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VOL XIV-82 0732290 0055241 4 H- 07-33 MPMS Chapter 11.4 ‘Volume xiv First Edition, enuary 1982 Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11.1—Volume Correction Factors Volume XIV—Tables 53D and 54D ERRATA Pages XIV-1, Change the value in Item S under Example 2 for corresponding density from 15°C 10 68.5°C. Page XIV-1, Change the last line on the page to read, Text continues on page XIV-S, rather than page XIIL-S. ‘August 1, 1982 Elcenzed by Inccrmation Handling Services j NPHS 1-1 VoL xiv-a2 J o73e290 oossee2 aff H-07-32 Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11.1—Volume Correction Factors Volume XIV TABLE 53D —Generalized Lubricating Oils Correction of Observed Density to Density at 15°C TABLE 54D —Generalized Lubricating Oils Correction of Volume to 15°C Against Density at 15°C API STANDARD 2540 (1980) FIRST EDITION, VOLUME XIV, JANUARY 1982 p American Petroleum Institute API Std 2540 Institute of Petroleum IP200 Gp __Amorioan Sociaty for Testing & Materials ASTM 01260 | “American National Standards Insitute ANSVASTM D1250 ‘American Petroleum Institute 2101 L Street, Northwest Washington, D.C. 20037 p Hens tai VOL XIv-82 fy 738050 oOssz—a off Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11.1—Volume Correction Factors Volume XIV TABLE 53D—Generalized Lubricating Oils Correction of Observed Density to Density at 15°C TABLE 54D—Generalized Lubricating Oils Correction of Volume to 15°C Against Density at 15°C Measurement Coordination Department ‘API STANDARD 2540 (1980) FIRST EDITION, VOLUME XIV, JANUARY 1982 ‘American, Petroleun Institute p MPHS 11-1 VOL XIV-82 BP oo73ze0 oosseay ag ‘These tables or the mathematical relationships represented thercby may be used by anyone desiring to do so, but the American Petroleum Institute, the American Society for Testing and Materials, and the Institute of Petroleum and their respec- tive members and the U.S. National Bureau of Standards shall not be held respon- sible or liable in any way for loss or damage, including, but not limited to, conse- quential damage, resulting from such usage or for violation of any federal, state, or ‘municipal laws, regulations, or practices of the United States or of any foreign country. ‘The tables included in this volume and the subroutines from which they were generated are voluntary standards and were developed under the auspices of the joint API/ASTM Committee on Static Petroleum Measurement in part from data generated by a project funded by the American Petroleum Institute at the U.S. National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Inquiries concerning application of the tables or the computer subroutines should be addressed to: ‘American Petroleum Institute ‘Measurement Coordination Department 2101 L Street, N.W. ‘Washington, D.C. 20037 ISBN 0.88364-0441, coptarcHt American Petzoleun institute Copyight © 1981 American Pevoleum Isnt CONTENTS : Pace Introductory Information Foreword. Preface . Z vs sinners Officers of the Committee on Petroleum Measurement and the Joint APVASTM Committee on Static Petroleum Measurement API Measurement Coordinators... Members of the COSM Physical Properties Working Group . x Members of the Institute of Petroleum Measurement and Sampling ‘Committee and the Calculation and Tables Subcommittee. ..... Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11—Physical Properties Data Section 1—Volume Correction Factors Volume XIV 11,1,53 TABLE 53D—Correction of Observed Density to Density at 15°C......... 11.153.7 TABLE 53D—Gener: Correction of Observed Density to Density at 15°C. . TABLE 53D (see Note).......6++ * 11.1.54 TABLE 54D—Correction of Volume to 15°C Against Density at 19°C cevesssscascesseraverrencenseaaers ‘TABLE 54D—Generalized Lubricating Oils, Correction of Volume to 15°C Against Density at 15°C TABLE 54D (see Note)... Appendix A—Subroutine TABS3D Appendix B—Subroutine TABS4D Note to User: Both TABLES 53D and 54D are internally numbered beginning with page 1. The actual table begins after the page noted in the contents. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling services IW MPMS Ub. VOL XIV~82 a o7a2290 ooss28s a MPMS 2i.1 V 82 J] orseeno oosseee Si FOREWORD The Objectives ‘The complete collection of the jointly issued APVASTM-IP tables of which this volume isa part is the result of close cooperation between the American Petroleum Institute (API), the Institute of Petroleum (London) (IP), and the American Socie- ty for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The overall objective of this effort was to meet the worldwide need for a uniform and authoritative publication, based on the most accurate information available. This publication serves as a basis for standard- ized calculations of measured quantities of petroleum fluids regardless of point of origin, destination, or units of measure used by custom or statute. To meet the objective of worldwide standardized measurement practices, the American Na- tional Standards Institute (ANSI) and the British Standards Institute (BSI) have also been closely involved nationally, resulting in the acceptance of the revised tables as an American National Standard and as a British Standard, In addition, in their respective capacities as Secretariat of the International Organization for Stan- dardization TC/28 and of TC/28 SC3, ANSI and BSI have been instrumental in progressing the revised tables towards their adoption as an international standard by the International Organization for Standardization Historical Notes The present collection supersedes all previous editions of the petroleum measure- ment Tables ANSI/ASTM D1250, 1P200, and AP! Standard 2540. Action is being taken in ISO/TC 28 for the corresponding tables listed in ISO R91 and the tables in the addendum to R91 to be superseded by the present revised collection In view of the progress of metrication in countries formerly using the British system of weights and measures, demand for the revision of the British edition does not justify the considerable work involved. The present edition will therefore be withdrawn on the same date as the corresponding metric and American editions are Published and will not be replaced. For the metric edition. the new standard covers