Khemri, Land of The Dead (Version 2.1)

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Mordheim Supplement

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Special Rule
Weather Conditions
Going Underground
Traps Curse of the Ancients
Wargear pg


Arabian Tomb Raiders
Knights Errant Warband
Nomad Warband pg
Thieves Guild Warband
Scavenger Cult
Mages Guild Warband
Necromancer Warband
Tomb Guardians pg



Running a Campaign
Experience pg
Scenarios pg
Hired Swords
Dramatis Personae pg
Beast, Monster, & Kinsmen






Optional Rules



Page 1

Assembled by Paul H

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Listen closely brave warrior for what you hear today may save you from a fate far worse than death... you dont believe me eh?
There are few in the Old World who have even heard mention of the ancient land of Nehekhara but here under the burning
desert sun tis enough to freeze a mans blood. Few even of the wise Tuareg, the Gods preserve them, still remember the names
of the cities of humanitys oldest civilisation: Khemri, Lahmia, Mahrak, Lybaras, Zandri, Quatar and Numas. The Crusaders
came to cleanse the heathen of thrice-cursed Sultan Jaffar, but when they returned to your lands of the north few would talk of
the horrors they bore witness to. Legends persist of fabulous treasures, of mountains of sparkling gemstones, of monstrous
statues of solid gold and obsidian. And the wise know why it all lies untouched...
Are you brave enough to go in search of riches where dead men walk?
the pyramid tops and cities grew into a vast interlined jumble
The Land of Nehekhara
The location of this long dead and forgotten land is to the of structures. Unquiet spirits who perform ancient rituals in
south-east of the Old World, in the area now better known as worship to the Great Necromancer stalk the streets of this
the Land of the Dead. This ancient civilisation fell centuries grotesque parody of a city to this day.
ago in a brutal civil war. In pyramids buried beneath the With the coming of Nagash and his great ritual the
desert sands Liche Lords and Mummy Tomb Kings rule over inhabitants of the necropolises were brought back to the land
legions of corpses, their servants in death as they were in life. of the living. The kings and lords once more command their
In musty crypts of dead noblemen, tomb robbers freeze in legions, but they are now undead automatons. On certain
terror when they hear the rustle of rotting rags and ancient dark nights the corpses of the dead stir from their homes and
go about their business in a grim parody of their former lives.
Today the Land of the Dead is a wilderness of sand. The great They repair the time-eroded tombs and patrol the boundaries
river is poisonous and blood coloured, providing no relief to of their necropolis.
the thirst of adventurers and tomb raiders. The cities are
empty of life, crumbled ruins on the edge of the great
necropolises. The roads have long been buried by the shifting
sands, leaving only a few toppled statues and wind-eroded
monuments to mark their presence. It has been rumoured that
the ancient tombs contain magnificent riches and treasures,
however here the dead walk. Despite these superstitions
groups of adventurers, the foolhardy and the greedy, risk all
on the chance of fabulous wealth.
At the heart of this vast deserted realm lies the cursed city of
Khemri, in the centre of which rise two of the mightiest
structures ever created by man. One is the awesome Great
Pyramid of Khemri, which rises a hundred times the height of
a man above the ancient ruins. The other dwarfs even this
mighty edifice; the famed Black Pyramid of Nagash, the
Great Necromancer a wonder and terror to all who behold
it. Scattered about the feet of these structures are the tombs
and crypts of kings and lesser nobles that make up the city of
Back in ancient times, before the catastrophe, the ruling king,
his family and trusted advisors were entombed in great
sarcophagi and huge pyramids. As each generation passed
larger and more elaborate tombs were built until in the
deserts beyond each city stood a necropolis a city of the
dead and as the years passed these cities became bigger
than the towns of the living. The tombs were guarded by
titanic statues of mythical beasts and fortified like great
keeps, built to keep their inhabitants secure throughout all
eternity. Bridges spanned the gaps between the doorways on

Assembled by Paul H

Precious Things...

When the Tomb Kings and their courtiers were interred in the
magnificent necropolises they were buried with the fabulous
wealth and goods they would require when they were
reawakened. They surrounded themselves with all of the
luxuries to equip themselves in their future existence. Slaves
were put to death to sate their every need and desire.
When Nagash reanimated them prematurely they found
themselves imprisoned in their dead mummified bodies.
Despite having no use for their treasure they guard it with a
ferocity born of an eternal frustration and hatred.
The stories of the treasures of the Tomb Kings have persisted
down the ages. Generations of thieves and tomb robbers have
tried their luck at finding the valuables. Not all of the treasure
is gold or jewels. The Liche Priests of ancient Khemri were
masters of the necromantic arts. Their secret writings and
papyri are eagerly sought by present day necromancers,
mages and seekers of forbidden knowledge. The ultimate
prize for a necromancer would be one of the fabled volumes
of the Book of Nagash the feared Liber Mortis. It is reputed
that just a single page from one of these evil books has driven
lesser-willed men to insanity.
Today much of the desert lands are inhabited by the Araby
Nomads. They mainly keep themselves to the less
inhospitable margins of the desert and avoid the accursed
necropoli. Every now and again a bold, some would say
foolish, sheikh of Araby will rouse his bedouins to raid the
crumbling necropolises. They know full well the horrors they
may encounter. The tales of old are kept alive by their
storytelling traditions.

Page 2

Mordheim Supplement

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Special Rules
Weather Conditions


We made it to the oasis. There was no sign of the undead

until we topped that last dune. They rose from the ground and
attacked. The air felt strange like some doom approaching.
Thats when I saw the cloud of dust approaching fast. In a
matter of minutes it was upon us. Four of my men were
knocked down and I lost one due to the storm. At least it
saved us from the Undead...
Roll on the chart below before the start of the game. Weather
effects confer no penalty to Undead unless this is explicitly
stated in either the scenario special rules or the rules of the
weather effect, however Undead warbands often contain
living warriors that are affected as normal. Weather will not
affect either warband if you are playing a tunnel scenario, but
any water units that are lost due to the weather are still lost.

Water is a crucial resource in the desert, to the Arabs it is

considered more valuable than gold. In the desert to run out
of water is certain death.
Water is recorded on each warband roster in exactly the same
manner as stash. Each water unit that the warband carries
adds one to the water stash for the warband. Each unit that
the warband uses up reduces the water stash by one. If the
water stash drops to zero the warband is in serious trouble.
Each member of the warband may carry a number of units
equal to his Strength, and the total number of units is the
maximum number for the water stash. All warbands start with
a full water stash.
Obviously it will arise that warriors would also like to carry
treasure that they have plundered and this inevitably lowers
the amount of water that they can carry. This is represented
by the burden limit, which is the total Strength value of all of
the warbands members. The burden limit is most often the
same value as the maximum water stash value. Water units
and treasure units both use up one point of Strength.
After a battle, and after you have rolled for exploration and
serious injuries, add up the treasure and water unit totals.
This total may not exceed the burden limit, and may consist
of any ratio of treasure to water. Water and treasure units that
exceed the burden limit are lost. Note that the burden limit
and water stash will be affected by members that die, suffer
serious injuries or receive lowered Strength due to water
shortage or extreme weather conditions. You do not lose
water or Treasure units even if some of your members die, to
keep the book keeping to a minimum the units are pooled
after each game when you check the burden limit.
Example: A warband consists of a hero with Strength 4, 8

Weather Conditions
2 Rain!: If its not too hot its too wet, a freak rainstorm has
started and is soaking everything. All missile weapons are at
a -1 to hit due to the poor visibility. In addition black powder
weapons may not be used. Mummies ignore the flammable
rule for this battle. All warbands have their water stash filled
to its maximum.
3 Hot as Hades: The hot sun is beating down upon the
parched desert. All warriors suffer a penalty of -2 to WS and
BS. In addition the warband uses up one additional water
unit per member. If you have too few units left to supply the
warband then each warrior that didnt get any suffer from
mirages in addition to any other dehydration effect. A model
that suffers from mirages must roll a D6 for each of his
hand-to-hand combat attacks or shooting attacks, on the roll
of 6 he attacks the mirage and the attack is wasted.
4-9 No adverse conditions: The desert is harsh as usual but
there are no additional effects.
10-11 Hot: The heat is unbearable today. All models suffer -1 to
WS and BS. In addition the warband uses up an additional
D6 water units. If you have too few units left to supply the
warband then each model that didnt get any suffer from
mirages (see above).
12+ Dust Storm: The warbands are surprised by a dust storm
just as they prepare for battle. A dust storm will hit the
battlefield for the first D3+2 turns, no missile attacks are
possible, no model may run and can only charge his normal
movement, no spells may be cast and no model may benefit
from the leaders Ld.

warriors each with Strength 3 and a horse with Strength 3. The

burden limit is 34 (4 + 8x3 + 2x3 = 34). The warband could
therefore carry 12 units of water and 22 units of treasure or 4 of
water and 30 of treasure (or any other combination). If they had a
combined total of treasure and water of 38 units then they must
discard 4 units.

Water Expenditure
Water units are expended before the start of each game. Each
model in the warband uses up 1 water unit, each large
creature or animal (as stated in the creatures special rules)
uses up an additional 1 unit. In addition certain weather
conditions will force the warband to use up more units.
A warband may choose to refuse water to certain members in
order to preserve water for more important warband
members. All your Heroes, excluding accompanying mounts,
must be given water before any other member of the warband
is given water. You do not have to give out all of your water,
you may preserve some for the next battle if you wish.
Undead warriors do not require water, but any living member
in their warband does. Undead warriors capable of using
weapons are allowed to carry water and treasure. This usually
means that the Undead warband has a high water stash and
that their animals are not likely to suffer from lack of water.

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Assembled by Paul H

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Lack of Water

Acquiring Water

A warband without water will soon begin to suffer ill effects.

Before every game each member of the warband who hasnt
been given any water must pass a Toughness test. A
successful test means that he was able to resist the effects of
the lack of water. A failed test means he has succumb to this
lack of water. Roll on the Dehydration table to determine the
effect. If the warrior is without water for several battles in a
row he adds +1 to the roll for each time that he failed his
Toughness test.

A warband can refill their water supply in a number of ways.

Water can be bought at a trading post, it can be gathered
during rain, there are rare pools located in the tombs and
there are occasional oases that arent poisoned. If the
warband finds a source of water they may gather as many
water units as they wish, as long as it they dont exceed the
burden limit. Water can be sold in the Trading phase just as
any other equipment, the price depends on the nature of the
Supply Source. Water cannot be sold in a Supply Source that
offers you free water.

Effects of Dehydration
1 Parched: The warrior cannot speak as his mouth is too dry.
He may no longer extend his Leadership to nearby models.
This primarily affects any model with the Leader ability or
any ability/skill with a similar effect, and he may not cast
spells as he cant voice the incantations.
2 Light-Headed: The warrior gets knocked out on a 2+
instead of a 3+ on the injury table.
3 Weakened: The warrior starts the game with Toughness and
Strength reduced by -1.
4 Exhaustion: For each round after the first in a single handto-hand combat, the warriors Strength is lowered by -1. Note
that his only applies to subsequent turns of the same combat,
as long as each combat is only one turn long the warrior has
time to recover. If the warriors Strength is reduced to zero
he automatically goes Out of Action.
5 Confused: The warrior has to take a Leadership test
whenever he wishes to move. A failed test means that he
moves D6" in a randomly determined direction. If a warrior
is forced to flee, he must pass a Leadership test in order to
flee per the normal rules if he fails the test he is removed
as a casualty as he trips and falls.
6 Passed out: The warrior cannot participate in this battle and
cannot carry any treasure or water after the battle.

Animals are warriors that cannot use equipment cannot carry
water or treasure (dogs, Possessed, etc). Ridden animals are
able to carry units just as any other model, however most
animals have the Beast of Burden special rule which allows
them to carry twice their Strength value. However with their
increased load they use up three water units instead of two. If
they are carrying no more than their Strength value then they
only use two water units as normal. In the case of riding
mounts the warrior has to fight on foot if his mount is
exhausted or collapses. If the warrior is a henchman in a
group that are all mounted, he cannot participate in battle
until his mount is replaced. This is partly to keep things
simple, and not split up a henchman group, it also illustrates
how specialised the warrior is at fighting mounted. Animals
that are not given water use the Dehydration table below.
Effects of Animal Dehydration
1-2 Steadfast: The animal is able to carry on as normal, no
penalties apply.
3-5 Exhausted: The animal is able to keep up with the warband
but is unable to fight or carry any treasure or water.
6 Collapse: The animal was not able to withstand the heat and
lack of water and collapses exhausted. The animal has to be
abandoned in the desert and is considered to be dead.

Assembled by Paul H

Going Underground
Fighting in Tunnels
For the most part skirmishing in the confined tunnels of a
Khemrian tomb, the crypts and sewers below Mordheim or a
Dwarf stronghold follow the normal rules for fighting in city
streets. There are however a few additional restrictions on
Large Creatures: Large creatures (Ogres, Trolls, mounted
models, etc.) can move and run normally in rooms and halls
but cannot run in tunnels as they have to stoop. If they charge
in a tunnel they are limited to normal movement.
Flying: Flyers may fly only in rooms and caverns where
there is sufficient height. In tunnels they must walk.
Blocking tunnels: Space to move around in tunnels is
limited. For a model to pass by another there must be a gap
equal to the width of the passing models base. This is
especially important to prevent models charging around the
back of an enemy who is blocking a passage. In threedimensional terrain it is easy enough to notice this but care
should be taken when playing on two-dimensional tiles.
Narrow passages: On occasion tunnels will be as narrow as
1". These are often secret passages linking other locations. As
they are so narrow only models with 20mm or 25mm wide
bases will be able to creep along them. Running is not
possible. Large creatures will not be able to enter a narrow
passage at all.

Underground Terrain
There are several ways of simulating tunnels and catacombs.
The simplest is the tile system used in Warhammer Quest. If
you have access to that game you can lay out a dungeon by
taking turns to place a tile which links onto a previous one. If
you prefer to explore an unknown dungeon then use the rules
below for randomising tiles. If you dont have the Quest tiles
they can be reproduced simply by cutting rectangles from
cereal packets and painting or drawing details on the reverse
For a regular dungeon player (and it can become addictive!)
it is worth constructing a set of Foot tiles. Each player
builds eight tiles 1 ft square each (hence the name) which can
be laid out to fill a 4' x 4' table in a variety of ways. The tiles
are made to standard dimensions and are hence compatible no
matter who builds them. The simplest can be painted onto a
flat piece of card or board. I have made a simple set by
sticking photocopies of Quest dungeon tiles onto cork floor
tiles. Those of you who visited Games Day UK may have
seen our demo table with fully modelled 3D scenic modules.

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Mordheim Supplement

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Explore As You Go
The following rules are for placing your dungeon tiles for
underground scenarios. Each player starts with a small room
at one corner of the table. From there they will build the
Tomb as they go, unless the scenario states otherwise. Also a
large room is placed in the centre as the objective, unless
stated otherwise in the scenario. Start each turn by rolling to
see what type of tile to place on the board and then roll a D6
to find out where to place it. When adding a new tile it must:

shorthand method of describing very complex areas of the

underground setting.
Building the modular terrain for the Foot Tile Standard
follows these principles:

1. Connect to the tile you most recently placed.

2. Be placed in contact with a side of the previous tile that is not
connected to another tile.
3. Not go off the table.


Roll a D6 to determine which edge of the last tile the new tile
is placed against (e.g. the last tile you placed was a hall.
Select each side to be a different value 1-2 left side, 3-4 end,
5-6 right side. After rolling for the edge place the new tile flat
against that edge). You may connect to other halls, rooms,
etc, as you go along, even those placed by your opponent.
Roll 2D6 to find out what type of tile you may place on the



Large Room
Hall (corridor)
Small room
Room of your choice



Foot Tiles
Foot tiles are modular terrain sections for use in tunnel
settings. They are meant to be portable as well as functional.
Each Foot tile is a 12" square piece of terrain for use in
underground scenarios. The rules for creating them are
standard for creating modular terrain. There are several
advantages to using standardised tile rules. The foremost of
which is that each player can build terrain that is favourable
to his style of play. A player with a shooty warband is going
to want some areas with long corridors that he can take
advantage of. A player with a close combat orientated
warband is going to want lots of short hallways and areas
roomy enough to set up a good skirmish line in. Both players
can get what they want, provided they build it. Which points
the way to another advantage of the Foot tile standard every
time a player plays against a previously untried opponent, the
challenge of the tables layout is renewed. If both players
have warbands that prefer to kill at a distance, the Foot tile
standard will generate a table with lots of long hallways to
shoot down (making both players happy). If both players are
using warbands that prefer to get stuck in, the table will be a
labyrinth of twisting hallways. If the players split in their
warbands fighting style, the table will have elements of both.
The last point in favour of using this standard is one of
simple mechanics. If everyone is working to the same
standard, then the Set Up rules for any scenario can take this
into account as they are being written, allowing for a more
adaptable set of scenarios. By allowing part of the tabletop to
use more traditional terrain a large underground gallery can
be created. This could mean for a scenario that takes place in
a great hall, burial chamber, or treasure room and the
corridors around it. In essence, the standard allows a


While it would be nice for each tile to be exactly 12" by 12",

some allowance has to be made for the fact that the tiles are
not likely to be perfectly square or the same size. If the tile
is fractionally under-sized then it will still work fine. So the
tile should be as close to 12" x 12" without exceeding that
measurement. If there is to be error, then it must be
fractionally less than 12".
All tiles are to be built with the exit/entrance points centred
on the tiles edges and all exit/entrances should be 2" wide.
Again there will be some error in measurement but
doorways not fitting together exactly between tiles will not
cause the table to warp (so they are much less critical).
The minimum width for a hallway is 2". This allows two
20mm or 25mm base models or one monster base model to
effectively block a hallway but still leaves enough room for
you to move them without getting stuck.
The measurement between the most distant exits must be no
greater than 20". This is to prevent players from creating
filigree labyrinth pieces that would take a dozen turns to
cross and screw up time based scenarios.
No section of the tile can cause a dead end. Please note that
if a pair of tunnels cross over and under each other, but
never join it is still acceptable.
Each player is required to have eight tiles. Of the eight tiles,
five of them must have four exits. The remaining three must
have three exits.
The tiles may have terrain that builds upward, but the tiles
height should never exceed 6" and the area of the floor space
may not exceed 216 square inches. This allows for a tile to
be built that has a second storey, but the area it covers
cannot exceed that of the first floors area. As long as the
terrain created adheres to these rules, the players may build
on the tile as they choose. While I would like to see players
create their own layouts in three dimensions by placing
walls on the tile, drawing and colouring them would do fine.
People who feel that their modelling/painting talents are
limited could colour copy or scan the tiles from WH Quest
and paste them to the tile.

By agreement with your gaming group you may also create

larger chambers of maybe 2'x1' or even 2'x2'. These larger
rooms should still conform to multiples of the standard
dimensions for doorways. As large underground chambers
they should have pillars to support the ceiling (obviously you
dont actually have to model a ceiling!) and lots of other
cover. Think of the amount of cover you would expect in
You may also want to create special objective rooms. These
are rooms containing a feature which is used as a scenario
objective. These may be tombs, treasure chambers, a
monsters lair or maybe a prison. These rooms are a good
excuse to use your imagination and go to town with the

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Assembled by Paul H

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Underground Scenarios
In general, any Mordheim scenario which can be played in
the streets of a ruined city can also be played in the tunnels
and chambers of an underground dungeon. There are just a
few things that need to be changed:
Entrances: When a scenario refers to deployment on a table
edge, it clearly isnt possible as there are no distinct edges in
a dungeon. Whichever way you construct your dungeon there
must be at least one entrance per warband. Treat each
entrance as a potential deployment zone. The warband should
all be placed within 8" of the entrance doorway. Either the
player can choose an entrance in the same way as he would a
table edge or you can randomise the entrances. Place one of
the numbered counters that come with the Mordheim box set
adjacent to each entrance and roll a D6. If you roll a
nonexistent entrance or if the entrance is already occupied by
a warband, then re-roll.
Exits: One of the nasty things about dungeons is that as soon
as you enter, the door slams shut behind you. If there is a
need to get off the table with treasure or for a breakthrough
etc, then it should be done via a different entrance unless the
scenario says otherwise. This stops wary warbands skulking
around their entrance waiting for other warbands to fight all
of the random monsters or set off the traps.
Rooms: Where the scenario calls for the occupation or
searching of a building then treat a room as a building. A
room is any space 3" or wider in both directions. When
placing treasure markers you can either randomise the rooms
or randomise the entrances to deploy in. Either way it
prevents one side taking advantage of the set-up.
The following are examples of how certain scenarios are
affected. Unless otherwise stated, the scenarios follow the
instructions given in the Mordheim rulebook.
Skirmish: The warbands are each deployed at a random
entrance and fight until one warband routs.
Breakthrough: The attacker deploys within 8" of a chosen
entrance. The defender may then deploy anywhere in the
dungeon at least 14" away from any attackers. The attacker
wins if two of his warriors leave the dungeon via an exit
other than the one they entered by.
Hidden Treasure: The warbands are deployed within 8" of a
random entrance. Warriors (not animals) must search for
treasure by exploring rooms. As soon as a warrior enters a
room roll 2D6. On a roll of 12 the treasure is found.
Warbands may not search the room in which they start. If the
treasure is not found when there is only one room left, then it
must be in the last room. The warband must carry the treasure
chest out of the dungeon via an exit other than the one they
entered the dungeon by.
Surprise Attack: The defending player determines which
warriors are available at the start of the game according to the
instructions in the rulebook. The models are deployed
anywhere within the dungeon but must be no closer than 8"
to another model. No model may be deployed closer than 8"
to an entrance. The attacker is deployed within 8" of a
random entrance. Any defending troops that appear after the
first turn arrive through hidden passages. Number the rooms
within the dungeon (you can use Mordheim numbered tokens
to show this) and randomise which passage each Hero or
Henchman group, arrives through. Using these principles,
almost any Mordheim scenario can be set underground. You
Assembled by Paul H

Mordheim Supplement

may also wish to make up your own based on them. Oh, and
if you want to try a multiplayer scenario then try Monster
Hunt. The Troll Slayers love that one!

Traps Curse of the Ancients

The pyramids and tombs of Khemri were regarded as sacred
places where the spirits of the dead resided in the afterlife.
Tombs were often filled with riches and treasures to bring
comfort to the dead in their final place of rest, just as the dead
themselves were elaborately tended to in preparation for
eternal life. To prevent pillaging and the defiling of the
deceased, many tombs were equipped with a series of deadly
traps. Often these were simple devices intended to ward off
would-be intruders, but in some cases intricate traps capable
of terrible destructive power were found in the tombs of the
wealthy and powerful. Warbands exploring the tombs must
contend with these ancient devices, which are still poised to
kill an unwary intruder. Often warbands will have to find
alternate routes to the tombs or risk suffering great losses to
these constructs of antiquity. However, some experienced
tomb raiders are well versed in the manner and style with
which the ancient people guarded their dead, and possess the
ability to avoid and even disarm the traps that await them
beneath the surface of the desert.
The ancient peoples of Khemri had many different designs
for the traps that they would set in the tombs. Over time,
some of these have become ineffective as their parts slowly
decompose or seize up. Some of the traps were quickly built,
while others were built into the structure of the tombs, and
are incredibly dangerous.

Where, When and How...

These rules are written for the Khemri setting but can easily
be adapted to others, such as Mordheim or Lustria. We hope
to bring you alternate trap lists in the future.
Unless it states otherwise in the scenario, as you lay the tiles
to make the dungeon, each time you place a room or a Foot
tile roll a D6. If the result is a 1 for a Warhammer Quest style
tile or a 1-2 for a Foot tile, then there is a trap in the room.
Place a trap counter approximately in the centre.
The difference in D6 score needed is because it takes a lot
more Quest tiles than Foot Tiles to cover a table top. On
average, either method should give you between four and six
traps in a 4" Square dungeon. Trap counters can be made
from small pieces of card about 1" square or you can use the
counters that come with the Mordheim game. Spare
slottabases are also suitable.
When a warrior moves within 1" of a Trap counter he must
test against his Initiative. A successful test means that the
warrior is able to avoid the trap through either skill or luck.
An unsuccessful test means that the warrior has triggered the
traps detection mechanism (anything from a trip-wire to a
pressure-sensitive block). Roll a D6 and consult the table
below to reveal the nature of the trap. A simple trap causes an
automatic hit but a complex trap means that the warrior has
stumbled onto something really nasty! Once the type of trap
is known then it cannot be changed if it is subsequently reset.

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Mordheim Supplement

Khemri, Land of the Dead

1-2 Simple Trap: These are traps that were quickly jury-rigged
and easy to make. They will only ever affect the warrior that
trips them, and cause a S3 hit. The warrior must make a roll
to wound, with armour saves allowed as normal.
3-5 Dud: These are traps that have become useless over time.
They will not work in any effective manner, and are
therefore quite harmless.
6 Complex: These are ingeniously designed traps that are
remarkably destructive. Since the builders of the tomb
wanted no-one desecrating the holy ground within, the traps
have the potential to hurt more than one model at a time.
Some will activate each time they are triggered, and others
will work only once, but to devastating effect.

Roll 2D6 and consult the Complex trap chart below.

Complex Trap
2 Boulder: A giant boulder has fallen from the ceiling, and
threatens the model beneath. The warrior must take another
Initiative test. A successful test means that the warrior has
avoided the boulder. An unsuccessful test means that the
warrior was too slow, and takes D3 S5 hits (no armour
saves). The boulder will roll D6" in a random direction (use
a Scatter dice). Any other warriors in its way will also have
to test Initiative, failure will result in one S5 hit. This trap
will only work once.
3-4 Pit: As a warrior walks along, the floor suddenly opens up
and he drops D6 inches into a pit. Any other warriors 1" or
closer to the pit must also test Initiative, failure meaning
they fall into the pit too. Use the Mordheim rules for falling.
Warriors who find themselves still alive in the pit will also
have to climb out. This trap will work only once, but there
will be a pit (depth determined by the original roll) in the
5 Arrows: The warrior triggers a hail of D6 arrows (S3). Roll
a D6 for each arrow: 1-3 Hit, 4-6 Miss.
Any arrows that miss the warrior may hit nearby warriors,
(within 2"). If there is a warrior within this range, then it
must roll on the Hit/Miss chart above for every arrow that
misses the original target. If there are multiple targets, then
divide the misses among them (starting with the closest and
continuing outwards). Any further misses will have hit the
opposite wall. This trap will work multiple times, so any
warriors that walk over the Trap counter again must also test
their Initiative.
6 Curse: The Liche Priest who supervised the building of the
tomb has placed a powerful curse on all who desecrate it. All
warriors within 1" of the trap when it is triggered must reroll any successful to hit rolls or armour saves. Affected
warriors must take a Leadership test in each of their
subsequent Recovery phases. If they pass they have shaken
off the effects of the curse.

