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8 Travelling

Teachers Notes

This is a team miming game. The students mime travel
situations for their team to guess the sentences.


Make one copy of the worksheet for the class. If you

have a very large class you may want to have several
games going at the same time. In that case, make one
copy of the worksheet per game.
Cut out the mime cards from the worksheet.

What to do
Tell the students that they are going to be doing some
miming today. Elicit what miming means. Say that you
are going to mime a sentence for them and they have to
guess what it is.
Do the mime (e.g. I am walking to work and I am late.)
and elicit ideas from the students. Tell them that they
have to form a complete sentence and that the sentence
will contain the present continuous. Accept answers in
the second person (e.g. You are walking to work and you
are late).

If necessary, do some more mimes until you are

confident that the students understand the principles of
the activity. Then tell the students that they are going
to do something similar as part of a team game.
Organise the class into teams, two teams per game and
place the mime cards face down on a table in front of
Toss a coin to decide who starts. One member of the
first team comes out to the front and takes a card and
reads it. Be ready to explain any language they dont
understand, but remember to whisper. The student
must then mime the sentence to their team. You may
want to give them a challenging time limit to do this,
e.g. a minute or a minute and a half.
Remind the team that they have to guess the exact
sentence or as near to it as you are willing to allow.
If team one guesses the sentence correctly, they get a
point and it is team twos turn.
If team one doesnt guess correctly, then team two has
a chance to guess the correct sentence. However, they
will only have one guess to steal the point. Team two
will then continue with their turn and send a team
member to collect a card and mime the action.
Continue with alternate teams sending up a team
member to collect a card until there are no more cards
left. From the beginning, stress to the students that the
referees (teachers) decision is final!

Global Elementary Teachers Resource Disc Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010


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