products with densities in the range 610.0 to 1076.0 kg/m®. The tables for densities below this range, covering liquefied petroleum gases, have not been revised. ‘The original tables, which were developed in the late 1940s, were based on the 1916 data of Bearce and Peffer (1916) and represent thirty years of evolution. The history of this evolution is summarized by Hall et al. (1975). Present Development Downer and Inkley (1972) demonstrated that the original tables were not satis- factory representations of many petroleum fluids of current importance. In 1974 the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the United States National Bureau of Standards (NBS) initiated a research program funded by the API which intended to provide the solid scientific base for the development of more accurate, conse- quently more equitable, measurement tables. The result of this program was precise density data on 349 different fluids representing a wide variety of refined products and 66.8 percent of the world crude production in 1974. The completion of this five-year, $500,000 project in March 1979 opened the way for modernizing the tables. Using the NBS density data and taking advantage of publications of out- standing technical authorities, a Joint API-ASTM Physical Properties Working ay fon Handling Services MPMS 1-3 VOL XIV-82 J] 073230 oosses? 7 Group produced this present collection of the Petroleum Measurement Tables. The development and results of the work are described by Hankinson et al. (1979). Conceptual Departure A major conceptual departure from previous versions is inherent in the recogsi- tion of the present and fature position of computers inthe petroleum industry. The actual Standard represented by this volume and the companion volumes is neither the hardcopy printed tables nor the set of equations used to represent the density ‘data but isan explicit implementation procedure used to develop computer subrou- tines. The standardization of an implementation procedure implies the standardiza- tion of the set of mathematical expressions, including calculational sequence and roundoff procedures, used within the computer code. Absolute adherence to the ‘outlined procedures will ensure that all computers and computer codes of the future, meeting the stated specifications and restrictions, will be able to produce identical results. Hence, the published implementation procedures are the primary ‘Standard, the distributed subroutines are the secondary standard, and the published tables are produced for convenience. Acknowledgments ‘The task of completing this project could not have been accomplished without many substantial contributions by a considerable number of individuals and compa- nies. It is impossible to single out any specific individuals for special mention, However, included in the introductory material are lists ofthe officers of the API's ‘Committee on Petroleum Measurement (COPM). the officers of the Joint API/ ASTM Committee on Static Petroleum Measurement (COSM), the major contribu- tors from the Institute of Petroleum, and the members of the COSM Physical Properties Working Group. A special acknowledgment must be given to the Institute of Petroleum (IP) for their work in developing Volumes XI and XII References Beare. H. W.. and E. L, Peller. “Technology Papers of Nations! Bureau of Slandards—Densiy snd “Thermal Expansion of American Petroleum Oils” GPO. pp. 15-154, Washington. DC. 1916 Downer, L., and FA. Inkley. Oi! and Gar Journal, Vol, 10, No. 28. p. S288. ue 19, 1972, Hull A. HJ". Simpson. and J.°R. Whestone.“tavesgation of Densities and Thermal Expunsion ‘Cocticients Applicable to Paroleum Measurement.” SP 7. Word Petroleum Congres. Tokyo 15 Hankinson, R. W..R. G, Segers.T. Krolikowski Buck, and F, P. Gielzeck. Oil and Gas Journal. Nb “No. 82, 9 66, Becembct 24, 197. Hankiason, RLW.,T- A. Coker K.1. Wes, R. G. Segers. FP. Gieaeci.and M.A. Plummer. "Volume Correction Futoes for Lubricating Os” i anid Ga Jour p. 297, Seplmber 28. 1h MPHS 1b-2 VOL XIV-82 | PREFACE ‘The Petroleum Measurement Tables, Volume Correction Factors (Volumes I through XIV), are, with this edition, incorporated into API's Manual of Petroleum ‘Measurement Standards. These tables form Section I of Chapter 11, “Physical Properties Data.” To simplify the transition from the Amierican Society for Testing and Materials’ (ASTM) publication of the original tables to API's publication in 1980, the original ASTM numerical designations have been retained for the indi- vidual tables, ‘The numbering system used throughout Volumes I through XIV corresponds fo the numbering system of the Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards. The system consists of a series of fields separated by decimal points. The first two fields (.-1) indicate chapter and section of the manual: the third field gives the ASTM fable number. Therefore, although not serial, 11.1.5. 11.1.6, 11.1.23, 111.24, 11.153, and 11.154 re the major headings used. All other headings are subordinate to the three field headings. Volumes I through IX and Volumes XIII and XLV. which are designed for field use, are arranged on a functional basis rather than on a topical basis, First Serles—Volumes |, lt, and I ‘These three volumes contain TABLES 5 and 6, the tables for the “API, °F, 6'F base series, plus examples to guide the user. Each volume contains specific data as follows: Volume 1 —Generalized Crude Oils (TABLES SA and 6A) Volume I —Generalized Products (TABLES SB and 6B) Volume III —Individual and Special Applications (TABLE 6C) and an appen- dix describing the equations and constants used and the densities ‘and coefficients of thermal expansion of each NBS sample. Second Serles—Volumes IV, V, and VI ‘These three volumes contain TABLES 23 and 24, the tables for the relative density, °F, 60°F base series, plus examples to guide the user. Each volume contains specific data as follows: Volume IV —Generalized Crude Oils (TABLES 23A and 24A) Volume V —Generalized Products (TABLES 23B and 24B) Volume VI. —Individual and Special Applications (TABLE 24C) and an appen- dix describing the equations and constants used and the densities, and coefficients of thermal expansion of each NBS sample. ‘Third Serles—Volumes Vil, Vill, and 1X ‘These three volumes