Page 7




Swinging Blades: As the warrior passes by, large razorsharp blades swing out from the wall. The warrior must
make another Initiative test, or receive 2 x S5 hits (armour
saves as usual). Should the warrior have stopped on the trap
counter during his Movement he will have to test his
Initiative at the beginning of his next turn or suffer a further
2 x S5 hits. This trap will strike any warrior that passes over
it with a failed Initiative test.
Poison Gas: The warrior is engulfed in a blast of poison
gas. The gas will cause D3 S4 hits as the warrior gasps for
air. Any other warriors within 2" will also be affected (one
S4 hit). Warriors immune to poison take no damage.
Sandbox: Slabs of stone fall from the roof, behind and in
front of the warband, trapping any warriors within 2" of the
warrior who triggered the trap, totally blocking the passage.
The space between the slabs begins to fill with sand!
The only way to escape is to find a loose stone beneath
which there is a switch that resets the trap, clearing the area.
Trapped warriors must make a successful Initiative test to
find the switch. This has a cumulative penalty of -1 each
turn after the first, as the sand slowly traps the warrior in its
If the warriors effective Initiative reaches 0, the warrior is
trapped and can do nothing; he is considered Out of Action.
After the battle, a Hero from the warband may try to find the
lost warriors instead of trading for rare goods. Each Hero
takes an Initiative test in the same way as looking for
Dramatis Personae. If they are found they are all released
and must roll for injuries as normal. If there are warriors
trapped in more than one Sandbox then search for each
group separately. Only Heroes who did not go Out of Action
may search for trapped warriors.
Fire Trap: A pillar of fire blasts out from the wall, engulfing
the warrior and any others nearby. The warrior immediately
receives a S5 hit, and on a roll of 4+ will count as being on
fire. Warriors within 2" must roll a D6, on a score of 4+ they
are also on fire. (See the fire rules from TC no. 7).
Deadfall: A large block of stone slowly descends from the
ceiling, totally blocking the passage. The warrior who
triggered the trap and any other warrior within 2" may go
forward to a new tile or return to any adjacent tile already
placed. The warriors can easily step from under the slowly
moving block and it will cause no damage.
This has the potential to be a real pain for a warrior
trapped deep in the tomb or having to find another (long)
way around.
Collapsing Walls: The walls close in on the warrior,
threatening to crush him! The warrior must make an
Initiative test. If successful, the warrior is quick enough to
dodge the trap, (and if the warrior had stopped on the Trap
counter, move it 1" to either side). If the warrior fails his
Initiative test, the walls crush him between them. The
warrior will receive a S8 hit. Once the walls collapse, they
immediately open up again, ready for the next unwary
intruder to activate them.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Ankus (elephant goad)
The Ankus is used to primarily herd elephants. It may be used as a
spear, when charged and a staff in hand to hand.

Range: Close Combat

Strength: As user
Special Rule: Concussion, Strike First
Special Rules
Concussion: The Ankus like other bludgeoning weapons are
excellent to use for striking your enemy senseless. When
using an Ankus, a roll of 2-4 is treated as stunned when
rolling to see the extent of a models injuries.
Strike First: A warrior with an Ankus will strikes first on the
turn he Charges

Asp Arrows
Made from the mummified remains of poisonous snakes, these are
guided through the air by ancient magic.

[Tomb Lords only]

Special Rules: +1 to hit.

Bagh Nakh (tiger claws)

The Bagh Nakh is basically brass knuckles with spikes sticking out

Range: Close Combat

Strength: As user +1
Special Rule: -1 Enemy Armour Save, Cumbersome, Pair
Special Rules
-1 Enemy Armour Save: The Bagh Nakh is a better weapon
to use for penetrating an enemy models armour. An enemy
wounded by a Bagh Nakh gains a -1 bonus to his armour
Cumbersome: A model armed with Bagh Nakh may not use
any other weapons in the entire battle.
Pair: Bagh Nakh are traditionally used in pairs, one in each
hand. A warrior armed with Bagh Nakh gets an additional

This is an Arabian-style punch dagger. It has a handle

perpendicular to the blade and is used in a punching thrusting

Range: Close Combat

Strength: As user
Special Rule: -1 Enemy Armour Save
Special Rules
-1 Enemy Armour Save: The Katar is a better weapon to use
for penetrating an enemy models armour. An enemy
wounded by a Katar gains a -1 bonus to his armour save.

Lamp of the Djinn

These are exceptionally rare items that date back to the time of the
Sultan Jaffar. It was said that the Sultan used magic and dark ritual
to bind strange daemonic entities to mundane, everyday items so
that he could call upon their powers but hide their true identity.
Occasionally, one of these items finds its way into the hands of those
foolhardy or reckless enough to try to use the powers of the dread

Each time a hero uses the lamp it grants him three wishes but
each time you roll on the Light table you must roll on the
Dark table and apply the results.
D6 Light
1 Gain D6 Experience points
2 Gain one skill from your skill list
3 Gain D6x10 GC
4 Gain a random item from the equipment list
5 Choose an item from the equipment list
6 Roll twice more on this chart

Bota Bag
Like a wine skin it allows the owner to carry one more water
unit than normal. Each character may only take one Bota

Great Scimitar
This scimitar is commonly used by headsmen and is a large heavy version of
a regular scimitar

Range: Close Combat

Strength: As user +2
Special Rule: Cutting Edge, Strike last, two-handed
Special Rules
Cutting Edge: A Great Scimitar has an extra save modifier
of -1, so a model with Strength 4 using a Great Scimitar has a
-2 save modifier when he hits an opponent in hand-to-hand
Strike Last: Great Scimitar are so heavy that the model
using them always strikes last, even when charging.
Two-handed: A model armed with Great Scimitar may not
use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in close combat. If
the model is equipped with a shield he will still get a +1
bonus to his armour save against shooting.


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Nothing happens
Nothing happens
Lose D6x10 GC
Lose D6 weapons
Lose the lamp
Roll once on the injury chart

Mages Robe
[Mages Guild Heroes Only]

The Mage is treated like a Nomad Robes, but has a 5+ ward

save against all (friend or for) magic.

Magic Carpet
These wondrous items from a forgotten age are even rarer than the
lamps of the Djinn and are thought to have originated from the
distant long dead Sorcerers Isles.

A magic carpet is indeed just that a carpet that flies! It

counts as a mount and allows movement of 16" with no
restrictions for terrain. You can move onto the roofs of
buildings and other high places with no penalty. The carpet
may carry up to three men or one large creature and a man.
One of the riders must be a character. Due to its magical
nature it cannot be destroyed.

Magic Gourd
The power of the gourd may be used at the end of each battle.
It will supply 1D3 units of water. Once the amount of water
is determined, roll an additional D6 on a roll of 6, the
gourds magic is exhausted and it shatters.

Monkeys paw
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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Fashioned during the strange religious rites of the nomadic Tuareg

people, this item is of similar potency to the Lamp of the Djinn. As
with the fickle powers of the Djinn the, Monkeys paw is not always
beneficial to its owner.

Each time a Hero uses the paw it grants three wishes but you
only have to roll once on the dark side. If you roll this item
you must take it. Every two games you have it and dont use
it you have to roll on the dark side. You may not get rid of the
paw unless you use it three times or roll lose the paw. After
the third use it disappears.
D6 Light
1 Gain D6 Experience points
2 Gain one skill from your Skill list
3 Gain D6x10 GC
4 Gain an extra Hero even if it is above your maximum
5 Gain an extra Henchman even if it is above your
maximum allowed
6 Roll twice more on this chart

Lose D6 Experience points
Lose one random skill
Lose D6x10 GC
Lose a Hero
Lose a Henchman
Lose the paw

Nehekharan Javelins
These warriors throw javelins equipped with a becket; a string
wound around the javelin. When it is thrown, the javelin spins like a
bullet increasing its accuracy.

[Tomb Lords only]

Range: 8"
Strength: As user
Special Rule: +1 to hit

Vultures and other carrion birds are strangely attracted by the

smell of burning sandalwood. Jackal Priests make use of this
by burning sandalwood torches. Once per battle the bearer
may summon D3 Vultures on a D6 roll of 4+. If the dice rolls
a 1, the vultures mistake the signal for a sign to attack the
bearer. The bearer takes 1 S4 hit- roll to wound immediately.
Summoned Vultures leave at the end of the battle. They do
not use up water.

The Scimitar is a curved bladed sword with the cutting edge on the
convex side

Range: Close Combat

Strength: As user
Special Rule: Cutting Edge, Parry, -1 to Parry
Special Rules
Cutting Edge: A Scimitar has an extra save modifier of -1,
so a model with Strength 4 using a Scimitar has a -2 save
modifier when he hits an opponent in hand-to-hand combat.
Parry: Scimitar offers an excellent balance of defence and
offence. A model armed with a Scimitar may parry blows.
When his opponent rolls to hit, the model armed with a sword
may roll a D6. If the score is greater than the highest to hit
score of his opponent, the model has parried the blow, and
that attack is discarded. A model may not parry attacks made
with double or more its own Strength they are simply too
powerful to be stopped.
-1 to Parry: When the design of the Scimitar makes it harder
to block an attack, When Parring with a Scimitar the user
have a -1 to the Parring Roll, but when Parring an attack from
a Scimitar the defending model would have a -1 to the
Parring Roll.

Scorpion Ring
At the beginning of the battle the warrior is able to call forth
a single Tomb Scorpion to fight for the warband if he can
pass a Leadership test. The summoned scorpion will fight for
a single battle only (use Tomb Scorpion from Tomb
Guardians list).

Nehekharan Map
Maps of the Land of the Dead are rare. Accurate ones are even
rarer. The shifting sands and dry riverbeds can render a map
obsolete in a season.

Use the rules for the Mordheim map in the rulebook.

Nomad Robes
Woven by native desert dwellers these robes enable the wearer to
suffer only half penalties from Weather Conditions.

The robes affect the following results on the Weather table:

Its Raining: The robe protects the warriors equipment.
When rolling a D6 each time that you fire a black powder
weapon, the shot is only wasted on a 1.
Hot as Hades: A warrior wearing a Nomad Robe only suffers
a penalty of -1 to WS and BS and he only requires the normal
amount of water.
Hot: A warrior wearing a Nomad Robe suffers no penalty to
WS or BS. If at least half of the warband are wearing Nomad
Robes, they only require the normal amount of water.
Dust Storm: The robe has no effect not even the Nomad
Robes can protect the warrior from the ferocity of the storm.
Apply rules for a Dust Storm as normal.

Serpent staff
The highest Liche Priests of their order carry staffs adorned
with a serpent head as their badge of office. The staff is used
with two hands and may be used to Parry. However, the
Liche Priest may forgo all his normal attacks and parries in a
round to use the power contained within the staff. A single
word of command brings the serpent to life to attack their
enemy. The staff always attacks first in close combat and
makes a single attack with WS4 and S4.

Snake Charmers Flute

A warrior who possesses this item is able to transfix and
control serpents. If the warrior does nothing for a whole turn,
he may play the flute. If this happens, any serpent within 6"
may not move or attack in their subsequent turn.

This is a blowpipe that projects alchemical fire about eight feet
causing burning damage.

Sandalwood Torch
[Scavenger Cult Only]

Page 9

Range: 8"
Strength: 2
Special Rule: May fire every other turn, Causes fire

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Special Rules
Causes fire damage: If you hit roll a D6, on a 4+ your
opponent is set on fire. They must roll a D6 each Recovery
phase, on a 4+ they extinguish the fire or they immediately
suffer a S4 hit and may only move. Friendly models may help
in extinguishing the model that is ablaze. They must be in
base-to-base contact and need to roll a 4+ on a D6. Against

Assembled by Paul H

Mordheim Supplement

dry targets like Mummies they are Strength 3 and on a 2+ on

1D6 the Mummy catches fire.
Prepare Shot: The Tufenk takes a complete turn to reload, so
your model may only fire every other turn.

Venom Ring
The Venom Ring renders the wearer immune to the effects of
all poisons.

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Mordheim Supplement

Khemri, Land of the Dead

There have always been those who have used magic: Mystics
and Priests. But as all scholars know, all magic is dangerous,
for it originates from Chaos, the source of corruption and
change. Indeed, during these times, sorcery is illegal and
punishable by death.
Wizards have little say in whether the world of magic touches
them or not. They are born with second sight and to them the
world of magical energies and spells is much more real than
the mundane world of normal mortals. With all the
persecution, fear and hatred it is little wonder that wizards
become reclusive and suspicious, and many are downright
insane. Some even turn to the worship of the dark gods, and
others follow the forbidden path of necromancy.

Allocated spells
The chart below summarises the different kinds of magic and
explains who can use what spells.
Type of Magic
Battle Magic List.......................Arch-Mage, Battle Mage &
Elemental Magic list.................Mystic
Funerary Rites*.........................Jackal Priest
Mortuary Cult Scroll.................Liche Priest
Necromancy Magic*.................Necromancer
* These magic lists can be found in Mordheim rulebook

Each wizard starts with one randomly determined spell, but

may gain more. Roll a D6 and consult the appropriate chart.
If you get the same spell twice, roll again or lower the spells
difficulty by 1.

Casting spells
Spells are cast in the shooting phase, and can be used even if
the caster is in hand-to-hand combat. To use a spell, the
wizard must roll equal to or greater than the spells Difficulty
score on 2D6. If he fails, he may not cast a spell that turn. If
the test is passed the spell may be used as described overleaf.
A wizard may cast one spell per turn and may not use missile
weapons if he wants to cast a spell. He can however run!
A wizard may not use magic if he is wearing armour or has a
shield or buckler. The only exception is the Prayers of
Sigmar. Sisters of Sigmar and Warrior-Priests may wear
armour and use their prayers.

Some spells causes direct damage, and are resolved the same
way as damage from shooting or blows in hand-to-hand
combat. Spells do not cause critical hits. Models always
receive armour saves against wounds caused by spells unless
noted otherwise.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Spell List
Battle Magic
The Battle magic is what is taught by the Mages guild to it members, it is a mix of offensive, defensive and healing magic
spells to cover what is needed for battle.
2 Teleport
Difficulty 8
The spell can be on the Caster or any other model (friend or foe) within 18", the target will be simply teleports to any
other point on the battle field. He may not end his teleport inside a terrain piece, or up into the middle of thin air. The
spot must be normally accessible by normal movement. However, you CAN place him on top of impassable terrain,
providing he could feasible "land" there safely, i.e. on top of a rocky tower or statue.
3 Burst of Cold
Difficulty 8
A freezing ball of ice is generated around the target chilling it to the bone in an instant. A single target within 18 inches
of the caster takes a strength 4 hit and is considered stunned for 1 turn.
4 Distraction
Difficulty 7
The caster reaches into the mind of a nearby enemy and makes him see or hear a small noise or light off to one side. The
target with in 24" model counts as being "stupid" for his next turn.
5 Wind Gust
Difficulty 7
The Caster summons a burst of wind and directs it into his foes. He picks a target; any enemy model within 4 inches of
this point will be knocked prone on a 4+, and take a single strength 2 hit each.
6 Heal
Difficulty 6
The target is automatically healed 1 wound, and is cured of any stunned or out of action results.
7 Fireball
Difficulty 7
The caster creates a small ball of fire and hurls it at an opponent. It will strike its target at a range of 18" with an
automatic hit, at strength 4, no armour saves are allowed, except ward saves or abilities such as dodge.
8 Barrier
Difficulty 10
This Spell throws up an energy shield around the Caster or a friendly target. The barrier will deflect any incoming
ranged attacks and count as impassable terrain for enemy models. (so the model with the barrier may not be charged, or
initiate a charge in melee, nor shoot with a ranged weapon.)
9 Lightning Strike
Difficulty 10
The Caster summons a static charge and directs it on his enemy sending tendrils of electrical power to his foe. It will hit
a single enemy model within 12 inches doing a strength 5 hit.
10 Healing Aura
Difficulty 9
The Caster Summons up a light warm wind of healing power, any friendly model within 24" of the Caster may roll a
D6, if the result is equal to or less then the models toughness, then the model recover a wound and are counted as being
the target of the "heal spell" above.
11 Stunning Blow
Difficulty 9
The Caster reaches out and inflicts chaos into his targets mind, rendering him unconscious or worse. Roll on the injury
chart to see what happens to him.
12 Power Up
Difficulty 8
The spell may cast on a friendly model within 12". That model receives a +1 to any stat until the start of his next turn.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Elemental Magic
The magic of the Djinn is a rare, almost lost, art among men. It is the preserve of the Djinn of the deep desert and of those Djinn unfortunate
enough to be captured.

1 Riding the Wind

Difficulty: 6

Invoking the Element of the Air, the caster rises up on a warm breeze, only to set down again on another part of the battlefield.
This spell is cast at the beginning of the casters Movement phase. The caster may move up to 12+D6" anywhere on the battlefield,
ignoring any intervening terrain; this counts as the casters movement for that turn. This spell may not be used to move the caster into
base contact with an enemy warrior, but the caster may shoot as normal (with a -1 penalty for having moved).

Skin of Stone

Difficulty 7

Calling upon the Element of the Earth, the caster is able to make a warriors skin become as hard as stone.
This spell may be cast on any friendly warrior within 6". The target gains +2 to his armour save but suffers a -1 penalty to Initiative.
The spell may be maintained each turn, providing the affected warrior remains within 6" of the caster and the caster can pass a
Difficulty test. If the caster is more than 6" away from the affected warrior in the Recovery phase, the spell cannot be maintained and
wears off. Only one warrior may be affected by a Stone Skin spell at any one time, although the caster is free to cast other spells
while maintaining the Stone Skin.

Burning Hand

Difficulty: 8

By invoking the Element of Fire, one of the casters hands becomes burning hot which he can use to smite his enemies.
This spell is cast at the beginning of the Combat phase. The caster may sacrifice all of his normal attacks to make one hand-to-hand
attack at Strength 5 causing 2 wounds. If the enemy warrior is successfully hit, he is set on fire on a roll of 4+. This spell lasts for one
round only.


Difficulty: 6

By invoking the Element of Water, water rises from the very rocks and sand and turns the ground to quicksand.
This spell is cast at any warrior within 6". The water floods the area for 3" around the targeted warrior. The effect lasts until the
beginning of the casters next Recovery phase. All warriors within the quicksand must pass a Strength test or be unable to move.
Warriors in combat cannot attack but may defend themselves.

Storm of Magic

Difficulty: 9

By breaching the very fabric of reality, the caster is able to summon a bolt of pure magical energy.
The caster may target any warrior within 12". If the spell is successfully cast, the target is struck by a bolt of energy and takes one S5
hit. Armour saves may be taken as normal.

Blessing of the Elements

Difficulty: 6

The caster calls on the elements of the desert and draws upon the fortune they can bestow.
In the post battle sequence the player may re-roll any one dice or modify one dice by +1/-1. If the caster was taken out of action this
spell may not be cast.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Mortuary Cult Scrolls

The Mortuary Cult was formed long ago to learn the mysterious arts of mummification and perform the hidden rituals of
awakening. After many centuries, the priests discovered the secrets they were seeking and were able to mummify and preserve
bodies. The Mortuary Cult perfected their magic over a thousand years until the cult could cheat death itself. When Nagash
performed his Great Ritual, raising the dead of Nehekhara, the priests rose as Liche Priests, undead beings with a mind of their
own. Their experiments had given them eternal unlife. The Liche Priests now hold a position of great power, standing by the
Tomb Kings side they alone are now able to invoke the power that allows the Tomb Kings armies to march to war.
The Mortuary Cult Liche Priests do not use the evil Necromancy spells, instead they use a system of ancient scrolls. In game
terms, the scrolls work just like normal spells and the Priest must test to see if he can read the incantation out correctly, as
normal; not an easy task in the middle of a fight.
Mortuary Cult Scroll
The Liches Priests magic is preserved in magical scrolls that date back to Nagashs time as High Priest of the early
Nehekharan civilisation.
1 Menkares scroll of Urgency
Difficulty 6
The Liche Priest reaches out to urge an Undead warrior forward. A single Skeleton Soldier within 6" may immediately
move again up to its maximum Movement distance, ie, 4". If this takes the model into base contact with an enemy
model, it counts as charging.
2 Horrebes Curse of the Mummy
Difficulty 8
The Liche Priest amplifies the curse that all mummies bear, and focuses it against a single enemy model. The target
must be in base-to-base contact with a Mummy and within 18" of the Liche Priest. If the spell is cast successfully, the
enemy model has a -1 penalty on all to hit, and to wound rolls, and on all armour saves. This lasts until the start of next
the Tomb Guardian Shooting phase.
3 Tawosrets Scroll of Tomb Dust
Difficulty 7
The Liche Priest can command the sand around him to assault a single warrior within 12". The warrior is automatically
knocked down as he chokes on the sand. This spell only affects a living model.
4 Neferres Scroll of Quaking Horror
Difficulty 7
The Liche Priest selects a warrior within 12" who is beset by terrible, haunting visions of his own death. The model
must pass a Leadership test or flee 2D6" directly away from the Liche Priest. The warrior will continue to flee in each
Movement phase until he makes a successful Rally test in the Recovery phase. This spell has no effect on Undead
models or models that are immune to psychology.
5 Merneptahs Scroll of the Scarab Song
Difficulty 7
With a short, rasping chant, the Liche Priest summons a swarm of scarabs, which burrow up through the ground, and all
over an enemy warrior. A single model within 8" of the Liche Priest suffers 2D6 Strength 1 hits. In addition, that model
may not be shot at for the rest of the Tomb Guards Shooting phase, nor may he fight or be fought in hand-to-hand
combat. If the model is already in hand-to-hand combat, move him 1" away from the combat as he staggers about in
agony. Unless he suffers an actual injury the warrior counts as having just stood up in the next turn.
6 Djedres summonation of the Vengeful Dead
Difficulty 5
The Liche Priest may re-animate a Skeleton Soldier that went out of action during the last turn. Place the model
anywhere within 6" of the Liche Priest, but not straight into hand-to-hand combat with an enemy model.

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Mordheim Supplement

Khemri, Land of the Dead

This setting is written with a specific theme in mind and while you can use any warband in this setting some of them are not appropriate. The
greed of humanity is too well known and all are willing to risk their lives in search of treasure. Norse and Pirate warbands may be a stretch in
the Land of the Dead as they prefer the open seas or coastal raids. Halfling warbands are more at home in the Old World. Lustrian warbands,
such as Amazons, arent likely to leave their rainforest for a desolate desert. There will, of course, be Mummy Tomb Princes guardians and
their archenemies the Crusaders.

Arabian Tomb Raiders

The nomads of Araby live on the fringes of the great desert
Araby, to the west of the Land of the Dead. There are a few
scattered towns and settlements but the nomad tribesmen
shun these places in favour of a wandering lifestyle. The
nomad tribes of Araby have been living in the deep deserts
for centuries, their realms dictated by the life-giving oases.
There are hundreds of different tribes of nomads the
Tuareg, the Dervishes, the northern Fuzzywuzzies, the
AlRahem and the near legendary Muktarhin to mention but a
few. Although they have a very fastidious code of honour
between them, which to many Old Worlders would appear
almost ritualistic, many bitter rivalries and blood feuds often
flare up between tribes over the slightest of things. These
blood feuds are so brutal they can last for generations and
make a Tilean vendetta seem like a childs argument over a
broken toy! A strange people by all accounts and with many
bizarre customs and superstitions they are difficult people to
deal with, especially for Old Worlders whom they view with
suspicion and dislike. They are, however, masters of desert
survival and any Old Worlder explorer hoping to survive in
the unforgiving deserts of their land will need a nomad guide
just to stay alive. These hardy people can live in the deep
desert for months travelling from oasis to oasis, navigating
using the stars and knowing how to avoid the worst dangers
of the desert. Nomads are also justly feared as raiders and
bandits because in their culture stealing is a just and righteous
thing to do so long as it is from a rival tribe. Theft within the
tribe is most harshly dealt with.
Some nomadic tribes occasionally wander into the Lands of
the Dead but this is rare and mainly because they have
become lost in a freak sandstorm. Generally speaking, even
Nomads will not travel for long within these dread lands, for
theirs is an ancient people whose ancestors once traded with
the Nehekharans before the catastrophe. Tales and songs are
passed down through generations warning the tribe of the fall

of the kingdoms of the west and of the curse of the one they
call Nagash the Black. For this reason they seldom venture
too close to the legendary cities of the Tomb Kings.
Sometimes though, a young sheikh eager to prove his worth
in the tales of his people, will seek out knowledge of the
Land of the Dead so that he may claim a name for himself
and discover untold riches. Needless to say, many of these
reckless individuals and their bands of loyal followers are
never seen or heard of again

Special Rules
Hate Undead: The men of Araby have suffered heavily at
the hands (or should that be claws!) of the Tomb Kings
armies of the Land of the Dead. Therefore Arab Heroes hate
all Undead.
Alignment: the Warbands Alignment may be one of the
following: Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic.

Choice of Warriors
An Araby Nomad warband must include a minimum of three
models. You have 500 gold crowns to recruit your initial
warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband
may never exceed 15.
Sheikh: Each Araby Nomad warband must have one Sheikh:
no more, no less!
Champion: Your warband may include a single Champion.
Nomadic Mystic: Your warband may include a single
Bedouins: Your warband may include up to two Bedouins.
Warriors: Your warband may include any number of
Slaves: Your warband may include up to five slaves.

Starting Experience
A Sheikh starts with 20 Experience.
The Champion & the Mystic starts with 8 Experience.
Henchmen start with 0 Experience.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Arabian Tomb Raiders Equipment List

The following lists are used by Arabian Tomb Raiders warbands to pick their weapons:
Warrior Equipment List
Slave Equipment List
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Mace..............................................................................3 GC
Club................................................................................3 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Katar..............................................................................5 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Scimitar........................................................................15 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Double-handed weapon...............................................15 GC
Missile Weapons
Flail..............................................................................15 GC
Missile Weapons
Short Bow......................................................................5 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Bow..............................................................................10 GC
Tufenk..........................................................................15 GC
Hand Gun.....................................................................35 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Buckler...........................................................................5 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Light Armour...............................................................20 GC

1 Sheikh
60 gold crowns to hire
The Sheikh is the undisputed leader of the warband. The Sheikh is a
hardened warrior living in the burning hell of the desert and having
to constantly fight off bandits, members of other rival tribes, and of
course, the evil Undead. He is often also the head of the tribe,
respected and trusted by his fellow tribesmen. To all the Nomads the
Sheikhs word is law and they obey without question, such is their
custom. Only very rarely will another member of the tribe, who is of
noble birth, challenge the Sheikhs leadership and then single
combat is fought to determine who has the divine right to lead the

Weapons/Armour: A Champion may be equipped with

weapons and armour chosen from the Warrior Equipment list.
Skills: The Champion may choose from Combat, Strength
and Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the
Champion may choose from the Arab Special Skill list.

Weapons/Armour: A Sheikh may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Warrior Equipment list.
Skills: The Sheikh may choose from Combat, Academic,
Strength and Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition,
the Sheikh may choose from the Arab Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Sheikh may use his
Leadership instead of his own.

0-2 Champions
40 gold crowns to hire
Noble relatives of the Sheikhs family are fanatically loyal to him
and give him the necessary support and muscle when needed. The
Champion keeps the rest of the Warband in line, disciplines those
who have offended the Sheikh, divides up the booty (after the
Sheikh has taken his chosen share of course) and tells tall tales by
the fireside to ensure the warbands morale and respect for him.
Needless to say, the Champion needs to be a tough fighter if he is to
lead by example.





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Khemri, Land of the Dead

0-1 Mystic
40 gold crowns to hire
In the distant past the Arabians were renowned for their studies in
the magical arts, whether they were originally taught by the Elves,
as were the men of the Old World is not known. The wisemen of
Araby have mastered a strange aspect of colour magic, known as
Elementalism, which is based on the four primary elements: earth,
wind, fire and water. Unlike the flamboyant and fabulously wealthy
sorcerers of the cities,the mystics of the nomadic tribes are more
shamanic and are revered by their fellow tribesmen. These scholars
are an integral part of the tribe and take a great part in guiding and
motivating the tribe as a whole.





Weapons/Armour: A Mystic may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Warrior Equipment List.
Skills: The Mystic may choose from Academic and Speed
when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Mystic may
choose from the Arab Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Magic User: The Mystic has the ability to use magic and
casts spells like any other magicians, and the Mystic starts
with one spells generated at random from the Elemental
Magic list. See the Magic section for details. In addition the
Mystic may learn a new Spell instead on a new skill.

