HOOOPful Thinking

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SERIES with Deane Juhan
1 workshop a month • YK Berkeley

with Katchie Ananda
Begins October 2 • YK Berkeley

HOOPful Thinking
with Sianna Sherman and Noah Maze By Stefana Serafina
Begins October • YK Berkeley

n eccentric, colorful species is claiming an ever-larger section at urban parks and music
festivals with each passing season. Hula-hoop aficionados, commonly known as “hoopers,”
and their shiny circular toys are spreading hoop fever with the speed of an epidemic.
Hoopers aren’t exactly the new kids on the block. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians made hoops
from wood or grapevines, and American Indians used them in ritual dance and storytelling for
SEANE CORN millennia before toymaker Wham-O sold more than 100 million plastic ones during the craze
Detox Yoga Flow: Purification for
R of the ’50s. In this latest remarkable renaissance, the hula hoop hasn’t come a full 360. This time
around, the fad has taken off in a different direction, sparking a new dance form and giving birth to
Optimal Health and Wellness
a vast subculture with its own credo, forums, celebrities, vernacular, and gatherings. The master-
October 15 - 17 ful spinning of the hoop on the shoulders, neck, or knees that seemed revolutionary a few years
back has now evolved into an elaborate dance style in which the hoop changes planes, manipulates
space, bounces, gets tossed, and travels miraculous orbits in skillful hands. Off-body hooping, iso-
lations, isopops, and breaks are only some of the concepts that make up the complex language of
hooping. With their dizzying numbers and their novel ways to move with the hoop, modern-day
hoopers are causing heads to spin and worlds to shift.
Summer Discounts
$8 daytime classes in SF June - July Hooping it Up
First class free with this ad Much like being a graffiti artist or a skater, to be a hooper is more than being someone who likes to
rock the hoop. It is an identity, a belonging, a way of life.
California’s Premier Anusara Yoga Studios Film director Amy Goldstein has documented that way of life in a recently released feature-
length documentary called The Hooping Life. The film follows the adventures of several young
YK San Francisco YK Berkeley mavericks transformed by their passion for hooping and their struggle to make it a full-time job.
3030a 16th Street 1700 Shattuck Ave.
415.934.0000 510.486.0264 The film weaves the intimate real-life stories of its stars (modern hoop dance pioneer Anah “Hoo-
palicious” Reichenbach of LA, the Bay Area’s dazzling Christabel “HoopGirl” Zamor, and Baxter
2008 BEST YOgA STUDIO of North Carolina, among others) with top-quality hoop dance from the world’s club scene. The
- SF WEEKLY result, Goldstein says, is a “universal story of risking it all to dance to the beat of your own drum.”
www.YogaKula.com “When I started filming in 2004, hooping was mainly seen at music festivals and nightclubs,”

32  june 2010

she recalls. “There are now close to two mil-
lion results on Google for ‘hooping’ and ‘hula
hoop,’ hundreds of thousands of YouTube
videos about hoop moves and hoop making,
A back-to-tradition school of Ayurveda
thousands of Facebook groups, and websites Re-enlivening a timeless approach to transformative education
from around the world.” by integrating the spiritual essence of Ayurveda
with key Indian University standards
It’s difficult to say what kindled the contem-
porary obsession with hooping that has now
spread far beyond the U.S., conquering cities
like Sydney, Tokyo, and London. The Colora-
Two-month Introductory Course:
do-based band The String Cheese Incident is Ayurveda Swasthavritta: Theory and Practical
widely credited for spurring the revival of the One-year Certificate Course:
hoop in the U.S. In the ’90s, band members be- Ayurveda Fundamentals for Self Health Care
gan throwing hoops into the audience to bet- Three-year Diploma Course:
ter engage fans during concerts. “People would V LOBAL Ayurveda Lifestyle & Wellness Counselor Course
Igniting a Community Healing and Six-year Degree Course (upcoming)
grab the hoops and start spinning. It just made Wellness Movement with Classical Ayurveda
Ayurveda Health/Panchakarma Practitioner
the experience so much more fun,” remem-
bers Shakti Sunfire, who admits she was one
of the band’s “biggest groupies.” Recognized 2010 Fall Series with Vedika’s Founder
today as a topnotch hoop performer, Shakti Shunya Pratichi Mathur
rediscovered the hoop in 2007 while working Introducing Vedika Gurukula’s transformative education in Ayurveda, drawn from Ayurveda’s
classical texts and the living Gurukula tradition. Infusing academics with ideals, practical
as a brand consultant in Denver. Within six training with philosophy, and textual study with personal experience.
months, Shakti (known at the time as Laura September 10th & 17th, October 1st & 15th, 2010
Blakeman) quit her corporate gig to establish *New Session Begins January 2011