contain TABLES 53 and 54, the tables for the kilogram per cubic metre, °C, 15°C base series, plus examples to guide the user. Each volume contains specific data as follows: ‘Volume VII —Generalized Crude Oils (TABLES 3A and 54A) Volume VIlI—Generalized Products (TABLES 53B and S4B) ‘Volume 1X. —Individual and Special Applications (TABLE S4C) and an appes- dix describing the equations and constants used and the densities ‘and coefficients of thermal expansion for each NBS sample. ‘Background, Development and Program Documentation—Volume X ‘Volume X provides a complete breakdown of the Petroleum Measurement Tables, ‘Volume Correction Factors, and references appropriate volumes for the location of specific tables. Volume X is the key volume of the entire set and contains the actual “i jotraidm tnetitute copraGi Knavicen Fe “MPMS Ub-2 VOL XIV-B2 ec Standard, the implementation procedures, and the instructions for the use of the ‘computer subroutines. The history and development of the project are also included. Volume X under 11.1.6, Volume XI and Xi—Subsidiary Tables ‘These tables, which cont TABLES 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 ‘These tabies have been updated to reflect current SI practice, as well as the luence of the new volume correction factor data. Tsbles 33 and 34 are also Juded, however, without change, Volumes XI and XII are available only from the ‘conversion factors and other subsidiary data, 31,51, ‘American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penn- spivania 19103. Volumes Xill and XIV—Lubricating Olle ‘The research project that culminated in the volume correction tables for the lubricating oils was carried out over a different timetable than the first ten volumes of Chapter 11.1. Therefore Volume X does not provide a key to Volumes XII and XIV. Volume XIII would have fallen in the first series, the tables for the “APL, °F, (GIF base series, and Volume XIV would have fallen in the third series, the tables for the kilogram per cubic metre, °C. 15°C base series. ‘VolumeXIII and XIV are completely self-contained and cover the following spe- cific data. Volume XI11—Generalized Lubricating Oils (TABLES 5D and 6D) Inquiries concerning the application of the tables or the computer subroutines should be addressed to— ‘American Petroleum Institute Measurement Coordination Department 2101 L Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 200137 vi 1m ¢ isn we : 178 \@ 1979 C 1930 z ao MPMS 11-1 VOL XIV-82 OFFICERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON PETROLEUM MEASUREMENT AND THE JOINT APIV/ASTM COMMITTEE ON STATIC PETROLEUM MEASUREMENT AT SIGNIFICANT MILESTONES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PETROLEUM MEASUREMENT TABLES Chairman cOPM C. Webber Sun Oil Company Chairman cosM R.A. Hartmann Exxon Corporation Chairman cop A. H. Hall Shell Oil Company Chairman cosM TL. Hillburn Phillips Petroleum Company Chairman APUNBS Project R. F. Meeker Committee ‘Texaco Inc. Chairman cOPM R.A. Hartmann Exxon Corporation Chairman cosm TL. Hillburn Phillips Petroleum Company Chairman coPM B. Messer, Jr ‘Mobil Research and Development Corporation Chairman cosM TT. L, Hillburn Phillips Petroleum Company 180 Advisor COPM R. A. Hartmann Exxon Corporation Chairman OPM B. Messer, Jr. Mobit Research and Development Corporation Chairman cosM W. D. Fulton Explorer Pipeline Company Legal Advisor COPM B.S. Thi ‘Atlantic Richfield Company 180 A cOPM R. A, Hartmann Exxon Corporation Chairman Physical Proper». W. Hankinson ties Working Phillips Petroleum Company Group, COSM Chairman opm K. E. Bailey Williams Pipeline Company Chairman cosM C.M. Owen. ‘SOHIO Pipe Line Company Legal Advisor COPM B. S. Tharp Atlantic Richfield Company ISO Advisor. COPM. R. A. Hartmann Exxon Corporation Chairman ‘Table 6 Task R. W. Hankinson Force, COSM —_—Phillips Petroleum Company ke Tlcensed by information Handling Services MPNS Li-2 VOL XIV-B2 BP ov3ee0 oosseaa TT API MEASUREMENT COORDINATORS DURING THE PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ‘ ‘AND IMPLEMENTATION a 1974-1978 W.N. Seward c 1978-Present J.K. Walters * MEMBERS OF THE COSM PHYSICAL PROPERTIES WORKING GROUP ACTIVE IN THE DEVELOPMENT EFFORT Kurt A. Beyreis Mark A. Plunmer Mobil Sales and Supply Marathon Oil Company Judith J. Bigby C. Steven Pringle Phillips Petroleum Company. ‘Texas Eastern Corporation Theresa Krolikowski Buck Richard G. Segers Union Carbide Corporation Exxon Corporation Marshall C. Clegg Gerald W. Singletary Standard Oil Company of California ‘Texas Eastern Corporation j Terry A. Coker James K. Walters { Philips Petroleum Company ‘American Petroleum Institute € + Howard M. Davis, J. Karen 1. West Marathon Pipeline Company Mobil Research and Development Frank P. Gielzecki Corporation Imperial Oil, Ltd, L. D. Wiener Risdon W. Hankinson (Cairman, Mobil Research and Development ‘Working Group) Corporation Phillips Petroleum Company Gael Williams (now retired) Raymond M. Henry Standard Oil Company of California Gulf Research and Development _E. K. Van Horne ‘Company Mobil Oil Corporation Clyde M. Owen (Vice-Chairman, CosM) SOHIO Pipe Line Company ~ copyaici® American Petealows institute MPMS 2b-2 VOL XIV-82 J 0732290 oossene off” MEMBERS OF THE INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM MEASUREMENT AND SAMPLING COMMITTEE AND THE CALCULATION AND TABLES SUBCOMMITTEE ' ACTIVE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PETROLEUM i e MEASUREMENT TABLES 4 LR. Spencer Chairman, Measurement and British Petroleum, Ltd. Sampling Committee B.C. Ferguson _—Past-Chairman, Measurement Caleb Brett, Ltd. . and Sampling Committee ( Chairman, 180 TC/28 SC3 L. Downer Chairman, Institute of British Petroleum Petroleum Tables Research Subcommittee B. O'Shaughnessy British Petroleum Research O.W. Molony British Standards Institution 5 P.D. O'Connell Institute of Petroleum COPM—API Committee on Petroleum Measurement COSM—Joint API/ASTM Subcommittee on Static Petroleum Measurement NBS—U.S. National Bureau of Standards 1S0—International Organization for Standardization et Suen iret. @ MPNS 4. % VOL XT o73ee90 onsseq3 off Chapter 11—Physical Properties Data SECTION 1—VOLUME CORRECTION FACTORS 11.1.53 TABLE 53D—Correction of Sbaorved Density to Density at 15% TABLE 530—GENERALIZED