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Cathleen Hernandez - Standard I Evaluation Report - LIS 550 Fall 2016

Evaluation of Standard I: Learner-Centered Teaching and Learning

After being in the library for a week and asking questions when possible, I
was able to see various examples of each principle in action. The overall
rating that I would give the library programs/librarian at Berry Middle School
in Mesquite ISD is an Acceptable Rating.
Principle 1: The librarian models and promotes collaborative
instruction with teachers, as determined by the independent and
diverse needs of all learners, and within the context of state
curriculum standards.
Program Development: In the area of Program Development, I rated the
librarian/library programs as being Acceptable. The librarian has a working
knowledge of the TEKS and regularly collaborates with teachers who bring
their classes in to the library to conduct research or other activities with
various texts. The librarian did not know the specific name of the research
model that is used though she does help the various teachers who come in
with tools like Noodle tools to aid the classes in the research process.
Students have been guided to use the research process that each teacher
requires in order to complete the research activities for their classes. When
one teacher brought her class in to the library to search for biographical
texts, the librarian aided the teacher and students in locating the necessary
section and provided feedback when students needed help extending their
activity to find connecting texts.
Effective Use of Print and Electronic Resources: In the area of effective
use of print and electronic resources, the librarian can be rated at acceptable
due to the fact that she did assist most of the students in developing their
own research strategies. When one class was in the library to find various
pieces of information on the available computers, they were thoroughly
guided to make sure they were properly searching for the information and
accomplished a good deal of research.
Differentiated Instruction: As well, in the area of differentiated
instruction, I would have to rate the librarian as Acceptable. The librarian was
working with a group of students who could not figure out the best way to
find information on the history of theatre, such as Broadway and other types
of theatre. The librarian helped each student individually and was clearly
able to adjust her instruction to the needs of each one of the students, some
of who seemed unsure of how to search for anything on the computer.

Cathleen Hernandez - Standard I Evaluation Report - LIS 550 Fall 2016

Principle 2: The librarian works collaboratively with students,

teachers, and the community to promote local, state, and national
reading initiatives that encourage learners to read, write, view,
speak, and listen for understanding and enjoyment.
Promoting Reading Initiatives: In the area of promoting reading
initiatives, I have rated the librarian as Recognized because she consistently
aimed at encouraging students and teachers to become involved in the
reading programs at the school. Currently, the Book Fair is taking place and
teachers are actively encouraged to sign up for a time to come in and take
advantage of the new books available. The librarian emails the teachers
reminders of dates for various library and book events. As well, prizes are
given out weekly to those students who come visit the book fair and enter
their name into the drawing. Another initiative that the librarian is heavily
involved in is the Battle of the Books, where students compete against other
schools in the reading of certain books. The librarian has made sure to put
information on the morning announcements to inform the kids to sign up.
The Lone Star Reading initiative is also a program that the librarian pushes to
promote. In fact, just today, a student asked if certain books were available
and the librarian let the student know that she had ordered extra copies and
they should be in soon. The librarian provides teachers with the Lone Star
reading list so that we can inform our students about each text and hopefully
garner interest throughout the school.
Community Collaboration: In the area of community collaboration, I give
the librarian an acceptable rating. One community collaboration that occurs
is the between the librarian and the head PTA contact person. Both work to
maintain budgets and communicate with students, teachers, as well as
parents outside the school. Fundraisers, parent nights, and student activities
are planned and vetted before implementation. As I worked in the library, the
PTA head was discussing the parent letter that was going home for the
fundraiser with the librarian.
Principle 3: The librarian collaborates, designs, and provides
ongoing instruction for staff and students in the integration of
information technology and information literacy, emphasizing and
modeling the ethical use of resources.
Assists Staff Member learning needs: In regards to the first area of
Principle 3, I would rate the librarian as Acceptable. The librarian began the
year with a training for the teaching staff and continuously aids teachers in
integrating the use of technology into their classrooms. She worked
alongside the district technology coordinator to present teachers with
information on the upcoming integration of Chromebooks into the 7th and 8th

Cathleen Hernandez - Standard I Evaluation Report - LIS 550 Fall 2016

grade classrooms, as well as the continued use of the IPad in the 6th grade
classrooms. Currently, she is in the process of phasing out the old Macbooks
and introducing the Chromebooks.

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