a small hoop business and turn up the volume

on the “community hoop buzz.” For more information please visit www.vedikaglobal.org
“Hooping has given us the opportunity for Join our online Sangha on for up to date event notifications.
unique self-expression, but also for radical
Vedika Global, Inc. 5950 Doyle St, Studio 2, Emeryville, California 94608 | tel. 1-877-708-3342 ext.14 | info@vedikaglobal.org
self-acceptance. It has been our unique way Vedika Global Inc. is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization
of embracing the evolution of our surround-
ings, a way of saying we’re sick of the corporate
structure, the retirement plans, the processed
food, and fear-based society. It is a tool for our
empowerment against all of that.”
Shakti recently moved to San Francisco,
joining a wave of popular hoop dancers who
have relocated to the Bay Area. An established
international hooping hub, the bay is home to
one of the largest hooper communities, doz-
ens of hoop businesses and instructors, and
nonprofits like World Hoop Day, which brings
hoops to children in inner cities and poor coun-
tries around the world. The Bay Area Hoopers,
a group that throws weekly hoop jams in urban www.genatural.com | 1966 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Fairfax | 415-454-0123
parks, turned seven this spring, with a soaring
membership of more than 600.
As hooping claims new ground as an ex-
pressive art form, there comes a deepening in
its exploration. Kandice Kower-Kaus, “holis-
tic hoopologist,” also studies and teaches the
hoop’s potential as a tool for personal trans- B al a n ce d R o ck . o rg
“I noticed how I would pick up my hoop
whenever I was sad or felt stressed, and sud-
denly I felt well again,” she says. Her previous
studies in psychology and philosophy came in
handy when researching the “profound and
lasting physical and spiritual benefits” of hoop
dance. “Once you begin to understand the
hoop’s movements and become one with its Hiking Yoga Meditation Custom Retreats in Yosemite National Park

flow, your hoop practice uplifts your spirit, it
raises your vibration so your aura shifts, and
you become more ‘in tune’ with your inner
rhythms. The hoop operates as a portal, a cata-
lyst for transforming energy.”

An Expanding Circle
Having multiplied exponentially in the last
couple of years, hoopers now have their own
version of the Oscars, the annual “Hoopies,”
awarded virtually by voters on Hooping.org.
A platform for everything hoop, the online
community is an enormous endeavor, drawing
thousands of visitors daily.
“I think hooping is expanding to the degree
that the glamour is wearing off and we’re look- How to Join the Hoop Mania
ing at innovation,” says Brecken Rivara, voted
Female Hooper of 2010. One of the bravest in- The Bay Area Hoopers is an all-inclusive group
novators in hoop dance, Rivara, also a recent of hoop enthusiasts who gather every Sunday
transplant to the Bay Area, is stunned by the in locations announced weekly to “crank up the
tunes and hoop it up.”
speedy expansion of the community. “I think
To join the crew, visit groups.yahoo.com/
all of us are sort of scratching our heads, won-
group/bah/ or find the group on Facebook:
dering how we landed on this little blip. There’s facebook.com/group.php?gid=62075620452.
urgency there, as well as excitement. So we’re Learn unexpected ways to flow with the hoop
all sort of grappling with something both eter- or buy hoops at one of the many Bay Area hot
nal and socially significant.” spots.
Rich Porter, the 2010 winner of the Male
Hooper prize, also emphasizes community SAN FRANCISCO
when pondering his success. Hero Hoops: High-energy hoop dance classes
“People instinctively feel whether someone and teacher trainings. HeroHoops.com
is being open, and I’ve tried hard to remain Hoop the Flow: Affordable hoop dance classes
completely transparent,” he says. “I’m sharing focusing on conscious movement and self-
my influences openly and, through that, I have expression. HoopTheFlow.com
an influence on the direction of hooping as a
whole. It’s different than running a company, MARIN
where profit is a necessity and a sense of pro- HoopGirl: Helping millions of people discover
hoop dance as a path to fitness, joy, and well-
tection is required. I don’t have ‘secret weapon’
being. Also offering classes in San Francisco.
moves or hoops. If I find something that I val-
ue, I immediately share it with the community,
with as little sense of ownership as I can.” EAST BAY
At the brink of summer, with music festi- Cherry Hoops: Berkeley/Emeryville. Fun hoop
vals opening long-awaited dance grounds, the dance classes. CherryHoops.com
hooping life proves particularly alluring, and Starlight Hoops: Livermore. Basic hooping
more newbie enthusiasts are tempted by the techniques. StarlightHoops.com
hoop. “Community” seems to be the magic
word in the lives of hoopers. SANTA ROSA
“It’s simple,” says teacher and performer Miss Holistic Hooping: Classes and hoops for health
Rosie. “More people join with hoops every day and happiness. HolisticHooping.com
because they want to move and experience
their bodies in a new way. Hooping initiates NATIONWIDE
conversation — everybody has a story about Hoop Technique: A cutting-edge hoop dance
instructional project by Spiral and Rich Porter.
hoops and hooping. And through movement
and conversation, people find community.”

Stefana Serafina is a San Franciso–based writ- Want To Make Your Own Hoop?
er and the founder of Hoop the Flow, a com- Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions.
munity hoop dance school teaching hoop dance JasonUnbound.com/hoops.html
as a way of deepening the relationship between
conscious body movement, physical fitness, and Watch The Hooping Life trailer.
mind wellness. TheHoopingLife.com

34  june 2010

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