gang, so to speak. No
when I got to your house. Why I
one except People like John, even though Lauren
wondered was the dog attacking
had never met Johnatan she couls envision some
it s owner on a leash even, I
one like him getting accepted to there secret
didn t have much time to
club. Beacsue of Laurens religion she had the gift
question much the sun was
of the Holy Ghost which if worthy could bear solemn testimony to
setting and the walk from the
Laurens soul concerning the truth 468 469
top of the hill to there was a
long one, I guess you could say
Printed By Createspace
that to
Digital Proofer
even find this house was a
, I suppose the one I d not only
miracle. As I cautiously
singular however it is both.
knocked on there front door.
Now I have been to the
The thought of murder was the
thundering to see alligators
only thing on
and coun t dramas living in the
my mind, I could imagine
bayou. And right there sir you
anything and everything to be
----------------------- Page 204----------------------behind the door of that house.
had our certain mentality of a
The sun was just about to set and
society with no looking and when
the day would be over until
stuck add jk Rowling s monarchy.
tomorrow and with the ability to
However they ve forgotten one
see the strangers on the silver,
thing. The language barrier. And
was upsetting to me most of
you ll find the exact same thing
all. On my third knock I heard
on one side of the
a set of footsteps approaching
rocky mountains as
the front door from inside.
opposed to the

The door slowly began to

open and my stomach
OK clear the lesson plan for
dropped. An order last stood
today is the entire social
in front of me and looked
network in between the other
squarely T my T-shirt. She didn t
two movies at the box office
seeking well I suppose if you
anything, I hesitantly opened my
consider the, 007
mouth and tried to force the
movies to be perpetual
words of help from my lips but
entertainment then if have to
she slowly shut the door instead.
hand it to you. Who in this class
The weirdest moment of my life.
feels anything but what I just said
Later that night I finally found
the students never say whiplash.
myself back in Boulder Colorado.
They hadn t even seen the class
And at the same stores on
and good knows I asked if they
park Street mall window
had but they simply lied there
shopping with little to no
asses off to me somewhere
money in my
teaching young college
students the ethics of today
The mall of America is a
versus the ethics of
predicted rain to cross over
yesterday was
the Juarez border to see the
way that we live as opposed to
d sir the answer is not
the way they live I feel excited to
whether man give us
know the truth of democracy. We
reading is much
----------------------- Page 205----------------------more than that it you
wrong in the third grade, you
live in Phoenix you live
must understand it wasn t me.
in Phoenix. If you
I came to this works to party
pressure in a different
rhianna. She said it and
zip code lacrosse was

craftsman s isbnd it. Once your ve

the founder of the
ifry to sir, well whatever the chick
bitches in Disney area
is the one spoken of by our
codes hanging up side
doctors D not to mention
dish even. I will answer
Westlake. There really isn t much
your questions but
sense to say I want to go this way
they are not founded
and that way. But as I was
upon anything good
describing yesterday.
so why. Yes young
So ladies and gentleman
money why, I ll tell
without further interruptions I
you guys the truth
must find series, and that s
many people believe
the thing she can t be
that this class is
coerced. She is special. How
home ech in high
dare you find at mk with that
school as an easy a but I
tone and understand
can assure you that that
perfection, are you ubserd are
is simply not the case. It
you mad, yes just doing string
is what it is Nancy
theory for fun yes what fun. Look
cardigan. Many people
I come to these possibilities
will accomplish there
hypothesis procured part tense
main want to dos and
and never one cent more and I
there allegations in
do know your intentions sir you
their life time. The
come here not for her or mainly
good the bad and the in
here. You fucking spelled that
betweens how could you have
one wrong bitch.
you must have been in
I walked out of the garage to
meet my sister sitting in her
something dreamed and
car. Awkward was my sin I
something that went terribly
knew the scripture well kate
----------------------- Page 206-----------------------

winslet. Little children, but we

the rain, you
are ashamed but
jack black days that was
How fucking dare you, article
yesterday. Your are drunk.
to Facebook I hope we can
Your drunk Jules your drunk. I
make your stay with us as
am the greatest you hit me high,
comfortable as possible, if there s
aren t they great no you bitch.
anything you want don t hesitate
There not great and I gave you
to ask. In a place like this it s
simple just look out for them and
Heimlich to save you when you
they ll look out for you. That must
gave me these to save me.
I didn t recognize your car must
one of the greatest said
have just gotten back from the
something and I wrote it down.
dealership. Drive off the lot with
Adjectives are boring I want to
a brand new Mercedes Benz.
see you
But how?
You ve got nothing to work
In today s society we wake up
with here. Let this man go. But
kind sir ts JFK I don t give a
Matt lauer. It makes sense if
darn you let him go,
you listen to the story and
understand? The direct
stop asking questions. I guess I
understanding of the nation is not
have the floor now. Excuse me sir
utilitarianism but it is, Nietzsche
but I have the right to speak in
many are called but few safe
my behalf I am afforded that
chosen. I have but that s not
right with my
saying much it s saying
constitution rights I am afforded
everything. From beginning to
that ability. By the condition of
china and I m doing it in the
the united States of America.
morning. Trust your mother the
Your honour if I may I think
live and the hate I swear to god I
what may I d trying to say is

never considered it, dies it

that live is blind, and yes I
have to be by the book. You
played football at
tell at me but I did not start
Notre Dame. As one of the
----------------------- Page 207----------------------greatest. But the man spoke
afford, don t push me don t
and great were his words,
push me. Fuck both of you.
The way of the budda was not a
weren t the same as before it was
coincidence. Sometimes I think to
as if he questioned his own
myself what a perpetual thought
preference in the game of life. I
of nature. However I have been
just hope folks will feel and
there in both my attributes and
understand these words, I just
my attire! What you ask yourself
write them don t be a
is greater than that? Nothing and
judgemental Californian. The
everything. The blood of the land
police are not here kind of like
and all else in between God
Seattle, I guess it s just
damnit, hello, there has to be
jurisdiction, what is the
a way to solve certain things
you would think, however
space between you and me,
some may discredit the idea
there isn t one o yes week
of being happy
what is the all what is the
so we think with ones own
allgafhthym to live, the
securities. There in the
question now is do I want to be
meaningful aberrations have
with you. I mean all were talking
been a select few that not only
about is fluid exchange so can we
act as Jessee eisenberg but others
get straight to the sex. I don t
that have never
know just tell me your name, I
considered being Steve Jobs. I m
didn t know that you do not want
securely fastened in my exact
to hear that suit don t duck with
disagreement about streaming
me not you, it s not your fault,

your time kind sir, and what do

you hear me, is not, thank you
you mean by that, I suppose the
for understanding what I am
one I d not only singular however
saying and yes I have been to
it is both. Now I have been to the
space camp twice, is not
thundering to see alligators
intricate enough, I m sorry
and coun t dramas living in
that is not the bills but this is
the bayou. And right there sir
the best that the FBI can
you have discredited your
----------------------- Page 208----------------------entire theory.
to set and the day would be
Two words
over until tomorrow and with
The two sides are personified
the ability to see the strangers
in here and there. If I was a
on the silver, was upsetting to
college man I wouldn t
me most of all. On my third
hesitate to ask the us government
knock I heard a set of
for a handout.
footsteps approaching the
I guess you could say is the same
front door from inside. The door
thing as a homeless man
slowly began to open and my
collecting money from his or her
stomach dropped. An order last
social security checks once a
stood in front of me and looked
month, not to mention there
squarely T my T-shirt. She didn t
children are an enormous part of
say anything, I hesitantly opened
their one thousand dollars a
my mouth and tried to force the
month. I ve been dealing for
words of help from my lips but
so long that even my ankles
she slowly shut the door
were hurting when I got to
instead. The weirdest moment
your house. Why I wondered
of my life.
was the dog attacking it s
Later that night I finally found
owner on a leash even, I
myself back in Boulder
didn t have much time to

question much the sun was

And at the same stores on
setting and the walk from the top
of the hill to there was a long
Street mall window shopping
one, I guess you could say that to
with little to no money in my
even find this house was a
miracle. As I cautiously knocked
The mall of America is a
on there front door. The thought
predicted rain to cross over the
of murder was the only thing on
Juarez border to see the way that
my mind, I could imagine
we live as opposed to the way
anything and everything to be
they live I feel excited to know
behind the door of that
the truth of democracy. We had
house. The sun was just about
our certain mentality of a
----------------------- Page 209----------------------society with no looking and
Phoenix. If you
when stuck add jk Rowling s
pressure in a
monarchy. However they ve
different zip code
forgotten one thing. The
lacrosse was the
language barrier. And you ll
founder of the
find the exact same thing
bitches in Disney
on one side of the rocky
area codes hanging
mountains as opposed to the
up side dish even. I
will answer your
OK clear the lesson plan for today
questions but they are
is the entire social network in
not founded upon
between the other two movies at
anything good so why.
the box office seeking well I
Yes young money why,
suppose if you consider the, 007
I ll tell you guys the
movies to be perpetual
truth many people
entertainment then if have to
believe that this class is
hand it to you. Who in this class

home ech in high school

feels anything but what I just
as an easy a but I can
said the students never say
assure you that that
whiplash. They hadn t even
is simply not the
seen the class and good
case. It is what it is
knows I asked if they had but
Nancy cardigan.
they simply lied there asses
Many people will accomplish
off to me somewhere
there main want to dos and
teaching young college students
there allegations in their life
the ethics of today versus the
time. The
ethics of yesterday was
good the bad and the in
betweens how could you have
d sir the answer is not
you must have been in between
whether man give us
something dreamed and
reading is much more
something that went terribly
than that it you live in
wrong in the third grade, you
Phoenix you live in
must understand it wasn t me. I
----------------------- Page 210----------------------came to this works to party
children, but we are ashamed but
rhianna. She said it and
jack black days that was
craftsman s isbnd it. Once
yesterday. Your are drunk.
your very to sir, well whatever
Your drunk Jules your drunk. I
the chick is the one spoken of
am the greatest you hit me
by our
high, aren t they great no you
doctors D not to mention
bitch. There not great and I
Westlake. There really isn t
gave you the
much sense to say I want to
Heimlich to save you when
go this way
you gave me these to
and that way. But as I was
save me.
describing yesterday.
I didn t recognize your car must