LUBRICATING OILS, CORRECTION OF OBSERVED DENSITY TO DENSITY AT 15°C TABLE 3D gives the value of density in kilogram per cubic metre at 15°C corresponding to ¢ hydrometer reading at observed temperatures other than 15°C. In ‘converting the hydrometer reading atthe observed tem- pperature to the corresponding density at 15°C, two cor- rections are necessary: the first arises from the change in volume of the glass hydrometer with temperature (stem correction) and the second from the change in volume of the lubricating oil with temperature. Both have been applied in the printed table. The values of density at 15°Cin this table are the result of a computer procedure which is the Standard (see Appendix A for the TABLE 53D subroutine listing). ‘The temperature ranges of this table are: Density, kg/m? € 800 to 1164 =20 t0 150 ‘The values of density at 15°C given in this table are based on data from the U. S. National Bureau of Stan- dards, Suntech Group of the Sun Refining and Market- ing Company, and other published sources, Extension ofthis table beyond the ranges shown is not recommen- ded. Increments used in this table for determining density at 15°C are 0.5°C and 2 kg/m’. Interpolation with tem- perature is notintended since there is no practical meth- od of interpclation that will produce the accuracy obtainable from the Standard computer procedure. However, interpolation with density to one additional significant digit can be reasonably made. Interpolation is not requiredif the TABLE 53D results are to be used as entries to TABLE. 54D. Some countries which have historically used a metric system have retained for field use density units such as g/mL. g/cc, Or g/kL. This practice was consistent with previously published APV/IP measurementtables w! have been replaced by this edition. In these instances where field measurements of density are recorded in g/mL, gcc, or g/kL, multiply the measurements by 1 000 to obtain kg/m prior to entering TABLE 53D. xIvet ‘This table must be entered with a hydrometer reading measured with a soft glass hydrometer calibrated at 15°C and with an observed tem- perature. ‘A correction to the glass hydrometer reading hhas been incorporated into the table to account for the thermal expansion of glass. The hydrom- eter constant, as defined in the Report on the De- velopment, Construction, Calculation. and Prepa- ration of the ASTM-IP Petroleum Measurement Tables (1960), varies with temperature according to the following: HYC. = 0.000023(¢ ~ 15°C) ~~ 0,00000002(¢ — 15°C} Example 1 If the hydrometer reading for a lubricating oil at 92.5°C is 1 042 kg/m’, what is the density of the Iubri- cating oil corrected to 15° Enter the table in the column “Density at Observed “Temperature,” headed 1042. Read down to an ob- served “Temperature” of 92.5°C, The corresponding, density at 15°C is 1089.3 kg/m’. Example 2 If the observed density ofa lubricating ol is 0.8908 kg, per litre at 68.5°C, what is the density at 15°C? 1, Convert 0.8908 kelltre to standard international units 0.8808 » 1000. = 890.8 kg/m’, 2, Enter the table in the column ‘*Density at Observed Temperature,” headed 890.0 and note that against an observed “Temperature” of 68.5°C, the corresponding density at 15°C is 922.8 ke/m’. 3. Likewise note that for 892.0 kg/m’ at 68.5°C the corresponding density at 15°C is 924.8 kg/m’. 4, Interpolate on density (924.8 ~ 922.8)/(892.0 ~ 890.0) = L.0 1.0 + (890.8 ~ 890.0) =0.8 5. ‘Then, the density at 13°C corresponding to the den- sity of 890.8 kg/m’ at 27°C is 822.8 plus 0.8 or 823.6 kg/m", (Text continues on page XIII-S following TABLE 53D.) ‘SECTION 1—VowWME CORRECTION FACTORS API/ASTM-IP PETROLEUM MEASUREMENT TABLES TABLE 53D--GENERALIZED LUBRICATING OLS ie DENSITY CORRECTION TO 15 DEGREES c ‘THIS TABLE AND THE SUBROUTINE FROM WHICH IT WAS GENERATED IS A VOLUNTARY STANDARD AND WAS DEVELOPED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE JOINT API/ASTM COMMITTEE ON STATIC . PETROLEUM MEASUREMENT IN PART FROM DATA GENERATED BY A PROJECT FUNDED BY THE AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE AT THE U.S. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, GATTHERSBURG, MARYLAND. INQUIRIES CONCERNING ITS APPLICATION SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO: AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE MEASUREMENT COORDINATION DEPARTMENT 2101 L STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20037 Lneinersaniaistibiininnticeitirinniinitinriarinnintinbiiint ‘THIS TABLE OR THE MATHEMATICAL RELATIONSHIPS * REPRESENTED THEREBY NAY BE USED BY ANYONE WISHING + TO DO SO, BUT THE AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, = * ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS, = * AND THE INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM AND THETR * RESPECTIVE NEMBERS AND THE U.S. NATIONAL BUREAU * OF STANDARDS, SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE OR * a LIABLE IN ANY WAY FROM LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONSEQUENTTAL DAMAGE, RESULTING FROM SUCH USAGE OR FOR VIOLATION OF ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR MUNICIPAL LAWS, REGULATIONS OR PRACTICES OF THE UNITED STATES OR'OF ANY FOREIGN COUNTRY seas eee REE i ‘THIS TABLE MUST BE ENTERED WITH DENSITIES MEASURED WITH A SOFT GLASS HYDROMETER OR PYKNOMETER CALIBRATED AT 15 DEGREES C. MPS 12-1 VOL XIV-ae Bf 0732280 oosseq4 xivs WPMS 21-1 VOL XIV-82 BE 732290 cossess op ‘TAME 59D, GENERALIZED LUBRICATING OTLS ‘DENSITY CORRECTION TO 15 C ‘ DENSITY AT OBSERVED TEMPERATURE ‘mye, 000020406 HOB” B10” 6121481681. SE oe a a ee ee ee ee ee eee SS eS a a OE Cc ao 7 = = 3 2 7 ‘ = a8 2 SE Sie 8 We eB on el oe Be, Be ga ge Meo oS SSS SSE ( mes 2 OS 3S Se ee Tee —— ae SB nese oman a eee seats 2S SS weg She aS dye ST a a A Bede i Dig LD SS ee co RS So ET ae aa a Es a = se = = = 801-6 803-6 foe es as ibn td PoE tolenie stele eC > a ee eo 3 asa ete ee ae BOE oN OD 2.0 tt +S i 2: eoo.3_fos.9_aae:s 08.3 1.0 Si 0088 008 a 68020" C a TET HT OG Sgt Bae abo sors aoa Oe gad ast 807 8S us 2 nous ace aos tore eosis 1's a a2 8d aT 8O ates FEET EHTS r bo 2 Sty aug on aos:) eon. sues) 3.0 3332 rrr 080 808-0 207-0 809-0 838 =_ Bo 2 aor's, 0313053 sors a0s:3 aus’ ao Sat 0 6805-88078 OOD. LSS so + = = nog 005. 