Nomad Warriors
25 gold crowns to hire

(Bought in groups of 1-5)

0-2 Bedouins
35 gold crowns to hire

All the males of the tribe are warriors first and foremost; some may
be talented in the crafts of weaving or weapon smithing but all are
brought up from an early age in the use of weapons, primarily the
bow and the scimitar. These people are hardy, being used to living in
the harsh conditions of the desert. They are also a very superstitious
people and their trust is very hard to gain especially for outsiders.
Many are members of the Sheikhs extended family and their loyalty
is unquestioned.

Weapons/Armour: Warriors may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Warrior Equipment list.

Bedouins are nomadic tribesmen who live on the outskirts of tribal

life as the tribesmen themselves do with the rest of civilisation.
Loners by nature they are experts in desert craft and make excellent
scouts and guides for their tribe or outsiders who are willing to pay
enough for their services.

Weapons/Armour: A Bedouin may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Warrior Equipment list.
Special Rules
Desert Trader: Add +1 to your search for Equipping /
Trading result. Note that you only get +1 even if you have
two Bedouins.
0-5 Slaves
15 gold crowns to hire
Slavery is rife in Araby and indeed the slave markets of Al-Haikk or
Lashiek are testament to this. Many Old Worlders look upon the
Arabians with a great deal of contempt and see them as nothing
more than barbarians. Nomads look upon slaves as nothing more
than a commodity. Most slaves are those taken captive from other
tribes and theirs is a short and often brutal existence. When it comes
to battle they are unmotivated and make poor fighters.

Slaves 4
Weapons/Armour: Slaves may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Slave Equipment List.
Special Rules
Life of Slavery: A Slave may gain experience but if he rolls
Lads got Talent the leader executes the Slave and he is
removed from the roster. The rest of the group may then reroll their advance.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Knights Errant Warband

By Tommy Punk with help from Bill Strip & Gary Mort
According to the ancient custom, which is still followed in
Bretonnia, anyone who desired the honour and privilege of
knighthood must first prove himself worthy by accomplishing a
perilous task. Traditionally the errand of knighthood is chosen by
the fairest maiden in the village, and is often to slay a monster and
bring back its head or return with a treasure. The maiden is
required to marry the knight if he succeeds in his errand, so
sometimes the quest is a dangerous one indeed. Many Knights
Errant, as these aspiring men are called, travel to Lustria or the
Land of the Dead in search of treasure and victory in combat. Some
travel to the mysterious forest of Loren with high hopes to impress
the legendary Elves with their courage.
The knight is equipped with weapon and armour before he departs
on his errand, depending on the wealth of the village and the
knight's family this ranges from a suit of leather armour and a
simple shield to a barded warhorse and ornate heavy armour. All
knights are given a shield with their family colors, or the colors of
the Knight of the Realm of that village if the family doesn't have
their own colors. The shield is traditionally without heraldry, as this
will be based on the errand that the knight strive to complete, for
example slaying a monster would be cause to emblazon the image of
the monster on his banner and shield. Sometimes the Knights bring
along a trusted friend, his hunting dog, the Knights of Bretonnia
love hunting and one of the duties of the young Squires are to look
after the Knights hunting dogs. It is not uncommon for a knight to
give a faithful squire one of the whelps from a new litter.
Knights Errant often band together and travel in a group;
sometimes they are brothers or childhood friends who have taken up
the errand together. In addition they are joined by a number of
young squires, eager to prove themselves in combat. In addition as
the Errant party passes through villages they attract the attention of
the village youth. Sometimes a bored youth decides to join the party,
in the hope that one day he will have the courage himself to attempt
the Errand of knighthood. While the knights pursue a particular
goal with their Knightly Errand they will not immediately abandon
the warband once they have completed it. Abandoning your friends
in the dangerous Land of the Dead or City of the Damned would
tarnish the knight's honor. Thus the knights stay together until they
all agree to return.

Special Rules
Before heading into battle Bretonnian Knights kneel and pray
to the Lady of the Lake, avowing to fight to the death for
honour and justice. Before playing a game, make a
Leadership test against the Leadership characteristic of the
warbands leader. If the test is successful the Lady of the Lake
has bestowed her blessing on the warband. The blessing takes
the form of a powerful curse upon the enemies of chivalry,
and in particular upon those that make use of the foul and
dishonourable weapons of mass destruction. Any model in
the opposing warband who wishes to fire a black powder
weapon must roll a D6 and score 4+ to overcome the curse,
otherwise they may not fire the weapon. The opposing player
must test each time they wish to fire such a weapon. Models
armed with other shooting weapons, such as bows and
crossbows, do not have to test unless they dare raise their
weapons against the gallant Knights of Bretonnia. If any
enemy model wishes to shoot at a Bretonnian Knights Errant
only, then they must first roll a 4+ on a D6 to overcome the
Alignment: the Warbands Alignment is Lawful or

Choice of Warriors
A Knights Errant warband must include a minimum of 3
models. You have 500 GC to recruit your initial Warband.
The maximum number of models in the Warband is 15.
Knights Errant: Your Knights Errant warband must include
at least one Knight Errant and up to four in total.
Squires: Your Knights Errant warband may include any
number of Squires.

Starting Experience
Each Knights Errant starts with D6+7 experience
All Squires starts with 0 experience

Knights Errant Equipment Lists

The following lists are used by Knights Errant warbands to pick their weapons:
Knights Equipment Lists
Squires Equipment Lists
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger...............................................................1st free/2 GC
Dagger...............................................................1st free/2 GC
Mace, Hammer..............................................................3 GC
Mace, Hammer..............................................................3 GC
Battle Axe......................................................................5 GC
Sword.............................................................................5 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Axe.................................................................................5 GC
Morning Star................................................................15 GC
Halberd........................................................................10 GC
Double-handed weapon...............................................15 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Lance............................................................................20 GC
Missile Weapons
Missile Weapons
Bow..............................................................................10 GC
Longbow......................................................................15 GC
Upgrade to Heavy Armour........................................+30 GC
Light armour................................................................20 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Barding........................................................................40 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Miscellaneous Equipment
Miscellaneous Equipment
Warhorse......................................................................80 GC
Horse............................................................................40 GC
War Hound...................................................................30 GC


Assembled by Paul H

1-4 Knights Errant

60 gold crowns to hire

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Mordheim Supplement

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Anyone who desires the honour and privilege of knighthood must

first prove himself worthy of the position by accomplishing a
perilous task, an errand of knighthood. The nature of the errand is
chosen by the fairest maiden of the village, the duke of the province
or the King himself.

Knights Errant
4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 8
8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5
Weapons/Armour: Light Armour & shield, in addition the
Knights Errant may have equipment from the Knight
Equipment list, a Knight Errant must buy a weapon from the
hand-to-hand combat list, because a simple dagger is not
Skills: The Knight Errant may choose from Combat,
Strength, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the
Knight Errant may choose from the Knight Errant Special
Skill list.
Special Rules
Bretonian Leader: The Knights Errant warband doesn't have
a leader like a normal warband has, the Knights Errant are
brothers in arms and the Squires will happily follow any of
the mighty knights. However as rules and scenarios confer
special bonuses or rules to leaders the warband must have
one. Each of the Knight Errant start with D6+7 experience
points, the knight which rolls the highest experience is the
leader and from now on follow all the rules that apply to the
leader. If two or more knights roll the same experience,
choose one of them as the leader. Note that the experience
rolled does not allow the Knights Errant any starting
Knights Virtue: A Knight Errant is a chivalrous warrior who
is superior to ordinary warriors. He will never break and
panic from combat and so does not have to pass a leadership
test for being All Alone.

(Bought in groups of 1-5)

25 gold crowns to hire
Knights Errant usually have several Squires in their retinue as
servants and companions. Squires are loyal to their Knights and will
follow them without question, learning the art of war and the code
of chivalry, in preparation for their own errand of knighthood.

4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
8 1 0 3 3 1 3 0 5
Weapons/Armour: Squires may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Squires section of the Knights
Errant Equipment list. A Squire may not ride a horse unless
the Knights Errant in the warband are riding warhorses.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Nomad Warband
Nomads roam the desert searching for water and goods.
Every now and than they go searching in tombs to aid thier
tribes and earn extra income. They are masters at desert
survival and are a force to reckon with.

Special Rules
Northern Barbarians: The men of Araby have a long
history of religious warfare with the men of the north.
Therefore Arabs heroes Hates human troops from the Empire
and Bretonnia.
Alignment: the Warbands Alignment may be one of the
following: Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic,

Choice of Warriors
A Nomad warband must include a minimum of 3 models.
You have 500 GC to recruit your initial Warband. The
maximum number of models in the Warband is 15.

Sheik: Each Nomad Warband must have one Sheik; no more,

no less!
Champion: Your warband may include a single Champion
Street mage: Your warband may include a single Street mage
Bedouins: Your warband may include up to two Bedouins
Warriors: Your warband may include any number of
Slaves: Your warband may include up to five slaves.

Starting Experience
A Sheik starts with 20 Experience.
The Champion, Street mage & the Bedouins starts with 8
All Henchmen start with 0 Experience.

Nomad Equipment list

The following lists are used by Nomad Warbands to pick their weapons
Warrior Equipment List
Slave Equipment List
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Mace, Club.....................................................................3 GC
Club................................................................................3 GC
Katar..............................................................................5 GC
Katar..............................................................................5 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Ankus...........................................................................13 GC
Missile Weapons
Scimitar........................................................................15 GC
Double-handed weapon...............................................15 GC
Great Scimitar..............................................................20 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Missile Weapons
Short Bow......................................................................5 GC
Bow..............................................................................10 GC
Hand Gun.....................................................................35 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Buckler...........................................................................5 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Light Armour...............................................................20 GC
Heavy Armour.............................................................50 GC

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

1 Sheik

0-1 Street Mage

60 gold crowns to hire

40 gold crowns to hire

The legends of Araby are full of tales about the exploits of heroes
which are known Skeiks. Many of these outstanding individuals are
emirs or other nobles, but most are simple warriors from amongst
the common men of this exotic people.

A street mages are low class Araby wizards. They preform simple
acts of magic but many wish to be something greater. They tend to
hire themselves out to warband in hope of gaining funds to continue
with their training.

Weapons/Armour: A Sheik may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Warrior equipment list.
Skills: The Sheik may choose from Combat, Shooting,
Academic, Strength, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In
addition, the Sheik may choose from the Arab Special Skill
Special Rules
Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Sheik may use his
Leadership instead of his own.

Weapons/Armour: A Street Mage may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Warrior equipment list.
Skills: The Street Mage may choose from Academic & Speed
when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Street Mage may
choose from the Arab Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Magic User: The Street Mage has the ability to use magic
and casts spells like any other magicians, and the Street Mage
starts with one spells generated at random from the Elemental
Magic list. See the Magic section for details. In addition the
Street Mage may learn a new Spell instead on a new skill.

0-1 Champion
40 gold crowns to hire
The champion is a tough fighter that the Sheik hired as a

0-2 Bedouins

Weapons/Armour: A Champion may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Warrior equipment list.
Skills: The Champion may choose from Combat, Strength, &
Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Champion
may choose from the Arab Special Skill list.

Bedouins are nomadic tribesmen who roam the desert wastes of

Araby fighting anyone who displeases their masters. They are hired
by warbands as expert guides and scouts.

35 gold crowns to hire

Weapons/Armour: A Bedouin may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Warrior equipment list.
Skills: The Bedouin may choose from Combat, Shooting, &
Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Bedouin
may choose from the Arab Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Searching: Add +1 to your search for Equipping/Trading
result. (Note you only get +1 even if you have two Bedouins)

(Bought in groups of 1-5)


0-5 Slaves

25 gold crowns to hire

15 gold crowns to hire

These are the common warriors of Araby.

They are captured warriors of enemy tribes who now serve a brutish
life as slaves.

Weapons/Armour: Warrior may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Warrior equipment list.

Weapons/Armour: Slave may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Slave equipment list.
Special Rules
Life of Slavery: A Slave may gain experience but if he rolls
Lads got Talent the leader executes the Slave and he is
removed from the roster. The rest of the group may then reroll their advance.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Thieves Guild Warband

The Thieves Guild Warband in mostly the Thief Warband by Michael Yungbluth (with some changes by Paul H).
Thieving is Araby is harsh. The quick and lucky survive and
Choice of Warriors
the rest suffer the harsh penalties of being a thief. So the A Thieves Guild Warband must include a minimum of 3
models. You have 500 GC to recruit your initial Warband.
Often thieves create guilds to ban together and increase the The maximum number of models in the Warband is 15.
chance they may not be caught. Powerful guilds often pay off Master Thief: Each Thieves Guild warband must have one
the police force to insure that they are not caught but weaker Master Thief; no more, no less!
ones are not so lucky. To limit the chance of getting caught Shadow Foot: Your warband may include a single Shadow
but keep the safety of numbers membership is limited in Foot
Cat Burglar: Your warband may include up to three Cat
Due to an increased crack down on thieves many guild are Burglars
force to look for other signs of work or be caught. Many go
Pick Pockets: Your warband may include any number of
to another trade that though dangerous is still profitable and Pick Pockets
even better more honest, tomb robbing.
Beggars: Your warband may include any number of Beggars

Special Rules

Thieves: Your warband may include up to five Thieves

Known thieves: Several members of the warbands are highly

known thieves that are wanted by the law. If one of the
thieves are captured then they can be sold for 1D6+ the
model experience. Once sold roll a D6;
1-3 The model has one of his hands chopped off.
4-5 They burn him with hot irons and branded him on the
forehead. This counts as a deep chest wound so the model
suffers -1T and now is at -3 to rolls to find items seeing they
know he is a thief.
6 They execute him.

Starting Experience
A Master Thief starts with 20 Experience.
The Shadow Foot & the Cat Burglars starts with 8
All Henchmen start with 0 Experience.

Alignment: the Warbands Alignment is Neutral,

Thieves Guild Equipment list

The following lists are used by Thief Guild warbands to pick their weapons
Thief Equipment List
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Mace, Club.....................................................................3 GC
Katar..............................................................................5 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Ankus...........................................................................13 GC
Scimitar........................................................................15 GC
Missile Weapons
Sling...............................................................................2 GC
Short Bow......................................................................5 GC
Bow..............................................................................10 GC
Throwing Knives.........................................................15 GC
Buckler...........................................................................5 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Toughened Leather........................................................5 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Light armour................................................................20 GC
Rope & Hook.................................................................5 GC
Lock Picks............................................................................15 GC

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

1 Master Thief

0-1 Shadow Foot

60 gold crowns to hire

40 gold crowns to hire

The Master Thief is the head of a chapter of the thieves guild.

Though he is a master of a guilds chapter, he is not as great as the
Guild Master, but a skilled thief none the less. The Master Thief
though spends more time running the guild then thieving though.

The Shadow Foot is second in charge under the Master thief. He is

the prime thief in the guild and an experienced fighter on when it
comes to fighting. He has spent many years on the run and is a
wanted thief.

Weapons/Armour: A Master Thief may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Thief equipment list.
Skills: The Master Thief may choose from Combat,
Shooting, Academic, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In
addition, the Master Thief may choose from the Thieves
Special Skill list.

Weapons/Armour: A Shadow Foot may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Thief equipment list.
Skills: The Shadow Foot may choose from Combat,
Shooting, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the
Shadow Foot may choose from the Thieves Special Skill list.

Special Rules

Known Thief: The Shadow Foot counts as being a known

thief and is bounded by the rule Known thieves.

Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Master Thief may use
his Leadership instead of his own.
Known Thief: The Master Thief counts as being a known
thief and is bounded by the rule Known thieves.

Special Rules

0-3 Cat Burglar

35 gold crowns to hire
Cat Burglars are thieves that show potential as the rise through the
racks of the guild.

Weapons/Armour: A Cat Burglar may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Thief equipment list.
Skills: The Cat Burglar may choose from Combat, Shooting,
& Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Cat
Burglar may choose from the Thieves Special Skill list.

Pick Pockets
15 gold crowns to hire

(Bought in groups of 1-5)

On a 1 they are beaten by some person and miss the next

Pickpockets are want-a-be thieves whose skills are not quite there.

Weapons/Armour: Pick Pockets may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Thief equipment list.
Special Rules

20 gold crowns to hire
These are beggars that have allied with the guild in hopes of finding
a warm place to sleep and a meal.

Weapons/Armour: Beggars may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Thief equipment list.
Special Rules
Begging: Any time they are in a city or Oasis with a caravan
(rolling for the after battle) they may stop and beg for money.
Roll a D6 for each beggar. On a 2-6 they are given D3 gold.

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0-5 Thieves
25 gold crowns to hire
These are the common thieves that have joined the guild for
protection. They are limited in numbers do to the dangers of large


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Mordheim Supplement

Weapons/Armour: Thieves may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Thief equipment list.


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Mordheim Supplement

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Scavenger Cult
By Tom Strasz
In the distant past, the people of Khemri taught that for the significant to the gods of Khemri and consume the physical
soul to reach the afterlife, the body must be buried whole. To husks of the undead to return them to the Journey of the Soul.
enable this, the mortuary cults were established to embalm It is said by the superstitious that some of the jackals are not
and preserve the bodies of the great kings, so that they might all they seem, that by consuming the most powerful the souls
reach the afterlife in their full majesty. With the coming of of the most powerful Tomb Kings their spirits live on inside
The reat Necromancer, the carefully ordered path was upset them. These unholy hybrids of bestial body and human soul
creating a new afterlife - not in some spiritual realm, but in are known as Primals.
their own physical kingdoms. To the Tomb Kings, this The Scavenger Cult rarely convenes, for they are few in
seemed both a tragedy and a blessing. Whilst they were number and fear discovery by the Tomb Priests. Instead they
denied the bliss of the afterlife now, they could continue with ambush patrols and raid weakly guarded tombs, hoping to
their reign.
slowly wear down their enemies. They move fast and often,
The Tomb Kings had bound the Mortuary Cults to their will, harassing the Tomb Kings like wild dogs hunting a herd of
in an attempt to ensure their path into the afterlife. However, powerful oxen. Sometimes a Cultist cell will ally themselves
some believed this to be an affront to Anubis, the Jackal God with the Priests of Mrr, for although they are foreigners their
and Guider of the Dead; this devout congregation of priests aims are very similar. Indeed Anubis could be considered a
left the Mortuary Cult to follow their own beliefs - to return different aspect of the northern God of Death, and the Jackal
the dead to their journey to the afterlife. Some success was to priests are accorded some respect by their northern
be had by driving the magic from the walking-dead, but the counterparts.
Spell of Summoning infected the very ground, continually
Special Rules
contaminating the mortal remains. The priests, driven to Alignment: the Warbands Alignment may be one of the
desperation, decided that only through complete destruction following: Lawful, Lawful / Neutral, Neutral,
of the physical body would the souls be able to journey once
Choice of Warriors
more. From reading the ancient texts, the priests arrived at
warband must include a minimum of 3
the conclusion that only by nourishing the sacred animals of
GC to recruit your initial Warband.
the Khemrian gods would the lack of a body would not be a
models in the Warband is 15.
barrier to entry into the afterlife. Thus the Cult of Scavengers
Cult warband must have one
was born.
The Priests of the Cult dedicate themselves to Anubis by Jackal Priest; no more, no less!
wearing Jackal masks. These serve the duel purpose of Priest Aspirant: Your warband may include up to two Priest
showing their devotion to Him and concealing their identity Aspirants
from the wrath of the Tomb Kings. The young Priest Primal: Your warband may include up to two Primals
Aspirants and the loyal henchmen are often recruited from Devourer: Your warband may include any number of
the nomadic tribes who have lost relatives to the Tomb Kings. Devourers
They wear veils to conceal their identity and to protect Soul Guide: Your warband may include up to five Soul
against the cutting sand storms that abound in the deep desert. Guides
It is the Soul Guides that return the souls of the undead to the Scavenger: Your warband may include any number of
journey to the afterlife; they are also the strongest fighters of Scavengers
Starting Experience
the Cult. They lead the Devourers, named after the dreadful
beast that eats the souls of those unworthy to enter the A Jackal Priest starts with 20 Experience.
afterlife; it is the Devourers who make up the bulk of the The Priest Aspirants starts with 4 Experience.
The Primals starts with 12 Experience.
Many scavenging animals such as jackals and vultures also All Henchmen start with 0 Experience.
accompany the Scavenger Cults They are spiritually

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Scavenger Cult Equipment list

The following lists are used by Scavenger Cult warbands to pick their weapons
Henchmen Equipment List
Priest Equipment List
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Mace, Club.....................................................................3 GC
Mace, Club.....................................................................3 GC
Axe.................................................................................5 GC
Axe.................................................................................5 GC
Katar..............................................................................5 GC
Katar..............................................................................5 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Scimitar........................................................................15 GC
Ankus...........................................................................13 GC
Double-handed weapon...............................................15 GC
Scimitar........................................................................15 GC
Missile Weapons
Double-handed weapon...............................................15 GC
Javelins..........................................................................5 GC
Great Scimitar..............................................................20 GC
Missile Weapons
Light Armour...............................................................20 GC
Sling...............................................................................2 GC
Special Equipment
Javelins..........................................................................5 GC
Sandalwood Torch.......................................................30 GC
Short Bow......................................................................5 GC
Bow..............................................................................10 GC
Buckler...........................................................................5 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Light Armour...............................................................20 GC

1 Jackal Priest

0-2 Priest Aspirants

60 gold crowns to hire

25 gold crowns to hire

The Jackal Priests are the leaders of the Scavenger Cult. They are
fine fighters, for the Tomb Kings persecutes their Cult relentlessly
and they cannot afford for their few numbers to further dwindle any
further. The Priests of the Cult are readily distinguished by their
stylised Jackal masks, which serve the duel purpose of showing their
devotion to Him and concealing their identity from the wrath of the
Tomb Kings. Their skill at the Funerary Rites cannot be ignored, as
many an ignorant warband has found to their cost. Jackal Priests
usually carry sandalwood torches to attract vultures to the
battlefield, commanding them by an ancient, bestial tongue. It is
said that this was taught to the Jackel Priests by Anubis himself.

Priests Aspirants are trainees, learning the ways of the Funeral

Rites and dedicate themselves to the eternal battle of the Scavengers
at an early age. They shave all hair from their heads to appear as
vultures. They are recruited either from one of the few families of
Khemrians who escaped the Spell of Summoning, or more usually
from the nomadic tribes that traverse the desert. Despite their youth
they are already seasoned warriors, for their persecuted life is hard
and wearing.

Weapons/Armour: A Jackal Priest may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Priest equipment list.
Skills: The Jackal Priest may choose from Combat,
Academic, & Strength when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Jackal Priest may use
his Leadership instead of his own.
Pray User: The Jackal Priest is a servant of Anubis and may
use the Funerary Rites as detailed in the Magic section of the
Mordheim rulebook (V2.1) and the Jackal Priest start with
one prays generated at random. See the Magic section for
details. In addition the Jackal Priest may learn a new Pray
instead on a new skill.

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Weapons/Armour: A Priest Aspirant may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Priest equipment list.
Skills: The Priest Aspirant may choose from Combat,
Academic, & Speed when he gains a new skill.

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0-2 Primals
70 gold crowns to hire
It is said that those jackals that consume the souls of the most
powerful Tomb Kings retain some of their preys' spirit. These
jackals are loners, massive beasts that display some evil cunning,
driven by a desire to devour more souls. It would be an unwise man
that considered these beasts as allies.

Weapons/Armour: Primals do not need weapons, for they
have powerful claws and teeth to rend their foes apart
Skills: The Primals may choose from Combat, Strength, &
Speed when it gains a new skill.

Special Rules
Fear: The evil hybrid of human soul and bestial body
manifests itself in terrifying ways. A Primals eyes burn with
an inner fire and they are many times the size of a normal
jackal. They cause fear.
Loner: Primals scorn the company of others than their own
kind. This means they are unable to become the leader of the
Spirit Rider: The Primal is a jackal ridden by the souls of its
mighty victims. The innate magic of their prey allows them to
belch an evil fire, smelling of the odorous spices used to
preserve the dead. In the shooting phase the Primal may
make one ranged attack of 6" at S3. This is a fiery attack and
so will set mummies on fire.

(Bought in groups of 1-5)



25 gold crowns to hire

15 gold crowns to hire

The Devourers make up the bulk of the Scavenger Cult. They are
named after the Devourer of Souls, a hideous beast that devours the
souls of those judged unworthy for entry to the afterlife.

The Scavenger Cult, by its very nature, attracts scavengers to it.

Jackals and vultures, the sacred creatures of Anubis, seem to be
particularly attracted to these warbands. It is said that the Jackal
Priests can talk to these animals in their own tongue, and from all
accounts this seems true.

Weapons/Armour: Devourers may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Henchmen equipment

0-5 Soul Guides

30 gold crowns to hire
The Soul Guides are strong champions of the Devourers. They are
generally recruited from the nomadic tribes, as those who show any
talent in the old Khemrian families are brought up to be Priests. The
Soul Guides are powerful fighters, easily a match for any enemy.

Weapons/Armour: Soul Guides may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Henchmen equipment
Special Rules
Fearless: Soul Guides have fought long and hard against the
Undead. They are Immune to Fear.

Weapons/Armour: Scavengers are animals and neither need
nor use weapons or armour
Note: When buying Scavengers you must buy either Jackals
or Vultures. You are not able to mix the two types in the same
Henchman group.
Special Rules
Animals: Scavengers are animals and thus do not gain
Jackals: Jackals are dangerous creatures, easily able to bring
down a man. They have +1 WS.
Vultures: Vultures have wings and so fly 16".

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Mages Guild Warbands

The Mages Guild of Araby is much different than the
Empires Collage of Magic. Firstly a Mages Guild Hall can
be found in all of the Araby cities (and it is said that the Guild
has hidden Guild Halls even in the Desert), these Guild Halls
pervade shelter, supplies and water to pasting Guild
members. The Guild Halls make their money by selling
magic supplies and hiring out members to warbands. The
Guild some time sends out research teams to ruins in search
of lost Knowledge and Magic Artefacts.
The Mages Guild is run by the High Arch-Mage, but each
Guild Hall in under the control of an Arch-Mage (ArchMagister), not all Arch-Mage watches over a Guild Hall
many travel around doing research in ruins and other places.

Special Rules
Guild Brothers: When forming Alignments Mages Guild
warbands will align first with other Mages Guild warbands
before any other warbands.
Guild Member: Guild members will not attack other guild
member under any condition. All other members of the
Warband without this rule do not count as Guild Members.
Alignment: the Warbands Alignment may be one of the
following: Lawful / Neutral, Neutral,

Choice of Warriors
A Mages Guild warband must include a minimum of 3
models. You have 500 GC to recruit your initial Warband.
The maximum number of models in the Warband is 15.
Arch-Mage: Each Mages Guild warband must have one
Arch-Mage; no more, no less!
Alchemist: Your warband may include a single Alchemist,
but he can only be taken instead of an Apprentice
Battle Mage: Your warband may include a single Battle
Mage, but he can only be taken instead of an Apprentice
Apprentice: Your warband may include up to three
Footmen: Your warband may include any number of
Inductee: Your warband may include up to five Inductees
Clockwork Guard: Your warband may include up to five
Clockwork Guards
Clockwork Golem: Your warband may include up to one
Clockwork Golem

Starting Experience
An Arch-Mage starts with 20 Experience.
The Alchemist & the Battle Mage starts with 12 Experience.
The Apprentices & All Henchmen start with 0 Experience.