So ladies and gentleman without

have just gotten back from the
further interruptions I must find
dealership. Drive off the lot with a
series, and that s the thing she
brand new Mercedes Benz. But
can t be coerced. She is special.
How dare you find at mk with
You ve got nothing to work with
that tone and understand
here. Let this man go. But kind sir
perfection, are you ubserd are
ts JFK I don t give a darn you let
you mad, yes just doing string
him go, understand? The direct
theory for fun yes what fun.
understanding of the nation is
Look I come to these
not utilitarianism but it is,
possibilities hypothesis
Nietzsche many are called but
procured part tense and never
few safe chosen. I have but
one cent more and I do know
that s not saying much it s
your intentions sir you come
saying everything. From
here not for her or mainly
beginning to china and I m
here. You fucking spelled that
doing it in the morning. Trust
one wrong bitch.
your mother the live and the
I walked out of the garage to
hate I swear to god I never
meet my sister sitting in her car.
considered it, dies it have to be by
Awkward was my sin I knew the
the book. You tell at me but I did
scripture well kate winslet. Little
not start the rain, you
----------------------- Page 211----------------------did.
weren t the same as before it was
How fucking dare you, article to
as if he questioned his own
Facebook I hope we can make
preference in the game of life.
your stay with us as comfortable
I just hope folks will feel and
as possible, if there s anything
understand these words, I
you want don t hesitate to ask.
In a place like this it s simple
write them don t
just look out for them and

be a judgemental
they ll look out for you. That
Californian. The police are not
must happened one of the
here kind of like Seattle, I
greatest said
guess it s just
something and I wrote it
jurisdiction, what is the greatest
space between you and me,
Adjectives are boring I want to
there isn t one o yes week what is
see you cum.
the all what is the allgafhthym to
In today s society we wake up to
live, the question now is do I
Matt lauer. It makes sense if you
want to be with you. I mean all
listen to the story and stop asking
were talking about is fluid
questions. I guess I have the floor
exchange so can we get straight
now. Excuse me sir but I have the
to the sex. I don t know just tell
right to speak in my behalf I
me your name, I didn t know
am afforded that right with
that you do not want to hear
that suit don t duck with me
constitution rights I am
not you, it s not your fault,
afforded that ability. By the
you hear me, is not, thank you
condition of the united States
for understanding what I am
of America. Your honour if I
saying and yes I have been to
may I think what may I d trying
space camp twice, is not
to say is that live is blind, and
intricate enough, I m sorry
yes I played football at Notre
that is not the bills but this is the
Dame. As one of the
best that the FBI can afford, don t
greatest. But the man spoke and
push me don t push me. Fuck
great were his words, they
both of you.
----------------------- Page 212----------------------I just told you tom what s been
west lake. And neither had she.
gong on its been gong on for five
Chocolate. Donut hanging out on
years. The motto is the same the
my tile living room floor. So far

ability to stand one above the

we had written 72,000 thousands
rest. As I sit and listen to
words and all they are antiquated
Matthews answers to his
towards here and there. Ok class
questions I can t help but
what s the answer, um we
think about a day in the life of
stole a line from kind sir. I feel
an NYC mayor. Actually he is a
pro skateboarder riding for
and no I have never met Ben
girl koston instead of winning
affleck but I have seen Argo.
Julia Roberts heart he win the
Ok here we go. I ll question
audience with more coffee. I
him something written in
keep debating where my life is
going and why there s people
Given by brad Pitt. What s your
shuffling around my garage. The
favorite numberz where were
narrator Kris telling me to be
you born I should slay you. Now I
afraid. The title of the movie
have seen since spektacular
equals far. After all what s in a
things in my life and one of them
name. If my idbn number is at in
was the celestial kingdom and I
place I wouldn t have a problem
have felt it twice in my life. I
diagnosing you with the
actuallly fixing have seen the god
perscripton of love. I was
damn celestial kingdom.
called a hater once and he just
Chocolate or vanilla. Huh I
call them fans. Come to think
heard somebody talking to me
about it I ve never been to the
I looked up and looked at the
Himalayas. But
woman in front of me. B say
July has and I see it through
what. You stole my story. Your
her eyes. There a concert in
story? Yes my story. You stole
town pharcide a tribe called
it. There was absolutely no
quest and I m deffinately
hesitation in her voice. I
going to be in attendance. Come
looked right and there was
to think of it I ve never been to
two police men coming into the

----------------------- Page 213----------------------coffee shop.Say what why would

doesn t. Love you luke
you when consider anything of
Skywalker. Exact words oops I
me and your
mean his matters words that s
property. Except this time there
discrimination. You know what I
was even more emphasis in her
am going to do is call the police.
voice. Her mannerisms did not
And tell them that your straight
change in front of me. I was taken
discriminating G against me and
back. To my roommate. Moved in
yes I do belong in 711. And no
he took full and incredibly and
your freaking c plus plus
more than necessary abilities
computer games does not
over me. I had been in basic
impress me. Yes but I took
training for several weeks. The
several weeks several weeks
only thing that made it even
to create this game from the
better was the fact that I
crayon of something. Yes but
am an American. Your wrong
then again
sweet heart your wrong about
I am several years younger
the past. Because you can
than you and smash that
repeat it. I wonder if I can look
bullshit faade right front of
into the eyes of God like
spiderman check this out I study
Welcome back to the Colin and
like the book thief German Nazis
Matt show. How many of those
ran Germany was it a rou to have
margaritas have you had. 1.
the leading teach the entirely of
Nobody amaya nobody. Now
the world that destroying my
check this out rap masochistic,
words 72,000 of them was ever a
however think about it. In gods
good idea. The answer is
ability to recompense certain
probably no. What I an trying
words to your mind
to say is that is that I have
been to five schools and I

listening to rap .I further more

never considered placing my
forgot to delay your
tassel to the right from the
chiropractic meanings of self
left. And then just allowing it
discussion and
to happen because she
we never knew call your
----------------------- Page 214----------------------grandmother before it too
2015 thatis I hope 2016 is just
late, choose one and the same
as great now what is it that
exact thing applies. However
we were
you how would be a question
just talking about
mark the story must continue
hmmmmmmmm I m not
comes a small voice from the
back of the classroom excuse me
sure as the class ended I noticed
why aren t you leading I dont
her looking at me so why was she
knowthe dean of my existence is
so interested in need when we
coming to destroy me and it s not
sing when need dentists
TV top of the morning. And
anymore. I once heard in my
Knoxville is already trying to
classes in school at metro that the
range his own life weird I know
classes of society were meet for
you dont kno theres no one
the perfect way of living
here Brian, you wish no I
especially the past present future
know. The next day Brian died
tense of adverbs in Spanish
and we all mourned his
class Griselda for it all right if
departure most of the
we believe in the time period
students didn t rally care, what
of philosophers of our time
there is one that can not be
shame I thought. Living in
denied his name is Jordan
Colorado is a crazy adventure
cloward speak his name and
it reminds me of Seattle the weed
die. What s this I owe it to
is terrific. Legalization of weed
myself no you owe it to me

isMaggnificent theres a lot of

cause I m going to wakt up And I ll
cats a lot of cats Christopher I just
be 50 and that s fine but if you
got back from corprus Christi
are I ll fucking kill now class there
what about you in sorry sir but I
are several things I want you guys
have never been there you
to realize a couple things
absolutely have to try it the
pertaining to aesthetics which if
time of your life Christmas is
this your professor isnt actually
over so is new years Eve what
standing in front of you I am
a great year
currently in my jail cell in
----------------------- Page 215----------------------Arapahos county jail
Iraq. Then we had better get
pretending to be a teacher,
our sit together as the popular
eat pray love eat pray love z
phrase went. Now class can
Julia Roberts. See the most
anybody tell me this simple
dramatic thing in this god
when for me m the room was
awful movie, and I say that
quiet where and when was
with love is the story line it
the internet created? And
sucked jk but seriously the
how? Seriously one of the
movie sucked, makes you
handover men in the class where
wonder huh?
was it created? The room feel
Anyways the green and purple
silent, it seemed like the students
dinosaurs are tasty such as
had fallen asleep. What the fucki
Eminem, but I m pretty sure it s
thought?Me I once had a pet
still considered a DUI, correct DUI.
hexameter and there came a day
Now class let s all turn or
when I had to excuse there was
attention on Matthew and make
many instances when I had to
fun of him. O professor
leave the hamster at home and
Thomas that aint cool trust me
hope you didnt die on his own
bitch you need this o oki
accord there were a mini
guess, 29 minutes later after

instances in the February to

we all had a terrific rou.I
mom the 2001 when I had to
dismissed. The class back onto
come home and dictate the
the streets of davis CaliforniaI
ownership between me and
could remember it well me
my brother Matt and so to
and khoo were going seea movie
speak he was a dumbass got
spiderman and
the hamster wet put him in
oceans 12 was being advertised
the microwave to dry him off and
in the lobby of the movie theater
these hamster exploded I kid you
so I had to wonder to myself
not I fell in love with that hamster
where was my mind at this point
the day I met him and once he
lots and lots of responsibility in el
exploded in microwave I found
Paso. If we were ever got to
myself quite sad mini instances at
qualify as a unit to deploy to
night I would cry myself to sleep
----------------------- Page 216----------------------as is any instant in life I find
shuffled looking at each other and
myself more progressive when I
then casually look at me for
try my hardest especially
answers the only answer I could
when my hardest is harder
conjure was two packs of Boise
than I can handle knowingly I
certainly wanted to change the
have studied the Arts of mini
world and as a class we
philosophers including Marcus
considered others that tried as
a really is plate of the Republic
well some believe that we
and soccer to use his people
need it have a Tupac or
over the course of my lifetime
anyone such as
unfortunately I tried my
Martin but you know who did
hardest and my heart is was not
Michael Jackson as he claimed
good enough given my grades are
dinner song class whats in a
dictated in my Spanish class from
name and if it is true then why
Griselda before she can anybody
doesnt a title mean anyone harm

