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Uses and Gratifications Theory

What is it?
This is the media theory outlined by Blumler and Katz. It contests the idea that
consumers of media are passive. Instead, this theory proposed the idea that people
consume actively; searching for something to gain from their consumption. This
theory gives the media consumer a certain power over the producers.

Why Do People Consume Media?

To Inform and Teach:

This music
video has a
strong political
message, via
people of the
major social
downfalls in
culture, such as
the lack of
healthcare for
45 million
people. This
makes people
more socially
and politically
aware, thus
making them
more informed.

The music video for Rage Against the Machine- Sleep Now in
the Fire, is informative to the audience. This is one of the
incentives to watch the video.

As the song is
about a break
up in a
relationship, we
see heavy use
of close ups of
the singer and
characters, so
we can see the
emotion in the
song illustrated
on their faces.
As these shots
are looking
straight into the
camera, I.E, at
the audience. It
develops a
between the
audience and
the watcher.
This allows the
audience to
resonate with
emotions of the

To Identify and Resonate with the Characters: This is

the Maximo Park- Books from Boxes video.

To Entertain- The video for Foo Fighters Walk displays this

In this video,
we see the
performing the
song. This
provides the
audience with
as the quick
pace of editing
simulates the
chaotic nature,
speed and
excitement of a
real live
Also in the
video, we see
an intertextual
reference to a
popular film
Falling Down.
This mirroring
of the narrative
will be apparent
to many
members, as
Foo Fighters
began in a
similar era to
that which the
film was
released. This
would be
entertaining for
the audience
because it
popular culture,
which they will
recognise, and
thus receive
pleasure from
recognising it.

To boost social interactionSome people consume media in order to improve, or spark social interactions. IE, they consume media in
order to have things to talk to people about. An example of this is a conversation about who left in the last
episode of The Voice.

To give the audience escapism from their reality. They might feel that their lives are monotonous,
so the media they consume makes it more interesting
This is illustrated in the video for All- American Rejects Give you Hell:

This narrative follows the

life of a couple, and their
annoyance at their next
door neighbours. This
kind of video acts in a
similar way to a soap
opera, in that the audience
watches it, and escape
from their own problems,
by watching other peoples.

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