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Collaboration Index (proposed by Simatupang and Sridharan, 2005)

Used to measure the level of collaborative practice

Supply chain collaboration facilitates the cooperation of participating members
along the supply chain to improve performance
An instrument using 3 dimensions: namely information sharing, decision
synchronisation, and incentive alignment
Literature review:
defined as two or more chain members working together to create a
competitive advantage through sharing information, making joint decisions,
and sharing benefits which result from greater profitability of satisfying end
customer needs than acting alone
measuring at internal level: assists the chain members to identify the
shortcomings (thieu sot/khuyet diem) of their current levels and identify
possible initiatives to remedy them
identify the critical practice that mostly contributes to supply chain
limitation: tended to propose measures to gauge the degree to which a
company collaborates with its partners in a supply chain
Collaboration index: categorised into three interrelated dimensions
Information sharing
decision synchronisation
incentive alignment
The index score simply equals the mean scores of the three dimensions of
collaboration for the chain members in the sample => A higher score on this index
indicates that the chain members are involved in a higher level of supply chain
The scale: panel of practitioners and academics with substantial knowledge
review and modify original items that reflect the dimensions of supply
chain collaboration.
The measurement items were purified by corrected item-to-total
correlations and factor analyses
Positive results
Reliability and validity tests
The scale has a good level of internal consistency
CI = f(IS, DS, IA)
High correlation between the scores obtained by two different
instruments measuring the same concept indicates the level of
convergent validity.

The collaboration index should differentiate those who collaborate

closely from those who have minimum collaborative efforts
Profiles of collaboration index
Two indices were developed to assess the relationship between
collaborative practices and performance
Respondents who have a higher degree of collaboration practice
were able to attain better performance
T-test: This finding suggests that as long as the chain members
collaborate in the three dimensions of collaboration, they can
improve operational performance
Sensitivity test: the collaboration index provides the best explanatory
aspect of operational performance
Effects of collaborative practices on performance
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to examine the
effects of different levels of collaborative practices on operational

Supply Chain Volatility Index (proposed by Christopher and Holweg, 2011


we are not facing a temporary shock that will quickly pass, but in fact are on the
verge of an era of turbulence
there is a wide range of variation in many key business indicators, but often not at
the same time. We often neglect the much more critical rate of change, which has
increased in recent years.
both aspects of volatility matter
In order to illustrate the degree to which overall turbulence in our business
environment is changing over time, we have created a Supply Chain Volatility

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