in later that night I set up all night

are conclusion that day was
contemplating what was then the
simple many have tried to save
best day of my life why though
the world and Minnie have but
probably the simple fact that I
not like Jesus Christ just the way
was quite indeed happy with my
he spoke no wonder people
lecture and the classes
thought he was lying the author
altogether terrific answer
of such work clarify the name of
about the internet for all I
Christ killed herself him I have
hadnt reached and I knew we
traveled many miles searching
where in the right place of our
for Christ as did my daughter
textbooks Tupac was
leaving every day in May to
subject of the day Ive seen
find winter there are others
his face and I believe Tupac for
that simply stand in the way
life as many of my considering
of progression I dont want to
instead as well so that means set I
say no names but yeah so
have reasons to believe that
anyways is all in all we said
Tupac Shakur is Jesus Christ as I
after sterling her soul to her
mentioned this the entire class
audience Houston is beautiful
----------------------- Page 217----------------------Salt Lake City has 2 Chainz Dallas
themselves adoration at anything
has 911 or 1 and Conroe an idiot
for my textbook I shall discuss
and a chance of a better career
Essex you can expect this book to
selling Kirbys I can never forget
be at least 500 pages which as in
generosity of some to me when I
any big fish Moulin
desperately needed it knowledge
Rouge the dude will be quite
is spontaneous and learning is
uncomfortable and the lady dude
coherent to not all but I
said something in reply wish I
smoke two cigarettes at the
don t care what it was need to do
Plaza that way you could find
I give a f*** what it was now
me especially

at this 3000 level class all the

the fact that I was with
students pilot in and certainly
Leonardos Caffery out in the
Josie in the classroom which
first place someone comes
from my ankle seen to be
speak for me the world is cruel
determined by the ones with
and the destructive is not 123
the most expensive phones 15
anymore that is thank you Kyle
minutes later I you have saved
great words of wisdom from
my life several times times
yours truly
new Roman I realize that but did
I hesitate to sit next to him in the
you practice thats a two-way
Commons a gram you but I
Road singular being another
certainly am glad that I did
pretense to inviting the spirit I
because he was Jesus Christ word
was the last words spoken
endeavor to tell you but then I be
flabbergasted in latter Alice
in never rang to just press record
something about to this story
there have been several however
hes to be written this evening
this time Im ready yes maybe but
said the young man to his
if I could just get back to the
professor prove What boy
getting I be okay and yes you
youre so full of shit I hesitate
are wrong about that said yes
thanks Dwayne Super Mario
you are definitely wrong about
Brothers it all in the hip so
that have felt and seen several
many people wonder to
instances at scheduled me in
----------------------- Page 218----------------------the art of knowledge before
do I have to sell my boat to
the thought was a bra to an
prove my superior you re
angel came to me and taught
ready to you it was quite
me how to live there is white
interesting to me how you so
there is majestic and theres
a certainly place that? Once
more than that but um you see I
you step on that skateboard

was the one that site not you you

skateboard yet that one over
you use that phrase in your
there return my head and I didn t
writing however I m lying in your
see one I hesitated then look the
economics are only as much as
opposite direction hoping to see
you want for Skype by name
what this man said he saw which
other than yourself again why
was a skateboard and still I didn t
do I have to sell my boat to
come across it I bet you didn t
prove my superior you re
know that but um you see I was
ready to you it was quite
the one that site not you you
interesting to me how you so
you use that phrase in your
a certainly place that? Once
writing however Im lying in
you step on that skateboard
your economics are only as
skateboard yet that one over
much as you want for Skype
there return my head and I
by name other than yourself
didn t see one I hesitated then
again why do I have to sell my
look the opposite direction
boat to prove my superior
hoping to see what this man said
youre ready to you it was
he saw which was a skateboard
quite interesting to me how you
and still I didn t come across it I
so a certainly place that? Once
bet you but um you see I was the
you step on that skateboard
one that site not you you you use
skateboard yet that one over
that phrase in your writing
there return my head and I didnt
however I m lying in your
see one I hesitated then look the
economics are only as much
opposite direction hoping to see
as you want for Skype by
what this man said he saw which
was a skateboard and still I didnt
other than yourself again why
come across it I bet you didnt
----------------------- Page 219----------------------know that food has a but um
so a surely place that? Once you
you see I was the one that site

step on that skateboard

not you you you use that
skateboard yet that one over
phrase in your writing
there return my head and I
however I m lying in your
didnt see one I hesitated then
economics are only as much
look the opposite direction
as you want for Skype by
hoping to see what this man
said he saw which was a
other than yourself again why do
skateboard and still I didnt
I have to sell my boat to prove
come across it I bet you didnt
my superior you re ready to you
know that food has a spirit
it was quite interesting to me
and I can prove that one too this
how you so a certainly place
man was honest I fed tell if you
that? Once you step on that
skateboard skateboard yet that
morally appease by is own
one over there return my head
understanding my mind Carol a
and I didn t see one I hesitated
without he had previously stated
then look the opposite
I live my f****** head off when I
direction hoping to see what
had admitted the devil has tennis
this man said he saw which
to and put only means one thing
was a skateboard and still I
that he was proud of me and
didn t come across it I bet you
the way he played everything
didn t know that food has a
spirit but um you see I was the
perfection I chose to look
one that site not you you you
behind me and make up some
use that phrase in your writing
however Im lying in your
why I just didn t see it Russian
economics are only as much as
roulette yes that s what choice
you want for Skype by name
dad I have I had laid the word
other than yourself again why do
and it was written according to
I have to sell my boat to prove
his religion I chase I slowly mood
my superior your do to you it was

my head to the right and pure

quite interesting to me how you
behind me and this it was a solid
----------------------- Page 220----------------------skateboard however since I knew
slowly mood my head to the right
he was a whole leave any could
and pure behind me and this it
interpret every thought and
was a solid skateboard however
realize it was him that you use the
since I knew he was a whole
word had and not me so again I
leave any could interpret every
had let the reader to different
thought and realize it was him
natural validity yes tender
that you use the word had and
hearted Lee I d read but there
not me so again I had let the
skateboard he saw neither of
reader to different natural
us off spoke for several
validity yes tender hearted Lee
seconds and then he did
I d read but there skateboard
something that both started
he saw neither of us off spoke
and confused me see class
for several
slowly to his left and before
seconds and then he did
his eyes reach to destruction I
something that both started
knew by the way this man was
and confused me see class
honest I fed tell if you was
slowly to his left and before his
morally appease by is own
eyes reach to destruction I knew
understanding my mind
by the way he this man was
Carol a without he had previously
honest I fed tell if you was
stated I live my f****** head off
morally appease by is own
when I had admitted the devil
understanding my mind
has tennis to and put only means
Carol a without he had previously
one thing that he was proud
stated I live my f****** head off
of me and the way he played
when I had admitted the devil
everything in perfection I
has tennis to and put only
chose to look behind me and
means one thing that he was

make up some excuse why I

proud of me and the way he
just didn t see it Russian
roulette yes that s what choice
everything in perfection I
dad I have I had laid the
chose to look behind me and
word and it was written
make up some excuse why I
according to his religion I chase I
just didn t see it Russian
----------------------- Page 221----------------------roulette yes that s what choice
perfection I chose to look behind
dad I have I had laid the
me and make up some excuse
word and it was written
why I just didn t see it Russian
according to his religion I chase I
roulette yes that s what choice
slowly mood my head to the right
dad I have I had laid the word
and pure behind me and this it
and it was written according to
was a solid skateboard however
his religion I chase I slowly mood
since I knew he was a whole
my head to the right and pure
leave any could interpret every
behind me and this it was a solid
thought and realize it was him
skateboard however since I
that you use the word had
knew he was a whole leave
and not me so again I had let
any could interpret every
the reader to different natural
thought and realize it was him
validity yes tender hearted Lee
that you use the word had
I d read but there skateboard
and not me so again I had let
he saw neither of us off spoke
the reader to different natural
for several
validity yes tender hearted
seconds and then he did
Lee I d read but there
something that both started and
skateboard he saw neither of us
confused me see class slowly to
off spoke for several seconds and
his left and before his eyes reach
then he did
to destruction I knew by the way
something that both started and
he did it this man was honest I

confused me see class slowly to

fed tell if you was morally
his left and before his eyes reach
appease by is own understanding
to destruction I knew by the way
my mind Carol a without he had
he did it he this man was honest I
previously stated I live my
fed tell if you was morally
f****** head off when I had
appease by is own
admitted the devil has tennis
understanding my mind Carol
to and put only means one
a without he had previously
thing that he was proud of me
stated I live my f****** head
and the way he played
off when I had admitted the
everything in
devil has tennis to and put
----------------------- Page 222----------------------only means one thing that he
understanding my mind Carol
was proud of me and the way
a without he had previously
he played everything in
stated I live my f****** head
perfection I chose to look behind
off when I had admitted the
me and make up some excuse
devil has tennis to and put
why I just didn t see it Russian
only means one thing that he
roulette yes that s what choice
was proud of me and the way he
dad I have I had laid the word
played everything in
and it was written according to
perfection I chose to look behind
his religion I chase I slowly mood
me and make up some excuse
my head to the right and pure
why I just didn t see it Russian
behind me and this it was a solid
roulette yes that s what choice
skateboard however since I
dad I have I had laid the word
knew he was a whole leave
and it was written according to
any could interpret every
his religion I chase I slowly mood
thought and realize it was him
my head to the right and pure
that you use the word had
behind me and this it was a
and not me so again I had let
solid skateboard however

the reader to different natural

since I knew he was a whole
validity yes tender hearted
leave any could interpret
Lee I d read but there
every thought and realize it
skateboard he saw neither of us
was him that you use the
off spoke for several seconds and
word had and not me so again
then he did
I had let the reader to
something that both started and
different natural validity yes
confused me see class slowly to
tender hearted Lee I d read but
his left and before his eyes reach
there skateboard he saw neither
to destruction I knew by the way
of us off spoke for several
he did it he was he
seconds and then he did
something that both started and
conversing time and this man
confused me see class slowly to
was honest I fed tell if you was
his left and before his eyes reach
morally appease by is own
to destruction I knew by the way
----------------------- Page 223----------------------he did it he was he
seconds and then he did
was conversing time and
something that both started
this man was honest I fed tell
and confused me see class
if you was
slowly to his left and before
morally appease by is own
his eyes reach to destruction I
understanding my mind Carol
knew by the way
a without he had previously
he did it he was he was
stated I live my f****** head
conversing time and and 50
off when I had admitted the
shades of grey was created
devil has tennis to and put only
now Ive never seen the Eiffel
means one thing that he was
proud of me and the way he
and I dont own enough
played everything in
backpacks to call apply for a
perfection I chose to look behind

