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Name: _______________________________________________

Block: ______________

Physical Regions
I-can Statement: I can use various criteria to describe, classify, and compare
regions within the Eastern Hemisphere.
Directions: Read each case study below and answer the questions that go with each
case study. Use your notes in your binder if needed.

1. The Sahara Region in North Africa consists of dry, hot desert and mountains
stretching from the Red Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Spotted hyenas, cobras, and
sand foxes all have to adapt to fierce winds and intense heat. The Sahara Desert
also has many cactus-like plants and dry grasses that cover the terrain.
Region name: _______________________________________________
Location: ___________________________________________________
Climate: _____________________________
Physical Features: ______________________, ___________________
Animal life: ____________________, ______________________, ______________________
Plant life: _________________________, _________________________

2. The Southern China region located on the continent of Asia, is very wet and
tropical. It has some rivers and borders the South China Sea. It has some
rainforest coverage and both pandas who rely on bamboo for food and the goldensnub monkey are endangered species that live in this region.
Region name: ____________________________________
Location: _________________________________________
Climate: __________________________________________
Physical Features: ________________________________________
Animal life: _______________________, ______________________
Plant life: __________________________, ______________________

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