Mages Guild Equipment list

The following lists are used by Mages Guild warbands to pick their weapons
Mage Equipment List
Warrior Equipment List
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Mace, Club, Staff **......................................................3 GC
Mace, Club.....................................................................3 GC
Axe (Battle Mage only).................................................5 GC
Katar..............................................................................5 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Scimitar........................................................................15 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Double-handed weapon (Battle Mage only)................15 GC
Ankus...........................................................................13 GC
Great Scimitar (Battle Mage only)..............................20 GC
Scimitar........................................................................15 GC
Missile Weapons
Double-handed weapon...............................................15 GC
Sling (Apprentice only).................................................2 GC
Great Scimitar..............................................................20 GC
Pistol............................................................................15 GC
Missile Weapons
Tufenk..........................................................................15 GC
Sling...............................................................................2 GC
Duelling Pistol.............................................................25 GC
Short Bow......................................................................5 GC
Crossbow Pistol (Alchemist only)...............................35 GC
Bow..............................................................................10 GC
Tufenk..........................................................................15 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Hand Gun.....................................................................35 GC
Buckler...........................................................................5 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Light Armour (Battle Mage only)................................20 GC
Buckler...........................................................................5 GC
Mages Robe (Heroes only).........................................45 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Heavy Armour (Battle Mage only)..............................50 GC
Light Armour...............................................................20 GC
Special Equipment
Familiar *.....................................................................35 GC
* Arch-Mage & Battle Mage only
** The Staff is free if chosen when creating warband

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1 Arch-Mage

0-1 Battle Mage

65 gold crowns to hire

50 gold crowns to hire

These powerful mages seek to find spells and artefacts to assist in

their pursuits of magic. They are found wandering through the

The Battle Mages are Special Trained members of the Mages Guild.
They have been trained in both Combat & Magic which they being
to the battlefield.

Weapons/Armour: An Arch-Mage may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Mage equipment list.
Skills: The Arch-Mage may choose from Academic & Speed
when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Arch-Mage may
choose from the Magician Skill list.
Special Rules
Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Arch-Mage may use
his Leadership instead of his own.
Magic User: The Arch-Mage has the ability to use magic and
casts spells like any other magicians, and the Arch-Mage
starts with two spells generated at random from the Battle
Magic list. See the Magic section for details. In addition the
Arch-Mage may learn a new Spell instead on a new skill.
Guild Member: The Arch-Mage counts as a Guild member
and follows the special rule above

Weapons/Armour: A Battle Mage may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Mage equipment list.
Skills: The Battle Mage may choose from Combat,
Academic, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition,
the Battle Mage may choose from the Magician Skill list.
Special Rules
Magic User: The Battle Mage has the ability to use magic
and casts spells like any other magicians, and the Battle Mage
starts with one spells generated at random from the Battle
Magic list. See the Magic section for details. In addition the
Battle Mage may learn a new Spell instead on a new skill.
Guild Member: The Battle Mage counts as a Guild member
and follows the special rule above
Warrior Wizard: the Battle Mage starts with the skill
Warrior Wizard from the Academic skill list

0-1 Alchemist

0-3 Apprentice

45 gold crowns to hire

35 gold crowns to hire

The Mages Guild also pervades working area for Alchemist and in
return the alchemists makes up potions and other things for the
Mages Guild to sell.

These are young upstarts that want to learn magic. They show some
ability and try to learn from their master.

Weapons/Armour: An Alchemist may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Mage equipment list.
Skills: The Alchemist may choose from Academic & Speed
when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Alchemy User: The Alchemist is trained in the Art of
Alchemy, the Alchemist starts with one Alchemy Ability
generated at random from the Alchemy Ability list, as
detailed in the Skills & Abilities Lists section of the
Mordheim rulebook (V2.1). In addition the Alchemist may
learn a new Alchemy Ability instead on a new skill.
Guild Member: The Alchemist counts as a Guild member
and follows the special rule above

Weapons/Armour: An Apprentice may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Mage equipment list.
Skills: The Apprentice may choose from Academic & Speed
when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Apprentice may
choose from the Magician Skill list, but only after earning 8
Experience points.
Special Rules
Magic User: The Apprentice has the ability to use magic and
casts spells like any other magicians, and the Apprentice
starts with no spells. In addition the Apprentice may learn a
new Spell instead on a new skill, generated at random from
the Battle Magic list.
Guild Member: The Apprentice counts as a Guild member
and follows the special rule above

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(Bought in groups of 1-5)


0-1 Clockwork Golem

25 gold crowns to hire

85 gold crowns to hire

Weapons/Armour: Clockwork Golem may be equipped with
weapons chosen from the Warrior equipment list. The
Clockwork Golem may not use missile weapons or armour,
excepted for a Shield or Buckler.
Special Rules
Armour: Clockwork Guard has a 4+ Armour Save
Cause Fear: Clockwork Golem is terrifying mechanical
creatures and therefore causes fear.
May not run: Clockwork Golem are slow mechanical
creatures and may not run (but may charge normally).
Immune to Psychology: Clockwork Golem is not affected
by psychology and never leave combat.
Immune to Poison: Clockwork Golem is not affected by any
No Pain: Clockwork Golem treat a stunned result on the
Injury chart as knocked down.
No Brain: Clockwork Golem gain experience. They do not
learn from their mistakes. What did you expect?
Experimental: The technology of Clockwork Magic is still
pretty much in its infancy and as with most experimental
magic is neither safe nor entirely reliable. At the beginning of
the recovery phase, roll a D6 for the Clockwork Golem. On a
roll of 2-6 the Clockwork Golem works fine. On a roll of a 1
something has gone drastically wrong, roll on the Clockwork
Malfunction Table

The Footmen are not true member of the Mages Guild, but are
hired by the Arch-Mage to help (heavy lifting, digging, fighting, etc)

Weapons/Armour: Footmen may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Warrior equipment list.

0-5 Inductee
30 gold crowns to hire
The Inductees are not yet members of the Mages Guild, they must
past a series tests before they are recommendation for an

Weapons/Armour: Inductee may be equipped with weapons
and armour chosen from the Mage equipment list.
Special Rules
Promotion: When an Inductee that is promoted to hero
through the The lads got talent, the Inductee becomes an

0-5 Clockwork Guard

55 gold crowns to hire
Weapons/Armour: Clockwork Guard may be equipped with
weapons chosen from the Warrior equipment list. The
Clockwork Guard may not use missile weapons or armour,
excepted for a Shield or Buckler.
Special Rules
Armour: Clockwork Guard has a 5+ Armour Save
May not run: The Clockwork Guard are slow mechanical
creatures and so it may not run (but may charge normally).
Immune to Psychology: The Clockwork Guard are not
affected by psychology and never leave combat.
Immune to Poison: The Clockwork Guard are not affected
by any poison.
No Pain: The Clockwork Guard treat a stunned result on the
Injury chart as knocked down.
No Brain: Clockwork Guard never gain experience. They do
not learn from their mistakes. What did you expect?
Experimental: The technology of Clockwork Magic is still
pretty much in its infancy and as with most experimental
magic is neither safe nor entirely reliable. At the beginning of
the recovery phase, roll a D6 for each Clockwork Guard. On
a roll of 2-6 the Clockwork Guard works fine. On a roll of a 1
something has gone drastically wrong, roll on the Clockwork
Malfunction Table

Assembled by Paul H

Clockwork Malfunction Table

1 Explodes. Something has gone horribly wrong with
the mystical-powered gyro and it has overloaded,
exploding in a bright multi-coloured flash. All models
within 6" of the Clockwork Guard / Golem suffer a
single S4 hit. The Clockwork Beast is completely
destroyed. do not roll for injuries after the game.
2 Goes Berserk. From now until the end of the game,
the Clockwork Guard / Golem is out of control. At the
start of each of the Mage Players turn, if there are any
warriors within charge-range (of either side) it will
charge them. Otherwise it will move full pace towards
the nearest warrior.
3 Shuts Down. The Mystical-powered Gyro fizzles out
and the Clockwork Guard / Golem comes to a halt for
the rest of the battle. It is hit automatically if engaged
in close combat.
4 Temporary Loss of Control. The Clockwork Guard /
Golem will charge the nearest model (of either side) to
it. If there are no models within charge-range, it will
move at full pace towards the nearest model.
5-6 Freezes. The Clockwork Guard / Golem just freezes
on the spot for this turn. it is hit automatically if
engaged in close combat.

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Necromancer Warband
By Michael Yungbluth
Necromancer from all over the world journey to Khermi for
Choice of Warriors
in search of knowledge. Khermi being the place where the A Necromancer Warband must include a minimum of 3
great knowledge of raising the dead came from makes it a models. You have 500 GC to recruit your initial Warband.
treasure chest of knowledge on the secrets of Necromancy. The maximum number of models in the Warband is 15.
Many bring apprentices and adepts with them and there own Necromancer: Each Necromancer Warband must have one
undead to search the tombs for books or scroll of spells.
Necromancer; no more, no less!

Special Rules

Habituation: the human members of a Necromancer

Warband have rapidly have to become accustomed to the
uncanny nature of their undead minions. The human
members of a Necromancer Warband are immune to fear
caused by types of undead in their own warband, ie:
skeletons, Undead Vultures, Undead Orgut, etc. Other types
of undead cause fear as normal.
Successor: If the Necromancer dies then the Apprentice takes
over the warband. He will take all of the old necromancers
books and scroll and such and start teaching himself. He is
the only one who can maintain the warband so if the warband
has no Apprentice or necromancer then the undead turn to
dust. If your Apprentice becomes the leader he will become a
Necromancer and you can hire a new Apprentice.
Alignment: the Warbands Alignment may be one of the
following: Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic

Apprentice: Your warband may include a single Apprentice

Tomb Robber: Your warband may include up to three Tomb
Skeleton: Your warband may include any number of
Undead Vulture: Your warband may include up to five
Undead Vultures
Undead Orgut: Your warband may include up to one
Undead Orgut

Starting Experience
A Necromancer starts with 20 Experience.
The Tomb Robbers starts with 11 Experience.
The Apprentice & All Henchmen start with 0 Experience.

Necromancer Equipment list

The following lists are used by Necromancer Warband to pick their weapons
Necromancer Equipment List
Warrior Equipment List
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Dagger (Jambiya)..............................................1st free/2 GC
Mace, Club, Staff...........................................................3 GC
Mace, Club.....................................................................3 GC
Katar..............................................................................5 GC
Katar..............................................................................5 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Ankus...........................................................................13 GC
Ankus...........................................................................13 GC
Scimitar........................................................................15 GC
Scimitar........................................................................15 GC
Missile Weapons
Double-handed weapon...............................................15 GC
Short Bow......................................................................5 GC
Great Scimitar..............................................................20 GC
Bow..............................................................................10 GC
Missile Weapons
Short Bow......................................................................5 GC
Buckler...........................................................................5 GC
Bow..............................................................................10 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Long Bow....................................................................15 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Light Armour...............................................................20 GC
Buckler...........................................................................5 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Helmet..........................................................................10 GC
Light Armour...............................................................20 GC
Heavy Armour.............................................................50 GC

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1 Necromancer

0-3 Tomb Robbers

60 gold crowns to hire

45 gold crowns to hire

The Necromancer has come to Khermi for the great knowledge of

the necromancy that is locked away in the tombs.

These are raiders that the Necromancer has hired to assist him in
robbing the graves. They are veterans in robbing tombs that are not
picky about who pay them or who they work with.

Weapons/Armour: A Necromancer may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Necromancer
equipment list.
Skills: The Necromancer may choose from Shooting,
Academic, & Speed when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Necromancer may use
his Leadership instead of his own.
Magic User: The Necromancer has the ability to use magic
and casts spells like any other magicians, and the
Necromancer starts with one spells generated at random from
the Necromancy Magic list. See the Magic section of the
Mordheim rulebook (V2.1) for details. In addition the
Necromancer may learn a new Spell instead on a new skill.

Weapons/Armour: A Tomb Robber may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Warriors equipment
Skills: The Tomb Robber may choose from Combat,
Strength, & Speed when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Trap Expert: The Tomb Robber starts with Trap Expert
skill. See the Academic Skills section of the Mordheim
rulebook (V2.1) for more details.

0-1 Apprentice
40 gold crowns to hire
The Apprentice is a student of the Necromancer that has began to
learn how to control the great art of Necromancy. Though still
learning he can maintain the undead in the warband if needed.

Weapons/Armour: An Apprentice may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Necromancer
equipment list.
Skills: The Apprentice may choose from Shooting,
Academic, & Speed when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Magic User: The Apprentice has the ability to use magic and
casts spells like any other magicians, and the Apprentice
starts with no spells. In addition the Apprentice may learn a
new Spell instead on a new skill, generated at random from
the Necromancy Magic list. See the Magic section of the
Mordheim rulebook (V2.1) for details.

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(Bought in groups of 1-5)


0-1 Undead Orgut

20 gold crowns to hire

200 gold crowns to hire

Do to the fact that Zombies will not last in the desert and will fall
apart Necromancer tend to use skeletons instead. Technically the
skeletons can gain experience but it is more that they remember
things from their former life.

The Undead Orgut is a construct created by a necromancer using

both Dark magic and arcane science. The Necromancer then
applies his knowledge of science and magic to bring this creature to
a state of semi-life. This is a long and drawn out process, which
involves a fair amount of maintenance, so the Necromancer may
only maintain one Undead Troll at a time.

Weapons/Armour: Skeletons may be equipped with
weapons and armour chosen from the Warriors equipment
Special Rules
Cause Fear: Skeletons are terrifying Undead creatures and
therefore cause fear.
May not run: Skeletons are slow Undead creatures and may
not run (but may charge normally).
Immune to Psychology: Skeletons are not affected by
psychology and never leave combat.
Immune to Poison: Skeletons are not affected by any
No Pain: Skeletons treat a stunned result on the Injury chart
as knocked down.

0-5 Undead Vultures

20 gold crowns to hire
Vultures are even pulled into the ranks of the undead. The
Necromancer sometimes will leave pieces of flesh out in the desert
to attack vultures. Then with a few well placed arrows he can get
some undead scouts. The undead vultures make great scouts and
add valuable speed to the slow undead force.

Weapons/Armour: The Undead Orgut may be equipped
with weapons and armour chosen from the Warriors
equipment list.
Special Rules
Cause Fear: Undead Orgut is terrifying Undead creatures
and therefore cause fear.
Immune to Psychology: Undead Orgut is not affected by
psychology and never leave combat.
Immune to Poison: Undead Orgut is not affected by any
May not run: Undead Orgut is slow undead creatures and
may not run (but may charge normally).
No Pain: Undead Orgut treat a stunned result on the Injury
chart as knocked down.
No Brain: Undead Orgut never gains experiences. They do
not learn from their mistakes. What did you expect?
Upkeep: The Undead Orgut is always in need of repair after
battle and so the Undead Orgut has an upkeep of 15 GC, or
the Undead Orgut simply fall to pieces.

Weapons/Armour: None
Special Rules
Cause Fear: Undead Vultures is terrifying Undead creatures
and therefore cause fear.
Flyers: The Undead Vultures ignore terrain when they move
and can freely charge any model, regardless of height and
interceptors, that they can see. Also shooting and hand to
hand suffer -1 to hit do to how hard it is to hit something
Fragile: Birds, even undead ones, are more fragile than
humans. They use the following Injury chart = 1-3 Knocked
Down (Do to the fact they know no pain), 4-6 Out of action.
Immune to Psychology: Undead Vultures is not affected by
psychology and never leave combat.
Immune to Poison: Undead Vultures is not affected by any
May not run: Undead Vultures is slow undead creatures and
may not run (but may charge normally).
No Brain: Undead Vultures never gains experiences. They
do not learn from their mistakes. What did you expect?

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Tomb Guardians
The hordes of the dead are terrible to behold walking
resolutely forward, bones rattling, dry flesh creaking, and
clutching ancient and rusty weapons or those torn from the
grip of defeated enemies. How can you kill what is already
The first true human civilisation, Nehekhara arose around the
Imperial year -2500, in the area now called the Land of the
Dead. This ancient kingdom was built along the river valleys
of northern Nehekhara. From the earliest period of their
civilisation, the Nehekharans buried their dead in pyramid
cities in the desert outside their townships and in the belief
that the soul and spirit lived on for as long as the body
remained intact. Their priests began to experiment with
mummification so that the body would be preserved forever
as would the soul giving eternal life. The Mortuary Cult was
formed to study the arts of mummification and perform the
rituals of awakening. After many centuries the priests
discovered the secret and were able to mummify and preserve
the bodies of their kings.
The king, his family, and trusted advisors were entombed in
great sarcophagi, which were laid at the heart of the huge
pyramids. As each generation passed, larger and more
elaborate tombs were built as each king tried to out-do his
predecessor. Eventually, in the deserts beyond each of the
great cities, stood a necropolis a city of the dead. As the
years passed, these eerie cities grew even larger than the
towns of the people who had built them. The tombs were
guarded by titanic statues and fortified like great keeps, built
to keep their inhabitants secure through all eternity from
those who would disturb their graves. So vast and maze-like
were these cities that bridges and walkways were built to
span the gaps between the pyramid tops enabling easier
access for the priests who maintain these sprawling
The preservation of the body depended on the wealth and
status of that person; a farmer would be buried in a small
family tomb, while the kings, their family, and trusted
advisors were entombed in great sarcophagi and huge
pyramids. Every Nehekharan was buried with a number of
items that they held dear; a rattle from childhood or perhaps
the tools of an artisan. The more wealthy the person, the more
precious the items buried with him.
Not all mummies were once wealthy merchants or mighty
warriors; artisans were highly regarded in the old Nehekharan
Empire. These people were the builders and architects of the
tombs. Indeed many were entombed in the structures they
had worked on a final reward from their patron.

Special Rules
Do not Drink: Undead models do not need food and water.
However any living animals that accompany the Mummies
follow the water rules as normal.
Home Ground: The Tomb Guardians live in the
Necropolises and have no trouble locating the hidden tombs
in search of weapons and armour to help them defend their
homes. A Tomb Guardian warband always roll one extra dice
in the Exploration phase, this only apply in the Cities of the
Dead setting.
Alignment: the Warbands Alignment may be one of the
following: Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic.

Undead Special Rules

The warriors of the Tomb Kings are already dead and are
unaffected by wounds that could daze or cripple a living
warrior. Their lack of emotion means that they look upon
Ogres and Youngbloods with equal ambivalence. These
special rules apply to all warriors in the warband that have
the special rule Undead.
Cause Fear: All Undead warriors cause Fear.
Immune to Psychology: All Undead warriors are immune to
psychology and never leave combat.
No pain: All Undead warriors treat a Stunned result as
Knocked Down.
May not run: No Undead warrior may run, but may charge
as normal.
Immune to poison: No Undead warrior is affected by
No Brain: Skeletons are not alive, thus they never gain
experience. Note: Tomb Lords dont actually learn new
skills, rather they remember the skills they knew when they
were alive. Liche Priests and Acolytes are also Undead but
they have retained a form of living mind and are capable of
learning from their experiences.

Choice of Warriors
The Warriors of the Dead must include at least three models.
You have 500 Gold Crowns with which to form your
warband. The maximum number of models in the warband is
Tomb Lord: Your warband must include a Tomb Lord.
Liche Priest: Your warband may include a single Liche
Acolytes: Your warband may include up to two Acolytes.
Skeleton Warriors: Your warband may include any number
of Skeleton Warriors.
Tomb Guards: Your warband may include up to two Tomb
Ushabti: Your warband may include up to one Ushabti.
Scorpions: Your warband may include up to three Scorpions.

Starting Experience
A Tomb Lord starts with 20 experience.
A Liche Priest starts with 8 experience.
Acolytes and all Henchmen starts with 0 experience

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Tomb Guardian Equipment List

The following lists are used by Tomb Guardian warbands to pick their weapons
Undead Equipment List
Liche Prirst Equipment List
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger...............................................................1st free/2 GC
Dagger...............................................................1st free/2 GC
Mace..............................................................................3 GC
Mace, Staff.....................................................................3 GC
Axe.................................................................................5 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Sword...........................................................................10 GC
Morning Star................................................................15 GC
Halberd........................................................................10 GC
Serpent Staff**............................................................30 GC
Spear............................................................................10 GC
Missile Weapons
Morning Star................................................................15 GC
Double-handed weapon...............................................15 GC
Flail..............................................................................15 GC
Missile Weapons
Bow..............................................................................10 GC
* Tomb Lords only
Asp Arrows*................................................................10 GC
** Liche Priests only
Nehekharan Javelin*....................................................10 GC
Shield.............................................................................5 GC
Light Armour...............................................................20 GC

1 Tomb Lord

0-1 Liche Priest

150 gold crowns to hire

55 gold crowns to hire

The legions of the dead are led by Tomb Lords, trusted officers and
captains in the Nehekharan armies. But not all Tomb Lords were
soldiers in life and some were the great engineers and artisans who
constructed the Necropolises and were granted mummification for
their accomplishments

The Mortuary Cult perfected their magic over a thousand years

until the Cult could cheat death itself. The priests now hold a unique
kind of power, standing by the Tomb Kings side they alone are
able to invoke the power that allows the Tomb Kings armies to
march to war.

Tomb Lord
4 4 3 4 5 3 3 2 8
Weapons/Armour: The Tomb Lord may have equipment
from the Undead Equipment list.
Skills: The Tomb Lord may choose from Combat, Shooting
and Strength when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Tomb
Lord may choose from the Mummy Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Tomb Lord may use his
Leadership instead of his own.
Flammable: The Tomb Lord is as dry as tinder and wrapped
in bandages soaked in highly flammable resins and
preservatives. A hit from a fire-based attack will cause double
the normal number of wounds on it.
Undead: The Tomb Lord is undead and follows all rules for
the Undead.

Liche Priest
4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7
Weapons/Armour: The Liche Priest may have equipment
from the Liche Priest Equipment list. Note he may not wear
armour as it interferes with his spell casting.
Skills: The Liche Priest may choose from Academic when he
gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Magic User: The Liche Priest has the ability to use magic
and casts spells like any other magicians, and the Liche Priest
starts with one spells generated at random from the Mortuary
Cult Scroll list. See the Magic section for details. In addition
the Liche Priest may learn a new Spell instead on a new skill.
Undead: The Liche Priest is undead and follows all rules for
the Undead.

0-2 Acolytes
20 gold crowns to hire
The Mortuary Cult has been a very large influential priesthood in
the Land of the Dead for centuries. Acolytes to the Cult have to
study long and hard (even beyond death!) before they can assume
the mantle of Liche Priest. During their apprenticeship to the Liche
Priests, Acolytes have to perform all of the menial tasks as well as
protect their masters from harm.

4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7
Weapons/Armour: The Acolyte may have equipment from
the Liche Priest Equipment list.
Skills: The Acolyte may choose from Combat and Academic
when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Undead: The Acolyte is undead and follows all rules for the

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(Bought in groups of 1-5)

Skeleton Warriors

0-3 Scorpions

20 gold crowns to hire

15 gold crowns to hire

With the coming of Nagash and his great ritual, the inhabitants of
the Necropolises were brought back to the land of the living. The
kings and lords once more command their legions, but this time the
legions are made up of skeletons rather than living soldiers.

Vast nests of scorpions infest the ancient Necropolises of Khemri,

dwelling in the dark cracks and niches of the tombs, aggressively
defending their home. Liche Priests can summon these poisonous
creatures and direct them to attack any invaders.



4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5
Weapons/Armour: Skeletons may have equipment from the
Undead Equipment list.
Special Rules
Undead: Skeletons are undead and follow all rules for the

0-2 Tomb Guardians

30 gold crowns to hire
As the kings and lords were awakened, so too were their
bodyguards, the Tomb Guards; faithful in death as they were in life.
Often armed with the best armour and weapons, they are always at
their lords side.


4 3 2 4 3 1 3 1 5
Weapons/Armour: Tomb Guards may have equipment from
the Undead Equipment list.
Special Rules
Undead: The Tomb Guards are undead and follow all rules
for the Undead.

0-1 Ushabti
150 gold crowns to hire
The Ushabti were created to guard the pyramids while the great
Tomb Kings slept. They are giant statues, some twice the height of a
man. Most are humanoid shaped and most have the head of an
animal, they are known to have been made in all manner of shapes.


5 3 - 5 4 3 1 2 5
Weapons/Armour: The Ushabti do not use weapons or
armour, but have a natural save of 4+ due to the fact that they
are made of stone. They are not affected by normal penalties
for not using weapons.
Special Rules
Undead: The Ushabti follows all the rules as if being an
Undead model.
Experience: The Ushabti is a large stone statue Animated by
magic and so does not gain experience points.
Large: Ushabtis are huge statues and therefore make
tempting targets for archers. Any model may shoot at a
Ushabti, even if it is not the closest target.
May not Hide: Ushabtis are far too big to hide and may not
do so.

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5 2 - 2* 2 1 4 1 4
Weapons/Armour: Scorpions dont use weapons or armour.
Special Rules
Animals: Scorpions are animals and do not gain experience
Living: Scorpions are living beings and are affected by
Psychology as normal. However as they are small desert
creatures they do not need water.
Scorpions sting: Scorpions attack using the poisonous sting
in their tails. This attack is worked out exactly as if the
scorpion was attacking with Black Lotus as explained in the

Khemrian Names
The followingis a list of names of Egyptian Pharaohs you can
use and at the end are a few other names that I have found.
These were taken from a Swedish book so the spelling might
be different in English. Female names have been marked with
(f). In the Egyptian society, females were equal to males in
many areas; there were female temple-priests, artisans,
merchants and Pharaohs.
Nebka, Djoser, Snefru, Khaba, Huni, Cheops, Khufu,
Radjedef, Kefren, Menkaure, Shepseskaf, Userkaf, Sahure,
Neferirkare, Shepseskare, Neferefe, Niuserre, Menkauhor,
Djedkare, Unas, Teti, Pepi, Merene, Nitocris (f), Qakare,
Neferkaure, Neferkauhor, Mentuhotep, Inyotef, Amenemhat,
Senusret, Sebeknefru (f), Ahmose, Amenhotep, Tuthmosis,
Hatshepsut (f), Akhenaton, Smenkhare, Tutankhamon, Ay,
Horemhab, Ramses, Seti, Merneptah, Amenmesse, Siptah,
Tawosret (f), Sethnakht, Lynaferet (f), Senedjem, Imhotep.
If you want to design your own names that will sound
Egyptian or tweak the name of a Pharaoh, I found these
trends in the names above. Many names start with Men-,
Mer-, Mern-, Kef-, Nef- and Tut-. Many names end with
-kaure, -kaf, -kare, -khare, -kauhor and - hotep. Some names
end with Ptah or start with Set- or Seth- and these are names
of Egyptian gods. You can use er, an, tu and e to bind the
names together.

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Running a Campaign
A campaign set in the Land of the Dead uses the rules from
the Mordheim rulebook, with a number of important
exceptions that are detailed below.

Pre-Battle Sequence
Just as with a Mordheim game you must generate the
scenario and set up the terrain that you are going to play on.
This can be done in any way that all players agree on we
fully encourage experimenting with different set-ups or
altering scenarios! These games are meant to be fun and we
do not in any way wish to restrict the players with a certain
style of play. You have our full blessing to alter our rules,
warbands and scenarios in any way that you like. We are
however very interested in hearing of your experiences and
campaigns so do send your feedback.
1. Generate the scenario and set up the battlefield.
2. Generate the weather condition.
3. Expend water units.

Post-Battle Sequence
After the battle is over, both players work their way through
the following sequence. You do not have to complete
Trading, Recruitment and Updating your warband roster
straight away. However all rolls must be made in front of the
other player, or a third party.
1. Work out injuries.
2. Allocate experience.
3. Roll on the Exploration chart.
4. Check the Burden Limit.
5. Locate a Supply Source.
6. Recruitment and trading.
7. Update your warband roster.

Heroes and Henchmen groups gain experience for surviving

battles. See the Experience section in the Mordheim
Rulebook and Scenarios section for details.

Burden Limit
Calculate the burden limit as in the Water section above.
Discard any water or treasure that exceeds the burden limit.