banquet in the Sahara Desert so I

me and make up some excuse
left it as it is praise be to the man
why I just didn t see it Russian
that gave the one Lourdes plan
roulette yes that s what choice
for rectify for real I remember it
dad I have I had laid the word
like it was just yesterday PE was
and it was written according
in session and 14th students in
to his religion I chase I slowly
Columbine died during it I still
mood my head to the right
couldn t believe she assumed I
and pure behind me and this
had to stolen her story
it was a solid skateboard
because I did story stories
however since I knew he was
story 6 months later I have 9
a whole leave any could
months to live give
interpret every thought and
it prescribe medicated lip
realize it was him that you use
appointment but that not what it
the word had and not me so
was I ran I remember it like I was
again I had let the reader to
yesterday the Sun hung deep in
different natural validity yes
the sky it lube go over my soul as
tender hearted Lee I d read but
was the nature and Westlake I
there skateboard he saw neither
don t know as single I still
of us off spoke for several
couldn t believe she assumed I
----------------------- Page 224----------------------had to stolen her story because I
was I ran I remember it like I was
did story stories story 6
yesterday the Sun hung deep in
months later I have 9 months
the sky it lube go over my soul as
to live give
was the nature and Westlake I
it prescribe medicated
don t know as single person
lip appointment but that
that side of the big you must
not what it was I ran I
remember it like I was
Gatsby oh well yes but you
yesterday the Sun hung deep

in the sky it lube go over my

I m a check or I didn t work for
soul as was the nature and
this I gave this I said one last time
Westlake I don t know as single
to her I did not steal your story
person that side I still couldn t
the end.
believe she assumed I had to
Proof Digital Proofer
stolen her story because I did
Printed By Createspace
story stories story 6 months later I
Proof Digital Proofer
have 9 months to live give it
Printed By Createspace
prescribe medicated lip
appointment but that not what it
ammar, and design issues that
was I ran I remember it like I
may need to be corrected.
We recommend that
was yesterday the Sun hung
you review your book three times,
deep in the sky it lube go over
with each time focusing on a
different aspect.
soul as was the nature and
Check the format,
Westlake I don t know as
including headers, footers, page 1 numbers, sp
acing, table of
single person that side of the I
contents, and index.
still couldn t believe she
2 Review any images or graphics and captions if
applicable. 3
assumed I had to stolen her
Read the book for
story because I did story stories
grammatical errors and typos.
story 6 months later I have 9
Once you are satisfied with your review, you ca
n approve your
months to live give
proof and move forward to the next step in
it prescribe medicated lip
the publishing process.
appointment but that not what it
----------------------- Page 225----------------------To print this proof we recommend that you scale the PDF to fit the
we have been on a tirade looking for the winter

and I sold out big

size of your printer paper.
arenas flobots and the such, dont tell me what I
want tell yourself
Christopher Maxwell Thomas
kingdom I must first accept myself and come to
think about it I
Book Number 1
also wrote it in my journal it had been
The night that came was unworthy of these catholic priests
several , years ago I came across it that day t
hat day that she asked
were out in force, there wasnt another such. I found her when
me to make her a ham and
she was climbing
cheese sandwich I hadnt hear her ask for one so
I didnt make it.
That pole in salt lake, possibly, the sand dunes in New York
Later that night after we retired
City. The location didnt matter. What was the point of our
from throwing bullets at each other for several h
ours at our forest
almost meeting I couldnt tell you if I tried. I didnt need her
behind\d our house we had dinner
pain even though it was allocated inside my soul such was
then went to the bedroom to sleep.
the same situation 6 weeks earlier, I fell asleep clever look
After we got into our bedroom the dog licked an
d slobbered all
on my face she stayed awake and I allowed her to watch
over my wifes face, typically she
over me, I had a 9 attached to my right ankle we were
didnt even like that I mean its a dog for crying
out loud but she
somewhere remote would be proud. I wasnt I
just didnt tolerate it. I know I had
Please carefully review your Digital Proof download for
been terrible shot tonight but she still wanted
to kiss me, she still
put her hand on my leg and
Digital Proofer
started kissing my ear. I woke up the next morn
ing and she wasnt
Book Number 1
there I checked the entire room
Authored by Mr Christopher Max...
and there wasnt second that I didnt explode with
love and
6.0" x 9.0" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
happiness under Neath myself. AS I
Black & White on White paper
walked into the kitchen from the courtyard outs
ide, there was a
24 pages
small card placed right above the
ISBN-13: 9781533016744
dishwasher and as I opened it a ring fell strai
ght onto the counter
ISBN-10: 1533016747

top it was the same one that she

almost red lined here, and my feet were definitely on the red line.
had given back to me several years ago, I had l
oved her. AS I saw
You pissed me off big time last night, how? I gave you a flower
this I walked quickly to the
and you said thats nice you must really be in love, I dont know it
center of the kitchen, I heard the garage door open
and I heard
was just pretty callous.
what sounded like my wifes voice
sounded like and then I heard the door of the c
ar shut hard and the
Treason sir, I have no idea what you are refereeing to I have
y reversed out of the garage. I
never considered and I made a mistake those that want to be
stood there and watched as a man drove my wife
away from me.
billionaires are just praying for love and hope they dont make up
As I walked slowly into the house I was crying an
d gasping for air,
I the mainframe of salt lake cities corporate offices we havent
the run that I had earlier this
anything to do with them we have been there and it Doesnt exist,
----------------------- Page 226----------------------morning was good, and I didnt see why somebody could have
After we got into our bedroom the dog licked and s
lobbered all
taken such a precious prize from me.
over my wifes face, typically she didnt even like
that I mean its
I wanted to destroy everything, instead I looked at the card on the
a dog for crying out loud but she just didnt tole
rate it. I know I
table researched the ring there as
had been terrible shot tonight but she still wan
ted to kiss me,
well, and thought for a second, um what is this meaning, and then I
she still put her hand on my leg and started kis
sing my ear. I woke
prayed to my heavenly father,
up the next morning and she wasnt there I checked
the entire room
he said it would be ok, so I believed. I dont remember what I did
and there wasnt second that I didnt explode with lov
e and
after that. My hand reached for the
happiness under Neath myself. AS I walked into t
phone and all of its debatuaries it reached for the phone then the
kitchen from the courtyard outside, there was a
small card placed
tone of David echoed in my ears
right above the dishwasher and as I opened it a
ring fell straight
and I heard the voice of the spirit it said go and claim that which is
onto the counter top it was the same one that sh

e had given back to

yours, so I did.
me several years ago, I had loved her. AS I saw
through this mirror where your headed, He wrote this it was an
this I walked quickly to the center of the kitch
en, I heard the
assumption to some it was the beginning of some the others had
garage door open and I heard what sounded like m
y wifes voice
come into the house no oxycotan
sounded like and then I heard the door of the ca
r shut hard and the
we dont need any the Dr. Thinks he knows but he doesnt. Loud
y reversed out of the garage. I stood there and watc
noises I hear loud noises I want to
as a man drove my wife away from me.
thank the audience I really do they dont think so but I do, there
As I walked slowly into the house I was crying and
gasping for air,
was a member of the class mates I
the run that I had earlier this morning was good
, and I didnt see
where are you now
why somebody could have taken such a precious pr
ize from me. I
He wrote this it was an assumption to some it was the beginning of
wanted to destroy everything, instead I looked a
t the
some the others had come into the house no oxycotan we dont
card on the table researched the ring there as wel
l, and thought for
a second, um what is this meaning, and then I pr
ayed to my
any the Dr. Thinks he knows but he doesnt. Loud noises I hear
heavenly father, he said it would be ok, so I beli
eved. I dont
loud noises I want to thank the audience I really do they dont
remember what I did after that. My hand reached fo
r the
think so but I do, there was a member of the class mates I accepted
phone and all of its debatuaries it reached for
the phone then the
into my heart that told me that in order to achieve the
tone of David echoed in my ears and I heard the
voice of the spirit
accepted into my heart that told me that in order to achieve the
it said go and claim that which is yours, so I d
kingdom I must first accept myself and come to think about it I
also wrote it in my journal it had been several , years ago I came
True to th
across it that day that day that she asked me to make her
a ham and cheese sandwich I hadnt hear her ask for one so I didnt
make it. Later that night after we retired from throwing bullets at
each other for several hours at our forest behind\d our house we

had dinner then went to the bedroom to sleep.

at t
----------------------- Page 227----------------------would you love to make people fear or am I just
he panit
imagining things there is no audio upon the
train nor toward the relaxation of the general
public, the conversation was taken by Steve
And I apologize
Jobs, was it not? I have the thumbs that have
been given me the allowances of many several
locations, these locations are no fear queer
gear and secondly fear is a lie. I am not
My religion is money, the more the better and
Proof Digital Proofer
yes I do spend water on water tanks that isnt
Printed By
really a bad thing though. There has to be
thank you Jonah, in order for tom to create fire
he had to listen to the teacher of America and Im
not talking
My Book, Book, Book
about this Im talking about this 100 dollar bills
they are printed
By: Jesus Christ, Christopher Maxwell Thomas
and then they become the more part of a hundred
dollar bill, I
know this sounds obscure and it is but I learned
it from you so
Am I lying my reception classics are now harder to kill me than
what the fuck is the point in mathematics especi
ally if it doesnt
ever before. There is a JK Rowling and then theres a Chris
lead to a better life and if it only brings the al
lagressor the pain
Thomas, who is Jesus fucking Christ with an H even! Deny it,
of the generations before hand. So why should I
have a dog if
these words dont lie. I have often thought about the ways of
five seconds life happens. I know the allegory bec
ause my
the human beings living on planet earth,
paradigm has been changed. I wrote this a couple
of years
I dont know about my psychology team from MSU however I