005.9 007.9 009.9 1.95.0 nseKvED DENSITY = 800 TO 818 , 1 (WORN USING A DENSITY IH G/Ht, /6C, OR KO/L, MULTALY BY 1000 BEFORE ENTERING THE ABOVE TABLE ‘ Sree yaa setaat ee anata lay selelcee TMPMS bi-% VOL xIV-82 Bp 0732290 cosseqe oy ‘TABLE 53D, GENERALIZED WMRICATING OLS DENSITY CORRECTION 70 15. DENSITY AT OBSERVED TEMPERATURE ‘Tewp. s00 802604800 BOI? wT. c (CORRESPONDING DENSITY AT 15 6 c Sa a BOT BOTH BIT 55 == 00.2602! 8042 906.2 908.2 #102 812.2 5.S 6:0 >= > 00-3 02-5 —g0u:5 806.5 808.5 810-5 817.5 6.0 es: Saas s028 sou: 06 6 0518 810.8 _Biz.6 6.5 cr 70 = OL: 1 603.1 #05:1 807.1 —WO9.1 ATT B13. 7.0 Te OOS BOTS gio gt? _0s2_005:7_ 077097 tin? 13.70 @:5 >= 800.0 802:0 04-0 —e06.0 08:0 10:0 612.0 14.0 6.5 80+ n00:3 023 804/53 _go6.3 g08'3 810,312.39. sds 8.0 3:5 00:7 — 802.7 806-7 806.7 808.7 810.7 —B1.7 816.7 9.5 a co a oe Ce rd gos 2 aot"3 03's 605" 0738091381113 813.9 815-3 10.5 Us > Sons 80319 $05.9 tov. 09.8 811.9 _f19,9_e1s.9 ans 12:0_> 806.2 02:2 go4.2 06.2 808-2 810.2 12.2 —b1a-2 816-2 1200, TES SESS OSES HS SS SS 3310 __s00.8 021s 804.8 06.6 8088 10.6 _817\6_s14.8 16.0 15.0, 1g:s > —aon-1 03-1 —WOS.1 807.1 809-2 BIA B1g.1 81s: B17. 13.8 solo > ond 0034 05.4 _607'4 809.4 81114 813. 8454 817-4 140 cs = gon? wos. 7 605-7 807-7 809.7 811-7 813-7 815.7 617.7 16:3 0 HO) HOWL A. BRD IGOR BIE ae 8B 4515 600.9 602.3 0413 406.3 606.3 810°3__812.3 14.3 616.3 818.9, 16:0 600-6 e02.6 804-6 506.6 808.6 810-6 817-6 Ble. —B16-6 818.6 1615 f009 402.9 04.9 606.8 608.8 61019_#19.9_ #1419826. 818.9 17°0—a01-2 —a03.2 05-7 07.2 809.2 811-2 813.2 815.2 617.2 B19. TS Ws ss HS TS HS TS TS aS aS 1810 _a0i.8 403.8805. _s07.8 80918 _#i1.8 _813.6_s15.8_617.8 819.8, 18:5 —e02:1 04.1 806-1 808.1 610.1 642.1 814.1 B16, 818-1 620.1 1910 _ao2\4 abu 806.4 808.4 81014 _812'4 16.4 16.4 618.6 20.4, 19:5 802.7 —@ou,? 806-7 806.7 810.7 812.7 Bie? —Bl6.7 —B18.7 820.7 Fa as CC re 20:5 03.4 80514 607.4 609.4 811.4 813.4 815.4 617.6 19.4 82-4 21-0 803.7 805.7 807.7 609.7 811.7 813.7 815-7 817-7 819.7 8217 215040 _306/0__808.0_610.0_612.0 _1410_616.0_616.0 620.0 622.0. : 22:0 gok.3 06-3 —B08:3 610-3 812-3 Bie. 816.3 818.3 820. 822.3 HS We WEE WES HOS GLE SRS WIGS ORS OS HEE 25/0 #0490619 _so8.9 _810.9_812/9__ 4.9 518:9__ 82019 922.9 BSB: 8: Ae Eta 24:0 _805:5 0715 909.5 11.5 813.5 815.5 617.5 619.5 621.5 _ 423.5 “BS a0s:8 —ao7.8 809-8 —B11-6 813.8 —B15:8 17.8 19.8 ea 823.8 BOs. eT ET TST a a aT , 25°5 064 08.4 610.4 612.4 814.4 16.4 618.4 620.4 9214 aus —_35°5 26:0 —8os.7 08:7 —Bi0.? 12:7 8l4-7 16-7 818.7 820.7 822-7 @2h.7 26-0 26.8 fo7:0_09:0_611.0 815.0 615.0_B1710__619/0_823.0_499.0_e25.0_ 26.5 27:0 a07,3 809-3 611.3 613-3 815-3 817.9 619,3 621.3 23.9 825.3 27.0 a ce 28.0__807'9_ 09:9 611.9 _13.9_15.9__617:9 19:9 621.9 473.9 925.9, 28:3 08.3 810-3 012.3 814.3 816.3 818.9 820.2 820.2 A962 826.2 29:0 08.6 10.6 612.6 614.6 816.6 818.6 620.6 622.5 424.5 426.5 35:3 8OR3 BIO: B19.9 RIES —AIS-O AIRS —Ra0.9 RPO ADE -9 REED 30,0 609.2 611.2 613.2 618.2 17.2 619.2 621.2 625.2 025.2 027.2, OBSERVED DENSITY = 800 70 ats 2 WHEN USING A DENSITY IN G/ML, G/CC, OR KG/L, MULTIPLY BY 1000 HEFORE ENTERING THE ABOVE TABLE. __—$—_—_—— ( aE g 3104 #12 HPMS 42-4 VOL XIV-82 J 0732290 oosseq7 off TABLE 550, GENERALIZED LUBRICATING OILS ‘DENSITY CORRECTION TO 15 © DERSITY AT OBSERVED TEMPERATURE oz aot we BOB SIO «B12 B1H IGBTS THM. CORRESPONDING DENSITY 4T'15 © c Ble iT ss aT TT I TT 3-0 LOS 13:5 81515 617/53 195 21562315255 | 50:8 B18 813-8 815-8 817.8 619-8 821-8 623.8 625. 310 612.1 Sia. 816.1 618.1 620.1 622.1 624.1 26.1 aus BLE4 81:4 816-4 B16-4 620-4 622-4 624-4 026.4 320 ESAT HT AT BT BIBT RTS $13.0 _615-0_617.0 619.0 _s21-0_523.0_625.0_827.0__629.0_33.0 ‘Bis. 815-3 817-3 19.3 821-3 823.3 825.9 827-3 —829.3 99.5 813.6 815.6 617.6 #196 621.6 623.6 825.6 827.6 829.6 34.0 ‘$13.9 615-9" 617-9 819.9 621-9 625.9 825.9 827-9 829.9 34.5 Wed eT SaaS Bie'5 616.5 616.5 92015 92215 aah. 426.5 aza:s 830.5 35.5 ‘B1¢-d Bled E188 —a20-8 820.8 —E2N.8 826-6 820.8 090.8 36.0 Seis. 817-5 —a19-5 21.5 —823,5—825-8 827.5 829.5 831.3 37.0 WSS Se SE Me Se Se ae BS BLS 5S “E06: ig.) #203 922132411264 620.1_ 830183211 38.0, 16-4 e164 sh 82k 826.4 828.4 830-4 32.0 38.5 16.716. 822.7 924.7 926.7 628.7 630.7 _832.7_39.0 a17.0 819-0 821-0 “623.0 825-0 627-0 829-0 831-0 633.0 39-5, BS GS HLS SST SS SB OO 19.6 621.6 62316 025.6 627.6 29.6 631.6 838.6 40.5 BIS BaL9 823-9 B25 9827.9 629-9 831-9 830.9 4}.0, 38.2 620.2 622.2 624.2526. 628.2_630.2_ 932.2834, 41.3 ‘B18.3 820.5 —e2-5 —#26.5 826.8 828.8 890.5 852.5 B34 42.0 819.2 621.2 823.2 625.2 627.2 _829.1_831.1_833.1_ 835.1 _43.0 Wig.seals aa5.5 e25.8 27.5 429.5 —@51.5 839.5 6355 63-5 2198 62116 _u3'8_e25.8 62716 9291695118 633.8 36.8 40.0 20:1 72-1 24-1 826.1 428.1 830-1 432.1894, a3 Woe ee a a TE 758 0.782217 834.7 426.7 428.7_430.7_852.7__ 36.7 ass 21-0 —a2s-0 825-0 827.0 29.0 31-0 853.0 835.0 t6-0 6213 25.9 92515 #27.3 42953115 _a33.3__835.3 pars WaL.6 823-6 825-6 —G27.8 829-6 831-6 859.6 95.6 037.6 47-0, BS SS OSI OT WS GL aS awa 82212 A243 26.2 6281283012 3212_ 634.2 936.2 830.2480 ~a22:5 824.5 626.5 620.5 30.5 32.5 B34-3 36.5 835.5 40.5, 822.9 82413 82619 698.9 $30.9 63219_b34.8 63610 830.8 49.0 25.2 025:2 027-2 829.2 631-2 653-2 835.1 637-1 039.1 49.3, SRS ESS RS LS SSeS TTS aS 50 23,8 825.4 627.8 929.8 631.6 639.6 695.8 837.8 639.8 50.5 ‘B2e.1 626.1 626:1 830.1 632-1 asa. 836.1 638-1 640-1 51.0 A264 826.4 628.4 630.4 582.4 834A 836.4 898.4 Bud. SS Bak. 7 26.1 28:7 830.7 832.7 896.7 856-7 858.7 —BMl.7 82.0 ES RE BBO HLT. aS 225.3275 62519 654.3 6351383513 857.3 839.3 841,359.09 525.6 827-6 629.6 E316 835-6 35-6 85.6 839.6 841.6 53.5, 525.9 27.