Supply Sources
Unlike Mordheim, where plenty of settlements are near the
city and readily accessible to warbands, the clusters of tombs
and necropoli are isolated and far from civilisation. To make
matters worse they are within the most desolate and vile
clutches of the desert, which is barely habitable. This makes
the exploration of the tombs much more complicated as
warbands find themselves far from their source of supply.
Often enough missing treasure hunters will be found buried
in the sand, killed not by the dangers within the tombs or by
another warband, but by the harsh conditions of the desert.
Yet there are sources of supply and water in the desert, scarce
as they may be. These may come in the form of the last of the
great cities that once populated Nehekhara, travelling
merchants looking to take advantage of ill-equipped treasure
hunters or even a secret and beautiful oasis where travelling
caravans and nomadic tribes make their stops.

Recruitment and Trading

If you successfully located a Supply Source you may add
extra warriors to your warband and buy new equipment as
described in the Trading section in the Mordheim rulebook.
However use the special Land of the Dead Trading Chart
instead of the chart from Mordheim, notice that some prices
and availability are different from those listed in the
Mordheim rulebook.

Determine the injuries for each warrior who is Out of Action
at the end of the game. See Serious Injuries in the Mordheim
Rulebook. A warrior that is unable to participate in the next
battle is not allowed to carry water or treasure and will
automatically fail his Toughness test if he is not given water.


Update Your Warband Roster

You are now ready to fight again, make sure that you have
recorded all the changes to the warband and calculated your
new Warband Rating.

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Mordheim Supplement

Characteristic increase
Characteristics for certain warriors may not be increased
beyond the maximum limits shown on the following profiles.
If a characteristic is at its maximum, take the other option or
roll again if you can only increase one characteristic. If both
are already at their racial maximum, you may increase any
other (that is not already at its racial maximum) by +1
instead. Note that this is the only way to gain the maximum
Movement for some races. Remember that Henchmen can
only add +1 to any characteristic.

Anubis Warriors
Liche Priest & Acolyte
Primal 5
Tomb Lord 4



New Skills & Abilities Lists

Some warbands also have access to a unique Skill list, which is clearly indicated in their entry.

Arab Special Skills

Knight Errant Skill List

Arab Heroes may use the following skill table instead of any of the
standard skill tables available to them.
Sand Worm: The warrior can bury himself in sand and become
almost undetectable. The model can hide in open ground. Cannot be
used inside buildings.
Hit and Run: The warrior can run and shoot but suffer -2 to hit
instead of the -1 to hit for moving.
Weather Tolerant: The warrior has grown so used to the weather it
doesnt even affect him anymore. Weather conditions such as heat
and such no longer effect this model.

Combat charge: Some knights specialize in running down

opponent on their initial combat impact. The character gain +1
attack and +1 WS when he charges.
Lancer: The assault on horseback with lance, may best be the way
everyone imagines a Knight doing combat. Though this feat is very
hard and difficult to master correctly. And yet there is nothing more
impressive than a knight on horseback, using lance and shield to
skewer his enemies. The character can use this skill only on
horseback. May not be combined with combat charge. If the
character's first opponent(s) suffer an unsaved wound, the character
may continue his charge. Opponents are not allowed to strike back.
The charge may then be continued another 4", and any enemy within
2" of that charge line can be charged. If the character does charge
another enemy he counts as charging in the next combat round
Sword master: Some knights are such masters in wielding their
swords that no blow seems to reach them. When using a sword the
character may parry, with reroll at equal or higher.
Armour specialist: Often a knight moves in his armour as if it does
weigh almost nothing. And blows that reach him seem to just
bounce of his armour. When using Heavy armour and shield the
subject ignores the standard movement penalty and his armour save
cannot be modified beyond 5+ due to strength. This does not work
on horseback.

Genie Skills
Whirlwind: Genie has the power to turn into a whirlwind. This can
take many forms: a sandstorm, a pillar of fire or a hazy shimmer in
the air. She can run at triple her movement but may not charge or be
charged. She cannot make any attacks or cast spells while using this
power, but is at -1 to hit with missile weapons.
Genies Curse: Genie are incredibly ancient creatures, prophets of
fate and doom to many. This interferes with all of the Genies
enemies within 4", incurring a -1 penalty to their to-hit rolls (both
with missiles and with close combat weapons) and all saves.
Genies Luck: Genie have been around for centuries and due to
their prophetic powers are very good at avoiding trouble. This power
confers a 4+ Ward save. If no save normally applies (e.g. against
magic weapons) then she gains a 6+ save.

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Magician Skills
Mage Guild Heroes may use the following skill table instead of any
of the standard skill tables available to them.
Store Spell: Must have a staff to use this skill. Choose a spell to cast
on the staff. If successful the staff will hold it for that game. The
Mage may than cast it later with a +3 to the roll for casting. If you
roll a double when attempting to cast the spell it is lost.
Dispel: The Mage has learnt to cancel out other Magic Users Spells
by roll greater than your opponent's successful casting roll to dispel
the spell. The skills Sorcery, Mind Focus, & Magical
Aptitude from the Academic skill can be used with this Skill.
Aura of Protection: this gives the Mage a 6+ ward save against
magic, this can be used with the Mages Robe to have a 4+ ward
Save against magic.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mummy Special Skills

Thieves Skills

By Dark_Flame

By Michael Yungbluth

The Curse: The Mummy has gained the protection of the Gods,
allowing him to strike a deadly curse on those who would dare
damage its sacred remains. Any model who takes the mummy with
this skill out of action, must pass a leadership test (on their own
unmodified leadership score), or take an automatic wound, with no
armor saves allowed, and if they are reduced to zero wounds must
roll on the injury table as normal. This applies to the model who
actually struck the killing blow, including shooters. Only Mummies
may have this skill.
Relentless Assault: A mummy with this skill, takes an opportunity
of an opponents weakness from a successful hit on a charge, and
makes an additional blow on the enemy to finish off their foe. If a
mummy with this skill inflicts a wound when charging (before
armor saves), he may immediately make an additional attack, which
has a +1 bonus to hit. Only one additional attack is allowed per
combat phase. If the target was knocked down or stunned by the
blow, he may use this additional attack to take the enemy out of
action. If the attack takes a foe out of action, it may be redirected to
another enemy, as long as it is in base to base contact, but the attack
does not benefit from the +1 to hit bonus.
Greater Fear: A Mummy in battle can break even the will of the
strongest willed of foes. Anyone who tests against fear when
fighting a mummy with this skill, suffers a -1 to their leadership
score for the test. This also applies to an all alone test, if the enemy
so happens to be outnumbered.
Extra Tough: A mummy with this skill, is almost impervious to
blows, as their hard flesh can take punishment and still allow the
mummy to keep going. The mummy ignores any Knocked Down
injury results (a Stunned result is treated as knocked down as
Greater Will (Tomb Lord Only): A Tomb Noble with this skill, can
reroll the first failed My Will be Done roll every battle.
Blessing of the Asp Goddess: The mummy with this skill, has been
blessed by the Asp Goddess with arrows which deliver a deadly
poison. If the model possesses asp arrows, the arrows count as being
permantly poisoned with Black Lotus (auto wound on a 6 to hit).

Sticky Fingers: Many thieves see no difference with stealing in the

middle of battle or out on the streets. When a model is taken out of
action do not remove him. If this model moves into base to base it
may attempt to steal something off it. The thief may steal one of
their weapons on a roll of 5+. The 5+ represents the difficulty of
prying it from their fingers and finding it on them. The thief may not
perform any other action while attempting to rob a model. This takes
one whole turn to do.
Infiltration: The Thief with this skill is always placed on the
battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere
on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and
more than 12" away from any enemy model. If both players have
models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the lowest roll sets
up first.
Knife fighting: On the streets most fighting is done with knives.
This model has grown so good at fighting with knives that he wields
them with an unnatural skill at aiming for vital spots. Model adds +1
to injury rolls it causes with knives and +1WS when using knives
(Only in hand to hand). Enemies still get the +1 to armour save.
Hide in Shadows: The model can blend into the shadows so that his
opponents will not see him. As long as he is within 1 of a wall or
other linear obstacle (hedges, fence, well, etc) opposing models
must pass an Initiative test in order to charge him. (This is the same
skill that the Imperial Assassin can use)
Sheer Speed: This model is well versed in running from the law. He
has learned much in the art of running as such he has gained +1 to
his movement. Only the Master Thief and the Shadow Foot may
take this seeing they have had much more practice over the years.

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The player with the lowest warband rating rolls on the Scenario table to determine which scenario is played. In the scenarios where there is
an attacker and a defender, the same player can choose which he is. Roll for warriors with old battle wounds to see whether they can
participate in the battle or not and set up the terrain and warbands according to rules for the scenario that you are playing. If you wish you
can play a tunnel scenario instead, see the Tunnel rules section for details. Where the scenario refers to Wyrdstone, substitute artefacts and
items of treasure which have an equivalent value.

Scenario: Defend the Oasis

Scenario: Defend the Tomb

Your warband has found an oasis to camp at. These finds are
essential to the warriors survival. As you are taking a break you are
set upon by another band that wish to steal your cache of water.

So that players can try out these new rules weve included this
special scenario. Your warband has entered a tomb and found the
main burial chamber. After plundering it you hear the sounds of
another warband entering the tomb. You must get it out without
getting caught.

Place terrain in centre of 4'x4' board 12" from the edges. Rocks,
trees, small buildings/ruins are great for this. One item represents a
well or pool.

The warband with the lowest rating defends the oasis. If you have
the same number of warriors the one with the lowest water count
defends. If water counts are equal, then roll to see who defends.
Interestingly Undead will defend an oasis even though they have no
use for the water.

The defender deploys first, within 6" of the well or pool. The
attacker deploys within 6" of any table edge.

The dungeon is laid out with a large objective room at the centre.
The objective room should have at least three entrances, more if
possible. The defending warband is deployed first, inside or within
6" of the objective room. The attacker is deployed within 6" of any
one or more entrances. The game ends if at the end of the defenders
turn the attacker has more standing models inside the objective room
than the defender. Alternatively, when one warband fails its Rout
test the game ends.


Ending the Game

Roll to see who starts inside the tomb. Highest roll chooses.
Whoever starts at the entrance of the tomb goes first and is the
attacker. The defender deploys first inside the Burial chamber. The
attacker(s) then deploy within the entrance room(s).

If a warband fails a Rout test the game ends. If the attacking

warband has more men within 6" of the well than the defender at the
end of a turn then the attacker wins.

The attacker goes first. If there is more than one attacker then roll to
see who goes first.

Starting the game

The attacker takes the first turn.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they
gain +1 Experience.
+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1
extra Experience.
+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for
each enemy he puts out of action.

The winner may fill his water supply to the maximum. Remember
that you cannot carry more water and treasure than your burden
When trading, the winner may remain at the oasis (since they
successfully defended or captured it), and rolls for a caravan (3+) as
normal. Meanwhile, the defeated warband has to roll on the
Exploration chart with a -1 modifier, (as finding another oasis would
be considerably difficult).

Starting the game

Special Rules
One figure is nominated to carry the treasure chest. He may only
walk with it (no running or charging unless attacking someone
within walking distance). The person with the chest may not use
two-handed weapons. When the person carrying the chest is taken
Out of Action another figure may pick up the chest by standing next
to it for one turn without doing anything.

Ending the Game

The game ends when all but one warband fails a Rout test. Whoever
gets the treasure out of the tomb wins.

+1 Survives. If the Hero or Henchman group survive the battle they
gain +1 experience
+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 experience for
each person he puts Out of Action.
+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1
+1 Getting the Treasure. The warrior who carries the treasure out of
the tomb gains +1 experience.

The winner gets D6x10 GC & D3 gems worth D6x5 GC and gets to
roll for treasure on the following chart. Roll three times on the chart
below to find out what else you get.
Treasure Found
1 Heavy Armour
2 D3 Scimitars (count as hand weapons)
3 D6 Jambyias (dagger)
4 Gem-encrusted Helmet worth D6x10 GC
5 Shield
6 Monkeys Paw


Scenario: Tomb Raid

The warbands have heard rumours of a tomb in the area with
treasure. Each warband is trying to find it first and make it back out
of the tomb alive.

Assembled by Paul H

Use tiles to represent the tomb. Place the Burial chamber in the
centre of the table and an entrance in room one of the corners of the
table. If more than two warbands are playing, place as many
entrance tiles as needed at the corners.

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Roll to see who has the first turn. Highest D6 score chooses the
starting tile.

Starting the game

Roll to see who goes first. Highest D6 score starts.

Special Rules
Each warband is trying to get to the centre chamber to get the
treasure chest. Once there they must attempt to carry it out of the
tomb. A warrior must be in contact with the treasure chest for a turn
to pick it up. Once carrying it, he must move at half speed. If two
warriors are carrying the chest they may move at normal speed. If a
warrior routs whilst carrying the chest it must be dropped
immediately in the tile he is in.

Ending the Game

If a warband routs the game ends. If the treasure chest is removed
from the board that warband wins.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they
gain +1 Experience.
+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1
extra Experience.
+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for
each enemy he puts out of action.

In the tomb the winner gets D3 items of treasure from the following
chart. Roll a D6 each time to find out what you get.
Treasure Found
1 Heavy armour
2 D3 Scimitars
3 D6 Jambyias (daggers)
4 Gem-encrusted helmet worth D6x10 gc
5 Shield
6 Monkeys paw

Scenario: Protect the Prince

(Scenario for 2-4 players)
Many stories have been told of wealthy princes or other nobles
travelling through the hot deserts of Araby and never reaching their
destinations. Most of the merchants that travel the deserts are
attacked by all sorts of raiders seeking to steal their riches. These
stories persuade the merchants to protect themselves from whatever
may happen, and hire mercenary warbands to do their fighting for

Half of the warbands fighting this scenario are defending the
merchants wagon from attack whilst the other half are trying to raid
the wagon of the merchant. Determine who are defenders and
attackers in the usual way except there may be more than one of
each. If there is an odd number of warbands then there will be one
more defending player. The defenders job is to provide enough of a
distraction to the opposing warband(s) for the prince to make it
safely off of the opposite edge. The attackers job is to prevent the
prince from escaping to the other side of the table by attacking and
putting him out of action.

The battle takes place in the open. The scenery may consist of
dunes, oases and ruined buildings. Place them as normal.

The defenders are set up first on one long edge of the battlefield.
Next the attackers set up on either of the two short sides.

Special Rules
The prince will follow any friendly model up to the limits of his
movement. If he is more than 1" from a friendly Hero at the start of
the Movement phase, then he will run the maximum distance in a
random direction (use a Scatter dice). If this takes him into base
contact with an enemy then this counts as charging. He will not
voluntarily charge an enemy.
If any unengaged enemy models are within 2" at the beginning of
the movement phase he will flee directly away from the closest one.
He will rally by passing a Leadership test in the usual way. If a
friendly model is in base contact he may also make a Leadership test
to restrain the cowardly prince.
Each defending player controls the prince in their turn. This may
create some interesting conflicts in a multi-player game. His profile
is as follows:

Prince 4
Equipment: He is equipped with a Scimitar (sword) and a
Jambiya (dagger).
Ending the Game
A defender wins the game if he is in control of the prince when he
makes it off the appropriate table edge. If he flees off another table
edge then neither side wins. An attacker wins by killing the prince
before he leaves. In a multi-player game warbands may choose to
ally and share the victory and winnings.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they
gain +1 Experience
+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1
extra Experience.
+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for
each enemy he puts out of action.
+1 Killing the prince. Any character who puts the prince out of
action gains +1 Experience.

If the prince escapes he will reward his protectors with 4D6 gold
crowns from his purse. If he is killed then the winning warband will

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find 2D6 gold crowns, plus jewellery equivalent to two pieces of
treasure on his body.

Scenario: Dark Ritual

By Sam Sedghi
(Scenario for 2-4 players)

Scenario: Blood Shrine

By Sam Sedghi
(Scenario for 2-4 players)
In the Lands of Khemri, there are many forgotten ruins and shrines.
Many seek after these shrines and ruins. The undead seek to
strengthen their power by unlocking the secrets of these old relics.
Whilst humanity seeks to destroy or bless the ruins. One such ruins
are the Blood Shrines, not much is known about these relics and
only a few stumble across them.

Each player takes it in turn to place a piece of Terrain, rocks, sand
dune (hills), or other similar item (make sure that there is allot of
terrain). Place a shrine in the middle of the board. I suggest that the
terrain is set up within an area of 4'x4'.

Each Player rolls a dice. Whoever scores higher decides which table
edge they set up on & who goes first. Warbands have an 8' set up
from the table edge.

Special Rules
The game lasts for 6 turns, there are three artefacts within the shrine.
The warbands must take and hold the Shrine. If an Undead player
achieves victory then roll on this table. (The three artefacts are
included in the table)
2-6 the Blood Shrine has already been defiled.
7-8 3d6 GC
9-11 Sacrificial dagger (3d6 +4 GC)
12 Great Scimitar
If any player except Undead achieves victory. Your warband loots
the shrine earning 4d6 +6 GC.

Ending the Game

The warband with the most models standing within 4" of the Shrine
at the end of the sixth turn. Or if one of the players route.
Multiplayer: The warband with the most models standing within 4"
of the Shrine at the end of the sixth turn. Or if all warbands route,
except for the last one.

+1 Survives. If a hero or a henchman group survives the battle they
gain +1 experience.
+1 Winning leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1
extra experience.
+1 Per enemy out of Action. Any hero earns +1 experience for each
enemy model he puts out of action.

Mordheim Supplement

In the dark lands of Khemri. There are those who wish to increase
their power through the dark arts. Such events as sacrifice are not
uncommon. Many ambitious Necromancers wish enhance their
power through such Blood Ritual. Many a helpless maidens have
been taking from small settlements. However there are those who
wish to thwart this evil act & those to steal it for themselves.

Each Player takes it in to place a piece of terrain. Either sand dunes
or ruins or similar items. Place an altar into he centre of the table
with a Necromancer and victim. I suggest that the terrain is set up
roughly by 4' x 4'.

Both players roll a D6 to see who deploys first. Whoever rolls
highest sets up first within 8' of the table each of his choice. His
opponent then sets up within 8' of the opposite edge.

Special Rules
Place a model to represent a necromancer
Necromancer 4
Place a model to represent the victim
Victim 4

The Necromancer will sacrifice the Victim on the 4th turn. The
warbands must kill the necromancer before the 4th turn. If they do
not then they lose the extra experience points gained after the game.
Warbands must rescue the Victim, once the necromancer is dead and
the victim is 2" near a unit, the unit may take the victim. You must
escort the victim to the nearest table edge. Once of the board you
win the game. A warrior can carry the victim without penalty.
Warriors can't transfer the victim to another warrior. If the warrior
carrying the victim is taking out of action place the victim on the
table where he fell.
The victim rescued by a war band of good alignment receives 3d6
+10 GC. The victims rescued by a warband of evil alignment is
sacrificed and the Leader gain +1 exp.

Ending of the Game

When the Victim has been rescued. Or when one-warband fails its
route test.
Multiplayer: When the Victim has been rescued. Or when all but
one-warband fails it's route test.

+1 survives if a hero or a henchman groups survives a battle they
gain +1 exp.
+1 winning leader, the leader of the winning warband gains +1 exp.
+2 to the warrior who rescues the victim.
+1 per enemy out of action. Any hero earns +1 exp for each enemy
he puts out of action.

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Scenario: The Black Pyramid

Since the last battle for the rule on Khemri, no one has ever put foot
inside the black pyramid, as it was surrounded by an intense aura of
death, even stronger than any other pyramid or crypt. Centuries
have past, and now that treasure hunters have arrived to Khemri,
the Safety of its treasures is in danger. After raiding the tombs of the
ancient, and a couple of lesser pyramids, leaving behind a lot of
victims of dark spells, traps, fights and evil curses, the tomb raiders
now look up at the greater pyramids, and above all of them, the
black pyramid of Nagash.
The power hidden in these targets is great, and magic users seek to
put their hands on that power, so to get above their brothers and
aim to the higher level of their college, to be High master of their
order, to be the greatest of the world. Gold, artefacts, precious
objects are targeted by men that aim to get rich and be selfsufficient for the rest of their life.
But no one knows what the dark corridors and chambers hide, they
only think of getting rich and strong, and so no one thinks to go
towards their own damnation, to be part of the mighty undead
Khemrian army.
The black pyramid hides the knowledge of the most infamous
necromancer history remembers so far, together with very powerful
artefacts and precious jewellery and gold. Other pyramids just hide
treasures and other artefacts. The black pyramid has a central
chamber where Nagash was taking his experiments, and contains
one of the books where he was writing the results of them. Now it is
occupied by an evil liche priest, who is trying to get hold of the
secrets of that book.

Using the Tiles system, start at the centre of the table place the
chamber, with D6+2 traps. At each side of the table put the
entrances to the pyramid, where the warbands start.

Special rules
Traps: while placing tiles, roll a D6: on a score of 1-2 place a trap,
accordingly to the tiles rules this will be a simple, dud or complex
Animals: scarabs appear on a roll of double on a roll of 2D6;
generate D6 scarabs that are placed at the opposite side of the
warband and move towards it.
Dark rules apply: movement of units without a torch or lantern is
halved; sight is reduced to D6-1 inches when trying to charge an
Chamber guards: the chambers are eternally lighted, so entering
them restores the full sight of the warband members; when entering
a chamber roll a D6: on a score of 1 to 4, D3+1 skeletons rise from
the ground or out from the walls, and charge the nearest unit.
The Central Chamber: this one is guarded by 2D3+2 skeletons,
plus a liche priest of the mortuary cult with one spell to command
them, and D4-1 mummies. The Liche priest has two random
mortuary cult spells
Curses: The models that come to be at about 3 from the altar are
examined by the snake god, and theyr bad intentions are revealed to
him, so he casts on them a curse.
These models must take a Ld test, and if they fail, then they are all
hit by a random curse (roll 2D6):
2 or 12 The curse of ages: all stats are halved (applies only
The curse of blind: Ws, Ds and I suffer a 1 (until a
minimum of 1)
The curse of weakness: S and T suffer a 1 (until a
minimum of 1)
The curse of the mind: become affected by stupidity
9-11 The curse of the dead: must take a Ld-2 test every turn
or be taken by fear and refuse to move or fight.

Curses do not apply to undead beings, except for necromancers,

liches, dregs and vampires (Let say undead with thinking brain).
To remove a curse warbands need to use one holy or unholy relic for
each cursed hero or unit.
Relics are valid even when getting hit by a curse, but they get
exhausted by countering the strong powers that keep up the curse.

Ending the game

If a warband fails a Rout test the game ends. a warband gets out of
the pyramid with the black tome of necromancy after eliminating the
threat of the central chamber.

+1 for winning the game
+1 for every enemy put out of action
+2 for killing the liche priest
+1 for sufviving the battle
+1 for avoiding a trap threat

When entering a chamber, take note that you have passed it; once
finished the game roll an equal number of D6 to the amount of
chambers you have visited: the score is equal to the gold you find in
If encountering chamber guards, then roll a D6 for three times for
each skeleton you battle: on a score of 4+ you get hold of a sword;
on a score of 5+ you find a shields; on a score of 6 you find a light
The central chamber: If you win the battle in this chamber, roll an
amount of D6 equal to the number of skeletons you encounter and
follow the above rule; then roll a D6 for every mummy to find, on a
scor of 4+, a mace; finally roll for th liche priest and follow this
4D6 gold coins
D3 gems (value 10 GC each)
A sword or Scimitar
Hold of a magic tome
The hero or unit that kills the liche priest gets hold of the black tome
of necromancy: if this one is put out of action by an opponent, then
it passes to the one that put him out of action.

Magic Item
The black tome of necromancy has different uses according to the
warband that gets hold of it:
Human: if there is a warrior priest, he sends it to the supreme
patriarch of his religion, gaining a 2 on the difficulty of a spell, or a
new spell with a 2 difficulty; if not, then the Leader gains +2
experience by sending it to the colleges of magic
Undead: a liche priest, vampire or necromancer gains the ability of
summoning skeletons, generating D3 skeletons per game (they dont
count for the Ld test when loosing 25% of the band)
Skaven/Chaos: a skaven or chaos warband magicuser or chief gain
+2 experience for devoting the book to the chaos gods
Other warbands: gain d6+2 x10 gold crowns for selling it to a

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Mordheim Supplement

Scenario: The Serpent Alter

(Scenario for 2-4 players)

2 or 12

A long time ago there were around the desert some shrines that were
dedicated to the cult of the snake god, and charming snakes was an
art that now only few snake charmers are able to perform, although
it isnt as strong as it was at that time.
Now these cults are gone forever, and the temples, with the buildings
that came up around them, are just ruins covered by the desert
sands, but still full of lost treasures and also snake nests.
As with other ruins in Khemry, even these ones are protected by
dark powers, and have been many that have asked hospitality in the
empires temples so that the monks could free them from dark

At the centre of the table put the altar, surrounded by 6 8
ruined pillars at 4" from the altar, in circle; place a treasure
token near the altar. Place ruins starting from 4" from the
Players deployment zones are inside 8 max from table edge.
Special rules
Snakes: at every turn roll a D6, and act according this chart:
at up to 6 from the altar D3 snakes appear by rolling 1 to 5;
Less than 6"
6" to 8"
8" to 10"
10" to 12"

D6 Result

Snakes are placed at 6 from the nearest model to the altar,

even if it is an enemies model, and move D6 towards it to
attack it.
If a warband has a snake charmer, he can try to gain control
on them by getting a 5 to 6 score on a D6: taking control of
the snake gods minions isnt that easy after all!!!!
Curses: The models that come to be at about 3 from the
altar are examined by the snake god, and theyr bad intentions
are revealed to him, so he casts on them a curse.
These models must take a Ld test, and if they fail, then they
are all hit by a random curse (roll 2D6):

Assembled by Paul H


The curse of ages; all stats are halved (applies only

The curse of blind; Ws, Ds and I suffer a 1 (until a
minimum of 1)
The curse of weakness: S and T suffer a 1 (until a
minimum of 1)
The curse of the mind: become affected by stupidity
The curse of the dead: must take a Ld-2 test every turn
or be taken by fear and refuse to move or fight.

Curses do not apply to undead beings, except for

necromancers, liches, dregs and vampires (Let say undead
with thinking brain).
To remove a curse warbands need to use one holy or unholy
relic for each cursed hero or unit.
Relics are valid even when getting hit by a curse, but they get
exhausted by countering the strong powers that keep up the
Ending the game
By take back the treasure to owns deployment zone, or by
routing the enemies.
+1 for winning the game
+1 for enemy put out of action
+1 for taking away the treasure (apply to miniature/s that
carried the chest)
+1 survives if a hero or a henchman groups survives a battle
they gain +1 exp.
The treasure chest contains these following things (roll a D6)
4D6 gold coins
D3 gems (value 10 GC each)
Monkey Paw
A light armour
A sword or Scimitar
A mace
A book of magic

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Khemri, Land of the Dead

Scenario: One Mans Rescue is Another Man's Kidnap

Throughout history, intelligent beings have always coveted one
anothers possessions whether thats his gold, weapons or slaves;
so it is in Khemri too. Kidnapping is not uncommon in the land of
dunes and palms whether for ransom, political advantage or use as
raw materials! Many of these victims are subject to a rescue
attempt, either by the victims family, hired mercenaries or by
another group who also wants to ransom the victim.
This scenario is classically played out between Nomad warbands,
but can be played by any warband.

The defender first sets up a camp at least 18" from any table edge.
The camp consists of at least one tent for every three members of
the warband, excluding animals and Undead henchmen (who dont
need tents). In any case the camp must have at least two tents. Also
see Tents hereafter. Each player then takes it in turn to place other
pieces of terrain an oasis, sand dunes, ruins, etc, at least 4" away
from any other piece of scenery.

The objective of the game is for the attacking warband to free the
kidnap victim and escort him/her (preferably alive) from the table.
The defenders must try to keep the victim on the table (and alive). If
the victim dies, the game is considered a draw neither side gets the
win bonus additional Experience points and gold.