ago I remember it like it was yesterday she walked

in and I
did pass the class. I am the game and la Tuncie is the king,
was stuck in the matrix this shit is getting sca
ry and my cries
call him Jesus Christ because he probably is. There isnt
for her supremacy wasnt matt fucking demons it simp
ly wasnt
anything more than as, and I should know however now a
and still tom never left he stormed the banks of
Normandy, and
days it is thrown straight into the garbage as it was located
then theres fucking Frodo. Now if you want to lea
rn something
from the beginning. The beginning is almost nonexistent. I
youre going to have to learn normal mathematics i
t will help
dont understand the definition of a circle but it
you with Sudoku, and there the lord he comes out o
f the sky
is always and always will be.
and there is no beauty that we shall desire of h
im there is
OK class now if the strangers were to come in
nothing that we can do that he doesnt know about,
here who has the best sex life? Of course we
everybody on the fucking ground and kiss your as
know that you obviously do Kyle Matthew but
what if you didnt then would you be altercated
There are children in this country that dont
to love in the presence of heavenly father
have enough money to pay for a gun, there
----------------------- Page 228----------------------tithing isnt enough money to pay for several
still felt his truth. The night was awesome as is
any night in Paris.
bullets, they simply have to feel the pain of the
The Eiffel tower shone in lots of brightness. Ma
ybe I only had
rudeness that kids love to give other kids same
several days to be there but I still bumped into
her, who? You ask
age as well I cant imagine what these kids do
to deserve this shot we never fell off, and to
couldnt tell you if I did remember. She was smart
and acceled at
stay on target I need to prostitute my wife to be
certain things, in my view there couldnt be anyon
e that shone
pimped there is more protection in this life style
brighter in the countenance than him, many schoo
ls and plenty of
than just going to the correct way, the

that too. I just think about certain miseducatio

jurisdictions have been labeled and there is
of Lauren Hill, her premises make sense and her
fear on this table why did you wake the gods of
lyrics concentrate on the audience, but he was a
the past when they were so comfortable, the
plan is complicated trust me and there is one
boy. My brother and I decided to apply that night
two that can solve it weathered at the exact
was drunk. The hypocrisy was all over the house,
time as one sees it or several seconds before
my dad even 2 dropped the glass of wine that he
hand and I proved it and I never thought about
had offered himself, and he didnt know why he
the complication theta is weed the ones that
chose red wine over the chardonnay. In Paris we
live there are in charge, and you are dead.
actually knew the difference between the two
My New Book By: Christopher Maxwell Thomas I remember when
kinds of fermented grapes. Call it hypnosis call
we were young. We all acceled, I remember when those that we
fun, I just called it smarts. There are characte
rs that
trusted trusted us. WE all had the opportunity to win the things
regain their prime, by chilling. I had lost a mo
that aspired to the votes of Donald Trump. It wa
we worked for, now days my Mercedes Benz is obsolete. I dont
several years prior that I was in class, my hopes
know where the feeling went wrong, or where you tube fell off.
was that I found a hundred dollar bill, I fell a
from my education of coarse my father never
latest expression is of that we dont think clearly, and because of
believed in me anyways and my mother the bitch
that we entreat Mercedes Benzs like they are ford tempos. Often
that she was gave me hell every single day after
throwing rocks and other things that we can pick up in one hand.
track practice talking about you know The
If I
adventures of Tom Sawyer and his gathering I jus
t didnt know it.
was on the other side of the fence I would throw a cue card, and
Gordon b Hinckley certainly did however. Why did
we need to
i m
not quite sure what that is? What the hell is that? I have some of
our own grapes and ferment 3 them on our own, wh
en we easily

those shoes 1 already honey, I know but not in this color, so? Was
could have gone to the head shop and bought an e
ighth of the
my reply? I once asked the Pope what was the exact location of
sticky stuff. I never disobeyed her, but she did
disobey some of
ourselves, and his reply was no. I couldnt quite understand but I
----------------------- Page 229----------------------those polo wearing faggots from creek, and that was the thing
loved about me. I told her wed be going on a da
mid-morning to middle of the afternoon, and we
werent really faggots. I can remember coming into the Glendales
did. We fell asleep at the GV skatepark and two
weeks prior to tell me if I ever missed a date
hop at night and recognizing their demeanor, they were seriously
her she would have to allow my mind to be
just sitting there with their Abercrombie and Fitch cologne. And
constantly miseduacted, but Lauren hill alread
y had that name for
there were many of them at the same table, they didnt mind
one of her albums so it was just leche, o well.
A bible I need a
though they had to be together to ask for more pancakes. I had
little to no money, and I was drinking hot coffee, even our syrup
There have been several times in my life where
I definitely needed
was hot. There was hot for teacher and of course teacher leave
one. The diary of Anne frank, and the book thi
ef, ran with the
those students alone or else we will riot in the streets. The craze
information knowing damn well that if they wer
e caught they
now a day was allocated in Canada naked woman dancing more
be shot and killed. I think there have been se
veral instances in the
hypnotic cerabrese collecting 4 thoughts in wet mud to the sound
history of the world where certain if not ever
yone would have
of the devil. The devils advocate is grey goose, the devils
of the pleasing word of god, for god is all mi
ghty and just because
is Bacardi lemon, mans antichrist is take 5, life happens in five,
mention Jesus in my song the album 6 wont get p
laid, I think that
who are we fooling the columbine class of all-stars was already
has something to do with the separation of chu

rch and state. The

bowling, and for what for their fucking lifes.
separation is there to place the beginning with
the end of the
Michael Moore, Michael is his name. Confusion
promised land with those that came before us,
you see those that
comes at a high price. Lend this to me and I will do
came before us, may have as Paul stated in the
new testament
this for you, this is called quid pro quo. That was
yesterday yes Im hung over but I am not an enemy
those that chose the greatest desperation o be l
ead in through
to god, please your style of writing is not as
splendor as you would think. Well true but I still
throne of Christ would have equally the hardes
t jobs to be
have tenor, beat that you bubble toes jack
Johnson. The dam by the way is open now on a
upon themselves. And George Washington must ha
ve been the
Saturday. It is open for business and I think you
greatest that ever lived after all hew is writ
ten upon the one
know what I am talking about. Kind of reminds me
the movies, your dreams. Thats what he
bill. The democracy that we live in is prophesiz
ed to lead the
constantly told me my dreams,
McDonald betrayers to the present day. I belie
ve in that and the
but I 5 never read them. Honesty, thats what she
adversary is written to have destroyed our
----------------------- Page 230----------------------communication with us and Washington. The dollar
the chance to see Paris again
menu was built by those that fell and also those
I would love it, if I had the chance to live my
life again I would if I
that utilize the holy room to be holy as long as time
could see her one more time, followed by, if I
could just go back
never ends. And if it does ever end they would
have 7 to take gynkabaloba and a photo to
relive it one more time I wouldnt ask for more.
9 Where is that
remember what the fuck Two Chainz said about
map of ours? I mean if were going to make it throu
gh the Luxor
February in his album. I havent mentioned the
were going to need it. I remember looking at the
pyramid that

responsibility to those that sold there bibles for a

stood tall in front of me and the Taj-Mahal behin
d me I knew that
dinner at KFC to feed their children one last time
we were going to have the time of our lifes scal
for they have not much food left in their alibis, and
the entire world, and especially this quiet yet
the fifth amendment right have been used so many
magical building. As we entered the hotel I alm
times before that they cant order a number two.
fell over, it was just so damn beautiful, and the
But white Iverson was here and chance the rapper
map allocated all of it, we were there to have
specialized in representing his glory. I havent been
good time ride the boat inside and then the next
to your house often enough to prove my own need
day scale Circus Circus, and ride its roller coa
for your love. Jesus was here and since we here we
until we fell over or died, whichever one came
might as well have another shot of Bacardi, for its
Kyle was so doing well this day that he was
five o clock somewhere, and yes heaven does exist,
executing all of his tricks with style and grac
e, Erin
Ive seen it. The real way to see heaven is to just let go, like Steve
was filming and that was kind of a bad decision
because my tricks she shot well, but Kyles not s
said if you just stop moving around they wont bite you as much if
much. I fell over when we were watching the
at all. In other words referring to my mas, right 8 now shes not in
footage from 10 inside our room at the MGM
the greatest of health, but shes not good until I am, Im all
Grand. Looks like it simply wasnt Kyles greatest
day, we joked, and boy o boy did we have a terrif
followed by your not all good until Im all good. Written in Spanish
roe over it. I would say these chicks names but
we dictate its emotions. Ill be honest sometimes I just want to go,
then I would be Snitched. I dont know why but
but where I heard its nice in Michigan, Yes this
whenever I was in a strange place friends I alway
Michigan you speak of what is the situation with that place? Have
seemed to go off into my own little crazy world
, thats probably
you ever seen the giant monsters that live in the lakes there? Or
maybe just stared at its majesty across the great lakes, three of
reason I got Paranoid Schizophrenia later on in m
y life, which

them. I have read your theses and Im determined to say there

but it is what it is, whatever it is. 6th grade w
as challenging work
a clear thought or proper single thought in either of them. If I had
----------------------- Page 231----------------------me, the entire time it seemed like all I was there to do was sell
having nothing there, there wasnt
theirs of
prosperity theirs wasnt the ones t
hat belonged
to other students for a dollar. I remember printing them off at my
with the phagasees and the clerace
se, they owned
parents house and then putting them all in a clear 1 inch binder
nothing. The color red represented
their own false
allegations to be seated amongst
their own fellows.
be sold in the boys bathroom, and when I wasnt doing that I was
However if one studies the music fr
om the 80s one
filling red balloons with Kool-Aid, we utilized them for energy in
can rather easily deduce the prog
rammers that
class, after all she liked the way 11 that I gripped my schaff. At
allowed Keanu Reeves to partake i
n their own
substances. The rise of the Roman
Empire was
thats what Whiplash told me. And I ran track at Campus Middle
outstanding, the truths that beheld
the devils flask was never
School, and when I wasnt doing that I found my picture in the
in treaty, and not to mention 13
the athletic abilities that the
clubs photo of the sixth and seventh grade year books. I knew I
Olympians were great.
wanted to go to Creek, and play baseball. I desperately wanted to
The word itself meant nothing to a
nyone, therefore the advisors
wear khakis and dc martins for the rest of my four years in high
were forced to create communism. C
an you imagine a country
school. This never happened though, I represented my grades to
completely divulged to give up th
e rights of their people to have
dad after I photocopied that at King Soopers, he never found out,
twirl Bataans in front of a dictato