§ 92919 491.9 4931983519 _837.9_639.984l.9__ 54.0 $26.3 626.1 630-2 832.2 63602 836-7 858.2 —BU0.2 BLED SES 226.6 928.6 830.6 652.6 34.6 636.6 835.6 860.5 842.5 55.0 OBSERVED DENSITY = 800 TO 616 WHEN USING A DENSITY IN G/M, G/CC, OR KG/L, MULTIPLY SY 1000 BEFORE ENTERING THE ABOVE TABLE. oo 1 a ie at aa fie ars ne nn C nae a3 pais qa see aia ae ‘os s.8 fsa i € TES Hey Blot q Bis 81 Bi tie het 50 “3 tiet to 8i9-0 vies ti9.3 tase sae ane a20.2_ tesco “OSE C ara os aL.8 ie enn t is age Sheen? wae Ba tas 3:36 0, Selo taee ss et 5.0 sh.6 = ‘PMS W3-% VOL XIV-82 Bp o73ee30 onssesa a ‘TABLE 59D, GENERALIZED LUBRICATING O71 DENSITY CORRECTION 70 15. DENSITY AP OBSERVED TEMPERATURE ‘renr. e002 804806 0B B10 IZ BGI TEND c CORRESPONDING DENSITY AT’ 15 C SFE RES OE EET TES TSG SSIS 824192619 926.9 630'9 6321983418 636.9 838.9 o40.9_n42.9 55.5, 36:0 825-2 827-2 829.2 631.2 639.2 835.2 837-2 839.2 Bal? 643-2 56-0, 565 625.5 627.5 62915 631.5_633.5 835.5 837.5 839.5 41.3 843.5 56.5 Cc S70 aas:8 —a27-0 829.8 831-8 033-8 835-8 037-8 039-8 Bald 849-8 57-0 f sl eT SOT Be BTS ease 626.4 030.4 632.4 6944 63614 896.4 8404 bua.e Bana 58.0, $25.7 828.7 830.7 832.7 96-7 836.7 638.7 640.7 —B42.7 —b4b.7 36.5 897:0__829:0 _631.0_35.0_83510 837.0 83910 _410__643.0 845.0 _59.0, Bay.3 829.4 e314 493.9 895-3 837.3 899.3 841-3 —BLa.3 845.3 39.5 Wi NT NTT BSS SE TS SS SE OS 828:0__630.0 652.0 34.0 836.0 638.0 840-0 841.9 643.9 545.9 _ 60.5 830.6 632.6 834.6 836.6 638.6 840.6 842.6 844.6 846.6 61.5 25:9 830.9 632.9 830-9 836-9 638.9 840-9 612:9 —Bua.9 46-9 62-0, SS WT ST ST SE sa 63.0 e915 493.5 639.8 49515 637156395 841.5 643.5 aus.5 847.5 63.0 63°53 #298 531.8 853-8 635-6 637-8 B39.8 8Ul-8 643-8 —Bhs.8 aur. 63.5, Silo e0/1 #3211 634.1 $36.1_83611 640.1 84213644] 646.1 a4B-a 64.0 6h:5 890.4 832-4 —B54-4 636-4 658-4 —BA0.4 —8h2.4 —Boh-4 —BE.4 048.4 645 8:5 832.9 838-9 836.9 638-9 800-9 —Bh2.9—Sbu-9 —Bi6-9 —B4g,9 850-1 69.0 438,2 835.2 637.2 69912 aul. _43.2_645.2 647.2 BA9.2 ASI? 8:5 839.6 635-6 837.5 639-5 GUI. BAS-5 645-5 _BL7-5 849.5 851-5 TOS GS WS Me we ae eee Le 382 036.2 638.2 940.2 642.2 uel? 646.2 648.2 85011 652-2 0” Bo4:5 36-5 b38.5 940-5 O42'5 Bau 5 —Bu65 —B48-5 —B50-5 52/5 71.0, 3 AM.8 836.8 636.8 040.8 042.8 ae 8 646.8 646.8 85018 652.8 72.5 ‘0 83S.1 857-1 899.1 —Se1-1 869.1 845-2 BAT. 1849.1 851-1 859-1 72.0 EE ST GST aa i a a 56:0 (050 Bua:0 Baas 8060" ase. 0 a0 Hea 26 26.3 636.3 860.3 842.5 Bb4.3 846.3 _ 8 52:3 ‘Bi6.7 636.7 640-6 862.6 B4u.6 846.6 648.6 850.6 852.6 BO GLH MD TST SST TOT ES hE Bel 331565713 639.3 e413 643.5 845.3 6471964913 _851.3 853.2 _ 855.2 76.0" 827-6 639.6 —Gh1.6 B43-€ 645.6 847-6 649-6 851.6 853.6 855.6 76:5__857.9 839.9 _841,9 849.8 645.5 847.9 _849.9__ 851.9 _853.9__855.9, 77:0 838.2 840.2 Bal.2 44-7 646.2 848-2 850.2 852-2 854-2 856-2 TE ERS OS HES SUS BES OUE,S SOS OSES O50,5 056.5 76.0 838:8 840.8 842.8 44.8 646.8 848.8 650.6 852.8 854.8 856.8 76.5 —8:9.1 861.1 843-1 845-1 847-1 49-1 651.1 853-1 855-1 857-1 — 79005015 Gul.h 843.4 845-4 647.4 849.4 851.6 853.4 855.4 857.4 FSS Rae ALLA BASSAS BATT 49-7 ASL 889.7 885-7 857-7 80.0 840.1 842.1 644.1 846.1 848.1 650.1 652.1 654.0 656.0 658.0 80.0 OBSERVED DENSITY = 800 TO #18 4 WHEN USING A DENSITY IN G/ML, 6/60, OR KO/L, MULTIPLY BY 1000. HEFORE ENTERING THE ABOVE TABLE ey CGbraTaHT American Fetrbleun Institute - MPNS L2-% VOL XIV-82 I TUSLE 53D, GENERALIZED LWBRICATING O11 ‘DENSITY CORRECTION TO 15 ¢ DENSITY AT OBSERVED TEMPERATURE TeMP, 900 602-804 #06 BOS BLO. GIZA TEM ¢ ‘CORRESPONDING DENSITY AT'15 ¢ c Cr a 60.5 840.4 84214 Ghe.4 G46.4 648.4 850.4 857.4 854.4 856.4 850.4 60.5 1-0 640.7 —aaz.7—guu-7 —Bu6.7 648-7 —B50.7"—B52.7 854-7" 856.7 858.7 61-0 8115 _843,0_843.0 645.0 847.0 _849.0__652.0 853.0 855.0 857.0 _859.0__81,5, 2:0 841.3 43.3 —B45.3B47.3 849-3 —B51.3 859.3 855-3 857.9 859.9 82-0 Bie MSS SEE AS ESSE STOO Bal 9 063.9 845.8 847.9 R49'9 851.9 053.9 655.9 _B57.9_658.9 83.0 ‘i2.3 904-3 06.3 845.2 650-2 852.2 854.7 856.2 856. fo _suale e446 susie tunis 050.5 85215 e54.5 856.5 _a5e. ‘3 82:5 Bi4.9 646-9 648-9 650.9 852-9 654-8 656.8 838. cs BO SST a 45.5__843.5 045.5 647.5 849.5 051.5 053.5 055.5 657.5 85915 061.5 85 ‘6-0 843.8 645-8 "Ba7.8 049.8 G51. 853.8 855.6 857-8 899.8 861.0 — 86. 7 3S budy806!3 e483 aso.3 5213 e543 eset 63:1 e601 962.2 17.0 Bub. —B46.4 848.4 850.4 852-4 854.4 856.6 —B96.4 860.46 862-4 BT RET BT AST SET OST BRT BERT — BROT BRT OTS 845.7 647.7 _649.7_851.7_ 53:7 _855.7_ 657.7 6597 _a61.6 063.6 69.0, 6:0 648.0 850.0 852.0 854-0 856.0 858.0 660-0 867.0 864.0 ——B9:5, 5 3 aus.4 —ay74 49.4 851-4 E534 855.9 857-9 859.3 —8eL9 86s. —BHS 0 GOS GET LESS OSES BTS HRS ITO 850.6 852.6 854.6 656.6 856.6 860.6 862.6 864.6 90.5 ‘850.8 852.9 654-9 856.9 856.9 860.9 862.9 B04.9 91.0 8512 85312 655.2 657.2 899.2 e61.2 863.2868. 9115 ‘51.5 855.5 655-5 857.5 59-5 G61.5 863-5 Bes-5 92.0 ee e52:5 854.3 56.5 856.5 860.5 862/5 —Bsu.S GEL 93-5 5a 885 (A 860.8 96218 Bou.8 666.8 94.0 53.1 855.1 857-1 859.1 861-1 663-1 865.1 667.1 98-5 WEE HES BOB ST SL aS BTA A WL OA BEATE OO $5.5 649.7 052.7 659.7 €55.7__857.7 059.7 061.7__863.7__065.7_ 61.7 95.8. $6.0 650.0 852:0 asa. a50-0 856.0 660-0 —B62.0 6500 B66.0 68.0 96:0. S615 850.4 852.4 054.4 056.3 858.3 860.5 069.3 643 866.3 B68. 96.5 57:0 650-7 852.7 —a54.7 856.7 98-7 860.6 662.6 664-6 866.8 851.6 97.0, WS BL) G50 SA GT WO ALO TO SDT OTS $010 951.3 5513855. 857.3__85913 861.3 663.3 665.5 867.3 068.3 98.0, Sh5—ABL6 "853-6-—455.€ 857.6 859.6 —BoL.6 —Rhd.6 865-6 BET 6 86-6 98S $910 651.9 655.9 455.8 857.9 _59.9__861'9 663.9 65.9 867.9 06818. 98.0, BOS e522 A562 —GS6.2 850.2 860.2 862.2 B64.2 866.2 868.2 870.2 99.5, TOO SLE NS SoS ES OSS SS anes Be S BTS TTT 43005: 852.9 85419 656.8 858.9 660.8 862.8 64.6 866.8 _6B.B 870.8 100.5, W010 53.2 855-7 857.2 859.2 661-2 —B63.1 865.1 667-1 869.1 671.1” 101.0, HOLS 05315 05515 65718 85915 86315 86315 W685 867.4 869.4 874 101.5 02! ~853.8055°8 857.8 859.0 661-8 863.8 865.6 667-8 869.8 071,7 102°0, WES WET BT ET OT OTT ST Be GT TOT TT TOTS M30 85414 85614 858.4 860.6 862.4 864.4 866.4 868.4 870.6 872.6 103.0 Jo: —a5e.7 856.7 858.1 860.7 —862:7 Boa. 7 866.7 Bon. 7 870.7 872.7 103-5, oho 655.1 8570 659.0 661.0 65.0__865-0_867.0_869.0_871.0 673.0 106.0 Tous 855.4 057.4 859.0 861.3 863:3 865.3 867.9 869.3 871.9 87.3 —100.5 105.0 855.7 857.7 859.0 061.7 863.7 865.6 867.6 869.6 871.6 675.6 105.0 onsenven pmvsiTY = 600 TO 818 5 WHEN USING A DENSITY IN G/ML, G/CC, OR KG/L, MULTIPLY AY 1000 BEFORE ENTERING THE ABOVE TABLE ovseeqo 005se99 paca MPNS 22-3 VOL XIV-82 BL oov32en0 TABLE 59D, GENERALIZED 1WBRICATING OILS ‘DENSITY CORRECTION TO 15 ¢ DENSITY AT OBSERVED TEMPERATURE TeHP, €00 —802 80406 HOH GIO. 812 BIG wD. e CORFESPONDING DENSITY AT "15 ¢ c TSO BT OT B50. BGT GO 805-8 BT. 60ST TOSS 30515 856.0 858.0 860.0 662. _A64.0_B66.0__868.0_869.9 871.9 873.9 105.5, 106-0 856.3 656-3 860.3 662-7 —ao.3 666-1 B65.3 70-3 872.3 74-2 106-0, 10:5 856.6 856.6 860.5 862.6 864.6 866.6 868.6 870.6 872.6 74.6 106.5, 107-0 856.9 856-9 860.9 862.9 —G64.9 666-9 —B68.9 870.9 872.9 —AT4-9 107-0 WS wt Wa we ST a BT a aT 3080 857.6 85016 461.5 86's 465.5 867° 860.5 871.5 673.5 47515 108.0 Tons —as7.9 859.9 Bold 86a. —Gs5.8 667-8 469.8 A718 E738 875-8 108-5 10910 56.2 860.2 862.2 R62 866.2 68.2 _870.1_87211__674.1_ 76.1 102.0 Soars asus 00-5 —aea's wets —aee.s 860-5 —B70.S —BIa'S BPA ATLA TOS a a a a a Hols _es9/1 @6n1_s63.1_65.1_67.1_no69-1_a7i'a 79" 69511 @7711__ 10-8 Hino as9.4 061-4 863.4 665-4 67-4 669.4 71-4 873.4 675.4 877-4 ILO 22159505 861.7__865.7__665.7_867.7_869.7_71.7_873.7_675.7_877.7_UL'S Tigo 8eo.1—862°1 —sok-t 866-1 858-0 870-0 812.0 74-0 —a76.0 878-0 112-6 a a H3l0__8e0.7 96217 864.7_ 68.7. s706 972168748 3.5" eel-0 853.0 865-0 657.0 $71.07 873-0 875-0 M4! get's 8633 665.3 86713 S713 873!5_ 675.3 Ta: —ael.6Be3.6 865.6 867-4 e716 873.6 875.6 TST BA 88 BST aS TTT a7 M15/5__ae2'3_sot2 966.2 _6a'1_ 6701267212 16.2 Meo eez.6 eeu. —a06.5 Goes 870.5 872.5 —B74.5 B76. 