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Learning Activity 1 / Actividad de Aprendizaje 1

Evidence: This is my family / Esta es mi Familia

In this evidence, you will have to read a text about Erics family, then complete
Erics family tree and answer some questions according to the text. Please have
into account the example to complete the family tree.
/ En esta evidencia, usted deber realizar una actividad de comprensileer un
texto acerca de la familia de Eric, luego completar el rbol genealgico de
Eric y responder algunas preguntas de acuerdo a la informacin del texto.
1. Read the following text: / Lea el siguiente texto:
This is my Family!

Hello! My name is Eric. I am 13 and I am a high school student. My birthday is on

September 17. I want to talk about my family.
I have two sisters. Their names are Rachel and Carrie. Rachel is 18 years old, she
is a university student. Carrie is 9 years old, she is a primary school student. They
are very nice. My mother's name is Julia. She is 40 years old, she is an artist. My
mother is also very nice. My father's name is Andrew. He is smart. He is an
engineer, he builds bridges and he is 45 years old.
My grandparents are Louis, Sarah, Michael and Natalie. Louis and Sarah are my
fathers parents, my grandfather Louis is a retired teacher, he is 72, and my
grandmother Sarah is a housewife, she is 70.
Michael and Natalie are my
mothers parents. My grandma Natalie is 63, she is a lawyer and my grandpa
Michael is a musician, he is 67 years old.
I also have a dog. My dog's name is Spot. He is 4 and he is a big brown dog.
I love my family!

2. Complete Erics family tree according to the previous text: /

Complete el rbol genealgico de Eric de acuerdo al texto anterior:
* Recuerde usar las temticas estudiadas en el material de aprendizaje
(pronombres sujeto, verbo to be, artculos a/an) para presentar la informacin de
cada persona con la estructura apropiada.
Nota: Haga clic sobre cada espacio para agregar la informacin.

Example / Ejemplo
Name: She is Sarah.
Name: He is Louis.
Occupation: She is a housewife.
Occupation: He is a retired teacher.
Age: Shes 70 years old.
Age: He is 72 years old.

Name: He is Andrew
Occupation: He is an engineer.
Age: Hes 45 years old.

Name: He is Michael.
Name: She is Natalie
Occupation: He is a musician. Occupation: She is a lawyer
Age: Hes 67 years old.
Age: Shes 63 years old.

Name: She is Julia

Occupation: She is an artist.
Age: Shes 40 years old.

Name: She is Rachel

Name: His name is Eric
Name: She is Carrie
Occupation: She is a university
student. He is a high school
studentShe is a primary school student.
Age: Shes 18 years old
Age: Hes 13 years old.
Age: Shes 9 years old.

3. Questions.
Select the correct answer for each question. / Seleccione la respuesta correcta
para cada pregunta.

1) How many sisters does Eric have?

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

2) How old is Erics mom?

A. twenty-five years old
B. thirty years old
C. thirty-five years old
D. forty years old

3) Erics dad is:

A. a doctor
B. a lawyer
C. an engineer
D. a construction worker

Contina en la siguiente pgina

4) What is the name of Erics dog?

A. Spike
B. Paw
C. Spot
D. Sun

5) What color is Erics dog?

A. He is white.
B. He is black.
C. He is brown.
D. He is yellow.

6) What is the name Erics younger sister?

A. Carrie
B. Rachel
C. Andre
D. Julia

7) What is the name of Erics older sister?

A. Carrie
B. Rachel
C. Andre
D. Julia

Contina en la siguiente pgina

8) When is Erics birthday?

A. September 7
B. December 17
C. December 17
D. September 17

9) Erics mother is:

A. a doctor
B. an artist
C. a lawyer
D. a retired teacher

Una vez finalice la evidencia enve al instructor el archivo desarrollado a

travs de la plataforma, as:
1. D clic en el botn Activities en el men principal y luego en Learning
activity 1 / Evidence: This is my family
2. D clic en el botn Examinar mi equipo y busque su archivo de
texto en el computador. Asegrese de adjuntar el archivo.
3. Escriba algn comentario a su tutor si lo considera pertinente.
4. D clic en Enviar.
*Si al momento de enviar una evidencia, el sistema genera el error "Archivo
Invlido", tenga en cuenta que es debido a que el archivo se encuentra abierto. En
ese caso cierre el archivo y pruebe nuevamente dando clic en Examinar mi

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