r. Now class we can pretty easily

probably would have kicked me in the head, judo chop. The truth
figure out the moments that brough
t us to this place, which we
this my upbringing was chill, and I was beneficiary to love several
space. I mean the WB is usually w
ell done in their facts that they
homies at Grandview, sometimes I want top fix or be fixed,
provide to the public. After all we
needed a Kobe and a Lebron.
Lake Michigan especially is great
this time of year I hear. As soon
of coarse Sandra what a boutique, thank you sir,
however the life of Ryan I just bought a brand new
I said that Curtis raised his hand
to answer he was typically the
house in my parents 12 neighborhood, for over a
million dollars. We through parties on Saturdays.
clown, but today I guess he had somet
hing important to say,
Whats Next? This woman is the one that
deserves the baby, she is the biological mother,
was very profound. The class came
to an end and we all hugged
woman is this correct,? Correct this woman is the
because it was these students were ju
st about to graduate as
true messiah, as soon as the woman said this the
doctors of mathematics, dont ask m
e why they chose that
directors of the socialist commune lifted their
profession 14 because it was bori
ng it was really boring, well to
glasses and toasted to the scene of their own
----------------------- Page 232----------------------make a long story short I will decide for you, Mona Lisa smile, this
on our mind, they first had to be included into t
heir culture that
one of the best movies ever created, the message given was that
obviously the lord chose for them, and the lord c
ant be mistaken,
You can have your cake and eat it too. No one
unless your talking about the sun of the morning. You
see class
believed it though, I mean the end of the story was
rather happy, Happy Feet, that was the realm of
sun of the morning was not a prophesied rain over
Quarez, we
existence and all the students had chosen, I

can even remember disciplining one of my students
simply the greatest soul that was or will ever be
created by the
that swore that Snape had qualified him to kill
hand of god, besides just one their lord and savi
or Jesus Christ.
Dumbledore, and said if you tube was taken off the
internet he would be destroyed by tom riddle,
because of that the war started early. We had ang
els crying in
which indicated to me that there was a no flex
disarray all over there pretenses, and this was t
he same in any
zone, and since his testimony was so strong, that I
language. I believe we achieve through negativity
or deceit and
believed him, I almost agreed. You see almost
therefore because of that we feel like there is t
ime that there isnt
every student in our school was either too scared
to come to school or believed they could teach
separation, the only separation is being ok by th
e lord that gave
themselves via you tube. 15 This was not conducive
these presences. There are also presences that ar
to the number of the dead that were actually killed
unseen, my generation seems to look for these
for the word that they had written on their lips,
deamons of the night hard and once they start
which was god. The students of today would
looking they cant stop, not until they have seen
probably be misguided to proclaim the word of the
the evilest 17 of the evil, and become complacent
lord upon their lips, if they ever went to school
enough to look towards the good as opposed to
without their iPod or their iPhone. They all had them and they
the students of their prior classes. Screw the dr
seldom Ely left them at home. If they had there say they wouldnt
the alcohol, I dont need all of that, I do need
have them replaced by their own students, they would actually
women though. The style of life that we
have them brought to the bar of god and proclaim the later. That
appreciated was amongst the kindness of Christ,
they simply feared man more than god. I suppose the fact that
the gas chamber was scary my ally was my battle
Steve Jobs owned his own monopoly without the likes of ibm
buddy who allowed my cries to Christ to become
my own living. I have never fallen asleep I took
mean that they hadnt had enough time to even try to get to
quite a break, but so did the money. WE havent
perturbed your fanciness, and our lands have give

without there weapons of war. We slept with our missionary tasks

our last and following to the tribes that owned
them from the beginning I loved that condo of
----------------------- Page 233----------------------mine, but it wasnt just mine it belonged to those
US is something that we cant have than how am I
that built it, I mean Christopher Columbus couldnt
suppose to shoot it. The question was always ther
have been to wrong he was truth in his voice and since barrack
and still we didnt need a map of our lifes, I mea
spent all that money on flowers we obtained a lucrative amount
why are they to tell us that we are separated,
beau wolf isnt coming off as too complacent we
money that we decided to 18 allocate towards our debt. There
werent either, and even still why would we have
to take our perceptions, I now conclude my
man on the tower there are mighty men that fall to the floor, such
thoughts to prove that an author is the greates
as the sears tower. I never met you and thats what I
occupancy is writing, but an 20 occupation is not
roll with my soul is tired and you have none, I am a child of god,
writing there are two that live here and now
theres one mother fucker, my city backed me and
he is my friend. I appreciate your demeanor, but its still a star
whoa re you take your shit and leave, this had go
bucks society, here am I for this much have I been sent into the
on too fucking long the people are brave and in
dolent and
world to fulfill the languages of the Jews. I have diassarayed my
therefore they dont need you check your shit at
the door, and by
existence to the end and I lied my fucking ass off, I was going
the way thats not a thousand dollar suit you fuc
king liar, I
through puberty but thanks for noticing. Aids is no longer a death
sentence. Read these books read there lectures follow there rules
to be on the background but Im actually in the f
ront line I never
have them come to us, children grow up faster, according to who
needed the shit that comes with a lazy dog. The
more you know
why was there any reason to fall away front he beginning and if so
why was Bjork playing in the background for anything that
less you need. Therefore your scruptouslisity i
s begotten before
amounted to nothing. WE have women men and a fake rib that

your belongings ever could be. Let me falsify m

y languages to
took out to become women, and when asked 19 why hide in this
that I am superior and your are therefore not,
please come back
valley of sorrow, our response was because we now know that we
any time you choose but my mind will be at defa
ult on your
are naked. This was obscene to us for we knew that there was a
accusations. There are several that would lie t
op swave you
however you are not here so go somewhere else.
21 Someone is
and we saw him there, the pretense was not fair
arranging this plateau that we are standing on
top of, and guess
why live in the underground he trusted you, he
how long it took, me and my friends can make a
comic book, and
trusted you Snape. 9:42 on a Wednesday the tower
guess how long it took. Flobots. The resurrecti
on of Christ was the
of corrections is written by Pavlov and you are
most detraining symposium that has survived the
nation that we
confused I believe its water and food before
live, the democracy that we behave. That wasnt e
xactly the word
structure, why couldnt we have dated, we wanted
that I was searching for, play that harmonica and
sing the notes in
the title to our own democracy well if living in the
my succession, put the lyrics in the air the wa
y that I tell the to,
----------------------- Page 234----------------------looser your fear and I swear to you, you will gain eternal life, The
weed, and get crunk, trust me we won, the war
is now over, and
lady spoke to me the night that I entered her
Jennys Market she spoke to me the way that she
even made it to South Korea. Like this nigga is
sayin I cant move
came to my ignorance, she allowed my presence
and then she bought a salad chewed it up chocked
you I just cant move when you, I mean what the
fuck. Thats not a
on it and died, This one tree spoke to me above all
the rest and I remembered it as well, the lord may
word, trust me
have used filler 22 knowledge to behold me his
Book Book: By, Mr. Christopher Maxwell Thomas
Therefore the

own creation, however the schools we attend

meaning off the plot doesnt remind me much of p
eoples the
should be made out of pure gold, we should have
monies, was already plural. No slobbery no slo
bbery thats what I
lots of space to have plenty of space. Let down are
saw I am not sure, he isnt I have it keep my ex
istence to me and
weapons of war and then well never loose our
this wall is high it was high, past tense I neve
r reading the minds
forefathers languages being provoked upon us by
stupid pieces of shit called Columbine killers,
peoples. It seems like the sky is falling and
I am penciling, it feels
Because of south park, because of the Simpsons
like occupations, Occupations the race is done a
because of time, and I am hard right now, dont
I am still running I have to sprint thought the
turn I
believe me Ill show you, and he did. The thing is
never have, practice wows just that I never had
this just lie down in death and we will win this GOD
sprint in time trails, I came here to finish t
his race
DAMN FUCKING WAR, this pathetic shit will be
and the lord blessed me with alone hundred poi
gained over with emotions and sagas ESE will never
as well, I didnt ask for nothing, yet still I a
over take us, run and run and keep running. That is the answer
jumping, Tibet Andy mountains I am here and I
jumped here see what I am saying the lords
to where you ask, and why, well if you dont that will kill you. This
kingdom is the sprint I am thrifty brave and
reverent and I am also your son, the amount of
not an abnormality of the mind, this is scene one to one. 23 Now
discouragement meant nothing to me and I felt
that we won the war lets take off all our clothes and wrestle, o
You havent taught me a single thing I doubt that
gladly. I feel my legs pressing hard I feel my
dont believe me Ill show you how hard it is being here naked in
pressing hard and I also cook I can also sing, din
front of you and not asking you to be mine with my hardness, and
believe me Ill fucking prove it, it has to all
truth be told your wet Jules your wet. Now is time to get sloppy
prestige and beautiful, this is after all teen

drunk I mean throw that shot back, and have a beer or two; as a
AS I cross the finish line I remind myself tha
t I have
matter of fact drink a two litter of Pabst blue ribbon, splurge on
learned this so special gift, the law of mosse
taught us not to mention our aspirations of th
----------------------- Page 235----------------------inauguration of the king doom of heaven we must press forward
them to precepts and you have a hypothesis, a
Hillary Donald the truth is been folds five, I know cause I met him
dance and so you think you can and you have
family. But family is already plural, and the
was sweet and charismatic, put us through different occasions
ownership of it is subjects not precepts I ne
ver had
the one to allow me to show anything differen
t, my
different occupations and we will defeat the strife that is us. We
parents are cocksuckers however I am alive an
d so
does it feel. I promise you I will call you b
ack no
the tribe of Ephraim. The only thing is that nobody believes us, I
matter if you do move to the Himalayas. Move
yourself out of hell, my words are strong tha
afraid and so are you your drunk Jules your drunk, I know and I
what god gave me, strong words and I have the
Or maybe the keyboard is just fed to the fest
so sorry I apologize, thats what she said I relaxed and so did
Maybe. I have friends and they have friends and I
have friends do you see how that works the
but o the amount of suffering and the detail to the m16 which I
collective works of sir is sac Newton he sure
never walked across a tight rope of fire burn
in my hand was apologetic I felt it the holy spirit was never
under themselves, however Benjamin button did
god damn you brad pit. Wait just wait before