The defender sets up the warbands models anywhere within the
camp, including inside the tents. The kidnap victim model must be
set up inside a tent profile as a Young Blood. Models should be set
up inside tents in secret ask your opponent to look away as you
place any of your models inside the tents. The attacker sets up on
any side, no more than 8" onto the table. The attacker goes first.

Special Rules
The victim is considered free if at the end of any turn there is an
attacking warrior model within 2" and he is closer than a defender.
The victim model may then move as normal.

Ending the Game

The game ends when the victim has been rescued, or when one
warband fails a Rout test. The winning warband gains 5D6+10 GC
as a ransom/reward.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives a battle they
gain +1 Experience.
+1 Per enemy out of action. Any Hero earns +1 Exp. for each enemy
he puts out of action.
+1 Winning leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1
+1 Rescuer. The warrior who rescues the victim gains +1
*Note: The last two are not awarded if the kidnap victim dies.

Special Rules Tents

Cost: 20+2D6GC
Those that travel the deserts require shelter from the freezing nights
and often-fierce sandstorms. The inhabitants of Khemri have
developed light, robust tents to protect them from the extremes of
the desert. These are frequently quite lavish and opulent displaying
the owners wealth with items such as embroidered wall hangings,
silk pillows and rare rugs.
Tents normally have only one entrance and only one model may
shoot from a tent each turn. If an attacking model is within 2" of the
entrance to a tent he can see inside remove the canopy, revealing
the models within.
Because of the tents narrow entrance, it is unusual for more than
one model to be able to fight in hand-to-hand combat (depending on
your model tent). If a model in the entrance to the tent (either
immediately inside or outside) is stunned, then any standing model
in base contact may move it outside. Either player may move the
model, but the player controlling the model has the final decision if
there is any dispute. Place the stunned model to one side of the tent
entrance, but move it no more than 2". This will allow attackers to
gain entrance by dragging enemies out or pushing injured warband
members out of the way. A model may not be moved and then
attacked in the same turn (although he may be attacked then
moved). Assume that the stunned model is moved at the end of the
current players turn.
Because of the cramped conditions, weapons that require two hands
to use (including halberds and most missile weapons) cannot be
used inside a tent.

Optional Rules
This adds a level of complexity, slowing down the game; it also
allows for greater tactical flexibility and realism.
Damaging Tents: Tents are made of a tough, hard wearing material
but can be slashed and cut open using natural claws, a dagger or
other bladed weapon (but not a hammer, dogs paws, camel hooves,
etc). In game terms they have a Toughness of 2, 4 Wounds and count
as flammable.
If a sharp weapon causes a wound, a hole has been opened. Place a
marker to indicate where this improvised opening is. However, a
successful Initiative test must be made to enter, otherwise the
warrior has become tangled in the tents fabric and can do nothing
else this turn. A warrior, thus entangled, may be attacked from inside
or outside the tent, and the entangled warrior is at half WS when
defending himself.
If reduced to 0 Wounds, the tent collapses. All inside must make a
successful Initiative test to free themselves. They may do nothing
else until freed, nor may they be attacked. The kidnap victim must
be freed from a collapsed tent by a warrior she is tied up and
cannot free herself.

Tent Models
The tent models should be made with one entrance and so that no
more than six models (20mm bases) can fit inside. They can be
round or rectangular (rectangular is easier for game play) both are
appropriate for the setting. Make the tents such that the canvas can
be lifted off to leave a floor area with some wall (about an inch or
so) so that the entrance is clearly marked.

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Scenario: Sandstorm
The game ends when all war bands save one has failed its rout test.

(Scenario for 2-4 players)

Unfortunate adventurers are greeted by rolling storm of sand that
cut visibility to almost nothing. It is easy to become lost and
disorientated when each way you look is a sea is a harsh and
relentless attack from the storm. It is the dread fear of any treasure
hunter to run across a rival warband in the sandstorm, to not know
exactly who it is you are fighting until it is too late...

Each of the players take turns placing pieces of terrain. They may
place either sand dunes, ruins, rock outcropping, cactus growth or
other similar item. We suggest that the terrain be set up within an
area roughly 4'x4'

Roll a D3 for each war band playing. The number rolled indicates
the number of mirage counters to be placed on the table. Players
alternate placing the tokens. You can roll off for who places the first
one if you cant decide arbitrarily. The Mirage tokens must be 10
from the edge of the table and at least 6 away from each other.
When a member of the war band (animals such as war hounds and
other things that cannot gain experience due to their lack of
intelligence cannot check mirages) encounters a mirage token roll
2D6 on the following table:

Special rules
There is a mild sandstorm (not very heavy) covering the whole
table. To represent this warbands have a -1M and -4" to their missile
weapon range. This would make a long bow maximum range 26"
rather than its normal 30". The skill "Leadership" is reduced to half
range, i.e. anyone wanting to use the LD value of the hero with
Leadership must be within 3" of the model.

Each player rolls a D6. Whoever rolls the highest chooses which
table edge to set up on, placing all his warriors within 8" of the table
edge. His opponent then sets up on the other side as normal.

Starting the game

All players roll a D6 the highest rolling player has the first turn.

+1 If a hero or henchman group survives the battle they receive +1
+1 Winning Leader: The leader of the winning warband gains +1
+1 Per enemy out of action: Any hero earns +1 experience for each
enemy model he puts out of action
+1 Artifact: For the winning warband

Mirage Table

the mirage turns out to be a vengeful spirit! Roll equal to or

under your toughness on 1D6 to avoid becoming stunned as
the spirit ravages your mind. Regardless of the outcome of
this roll, the spirit wanders off afterwards and no longer
affects the skirmish.
3-5 the mirage fades before your eyes!
6-8 the glint you detected turns out to be an item of value or
similar treasure or item relevant to your war band! It can be
picked up and carried just like a wyrdstone token in other
scenarios IE it cannot be traded and if the model carrying it
is put out of action place the token where the model last
was. It can be then picked up and carried by another model.
If the game ends or you rout while you are still carrying the
valuable add it to your total for the battle in addition to
whatever is found in the exploration phase.
9-11 the mirage fades before your eyes!
12 the mirage turns out to be an honest to goodness oasis! the
discovering model can fill up their water units. Any other
model can fill up on water at the mirage assuming there are
no enemy models within 6 otherwise they are too distracted
to fill canteens. In addition whoever wins the battle
regardless of which band discovers it has access to unlimited
free water in the exploration phase and their water counter
may be set to maximum.

Ending the game

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During the Exploration phase, the warbands will find
equipment, weapons and armour that they can use, and items
that can be traded for gold. The items are supposed to be
exchanged for supplies at the main camp or traded with other
warbands for equipment.
At the end of each battle, a warband may roll on the
Khemrian Exploration chart (below). There are some
multiples that result in a trap or encountering a monster. The
entry for the result will detail what happens. As the Hero runs
the risk of being seriously injured, it is a good idea to choose
a Hero with good characteristics as it improves his chances of

surviving the encounter. In Khemri the warbands search for

treasure in the form of gems, gold, and ancient artifacts,
rather than Wyrdstone. However, this makes no difference as
far as the rules go, where the rules read Wyrdstone treat it as
Equipment is bought from the Khemrian equipment list and
follows all rules from page 225 in the Mordheim Rulebook
(V2.1). Equipment that is found can only be used by a
warrior that can buy such items in his equipment list or who
has the relevant skill to use such weapons.

Exploration chart
If you roll several of a kind in your Exploration phase, you have found additional items, just as exploring the ruins of
Lost Mule
111111 The Tomb of The King
Lost Pouch
Deep Well
222222 Statue of the Sphinx
Besieged Caravan
333333 Slaughtered Warband
Mad Man
Lost Treasure
444444 Lamp of the Djinn
Dead Camel
555555 Flying Carpet
666666 Magic Rope
Lamp of Djinn
Snake Pit
Old Campsite
Boulder Race
Lost Zombie
Rare Herb
Ruined Temple
Secret Door

(11) Stash

(44) Mad Man

A badly weathered monolith in the desert, covered in indecipherable

markings implies there could be treasure beneath.
Chose one of your Heroes and make a test against his Strength on a
D6. If successful the Hero manages to lift the rock and reveal the
treasure underneath add one valuable to the warbands treasury. If
the Hero fail the test he has been injured and misses the next battle
as he recovers.

you encounter an insane wanderer in the desert. He talks to

apparitions and screams about the horrors of the desert.
Good warbands (humans, Elves, Dwarfs etc,) can try to make sense
of his madness and in doing so learn about the local desert. In the
next exploration Phase the warband may roll one more dice and then
discard one dice.
Undead warbands can kill the man and gain a new Zombie or
Skeleton; whichever is available to that warband.
Skaven, Chaos or greenskin warbands can sacrifice the man to their
dark gods and the leader of the warband gains +1 experience.

(22) Lost Pouch

As the warband shuffles across yet another sand dune one of the
Heroes notices a leather pouch half-buried in the sand.
The pouch contains D6 gc and if a 1 is rolled a Lucky Charm as

(33) Skeleton
The warband stumbles upon a sand blasted skeleton. Some of its
equipment is still useable.
Roll a D6 to see what is found when the skeleton is searched:
1-2 D6 gold crowns
3 Club
4 Spear
5 Scimitar (Sword)
6 Light Armour

(55) Dead Camel

A common sight in the desert, this has a large chest strapped to its
Roll a D6 to see what of value the chest contains:
1-2 Map of the Desert (Use the rules for the Mordheim map in
this rulebook)
3-4 A ring worth 2D6 gold crowns.
5-6 A flashy silver gilded sword and dagger set. They can be
kept and used or sold for double the usual selling price of a
sword and dagger.

(66) Jackal
A common desert dwelling creature, this will make for a good meal.
The jackal can be skinned which will sell for D6 gold coins.

Page 49

Assembled by Paul H

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

(111) Lamp of Djinn

(444) Lost Zombie

As you walk, you trip on some buried in the Sand. On investigation

you find a lamp. In an attempt to clean it to assess its value, you
give it a rub. To the astonishment of the whole warband a strange
magical creature seemingly comprised of mist emerges from the
lamp and asks your bidding.

A lone zombie is found shambling through the desert. After sighting

your warband it shambles toward it mumbling the word brains.
Your warband easily subdues the zombie without injury.
Roll a D6 to find out what the zombie was carrying:
1 Club
2 D6+3 GC
3 Sword
4 Lucky charm
5 Throwing knives
6 Light armour

(222) Pool
In the dark recesses of a tomb a small pool of cool sweet water has
somehow survived.
2D6 water units can be collected from the pool.

(333) Old Campsite

Your warband encounters a hastily abandoned campsite. Looks like
they had reason to leave in a hurry since many supplies are lying
around forgotten.
Your warband finds 2D6 GC worth of salvageable supplies.

(555) Rare Herb

In a deep crevice within a rocky outcrop your warband discovers a
jar sealed with bees wax. The jar contains a blend of rare and
powerful herbs that expand the mind and impart wisdom.
Any of the warbands Heroes capable of gaining experience and
using drugs can consume the herbs and gain +1 experience. The jar
contains enough for D3 doses but once opened the herbs must be
used immediately or they will wither and become useless.

(666) Signpost
A rare sight in Araby but at least it means the warband has found
The knowledge of where to find a near by settlement lays imparts a
+3 on the roll to see what supply source is available for the next
skirmish your warband fights in.

Four of Kind
(1111) Lost Mule

(4444) Lost Treasure

A forlorn and pathetic looking mule is encountered lying on its side

dying. It pathetically whinnies at your warband.
If the warband can give the mule 3 Water units the mule will be
revived enough to get up and follow the warband. Warbands not
allowed to use animals must sell the mule at the first possible
opportunity and cannot use it to carry anything or in battle. (See the
Mordheim Rulebook Vision 2.1)

In an alcove in a small cave you find an old chest which contains

two near priceless giant pearls.
The warband gains two items of treasure.

(2222) Deep Well

How fortunate you find a well that no one is guarding. This is your
lucky day. Better hurry before the owners come back though...
The warband gains as much water as they like for free. You can't
have more water than you can carry!

(3333) Besieged Caravan

The warband hears screams and animal howls. They run to
investigate and find a caravan under attack by jackals. With the
assistance of your warband, the caravan guards drive off the
jackals. The Caravan Master approaches you, overjoyed.
The caravan leader offers to sell anything he has available to you at
cost. All the normal rules for trading with a caravan apply but
everything is half price! Roll the cost of an item and divide by two.
This means you can buy and sell things for the exact same amount
of money.

Assembled by Paul H

(5555) Wadi
The warband comes across a long dried up stream. You sigh at the
thought of a raging river of clean cool water and prepare to move
on, but wait what was that sparkle? On closer inspection you find
several gold nuggets on the riverbank.
The warband gains 4D6 gold crowns

(6666) Mausoleum
The warband encounters a lone mausoleum set in a cliff face.
Unscrupulous warbands can loot this final resting-place for the
wealthy. Religious warbands or tomb guardians will seal the tomb.
You may choose how you treat the graves.
Warbands of the first type gain D6x10 gold crowns. The second type
gains D6 Experience points to distribute among the heroes of the
warband at your discretion.

Page 50

Mordheim Supplement

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Five of Kind
(11111) Treasury

(44444) Maze

Uncovered in a sandstorm a lavish building is discovered that

contains the valuables of an ancient noble.
Inside, hidden amongst the debris, you find D6 x 10 GC worth of
gold and treasure.

The warband discovers a necropolis half buried by the sand and

dispatches a Hero to investigate. The Hero gets himself lost in the
maze of tunnels! He will miss the next game and possibly others
after that too.
Randomly select a Hero. He became lost in the maze and will miss
D3 games while he attempts find his way out. If he rolls a 1 then he
is lost forever and is removed from the warbands roster. Any
equipment he has is lost with him.

(22222) Snake Pit

As the warband is making its way through some ruined buildings a
Hero notices a shrine with a hole in the floor. Upon further
investigation he notices that it was once a nest of venomous snakes,
obviously a snake sacrificial pit. There are several corpses down in
the pit amongst the snake skeletons and some of them still have their
equipment with them.
You manage to get hold of the following items. Roll for every item
separately (apart from the gold crowns) to see if you find it.

A Purse with 2D6 GC
A Duelling Pistol
A Sword
D3 valuables

D6 Result Needed

Time has destroyed this once beautiful building, making it unsafe for
all but the most daring to explore.
You find D3 pieces of treasure amongst the ruins. In addition take a
Leadership test against the leaders Ld. If passed a black hound that
was guarding the temple joins the warband. Use the profile for a war

(66666) Secret Door

(33333) Boulder Race

As the Hero prises a carved jade statue from its place in an ancient
temple, he suddenly realises that he has triggered a trap. At that
moment, a giant boulder comes rolling down into the tunnel!
Choose one Hero to attempt to recover the statue. The Hero must
roll less than or equal to his run distance on 2D6. Note that he may
use the Sprint skill if he has it. If the Hero fails this roll he dies!
Remove him from the roster. If the Hero survives, he may sell the
jade statue for 50 GC. He also gains +1 experience.

(55555) Ruined Temple

Whilst ransacking some ruins you stumble upon a secret door and
learn how to recognise these in the tunnels.
You may always re-roll one dice when doing Exploration rolls.
Make a note of this in your warbands roster sheet. Second and
subsequent Secret Doors you find do not grant you any additional
re-rolls, although you may find further re- rolls from other sources.

Page 51

Assembled by Paul H

Khemri, Land of the Dead

Mordheim Supplement

Six of Kind
(111111) The Tomb of The King

(333333) Slaughtered Warband

You have entered the inner sanctum of the necropolis the tomb of
the king himself. You sense danger here; the very walls seem to
watch you.
If you wish you can send one of your Heroes to search for treasure
hidden here. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the Hero is captured and
dragged away by Tomb Guardians to join the ranks of the Undead.
On a roll of 2 or more, he returns shaken but with D6+1 pieces of

You find the remains of a massacred warband. Bodies lay scattered

amongst the ruins still carrying some items of equipment.
You can find the following items. Roll for every item separately
(apart from the gold crowns and daggers) to see if you find it.

3D6x5 GC
D3 Suits of Light armour
Suit of Heavy armour
D6 Daggers
D3 Halberds
D3 Swords
D3 Shields
D3 Handguns
D3 Helmets
D6 Pistols

(222222) Statue of the Sphinx

Although there are many huge statues of Sphinxes scattered
throughout the desert, the most common are only a few feet tall.
Despite their small stature they hide many valuable gifts. It is said,
though, that only the wise may find these, for the inscrutable Sphinx
are reluctant to relinquish their treasure.
If you wish to challenge the Sphinx, pick a Hero. Roll a D6 and
add+1 for each Academic skill that character has. If the result is a 6
or more, then you have solved the Riddle of the Sphinx roll on
the table below to see what you have found. If you roll a 5 or less,
the Sphinx attacks the challenger. The model invariably comes off
worse, and spends the next battle recovering.

D3 pieces of treasure
5D6 x 5 GC
Snake Charmers flute
Suit of heavy armour
D3 jewels worth 10GC each
Holy (or Unholy) relic
Nomad robes
Monkeys paw

Assembled by Paul H

D6 Result Needed

D6 Result Needed

(444444) Lamp of the Djinn

You hear a noise from under a pile of rubble. On investigation you
find a lamp. In an attempt to clean it to assess its value, you give it a
rub. To the astonishment of the whole warband a strange magical
creature seemingly comprised of mist emerges from the lamp and
asks your bidding.

(555555) Flying Carpet

Rolled up in a corner of a ruined building you discover one of the
legendary magical flying carpets of Araby.

(666666) Magic Rope

The warband finds what looks like a snake. You hit it with a stick
and then feel rather foolish. It is nothing but a coil of rope but when
the correct tune is played on a flute the rope rises into the air and is
as solid as a ladder.
The rope allows the Hero to climb 12" up or down without having to
take an Initiative test.

Page 52

Mordheim, where plenty of settlements were near the city
and readily accessible to warbands, the tombs of Khemri are
isolated and far from civilization. To make matters worse,
they are within the desolate clutches of the desert, and which
is barely habitable. This makes the exploration of the tombs
much more complicated. Warbands find themselves far from
their source of supply, and often missing treasure hunters will
be found buried in the sand, killed not by the dangers within
tombs or by another warband, but by the harsh conditions of
the desert. And yet there are sources of supply and water in
the desert, scarce as they may be. These may come in the
form of the last of the great cities that once populated
Khemri, travelling merchants looking to take advantage of illequipped treasure hunters, or even a secret and beautiful oasis
where travelling caravans often make routine stops.
When a battle has ended, all players must roll 2D6 on the
following table to determine where (or if) they find a place to
resupply. The victor is allowed to add a +1 modifier to his

2-3 Nothing: The warband is lost in the desert, and cannot find
anyone to help them. They must survive to the end of the next battle
on what they unlike have now.
4-6 Merchant: The warband is approached by a travelling
merchant. He has all of the items available in his wagon, as well as
horses and/or camels, (whatever). Merchants are usually
unscrupulous, and will sell their wares to anyone. However, there
will be an increase in the cost of all items bought from the merchant,
as he has inflated prices. (So, say add an extra 25% to the cost of
everything). As well, he can provide Henchmen (no Heroes) at the
same cost increase, (as he will send a servant to retrieve them,) and
they will be available for your next battle. He will sell you water at
D6 GC per unit. The merchant will buy any treasure/wyrdstone
(whatever it is) for the regular cost. Models with the Haggle skill
will not suffer he price increase. All items with a Rare level 9+ will
not be available.
7-8 City: The warband comes upon an outpost in the desert (BelAliad;). They are given a relatively good welcome, and are able to
shop/trade/recruit as normal. Water will be sold to them for D3 GC
per unit.
9-10 Nomads/Well: The warband comes across a group of nomads
(D6+1) guarding a well. The warband can either buy items/water
from the nomads, or attack them to attempt to gain free access to the
well. (Nomad stats required) If the warband buys things, all items
are given a +3 to their Rare rating, including normally common
items. The items are sold at cost + 25% like the Merchant unless
sold to a model with the Haggle skill. Only Henchmen are available
to be bought, and no more than 3. Water will be sold at D6 GC per
unit. The nomads will buy treasure/wyrdstone as if your group was
one level larger (so a group of 1-3 would be counted as a group of 46, a group of 4-6 would be counted as a group of 7-9, and so on.) If
you attack the nomads, you must fight them as you would usually.
You will receive free water, but can only find common items, which
are treated as having a Rare value of 6, but are obviously free.
11-12 Oasis: The warband comes across a rare but beautiful desert
oasis. On a roll of a 3+ (with a +1 mod for every battle before that
you found nothing when searching like this), there is a large caravan
at the oasis as well. The caravan openly trades with the warband,
allowing the warband to reequip/recruit/sell as normally. Also, the
water here is plentiful, and the water may be restored entirely for

Price chart
The following chart indicates the cost of items available for sale at trading posts. The cost of rare items is included, but such items cannot
be bought unless they are available, as already described. In some cases the price is variable, and includes a basic cost plus a variable
extra amount, for example 20+3D6 gold crowns. For these items the extra variable cost reflects the rarity of the item the premium
which must be paid to buy it.
Close Combat Weapons
Crossbow.........................................................25 GC.......Common
Elf Bow..................................................35+3D6 GC.........Rare 11
Ankus..............................................................13 GC...........Rare 5
Javelins..............................................................5 GC.......Common
Axe....................................................................5 GC.......Common
Long Bow........................................................15 GC.......Common
Bagh Nakh (tiger claws)...........................20 per pair...........Rare 7
Nehekharan Javelins........................................10 GC...........Rare 6
Ball and Chain.................................................15 GC.......Common
Poison Wind Globes........................................25 GC.........Rare 11
Barbed Spear...................................................15 GC...........Rare 5
Repeater Bolt Thrower..................................150 GC.........Rare 11
Beastlash..................................................10+D6 GC...........Rare 8
Repeater Crossbow..........................................40 GC...........Rare 7
Boss Pole.........................................................20 GC.......Common
Short Bow..........................................................5 GC.......Common
Brazier Iron.....................................................35 GC...........Rare 7
Sling..................................................................2 GC.......Common
Censer..............................................................40 GC...........Rare 9
Sunstaff...........................................................50 GC.........Rare 12
Claw of the Old Ones......................................30 GC.........Rare 12
Sun Gauntlet....................................................40 GC.........Rare 12
Dagger (Jambiya).................................1st free/2 GC.......Common
Throwing Stars/Knives....................................15 GC...........Rare 5
Disease Dagger................................................15 GC...........Rare 9
Tufenk.............................................................30 GC.........Rare 11
Double-Handed Weapon..................................15 GC.......Common
Missile Weapon Upgrades
Dwarf Axe.......................................................15 GC...........Rare 8
Fighting Claws.....................................5 GC per pair...........Rare 7
Asp Arrows......................................................10 GC...........Rare 6
Flail.................................................................15 GC.......Common
Black Arrow...........................................25+2D6 GC...........Rare 9
Great Scimitar.................................................20 GC...........Rare 4
Composite / Compound................................2x Price...........Rare 6
Halberd............................................................10 GC.......Common
Fire Arrows...............................................30+D6 GC...........Rare 9
Hammer, staff, mace, club.................................3 GC.......Common
Hunting Arrows........................................25+D6 GC...........Rare 8
Horsemans Hammer.......................................12 GC.........Rare 10
Blackpowder Weapons
Katar................................................................15 GC...........Rare 6
Lance...............................................................40 GC...........Rare 8
Blunderbuss.....................................................30 GC.........Rare 10
Morning Star...................................................15 GC.......Common
Duelling Pistol.................................................30 GC.........Rare 11
Pike.................................................................12 GC...........Rare 7
Hand-held Mortar...................................80+2D6 GC.........Rare 12
Plague Sword...................................................40 GC.........Rare 11
Handgun..........................................................35 GC...........Rare 9
Punisher Whip.................................................15 GC...........Rare 8
Hochland Long Hunting Rifle.......................175 GC.........Rare 12
Rapier..............................................................15 GC...........Rare 5
Jezzail Rifle...................................................165 GC.........Rare 12
Saerath.............................................................20 GC.........Rare 10
Nuln Shotgun...................................................40 GC.........Rare 10
Scimitar...........................................................15 GC.......Common
Pistol...............................................................15 GC...........Rare 9
Scythe..............................................................35 GC.......Common
Repeater Handgun..................................60+2D6 GC.........Rare 12
Serpent Staff....................................................30 GC...........Rare 6
Repeater Pistol........................................30+2D6 GC.........Rare 12
Serpent Whip...................................................25 GC...........Rare 8
Rifle.................................................................75 GC.........Rare 10
Sigmarite Warhammer.....................................15 GC.......Common
Small Cannon................................................150 GC.........Rare 12
Spear...............................................................10 GC.......Common
Warpfire Thrower..........................................300 GC.........Rare 11
Spiked Gauntlet...............................................15 GC...........Rare 7
Warplock Pistol...............................................35 GC.........Rare 12
Squig Prodder..................................................15 GC.......Common
Blackpowder Weapons Upgrades
Star-blade........................................................35 GC.........Rare 11
Star-sword.......................................................50 GC.........Rare 12
Bayonet...........................................................10 GC...........Rare 7
Steel Whip.......................................................10 GC.......Common
Brace of Pistol...............................................2x Price
Sword..............................................................10 GC.......Common
Double-barrelled...........................................2x Price.........Rare 11
Sword Breaker.................................................30 GC...........Rare 8
Heavier Ammunition............................5 GC per shot...........Rare 8
Weeping Blades..................................50 GC per pair...........Rare 9
Modified Gunsight...........................................15 GC...........Rare 9
Whip................................................................15 GC...........Rare 5
Silver Bullets...................................................30 GC.........Rare 10
Close Combat Upgrades
Superior Blackpowder.....................................30 GC.........Rare 11
Armour & Clothing
Fog-enhancing Warpstone Shards.....100+D6x10 GC...........Rare 9
Special Weapon Types
Barding............................................................80 GC...........Rare 8
Bracers............................................................20 GC...........Rare 8
Cold Metal Weapons.....................................3x Price.........Rare 11
Buckler..............................................................5 GC.......Common
Dark Steel Weapons......................................3x Price.........Rare 11
Cathayan Silk Clothes............................50+2D6 GC...........Rare 8
Gromril Weapons..........................................4x Price.........Rare 10
Cold Metal Armour..........................................85 GC.........Rare 11
Ithilmar Weapons..........................................3x Price...........Rare 8
Dark Steel Armour...........................................95 GC.........Rare 12
Missile Weapons
Elven Cloak......................................100+D6x10 GC.........Rare 12
Forest Cloak....................................................50 GC.........Rare 10
Blowpipe.........................................................25 GC...........Rare 6
Gromril Armour.............................................150 GC.........Rare 12
Bolas.................................................................5 GC...........Rare 8
Heavy Armour.................................................50 GC.......Common
Bolt Thrower.................................................115 GC.........Rare 10
Helmet.............................................................10 GC.......Common
Bow.................................................................10 GC.......Common
Ithilmar Armour...............................................90 GC.........Rare 10
Crossbow Pistol...............................................35 GC...........Rare 8
Light Armour...................................................20 GC.......Common

Mages Robe....................................................45 GC...........Rare 9

