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Accepting Advice

Yes, I agree with that.

That sounds like a good idea!
I don't think that's a good idea.
OK, why don't we do that.
That's very interesting.

Rejecting Advice
I'm sorry, i can't agree with that.
I don't think we should do that.
That's very interesting, but ...
I don't know what to advise, I'm afraid.
I wish I could suggest something, but I can't.
I wish I could help.
I'm afraid I can't really help you.
Student: I'm terrible at English and I think I should do something about it.What do
you advise me to do?
Teacher: I think you should try this website It's a fantastic
website for beginners.
Student: I've heard about it, but what do you think I should start with?
Teacher: You'd better start with the lessons. Then, try the exercises. There are
many English material on the website and also some exercises.
Student: I would like to improve my speaking. What should I do?
Teacher: You should watch English channels and listen English musics.
Student: Thank you sir.
Teacher: Dont mention it.
Siswa: Saya takut pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan saya pikir saya harus melakukan
sesuatu tentang hal itu. Apa kamu punya saran apa yang harus saya lakukan?

Guru: Saya pikir kamu harus mencoba situs ini Ini adalah situs
yang fantastis untuk pemula .
Siswa: Aku pernah mendengar tentang hal itu, tapi apa hal pertama yang harus
saya lakukan?
Guru: Kamu sebaiknya memulai dengan lessons. Selanjutnya, cobalah latihan
soal-soal. Ada banyak materi bahasa Inggris di website itu dan juga beberapa
Siswa: Saya ingin meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara saya. Apa yang harus
saya lakukan?
Guru: Anda harus menonton saluran bahasa Inggris dan mendengarkan musik
bahasa Inggris.
Siswa: Terima kasih Pak.
Guru: Jangan sungkan-sungkan.
Contoh Percakapan 1
This conversation taking place at Iqbals bedroom
Mother : Iqbalbal...oh my god. Wake up my dear. Its Monday morning, don't you
go to school.
Iqbal : Mom, I have got a headache.
Mother : Let me check. You have got a high temperature. You should stay at
Iqbal : That sounds like a good idea!
Mother : Just a moment, I will call your daddy. You should go to a doctor.
Iqbal : No...Mom, I don't think that's a good idea.
Contoh Percakapan 2
This conversation taking place at the park
Aufa : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet.
Tami : Don't be so sad my friend, let us search it around the park.
Aufa : I have looked for it for hours but I do not find it, do you have some ideas?
Tami : You had better tell the securities to announce it to other students.

Aufa : Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps.

Tami : Lets go.. !
Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Alex : You look unhealthy, Boy.
Bryan : Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.
Alex : You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will accompany you.
Bryan : Ok.
1. The underlined words show ....
A. Agreement
B. Disagreement
C. Advice
D. Necessity
E. Plan
2. You should ............... to past the test.
A. Study hard
B. Studying
C. Studying hard
D. Studied
E. Studied hard
Andi : I have a bad headache.
Budi : Youd better ......................
3. Complete the dialogue above ....
A. Taking an aspirin
B. An aspirin
C. Take an aspirin
D. To take an aspirin
E. Took an aspirin
Amir : I am not good at English.
Budi : ..........................
4. Complete the dialogue above with an advice .....

A. I should practise English every day

B. Why dont you take an English course and practise every day?
C. Do you like English ?
D. I must take an English course
E. You must sleep often
5. Mary failed again in the test. She ....................... harder.
A. Had better study
B. Need to study
C. Better study
D. Study
E. Studied.
6. I miss my grandparents. What ........................ I do now ?
A. Better
B. Had better
C. Should
D. Did
E. Do







Expressing and Responding Sympathy Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap

Expressing Likes and Dislikes Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap

Expressing Surprise and Disbelief Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap

Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Beserta Contoh Soal

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Asking and Giving Suggestion or Advice

Asking and Giving Suggestion

In dailycommunication, we often
advice someone for
doingsomething. Suggestion is also called advice. Suggestion or
advice Expression is
the statement for
adviceto make someone better next time. For example, parents suggest or
advice to their child, a friend advises to other friend or to us. It happens
while someone has got bad condition or certain occasion.
We should know what expressions are usually used for asking and
giving advice or suggestion. Here are some ways to ask and give advice or
suggestion someone for doing something and also the ways to accept or
reject suggestion.
Asking and giving suggestion

Asking Suggestion or Advice

Giving Suggestion or Advice

Youd better.

Do you have any suggestion

for me?
Will you give me some
suggestion, please?

You could (might).

I suggest that you.
I recommend that you

Shall I come back later?

You really should.

Any idea?

I strongly advise you to.

Where do you think I can get

something nice?

I think you should.

Maybe you should
Why do not you

Can you tell me what happened?

Please tell me what should I do?
What would you advise us to do?
Do you have any suggestions?
What do you think I should do?
What do you suggest?
Would you like to..?
Shall we go. ?

Id like to suggest that .

I advise .
You should..
Its better for you ..
You must
Perhaps you should lie down
Its best to .
You need/ought to
Make sure you .

Accepting and rejecting suggestion

Accepting Suggestion or Advice

Thats a good/nice/wonderful

Rejecting Suggestion or Advice

I dont think so.

Yeah, sure.

I tried that, but it didnt work.

Thank you. Ill try that.

Thanks, but that

wont helpbecause.

Why didnt I think of that?

I think youre right.
Thats sounds good.
Sure. Ill do that.

I dont want to do that because.

Thats a good idea, but.
Im afraid I cant do that.
I think it cant solve my problem.

Example in dialogue
Dialogue 1
Ramlan : Hi Renny , would you like to do something with me this weekend
Ramlan : I do not know . Do you have any ideas?
Ramlan : Thats sounds good to me . Which movie shall we see?
Iron Man 4.
Ramlan: Id rather not. I do not like violent films. How about going to
Mad Doctor Brown?
Ramlan : Its on at 8 oclock at the Rex . Shall we have a bite to
eatbefore the
Renny: Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new
Italianrestaurant Wong
s meet there

Renny: OK . Ill see you

Ramlan : Bye .


Wong Jowo at six .

Bye .

Dialogue 2
Lenny : Bayu, Id like to study in a state university, but Im worried I cant
pass entering test.
Bayu : Why not joining me for preparing the test in college?
Lenny : By the way, how much money does it cost for the college?
Bayu: Not more than a million rupiah yearly.
Lenny: Okay, Ill consider it with my parents.

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