you do thisd to me
at 9 minutes, 9 days maybe 9 more, I really dont know I
tried and I failed every time the seminary class began there it was
my family I hover to utterance hard core ate
shit. The utterance
that I would is from the bible it is holy and
this will suppress all
remind me just how much of a piece of shit I was, never again,
y0our doubts and worries, for though translat
ed so many times it
hear me, yes lord. If only I could see her once more, this woman
still taking up time and matter, how do you d
efend yourself on
was so sweet and so good the only one that I ever met, call me
these accounts of allegories, remember script
ure voices, my7
tonight and I will text you back as soon as I see the text, I promise
eardrums hurt, not enough and I promise you t
hat. But to be me
you I will. Its not that difficult its called quid pro quo, this for
how would I be me if I have never met me, you see
people only
that, I
know what you tell them, here sell me this pe
n, can you believe
have reprimanded many times in my life she still loves me even if
that nib the middle of my press conference, w
hat a dick that man
she did leave me, whets so scary is the law and I will destroy your
was, no matter hajji high you get threes alwa
ys that one ass hole
fly I will destroy your fly, what do you think about that per say,
trying to bring you down, why, thats what he a
sked me and I
dont you dare per say me, bite your tongue at me
replied here I am send me, send me, Frodo throu
gh it in the
and I point my finger at your lord and savior
Christopher Maxwell Thomas. Take precepts add
please mar Frodo throw it in before its too la
te, wrong the ring is
----------------------- Page 236----------------------mine, what? That fucking cocksucker, so I came
telling me it
r telling me, me,
her I says what on earth is the earth and what
The which was
ot hurt, the catalyst
staples Pepsi
is coke this is called

to him and I says

processes if it doesnt prosper you

is the point of
fucking terrific get up it does n
Coors brewing the way is here it

echo whey does it matter that much my geed is certainly enough,

cocaine it is your those are rookie numbers thr
ough choose this is
certainly but the one thing that you are not seeing kind sir is that
what I say never going to happen its a new gift,
captain then
theta type of bullshit facades is that it is simply not based on
anything. I spelled that backwards, you know
captain its for my dad it has blood on it, 2 tho
usand may7vbe well
threes a scripture that says that that Jesus fellow
mentioned that in order to be with me and my
Proof Digital Proofer
father in heaven is to go with me twin, I thought
Printed By
and I did. I told Jesus that day in the garden that he
would make it Jordan told him fuck you, Kyle told
yo check it out some say that womens rights hav
e been
him imp sorry, khoum said who and I did not. We
obliged by nintench century morals and allowanc
es of tea
could just keep it at that however there are laws to
that fell off the boat in HOnduras, the great t
ea party in
the governing dynamics there are laws to the bang
BOston Massacheutes, you want to learn how to r
ap you
better learn mathematics. MY pupils myt followe
rs on
theory, and there are mentally retargets jack off on
goiogle plus, my professors gladly look upon me
this tree, I said no, the tree withered and died. I
thousand word latter and I have a novel, as I t
alk to my
guess you could say that I was flying high the door
doctor I undertstand that our coun try its deve
man let me in for freedom, john Wilkes booth shot
created buy Ronald McDonald, smiley face im lov
in it,
and killed my father, teddy Roosevelt was a fucking
emeinem goofy lyrics goofy goofy movie, I write
these words
president, buy I swear the mirror fucking lied to
you read these words. The Great debaters one sm
art line,
me, I swear I didnt do it, I tried to hurt once and I
education is the only emphasis on only, way to es
am so sorry, please lord and savior fix the fixable.
ignorance, ignorance is bliss, but to the monop

oly or the
Like Like Love Haha Wow Sad Angry Comment
oligopoly, where is the Supreme VCourt when we
Share Comments Christopher Thomas Blatant
them, where is Kanye when yopu need him, I was
disrespect there are only two that survive the on that comes
hungered and yopu gave me food, I wqas
between you meet in the middle there is a good choice a bad
thirsty and you gave me drink, I was without
shelter and yopu took me in
then an ok choice thank you Justin khoo. My kidney my kidney I
Motivation procrastination, creating a beef bro
takes 8 hours. Golden showers, show heads
made from bronze, we were not created from
about to die but they did not die in vain I will not die sober get the
the dust to participate in the games of Rome,
fing -loods, I have to disobey the book has been published your
----------------------- Page 237----------------------Russell Crowe, being the obscene, you make
Hermione and Ron typically never talked about
thye incidant but
elevator music? Huh you may be wondering
each wewre reminded of it every time
what it is that Im rambling on about, but those
There are two truths in this world one is dark a
nd one light.
that created the internet for sole purpose of
The intercontinental United States is filled w
ith lots and lots
checking ion on Facebook are all eradicated
of pain and suffering, many deaths shall be lo
cated in the
and the past be the past but still we were all
circumference of the diaphragm of the South Ca
subjugated. Who will make it in America? (Question mark) The
Many shall say yea yea lord, but they have not
set their
sky was still black from its appearance that rendered an entire day
opinions so highly upon the vain things of thi
s world, that
from the grey existence in the Hogwarts School of witchcraft and
they can no longer perceive the light that is
within them, and
wizardry. I feel the time has come to restring the bait, bait and lure
another thing is that type type type, verse on
e verse two. Let
this I sthe way to catch the big ones. I sleep you sleep we sleep
the world see let the blind man see let the gu
ilty feel punish, let
quid pro quo

the mercy surround the mercy seat.

The twelve tribes of the apocalypse, do not en
WOMEN, FIRST MEN ARE FROM Mars while women are
their mouth to the high stakes poker game, nei
from venus, the author of thi\s book must have represented many
was it you that suggested that I leave all my
things in his life and dictated several hearings of blah blah kasha
applications and ditch my ass and follow thee,
bla. This may not make much sense to you now but believe me
took one look on what the sum of my life was,
when I say that there is a half full overflowing cup of h20. E=mc2
walked away. Soon after the son of man held a
but to who, to us there Olympians or to the iundonesians, after all
conference with his elect and punished the wic
protestants refer us to god. First premise second premise
the thing that is wrong wioth america is this,
combined equals capitalism, these are kjust sayings
thabnk tyou ADam, your book was
and they wer brought from the east and now George
spesctacular. The big red ballon, and the
Washington jr allows his people to have wooden
appocalypse flys over my head, there was a
teeth, Abraham Lincoln, never tol a lie and to show
night AND two that collided with themselves,
our appreciation we erect a shrine in his honor.
and i letter we letter we bring letters to the
I hadnt thought about it past the point of giving no
north star, so many, so many to document time an
d spacew
thought on it since the incidence. You may be
is irrelavant, thye fire rises, this is not th
e time for fear
asking y9ourseld=f what was that incidence, well
doctor that comes later. Some times i just lik
e to steal, if i
you see sometimes went off on her husband and
told you his name id be snithching, mess with
me and gte
threw things, other times she would break aqll the
Tupperware, in the kitchen, however small a space
Yesterday i fell hard on a rail, then to the g
round, innamanite
it was, and her being in a wheelchair, she still found
objects float a moon around saturn, follow its
direct coarse wind
a way to nmot only= z knock all the pots and pans
water meteorites come after me i shall never b
e the same thank
off the top of the refrigerator, she actually would
you john, you fuss and fight over the answers

and so do i,
make her way to the flowers on top of the cabinets.
conjugate my vers, practice with my nouns, pus
h your propaganda
----------------------- Page 238----------------------forward.
my sheep, how did you smite off all those men
arms, if iu
Mad men season four the hills season five, 4th nephi...
your delicious contour to my existence, ing to
my bad, jesus save america well said, howerver did you try
tell you how i did thesse things would you pro
mise to
tylenol or its generic acemetaphine? Try it, try advil, pop a
knowledge, let me feast upon a part of you suc
cor, i love
couiple Ibprofrin, 200 poumnds 145 not gettin to the top,
believe, I would give awayall my sins to know
god, be it
Pavlov where are youj why dont youj make us
the feeling you leave in my soul. The true jus
tipose is
kings, Selc actualized theories, thoughts
according to thy desire. Ammon then blessed Ki
medicene, The va has it all i never need to
forget ll that, I realize theres a in the wear
leave, sleeping in slc sleeping in seattle, this is
but Lamoni, and he fell to the earth overcome
byu the spirit.
a joke you know how aesy this is for me, do
the true meaning of things the true meaning of
you have any idea, somedays i wish i had
never met you, then i wouylddnt have to watch
There is no offering son, where the lmb, Isaac
asks, you,
you throw it all away, Clever persuit of the truth, magnificent
justifies the end that make up the means to ge
t there.
performance, break the treblee off in my headphones,
capital of black, tempt me, how brave are you verey, and
this cup yomagachie" Get that camera out my fa
ce, There
add some things to this blog, kick me out the 2 bed, create
no treble in my headphones, i share this with
you as the
me andother two bd two ina a half baths, thi sis what were
Mot high watches, I dare not say the circumsta
nce that
talking about, pepto, man pawn big blkack, tmi, tmi
surround his love, for I am but a hopeles sinn
er, i love the
you are son. An i am so sad. YOu turn your staff into a

Lord, but when my soul wishes to rejoice, i gr

oan within
serpent, beghold my power, servants do the same thing,
my hert o Wretched man tht I am, why should my
if only i was an angel then id be able to spread my voice to
slacken, because of my sins.Nephi. Thres room
and they did, Pharoahs son killed, and all the first born of
improvement here and the fact remains that we
must pull
the whole world, every knee sshall bend, every heart shall
it out of ourdelves, bring thew fire that hate
can not
the egyptians? as the angel of death passed through the
destroy, allow your freedom to allow for forgi
veness, dont
confess that Jesus is the Christ, The only begotten of the
just be it, do it and never look back, Jesus i
s the light and
city the first born of those that spread lambs blood above
life of the world, a city that is set on a hil
l that can not be
father. That is true, Alma 26, Brother I feel like your
hid. Thi is the way unto salvation, Jesus and
only Jesus.
their door, were saved, the
See More
pasover boasting in your own strength, i am not, i am only boasting
Food is a portal into the future, why because
it ultimately
of the greatness of god. Who art thou, art ou the holy
affects the user years later, either by extend
ing their lifes of
spirit, i am not I am but a man. You are the most ...
subtracting years from it!! I think our bodies
are time machines,
You and me me and you, we are one. Son, as the
you see everything we do were either moving to
wards the light
loyal servant i have evr had, you even remember to feed
of Jesus or were moving towards the death and
captivity of
audience commands is who wew must appraise. My
Satan, until the night of nothingness wherein
no man can work,
and if you procrastinate your repentance until
that day you ll be
----------------------- Page 239----------------------in trouble, because the spirit will not always strive with man,
dictate its orbital status around Jupiter, If I
saw pained
and i think it ends striving on the night of darkness, wherein no
with the fist of your lover I d step int he rin
g and destroy
man can work!! anyways the way our bodies are trancendants
the maker of your children, not only once would