Pavise..............................................................25 GC...........Rare 8
Reinforced Plate Armour.................................95 GC...........Rare 9
Sea Dragon Cloak...................................50+2D6 GC.........Rare 10
Shield................................................................5 GC.......Common
Toughened Leathers...........................................5 GC.......Common
Wolfcloak........................................................10 GC..........Special
Miscellaneous equipment
Alcohol, Drugs, Poisons & Potions
Black Lotus..............................................10+D6 GC...........Rare 9
Blessed Water.........................................10+3D6 GC...........Rare 7
Bugmans Ale.........................................50+3D6 GC...........Rare 9
Crimson Shade.........................................35+D6 GC...........Rare 8
Dark Venom............................................30+2D6 GC...........Rare 8
Elven Wine.............................................50+3D6 GC.........Rare 10
Garlic.................................................................1 GC.......Common
Healing Herbs.........................................20+2D6 GC...........Rare 8
Healing Potion..........................................30+D6 GC...........Rare 5
Liquor Flask.............................................30+D6 GC...........Rare 7
Mad Cap Mushrooms.............................30+3D6 GC...........Rare 9
Mandrake Root.........................................25+D6 GC...........Rare 9
Potion of Strength.....................................30+D6 GC...........Rare 6
Speed Potion.............................................40+D6 GC.........Rare 10
Spiders Poison.......................................25+2D6 GC...........Rare 8
Tears of Shallaya....................................10+2D6 GC.........Rare 12
Vial of Pestilens......................................25+2D6 GC.........Rare 10
Vodka......................................................35+2D6 GC...........Rare 8
Banner.............................................................10 GC...........Rare 5
Clan Pestilens Banner......................................10 GC...........Rare 5
Standard of Nagarythe............................75+3D6 GC...........Rare 9
Charms & Amulets
Bear-Claw Necklace...............................75+3D6 GC...........Rare 9
Lucky Charm...................................................10 GC...........Rare 6
Rabbit's Foot....................................................10 GC...........Rare 5
Red Toof Tribal Jewellery................................40 GC...........Rare 9
Tarot Cards......................................................50 GC...........Rare 7
Warpstone Amulet...........................................10 GC...........Rare 5
Wyrdstone Pendulum..............................25+3D6 GC...........Rare 9
Encampment Equipment
Barricade.........................................................10 GC.......Common
Ditch..................................................................5 GC.......Common
Heads on spikes.................................................5 GC.......Common
Kennel.............................................................15 GC...........Rare 6
Ladders..............................................................5 GC.......Common
Palisade...........................................................15 GC.......Common
Scout Tower.....................................................15 GC.......Common
Stable...............................................................30 GC...........Rare 9
Stakes..............................................................10 GC.......Common
Tents.......................................................10+2D6 GC.......Common
Tunnels............................................................15 GC.......Common
Traps................................................................30 GC...........Rare 6
Watchtower......................................................25 GC.......Common
Equipment from Khemri
Bota Bag............................................................5 GC.......Common
Lamp of the Djinn..................................75+2D6 GC.........Rare 12
Magic Carpet..........................................70+4D6 GC.........Rare 12
Magic Gourd...................................................10 GC...........Rare 7
Monkeys paw..........................................75+D6 GC.........Rare 10
Nehekharan Map....................................20+4D6 GC.........Rare 10
Nomad Robes..................................................25 GC...........Rare 8
Scorpion Ring...........................................10+D6 GC.........Rare 11
Snake Charmers Flute.............................10+D6 GC...........Rare 9
Venom Ring............................................20+2D6 GC.........Rare 10
Magic, Books & Scrolls
Book of the Dead..............................200+D6x25 GC.........Rare 12
Dispel Scroll...........................................25+2D6 GC.........Rare 10

Elven Runestones...................................50+2D6 GC.........Rare 11

Halfling Cookbook.................................30+3D6 GC...........Rare 8
Hammer of Witches.......................................100 GC.........Rare 10
Holy (Unholy) Relic...............................15+3D6 GC...........Rare 8
Holy Tome........................................100+D6x10 GC...........Rare 8
Liber Bubonicus...............................200+D6x25 GC.........Rare 12
Liturgicus Infecticus...............................30+2D6 GC...........Rare 8
Magic Gugginz................................................50 GC...........Rare 9
Mordheim Map.......................................20+4D6 GC...........Rare 9
Scroll of the Rat Familiar.......................25+1D6 GC...........Rare 8
Tome of Magic..................................200+D6x25 GC.........Rare 12
Musical Instruments
Drum...............................................................10 GC.......Common
Flute..................................................................5 GC...........Rare 5
Horn................................................................10 GC...........Rare 9
Lyre...................................................................5 GC...........Rare 9
War Horn................................................30+2D6 GC...........Rare 8
War Horn of Nagarythe..........................25+1D6 GC...........Rare 6
Explosive Item
Fire Bomb...............................................35+2D6 GC...........Rare 9
Flash Powder..........................................25+2D6 GC...........Rare 8
Smoke Bombs...................................................5 GC...........Rare 5
Other Item
Caltrops..................................................15+2D6 GC...........Rare 6
Lantern............................................................10 GC.......Common
Lock Picks.......................................................15 GC...........Rare 8
Net.....................................................................5 GC.......Common
Opulent Coach (without draft animals)..............250 GC.........Rare 10
Rope & Hook....................................................5 GC.......Common
Sandalwood Torch..........................................................................
Telescope................................................75+3D6 GC.........Rare 10
Torch.................................................................2 GC.......Common
Wagon / Stage Coach (without draft animals). . .100 GC...........Rare 7
Bear......................................................125+2D6 GC.........Rare 10
Camel..............................................................80 GC...........Rare 9
Cave Squig.............................................15+2D6 GC...........Rare 8
Chaos Hound..........................................25+2D6 GC.......Common
Chaos Steed.....................................................90 GC.........Rare 11
Cold One.......................................................100 GC.........Rare 11
Cold One Beast-hound............................30+2D6 GC...........Rare 9
Eagle.......................................................30+2D6 GC.........Rare 10
Elven Steed......................................................90 GC.........Rare 10
Falcon.....................................................30+2D6 GC...........Rare 9
Familiar..................................................20+1D6 GC...........Rare 8
Giant Spider...................................................100 GC.........Rare 11
Giant Wolf.......................................................85 GC.........Rare 10
Hawk......................................................30+2D6 GC...........Rare 9
Horse (Riding).................................................40 GC...........Rare 8
Kite.........................................................30+2D6 GC...........Rare 9
Leopard..................................................85+2D6 GC.........Rare 11
Lion......................................................115+2D6 GC.........Rare 11
Mule................................................................30 GC...........Rare 7
Nightmare........................................................95 GC.........Rare 11
Owl.........................................................50+2D6 GC.........Rare 10
Panther...................................................80+2D6 GC.........Rare 11
Skeleton Chariot........................................200-10D6...........Rare 9
Skeletal Steed..................................................65 GC...........Rare 8
Snotling......................................................8+D6 GC.......Common
Tiger.......................................................75+2D6 GC.........Rare 11
Tuckgor...........................................................85 GC.........Rare 10
War Boar.........................................................90 GC.........Rare 11
War Horse........................................................80 GC.........Rare 11
War Hound.............................................25+2D6 GC.........Rare 10
Wild Hog................................................30+2D6 GC...........Rare 6
Wolf........................................................30+2D6 GC...........Rare 7

Hired Swords
Anubis Warrior

Frank Mercenary

Anubis Warriors are an ancient Nehekaran race. Hunting in desert

groups, these jackal headed warriors often attack trade caravans
and anything else that may wander into their territory. They have
quick reflexes and hide out of site, where at the last minute they leap
into battle, surprising the enemy.

The Franks are the remnants of invading bretonnians that couldn't

settle themselves in the new land and took up a life as mercenaries.
They are distinquished by their foreign weapons and armour and
fight only on foot. Many of them hide their faces beneath cloth or
chainmail and many are former knights or have committed crimes
such as plunder or rape. Some of these have forsaken all that they
used to fight for while others still cling to some knightly code.

130 Gold Crowns +45 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Anubis Warrior may be hired by any
Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic warbands.
Rating: An Anubis Warrior increases a warband's rating by
50 points plus 1 point for each Experience point the Anubis
Warrior has.
Anubis Warrior
Weapons/Armour: The Anubis Warrior may be armed with
a Dagger, a Scimitar, a Great Scimitar, a Shield and wears
Light Armour
Skills: The Anubis Warrior may choose from Combat,
Strength, & Speed when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Bite Attack: Anubis Warrior have a powerful bite attack, this
bite attack uses the Anubis Warriors own Strength to wound
and receive no penalty for not using a weapon. The Bite
attack always strikes last, regardless of who charged or which
weapon is used. The Bite even attacks after Double-Handed
Hot Blooded: The Anubis Warrior is quick to anger and at
the start of each turn roll a D6 on a 5+ the Anubis Warrior
becomes frenzied. If the Anubis Warrior is in combat then
add plus 1 to the roll, (Note: Frenzied does not double the
Bite attack).
Sand Worm: The Anubis Warrior has the skill Sand Worm
from the Arab Special Skills list

30 Gold Crowns +15 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Frank Mercenary may be hired by any
Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic
warbands, except Bretonnian & Beastmen warbands
Rating: A Frank Mercenary increases a warband's rating by
21 points plus 1 point for each Experience point the Frank
Mercenary has.
Frank Mercenary
Weapons/Armour: The Frank Mercenary is armed with light
armour, shield and helmet. In addition he may have two of
the following weapons: a sword, an axe, a morning star or a
Skills: The Frank Mercenary may choose from Combat &
Strength when he gains a new skill.



By Tommy Punk and Steven Gibbs

After the defeat of Sultan Jaffar, the Skaven turned against Araby,
hoping to capture territory so they could reopen their now
dwindling supply of Warpstone. In their war on the Arabian
peninsula, they released some of their most horrific plagues.
Thousands died in the cities and towns and the people that survived
fled inland. The plague is a wasting disease, with the body and
limbs slowly decaying. Outbreaks of the plague continue to this day,
and those showing symptoms are condemned to life in dilapidated
colonies. With no feeling in most of their body the Lazars, as they
are known, can withstand a tremendous amount of abuse.

Genies are magical spirits that reside in the desert, they may be
summoned, a ritual similar to that of daemon summoning. The more
powerful genies have names. Genies come in many sizes and forms
they are all independent spirit and have there own name, as with
daemons knowing a genies name give the person great power over
it. The genies are ancient and know many forgotten secrets, many
sorcerers and priests summon genies to answer their questions,
Sultan jaffar was known to have been in prolonged contact with the
mightiest of them. Araby sorcerers use genies as guardians, they
also use lesser genies as servants. If an araby sorcerer have a
familiar this will usually be a small genie, the priests doesnt use
genie familiars but rather a serpent. Priest shun the genies due to
the rituals needed to invoke them, this doesnt mean they dont use
their knowledge they just dont summon them to do their fighting.
Common forms of genies are a whirling column of wind, a small
sand storm, a pillar of fire, a fat harem guard or just an
insubstantial haze. Genies are also called Efreet, Djinn, elemental,
spirit, jinn, jann or sand/wind/fire daemon.

80 Gold Crowns +30 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Genie may be hired by any Lawful,
Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic
Rating: A Genie increases a warband's rating by 25 points
plus 1 point for each Experience point the Genie has.
Genie 6
Skills: The Genie may choose from Academic & Speed when
she gains a new skill. In addition, the Genie may choose from
the Genie Skill list.
Special Rules
Fear: The Genies naturally radiate an aura of strength and
courage. Therefore Genies cause fear in their enemies.
Magic User: The Genies has the ability to use magic and
casts spells like any other magicians, and the Genies starts
with one spells generated at random from the Elemental
Magic list. See the Magic section for details. In addition the
Genies may learn a new Spell instead on a new skill.
Genie Skills: When hiring a Genie, they start with one Genie
skill chosen by the hiring player.

20 Gold Crowns +10 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Lazar may be hired by any Lawful,
Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic
Rating: A Lazar increases a warband's rating by 12 points
plus 1 point for each Experience point the Lazar has.
Lazar 4
Weapons/Armour: The Lazar is armed with a dagger, a sling
and either a club or a staff.
Skills: The Lazar do not gain skills instead his disease
advances and he becomes even more terrible to look upon
and people will turn and run in fear of catching the dreaded
diseases. Any model within 1" of the Lazar must pass a
Psychology test or flee away from the Lazar, this range
increases by +1" per subsequent skill advance that you roll.
Special Rules
Fear: Lazars are recognized on sight for what they are, and
therefore cause Fear in all living races. Followers of Nurgle
or Clan Pestilens are not affected by his appearance and are
not afraid to catch his diseases.
No pain: The Lazars have no feeling in most parts of their
body and can ignore injuries that would have sent an ordinary
warrior to the ground stunned by the pain. Lazars treat a
stunned result as knocked down.

Mage Guilds Alchemist

Mages Guild Battle Mage

60 Gold Crowns +25 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Mage Guild Alchemist may be hired by
any Lawful / Neutral, Neutral warbands.
Rating: A Mage Guild Alchemist increases a warband's
rating by 30 points plus 1 point for each Experience point the
Mage Guild Alchemist has.
Mage Guild Alchemist
Weapons/Armour: The Mage Guild Alchemist is armed
with a dagger, staff, and Crossbow pistol. The Mage Guild
Alchemist wears a Nomad Robes.
Skills: The Alchemist may choose from Academic & Speed
when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Alchemy User: The Alchemist is trained in the Art of
Alchemy, the Alchemist starts with two Alchemy Ability
generated at random from the Alchemy Ability list, as
detailed in the Skills & Abilities Lists section of the
Mordheim rulebook (V2.1). In addition the Alchemist may
learn a new Alchemy Ability instead on a new skill.
Guild Member: The Alchemist counts as being a member of
the Mages Guild, and will not attack other guild member
under any condition.

70 Gold Crowns +25 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Mage Guild Battle Mage may be hired
by any Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, warbands.
Rating: A Mage Guild Battle Mage increases a warband's
rating by 35 points plus 1 point for each Experience point the
Mage Guild Battle Mage has.
Mage Guild Battle Mage 4
Weapons/Armour: The Mage Guild Battle Mage is armed
with a dagger, a shield, wears light armour, and has two of
the following weapons: Sword, Scimitar, Axe, Mace, or Great
Scimitar. The Mage Guild Battle Mage may also carry a staff.
Skills: The Battle Mage may choose from Combat,
Academic, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition,
the Battle Mage may choose from the Magician Skill list.
Special Rules
Magic User: The Battle Mage has the ability to use magic
and casts spells like any other magicians, and the Battle Mage
starts with two spells generated at random from the Battle
Magic list. See the Magic section for details. In addition the
Battle Mage may learn a new Spell instead on a new skill.
Guild Member: The Battle Mage counts as being a member
of the Mages Guild, and will not attack other guild member
under any condition.
Warrior Wizard: the Battle Mage starts with the skill
Warrior Wizard from the Academic skill list

Nomad Guide

Professional Tomb Raider

The guides of the nomad tribes are at best uncouth and uncivilized.
However they are good warriors, living a life of almost constant
battle within the deserts they call their home. An Old Worlder
warband is advised to hire a guide to lead them to the Nehekharan

While the ruins and tombs of Nehekhara have claimed the lives of
many robbers some have survived using their wit and excellent
reflexes. Some of these found that the thrill ad excitement of
overcoming the traps far outweigh the pleasure that they could
sustain from their riches. They hire them out to other raiding bands
and get by living like the nomads.

15 Gold Crowns +10 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Nomad Guide may be hired by any
Lawful, Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic
warbands, except Skaven & Beastmen
Rating: A Nomad Guide increases a warband's rating by 12
points plus 1 point for each Experience point the Nomad
Guide has.
Nomad Guide4
Weapons/Armour: The Nomad Guide is armed with a
scimitar and long bow.
Skills: The Nomad Guide may choose from Shooting &
Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Nomad
Guide may choose from the Arab Special Skill list.

30 Gold Crowns +10 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Professional Tomb Raider may be hired
by any Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic warbands, except
Tomb lords.
Rating: A Professional Tomb Raider increases a warband's
rating by 21 points plus 1 point for each Experience point the
Professional Tomb Raider has.
Professional Tomb Raider 4
Weapons/Armour: The Tomb Raider is armed with a sword
and crossbow pistol. He also carries a rope and hook.
Skills: The Professional Tomb Raider may choose from
Combat, Shooting, & Speed when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Tomb explorer: The Tomb Raider allow your warband to
modify a dice roll on the Exploration chart by -1/+1.
Excellent reflexes: The Tomb Raider has a special save of 5+
against any attack made against him, be it shooting, close
combat, traps or spells. If the Tomb raider gain the Dodge
skill his save increases to a 4+ special save.

Snake Charmer

Stone Golem

By Terry Maltman

The Stone Golems were once created to guard the pyramids while
the great Tomb Kings slept. They are giant statues, twice the height
of a man. Most are humanoid shaped and most have the head of an
animal, they are known to have been made in all manner of shapes,
even gigantic skeletons.

In the fairs and markets of Araby small crowds will gather. In the
center of the crowd an old man will sit playing a flute. Mesmerized
by the music or some say by his rhythmic swaying is a deadly
venomous snake. The crowd leave him coins for the show he put on.
Very few realize that the snake charmer has the ability to control
snakes by the force of his will. For anyone who has the money he
will bring his snakes to fight for them.

40 Gold Crowns + see below

May be Hired: The Snake Charmer may be hired by any
Lawful, Lawful / Neutral, Neutral warbands.
Rating: A Snake Charmer increases a warband's rating by 5
points plus 1 point for each Experience point the Snake
Charmer has and plus 5 points for each Snake
Snake Charmer
Snake 3
Weapons/Armour: The snake charmer is equipped with a
dagger and a scimitar he also has a flute which doubles as a
blowpipe. He starts with 3 snakes.
Skills: The Snake Charmer may choose from Academic &
Speed when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Snake charmer: The snake charmer can control up to 5
snakes provided they remain within 6inches of him. If the
snakes move further than 6 inches he loses control. In that
case they will move D6 inches in a random direction (use a
scatter die). If that takes them into contact with a model,
either friend or foe it will attack as if charging.
Immune to poison: The snake charmer has been bitten so
many times he is immune to poisons.
Venomous: The snakes are venomous which adds +1 to their
strength against living targets. Models immune by poison are
Animals: Snakes are animals and do not gain experience.
Snake hunter: After each game the snake charmer may
attempt to catch another snake provided he did not go out of
action. He must roll under his initiative to catch a snake. He
may only attempt to catch one snake after each game. If he
fails to catch the snake then on a D6 roll of 1 it bit him and he
takes 1 S3 hit.
Upkeep: The warband must pay an upkeep of 10 Gold
Crowns plus 5 Gold Crowns for each snake.

125 Gold Crowns +45 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Stone Golem may be hired by any
Lawful, Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic
warbands. However in order to hired a Stone Golem, the
Warband needs a Magic / Pray User in the warband & must
pass a test on his own Leadership. The Magic / Pray User
may be a Hired Sword, but must have been with the warband
for at least one battle prior to attempting to hired a Stone
Golem. If the Magic / Pray User that hired a Stone Golem is
killed or leaves the warband, The Stone Golem will leave as
Rating: A Stone Golem increases a warband's rating by 65
Stone Golem 3
Weapons/Armour: Stone Golems do not use weapons or
armour, but have a natural save of 4+ due to the fact that they
are made of stone. They are not affected by normal penalties
for not using weapons.
Special Rules
Animated: The Stone Golem is just stone statues animated
by a binding spell. The heavy weight of the Stone Golem stop
it from running, and because the Stone Golem is created by
magic and do not think for themselves; the Stone Golem does
not gain experience
Cause Fear: Stone Golems are (seemingly) giant, living
statues and therefore cause fear.
Does not eat: Stone Golems do not require water.
Immune to Psychology: Stone Golems do not think for
themselves and therefore are not affected by psychology and
never leave combat.
Immune to Poison: Stone Golems are not affected by any
Large: Stone Golems are huge statues and therefore make
tempting targets for archers. Any model may shoot at a Stone
Golem, even if it is not the closest target.
May not Hide: Stone Golems are far too big to hide and may
not do so.

Dramatis Personae
Abdul Alhazred, the Mad Sorcerer
Abdul Alhazred is renowned as the mad sorcerer from the Arabian
town of Sana. Born to wealthy merchants he was educated with the
sons of the local Caliph and it was in the Caliphs private library
that he first learnt about the land of the Dead from tomes he had
been expressly forbidden to read. It was then that he developed an
obsessional desire for knowledge of the long dead civilisation of
Nehekhara and some say it was the dread reputation of this ancient
land that drew him on to rash acts. Others say it was the calling of
the legendary Nagash none know...
It is said that he left immediately, stealing enough money to fund his
wanderings along with an artefact of such antiquity it was believed
to have come from Nehekhara. He has visited the ruins of Khemri,
Zandri, Numas and Quatar and over long years plundered them of
their secrets. His discoveries rival those of Abdul Ben Raschid,
whose works he has voraciously studied and it is these that have
sent him spiralling into insanity. Referred to as The Mad Sorcerer
he is shunned by all except those foolish enough to want to learn the
secrets of the Land of the Dead.

70 Gold Crowns +30 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Abdul Alhazred may be hired by any
Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic
Rating: Abdul Alhazred increases a warband's rating by 30
Abdul Alhazred
Weapons/Armour: Abdul Alhazred wears a Black Nomad
robes, and is armed with Dagger, & The Eye Pendant
Skills: Sorcery
Special Rules
Djinn Master: Abdul Alhazred has spoken to many of the
mystical Djinn in his time and despite his unsteady state of
mind knows how to see through their lies and bend them to
his will. If the warband he is with acquires a Lamp of the
Djinn he may assist a Hero using it with a +1/-1 modifier on
the Light and Dark tables respectively.
Master Magic User: Abdul Alhazred has the ability to use
magic and casts spells like any other magicians; he knows all
spells from the Elemental & Necromancy Magic list. See the
Magic section for details, however because he is mad, must
roll at the beginning of each Shooting phase to see which
spell he remembers.
Roll a D6: 1-3 Elemental, 4-6 Necromancy
Then roll a D6 to see which spell he remembers.
Psychology: Abdul Alhazred has witnessed some of the
foulest monstrosities of the Land of the Dead and is quite
mad! He is immune to all Psychology-tests.
The Eye Pendant: The Eye Pendant is an ancient artefact
stolen by Abdul from the Caliph of Sana. Only after much
painstaking research did Abdul discover its secrets and he has
used its arcane powers to protect himself from the wrath of
the Tomb Kings and their servants. Any Undead warrior
wishing to attack Abdul must first pass a Ld test. In addition,
the pendant gives Abdul a 4+ Ward save against all damage.

Laure Croftenssen
By Horacio Gonzalez

Little is known form the past of Laure Croftenssen. She is said to be

the youngest daughter of a noble and rich family of Marineburg.
Like many of the daughters of the imperial nobility, she was sent to
study at a Sister of Sigmar's convent, where she learned to master
her body and mind. When she was novice, the Count of Sylvania
sponsored a peregrination to an old Sigmar sanctuary in Sylvania's
forests and the convent selected several sisters and novices for
escorting the pilgrims, and Laure was in the group. The history
doesn't tell us the exact fate of the pilgrims, only says that nobody
saw them again. All of them disappear in Sylvania's forests, all of
them but Laure, she returned to Marineburg horribly injured and
with the fires of determination burning in her eyes. She is said to
have left the convent and pursued a career of adventure, driven by
the hate to the undead. When she learned about Khemri, its
Pyramids, its treasures... and its undead guardians she began the
voyage to the desert land, where she has earned the reputation of
being one of the most intrepid and successful Tomb Raiders of the

80 Gold Crowns +1 Piece of Treasure upkeep

May be Hired: The Laure Croftenssen may be hired by any
Lawful, Lawful / Neutral, Neutral warbands. If hired by a
Sister of Sigmar warband then the hiring cost is hafted.
Rating: Laure Croftenssen increases a warband's rating by 60
Laure Croftenssen 4
Weapons/Armour: Laure uses an Adventures Pair of
Handguns, a rifle, and wears no armour.
Skills: Leap, Acrobat, Dodge, Climb, Step aside, Lightning
Reflexes, Handgun expert (can shoot twice a round with any
pair of handguns)
Special Rules
Hatred: The Laure Croftenssen hates all undead warbands &
Hired Swords.
Independent: Laure Croftenssen work alone and their fierce
independence means that they do not have to take All Alone
Special Equipment: Adventurers Pair of Handguns
(You've seen Lara Corft, you know the drill)
Cost: 50 GC, Rare 11
Range: 8"
Strength: 4
Special Rule: Fast reload, Save Modifier
Special Rules
Fast reload: The Adventurers Pair of Handguns are master
crafted handguns made from the Empire Guild of Engineers,
and it uses a new ammunition load mechanism, faster than
traditional reload process. A character with an Adventure Pair
of Handguns can fire ONCE in every fire phase (like with a
normal pair of handguns) but in hand to hand combat she can
choose: making two attacks in the first round of close combat
and after that picking another weapon or making one attack
in every round of hand to hand combat
Save Modifier: Handguns are even better at penetrating
armour than their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by
a handgun must take its armour save with a -2 modifier.

Khar-mel the Djinn

Djinn are magical elemental spirits akin to Daemons, that reside in
the deep deserts of Araby and the Land of the Dead. They may be
summoned by a complicated ritual involving dark pacts and unholy
promises. Djinn are creatures born of the elements and may assume
many different forms such as horses made of sand, pillars of fire or
mighty Arabic warriors comprised of swirling air. As with all
Daemons, anyone learning a Djinns true name will receive great
power over it. Djinn are ancient spirits and know many long
forgotten secrets, especially from the early days of Nehekhara and
for this reason many sorcerers and priests attempt to summon them
to learn such forbidden knowledge. Sultan Jaffar was known to have
been in prolonged contact with some of the mightiest Djinn,
although many surmise that their lies led to his downfall.
Khar-mel is one of the few known Djinn of Araby. She has oft been
encountered in the western desert over the centuries. Despite being
centuries old, she normally appears as a beautiful arabian woman
of about 30 years of age, although she has been known to appear as
a swirling cloud of dust or a pillar of fire on occasion.
Like all Djinn, Khar-mel knows many secrets forgotten by mortal
man and many sorcerers and priests have tried to summon her to
answer their questions. If she does have one weakness it is her thirst
for knowledge. A warband who claims that they are undertaking a
quest in search of ancient lore may well secure Kharmels services.

80* Gold Crowns +30 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: Khar-mel the Djinn may be hired by any
Lawful, Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic
warbands, however in order to summon her, the Warband
needs a Magic / Pray User in the warband & must pass a test
on his own Leadership. The Magic / Pray User may be a
Hired Sword, but must have been with the warband for at
least one battle prior to attempting to summon Khar-mel the
Djinn. If the Magic / Pray User that summoned Khar-mel the
Djinn is killed or leaves the warband, Khar-mel the Djinn
will leave as well.
Rating: Khar-mel the Djinn increases a warband's rating by
45 points.
Khar-mel the Djinn 644442328
Weapons/Armour: Khar-mel the Djinn is armed with a
scimitar but wears no armour.
Skills: Khar-mel the Djinn has all three Genie Skills
Special Rules
Fear: The Djinn naturally radiate an aura of power and cause
Ethereal: Khar-mel has only a semi-solid form and has a 5+
save that is never be modified due to high Strength or
anything else. The save is not effective against magical
Magic User: Khar-mel the Djinn has the ability to use magic
and casts spells like any other magicians, and Khar-mel the
Djinn starts with D3 spells generated at random from the
Elemental Magic list. See the Magic section for details.
Skills: All Djinn have magical powers due to their spiritual
and elemental nature. Khar-mel has mastered each of these in
her time but she may only use one at a time. During her
Recovery phase she may declare that she is using one of her
powers. It will last until her next Recovery phase. She may
not use the same power for two consecutive turns.