316158629649 666.9 68S _670.9_87216 874.8 87618 117:0—Be3-2 865.2 867-2 69-1 671-2 873.2 875-1 877-1 WS 8SS BES TS STS OS HSS Saw 118.0 63:8 65.6 867.8 86914 671.8 873.8 875.8 79,8 _sei.8 11s. 18:3 Bea} 66:1 866.1 870-1 872-1 874.1 876-1 80.1 —882:1 18-5 19/0 aes 866.4 566.4 70.4 872.4 874.4 576.4 50.4 352241180 15:5 —8eh.8 66.8 868.8 470.7 872.7 874.7 878.7 80.7 —a62:7 118-5 TOO SST Se SO. ATT SO ATS 9.0 aL Owe 4120/5 865"4 674 a69.4 7114 873.4 075.9 _877°3_67913_@8119_882.3_ 12013 12:0 865.7 867-7 B71.) 873-7 875.7 677-7 879.6 81.6 889.6 21.0 12115 866.08 _si2ie_a7ko_s7610_s78.0__s40.0_a82.0__883°9 1 1220 806.3 866.5 ‘B7E3 ATES 876.3 878-3 880.3 BR ES TES Wes.6 Bees 870.6 STE 874-8 —B0.6 87H. Ba0.6 wee Hees HS 1231086706910 670.9_872'5 _a74'9_876.9 878.9 880.9 82 i230 125-5 Be)-3 869.9 a71.3 873.2 673-2 817.2 879.2 B81.2 83 as: 124l0 806 Beale e716 875.6 877.3 879°5_aais ass. 124.0 12h: 80:9 69.9 871.9 > 873. ‘77.9 879-8 e818 3. ins 25:0 RED e700 be 78.2 wa. e822 BEE BET 1. 125/685 670.5 672.5 74.5 876.5 678.5 880.5 882.5 A845 a's ‘866-8 470-0" 677.6 674-4 676-8 876.6 880.8 882.8 —8B4.8 986-8 126-0 58692 ard 877.1 879.1 gait 83.1 _a85.1_67.1_126.5 80:58 877-4 879-4 — Bald AS46885 k BATA —T2T-O Wt Se Lease SS TTT waa T Ws 128.0 _6)0.1 721387411 8761187811 _84011_642.0_884.0 126:5 810.4 a72:4 874-4 676.4 870.4 660.4 802.4 804.4 129° 00.7_72.7__a74.7_ 876.1 _976.7__80.7_682.7_a4a'7 129:5 801.0 873:0 875.0 877.0 879.0 Be, 885.0 fopseavin DENSITY = 800 To 818 ‘ WHEN USING A DENSITY IN 6/4, O/C, OR KO/L, MULTIPLY BY 1000 3EFORE ENTERING THE ABOVE TABLE coss3co oi “THPHS L3-2 VOL XIV~B2 Bp 0732250 ooss303 off ‘TWbLE 550, CENERALIZED WWBRICATING O11 DENSITY CORRECTION TO 25°C DENSITY AT OBSERVED TENPSRATORE tue. 900 602,-«80b 0G BoB SIO elz 81h 16k TEM c (CORRESPONDING DENSITY AT'15 6 € 5 573.7_95.7_677.6 679.6 681.6 _ Res. 74.0 876.0" 570.0 860.0 681.9. 576.3 678.3 680.3 862.3. baa, B76. 678-8 680-6 882.668 (685.6 087.6 669.8130. Saas 9867.9 889.9 131.0 _ 886.2 860.2 8902 191.5 ‘66.5 868.5 890.5 152.0 BES OEP a ae 30.9 85.9 ae is3lo_67a.2_75.2_ 677.2 wy9,2 481.2 683.2 13/5 873.5 875-5 877.3 B79. 881.5 885.5 85.5 Belo s73/9__675,9__077.6 _b79/6__e81.8 883.8 _ns.8 79:9 875.9 87.8 979.8 985.8 68 ise] 874.2 B76:2 878.2 Bho. 1862.1 804-1 — B86. T 65 BETA ES a9.2_a81.2 138.0 69.5 sors 1355, 89.6 6918 134.0 ‘00.1 92.1 1343 DOO WS 6.5 88S ROSES A EO SO 135.3 7418 876.8 670.8 G80,8 682.8 “BRU.6 Guel8 88.7 890.7 092.7_ 13515 Bi60 875.1 877-1 B79-1 apt: B63. 1865.1 Ba7-1 869.1 891-1 893.0 136.0 BBY: 675-8 877-7 879.1 aa? 803.7 865-7 —gR7.7 869.7 891-7 893.7 197.0 BTS OE. BO G60. HATO eA. 6EEO HED 90.0 B50 ALDH. Bale 876.4 67814 060.4 az4 884.9 686-3 95919_ 690.3 692.3 894.9 138.0 Sie! b76.7 876.7 880.1 —po2-7—Be0-7 86-6 BRE '6 490-0 882.6 —BsuG —E36.5 asalo__87710_479.0_as1.0_fa3.0_#4510 687.0 _ 88.9 990.9_092.9 894.9 130.0, B95 877-5 879.3 BAT.3—B4s.3 65.3 887.3 89.9 891-9 893.2 895.7 —139°5, 6 G9.6 518 G65. 8 SESS ONT. AUG OTE BTS. BSS Ta -O AMOS 7810 87919 _aat.s 053.9 445.9 _687:9_a99.9__691°9 895.9. 95.9__40.5 Mio 78:3 880.3 682.2 —Bpu-2 —es6.2 868.2 490.2922 894.2 056.2 101.0 His g7e.e _ss0.6 _a82.¢ 68415 866.5 588.5 490.5 97.5 994.5, wis Iszia 878.3 B80. 862.5 Bat —BHE.3 808-0 90.8" 92-8 BOLE 142:0 Was a7. WO? BET — aes 287-2 WP-T aay 099.7 2.5 H5!0__679'5 _neu:5 883.5 685.5 67.5 989.5 9115 095.5, 143.0 Has 479.6 a3-i tas: 887-8 869.8 —agt-d B99. 35 4ug.9 a0? 08211684: 88611 B88. 490.1 Goa, 894.1896. 1 Tea:5 690-5 —Be2.5-Bsh-t B56. —Ga8.4 890.4 B97.4 94.4 a96.4 8984 — 1a. WET aT 896.7 wT Ts 495.0 897.0_895.0 145. ea wae a aa aT 7 53.4" 895.3 897.3 895.3146. S611 865.1 885.1 687.1 _ 689.1 ‘ELA 83.4 085-4 887-4 BED e517 863.7 _865.1_6e7.7_869.7 E820 886.0 866.0 BRED 890.0 495.7 897.6 895.6 M6. $96.0 898.0 099° 147. Sa ET SSS TSS lego _842.7 886.7 086.7 e816 80016 692.6 _eoLle e96.6 898.6 S006 ihg.5 863-0 685-0 87.0 —ga9"0 ao0.9 92.9 —Wou9 96.9 898.9 900.9 M90 _§83:5 685.3 _867:3_B89.3 91:3 895.3_ 95.2 97.2 699.2 901.2 149.0, igi3—gan8 85.6 057-4 a89-6 BDILG 899.6 —895°5-997°3 899.5 BOS —149.5 150.0 863.9 805.9 867.9 969.9 p01.9 093.9 _e95.9 497.9 09.8 901.8 150.0 OBSERVED DENSITY = $00 70818, WE OSING 4 DENSEEY SH G/IG, G/oC, Om RGD, MULTIPLY RY t000 aKrORE ENTERING THE AZOVE TABLE NPHS La-2 VOL xry-82 "J o7a2290 ossac2 Of ‘TADLE 530, GENERALIZED LUBRICATING O11 DENSITY CORRECTION 10 15 ¢ DENSITY AT OBSERVED TEMPERATURE Top, 2022 wth 26 BB 830.832 8h 688k TPL € ConnesPONDING DENSITY AT 15 ¢ c 0-9 BET BONS WE SHOT OSE aI AG i o1!2__0312__s05:2 aor! _a09.2_ 6112 m13.2__ 15.272 “1915 ois ~gos:8 "805.3407: 809.5 BII-5 613.3" 615:5—B17.5=18-0, O18 _903.8 805.8 _807:8 609.8 1110 13.8 a15.8 817.8 18.5 e ‘aT 02:1 B04, 1806-1 —809.1 810-1 812-1 814-1 616.1 818.1 18.0 SH BIT HE BEA HORE ATS 00:7 8027__404:7__806:7__808.7_810.7_12,7_8i4.7_916.7_818.7_=17.0 ‘01:0 003-0°"W0S.0 807-0 809.0-—B11-0- 813-0 815.0 617-0 619.0 18.5 13 803.3 808.3 807.3 809.3 811.3 813.3 815.3 _B17.3_819.9 21 0 803.67-805:6 807-6 009-6 11-6 813.6 615.6 @17,6 819-6 15-3 Ws Hs. —B07-S Bi Hs. 81s. 8IT, IE e $04.2 806.2 000.2. Sia sae 16.2 616.2 620.2._-14.5 Got:3 06:3 —a09:3B10°5 aig. 3 Bits —B16:5 816-3 e205 =10-0 Hoh 006.8 00.4 aioe gig-8 _sie'a_aie.a nina aa0'e <3 ss CS aoe WSR HS WO Te aS 808.7_807.7__809:7__611.7_8 B15.7_17.7_919.7_ 82.7120 ‘806:0—808:0°-810-0 “812.0 B14-0 816-0 618-0 820.0 822.0 11.5 06.3 808.3. 