I throw
into the future and past is simply because we take pictures, the
myself into the ring for your love, but twice,
I am a coward
past, we eat food, the future, we read books, D&C How great
that s why I can no longer protect you, I would
, but I
shall be our advantage in the world to come!! Every choice we
couldn t
make is either leaving portals to the past, or dictating our final
Rome you sing so beatifully, this is the tool i
have crafted
reward in the future, heaven or hell!!
to see through, What do you want from me? Im ju
st trying
Posted by Chris T
to keep my head above water, As I listen to you
rome, i
If one dances in a circle around many the one has taught
think will my words be as beautiful as yours, I
threw my
the many, and the two step line dance of the many
sisters stuff away, does this make me an ugly p
erson, i
becomes simpler, moments after the one is done, Michael
cry in my heart, waiting for you to save me, ta
ke my hand
Jackson was the one that danced in the circle around the
im stuck on the edge of this plateau, my voice
is spent...,
many, giving light and knowledge to the many, now he s
and now i can not cry out to you for help, i ju
st pray and
dead and we mourn, I can not reach out to you, and I m
have faith, and hope, i hope you will find me a
nd save me
sorry I have broken the rules now it s too late for me, and I
from myself, these talents are talented in my m
ind, They
may loose you forever that is the sad truth of this world,
appear daily to wake me from my slumber. Please
the money we make the power we have over influencing
leave me to die, i can but i cant and i forfeit
my mansion
others, and still I m blind, how could my retina s lie to me
its yours, run wild with this knowledge, its no
t a bad thing,
so, why would they leave subject a so cold and
its simply good, and only good for one person,
which is
downtrodden. It s right It s right
I see the implications that allow time travel, there right in
Chris Thomas thank you 30 seconds to mars, no w
i know
front of me. I could reach out and touch them if you d
that its a beautiful lie, but i diregard you rt
ruth, bacause
allow me, I want to touch them to ask them this simple

you didn t specify the lie that was had, and wh

o first
question how do you work, why aren t our motor vehicles
engaged these lies to their audiences, This lif
e in these
flying through the stratosphere yet, what does it take to
times offers so many oppo...rtunities, to build
a beautiful
get to the point where our clouds no longer depreciate at
mansion, to enrich the lifes your children, or
maybe you
such an alarming rate that the President of Sudan would
envision yourself hosting SNL, what ever the dr
eam is,
be alarmed
you have to go get it, no one is going to hand
it to you for
Chris Thomas
nothing, and if they do you will depsise those
that gave
Here s the thing if i could I would, for instance if I could
the gift for nothing, an you will throw rocks a
t you new
spell I d spell you a rhyme, so true, If I could reason i d
shiny things, Theres one man, whose art is so s
uperb that
reason myself out of this hell, these secret acts of
many will wish to know his beliefes, which coul
d in turn
kindness taking over, If I could split the molecules of an
turn him into one of the greatest missionaries
this world
atom I d give you the world. Id hold it in my hand as you
has ever seen, many things not said, and many t
----------------------- Page 240----------------------thought through as analytical as possible and still there
are flaws, is this world seamless, and if so, how does the
there will be no stumps on my land, nd that
s how it begins
memory of the mind bring certain things to ones own
a father showing jurisdiction to a child we
are the choen
thoughts, but seemingly deletes the rest of the memory,
generation, the teacjher is no better than
the learner, in
Chris Thomas , steps ionto his house after shoveling the
mid day each left occupations to hear from
the other. your
long walk outside by the garden for several hours, while it
congragation is unfallibale,, your meat tru
ck is majestic?
was still snowing, and because its colorado, yes the sun
questiopn mark, followed by a description,
the author
was shining while it was snowing, as he takes his shoes
signs the actor sings, and the narrator nar

off at t...he front door, Michael, looks around to find
Its a hot summer day, the ladies are at pla
y, we join our
himself alone, he no longer had the company of his two
people that are not the 1 percent more so t
he 1/8th of the
childrem, and wife, he had trouble sleeping at night after
population, i send a letter to George cloon
ey, never
their departure, as he lay in front of the tv in the living
replied, i end a letter to barrack got lost
in the flowers, i
room, he methodically flips from one channel to the next,
sent a letter to Donald Trump, i need loan,
whats the
until he hears someone at the door, he stands up, a little
chance your the biggest bank in the world,
well im sure if
unerved, and looks suspiciously through the peep hole, to
you go next door to our sister company they
d help you
find his wife and two children standing on his front porch,
there, as christopher Walkens exits the bui
lding the
they wer covered in snow, and as michael saw them his
adness nd remorse is written ll over hi fda
ce, last call
heart skipped a beat, he thought for a second, if the
crso\n daly, drink up, bartender, bring me
a spoon for i will
halucingins were representing themselves in his body to
take my couph medicine, and it will suffice
for the
make him halucinate, Michael turns hi s back to the front
moment, thanks honey,
door, sits down on the cold wooden floor beneath his, and
prolificated naamated conjugated nouns, spa
ni\h, i eat eat
starts to worry, he checks his pulse, everything seemed
spanish rice, we are infallible toward the
animals big and
normal, but they wre all dead had been for years, he knew
Pacific Ocean death is eminent, yes I am st
uck in the
cause he attended their funerals, and placed a single red
middle of the pacific ocean, trying to keep
my head above
rose in each of their caskets. This was heavy and Michael
water, my iPhone is the only thing my right
hand is
knew he had to get up off the cold hardwood floor
salvaging, and as i watch my spaceship sink
into the
eventually, he took a few deep breaths and slowly stood
depths of the abyss, I think to myself my I
sure am glad I
up onto his feet, he peered back out th epeephole very
wasn t on that spaceship once it finally me
t its demise, so

cautiosly this time, and to his astounishment no one was

now i have to save my iPhone so i can save
myself, these
there, pheee what a sigh of reliefe. Now he could het back
two things meet my own demands for justice,
justice upon
to his normal life of sitting on the couch feeling sorry for
my illfitted uncommonly odd need for surviv
al, suppose i
himself, he only hoped they would return some future day
pay too close attention during my history c
from today, and if so he would not act so cowardly and
sophomore year
invite them into his home.
you want me to fats from his love, you want
me to suffer from
a session a blank cicetion, plant and harvest i say it
his lack of love, in my minds eye, i simply
kneel at the feet of
----------------------- Page 241----------------------Jesus and ask for his forgiveness, he gives it to me, I simply ask
Lord, but when my soul wishes to rejoice, i gro
an within
and he allows me to feel his undying love, but you say I must
my hert o Wretched man tht I am, why should my
go with out, but I know several people that wouldn t hesitate
slacken, because of my sins.Nephi. Thres room f
to fall down at Jesus feet and bath his feet with their tears,
improvement here and the fact remains that we m
ust pull
and i am one of them
it out of ourdelves, bring thew fire that hate
can not
You and me me and you, we are one. Son, as the
destroy, allow your freedom to allow for forgiv
eness, dont
just be it, do it and never look back, Jesus is
the light and
commands is who wew must appraise. My mind your
life of the world, a city that is set on a hill
that can not be
delicious contour to my existence, ing to me knowledge,
hid. Thi is the way unto salvation, Jesus and o
nly Jesus.
let me feast upon a part of you succor, i love the feeling
Yo check it imnma try it out, give me a beat an
d a snare
you leave in my soul. The true justipose is
your almost there tap the bas a few then off to
tlanta with
forget ll that, I realize theres a in the wearhouse,
my crew, we dont need no inpiration, all we nee
d is

contimplation, circumfrance of a circle, thats

not a
small, we answer to god, and our own conciounces, we
diagram thats who i am and thesse beats slide t
never back down, and we dont stop til we get enough, the
my caribal corftex to my lip\s and onward to in
finity and
sum of your life, the game is flawed my play was perfect,
beyond, Whos to say my man that we are not here
Ladies and gentleman the great Steve Nash.
stay, the begining ends at the end. TRue story
so when
Posted by Chris Thomas at 10:00 P
you look for me youll find me about the bus my
I found your picture from years back, in it was the feeling
brushes the hair out of my eyes, there is one w
aiting, to
of wonder, or was it whimsical, yea thats what the word
teach but it is not right, it is so perspective
ly correct, but
was Whimsical, you spilled my syrup on my book of
these things will not do, for only one holds th
e key. watch
mormon. I was upset but i didnt mention hardly at all after
greys antomy, you re jut like those commercials
i see on
the 5th time, After all they were my favorite quad given to
tv do it its quid pro qo, I do this certain thi
ng and you give
me by my parents. YOu love me when i bleed, you love
me a prize for my diligince in the night sky, s
hooting star,
to see me in agony, and so are you, you live like theirs no
thank you weezy, but try to break it down find
the key
tomorrow, your suggestions on a complacent life are no
attribute\ of the subject matter , JUli Roberts
, Mona Lisa
suggestions to me in one ear and out the other, After all i
smile, two wait in the rafters the phantom is l
urking witing
never hear a hint of complacinty in your voice
for his commands to be met, or death becomes he
r and
the true meaning of things the true meaning of Christmas,
all that surround her, this is not just the tem
porakl death, I
justifies the end that make up the means to get there. "Fill
do not men the death o\f the body alone, but th
e death of
this cup yomagachie" Get that camera out my face, There
the spirit, save me, save me, thank you thank y
ou, my
no treble in my headphones, i share this with you as the
soul will ever be greatful, and i thank thee.
Mot high watches, I dare not say the circumstance that
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surround his love, for I am but a hopeles sinner, i love the

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