The Sheik of Barak-Varr

By Robert J Walker
The Sheik is a Dwarf trader and acts as a Guide for travellers to
Khemri. He originally arrived on the shores of Khemri as the sole
survivor of a shipwreck on Arabys north coast. He was found by
nomads who restored him to health and showed him how to survive
in the depths of the scorching desert. The hospitable nomads
travelled over much of northern Araby trading at settlements and
watering holes.
It was during these early few months that he gained his nickname,
although the reasons behind it are long forgotten. The Sheik an
oddity to these simple people became the centre of attention
everywhere he went and won the crowds over with his quick wit and
charm. During his travels he also found that there was a sizable
profit to be made, so he stayed. He is well known throughout Araby,
but only The Sheik actually knows his true name and thats just the
way he likes it. He has a reputation as a highly skilled negotiator as
well as a formidable fighter

60 Gold Crowns +25 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Sheik of Barak-Varr may be hired by any
Lawful, Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, warbands, except Elves.
Rating: The Sheik of Barak-Varr increases a warband's rating
by 55.
Sheik of Barak-Varr 3
Weapons/Armour: The Sheik of Barak-Varr carries DeathBane and a dagger, but wears no armour
Skills: Contacts, Desert Lore, Ferocious Charge, Haggle,
Step Aside
Special Rules
Death-Bane: The Sheik carries a huge scimitar, which he
uses with great skill. It counts as a sword but may be used
either one or two handed with the usual restrictions. In
addition, it adds +1 to wound when attacking undead and
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who can
only be taken out of action on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when
rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as knocked
down, 3-5 as stunned, and 6 as out of action.
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces,
clubs, etc. They are not easy to knock out!
Hate Orcs and Goblins: All Dwarfs hate Orcs and Goblins.
See the psychology section of the Mordheim rules for details
on the effects of hatred.
Grudgebearers: Dwarfs hold an ancient grudge against
Elves from the days when the two races fought for supremacy
in the Old World. A Dwarf warband may never include any
kind of Elven Hired Sword or Dramatis Personae.
Special Skills
Contacts: The Sheik seems to know all of the traders and
merchants in Araby. Wherever he travels he always knows
the best places to go and the right people to see. When trying
to find rare items, the difficulty is reduced by one (e.g Rare 9
becomes Rare 8).
Desert Lore: The Sheik is well versed in the lore of both
geology and the desert. With this unique combination he can
usually find water, even in the deep desert. When he needs
water, roll 2D6; if he rolls under his leadership, he has
managed to find sufficient water for himself. If he rolls a 2
then he has found 1D3 units of water.

Henrich "Altdorf" Schrider

Dr. Henrich "Altdorf" Schrider is an archaeologist, graduated top of
his class from the University of Altdorf in XXXX. He has gained
quite a reputation by sending many rare artifacts back to Altdorf
from his travels. Although some rumors have that the artifacts are
acquired in less than ideal ways, the steady income of relics makes
this irrelevant for the senior faculty.

75 Gold Crowns +1 Piece of Treasure upkeep

May be Hired: The Henrich "Altdorf" Schrider may be hired
by any Lawful, Lawful / Neutral, Neutral, warbands.
Rating: Henrich "Altdorf" Schrider increases a warband's
rating by 75 points
Henrich "Altdorf" Schrider 4

Weapons/Armour: Henrich uses an Adventurers Whip (see

below), sword, Dueling Pistol, Light armour, Lantern, Rope
& Hook
Skills: Tomb explorer, Excellent reflexes, Master Whipper,
Step Aside, Streetwise, Haggle, Dodge, Luck (re-roll any one
Special Rules
Fear: Henrich "Altdorf" Schrider Fears Snakes & Serpents
No time for you: Henrich "Altdorf" Schrider is notorious for
being a man in a hurry. If his charge path toward an hero or
treasure something other important, is obstructed by a
henchman which would prevent his charge, Henrich
"Altdorf" Schrider may attempt a single shot with Duelling
Pistol (assuming he didn't fire it last round. If this shot
knocks down, stuns or take out of action the henchman,
Henrich "Altdorf" Schrider may charge as if the henchman
wasn't there. If the henchman is unharmed, it counts as a
failed charge as normal.

Special Equipment: Adventurers Whip

(You've seen Indiana Jones, you know the drill)
Cost: 15 GC, Rare 7
Range: Close Combat
Strength: As User -1
Special Rule: +1 Enemy Armour Save, Cannot Be
Parried, Disarm, Swing, Whipcrack,
Special Rules
+1 Enemy Armour Save: An enemy wounded by a whip
gains a +1 bonus to his armour save, and a 6+ armour save if
he normally has none.
Cannot Be Parried: The whip is a flexible weapon and the
warrior use it with great expertise. Attempts to parry its
strikes are futile. A model attacked by a whip may not make
parries with swords or bucklers.
Disarm: Instead of striking to injure, a model with an
adventurer's whip may try to strike his opponent's weapon
making him drop it. Roll to hit as normal, but instead of
rolling to wound, the opponent gets a parry attempt
(Representing the model trying not to drop the weapon, thus
it is allowed to parry without sword or buckler, but being
armed with both doesn't allow a re-roll). If the parry attempt
is failed, he has dropped his weapon. He must fight with
whatever back-up weapon he has in his equipment for the rest
of this combat (or fight unarmed if he has no other weapons).
Swing: A skilled adventurer may use his whip as a rope to
swing over gaps. To represent this, a model can jump a gap
(up to a maximum of 4"), but unlike normal jumping you
don't deduct the distance jumped from the models movement.
You must however still roll initiative to not fall down. In
addition you may use the whip to jump to a lower level, even
through windows. You must however always have something
on a higher level to attach your whip to in order of swing
with it (Use common sense, in addition sewers, dungeons,
tunnels, etc. always counts as having something to attach the
whip to.) If a model using an adventurers whip falls in a pit
trap, he may try to use his whip to save himself from falling
down by passing an Initiative test.
Whipcrack: when the wielder charges they gain +1A for that
turn. This bonus attack is added after any other modifications.
When the wielder is charged they gain +1A that they may
only use against the charger. This additional attack will
strike first. If the wielder is simultaneously charged by two
or more opponents they will still only receive a total of +1A.
If the wielder is using two whips at the same time then they
get +1A for the additional hand weapon, but only the first
whip gets the whipcrack +1A.

Beasts, Monsters & Kinsmen

Anubis Warriors

Anubis Priest

Anubis Warriors are an ancient Nehekaran race. Hunting in desert

groups, these jackal headed warriors often attack trade caravans
and anything else that may wander into their territory. They have
quick reflexes and hide out of site, where at the last minute they leap
into battle, surprising the enemy.

Anubis Priests have mastered the magic of the ancient Nehekharan

Anubis God.

Anubis Warrior
Anubis Pack Leader 5
Anubis Chieftain
Special Rules
Bite Attack: Anubis Warriors have a powerful bite attack,
this bite attack uses the Anubis Warriors own Strength to
wound and receive no penalty for not using a weapon. The
Bite attack always strikes last, regardless of who charged or
which weapon is used. The Bite even attacks after DoubleHanded Weapons.
Hot Blooded: The Anubis Warriors is quick to anger and at
the start of each turn roll a D6 on a 5+ the Anubis Warriors
becomes frenzied. If the Anubis Warriors is in combat then
add plus 1 to the roll, (Note: Frenzied does not double the
Bite attack).
Sand Worm: The Anubis Warriors has the skill Sand Worm
from the Arab Special Skills list.
+1 For wounding the Anubis Warrior. Any Hero or
Henchman earns +1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on
the Anubis Warriors.
+1 For taking the Anubis Warrior out of action. The Hero
or Henchman that puts the Anubis Warriors out of action gets
a bonus +1 experience.

Anubis Priest 5
Special Rules
Bite Attack: Anubis Priest have a powerful bite attack, this
bite attack uses the Anubis Priest own Strength to wound and
receive no penalty for not using a weapon. The Bite attack
always strikes last, regardless of who charged or which
weapon is used. The Bite even attacks after Double-Handed
Hot Blooded: The Anubis Priest is quick to anger and at the
start of each turn roll a D6 on a 5+ the Anubis Priest becomes
frenzied. If the Anubis Priest is in combat then add plus 1 to
the roll, (Note: Frenzied does not double the Bite attack).
Sand Worm: The Anubis Priest has the skill Sand Worm
from the Arab Special Skills list.
+1 For wounding the Anubis Priest. Any Hero or
Henchman earns +1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on
the Anubis Priest.
+1 For taking the Anubis Priest out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Anubis Priest out of action gets a
bonus +1 experience.

Nomad Bandits

Nomad Bandit 4
Weapons/Armour: The Nomad Bandits carries a dagger, a
Nomad Robes and Roll a D6 for a weapon: [1-3] Scimitar &
shield, [4-6] Great Scimitar.
The Nomad Bandits may ride Camels
+1 For taking the Anubis Warrior out of action. The Hero
or Henchman that puts the Anubis Warriors out of action gets
a bonus +1 experience.

Ridden Animals

Skeleton Chariot

Camel 7
[Humans only]
A Camel follows all the special rules for Horses as described
in the Mordheim rule book.
Special Rules
Desert Dromedary: Camels have long adapted to the harsh
climate of the desert, and can live for long periods of time
without water. Instead of the normal rules for water
expenditure, roll one die. If the result is equal to or lower
than the Camel's Toughness, then it requires no water for this
battle. If the result is higher, then the Camel consumes only 1
water unit (instead of the normal 2 for large animals).
+1 For taking the Mount out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Camel out of action gets a bonus +1

The ancient armies of Nehekhara included strong forces of chariots,

drawn by a pair of horses. These forces were considered the elite of
the army and consequently were entombed in the Pyramids of the
Tomb Kings. A Skeleton Chariot is made from the bones of the dead,
pulled by two Skeleton Steeds and ridden by a member of the

Skeletal Steed
Skeletal Steeds are ghastly creatures. They were once normal
horses, but when they died their flesh decomposed. When all that
was left of them was their bones, evil Liche Priests raised them from
the dead.

[Undead Only]
Skeletal Steed
Special Rules
May Not Run: As an undead creature, a Skeletal Steed may
not run, but may charge as normal.
Immune to Poison: Skeletal Steed are not affected by
Immune to Psychology: As an Undead creature, Skeletal
Steed are immune to psychology, never have to make
Leadership tests, and will always stand still if left leaderless.
However, if the rider suffers a wound, he must roll on the
Whoa Boy! Table as normal.
+1 For taking the Mount out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Skeletal Steed out of action gets a
bonus +1 experience.

[Tomb Guardian warband only, one per warband]



Steed 8
Special Rules
Mounting: A charioteer may mount and dismount a chariot
in the same way as a ridden steed.
Movement: A Skeleton Chariot normally moves at 8" and
may not run. However, it may double its normal move when
Difficult Ground: If a chariot moves over difficult ground it
suffers D3 Strength 4 hits. If the chariot is charging over
difficult ground, it suffers 2D3 Strength 6 hits.
Steeds: If one steed dies, the chariot is reduced to half
movement but may still charge (also at half normal charge
distance). However impact hits will no longer be effective. If
both steeds die, the chariot is immobile and the charioteer
must fight on foot.
Combat: Chariots are feared for their devastating charges
that make use of their horrible scythed wheels that will cut
down any warriors in their path. A charioteer is allowed to
charge any enemy warrior that he can see who is in the open,
he is not forced to charge the closest warrior. If the chariot
moves more than half its normal move, it may make impact
hits. Anyone directly in the path of a charging chariot is
permitted an Initiative test to dodge out of the way and avoid
being hit. The charioteer must roll to hit as normal, a
successful hit causing a single wound at Strength 4 with a -2
armour save. At the end of the charge move, the charioteer
may fight any enemy models in base contact, as if he had
charged normally.
In combat, enemy warriors in contact may elect to strike the
chariot or its driver. If hitting the chariot, the attacker must
still make a to hit roll against the charioteer. If in base contact
with only a Skeletal Steed, then only the steed can be hit.
Shooting: A chariot is a large target and a warrior gains +1 to
hit when shooting at a chariot. If the chariot is hit, roll a D6
to see where it is hit: 1-2 steed, 3-4 chariot, 5-6 charioteer.
+1 For damaging the Chariot. Any Hero or Henchman
earns +1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on the
+1 For destroying the Chariot. The Hero or Henchman that
destroys the Chariot gets a bonus +1 experience.
+1 For taking the Mount out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Skeletal Steed out of action gets a
bonus +1 experience.

Scarab Beetles


The Scarab Beetle is an important symbol of creation, resurrection

and everlasting life in the religious mythology of Nehekhara. Small
jars and coffins containing mummified Scarab Beetles are often
placed in tombs as part of the ancient Nehekharan funeral rites to
ensure eternal resurrection

Several deadly snakes live in the deserts if Nehekhara. The Asp is a

deadly snake with a poisonous bite. A Cobra has a head as big as a
mans hand and two deadly fangs. It can strike with a stunning

Scarab Beetle 5
Special Rules
Flying: The Scarab Beetles may fly up to 16"
Living: Scarab Beetles are living beings and are affected by
Psychology as normal. However as they are small desert
creatures they do not need water.
Ravenous: When the scarabs attack they tend to try to eat
whatever is in their way. If they move into base contact with
a creature they will stop and attack. The victim must take an
initiative test to avoid being hit by the creatures. If he fails
then the swarm inflicts 2D6 hits at strength 1. If taken OOA
by these guys you are dead. The scarabs will only attack
living creatures and will ignore undead creatures as if they
were not there. After attacking they will move off gain.
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Scarab Beetle out of action gets a
bonus +1 experience.

Waiting motionless and camouflaged, a Scorpion will strike any
prey that comes too close. Its two front claw-like pincers grab hold,
and with a whip of its tail, the stinger delivers a deadly dose of

5 2 - 2* 2 1 4 1 4
Special Rules
Living: Scorpions are living beings and are affected by
Psychology as normal. However as they are small desert
creatures they do not need water.
Scorpions sting: Scorpions attack using the poisonous sting
in their tails. This attack is worked out exactly as if the
scorpion was attacking with Black Lotus as explained in the
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Scorpion out of action gets a bonus
+1 experience.

Asp 3
Cobra 3
Special Rules
Cobra Strike: Cobras are blindingly fast and are able to slip
past all of a Warrior's defences with ease. If a Cobra gets 5+
on his To Hit roll, then the Cobras attacks ignores the
Warrior's armour.
Living: Snakes are living beings and are affected by
Psychology as normal. However as they are small desert
creatures they do not need water.
Venomous: The snakes are venomous which adds +1 to their
strength against living targets. Models immune by poison are
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Snake out of action gets a bonus +1

Sand Golems
Sand Golems are humanoid creatures that are about the size of an
Ogre. Their bodies are completely made out of sand, and are
created by Liche Priests. Although they are large, they make little
noise as they walk, since they blend in with the sand and their feet
spread out on the ground as they walk. They are created in most
cases to guard valuable items of treasure or as a virtually
unstoppable assassin.

Sand Golem 4
Special Rules
Cause Fear: The Sand Golems are terrifying creatures and
therefore cause fear.
Large Target: Sand Golems are Large Targets as defined in
the shooting rules.
Sand: The Sand Golem is composed entirely of sand and is
able to reform its body after being hit. All attacks against the
Sand Golem with have a -1 To Hit. In the Recovery Phase the
Sand Golem may attempted to regenerate one lost wound by
rolling a D6, on a 5+ a wound is recovered.
Sand Worm: The Sand Golem counts as has the skill Sand
Worm from the Arab Special Skills list.
+1 For wounding the Beast. Any Hero or Henchman earns
+1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on the Sand Golem.
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Sand Golem out of action gets a
bonus +1 experience.

Orguts are distant relatives of Ogres. Many centuries ago Ogres
lived in Nehekhara, although there are no writings of how they
came to be there. Throughout the years and generations of their
kind, the Ogres adapted to their environment. Their bodies changed
in many ways. Their two eyes, from the burning light, turned into
one. Their bodies packed out fat as an energy storage for the long
treks of the desert. The harsh conditions seem to have added to their
evolution in other ways such as a much greater size and strength.
Because they were so different they could no longer be called Ogres,
so the Pharaohs named them Orguts.

Orgut 4
Special Rules
Cause Fear: The Orguts are terrifying creatures and
therefore cause fear.
Large Target: Ogres are Large Targets as defined in the
shooting rules.
+1 For wounding the Beast. Any Hero or Henchman earns
+1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on the Orgut.
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Orgut out of action gets a bonus +1

Undead Special Rules

Tomb Guards

All undead have the same basic rules that they follow:
Cause Fear: Undead are terrifying creatures and therefore
cause fear.
Do not Drink: Undead models do not need food and water.
Immune to Psychology: Undead are not affected by
psychology and never leave combat.
Immune to Poison: Undead are not affected by any poison.
May not run: Undead are slow undead creatures and may
not run (but may charge normally).
No pain: All Undead treat a Stunned result as Knocked

Tomb Guards are the bravest and best of the Tomb Kings elite
guards. They protect the inner sanctums of the Pyramids from
enemy attacks. Entombed with the finest weapons, they will awaken
and defend their lord if intruders violate the sacred tomb.

Mummies are protected by powerful magics to preserve them and
cheat death itself. They are deadly opponents, capable of delivering
crushing blows upon their enemies.

Special Rules
Flammable: The Mummy is as dry as tinder and wrapped in
bandages soaked in highly flammable resins and
preservatives. A hit from a fire-based attack will cause double
the normal number of wounds on it.
+1 For wounding the Beast. Any Hero or Henchman earns
+1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on the Mummy.
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Mummy out of action gets a bonus
+1 experience.

Skeletons claw themselves out of the sand to attack the living. They
wield rusty swords and axes and remnants of armour still cling to
their frame. Skeletons in Nehekhara possess great shields which
have stood the test of time and are in almost as good a condition as
when the Skeletons were killed. Skeleton Kings were, in life,
Pharaohs of great armies. Although not mummified and resurrected
as Tomb Kings, these mighty undead leaders are just as powerful
and still hold much of their original magic and intelligence.

Weapons/Armour: The Skeleton has a Dagger and Roll a
D6 for a weapon: [1-2] bow, [3-4] spear & shield, [5-6]
Scimitar & shield.
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Skeleton out of action gets a bonus
+1 experience.

Tomb Guard
4 3 2 4 3 1 3 1 5
Weapons/Armour: The Tomb Guard has a dagger, light
armour and Roll a D6 for a weapon: [1-3] Scimitar & shield,
[4-6] Great Scimitar.
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Tomb Guard out of action gets a
bonus +1 experience.

Tomb Scorpions
Tomb Scorpions are powerful creations of the Liche Priests, giant
constructs carved and moulded into representations of the giant,
mystical creatures said to guard the entrance to the Nehekharan
underworld. They are formed from a combination of stone, wood
and metal, together with the bones and shells of the long dead.
Through laborious and precise incantations, the Liche Priests join
the materials into a single form. The Tomb Scorpion acts as a tomb,
for the shell of the construct is formed around the mummified body
of an ancient Liche Priest.

Tomb Scorpion
Special Rules
Large: The Tomb Scorpions are huge and therefore make
tempting targets for archers. Any model may shoot at The
Tomb Scorpions, even if it is not the closest target.
Poisonous Attacks: All Attacks by the Tomb Scorpion
counts being poisonous. This attack is worked out exactly as
if the Tomb Scorpion was attacking with Black Lotus as
explained in the Rulebook.
Sand Worm: The Tomb Scorpion counts as has the skill
Sand Worm from the Arab Special Skills list.
+1 For wounding the Beast. Any Hero or Henchman earns
+1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on the Tomb
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Tomb Scorpion out of action gets a
bonus +1 experience.

Undead Carrion


Carrion are the undead remains of ancient flying birds that live in
the mountains to the east of Nehekhara. Their broad wings darken
the sky, spreading the shadow of doom upon those dying in the
desert. In ancient times, it was believed that Carrion bore the spirits
of slain warriors to the sky to fight in endless battles against the
daemons of darkness. This led to many Carrion being buried in the
Pyramids of the Tomb Kings, ready to do battle at the will of the
Liche Priests.

Carved into the likenesses of the many Gods and Goddesses of

Nehekhara, the Ushabti stand as guardian statues in the Pyramids
of the Tomb Kings. They are almost three times the height of a man
and wield mighty ritual blades. Liche Priests imbue the Ushabti
with tremendous power, animating them in combat.

Undead Carrion
Special Rules
Carrion Attacks: when rolling to hit for the first two attacks,
on a 6 the gets an additional attack.
Flying: The Undead Carrion may fly up to 18"
Fragile: Birds, even undead ones, are more fragile than
humans. They use the following Injury chart = 1-3 Knocked
Down (Do to the fact they know no pain), 4-6 Out of action.
+1 For wounding the Beast. Any Hero or Henchman earns
+1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on the Undead
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Undead Carrion out of action gets a
bonus +1 experience.

5 3 - 5 4 3 1 2 5
Weapons/Armour: The Ushabti do not use weapons or
armour, but have a natural save of 4+ due to the fact that they
are made of stone. They are not affected by normal penalties
for not using weapons.
Special Rules
Large: Ushabtis are huge statues and therefore make
tempting targets for archers. Any model may shoot at a
Ushabti, even if it is not the closest target.
May not Hide: Ushabtis are far too big to hide and may not
do so.
+1 For wounding the Beast. Any Hero or Henchman earns
+1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on the Ushabti.
+1 For taking the Beast out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Ushabti out of action gets a bonus +1

Bone Giant
Constructed from all manner of elements to resemble an immense
warrior of Nehekharan legend, Bone Giants are mighty beings of
immense stature. Armed with enormous weapons and armour, it is a
Bone Giants task to guard the ancient Pyramids of the Tomb Kings
from invaders.

Bone Giant 6
Special Rules:
Bone Giant Attacks: The Bone Giants are huge and
unpredictable creatures and it is by no means certain what
form of attack they will make. A Bone Giant will make one
of the following random attacks for each turn the Bone Giant
is in combat. Roll D6 and look on the table below;
Cause Fear: The Bone Giants are terrifying creatures and
therefore cause fear.
Do not Drink: The Bone Giants do not need food and water.
Immune to Psychology: The Bone Giants are not affected by
psychology and never leave combat.
Immune to Poison: The Bone Giants are not affected by any
Large: The Bone Giants are huge and therefore make
tempting targets for archers. Any model may shoot at a Bone
Giant, even if it is not the closest target.
May not run: The Bone Giants are slow undead creatures
and may not run (but may charge normally).
No pain: All Bone Giants treat a Stunned result as Knocked

+1 For wounding the Monster. Any Hero or Henchman
earns +1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on the Bone
+2 For taking the Monster out of action. The Hero or
Henchman that puts the Bone Giant out of action gets a
bonus +2 experience.
1 The Bone Giant makes 2D3 Attacks against one model in
base contact.
2 The Bone Giant makes a grab for one model in base contact
in an attempted to hurls him at his companions. If the target
can past an Initiative test, to avoid the attack, failed the
model is tossed D3 x Strength in inches.
3 The Bone Giant makes an attack for each enemy model in
base contact. These attacks may be directed an any number
of model in base contact.
4 The Bone Giant make a swinging attack, each model in base
contact must past an Initiative test or take one hit from the
Bone Giant with a +1 to-hit roll.
5 The Bone Giant makes a grab for one model in base contact
in an attempted to squeeze the target. If the target can past
an Initiative test, to avoid the attack, failed the Bone Giant
makes one attack, if the Bone Giants attack wounds the
model and the model fails it armour save, the model must
roll D6 and add it to the models toughness, in the result is
equal to or less then the models leadership the model is
fine, but if failed the model addition wounds equal to the
amount failed by, with on armour save.
6 The Bone Giant makes one attack against one model in base
contact, on a 5+ the attach wounds automatically and
ignores the models armour save.

Optional Rules
Before the start of a game a D6 is rolled to determine the
number of hazards plaguing the area. Once play begins, each
player will roll a D6 for the Heroes and Henchmen groups in
the Warband. This roll is made before any movement occurs,
and will therefore exclude any model unable to move. If a 1
is rolled the model or models have stumbled into harms way!
Now roll 3D6 and consult the table below.

Nomad Bandits
Sand Golem
Snakes Pit
Wild Jackals
Scarab Beetles
Sand Cyclone
Anubis Attack
Tomb Scorpions
Bone Giant

Nomad Bandits: The unfortunate Warband member has come

across a scouting group of D3+1 Nomad Bandits. Roll a D6 on
a 5+ the Nomad Bandits maybe mounted on Camels. The
Nomad Bandits are armed with scimitar and shields. See
Beasts, Monsters, & Kinsmen.
Profile M
Nomad Bandit 4
Camel 7
Skeleton: The unfortunate Warband member has came across
a pile of bones, as the Warband member gets closer the Bones
come to life forming D3+2 Skeleton. See Beasts, Monsters, &
Sand Golem: The sands at the feet of the unfortunate
Warband member starts to move, then from what could only
be call a Sand Golem. See Beasts, Monsters, & Kinsmen.
Trap: The unfortunate Warband member has stepped on what
looks look like a stone tile. Roll for the Warrior on the tile 5+
the trap failed, otherwise it works like a Simple Trap.
Snakes Pit: A deadly nest of Snakes has been awoken by the
warriors careless misstep. Roll D6 for Asps & D3 for Cobras.
See Beasts, Monsters, & Kinsmen.
Wild Jackals: The unfortunate Warband member has came
across a corpse been eating by D3 wild Jackals.
Wild Jackal
Consider the Wild Jackals having charged for the purpose of










Scarab Beetles: The unfortunate Warband member has came

across a corpse across a corpse been eating by D3+1 Scarab
Beetles. Consider the Scarab Beetles having charged for the
purpose of combat. See Beasts, Monsters, & Kinsmen.
Sand Cyclone: The winds have picked around the Warband
member form a small sand cyclone, the sand cyclone will last
for D3 turns, if the model tries to move in or out of the sand
cyclone he will take D3, Strength 3 wounds each time.
Anubis Attack: The unfortunate Warband member has come
across an Anubis warrior, if its a hero, he needs to make a
leadership test, if pasted the Anubis warrior joins the warband
free at the start of the next battle (upkeep as normal). But if
failed or a henchmen the Anubis warrior will attack. Consider
the Anubis warrior having charged for the purpose of combat.
See Beasts, Monsters, & Kinsmen or Hired Swords.
Orgut: Attracted by the promise of fresh meat, a loathsome
Orgut has attacked the hapless warrior. Consider the Orgut
having charged for the purpose of combat. See Beasts,
Monsters, & Kinsmen or Hired Swords.
Tomb Scorpions: The sands at the feet of the unfortunate
Warband member starts to move, then a large pincer strike out
at the warrior, following the pincer out is a Tomb Scorpions,
See Beasts, Monsters, & Kinsmen.
Sinkhole: The unfortunate Warband member has fallen into a
Sinkhole, and will sink until submerged completely. He must
be rescued by another model in 2D3 turns or else he will die,
taking him out-of-action permanently! Any rescuer must pass
a Strength The unfortunate Warband member has came across
a corpse test in order to pull the model free.
Carrion: The unfortunate Warband member has came across a
corpse across a corpse been eating by D3+1 Undead Carrion.
Consider the Undead Carrion having charged for the purpose
of combat. See Beasts, Monsters, & Kinsmen.
Ushabti: The unfortunate Warband member has came across
what looks like a haft buried statues, as the warrior get needer
it comes alive. See Beasts, Monsters, & Kinsmen.
Genie: The unfortunate Warband member has stepped on what
looks look like a stone tile, Out of it a cloud of gas escapees,
forming a Genie. If its a hero who stepped on the tile he needs
to make a leadership test, if pasted the Genie joins the
warband free at the start of the next battle (upkeep as normal).
But if failed or a henchmen stepped on the tile the Genie will
turn the Warband member in to a block of ice, He must be
rescued by another model in D6 turns or else he will die,
taking him out-of-action permanently! Any rescuer must pass
a Strength test in order to break the model free. See Hired
Bone Giant: The unfortunate Warband member has came
across a pile of bones, as the Warband member gets closer the
Bones come to life forming Bone Giant. See Beasts, Monsters,
& Kinsmen.

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