810.3__€32.3 81419 e169 1819 620.3_622°3“11'0 B66 808.8 810-6" "812.6 814-6 816.6 810-6 620.6 822.6 10.3 a 00.2 aia 8 015.2 617.2 619.2 21.2_023.2_ 9.5 09,3 ~b11-3 813.5 615.3817: 619.5 21.5 823.5 9.0. 800:8_ 0118 013,8€15.8 817.8 919.8 23.8 023.0 “45, BiOs ozs ie. —aN6.1 618-2 020-1 62251 820-1 5-0 TTR HEH Biba e@ 00.7 810.7__ 6127 _ata.7_ 16.7 _818:7_420,7_§22,7_24.7__1.0 309.0 811-0" 815-0 815-0" B17-0—B19.07~ 21-0 €23.0 625-0 —=5.3 8093811130133 1513 617:3 919392132313 925.3 “5.0 509.6 O11-6 "13-6 815-6 817-6 819.6 21.6 G23.6 025-6 5.5 o WIM HS HS i a ea as a 2810.2 812.2. usa 16.2 818.2 820:2 822.2 baul2 26.2 $0.5 B08 big s —Hle.S shes —bn8 5820.5 azsns oaks sab 5 2315 Wona_30.8_912.8 614.8 816.8 618: 92015 622.8 424.8 626.8 Soci nt staged edged Bn east eased eased eer T a rear ce 6O0.7 A117 813.7 1s.7_ BI0-0—812.0 814.0 Ale-0 610-0 820°0 10.3 81213 814.3 _916.3__918.3 920.3 92213 oiu:6 816.6 815.8 820. as a 317 825.7 24.0 626-0 826-0 1-3 824.3 836.3 628.9 “Bak 6 826.6 828-6 BT TET aT aT Bir: 819126212 fas.2 027.2 929.2 ‘Bir’ 819: 21.5 829.5 85.5 827-3 029.5, BI7.6 819.8 821.8 623.8 925.8 827.8 929.8 816.1 8tb:1 820-1 022-1 824-1626:1 825-1 830-1 Ti BRe Se BAH 3.0 812:7 14.7 _616.7__910.7_020,7_622.7_ 267 626.7 628.7 _830.7 S'$ais:0 B10 617-0" "19.0 821-0” 823-0 825.0 427-0 629.0 831.0 ilo 19:3 B1s.3_917.3_ 919.3 e213 €23°3__ 625.3 927.3 6295 ast.3 ry BIS;6 817-6 819.6 821-6 823-6 625.6 827.6 629.6 631-6 5.0 013.9 915.9 617.9 819.9 821.9 628.9 825.9 937.9 529.9 31.9 5.0 OnsenveD DENSITY = 820 70838 5 WEN USING A DENSITY TH G/ML, 0/0C, OR XG/1L, MULTIPLY BY 1000 BEFORE ENTERING THE ABOVE TART, PMS B21 VOL Xiv-82 0732290 0055303 Ig ‘TAME SSD, GENERALIZED LaBRICETING O11 ‘DENSITY CORRECTION TO 15 € DENSITY AT OBSERVED TEHPRRATURE rep, 920022, a2h 86 2B E30 832 BIG NSE c CORRESPONDING DENSITY AT'25 ¢ c TST ET TS AS ST DT TO Sia! a36.2_in.a 92012 ag2.2 82412 20.2 830.2 #22 5.8 bis:5 —aie.5 818.5 420.5 —e20.3 20-5 326.5 830.3 492.5 6.0 Bih.8 816.8 618.6 420.8 _ 822 928.8 030.8 932.8 6.5 Bis. 87-1 819-1 821-1823. 25-17 631.1 33.1 7-0 Sash SON TTS is.7_917-7__619.7 21.7 _823.7_25.7_t27'7_82817_B31.7_a33.7_8.0 $16.0 818.0 —420:0 A220 e240 826-0 faa. 830.0 E320 aD —8S A163 418.3 49013 221862413 69613 _428.3 9013 632.8 sen 9.0 ‘16.7 818.7 820-7 822-7 824.7 826.7 420.7 890-7 892.7 838.7 9:5 Ca are rT 273 619° 4213 973'9_625°3 927.5 4291369119 _ 833 3015 317.8 819-6 821-6 823-6 B25.6 817.8 429-6 831.6 833.6 1:0 517.9 819.9 821.9 425.9 825.9 27.9 $79.9 931.9 853.9. as 20:2 822-2 824-2 826.2 826.2 490.2 892-2 —W34.2 120 SWS 0s ES ESS SSS SSS S188 620.5 423.8 624.8 626.8 026.8 $30.8 832.8 834.8 836.8 15. Big aac ean e2s- egy. age esc eae. 1 asc aay. 13. S194 621.4 42314 825.4 907.4 02916 431.4 833.4 835.4 037.4 Ih B97 B2LG7 829.7 "825.7 827-7 829-7 891-7 899.7 835.7 897.7 1 SEES BRO BIO BIE 880-T—FI- STO BSE SO SET 0 wo. 150 -AS'S_s2013 622132415 9261326385013. $52.3 63415 636.3 838.9 15:5, 16.0 620.6 822-6 —tas.6 626.6 828.6 830.6 892.6 —@4.6 836.6 838.6 16.0 16152019 _€22,9 82419 626.9 28.9 830.9 saz.9 83419 a36.9_san.9_ 16.3 “Wo eal: —e25.2 025.2 827-2 819.2 831.2 438.2 895.2 897.2 —899.2 1-0 WS aS SS SSS SS 1802116 923.8 625.8 827.8 829.8 651.8 433.8 935.8 6978 639.8 18-0 Wes eps gael e26c1—e2ec1—aa021 eset aaet —eaec1—aae-t e601 IAs 19.0 82214 82614 626.4 628.4 83014 632.6 A044 836.6 9814 OA. 19.0 18:5 22,7 —a26.7 —626- 7 $32.7 i347 836-7 838.7 840.7 19-5 539.3 $35.9 637.3 43919 a4119_ 20 21:0 823.7 TST 15.7 09-7 —e39.7 ahr a0 era __ 834.0, 598.0 840.0 842102118 22:0 —a2e. 3626.3 826.5" 0 0 e323 39609 838:3 8403 eZ. oe a ee “Bas a35.2 827.2 20 25/5 bays BS tase ah e SES AS aa EES OES 93219 a34.9 036.9 638.9 _Bu0.8 puis 25.0, asia 838.2 aos. 457-2 839.2 e412 ma? a. 5 633'5 3515 837.5 439.5 a41'5 BAS. 26.0 a a33:8 e368 837-8 6391 ale Bt. 24:5 wel BT aT eT awe “GeO 26:7 25.7 830.7 832.7 836-7 836.7 838-7 800.7 8427 265 827.0 629,0__431.0_833.0__635.0 437.0 839.0 aio 642.0 27°35 —929:3 81.3 839.3 835.3 7.3 839,35 AALS B.S BASS WS 87-6 829.631. @35.6 837.6 839.6 Bhi.6 43.6 —BLS.6 0. 929.2 631.2 099.2 097.2 039,2 _a41.2 49.2 045.2 047.2 OBSERVED DENSITY = — 870 TO 838 5 a WHEN USING A DENSITY IN G/xL, G/6C, OR KG/t, MULTIPLY HY 1000 BEFORE ENTERING THE ABOVE TABLE MPHS 22.4 VOL XIV-€2 ~~] o7az290 oossa04 ay ‘TADLE 53D, GENERALIZED LUBRICATING 0118 ‘DENSITY CORRECTION 10-15 ¢ DENSITY AT OBSERVED TEHPERATURE Tene, 920 22a 8268830832 she wk TPL. ¢ CORRESPONDING DENSITY aT’ 15 c Wa RA GL TT TTT LT ST TIT 3015 625,8 03113 8995 035.5 837.5 639.5 9a115_ 903.5 645.5 _Ga7.5 30.5, S125 8 W318 899-6 B35:8 "897.0 839.8" bal 963.8 bas-8 BAT. 31-0 188961832.) Ad4L1 836.) A983 e4olL maa Guest Raged aed 318 Said aand 32-4 Baad 836-6 BSE BuO aa Bak B46 BBA 320 e BEIT BET BET ROT HET aa THA. — aT SS 631.0 833-0 8350 _837.0_839.0 _G41.0__643.0 945.0 867.0 849.0 33.0 333.3 838:3 837.9 039-3 41.9 —B43.3 45.3 —BA7.3— 849-3 35,5 9316 893.6 895.6 _ 837.6 899.6 841.6 043.6 445.6 847.6 849.6 30 31:97 833.9 "838.9837. 839-9 O61. 43:9 045-9 BAT. Bh. 3h. WHT Ewen 436.5 096.3. 060.3 O4a'5_bua.s_t4e.3 648.5 50.3 ‘6.8 838-8 42.8 bus. 8 —Bu6.8 808-5 850: 837-1 839.1 BALL a43.1 Bus. 947.149, ery 3k 2, 1_ asi 36:5 ES EEE Maha Baas ta 8 TRS Sea 38.0. Siesd e461 840.1 85001 952.3 38-3” asksd 836-4 8384 Bn Bak G06. Bhp. 850-0 — 52.4 894.7 836.7 898.7. 040.7 _ 842.7 04m. 946.7 040.7 _8507_052-7 1893.0 837-07 899.0 Be BAd.0 045-0" 847-0 049-0" “BST-0 853-0 oars a 30.0341 63601301 640.2 ‘I 835.6 837.6 $99.6 041.6 643.6 645.6 47.6 649.6 51.6 853.6 135-9 937.9 839.9" 8h1-9—Bu3.9" 045-9 947.9 O09." AS1-9 853.9 836.2 838,2_ 040.2 042.2_G4a.2 046.2 nuh? 850.2 52285 ‘B36.5 838.3 AHO.S Al S —BadS BAG. 3 00S a 350:5 852-5 a5: 2-0 We SEN BO Wee 0.8 SSL 89901 RANT 849. 1 BSE BAT 869.1 BSL 859.1 85s. Wiss "B39.3—beL-3 —a4a-s 645-8 —"BuT-4 49-4 851-4 —853.4055-4 hs 837.8 9398 641.8 94318 _665.7__B67.7 849.7 851.7_853.7 855.7 ‘40.1862, kg.1 648.1 650-1 852-1 650-1 —a56.1 a eh ana eS Bie ES 4 BOs SA HS ase "051-0" 853,0 853.0 857.0 4€.0. ~O31:3._853.9_855.3_a5 81.6" "853-6" 655-6" 057-6 Bid SSH TS 5212 854.2 656.2 050.2 tans eho. 850-3 ass obs 850 | 8508 85218 854.8 856.6 058.8 ‘49-1 —@B1<1 859-1 855.1 657.1 859-1 a0-5—b4z-5 Oa i a a wats asst Bas CS e@ ah Mg'R_ fay’ R auo’a ast ssa. 855/8_A57.0 _850°7 Buc) Bags bebst asst 852.1 Bsect asec 58.1 660-1 Bbik BAG. 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